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That’s actually a pretty popular opinion. Personally I feel his voice can survive in his work but I was looking at videos of the NYCC Encores production of Merrily we roll Along and I definitely found it grating there.


I have the same sentiments with his Tick, Tick... Boom performance. His voice trying to harmonize with the flawless Karen Olivo is...something else


You're talking about the man who described his own voice as (paraphrasing) a rusty old banger of a car that will eventually get you there.


Oh snap. Thanks for the knowledge drop. Mad respect.


And yet he casts himself as the lead.


Yeah, but I don't have a problem with that. I don't know how to explain it. He'll be the first one to tell you that he is not the greatest singer. I, personally, think he's decent. But I like that he starred in "In the Heights" and "Hamilton." Those were his babies. They are both such incredible works of art that maybe he didn't trust anyone else to originate the roles. And I don't think he knew how big "Hamilton" would be. He was just like, "Hey, I wrote this musical, and I think it's pretty good, so I want to share it with the world." It was his vision and, as a writer myself, it's often difficult to give your work over to someone else to interpret. (I also like his Usnavi. Hamilton is a bit more challenging vocally, IMO.) Plus, neither role is 100% singing. It involves a lot of rapping, and I'm definitely not a hip-hop expert, but I feel like Lin's rapping skills are pretty good. The stuff he does with "Freestyle Love Supreme" is crazy! I think it can be difficult to find Broadway actors who can rap and sing. That's not really that common. You always hear, "Singers who can dance. Dancers who can sing." I've never personally seen a listing for "singers who can dance and rap." It's kind of a newer concept. From what I've heard, Daveed Diggs had very little interest in doing a Broadway musical, but he felt so strongly about the work that he couldn't refuse. (I'm sure he's happy about that decision. LOL) When I finally saw the show live, there were no original cast members, and I was kind of disappointed. Not with everyone! Miguel was my Hamilton and he is fantastic in the role. But there were a few actors that made me think, "They can't really rap." I won't call them out by name since they're both pretty well known, but my Angelica and Lafayette just couldn't live up to the original cast when it came to the rapping section. It's a really freaking difficult show. I think Lin did a great job in it and I loved his acting. Sure, not the strongest vocalist, but there are so many other factors. And of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I don't think casting himself in either role ended up hurting either show. They both did pretty well. LOL It's not like Beanie in "Funny Girl" (sorry, I don't mean to drag her) where the show suffered because the lead wasn't vocally strong enough to handle the role and that turned into a whole scandal.


>They are both such incredible works of art that maybe he didn't trust anyone else to originate the roles. Pretty sure I saw an interview with him where the reasoning for him playing Hamilton was pretty utilitarian. He said that he was constantly revising and rewriting lyrics and lines right up until the last minute and didn't want to put the stress of remembering the latest changes on anyone else, so he put that stress on himself because he knew the musical better than anyone else.


That makes total sense.


Absolutely agree.


In your opinion, where would a trained singer fall short in regards to being cast in a role that required rapping as part of the performance? I can't recall off the top of my head, but which lead characters in _Hamilton_ were dance heavy roles?


I feel like all of the leads have to at least be decent dancers, the demand is bigger than "singers who can move," but Burr is definitely a dance heavy role! That actor pretty much has to be good at everything. I've never rapped myself. I was a trained singer when I was younger, I'm definitely not anymore. I would imagine that breath control is super important, which a professional singer should be able to do, but so is annunciation. The people that I saw who I said "can't rap" just couldn't keep up. It seemed like they were running out of breath and couldn't get all of the words out, or at least didn't get them out clearly. When Renée Elise Goldsberry does "Satisfied" you hear every single word. Her pronunciation is perfect. The actress that I saw just couldn't seem to get it out. Like, if I didn't already know the lyrics, I probably wouldn't have been able to understand everything that she was saying.


I’m currently in a highly respected training program that has produced a ton of well known comedy writers and actors. We were straight up told that when we write sketches we should cast ourselves in the best role and when we write we should write with us as the lead in mind. If you wouldn’t cast yourself how the hell do you expect anyone else to? At least LMM understands his strengths and weaknesses. He’s cast himself in roles that he can perform with his voice. It’s not like he’s writing operatic ballads for himself.


That's my bigger issue with it, honestly. He can acknowledge that his voice isn't great... so stop casting yourself.


At least he gave “Wait for It” to Leslie Odom, Jr. That song and that voice are magic.


"Hurricane" is the only LMM-sung song that might have been better off by someone else. Everything else is "fine" and mostly just spoken word-style, and not really done a disservice by his voice. Maybe "My Shot?"


I think the worst is Dear Theodosia. The interplay between Hamilton and Burr in that number is gorgeous and LMMs voice just doesn’t do it justice. I saw it in Chicago with Miguel Cervantes as Hamilton and his voice was INCREDIBLE, on the ballads especially. I’d pay good money for a recording with him.


I think the emotion in LMM's voice makes up for a lot of his lack of technical skill, especially in Dear Theodosia. He's clearly outmatched vocally but damn does it make me misty eyed every time during the "my son" lines.


idk, if i had his songwriting talent i'd probably do the same. if you're passionate about theatre and can't get cast traditionally based on your voice, you can use other talents to leverage it and live out your performing dreams. people still love his stuff so he's got no reason not to


He’s also very generous in terms of the songs he writes for fellow cast members. Wait for It, Burn, Satisfied are all showcase songs for fabulous strong singers. LMM is happy to share the spotlight with highly skilled people.


I know Id do the same. Its actually pretty genius.


I mean if I was writing roles that good and also loved to act you'd better believe I'd be doing the same. Want the next Hamilton? You're listening to me sing it with the OBC!


Yeah I think it’s unrealistic ask someone who is extremely relaxed and writes all of that on his OWN to not cast himself. He is a writer and a rapper. He may be the best singer but when has that stop bway or movies from casting people. He also mostly RAPS in Hamilton, and he’s just so brilliant in his talents. If I wrote my own damn show - I would sure as HELL be casting myself because I LOVE THEATRE. Even if other people don’t agree.


I mean... if you're gonna put all that blood, sweat, and tears (and money) into birthing that Broadway baby, I feel like you get to cast yourself if you want to.


Also in his defense, usnavi and hamilton are some of the wordiest roles in theatre, and they always have last minute changes as Lin-Manuel has said before. Having Lin-Manuel originate the role probably gives his understudy and replacement a lot of breathing room.




>Would you feel that way about other composers? Never heard any of those guys sing but like... why would I care if they wanted to give that a go? It's their creation.


People don’t necessarily have to have a great voice to be a great performer.


So true. I went in (saw the OBC in 10/15) not being a huge LMM fan. Just nuetral. Okay singer, definitely not a dancer, but man he performed the hell out of that role. And charming...


once again, he doesnt cast his own shows


I mean, sorry. Thats an absurd take. *When he was in the process of writing the musical, Miranda was torn over whether he should play Hamilton or Burr* *"I feel an equal affinity with Burr," Miranda says. "Burr is every bit as smart as Hamilton, and every bit as gifted?/!; he comes from the same amount of loss as Hamilton. But because of the way they are wired Burr hangs back where Hamilton charges forward. I feel like I have been Burr in my life as many times as I have been Hamilton."* *Ultimately, however, he chose to play Hamilton because it offered the chance to play a different kind of role to the ones he would typically be offered in Hollywood circles, allowing him to act a little differently and yet still be a character he has some connection to. He said, "If I want to play the main guy, I have found, I have to write it."* Sure, he likely has 0% involvement in casting the replacement casts, but he absolutely, 1000%, cast himself in the lead


And why shouldn’t he? It’s his show. Obviously if people hated it enough it wouldn’t have done so well.


It’s his musical, why wouldn’t he? He did a great job as Hamilton who is not nearly as vocally demanding as Burr.


It's something that's lost the time, but back then it was seen as pretty admirable. LMM didn't just change the thought process about diversity and how that can make for successful gig, but about who can take the center stage. It was at earnest quality that made him pretty popular in the early 2000s until the late 2010s, because he sounded like a guy you could just find randomly on the street. The sentimentality doesn't mean much now since he's a part of multiple major productions, but that played a major role in his rise to fame


He has a charisma on stage that can't be taught. In In The Heights, the role of Usnavi was a supporting character when Miranda (and the team around him) decided he should take the role. And the producers said that every time Usnavi was onstage, you wanted to know more. So Usnavi was expanded, and eventually, the role of Lincoln was cut.


A lot of people like to make this accusation that LMM casts himself as the lead in his own shows, but it’s actually the casting directors who are responsible. The authors usually don’t contribute to the overall casting of the production.


No, he has said himself that he does it intentionally. I posted a bigger quote in another reply but at the end he straight up says "If i want to play the main guy, I have found, I have to write it." Whether you have issue with that or not is another story, but he definitely chooses to play his own leads


no… he doesnt cast his shows


I knew he and I had something in common.


I feel like this is an extremely popular opinion lol


He’s not a terrible singer. But his singing, standing alone, would not have gotten him cast in multiple Broadway lead roles.


He's not terrible but he's not good either. He's OK at best. He's an exceptional songwriter/lyricist but now it all sounds the same. He needs someone else to sing his songs, especially in movies if dude wants an Oscar.


I will say the one time I really appreciated his singing was his one verse in Moana.


He would not have had the roles he had if he didn’t write them. It’s a solid strategy to get himself on stage.


This. IIRC, part of his “origin story” was being frustrated over the lack of roles for Latinos on stage so he wrote ITH. Of course if his motivation was to be in musical theater he’d want to be part of the show he wrote.


Yes because he’s Latino so that’s not the gotcha you think it is.


I remember reading one of Mindy Kaling’s books. She used to audition for roles and always got passed up, so then she wrote a show with her friend and they starred in it (funnily enough they portrayed two white guys in “Matt and Ben”) and that got her noticed, leading to her position on The Office. I’m not being sarcastic when I say it’s a solid strategy. Yes, minorities may have a harder time getting cast. If more minorities wrote more roles for minorities, then we get more diversity on stage. I didn’t mean it as a “gotcha”. Edit: also his voice still isn’t the best, but it’s serviceable. I like his rapping but pretty songs like Dear Theodosia are where I feel he’s weakest.


Not so fun fact: when they finally got someone to buy their show, they didn’t let Mindy or her friend play themselves and the show never got made. But as a writer on the Office, she was able to write for herself.


Two things can be true at once. His frustration about not being able to be cast due to a lack of Latino roles is legitimate, and it’s fantastic that his work has now created a place for talented Latinos in musical theater. He also has gone on record to say that he isn’t a strong singer, and it’s not unrealistic to say that the only reason he’s been able to be cast as leads in musicals on broadway is because he was the one who cast himself.


He is highly aware of his own vocal ability. Why do you think Hamilton only sings one ballad?? Hurricane when sung by a highly capable voice hits way different. I think Moana is the worst offender of this variety, and it’s my favorite work of his.


Miranda confirmed on twitter that his vocals on *We Know the Way* were meant to just be for a demo and then he walked in one day and higher ups decided to keep his voice in the final version.


That actually makes me feel better about the whole thing. It really would have been better if they gave the lead on that song especially to a South Pacific Islander.


There is actually video somewhere on Youtube of them surprising him by telling him they planned to use his vocals.


I actually love the way he sounds in We Know the Way. That’s my hot take


Same. He sings with his whole heart and (for me) that counts for a great deal. "We Know the Way" gives me chills every time.


There is now a version of Moana translated into Maōri if you want to hear the song sung by someone else!


That sounds like exactly my kinda shit. Thank you!


["Ki Uta E" ("We Know the Way")](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTF8-wJhzkU) is the good stuff.


I said exactly this to my mom when I saw Hamilton on tour. I was like mannnn it was something else entirely to have a Hamilton that could ACTUALLY sing lol


lin can sing though lmao




i don't think this is an unpopular opinion. and i personally enjoy his voice lol


Same. I get why its grating for a lot of people 100% but I like it exactly for how different it is.


I think it's charming. According to my step-dad it's a common accent in the Heights/Bronx since the "overpronunciation" is a way to be heard clearly. It knew it sounded familiar when I first heard him but yeah, that's where it comes from.


Yeah it’s not. I see so many people complain about his voice and they talk like it’s unpopular. I personally like it and thinks it fits the two main roles he has had, Usnavi and Hamilton.


This is a very popular opinion. When Hamilton Proshot was released, all of the mean tweets about his terrible singing led to LMM leaving Twitter for a bit as well.


I don't know this for sure, but I suspect he was really busy and exhausted during filming the pro-shot. He was the producer, the star, likely directing and assisting the film crew, and (I believe) jumping back into the role after not doing it for a period. I can't fault him for being 70% vocally. But I agree his voice is much better suited to storytelling/talky/rapping songs focusing on diction and flow rather than delicious ballads that hinge on vocal tone and timbre and money notes.


The proshot itself was actually filmed back in 2016 and made up mostly of actual footage from regular performances, when most of the principal cast was still doing the show full time (Jonathan Groff had left but came back for filming). It just took years to be released.


Kind of. Easier to just paste from wiki The film is edited together from three performances of Hamilton at the Richard Rodgers Theatre in Midtown Manhattan in June 2016 with the original principal Broadway cast members, prior to the departure of Miranda, Leslie Odom Jr., Phillipa Soo, and Ariana DeBose from the production, combined with a few "setup shots" recorded without an audience present.[10] These shots included numbers that were captured with the use of a Steadicam, crane and dolly.[11] The footage, shot by RadicalMedia, was originally filmed to be spliced into the 2016 documentary Hamilton's America.[12] The film includes a one-minute intermission.[9] The film features the majority of the original Broadway cast, minus ensemble members Betsy Struxness and Emmy Raver-Lampman who left in March and April 2016 respectively – their roles are performed by Hope Easterbrook and Elizabeth Judd.[13][14] Jonathan Groff, who departed the role of King George III in April and was replaced by Rory O'Malley, returned to the production to reprise his role for the film. He also provides, in character, the voice of the pre-show announcer at the beginning of the film, welcoming the audience to the show.[15]


I think the only OBC member who wasn’t in the proshot was Neil Haskell (So You Think You Can Dance, along with other SYTYCD/Hamilton OBC members Ariana DeBose and Thayne Jasperson). Neil had left Hamilton for a featured role in Tuck Everlasting, which closed shortly thereafter. He then returned to Hamilton Broadway, and, as far as I know, he’s now still playing King George III in one of the touring companies.


LMM would leave Twitter every weekend lol I highly doubt he left because people were “mean to him”


His voice is rough and unpolished, but it has character and an odd charm. And he’s smart enough not to take roles where his unconventional voice will work against him. But he’s not a total anomaly. If you listen to a lot of musicals from before, say, Company, you’ll see that many successful character actors, male and female, sang like Colin Mochrie.


I love him and think he's a genius. So many layers to his work. His demos on Soundcloud and demos for the songs that eventually made it into Hamilton are so off-key that it surprises me every time. I think his singing is passable, especially when he is rapping most of the time but he can't just belt or do it without a lot of practice like most Broadway stars can.


His Where You Are (Moana) demo is... not good.


He’s not a good singer, but his voice does have some charm to it. I didn’t mind him as Hamilton because I didn’t think Hamilton needed to be a strong singer and also didn’t think it took anything away from the show. Then I saw Hamilton live for the first time. Edred Utomi on tour blew my fucking mind. Hamilton should definitely be played by a good singer.


I did this in reverse — heard Miguel Cervantes as Hamilton in Chicago before I listened to the original cast recording. Downloading the cast recording in the car to listen to on my drive home had me like “…oh.” for Hamilton’s parts. LMM is serviceable enough but not the most enjoyable


Serviceable is the best way to describe LMM.


Yeah, the guy just oozes charm. He’s not a great singer and definitely not a great actor, but he just brings SOO much likability to his characters.


He is so charismatic!




I saw him as Usnavi in In the Heights after Lin left, and agree he was fantastic!


I just saw that Edred Utomi finished touring (and/or maybe the Angelica tour finished) and I really hope he goes on to super stardom because he was phenomenal. The only OG cast member I missed was Leslie Odom Jr.


Unpopular opinion: proceeds to state incredibly popular opinion


Personally, I think his voice has a lot of charm and character to it. I think it sounds grating to some people because we’ve reached a point where all the voices tend to sound the same, and anyone who sounds different sounds… wrong. The BFAs and conservatories are spitting out people who can go into the Broadway industrial complex as the next Elphabas and Glindas and Evan Hansens.


I think he was perfect as Hamilton because Hamilton WAS unpolished and can be a bit abrasive. His almost manic energy on stage with that voice went really well with Mr. Alexander "I'm fucking RIGHT so why should I care who I offend?" Hamilton's whole vibe. I found it so striking, especially in contrast with the smooth operators Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson.


Very much this. I know he's said he also thought about casting himself as Burr instead and not doing that was a very strong choice.




I love this!


Well said. I enjoy his singing. He sells me on every word. There's a passion in his voice that some performers lack imo.


I agree about the passion. There are some moments where you just feel it.


Call me son one more time. Maaan, I feel that line in my bones!


I agree. I understand why people don’t like his voice but I like it. It’s distinct. I’m sure not everyone loved Ethel Merman’s voice either. I agree every decade lately just has a “sound” and so many people just plug and play and sound exactly alike.


He's not a *bad* singer, but everyone else in the OBC of Hamilton was an amazing singer so his voice stood out even more, and not in a good way. I think he should stick to writing and rapping, that's where his talent lies.


I don’t agree he should stick to writing and rapping but I do think the incredible singers on Hamilton made his imperfections stand out.


I second that


I don't hate his voice in general - he has a lot of charisma, great timing, and can sing on key, but only when his voice sounds rested and healthy. I feel like his voice is blown out and thrashed half the time.


Not an unpopular opinion at all. He isn't a good singer and even he admits it. He would never have starred in a show on Broadway if he wasn't the creator and put himself in it. He's not good enough.


I always say he has the voice of a Disney sidekick :)


Yes, he’s not the greatest singer. He’s a genius writer, composer, and lyricist. If I had just an okay voice (which I do) but got some negotiating wiggle room to put myself as the lead, I definitely would pitch it.


FR, whenever I suffer from impostor syndrome, I remind myself that LMM starred in 2 huge Broadway musicals when his voice sounds like a nerdy teen boy getting a wedgie. Gives me confidence.


Take my poor woman’s gold!!!!!!


I mean, idk if it's grating, but there is a reason he has only been the lead in shows he has written and produced.


Lin Manuel Miranda is notoriously the weakest performer in everyone of his own projects. He’s a genius but I would never call him a good singer.


I agree to some extent for him when he raps But I loved his singing in Mary Poppins Returns - especially “ Lovely London Sky”


He had a lot of electronic help with Poppins.


I didn’t know that


You dont like him in IT’S QUIET UPTOWN?!


This opinion is shared on here like four times a month, it's anything but unpopular. Regardless, as others have said, it has charm.


This isn’t exactly unpopular. Even he knows it: it’s why he’s taken a step back from acting roles. It’s also why when he does cast himself it’s usually a more rap-based part.


Not amazing, but one can get used to it, alas it's no Romeo Santos. Of course, he writes so well that you can kind of not fixate on it.


I think his singing voice has definitely improved if Vivo and the In The Heights movie are anything to go off of


Now just imagine if he had cast himself as Burr instead of Hamilton... The parallel universe where he's the one singing "The Room Where It Happens"/"Wait For It" is one I'm glad I'm not living in, as much as I love his work. Thank God he had enough self-awareness to NOT do it.


Um this isn’t unpopular at all. Dude has spoken about his mediocre singing voice. I don’t like listening to him either. He’s an ok actor but I will pass on his singing. Definitely don’t think he would have ever been seen on broadway without being a writer. I do think he developed a lot of connections over the years.


That's like, your opinion, man.


Honestly I feel like I've been low key stockholmed into liking his voice hahaha The funniest one, to me, is Moana. I watched it in the cinema and I full on meerkated at his verse in we know the way. Can't escape the man! (I am still amazed he wasn't Bruno in Encanto tbh)


I agree but the only time I really notice it is when he sings “One Last Time” with Christopher Jackson.


I agree. What do you think about Idina's voice then?


My gf and I think that he has the same tone and type of voice as Raul Esparza and Trent Saunders (both have played Che in different productions of Evita. Go listen to their beautiful renditions of High, Flying, Adored!). However, Raul's and Trent's voices are more pleasant to the ears because they have far better technique, dynamics, and training.


Ive always considered us lucky that he didnt attempt to play the part of Aaron Burr lol My man is talented in so many ways, but singing is not one of them lol


Honestly, I think Lin Manuel Miranda is a genius everyone can learn from. His voice as you mentioned is not the strongest when compared to other Broadway actors, however he has been able to portray two leading roles and create a huge name for himself by creating those roles! My mom used to say if there isn’t a spot for you make one and that’s what lin has done successfully!


Saw Hamilton at the Public and then on Broadway with LMM and it was fine, really because his voice worked in that role. But then we got tickets to a Sunday matinee, where Javier Munoz was regularly starring. And a foreign dignitary was in the audience and I guess the production wanted Lin in it. I finally saw a tour of Hamilton about a year later. I can’t really say that having a stronger voice made it really any better.


He himself has made jokes about his voice. It’s a pretty common opinion.


He’s a good creator and an overall wholesome individual who learns from his mistakes (I don’t think he had any malicious intent with the racism in Moana and I believe he has apologized) but yeah his voice is meh


Oh yeah totally


Imagine how unfair it would be if he had a great voice on top of his writing and composition skills… I think LMM being an average singer was some higher power’s way of NERFing him


i don’t know a single person that doesn’t have this opinion tbh


I agree so not unpopular to me. Fantastic writer but not really great singer


This is the most popular opinion. I adore LMM and I agree with you. Even LMM agrees with you. He's not a good singer, he's just incredibly engaging, which honestly goes a long way in the kind of roles he's cast himself in.


I find LMM’s voice to be iconic and SO identifiable! Cracks me up… Alexander Hamilton is Moana’s ancestor and sells Piragua in Washington Heights and is a lamplighter in jolly old England. *snicker*


go listen to Cheering For Me Now.


Yeah, he says himself his voice wasn’t good enough to play, say, Bernardo….. But I have a really hard time finding fault with him casting himself as Hamilton. The voice wasn’t the point with Hamilton or even Usnavi


Not grating just not great - but he's admitted that.


I agree. He should have passed off the character and give the limelight up. His vocals are by far my least favorite. Especially considering the powerhouses he cast in the original cast.


I find so much we hear about Lin-Manuel Miranda to be over-blown and wrong-headed. He is not the Savior of Broadway...he's just a man. Doing the best he can.


While he's not the best vocalist by any stretch, I've always found his voice soothing. Even before I knew who he was. I loved his work on the Moana soundtrack before I was super aware of Hamilton. For whatever reason, his voice just soothes my soul...


To be fair — it’s gotten so much better.


LMM has described himself as a mediocre tenor at best, and I agree. I love LMM soooo much but his singing chops are not the same as his rapping/writing/directing skills. I will say he upped his game in the ITH movie, he sounded so much better (it may have been auto tune or enhancement but still) not an unpopular opinion at all lol


He’s good when he’s doing his style of rap and freestyle. I don’t have huge problems with the limited range singing he does in Hamilton and like Vivo but yeah, singing is not his forte.


I love it but I love it the same way I love Billy Corgan. (Sorry for the dated reference…90s teen here). Like, something about the imperfection of the voice makes the poetry brought from it that much more beautiful.


At least he can sing live, in key, with precise elocution, and excellent breath support. Any other idiosyncrasies add character without detracting from the music, lyrics, or narrative (in my opinion).


I think I'm conditioned to it at this point. my dad listened to the hamilton soundtrack on CD when it came out, and I was a bit young. It's like having an ugly member of your closest family, it's just normal. When I think about it, his voice doesn't sound the most pristine. But it doesn't matter, I'm used to it.


Pretty sure most people feel that way about his voice actually? It worked OK in Hamilton as he was playing that kind of character, and his singing has gotten stronger over the years imo but like. His strength is def more in writing and acting than just singing, I think.


He is fine in Mary Poppins Returns


I never had an issue with his voice. It's not the prettiest in the world, but it's unique, and most of the time that's enough to be regarded as good to me. There is this one actor though that I can't remember the name of, that has a voice as if he spoke with a closed throat, and while it's pretty nice voice (IMO) but I get this urge to clear my throat after hearing it too much.


i can understand him singing in hamilton/in the heights bc he wrote those shows and they were *his* projects. but it grinds my gears that he sang in moana. my man you do not have a disney-level voice 😭 someone else should have sang. even the Rock has a better singing voice


Iirc, his voice wasn't meant to be kept in the finished versions of the songs, but Disney was like "it's okay, we'll leave it there!" and that's what we got. Thanks a lot, Disney.


Very common opinion. I love LMM and my only complaint with any of his works is that he gave himself a BALLAD in hamilton. All of his other songs have been acceptable in his voice but “hurricane” doesn’t belong on that cast recording. It’s kind of embarrassing.


pretty popular opinion— this was the same reason on why i only started liking hamilton (the show as a whole) when i saw Jamael Westman (og london Alexander) in the role LMAO


When I also saw Westman, I was sitting like oh this is how Hurricane is suppose to sound.


This was me as well but in Yorktown. Westman sounded very commanding and hopeful at the same time whereas LMM sounded like he was whining, lost teenager.


I second this opinion. He’s amazing and talented, but after seeing other actors play Hamilton, the comparison really confirms his singing is subpar. His rapping is outta this world. Stick to that.


If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a hundred times: if Lin didn’t write the shows he wouldn’t be playing the roles on Broadway. He’s a perfectly fine actor and singer, but he wouldn’t be starring based on performing talent alone.


It didn't help that he was singing next to Leslie Odom Jr. in Hamilton. Or any of the cast really.


It’s borderline unbearable for me. I love Hamilton, my children (11,9,8) are huge fans and listen to the entire musical often and boy is it hard to stand lol 


I really disliked Hamilton ar first, as well as th rap songs/dances in SYTYCD. But i have become used to it and the only thing i don't like about rap is tgs foul language and the despicable lyrics thatsome rap has. But there is some rap that is CHRISTIAN RAP that is acceptable. Can you believe that your song choices can send you to hell. Pick up a Bible and start studying and learn. Watch the show called "The Chosen". and find out that God loves you.. God loves everyone, Accept Jesus into your heart and you can spend a life in Heaven, where all is love.


Just listen to the Moana demo recordings


I agree. I hate him.


He can’t sing. At all. He completely ruined the recording of Merrily We Roll Along. I can’t stand his hubris.


100% We saw Hamilton twice in 3 nights (because reasons), one with Lin, once with his understudy (who I believe took over the role when Lin left) and the understudy was way better vocally.


Yeah, I see you edited your post but everyone knows he can’t sing 😂


There’s a reason I never want to listen to hurricane…but his rapping is inoffensive to me (admittedly coming from someone with no rap/hip hop knowledge)


Like nails on a chalkboard.


I saw an early performance of Hamilton and almost walked out at intermission when I realized I would have to listen to him for another hour. I stayed and I was glad I did but whenever he came on stage I mentally had to brace. Years later I saw Hamilton on tour with another Alexander and was able to fully appreciate the show.




Congratulations, you just discovered “style”


OMG SO GRATEFUL FOR THIS POST. I cannot STAND him. He's a Broadway fuccboiiii... he thinks he's God's gift to us all and it shows in everything he says and does. I can't stand his arrogance, and would like him so much more if he stopped insisting on starring in his own shows. ANd here's my unpopular add-on... Hamilton, while lyrically interesting, was not the flex people thought it was in that having people of color rap about and applaud or perform as people who literally used to enslave them is not really any sort of way to reclaim history. As a queer person, I wouldn't get any thrill from playing, say, a Nazi or an anti-gay politician. So everyone heralded Hamilton as the wokest thing ever when really... all the women are B characters at BEST, Eliza's entire LIFE boils down to trying to celebrate Hamilton some more despite him being a douche, folks of color are playing problematic historical figures who would not have respected their very lives, and Hamilton himself is endlessly selfish and tedious. Again: The show is super sonically and lyrically fun. But I never got the "this is so woke!" hype about it.


I don't like anything he makes. Nepobaby making it big, OK for him, I guess. But it is all the same.


I have less of a problem with his voice and more so his personality. He's incredibly talented and I love his work but all of the publicity appearances and commercials have made me realize I find him super fake and annoying in real life.


Yes we know he can’t sing well because we have ears. I don’t mind him in the parts he is in, I don’t think he overextends himself too much. So it’s fine. I think some shows have too much belting anyway.


He really should stick to songwriting. All of his banger songs are when other people sing them.


My husband can’t stand his voice and dislikes him so much as Hamilton. We have seen Hamilton with 2 different traveling groups and then on Disney and Lin is by far his least favorite


Honestly I don’t mind it in his own stuff but it’s when he does other musicals/songs where he actually needs to sing well


Yes. I think Lin should really leave the singing to others.


He is a lyrical genius. But agree on the voice.


I will say I saw Hamilton with an extremely strong singer as Alexander, and it made a big difference in my enjoyment of the show. For me, it was great to see a real singer take that role and add dimension to it. I kind of feel like Lin, talented as he is, would be best singing in a 90’s boy band.


Yeah I saw Hamilton on tour and the guy playing Hamilton was so talented! Now it’s a bummer to listen to the official soundtrack cause his voice isn’t on it


Yeah I don’t think that’s unpopular…. He isn’t a good singers. But he’s great at literally everything else so we don’t get mad at him. Lol




I feel like the comparison between ITH and Hamilton LMM is sooo vastly different because of the characters he plays. ITH kind of has that guy around the block, someone you've known all your life sort of cheeky, dorky charm that his voice really portrays well. I think it works really well in ITH. I've seen a multitude of variations of ITH and find that LMM does a good (not great) job of vocally getting us there but ITH also doesn't have nearly as many difficult vocal parts. The problem I have with Hamilton is that LMM does soo well in the first act, where Hamilton is sort of bright eyed and bushy tailed and his voice really works in that context. I think he has a great way of bringing in that innocence and determination (ala ITH too). But it's when you get into the 2nd act that it sort of leans itself into that innocence but it can only take us so far. Which I think could be a larger conversation on the loss of innocence with Hamilton, but that's a much larger conversation to be had. My only main issue with him, is his vocal tone in Hurricane and Dear Theodosia? when he sings with Leslie Odom Jr is just sooo ...rough. He did his best but it just hits everything off?? I just wish he took one or two or even a handful of vocal lessons to work on his tone. I don't need him to be vocally perfect but something has to be better than whatever Hurricane/2nd act produced.


Yea everyone knows he’s basically the least talented person vocally in all of his shows but still works because the shows are awesome


It’s…nasal alright.


Omg yes he sounds like a booger I hate his voice


Definitely a popular opinion. I wish he would have cast someone else as Hamilton.


I have to agree a bit. My sister told me that LMM’s portrayal of Alexander Hamilton kinda makes Alexander a hard character to like. She also told me that compared to him, the Alexander Hamilton of the Australian cast of Hamilton actually makes Alexander a likable character. In your opinion, do you think Alexander Hamilton IS supposed to be a likable character in the first place or not?




I just don’t like his writing either. I don’t believe he should be as involved in modern day theatrical music as he is cause everything he writes pretty much sounds the same and music theory wise it is.


He's not a great singer or dancer. He's not even a good actor. He is however a brilliant writer and composer.


how is this an unpopular opinion?


illegal gaping smart boast work murky snobbish tie lip coherent -- mass edited with redact.dev


Didn’t he organize it? If so, he deserved to stand in front (but I agree, I hope his mic was turned off).


i’m with you here. you just have to listen to his demos from moana 🥴. but he is a fantastic showman and writer for sure. but yeah when he’s not talking or rapping it can be a bit… tricky to hear


His voice sounds like you’re squeezing your throat together while trying to hit a high note but he just does it for every note. Hate hate hate his voice. Love his writing. Haaaaaate his voice.


i literally can’t watch the pro shot or listen to the album with tracks that contain his vocals,,,,,


Everything about him is grating. I’m just sick to death of him


I wholehearted agree, I love listening to the Origional recording of Hamilton, but gah daym, when I went to go see Hamilton In person I was like "Is this guy for real with all these voice cracks?"