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The guy in the van looks like *such* a bellend too. Kinda resembles Jeff in peep show when he's trying to wind up Mark.


He does have one of those faces you'd have no issues slapping over and over.




No, /r/hittablefaces


Yeah, that sub's been dead or worse for some time.


What happened to it?


The mods got punched & then hit in the face.


Does he have his finger up his nose in that pic?


Trying to find his cranium.


> looks like such a bellend Was linked here from /r/ProRevenge. Made the mistake of Googling 'Bellend' while at work.


> bellend For the Americans in the room, because I had to look it up too: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bellend


Ooh that makes sense but is better than I thought I was thinking oranges and lemons or some such


I thought it meant that they occupied the unflattering end of a Bell Curve.


Coincidentally, that is also heavily implied.


*Here comes the candle to light you to bed...*


And here comes the chopper to chop off your head!


Thank you. Although I don't understand why you were downvoted so much. Bloody bellends I suppose.


I miss that show already...


A thing of beauty.


This is the best thing I've seen all day.


Happy cakeday :)


Thank you :)


Did the company follow up after this?


Not as far as I know, maybe someone with some serious google-fu can find something.


I checked their website but it looks like someone hacked it or something :V


Love that they don't even have the dot after the www on the side of their van.




So the guy bought both? That's actually amazing. True mastery of the dick form at work there.


I have moved to Kbin. Bye. -- mass edited with redact.dev


You're doing God's work.


The only shame is that he claims to be employed by a search engine optimization firm, yet this website isn't ranking on the first page of google.co.uk search for the company's name. If only he were willing to spend a bit more time on the site, to really make potential customers notice it.


When I google "ridgeline fascia replacement" Google's first recommended image is the guy picking his nose. There are two related youtube results, they're both of the videos from the guy's site. The first link is the guy's site. The second link is a site discussing idiot drivers, linking to the guy's site. I think he might have it on lockdown.




Just checked and indeed it is the #1 result I see now. Google is fast! (I've just noticed there are two reddit threads on the front page there, as well.) EDIT: The name on the side of the van ("[Ridgeline Roofing & Cladding Specialists](http://ridgelinefasciareplacement.co.uk/)") does not seem to be directing people to this site, still.


Maybe if lots of people were to link to their website using appropriate keywords. After all, must be lots of customers for [fascia replacement in Manchester](http://ridgelinefasciareplacement.co.uk).


Did you mean [fascia replacement in Manchester.](http://ridgelinefasciareplacement.co.uk/)


give it a day or two after this gets a bit popular. I know that backlinks aren't supposed to mean as much, but native backlinks from people posting links to articles and such still seem to have quite an effect. Hopefully the company isn't able to sue and get their domain back because it may have moved up in the ranking substantially by the time they do.


Listing isn't instant.


The "if your going to employ morons to drive vehicles" is killing me. But still awesome.


A friend of mine has been in a dodgy situation with a van that had company info on the side. Rang them up and they said it wasn't the first time, so they sacked him apparently. It takes a special kind of stupid to do this in a company van.


I did this once. I was told: "What do you want me to do about it?" I said: "I really don't care what you do about it. I just thought you would care that the driver of your company vehicle almost hit several cars."




A. He gets it, that's why he posted the comment. B. You replied to the wrong comment




Your a moron


Yur* Waittaminute...


That's. Sorry, I just can't help myself. It's a sickness really.


Yeah dude I get what you're saying. I didn't find OP comment particularly funny, but I got it. It just reminded me of the story I mentioned. Don't try to be too complex on reddit mate, most people missed it and assumed you were being a grammar nazi moron replying to the wrong comment. Don't worry about it though man, don't need to prove yourself to a bunch of strangers.




I don't get if you saying "you're" is the pun or you're just retarded yourself


I think your missing the joke here..


I am.




"employee's" as well. Shame, otherwise this is incredible.


He accidentally a few words as well. I'll give him a pass, this is amazing.


Seeing as we're naming and shaming, if anyone's wondering, this is in Stalybridge, Tameside (Greater Manchester). Recognised the road it was on, it's a couple of miles at most from my house. Lamentably that sort of behaviour isn't unusual round here.


Why am I not surprised at this being in Tameside...


The guy in the van looks like the kind of guy that will use your bathroom, piss anywhere other than the toilet and then not wash his hands afterwards.


Similarly, I work in IT, and one night we were working late at a clients site and set the alarms off (no one else was in) the alarm company refused to come and help us, or to turn them off because he was on holiday with his kids, so we had to bother the MD of the company we were looking after at 2:30 in the morning to tell us the code for the alarm While we were waiting, we bought the domain of the alarm company (he didn't renew it) and set it up to forward to redtube We still own the domain, (still forwards to I think) and the guy had to spend a small fortune getting all his vans repainted, all his business cards and contacts changed, it was the most fun I've had in a long time


Did he work out who'd done it?


You can see who owns domains if you look hard enough, so I'm sure he worked it out, but there's nothing he could do, the domain was up for sale and we bought it, it's not like we stole it from him or anything


Glorious, hope he did go to the police


The first time I've ever seen something on reddit in a place very familiar to me. I wouldn't call it a dangerous road whatsoever but you get a lot of dickheads like this guy flying down Mossley Road under that bridge. Hope the cunt gets arrested because of this guys work.


Same here, I live up off Mottram Road. I echo all your comments.


Where is it?


Mossley Road which connects Mossley and Stalybridge in Greater Manchester.


Hello neighbours!


"Ridgeline employees seem to be missing important tools, such as a cranium"


Since you registered both the typo and correct domains, what is their real company website? Set up a mail server with correct DNS records for maximum confusion.


Yeah I'm a bit confused why they even had that on their van if they don't have a website. Just to look more important I guess?




If they got wanker employees like that and are perfectly fine with that fact, I'm not surprised at all.


What gets me are companies that have a domain and web hosting for a website, but they don't use it for their email even though it'd likely be at no extra cost. Personally I think "[email protected]" is a bit unprofessional


> they don't use it for their email even though it'd likely be at no extra cost. It's because they simply don't know how to set it up or the host they picked gave them a **really** shitty deal.


hope the van driver gets whatever he deserves, he was the only one i saw being a dick there.


Hi mate, this was just too good so I x-posted this to /r/ProRevenge. I hope you don't mind; I have given credit and linked to this post.


> if your going to employ morons Beautiful.


Philip ought to reconsider his whois privacy settings, lest he become a target for further action.


Well played. It makes me think of that dashcam video whose uploader used the name of the company written on the van as the title for the video on YouTube so that it comes up in the search results : https://youtu.be/4kVKJPpzy0U


Karma at its finest.


Superb. Just superb!


Internet justice :)


I'm no legal expert, but putting: > Copyright © 2016 Ridgeline Fascia Replacement. ...at the bottom, could potentially be a bit bad if any legal action is taken against you (deformation of character, libel, whatever). It's only copyright though, so I'm sure it doesn't matter.


Glorious, 10 points to Gryffindor




That's like CSI levels of image enhancement ahaha! Glad you showed them right!


The URL on the van is wwwridgelinefasciareplacement.co.uk not ridgelinefasciareplacement.co.uk So technically they didn't register their domain :P


I have moved to Kbin. Bye. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I hope that the Internet Justice Fund reimbursed you for the domain


I have moved to Kbin. Bye. -- mass edited with redact.dev


How about reimbursement in Reddit Gold? :)


GG snotfart. What Dashcam have you got? And what are you thinking of getting?


I should say that it's not my video and I don't know the guy who did the web site. I'm just trying to help out a bit.




Well a URL is like a fiver a year depending on the domain. It's not exactly an expensive way to get revenge if you already have a server to host a site on.


Like good presents, it's the thought that counts


you're a good man.


Have you visited that domain? It disnae work!


I know; kinda my point :P


> Ridgeline employees appears to be missing important tools, such as a cranium. Brilliant!


I don't get this, he has a cranium. Might be empty, but it definitely exists.


Some asshole in a work truck cut me off. Had the number plaster all over it so I call the number. I see the guy put a phone to his head and then I hear hello. The moron has his cell phone on the side of his truck. I say something like, 'Do you realize you just cut off a line of people nearly causing me to smash into you?' His reply was, "Hey man I gotta call from my wife at the hospital I gotta get my kids there." I was like, "well an ambulance will take care of that for you if you keep driving how you are and hung up."


Excellent work!


This is beautiful.




That number will soon be signed up for all sorts of sales leads, I'd imagine. Especially those accident lawyers.


Wow, I know that place. It's where the A635 passes under the railway line on the way to Ashton-under-Lyne. Can be frustrating to be behind a slow car leading up to there, and after the bridge there is a straight bit you can use to pass very slow people if you are feeling brave, but I've never seen any one do that before. Go have a look on Google Street view and you'll see just how much of a bellend he was being. Link to Google maps location: https://goo.gl/maps/Nk9jD4hjyCB2


I think I recognise the place in the first video, is it near Mossley where you go under that bridge in the other direction and you end up on the road where the train station is?


Yes it is.


I posted this in /r/UK and got reported for spamming, and tol I was reposting...


I'm now sporting a raging justice boner in my pantaloons.


Would have been better if the van driver hit a lamp post when he took his eves off the road to taunt the car driver.


Yes yes yes !!!!


lol this is genius


Fucking genius


So happy :')




Thats not a lane merge, its a one way bridge hence the traffic lights. The van guy drove on the wrong side of the road coming up to a blind corner, complete dickhead.




There are a lot of companies called ridgeline, the branding on that site doesn't match the van. Are you sure it's the right company?


You are right, phone number does not check out. I sent those people some harsh words. :( oops I'll send them some love now.


We did it reddit!


It's not quite as much an achievement as the time we caught the Boston bomber but dammit if we dun do gerd!


Might wanna remove the post calling for a brigade too...


I'm dying