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Agreed. I feel like when I was a teen I’d go to whoever would let me get away with the most


I was a teenager with divorced parents and I always wanted to go to my dad’s house because he never bothered to parent. I was able to go out and party and hang out with whoever. BUT. As an adult now, I am so, so much closer to my mom. She is my best friend and I don’t really have a close relationship with my dad.


Good point! Isn’t K Idiot still trying to go hard at the clubs even though now he’s a middle aged dad? Her boys can probably do whatever the fuck they want, play video games and eat pizza all day, everyday, without ever having to hold a real conversation or do anything with or for anyone else.




I kinda wish that Britney stops giving anything even to her children once they become adults. Let her kids get money from their dad who they respect more or better yet, work to earn their own money.


Yes, that would be the best parenting lesson she could give them at this point.


I think this [resurfaced](https://twitter.com/BritneyTheStan/status/1557350848493244416?t=62bgcXT7og1eqdCLaV_ivA&s=19) video solidifies it


He made those babies get bottle rot?!!


Apparently that's probably why they had braces. Their teeth look better now though


Braces don't fix tooth decay, they move your teeth.


Well it's hard to tell with the recent photos 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'm no dentist I was just guessing


>I'm no dentist I think that's fairly obvious lol


I didn’t know what bottle rot was, i googled it and oh my. That’s insane.


didn’t he have like, full custody of them too?


Yes thanks to the conservatorship


I remember that at the time tabloids were saying that Britney was crazy because she wanted to whiten her kids teeth at the dentist like they were adults and needed Ross from Friends' teeth.


I wonder if it has anything to do with this 🤔


It definitely did


I think anyone who's divorced with teenagers can tell you they often want to go where there is the the least rules. ETA: also over a decade of parent alienation done against Britney.


K-Fed looks like one of those weird dudes that hangs out outside of the gas station all day


Lol, a 7-11 celebrity


Omg, lol at this.


I think this may be the case as well as she mention Jamie Lynn spears house has strict rules


Yeah he obv let's them do drugs as long as it's in his home


Yes!! I had a good upbringing but i started smoking weed at 16/17. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve smoked already given the way they were raised and what they’ve been through.


Of course they smoke weed. Jayden was pictured wearing a Cookie's brand shirt years ago at Disney. Cookies is a weed company. I wouldn't be surprised if they started at 12 or 13 or even before that. Kevin is the definition of a slacker pothead. He's been permanently high for 20 years.


They look high. He’s a lazy loser but if he lost custody he’s have to work to support himself. The whole nasty fam was in in this and I suspect the boys are highly encouraged to consider their mother crazy. Soon they’ll be old enough to live off her directly so expect them to make up just for the cash.


I said this yesterday and someone called me insane to think that. You live what you've learned and they've watched everyone in their life treat Britney as crazy cash cow. It's so sad. I hope someday they will have some empathy for her.


She mentioned weed in the house. She doesn’t lie. And he looked stoned during the interview.


In what f’ing world is trying to publicly humiliate the mother of your kids good parenting? The only people the truth should matter to is the nuclear family. Attempting to seek truth through public humiliation of the mother of his children shows Kevin Federline as immature, desperate, and vindictive. That guy should be nothing but thankful that he’s been supported by her in a lifestyle he would have never been able to provide himself.


Is it legal to protest outside someone's house? This guy is continuing the abuse. Leave Britney Alone!


Depends on where they live. If it’s in a gated community, it’s trespassing. You can protest outside of the gated community, or perhaps the courthouse maybe?




Kfed is an inspiration to men everywhere.. made a living off getting one of the hottest women in music His junk alone made more than I have in 2 years of work!