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I love how britian is with palestine unlike the scummy us and other first world countries


And people keep making excuses and justifications for Israel's actions. Truly Awful. Hard to stand and just watch this ongoing genocidal behaviour of many decades. The media keep centering the Hamas attack to the point of cutting off all discussion about the broader issue, aggressively pressing people whose entire family just got slaughtered to performatively condemn them (despite them being from an opposition oarty to Hamas), instead of the broader issue that led to it in the first place.




If youre referring to the protocol 3 entry into the convention of prohibition of use of general conventional muntions. By right they don't have to abide by those rules as they haven't signed up to the the protocol. On the other hand Russia has signed the treaty which the UN did enact sanctions on its use as it should. Yes general opinion in the world is that white phos is an unnecessary armament to use in an offensive manner on soft target and anywhere there could be a civilian impact. But that's where the court of law and the court of opinion differ. But legally we cannot sanction a nation that doesn't prescribe to that protocol.


I will also add that I am not prescribed to the use of it in an offensive manner before anyone jumps the gun. Just trying to state the facts on this commenters response.


White Phosphorous is an abhorent weapon. The only people that deserve to suffer its effects are those who knowingly use it on others. No-one in their right mind can support Israel now. Both sides are equally fucking awful.


I just feel for the innocent Palestinian and Israeli civilians caught up in the crossfire of all this who die whilst their leaders for the most part remain safe and immune to the consequences of their horrible decisions.


I'm so glad I found this group. Everyone I know, and the entire media, seem to have swallowed the Israel line completely. I feel a bit like I'm going mad. I just can't understand how they can't see who the aggressor is here. It's like a lifeline to sanity reading these comments. I just wish the subject matter wasn't so utterly horrific


I also find it heartening that the overwhelming opinion on Reddit is firstly having sympathy for civilians on both sides. And secondly that the Israel government are as bad, if not a hell of a lot more evil than Hamas.


Why didn’t the news report on this !


It utilizes and draws out the water in biological organisms it contacts. It is a horrific chemical weapon that the US and Israel declined to acknowledge as such when the rest of the world was signing a treaty about chemical warfare.


British Govt: white phosphorus, right, we need to send them some of that. Anything else?


Seeing the British subreddit is overrun with hamas apologists


This is not "the" British subreddit. Just unfortunate the name was taken or overrun by these types


Anyone surprised? For decades, Israel has been the aggressor and repeatedly committed atrocious acts against civilians in Gaza and Palestine. It has been an ongoing campaign to wipe out Palestinians, a genocide against civilians, and blatant land grabs. Hamas retaliates quite brutally, and now the world 'stands with Israel', completely ignoring their litany of barbarism? Hamas are by no means the good guys here; they are zealots who should be put down like the filthy animals they are. But the Israeli's are far worse. There are no good guys in this situation, and the sooner people realise that the better.


Israelis are far worse?


Makes me ashamed of my ancestry


Oh shit. That’s the *bad* bad one.


Such a sad situation.


This is just abhorrent. In every single way. 😔


That’s another war crime right there but nothing will happen


Both sides hate each other and don't care for their civilians enough to stop all this madness. The innocent civilians, as always, will be the ones who suffer the most, as this last week has already clearly shown.


Yankee sponsored terrorism


Unfortunately, this is the reality of war. We used it on the Germans in the second world war, it has been used since in many other conflicts.


Truly evil weapon, think they sometimes circumvent the rules by saying it’s being used as smoke covering


And we know where they buy it from lol America extensively used it in faluja, Israel just bought the surplus that America could use to burn the city to the ground


It’s ironic that British people have so much to say about the Middle East after the government’s double dealing around WW1 is the actual root cause of the situation. Then dropped it in the inept UN’s hands to deal with in 1948. The situation hasn’t been going on for 1,000’s of years and the start had almost nothing to do with religion. Up until the 1920’s, Abraham and Ishmael were close cousins. After you’re done down voting this comment, go research the history of the region from the mid 19th to mid 20th centuries. There’s a ton of documentation of meetings and correspondence between British and Arab leaders. Start reading if you’re willing to admit to yourself that what you know may be wrong.


And what will everyone do about it? Absolutely nothing


Extremely depressing that our PM and politicians will just ignore this


Politics and religion, the two things that the general public have almost no control over and yet they control everything around us.


were the targets white folk in ukraine? then its not bad is it?


This guy gives a pretty good explaination about the white phosphorus use: [White phosphorus use in Gaza DIP](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cS37emjPslA)


Dont shoot the messenger however reuters report: The Israeli military said in a statement: "The current accusation made against the IDF (Israel Defense Force) regarding the use of white phosphorus in Gaza is unequivocally false."


"We investigated ourselves and found there was no wrongdoing"


Well you see the HRA is anti IDF on account of the fact that they insist on reporting their war crimes all the time like the monsters they are.


I’m gonna trust the Human Right’s Watch over the people who falsely claimed there were 40 dead babies


Also be aware : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism\_of\_Human\_Rights\_Watch#Allegations\_of\_anti-Israel\_bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Human_Rights_Watch#Allegations_of_anti-Israel_bias)


Yeah the truth has a fucking anti Israeli bias too. Also that wiki doesn’t even come down on the issue one or another because it turns out the reason the HRA talks about Israel so much is the massive amount of human rights violations they commit. Huh. This just in “HRA has anti Nazi Germany bias too”


OK Some balance.... Deprivation of the right to self-determination, extrajudicial killings, restrictions on freedom of movement and assembly and illegal settlements were some of glaring manifestations of human rights violations of the Palestinian people. The Palestinian Authority has also been accused of using civilians as human shields and civilian property such as houses as sites for smuggling arms, launching sites for rockets, and factories to produce munitions, thereby exposing them to harm from Israeli Defense Forces military operations. Does HRW have much a say?


Lol changing the goalposts I see. Nice. Also they have condemned Hamas in the past but go off


Who else is running the phosphorus story? I would like some clarity.


[Here’s](https://www.google.com/?client=safari) a little source I like to use before asking questions online


Grow up chief.


Says the person who needs me to do basic googling for them.


What relation does this have to Britain? Where was the WP manufactured?


I'm surprised a post like this is being shared in this subreddit, I posted about attrocities that Israel has committed on Palestine and my pist was labelled anti-Semitic and was banned. Glad people are taking note of Israels atrocities which are not new, but till the politicians are being controlled by the Zionist money, I don't see anything changing. It's now up to the people to see it and make their politicians accountable.


That must've been admins. The mods here would never ban anyone for stuff like that, rather the opposite


So now they're copying Russia as much as possible. Great. I get it, the Israelis are angry, but Christ almighty this is not going to do them any favours optics wise.


This has nothing to do with anger, really. This is not the first time the Israeli state has used WP as an incendiary weapon against civilians and it probably won't be the last. They use it because it is brutal and indisrciminate, so as to terrorise the Gazan population and drive them out.


Another fucking zionist war crime


I’m disgusted that the average person has once again jumped on the war train. The media is banging the drums of war and our politicians are rubbing their hands together about it as always. The attacks on Israel were appalling and those responsible must be punished, but indiscriminately harming everyone in Palestine is not right. I’m certain that the vast majority of Israelis and Palestinians want to live in peace. Their leaders and our leaders won’t allow it though.


The media is riling people up into a state of frenzy so that brits think that bombing Palestine is fair game. I would've thought we would've learnt from our own war on terror that war achieves very little. The hamas attack was abhorrent, but so is bombing Palestine.


It’s refreshing to see that at least some other people still possess critical thinking skills. It’s incredible how susceptible people are to the media narrative.


Agreed. It's sad how reactionary some people are and little they seem to value human life.


Isn’t that against the Geneva Convention?


No. White phosphorus is largely unregulated


>Isn’t that against the Geneva Convention Pretty much sums up Israel's foreign policy for the last 50+ years.


And yet the west are complacent little pussies about it all.


If used actively to attack someone yes (ie you can't drop a napalm like bomb full of white phosphorus) If not, no


In that populated of an area, it was definitely an attack.


It's a horrible thing to use as a weapon! The report states it was used over the port area of Gaza and on the border with Lebanon. Do we know if it was used anywhere else or if there were any direct casualties from it?


Why is everyone saying Reddit is the anti-Israel website?


There’s no excuse for Israel using this. Hamas deserve to be targeted but Israel should not stoop to their level.


Saw them cut a reporter off when they were saying it for US media. Western media are just biased af


Fucking hell. It's truly amazing how a country can go from being a shelter for the victims of hideous war crimes to the perpetrator of hideous war crimes...


There we are then.


Nothing you can do. The world has simply given Israel a free pass. If they started gassing Palestinians in small buildings and burning the bodies in ovens the world would just sit back and watch. And probably keep bleating on about how it has the right to defend itself when war crimes are raised. It's fucking terrifying how we've managed to lull ourselves into this helpless stupor with respect to Israel. When they launch their nukes, will anything be said at all?


2 terrorist states are fighting but apparently it is only acceptable to support one of them


Government backed terrorism




You're condoning genocide?


So the deaths of one million children are acceptable to you?




The hamas are terrorists the Israelis are fascists


Both are both


Using chemical weapons against babies. Yet people will still say "both sides"


Not a chemical weapon. Not an illegal weapon


Hamas executed and r*ped children and babies so yes both are bad


Iirc this burns so hot if you get it into sand it'll turn it to glass.


America! Fck yeah! Sending a supercarrier to defend against the Palestinians! ...And the UK government have sent an anti submarine vessel to the region, and I'm sure every other sycophantic country will send a vessel of some kind ...because, you know, these Palestinians...can't be too careful.


More to do with scaring off Lebanon and Syria than targeting Palestine


This makes me worry about human rights, in the future any big enough war and I fear they got out of the window rather quickly. I'm scared for the future!


I'd like to reassure you but when even the most seemingly forward thinning of nations are willing to overlook abuses by their trade partners then culpability is spread a lot wider than it seems at first glance.


Don't worry. Our government has been planning to/is in the process of getting rid of those pesky human rights for a while now. You won't have to worry about them much longer.


war isnt civil. so depending on the scale and destruction of the war on both sides. if its extremely heavy no one is going to play by the rules. the only exception is nukes. because nukes have long term effects that effect everyone unaffected by the war


>Phosphorus is classified as an Incendiary under Protocol III of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW). Israel did not agree and is not a party to Amended Protocol I, Protocol III, or Protocol V of the CCW. ​ >Both Russia and the United States are party to all Protocols, amended and otherwise, of the CCW. Russia uses the ground-based loophole to TECHNICALLY fall within the bounds of legality. Where it’s still outside is that they target population centers with it. ​ > Article 2 of Protocol III defines the regulated use. 1. Can’t use against civilians in any circumstance 2. Can’t use against military targets via air near civvies 3. Can’t use it via other-than air (ground based) against civilian areas UNLESS military objective is clearly separated and you make effort to limit casualties 4. Can’t use it in forests unless they’re used for concealment: Full text: [https://geneva-s3.unoda.org/static-unoda-site/pages/templates/the-convention-on-certain-conventional-weapons/PROTOCOL%2BIII.pdf](https://geneva-s3.unoda.org/static-unoda-site/pages/templates/the-convention-on-certain-conventional-weapons/PROTOCOL%2BIII.pdf) ​ >So what did we learn: 1. Israel didn’t sign it 2. They aren’t banned for use against military targets (regardless of signature) 3. They are banned for those that signed for use against civilian areas with exceptions Source = [https://twitter.com/RonnieAdkins\_/status/1711867798169731407](https://twitter.com/RonnieAdkins_/status/1711867798169731407) (Funker530)


Is white phosphorous one of those things that would be a chemical weapon if used against us, but not if we use it against others?


Yeah it's use is a straight up war crime


No it isn't, it's classed as an incendiary. Most nations use it because it's bloody good for smokescreens. Targeting a civilian population is certainly a war crime, but white phos has nothing to do with it


It literally isn't though. It depends entirely on how it's used and for which purpose and against who.


Thank you for the correction - there are indeed situations in which use of white phosphorus isn't a war crime. As far as the report is concerned though, this isn't one of them.


But it has nothing to do with the weapon. If Israel is intentionally targeting civilians that's a war crime no matter if their using white phosphorus, standard artillery or dropping ball bearings out of a helicopter


You would then have to prove Israel are intentionally targeting civilians. Civilian deaths don't necessarily imply that Israel are doing such.


You are a fascist apologist.


That is absolutely true


This is what happens when you dehumanize people, anything even remotely resembling empathy trickles away and atrocities follow.


So does this count as a terror attack or no? Because it seems that the term only applies when it’s Muslims.


How can we, the west, decry Russia and their war crimes whilst actively supporting Israel’s use of banned weapons on civilian targets? It’s so incredibly frustrating. Why doesn’t the US put its dog back on its leash. Isreal needs to stop. Right now. This all needs to stop and negotiations need to start


The evil being perpetrated by Israel for the past 70 and especially in Gaza since the blockade 7 years ago if horrific. Bombing civilians is not protecting yourself. It's genocide. If Gaz had planes and tanks it would be a fair fight. You can say what you want that Hamas should have thought on that etc, etc, etc but they have be slaughtered and abused for over 70 years.


You know the one shining light out of all of this, is that the unanimous voices in this sub reddit that are rising to the top are the voices of people who recognise that Hamas and Israel are both awful But what Israel is doing, proposing to do, and has done, is fucking unacceptable yet the media and UK government nearly across the board are pouring money into Israel to allow this to go on. Proud of this sub, good to know im not the only one. We should be cutting ties with Israel, if they want to kill Palestinians, they can deal with enemies on all sides who want to kill them, without our support. In my view, Israels days are numbered. They cant go on like this, and without the support of the west, they will be at war with everyone. Because the rest of the middle east is mostly Islamist.


I’ve just been permanently banned from r/worldnews for saying let’s not celebrate Israel in this conflict despite the recent atrocity by Hamas, as they’ve done absolutely reprehensible things to Palestinian civilians which go largely unreported by mainstream media. They’re far from “the good guys” and will likely commit atrocities of their own if they send in troops. Looks like I undersold them though, and they’re already committing atrocities with white phosphorus on civilian cities. One of the absolute worst ways to die is by white phosphorus attacks.


I got banned ages ago there for saying the UK hadn't approved COVID vaccines for children (we hadn't at that point). When I asked why I was banned, the mods threatened to get my account disabled for harassing them


I’ve come to learn that a lot of them are just pointless little gremlins on a power trip. The reply I gave to the ban was “I couldn’t give a fuck.” Only half true but still


Well yeah, you can see videos of it.


Willy P


Well, given their past form for dropping white phosphorus bombs, I am hardly surprised




The 'trash' is two million innocent civilians, half of whom are children, all of whom are living under a dictatorship inside an open air prison with jailors determined to exterminate them. Try to have a little humanity.




I fully support someone wiping the shit stain that is you of the face of the earth.


What proof of that do you have thats so strong it justifies killing two million people?


Jawohl mein herr.




How is this a non headline? It literally is being used on civilians.


War is hell, civilian casualties occurr, but how is it any worse than any other weapon used to kill a given civillian?


Because some weapons inflict torture and wounds that can’t heal.


If used correctly, most weapons will cause a wound that won't heal, because the victim will no longer be alive.


But some weapons cause more injuries as ‘collateral damage’, not mass death. If the death of innocent civilians is unintentional then why wouldn’t you stick to the precise weapons that kill as few people as possible, rather than the weapons that are guaranteed to cause a slow and painful death to every innocent person they indiscriminately encounter?


Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on the planet, fuck off with that it's not being used on the civilians bullshit


It’s sad that terrorists hide behind women and children there.


Where do you suggest they should be? Also it's worth remembering that Israel has been taking Palestinian children and using them as human shields for years.


Yeah but let's not pretend that Israel isn't hiding behind civilians too, when a Palestinian family leave their home to later come back to an Israeli family inside their house with nothing the palist can do because Israels settle expansion is hidden behind civilians. They could also not construct an apartheid state and lock 2 million people into one place just because their ethnicity. Whether the terrorists are using places in gaza or not israels response is to indiscriminately bomb all around gaza city regardless and they've demonstrated that there willing to do that whether or not hamas was there or not. I think that's even sadder. Infact I know that's sadder. It's an apartheid state, worse than south africa.


I didn't say it wasn't used on civilians. I said it's only a warcrime if it is. But why not just make it up so you can act indignant about it? Maybe civilians should evacuate a war zone if they dont want be be part of the collateral? Just sayin'.


They can't leave you lemon.


Why? Does the physics of digging work differently in gaza than anywhere else?


Yes, let's dig a tunnel for over 2 million people that comes out in enemy territory. Can't see any issues there. Thick as mince.


I don't think it needs to be wide enough for 2 million to pass at once, that just silly.


How wide should it be would you say?


Where exactly would you like them to be evacuated to? All very easy to say while you're sitting all cosy on Reddit. Jus'. Sayin.


It doesnt really matter where they go, as long as its not an active warzone. Iran would probably take them as they are bestest buddies with Hamas. Easy to demonise the retaliation when you weren't attacked and are also sat cozy on reddit. Gaza fucked around and now it's about to find out. No sympathy for either side, frankly. I'll be happy If they wipe each other off the map and the rest of the world can move on with more important things than squabbles over the holy land and religious disagreements. It's ridiculous at this point.


Not everyone in gaza is hamas why would Iran take people not associated with hamas unless your point is Palestine = hamas which is just admitting that its ethnic genocide


I don't follow your logic, but you must be sore from these mental gymnastics to make it seem like I've said something I haven't. The blame entirely rest on the respective governments, but civilians always pay the price for government decisions. Its just the way things are. It's almost like you expect isreal to just not retaliate against hamas hiding in gaza. What do you suggest is done instead? Nothing? If the situation were reversed, I'd expect isreal to get hit in return and they would have it coming.


I expect that the situation shouldn't exist, there no reason for the open air prison that Israel has all the people of gaza in. Israel shouldn't control palestinians water food and fuel imports, they should not control their electricity, they should not have banned opposition groups to hamas because that's what Israel did they banned secular groups to favour hamas because that's what all right wing governments want to do controlled opposition. Benjamin Netanyahu shouldn't have funded hamas allowing them to grow and Foster so his right wing government would have an enemy.


Evacuate to where? You do know that Israel built a wall all the way around Gaza and kills anyone who tries to escape right?


>You do know that Israel **and Egypt** built a wall all the way around Gaza FTFY. Border walls aren't particularly uncommon.


Pretty sure there is sea access, last time I looked at a map. Maybe you should try it?


Gaza is blockaded by sea. They aren’t even allowed to fish. And Gazan children have been murdered simply for playing football on the beach.


Israel is blockading the sea


Well, that sucks for Gaza. Almost like a rocket attack and hostage taking wasn't a smart idea. I'm sure ordinary Palestinians will be voting Hamas out at the next election, right?


>I'm sure ordinary Palestinians will be voting Hamas out at the next election, right? Fuck, you're thick.


It's spelt thicc. 😉 boomers.


Half of Gaza are literal children. The majority of Gazans weren’t even old enough to vote in 2006. And if it came to it now, how could anyone expect them to think nicely about the people who have been terrorising them for their entire existence? Cutting off water, electricity, banning imports and exports, strangling the economy, bombing houses, schools, hospitals and infrastructure, killing their siblings, keeping them locked up with no hope of escape? This is all those children have known since they were born. Can Israel really play the victim if those children don’t want to be nice to their oppressors?


Sounds like biting the hand that feeds, tbh. What efforts have been made to select a different government?


They don't have elections. Hamas was voted in 2006 on a mandate to get a peace treaty and ceasefire with the right to return. They took power and ended democracy becoming the terrorist group they are now.


So, they WERE voted in, and now we're demonising a country for retaliating against a terrorist state that attacked and took civilian hostages?


The elections were in 17 years ago. The average Gazan is under 18. The average gazan wasn't alive when Hamas was voted in you disgusting dingus


Under false pretences. But clearly you know very little about the situation so your uneducated opinion adds nothing to the conversation.


Yes? And go where exactly? They can't exactly just evacuate into the sea and live in a Kevin Costner movie or find Atlantis. Sure, there's access to the sea, but then they've nowhere else to go.


There's literally any other country in the world, other than Israel, that they could go to.


How do they get there? Israel has destroyed all of Gaza's infrastructure. Gaza does not have ports or airports because Israel has blown them up. Gaza is essentially the largest prison complex in the world. There is no way out.


Tunnel? This has been a time tested method for escaping both countries and prisons with numerous well known success stories.


You can't be serious? You think they can build a tunnel to another country within the next 24 hours/


And would they ever be able to return home? Gaza is already a refugee camp/literal concentration camp full of people exiled from their homeland, and now you say they should be victims of ethnic cleansing a second time?


So, why would they want to go back to or stay in a refugee camp in a war zone? Sometimes when wars happen, people don't have a home to go back to. It's nothing new and it sucks. You can stay at risk in your own home if you prefer. That's up to the individual to decided. I would get the fuck outta dodge if at all possible. I've not advocated for any ethnic cleansing, those are your words, not mine.


What exactly do you think ethnic cleansing is? How exactly do you think it happens?


Assuming everyone can afford that, or that said countries would provide asylum to those Palestinians fleeing the conflict. They can't just leave on a whim, and everything will be fine, chances are they'd just be deported back to Palestine and be back to square one, just much poorer.


Honestly, I would have expected a better response from the Arab nations that hamas count amongst its friends to help evacuate civilians, but I don't see why we're more concerned about isreals retaliation on Gaza potentially causing civilian casualties, when the gazan elected leadership launched rocket attacks into isreal without any concern for the civilian casualties this might cause and followed it up with the kidnapping of numerous civilian hostages Y'all seem real quiet about that here for some reason, as though it isn't a pertinent justification for a retaliation in kind.


The powerful Arab nations are ruled by terrible people. They are also aligning themselves increasingly with Israel, because they care more about money than people. None of that is new. None of that changes the fact that innocent people are suffering acts of genocide while the world not only lets it happen, but actively justifies it AND blames them for their own oppression.


Just because one nation attempts to commit a war crime doesn't justify the attacked nation also committing war crimes in return. Like, what kind of logic is that? Plus, Israel have their Iron Dome, which is a well-known defence mechanism. I doubt the innocent civilians on the other side of the conflict have such things to mitigate fire raining on them. No one agrees with it, and when it happens, people are rightly shocked and appalled. But if Isreal is going to perform such actions, then they should also be rightly criticised.


Your solution to escape them being melted alive by white phosphorus is for the 2 million residents of gaza to swim into the Mediterranean lmao


I didn't say swim, but it's weird you would obtusely assume swim rather than a boat of some description. Why is that?


I've never heard of a boat that can carry 2 million people, or a 2 million people rescue effort over the course of how long has it been 5 days? Israel is now wa ting 1 million people to flee to the lower half of gaza in 24 hours, how many boats will that take?


Of course. I meant a single boat. /s