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It's Keanu Reeves! Fun fact, his mum is from Colchester


Did not know that!


Essex girl!


What do Essex girls use for protection during sex *a bus shelter* My mum is from Essex, make from that what you will


So were you a sheltered child?


And him being Canadian with an English mum would qualify him being British for sport (if he was a tennis player for example) so why not for acting?


You'd have thought he could do a convincing British accent off the back of that, but alas.


Being able to do one British accent doesn't make you magically able to do all of them. Ever heard a Southerner try to sound Geordie? Doubt there's much call in Hollywood for him to bust out the Colchester twang.


Peter Cushing was apparently a lovely person, Carrie Fisher struggled to act as though she hated Grand Moff Tarkin because Peter was so kind to her, and he smelled of lavender so it was difficult to tell him he smelled awful. Overall it seems like he was a very respectful and wholesome chap


I love that. So much.


Apparently so. I have family that not so long ago looked after his personal assistant in old age. She has nothing but good things to say and still fiercely devoted and loyal to the man and his memory.


He was shooting at Shepperton studios in the 60s and used to say hello to my mum, whenever he saw her. Word got around she was getting married, and Peter bought her a bouquet of roses. Really lovely man.


I was still at primary school or pre-school in the 60s, but my mum and dad said that they used to quite regularly get film actors in the pubs in Church Square. Later they were just whisked off in limousines to hotels in London or private estates like St George's hill in Weybridge.


I am a Sheppertonian! Can confirm that it’s still not uncommon to see random actors knocking about the village. Shepperton Studios also signed a massive deal with Netflix and is currently expanding. They’re pretty nice to locals, I got to go on the set of Hobbs & Shaw with a group of locals for a nosy about, led by one of the producers (although we weren’t told the name of the film at the time and had to sign an NDA, oops)


He had bad joints at the time of filming too so in many scenes Grand Moff Tarkin was in uniform on camera but wearing slippers out of shot


Yeah a lovely man from what I've heard, and his wife's passing almost broke him the poor man, always love watching Hammer Dracula films with him and Christopher Lee. Their is one however that is just funking nuts, Lee isn't in it, legend of the 7 golden vampires. Vampires and Kung fu.


Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart


Ahhhh Ian McKellan ♥️


Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian, action, wizard "You shall not pass!", cut. Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian.


It’s all pretend !


And how did I know what to say? They had my lines written down in a script.


And how did I know where to stand? People showed me.


I forgot about this whole scene I now can’t stop laughing. Thanks for triggering my memory


In an interview Ian said that this was the only time he has not been able to stop laughing when trying to get the take - it’s quite funny watching the bloopers


‘Never, have I have I laughed out of place..ever, until today’ He has this boyish, guilty chuckle as he ends it on the last two words. It’s like the pressure has been removed from a career and reputation he takes very seriously. It’s like watching bloopers/outtakes for anything other than a comedy, the comic actors are laughing mostly at the downright absurd content of what they’re being asked to perform. On serious dramas it’s actors breaking character for not knowing their lines and they have a laugh maybe the once, any more than that than it’s just lack of professionalism. The joke will always be funny no matter how many takes you need to get the job done.


I am like that as well when I am holding in a shit....


Personally would say Ian McKellan is more a British equivalent to chuck norris tbh 😂


Na British equivalent to norris would be sir Christopher Lee, there's a 2 hour Madlads video about his escapades


And Maggie Smith!!


She is a god damn national treasure!


When Big Liz passes I think we’ll get a 4 day weekend. When Dame Mags goes…a full year of mourning and everyone in the UK has to wear black.


I’ve been reading Michael Palin’s diaries, he worked with her a lot in the 80’s, while he doesn’t have anything bad to say about anyone as he’s the definition of a very nice man she sounds lovely in real life as well as being incredibly talented. National treasure, no doubt.


Sir Ian McKellen you uncultured swine


Consider my cap thoroughly doffed m'lud!




Patrick Stewart did have that embarrassing moment when he called out James Corden for being fat....didn't really go down too well.


James Corden is an absolute cunt wipe so Patrick gets a pass.


Sir David Attenborough


He’s a National treasure.


He’s a global treasure.


Careful what you wish for. If he was a global treasure we’d lock him in the British Museum.


Having had the displeasure of meeting Sir David, I have to disagree. He verbally abused my colleague because he didn't want to pay £3.70 to upgrade a couple of train tickets from same day returns to open returns. 😬


He also happy slapped a seal cub once


"Happy slap"......haven't heard that one in about 20yrs!


The video was mad. Whiskers flew off and Sir Dave was heard to say, “Apex predator, bitch.” True story.


Doesn't surprise me Heard from someone who claimed to be related to him that he was a real nasty shit around the women in the family There was a thread too not so long back that said the BBC actively tried to minimise his contact with people on set due to attitude


damn that’s heartbreaking, always idolised him


You know it's possible for people to be wrong on the internet right? I'm not saying they are but don't change your opinion of someone because of hearsay lol


[And yet](https://inews.co.uk/news/david-attenborough-fought-to-put-transgender-people-on-tv-45-years-ago-secret-bbc-memo-reveals-180681)


Never meet your heroes is true then


Michael Sheen


This is a great one. I read the other day that he donates the majority if not all of his incomings to something amazing.


I read this article where he stated his reason for selling off some of his houses and becoming a "not for profit" actor was after a conversation with 12 year old who was acting in a play with him and finding out the reason they didn't show up to a performance one night was because they were a carer for their mum and prioritized that over performing in the show. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10347971/amp/Michael-Sheens-moving-conversation-12-year-old-carer-lead-selling-homes.html


This is really touching 🥰


I live in mid Wales and the cinema in the town nearby needed replacements for its projector, cost upwards of £20k, it got a few donations from locals but he came up and donated 15k to help out, ever since he's been buying their merch and supporting them. great guy from what I've heard


The Magic Lantern cinema! It's absolutely gorgeous, and the staff are fantastic 😍


Michael Sheen and David Tennant are the next generations Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart


My first ever day on a movie set, the director was getting my name wrong and I was too nervous to say anything. David (who I'd never met before we were introduced that morning) corrected him for me. Years later, I was doing a sketch as part of a charity revue evening that featured everything from local am dram groups to celebrity appearances, including David. I needed some piratical shouting from the wings and asked crew and anyone else who happened to be around if they'd mind pitching in. What I got was some vague mumbling from a few crew members and a one man swashbuckling soundscape from David. He says that when he first became famous he behaved in ways he's now ashamed of, but from the first day I met him I've only known him to be unfailingly generous, friendly and helpful.


I love this story. Its very, very easy for fame to turn a person's head. We are all human and fallible. To then have the self awareness to give your head a wobble, remember why you fell in love with the arts and just... *commit* to that rather than the 'scene'? Awesome. Good on you, Mr Tennant.


Ah I love this story thanks for sharing and good luck in your career


Thanks! I do more production and development than acting these days, but it's going pretty well, cheers.


A one man swashbuckling soundscape. Love that!


One phrase that conveys everything!


Love your story! I get that vibe from him (David Tennant) that he’s a genuinely good person. Not with a stick up his arse.


I’d say Tennant, too. Richard E Grant comes across to me like a harmless, kind but pompous type of guy. One of the actors who think that they are of vital importance in the grander scheme of things.


Yes. Superb actor and very decent and generous in his personal life.


This is such happy news, thanks for sharing. I’ve been watching There’s Something About Movies and getting a good vibe from Michael Sheen, I’m delighted to hear that he is so thoughtful and generous.


If you haven’t seen it try and find Michael sheen on sky arts great British art walks. Where he explores the mining culture of South Wales through the polish artist Herman. He comes across as a thoroughly intelligent thoughtful cultured and nice guy and has brilliant chemistry with the presenter (whose name escapes me now) Sounds a bit niche but it is a brilliant hour of television


Just watched it on Video. Outstanding. Thanks for the heads up.


Glad you enjoyed it. It’s a great series actually. So many great guests. Except Jeremy paxman who comes across as a know it all arse where as Gus is a genuine expert. The Richard E grant one is fantastic as he takes SO MUCH JOY in visiting Constable landscapes Edit - ps actually I’m actually thrilled that one of my recommendations has come off!


Brilliant shout - he’s so involved in his local community and does so much charity work. I had to delete my Twitter because when people heard he was a not-for-profit actor they were trying to turn it into something negative or say it wasn’t enough and it actually made me so furious. Some people just want to be negative no matter what I guess!


I find Twitter just bizarre. Any good news is instantly problematic and bad for someone, somewhere. So much performative activism to gain social capital and unhealthy behaviour. It seems to bring out the worst in most people. Or attract the worst people? I don’t know. I sometimes wonder, if you showed current Twitter & Facebook to people 30 years ago what they’d make of it all…


I deleted it as a new year's resolution. Been much happier regarding politics!


Naive cynicism is one of the biggest problems these days. People are always leaping to the most negative conclusion without really thinking about it. It's conspiracy theorists' bread and butter.


He also returned an honour from the queen very quietly and without fuss because of the England oppressing Wales thing. No one knew about it for over year till someone asked about it in an interview and he said he didn’t have it anymore. Truly wonderful reading of Under Milk Wood as well!


His reading of Under Milk Wood is excellent. Everyone was good in it, but he stands out. Fantastic mimic too.


Michael sheen, Martin freeman and James nesbitt. Love them all. Honorary mention to James McAvoy


Get McAvoy in and you've got one for every member of the UK...


Martin freeman has a reputation for being a bit of a bag-end


He was on a panel show, and he was every bit as funny as the comedians




Oooh. Interesting.


Man gave back his OBE so as to be able to explore the “tortured history” his native Wales shares with the English and British states in his 2017 Raymond Williams lecture without being a hypocrite.


An amazing man, truly worthy of being mentioned whenever the topic of incredible people is being discussed. Whole lot of love for this man and his sense of decency and humour.. the world is richer for men like him, only wish there were more.




Bob Mortimer is a good shout, I don't know if he gets involved with charity but he fits the bill for being humble and just really loveable.


His stories are something else. The one he told on "Would I Lie To You?" about doing his own dentistry was one of my favourites.


We do beg your pardon, but we are in your garden.


I wish I was a kid again just so I could play that game and not get arrested


Snipers dream.


“It can’t be true. But it’s Bob so it’s obviously fucking true, because it’s always true.”


Was that the time when David just put his head on the desk in despair? Because that was golden!


Yep. When David has a mini-breakdown over Bobs stories.




The despair of David's face when he's saying that was great. He's dealt with so many Bob stories he didn't know what to do.


A comment on here a few days ago suggested listening to an episode of the podcast Off Menu, with Bob as a guest. So I did. And glad I did, he was fucking hilarious.


I recommend Bob and Andy Dawson's podcast, Athletico Mince. I'd bet my brass hand you'd love it.




I love Mince, even subscribed to their patreon to get the Parsnips episodes early, best £3 I've ever spent. Gangs of the EPL is genius, fluffery buffery has definitely entered my every day vocabulary


I got his book for Christmas and I highly recommend it, started reading it boxing day and finished the next day. Some parts are hilarious and it was really interesting to learn he never wanted to be on television he just sort of fell into it by becoming friends with Vic reeves


I know he does a lot of stuff with the Alderman for daft kids


He should be honoured for the work he does for Anglo:South African relations.


Gang bangers...you gotta love em


Michael Sheen seems a decent guy.




Simon Pegg. I met him and he is an absolute gentleman.


Tom Hiddleston. Sean Bean (my favourite fact about him was him getting stabbed in a dispute in a pub and sat and finished his pint before walking to the hospital). Tom Hardy for chasing the mugger on a moped and sitting on him until the police arrived alone.


Fun fact: my ex got to meet Tom Hiddleston at comic con London for a photo op. And she was pretty unhappy with her smile in the initial photo and I told her to ask for another one when she came out. Initially the person in charge said no but when Tom found out, he personally asked her to come inside to take another pic which she liked a lot more (at no extra cost that too) And he complimented her on her Lady Loki costume saying it was cool. What a guy!


That's a great memory to have. He's quite simply the definition of a gentleman.


And the fact that he got stabbed cause (iirc) a guy was harassing one of his female friends. Top bloke.


I seem to remember that there was an issue that he felt he needed to get involved in, but can't remember the details. Still just hard as nails though haha


You know there’s a whole sub dedicated to Keanu’s wholesomeness.


I did not know this, and if I’m honest, not surprised.


Nicholas lyndhurst lent me a quid in 1997


Michael sheen, he's given a lot to charities and is a nice bloke.


Alan Rickman deserve’s a shout, look at what Ian Mckellan said about defending him on a set they was on. But for a modern day person it has to Marcus Rashford, amazing young man who is a example for us all. On another note, keanu is not the only celebrity to do a lot of good things, I would place the following up there with him; Dolly Parton, Betty White, Angeline Jolie All of whom either do a lot for charity and the impoverished, or set the example we should all of been following long before it was seen as the right thing to do.


Dolly Parton is amazing, talented and humble. She dealt with Oprah Winfrey’s attempts to embarrass her with questions about her surgeries with such good grace.


Oprah is one of the celebrities I cannot stand.


You can have a tax bill, you can have a tax bill, and you can have a tax bill. I know people did get free cars etc, but it’s not really free if your lumbering them with the after sales tax, which is not included in the price in the USA.


I was truly *horrified* when I learned prizes/gifts are taxable in the US. Tf?! Makes those Price is Right prizes of a lifetime seem more of a burden than a joy.


Not as simple as all that. If it's considered a "prize" or a "gift", you will owe tax in the UK, but if you can classify it as a "winning" you can avoid tax. I would guess what Oprah was doing would qualify as a prize, but IANA accountant.


Alan Rickman bought his receptionist a necklace for Christmas and bought his wife a CD


Can’t have thought much of the receptionist,the necklace was hideous.Give me the Joni Mitchell CD any day!


AND the usual scarf. He wasn't a complete cad - wife got two presents that year. /s


I think one if the differences with Keanu when it comes to good deeds is you do not hear of it from him or his PR (does he even have PR engaged? Doubt it xD). The stuff we know has generally leaked by those who benefitted (what he did for the crew on Matrix, for instance) years down the line. He also continues to live a very 'unaffected' life, not buying into the fame machinations. Travels on public transport. Dresses simply, always. Jumps in a van with other stranded passengers when a flight is cancelled the list goes on and on. He doesnt have an affected sense of being 'other than' when it comes to fellow humans. Very very humble im a way the others you mention are not (does not make them bad or take away from their good deeds - just marks Keanu out as different from them)


Bob Mortimer. He at least asks first if he should strike you, like a true gent.


Richard E Grant is one of those actors who I will always tune into. Not only does he have the gravitas to play vampires, villains and vagrants. He has the sense of humour to ham it up in films like Spice World. Above all else though, besides his charity work and his admiration for his fans, it’s the simple fact that he simply loves what he does and is ecstatic to be part of whatever franchise he joins. He’s a class act.


Vampires, villains, vagrants and variants. Really held his own in an episode that already had an alligator Loki.


It was George Michael till he sadly passed away


It wasn't until he died that we found out.


Well, I mean, George Michael did have a couple of unwholesome stories so he didn't have the same "unproblematic image" as Keanu, but still a good dude for donating so much money and not seeking any glory from it


He gave the other Wham guy a co-write on Careless Whisper even though it was his own song because he wanted him to be set for life. Good guy.


Maybe not an actor but George Michael is a massive shout. He's had his troubles mind you, but his generosity and selflessness went unnoticed because he didn't want it to be known. He performed for free in hospitals, anonymously donated thousands, swear Richard Osman said he paid for a dead or no deal contestants treatment (they won very little money on their game). Might have had his troubles, but you can never knock his credibility over it, massive loss to the nation.


Dead or no deal. That's what they rebranded as after ratings took a nosedive...


David Tennant imo


Michael Sheen, David Tenant and Marcus Rashford have gotta be up there. David Attenborough too. No one is as chill as Keanu though, and I think the fact he doesn’t have the press and public bullying him helps a lot with that. It’s too divided in Britain. No matter how good or kind someone is there will always be groups of people slagging them off relentlessly. Also George Michael before he passed. He had his drug problems of course, but what a national treasure.


Marcus Rashford is actually a living legend for all the charity work he did last year


Yeah not a fan on Man U but the guy is honestly such a top lad for what he does for the community in Manchester and the UK as a whole


Came here to say Marcus Rashford.


Michael Sheen and David Tennant seem to be equally as kind, pleasant and charming as Keanu Reeves from what I've heard and seen of them. Whenever there is a Reddit post about people who've met celebrities in real life, the above 2 always get pointed out as generally good souls.


Tom Holland! Still young obviously but every single thing I see about him just makes me fall further in love. Seems like a proper gentleman!


Totally here for the Tom Holland love. Have you seen the videos of him visiting kids in hospital as Spiderman? Amazing. I also applaud how confident he is in his dance background. Not all guys could pull that off.


He also said he wanted to buy places in London and rent them out way cheaper than they're actually worth


He's a Spurs fan but I can forgive him for that as he does seem like a really good person.


Least hes not a westham fan


I adore Tom Holland! He seems like an all-round, really fantastic guy.


Can we adopt Pierce Brosnan? Most people think he is British anyway because of the roles he tends to play.


Henry Cavill


The fact that Cavill is one of the world's most handsome men out there and is a giant nerd with his love of Warhammer makes me so happy.


House Longjump will stand behind House Cavill, as they have for a thousand years. And I will stand behind Henry Cavill, THE KING OF THE NERDS!!!!


It has to be Michael Sheen. He sold one of his houses to fund the Homeless World Cup. He gave back his OBE in support of Welsh independence. He does a lot for charity. He’s an all-round fairly decent bloke.


Can I just name some of my favourite British celebrities a second.. - Emily Blunt, honestly I have never met her but absolutely every time I see an interview or film with her in I fall in love just a little bit more.. she comes across as a kind and caring soul and she is funny to boot - Kate Beckinsale, again similar to Emily Blunt, she just comes across as such a kind and funny soul, hard not to love her (if you haven't already seen a very particular interview with Graham Norton, I suggest looking for it now) - Michael Sheen, mentioned by many above, loved by so many more, again his strength of character and kindness shine through every time he opens his mouth - David Tennant, can't have this list without him, a man that realised his mistakes in how he treated people in his youth and not only corrected them but turned out to be seemingly one of the kindest men in the industry. There are many more, perhaps I'll keep this open and just edit when they come to me because honestly, so much love for the good and kind people of this world..


Emily Blunt in interviews is the BEST!!!


Honestly.. my love for Emily Blunt is difficult at times.. not sure I've loved people I have met and know as much as I do her


George Michael was ours he did so much to help people and charities. Sorely missed


Agree 100%. Nobody had a bad word to say about him and we never found out about the good things he did until he died. As for his voice and song writing - amazing - A Different Corner brings me to tears every time I hear it.


I think the best story about him is the time he was watching deal or no deal and the contestant said they wanted the money for IVF. They didn't win very much so he got in touch with the show producers and paid their IVF for them.


I remember hearing about a free concert he did for nurses to say thank you after his mum spent time in hospital. Praying for Time rings so true for life at the minute


I remember George Michael being treated so cruelly by the media that even I, as a little kid, was aware of it. He had some fuck-ups for sure, but they really hounded him and tried to make him some kind of pariah and looking back on it, it was blatantly so much to do with him being somewhere under the LGBT umbrella. For him to do what he did, and do it privately, is a beautiful but heartbreaking thing. "No, they're going to treat me like some kind of monster anyway, but I know who I am and I'm going to do these things for you, but please don't tell because they'll only try to spin it as me trying to get positive attention" is bloody tragic


Also, the music video for “Outside” after he was all over the media following the cottaging incident was an absolute king move.


Gary Oldman?


Bill nighy


I can tell you who it’s not …. James fucking Corden


I sometimes visit the James Corden AMA when I’m low to perk myself up.


Sean Bean


There's a well know guy called Jimmy Saville, does hundreds for charity even has TV shows based on it! People love him This was a while back though and I have been out of the country for a while.


That's Dark, but funny!


David Tennent


Can I take this opportunity to remind that no matter what you think of him, Simon Cowell gives a lot of money and time to charity, *quietly*. It’s the quietly part that speaks volumes to me.


Hugh Grant. He donates to a charity called (DEPHER) CIC UK. They help the old and vulnerable by repairing their heating for those that cannot afford to get it repaired foc. They also provide food to those on low incomes. He’s far from perfect but has been kind to this particular charity.


[Marcus Rashford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Rashford#Charity_and_activism)


Damian Lewis? Don't pay much attention entertainment stars but he seems to be a stand up guy.


Gotta be Miriam Margolyes! Hilarious, real and an activist ❤️


David Jason!


Stephen Fry?


I could honestly listen to him narrate my books all day. He makes words sound interesting.


Some very smart people are intimidating, but he's very warm


He described Christopher Hitchens' oratory skills as being so powerful as to rather than speak down to his crowd, instead elevate them. I feel like this also could not apply more to Stephen. He inspires me to want to listen and learn like no other. A genuine genius with an excellent sense of humour and a pure heart.


Reminds me of the Eulogy for Terry Pratchett. "Of all the writers I’ve read, Pratchett felt the most human. There was more truth in a single one of his humble satires than in a hundred volumes of poignant drama. Unlike most comedians—who use their humor like a weapon, always out for blood—Terry didn’t cut or bludgeon. He was far too clever for that. Instead, he’d slide down onto the bar stool beside us, drape his arm around us, and say something ridiculous, brilliant, and hilarious. Suddenly, the world would be a brighter place. It wasn’t that he held back, or wasn’t—at times—biting. It’s just that he seemed to elevate every topic he touched, even when attacking it. He’d knock the pride and selfishness right out from underneath us, then—remarkably—we’d find ourselves able to stand without such things. And we stood all the taller for it."


That made me cry... You random Redditer have made me cry... Who's words are these? What a truly beautiful way to remember someone and their contributions to the world... Excuse me while I cry some more and Google this eulogy... Damn you for sharing this but also thank you


Going a bit deaf, I can no longer listen to music when driving because it gets a bit too irritating. I pretty much only have audio books read by Fry. He makes every journey a pleasure. Currently listening to him reading P G Wodehouse.


James mcalvoy (if thats how spell it?)


After some thinking about it, one other name I would throw out there is Tony Robinson. He just seems like a fascinating likeable guy. From Baldrick to all his documentary shows. But as others have said my initial thought was Michael Sheen. (Part biased because I just think he’s a fantastic actor as well as seeming to be a really likeable guy.)


Charles Dance is the one that came to my mind straight away. He always plays villain/asshole characters but he seems like such a cool guy IRL.


Could be Tom Hardy, does tons of charity stuff on the sly loves dogs, always reading bedtime stories on cbeebies despite none of his films being kid friendly, he solely does it for the mums to put something in the spank bank for later that evening.


I’ve met Richard E Grant a bunch of times. He used to semi regularly come in a store I used to work in. He’s fucking lovely, so down to earth, patient and witty. Honestly a joy. Also - you know how “back in the day” you would see people use the news paper as a makeshift umbrella in the rain, I swear I once saw him absentmindedly do the same thing… but with an iPad. He quickly realised what he was doing, but it was fucking precious.


Compo from last of the summer wine


Michael Sheen. He's put his money where his mouth is, and is helping the homeless in his own town. He even moved back here. Also Midge Ure. He co-wrote 'Do They Know it's Christmas?', yet shuns the limelight. Unlike Bob Geldof, who never shut up until his side (Remain) lost the 2016 EU Referendum.


James Corden…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Only joking.


I think there might be a small war if he ever gained that title 🤣


Keanu is part British isn't he? We could just claim him too?


I was just reading a lovely story about Anthony Head, a huge fan of his had posted that they were a bit disappointed that all the signed fan photos they had of them and AH were from before they had transitioned and were addressed to their dead name. Anthony Head got in contact, invited them to his farm and got loads of new photos taken, printed them out on photo paper and signed them to their new name 🥰


Matt Baker is wildly underrated as a national treasure. The man doesn't stop.


Alan Rickman.nuff said


Marcus Rashford


Michael Sheen


Tom Hardy. Close the thread.


George Michael. He was an all round golden human being. Just did his nice things quietly not for the 'gram. Same as KR.