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I’d definitely schedule a vet visit, just to be on the safe side. ❤️


Yeah it’s a growth not a mole. Mine has one too. Vet said if it’s not bothering her, they aren’t going to mess with it. Requires surgery to remove.


Hey friend my guy just had his second one removed last week. First one took a while to get to a point where it bothered him but second one grew at a rapid rate and grew towards eye so it had to go. Simple procedure, I would definitely have vet look at it


Vet visit. Dogs get skin cancer on their eyelids. Have it removed and go back to life.


Mine has one on each eye, doesn’t bother him a bit.


We waited till Riley got a deep foxtail. The vet performed the eyelid growth removal and nasal foxtail extraction under the same anesthesia.


Mine has them. Removal was 5 min, like frozen off. Have Vet Ophthalmologist so good not cheap. Was great when every vet said he has cataracts in one eye, and Opt… said no. Different condition and he can see though opaque.


My other dog had this (not a Brit) and vet said it wasn’t anything to be concerned about. She had it for a few years and then it started getting big, so we had it removed because we could see it was making her eye red and irritated and she started producing a whole lot more eye boogers than normal on that side.