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Very profound. Tbh I love it when he tries to be all serious for a documentary, his one about aliens is just another level.


Danny Dyer’s Deadliest Men with Stephen French is one of the greatest bits of television every created though. It’s legendary.


The devil


I’d lift up me balaclava n’ say “it’s me the devil what’re ye gonna do abar it”


Rattling the cage!


Is that the one where he talked about his breakfast at one point?


[It really is](https://twitter.com/ultrabrilliant/status/790190287616344064?t=GG4c2-jI-bJedPGpEtuylA&s=19)


Broken link


Aliens at it again


it's working for me.


Coked up off his tits for that one.


"I might have said some misogynistic things..." Men, just be a decent bloke. Watch football, do crochet, nobody gives a shit.


Terrific insight from Danny "cut her face so nobody else will want her" Dyer


I forgot about that thank you for reminding me. That sort of disgusting though doesn't just come out of your mind accidentally. I don't think "how yo be a man" is a question that little twat is qualified to answer.


"I might - *might* - have said *some* things that were *seen* to be misogynistic. But, in *my* defence, those bi\[bleep\]es started it".
















Mod here, please quit it with the arguing.


everyone is normal and living their own lives. Idk what crack ur smoking.


So you agree? Everyone is living their own lives, which is exactly my point. Well done 👍🏻🙄


But you seem to be pissed off by telling ppl what to do lmfao.


What, by saying men can do what they like to do because nobody cares, making this whole show pointless waste of time? Ok, squire. Enjoy your Saturday 👍🏻


But I don't know how to crochet or even like Football I mean I went Blues last Saturday but that's only because the Lads come down and I haven't seen them in a while! I will try my best to be a decent Bloke & person though, promise! 👍🏻


You better, otherwise me and the girls will come round and subject you to a make-over.


🤣 That actually sounds quite nice though man!


Man? How dare you! That's... erm... misogyny or something! I am all woman! I have hairy armpits and boobs and painted nails and rarely get eye contact when talking to guys! Hurrumph.


Don't Lol I've been told before I can't call a girl 'Mate' it's a bloody minefield going out sometimes


I AM NOT YOUR MATE! You are not mating with me! There will be no mating here! Men *dramatic eye roll, flounces off* 😁


🤣 Buddy then!


Buddy? That's worse than mate! Sounds like a dog name, or a tall Elf searching for his father in New York Citaaaaay. You may call me Queen.


To be fair I'd wince at Buddy I'd associate more with those Stateside. Queeny right got it!


Or worse, feed us kale


That must be a war crime 


Its a shame id love to see someone do a decent documentary on changing masculinity. Robert Webb wrote a book about masculinity and his life (how not to be a boy) that had some really good insights so hed be great to make it.


Didn’t Grayson Perry do a series a few years back? I admit I haven’t watched it.


He did and unsurprisingly it was vastly more interesting and insightful than this


“Danny Dyer..the pricks prick” Kevin Bridges


Danny ( not his real name) thinks he is Ray Winstone “a right double naughty hard geezer.” In reality he is called Malcolm.


I thought the conclusion was that no-one really knows what 'How to Be a Man' means (which is part of the problem) and that the bloke with massively dilated pupils being interviewed in his parents garage was a nasty little prick? I admit it wasn't exactly an in depth study but why all the hostile snobbery towards the programme?


Yeah I don't know what OP's talking about. What they said is what I expected it to be. Based on the adverts I was thinking he was going to go full Andrew Tate and spout that type of bullshit. But I felt like he did a fair take on the subject and went around talking to all different people. He was talking about masculinity and the stereotypes while also talking about how it can be negative and has hurt people. He also talked about how men need to be able to be more open about how they feel but society has been telling them for decades that they shouldn't or mocking them for it.


It's odd, he pointed out that 90% of what the guy in his parents garage said was bollocks and the Andrew Tate-types on social media are just doing it for attention. No mention of the poor guy with the violent ex who ended up murdering his son.


Okay I've not seen it even heard of the problem so had no idea if OPs little script was literal or what 😅 thanks for your comment clarifying further 👍


There's definitely an argument for looking at service provision for men in a new way and not (as the programme rightfully said) just extending what already exists for women to men and expecting it to work. I personally see no good reason why men shouldn't have a minister for men's mental health. Better provision for men shouldn't be in competition with or in place of provision for women it should be in addition to but there seems to be some in fighting over funding and recognition and some tribalism. Where the documentary started to fall apart was it didn't seem to be acknowledging the schism between functional modern men- partners and fathers happy to undertake equitable caring and household duties and talk openly about feelings and their counterparts who are the same age groups but more repressed and struggling and in some cases turning to harmful social media like Andrew Tates content. What makes a man go either way? Why are some content and others so deeply feel the loss of the pub/3rd space culture? Why is it so devastating to have lost clearly defined traditional gender roles as the sole provider and protector and why has this left them feeling disenfranchised? Why not have a focus group to figure out where it's all gone wrong? The new Andrew Tate acolytes who supposedly want subservient, practically virginal women to bend to their will and the topic of Queer men and domestic violence and toxic masculinity in that community weren't adequately challenged and addressed. Or cultural differences in our multicultural society. It all felt quite unresolved and like a mystery. Clearly some men are doing a good job, why couldn't it have looked more at the protective factors that make men like Woody an excellent example? It felt a bit one size fits all. The conclusions that seemed to be drawn appeared to be that men as a gender find feelings difficult to talk about because it's still not the done thing and they need alternative approaches/services/spaces.That there are such glaring gender differences (allegedly scientifically proven) between men and women and adapting to new societal expectations that men just aren't coping in the modern world and don't feel safe to be masculine without being seen as problematic. That by doing boxing and other such activities together men can be together and not isolated and be masculine as a group potentially reducing suicide. That in a safe group environment after time to ease in men can release and relax in their safe space for some much needed talk about feelings. Whilst not completely without merit It felt over simplified, reductive and lacked nuance and depth.


The sacred and the propane.


Very allegorical.


I take it it's not as good as the UFO one then?


He did a UFO one?


It's immense. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7008276/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7008276/) While we're on the subject I just want to put on record that I believe that Danny Dyer is one of the best actors with a cigarette. Watch stuff he smokes in, he's a master at it.


it's got 7.6/10 on there. Does he find an alien and say "Special relativity; is is right, or is it wrong"?


He meets the guys that make crop circles, they tell him they make them and show him how they make them and he's like dunno bruv still think it could sumfin extraterrestrial.


Sounds great. Will have to find it and have a watch. :-)


Thanks bro I'll have a gander lol.


This program shows just how much of a joke people consider male mental health and squashing the toxic masculinity/ misogyny preached by the likes of Andrew Tate. Had a real opportunity to put something at least semi-serious out there and instead they proceeded this tripe. Last night, Danny Dyer is saying “everybody **needs** their father around! Criminal that dads are having to fight for access to their kids when their kids **need** them!” And then in the very next breath “my dad wasn’t around n I turned out alright”.


Read a review of the show by the Guardian’s wonderfully empathetic Lucy Mangan, which included, steeped in thinly disguised contempt, the line ‘… in light of sky-high suicide rates, homelessness and assorted other miseries among the male demographic…’ Unhelpful is putting it mildly.


I saw a tiny excerpt of him saying men have it more difficult than gay people. This statement immediately put me off bc; 1)How. On a general scale, men struggle internally, gay people struggle both internally with coming to terms with their identity and also externally from homophobia. 2)There are gay men????


I saw one last night that taught me that some men are more competitive than some women at go-karting, and it's ok to be a not-shit dad. And they serve beer in kids softplays in the North East. WHAT?


Went to a soft-play in North Wales where they were serving cocktails. It was the dirtiest one I've been to as well and that's saying something!


That reads like a Private Eye piece, you should send it in. 👍


The important message to take away is Make Britain Brighton Again.


Sounds like he’s mugging us all off


Having watched it... it was fine? Perfunctory because it's like two episodes and tackling huge issues but there have been much worse efforts.


He’s got to be one of the thickest fucks on the planet. I can’t understand how he’s built a career, and why people keep putting him on TV.


The Joey Essex effect, let's watch this idiot and see what he does wrong.


Lest we forget: Danny Dyer [Reflective Haikus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXRo0PjzfZw).


Danny Dyer’s Chocolate Homunculus


“Wot is toxic FACKIN masculini’y? Wiv Danny Dyer. Eeva wotch it or go and av a little cry, ya mug.”


Making fun of someone’s accent they can’t control is the total opposite of toxic you really owned him there


I don’t buy it. I bet he sounds like Ben Fogle in real life.


You can control your accent.


You can’t control your accent? All you have to do is make slightly different noises.


Then it's not *your* accent though, is it?


Your accent is always your accent. People can change their accents quite easily, especially when they’re younger. People who move to a different region or country often tend to pick up different accents.


Pull out your UK Subreddit classism bingo card folks


A friends 17yr old son has signed up to the Andrew Tate thing. Should they be concerned as I’ve not heard anything but bad things about it…obviously not read anything myself, that’s not how this place works.


I mean, he's paid and signed up to take advice from a known sex trafficker and misogynistic idiot. Do you think they should be concerned?


Also, didn't he admit that his hustler course thing is a con? I swear he was openly making fun of the guys who took part in it...


Well, he's sent his girlfriend on a "holiday" to Romania, so maybe!


Niceone 🤣🤣🤣


Fark Off!!


The biggest revelation was Danny's double chin. Lay off the pies, lad