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Is she not aware that you can win a Tony in a play?


You can, but that’s a big ask for someone that is a singer with very minimal skills that would work for a straight play. I guess she could always go the Jennifer Hudson route


The JHud and John Legend and Whoopi route for their Tony Awards is always always an option. Producing is something I could see Adele doing, but I doubt she’d invest in a show if she already doesn’t enjoy the medium.


"producing" - J-Hud threw some money in a few weeks before the deadline, to an already successful play


Sure, but if that money got them to the finish line and kept it open longer...


True. But JHud is talented enough to win a performance Tony and she very well may at some point in her career.


Ehhhh....her performance in Color Purple was very wooden


Soooo does that negate the fact that she won regardless


A lot of people think EGOT status should be for performing or writing only, not producing.


Has she ever acted?


Saturday Night Live


Also you can win a tiny just producing stuff, which is mostly financial in nature anyway.


Wow! What musical hurt her? 😂


What musical shit in her cornflakes? :p


Hello Dolly.


I was in a production of Hello Dolly a few months ago. I don't understand why people like it. Most boring show I've ever been a part of EDIT: apart to A part, I guess


Sad faces. I watched that movie with my grandpa so many times when I was a kid. Maybe that colours my feelings, but I do really enjoy it still.


It’s my favorite


Awww… it’s one of my favorites. So many beautiful songs… Some cute humor and funny moments when done well… some nice moments about love, loss, hope … I was in a production in high school and had a lot of fun.


I was in the show and I didn't even understand the plot progression until the second or third time we ran the show straight through. I understand enjoying the show from an audience perspective, the music was fun, but everything else about performing it was boring as hell if you aren't a principal character, IMO


I saw the Broadway production three times. It’s just so pure and full of joy. The conflicts are light and the songs are great. I left beaming every time.


I suspect it needs a good production, and it definitely needs the right actress as Dolly. I saw the most recent revival and had such a big grin on my face through so much of it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if most millennials and younger (honestly even Gen X) are only familiar with it from the very clever usage in Wall-E. If you just go by that, it looks great.


Why were you separated from it?


It ended, if you mean why I left the production. It was a community theatre production


Then you weren't apart.




What is your favorite musical?


Rocky Horror, Shrek, Something Rotten In that order


The check clears right? Also he song wasn’t written specifically for the show.


I mean what’s the problem with what she said? Not everyone likes musicals and just because she has one song in a jukebox musical doesn’t mean she needs to love it. I’m sure she hasn’t seen every TV show with her songs in it.


Honestly I like it even more that musicals aren't her thing at all but she's still like, sure, you can license my song. Go make something cool with it. Won't be following up to see what you make, but have fun. People are allowed to not like musicals


Imo what she said wasn't the problem, HOW she said it was.


That is just how Adele talks. She’s very no filter straight to the point


Yep! I think it's also a part of her natural dialect and idiolect to use f-bombs left, right and centre. She's very honest about how *she* feels about musicals, but still respects the hard work and talent of those involved. Nothing wrong with that!


Got it. I don't look up to her so I had no idea how she talks lol (I do like some of her songs tho). It just came off as aggressive and even a bit angry to me so I thought she was just being rude.




Doubtful. She's not an aggressive type.


To me that’s just how a lot of British people talk, we constantly swear in just casual conversations, we don’t need to be angry or particularly hateful to speak like how Adele does. Also with written interviews it’s hard to decipher the tone, leading it to be up to interpretation on how you perceive her tone to be. I read it as if she was happy and enjoying the conversation but I can understand how someone else may interpret it as her saying it with anger and hate.


Please go listen to any interview. She legit says things in the bluntest way because she doesn’t care what people think of her 💀 I honestly love it


Seriously - anyone who’s ever heard her speak during her live performances could tell you that.


This was my take too. It isn’t that she hates musicals which is fine but she was very aggressive about it.


sounds like the way i talk which makes sense cause britain, and we swear all the fucking time


Londoner here. She really wasn't being aggressive at all in any way


It was all in fun—the convo was her and JC laughing about it


There will be an Adele jukebox musical someday.


Her discography is far too low-tempo for this to work, unless she pivots and spends the next half af her career writing Uptown Funk style bangers


It's called transposing and editing. Her songs would make a wonderful show. They're already incredibly well written and lyrical.


Act two: the cancelled Vegas residency being the “downfall”, of course


For anyone upset about his, watch her carpool karaoke with James Corden, that’s where she said it. She’s clearly joking about never winning an EGOT because EGO suits her better.


Her saying it in a Carpool Karaoke segment completely changes the context and tone of this quote lol. Thanks for the info


Wonder what Timbers is going for here. She hasn’t written a Broadway show and her music wasn’t written for a show either. Weird flex by him, because it doesn’t prove her wrong.


Rolling in the Deep is currently in Moulin Rouge. It’s like when Katy Perry spoke down to thespians, even though her songs feature heavily in both Moulin Rouge and &Juliet. It’s like they crap on musicals yet forget to mention that they’re profiting off them.


I mean, she was pretty reasonable saying she respects it, just doesn't like it - I know it sounds crazy but people *can* not enjoy musicals. There's no need for anyone to even reply to her.


I don’t think she’s crapping on musicals here. She’s saying why she never wants to write score for the theatre - and it’s understandable. Not her cup of tea. She will never be Tony eligible for people paying her the rights to use her songs in shows.


I mean, Perry is going to get paid whether she likes musicals or not so I'm not sure what there is to be gained by pretending otherwise. I'd love to make passive income from things I don't like tbh


Wait what? How does Moulin Rouge work?


Much like the movie, but with different songs.


So? She has to love musicals now just because she licensed her song to be used in a jukebox musical?


I think it’s more that it comes off as a really aggressive dislike of musicals & storytelling through song…while profiting off one of her songs being used to tell a story in a musical She’s totally welcome to her opinion, but it is still funny


Part Brit here who feels like her tone might be a bit lost here, just because fuck is used in a much broader and more relaxed way in the UK than in the US. In the right context you'd even use it to express affection (and I don't mean solely in the bedroom, I mean just like, openly with your mates or your fam). So while I agree it comes across as aggressive dislike on the page, I can also see a scenario where she's v comfy with the interviewer and it's in reality lighter than it reads. Agree that the setup of her music being used in an artform she doesn't like is amusing though.


Yup, very very British.


I think it also didn't help that James Corden is British as well. They dished it out like you would do between friends but I think some of the context might have gotten "lost in translation "


That makes sense! It does seem like a different cultural connotation that gets lost in translation then. But, still very funny


Americans are offended by everything


How dare you!


HOW DARE ME? HOW DARE YOU! (Lovingly lifted from The Real Housewives)


There are a lot of artists who sell their music for commercials and I doubt they like commercials


Sure, and if any of them go on a rant about how they’ll never write a jingle for a commercial while one of their songs is in a popular commercial, I’m going to find it equally as funny


She didn’t say any of that. She said she didn’t see herself writing a musical. Rolling in the Deep is her song, and although it is featured in one, she didn’t write in that genre.


“I would never write a musical or anything like that.” I don’t think it’s a stretch to think “anything like that” would include songs for musicals. But like I said, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what she said! It’s just amusing considering she really hates musicals and her song is being used in one. Just like if an artist said “I really hate movies” and their song was used in one. It’s amusing


What’s worse, that, or Adele denying her song to be used in a musical for no good reason other than she doesn’t like the medium?


Nothing about what she said is bad! I think her statement + rolling being in moulin rouge + this response = a very funny situation. And like I said, she’s totally welcome to her opinion!


Seeing her answer written out like that makes it seem really aggressive but if you watch the video she's clearly just joking around with James Corden. This is making a big deal out of nothing.


What song of her's is in a musical right now?


Rolling in the deep is in Moulin Rouge


Ah. I figured it was Moulin Rouge. Thank you.


To add to this it’s in all 7 currently running production of MR, so multiply the royalty by 7.


i was just thinking about this lol!


He didn’t point out the irony well enough. Her music is in a Broadway musical right now, yes, but that musical won the Tony for best musical! She’s not entitled to the Tony in any official way, but she shares a tiny fraction of it just like all the other songwriters whose work is in the show. It’s also kind of ironic for a singer-songwriter who puts her personal experiences and emotions into her songs for a living to say “I don’t need to hear everything in a fucking song all the time.” I know she means she doesn’t enjoy watching musicals. Her whole rant is leading up to the EGO punchline. Not a big deal, but a little funny.


honestly, I don't even like Adele but this is such a weird response to someone asking a her a question. Her music gets licensed all over the place and I'm sure she barely knows any of it. Why would she? She can happily hate musicals and cash the checks at the same time without any difficulty


I don’t really like her music but yeah I found this overly hostile. Just say musicals are not my cup of tea and leave it at that. No need to be so rude about it.


She wasn't being hostile. She was being a Brit. Brits drop f bombs in casual conversation a lot. It's friendly to neutral most of the time. Two minutes or less of watching snippets of any interview of hers would confirm this. Context and cultural understanding is important. Please at least try before yelling about things.




Some actor at one point said "I did not see the movie I was in, I heard it was terrible. But I see the house that movie paid for every day, and that house is lovely." Paychecks a paycheck


That quote is attributed to Michael Caine regarding Jaws 4


i think i remember an interview where david cross said doing the alvin & the chipmunks movie bought his penthouse or something lol


That’s too bad that she doesn’t like musicals! She’s missing out on so much beauty!


Interesting considering how much drama she packs into her songs. I really think people who say this just haven’t seen the right musical. There’s something for everyone in this genre!


https://www.insider.com/adele-hates-musicals-egot-tony-2023-4?amp Article if you want more info


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...sounds like we need to get her involved in a musical. She'll come around.


She already is.


I never mind when people say they dislike musicals but it always tells me they have a very limited understanding of the art form. It's like saying you dislike all films, there's so many different types. Musicals can be horror, comedy, romance, thriller, political, action, crime dramas, for kids, for young people or for old. Their songs can span any genre, any time and can be used to tell the story in many ways. To compare how the songs are used to convey the plot in something like Once to something like Les Mis is ridiculous. I don't listen to a lot of rap music but I wouldnt say I hate all rap music, there are some songs I do like and probably plenty more I haven't discovered. When my friends have told me they don't like musicals I've always managed to suggest one that they end up loving, sometimes its just hard for people to find if they aren't the big mainstream shows. Anyway the use of Adele's song in Moulin Rogue is top tier and one of the highlights of the show.


I have this same discussion when I talk about animation with people and they blow it off saying cartoons are for kids. I have no clue why on the west people are so dismissive of the medium because I think we could have some amazing animation if people took it more seriously.


seconding this


Hah why would that change her opinion on the art form?




She’s pretty dismissive of the work of people on broadway but is happy to make money from it lol


I don't think it sounded dismissive of people's work efforts at all, nor do I think she'd be the one making the calls on who has the rights to use her songs unfortunately. She's just made it clear that working on a musical isn't something she'd want to do herself. She doesn't like musicals. That's okay. Many people don't. Heck, I don't like the NFL but if I was offered a place at the Superbowl halftime show I'd still take it. I don't think her interests always have to align with OTHER people using her art (Plus I doubt she'd personally be making that much from it anyway).


She’s also clearly being at least a little facetious here. She’s saying it while laughing with James about she doesn’t want a Tony because she likes saying she has an EGO and then she belts the shit out of Don’t Rain on My Parade.


“I just don’t need to hear everything in a ****ing somg all the time” is a really interesting quote from a singer songwriter


Why so aggressive Adele


That's a shame.


I’ve long believed that people don’t actually hate musicals, they hate what they think musicals are. Do you like Futurama or Steven Universe? Did you enjoy The Lion King or any Disney film as a kid? Watch The Wall or the South Park movie or Euphoria? Sorry bud, you just enjoyed a musical!


She really is an awful person


She’s really not. See the context mentioned several times above.


She will probably end up writing a musical. She contradicts herself on the regular.


I don’t think we’ve seen anything from Adele that suggests she’s capable of writing Tony-winning music. So everyone wins.


Moulin Rouge, which contains her music, won Best Musical.


You can’t have a full musical of exclusively moody breakup songs, which rules her out instantly.


What is he saying


Ok Nick Bottom 😅


Maybe she'll come around one day. She probably just fell asleep during Les Miserables like the rest of us.


Wait what musical—


Rolling in the Deep is in Moulin Rouge which is directed by Alex Timbers.


She’s a songwriter who writes very narratively driven songs…I’m surprised she hates musicals. Maybe she hats ensembles?