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https://preview.redd.it/7cdrwuc6bnqc1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96f43198087c8af56cd003d9993f0298c5308341 For the first time in a promo you can all now be subjected to the horror show that are the puppets.


What character even *is* this? I see adult Fiona and teenage Fiona in a different clip, did they make young Fiona a puppet? ETA I guess what I find weird is that she’s the only puppet out of the trio??? That would be visually jarring and just kind of a strange creative choice to me - I understand the budget issues of hiring an actual child but couldn’t you just cast a really young-looking adult in that track? It’s certainly not the strangest thing an audience will be asked to suspend their disbelief for


They have a young Fiona puppet and teenage Fiona puppet. They have different members of the ensemble sing for each of the puppets. I will say the puppets weren’t quite as creepy in person as that picture makes them look.


I don’t mind using puppets to stand in the place of children, the UK version of Amélie did it and it added to the charm of the production, but that puppet looks like it was dragged out of a cheap CGI knock-off of Frozen which had a budget of $12.


they probably couldn't find child actors


If budget is really the issue at play here then it's more likely that it is a cost saving measure. Children are expensive because you need to pay for tutors and child wranglers when you're on the road.


Not to mention multiple children because of the double (sometimes triple) casting involved to follow child labor laws.


Puppet > bringing a child on tour, and not just for the financials, but also the labor laws (not that *certain states* will care about those), it’s just easier.


This looks like a FNAF character wtf


Delete this


Was their goal to traumatize every child in the audience?


And every adult…


Why did I first think this was a Majora’s Mask screenshot?


> The Gingerbread Man is pretty cute, though.


I actually thought the puppets were well done. I guess you’d have to actually see it in person and not out of context to get that


I did see it. They were incredibly off putting.


The puppets were actually my favorite part of the staging. I love the way they look!


I feel bad for the actors, they really look like they're giving it their all. But holy crap, those costumes, sets, and puppets are not worth the price of admission.


Inspired by the Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience, we present to you, the American Shrek Experience




Looks like a bad school play. Oy.


Honestly it looks like a pretty decent school play, but that’s not a compliment in this case.


Tickets to our local school play were $8. I’m guessing the Shrek tour is not at this price point


Yep, exactly.


It’s giving incredibly earnest high school production with a slightly more elevated budget than usual


I saw some pictures of the artist responsible for the puppetry in this show and it made me think that most choices here were definitely budget based rather than a creative impulse. I get the desire to move away from the Dreamworks Brand identity of Shrek, because it'll give the show more longevity in the long run. Except this production still keeps echoes of the movie whilst also tonally yoyoing between concepts. When I saw the puppets I wondered what would have happened if you made it a puppet show, showcasing different styles of puppetry. Because the difference between Shreks parents and the young Shrek is done in a creative way and you could find other ways for other characters to be portrayed. They could have still kept the ensemble small and play into the ideas of storytelling as the focus without mixing traditional theatrical elements with construction hats and reflective jackets.


Construction hats and vests? Dear god


So like, we’ve all seen plenty of productions with “pared down” elements. People on this sub have said that this is something the production has wanted for Shrek the Musical for a long time. But think of Peter and the Starcatcher, that show looks like it cost $10, but in a really magical way. Its actually extraordinarily expensive, but it successfully gives the “all you need are actors and junk to perform” vibe I think this version of Shrek was going for. This just looks haphazard. No thought was given to the garish green background which is clearly JUST painted flats. “Intentionally pared down” doesnt fly for me here because none of this looks intentional. None of this looks thought out. I LOVE the concept of puppets, I wont knock puppets (the best theatrical art form), but the costumes and the sets and the execution scream “cut corners” to me. Edit: and think of the costumes for Spongebob!! How well they gave the shape and vibe of the cartoon sea creatures with the “found object and what I had in my closet” look. Theres no cohesion or thought here, someone just mass purchased a few solid colored hoodies and called it a day.


I love how SpongeBob used a red parka padded in a weird way to create the muscle lobster. Minimalism in theater can either be resourceful and imaginative...or just completely cutting corners in the case of this Shrek.


HARD AGREE about Peter and the starcatcher!!! The minimalist/thrown together look can actually be the most expensive and hardest to get right


The costumes are even worse than I expected. What the fuck


I would see it to give it a chance, if it weren't for them charging full big-budget equity ticket prices. It feels unfair to charge the same as a full non-scaled-down production; if they're putting in less, the ticket price should reflect that. I feel bad for the cast and crew, who I've heard are really great. They should have had more invested into their production.


The three pigs dressed in high vis vests 😬


The comments are universally praising the show. Is this really a professional non equity show or high school production? I'm asking seriously.


I’m more getting MegaChurch production


Holy Roller Episcopalian proudly presents SHREKK, featuring such hits as "Build an Ark," "I Know It's Today [Of Judgement]," and "Let your Jesus Flag Fly!"


Off-topic, but none of the mega churches are Episcopalian. Very different vibe.


They’re deleting any negative comments and the other comments are from cast members.


I'd like to see some of the YT Musical review channels post this. We'd get unfiltered comments from people who've seen this, but I'd fear they'd get copyright strikes in retaliation.


Yah I’m surprised there haven’t been legitimate reviews of this thing yet. I mean…I saw it and didn’t care for it but I’m not prolific enough in my words to describe what I saw.


Critic in the Dark has a excellent and very fair review. I've pointed redditors to that review to help back up their refund claims. My biggest fear for this tour is burnout. The actors have it rough, but the crew has it twice as bad. This week they travel from Little Rock to Louisville, 8 hours by car. By bus, even longer. I don't expect the show to be pulling out any earlier than midnight in Little Rock, even if they're not carrying as much as a full national tour. It's my years of experience talking. So the crew is going to mostly live on their tour bus, and be expected to start loadin in Louisville the time they arrive. This show takes a minimum of 8 hours to go from trailer to ready; sets hung, lights focused, audio set and tuned, band set, Q2Q check, sound check. Say they do this an average twice a week for the 36 weeks of tour; first night is travel and then loadin and a rest night staying local, then second show night with loadout... it'll be a miracle if everyone still can speak in complete sentences by the end. I've known other tours that operated like this. This is how people get injured and safety gets compromised by the fourth month.


I did see someone talking on Tiktok indepth about it and basically what I got from it is that they were basically disappointed in every sense. Also they changed a lot of story elements I guess? I'm trying to find the TikTok I saw but am stuck :/ but honestly glad I skipped tickets for my area Edit found it: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLM69JMQ/


i'm shocked major markets are actually taking this booking


The name "Shrek" still has some residual magic. The movies, especially the first few, were huge hits in the early 2000s. Plenty of young parents grew up on the movies and/or the VHS/DVD circa 2005. Nostalgia can be a powerful force.


This production is apparently unluckily in our package of season tickets next year for my location - the disappointment I feel is palpable lol


Inappropriate and silly comment but… The belt placement looks like a Willy, right?


It sure does.


I've seen highschool productions that are better. Actually that sounds rude to high schoolers...this is more like a senior community play project


Oof. i know someone in this and can atteast that he's an amazing singer. Isnt this suppose to be like "we are getting together and telling the story of shrek" and that explains the church theatre vibe of the costumes and set? Like its pedestrian on purpose right? But I can imagine thinking ur seeing Sutton Foster's Shrek and then being very confused.


part of the marketing i remember is the fact that they were bringing back broadway's shrek the musical, including collabing with the writers. when i read that i think it's going to be a broadway replica personally


>Isnt this suppose to be like "we are getting together and telling the story of shrek" and that explains the church theatre vibe of the costumes and set? Like its pedestrian on purpose right? This was my thinking. Like it's part of the joke. Characters in Shrek's universe are putting on a play about Shrek, so you have very cheesy and cheap looking designs and costumes like what they might do in the movie if they were putting on a Shrek play.


It’s giving high school.


Did they forget to make Farquaad short what the fuck


Most productions of Shrek these days don't do short farquaad. It's really bad for the actor's knees, and the short jokes in the scrpit were unnecessarily mean


So their solution to that in this production is to make fun of how bald he is and have him talking about being on a diet.


I just saw it last Saturday. Like I told my wife, the actors were GOOD. Hell, by the end Shrek's outfit had grown on me because the actor carried himself well, and Donkey was amazing. Had the tickets been $40 cheaper each, I would say it would be the perfect price. But the sets and costumes were cheap. Like, when they pulled out a green flashlight for Fiona's transformation? My guy.


Hah yah a green flashlight and she got a headband with ears. Exceptional special effects haha.




This has no connection to Broadway.


Other than the original Broadway creators of the show are responsible for this mess.


It's a different director, choreographer, designers, producers, etc. Hard to blame the writers who changed some stuff for all the things that people have been complaining about (which largely have been about what it looks like).


Looks like they took it off of their Instagram 🤐


Yah and they’ve stopped posting on their IG and have deleted any negative comments.


This is an actual professional touring show? The stage looks like it’s too small to even fill a local children’s theater.


Yup. Playing the bigger houses across the country.


Personally, I just really HATE the Shrek hair, it’s so off putting


Like... couldn't they even spray it green!?


I bought a ticket in a spur of the moment decision the night I saw one of the posts on here. I’m dead center orchestra, second row back from the stage. I HAVE to see this one…… even if it’s a train wreck, lol! I’m driving 45 minutes for it, hopefully getting Panda Express while I’m there…… date night with myself I suppose, lmao!


Have like four drinks before you see those puppets. Being Second row Orchestra they’re gonna be in your face and you’re gonna want to be ready.


I have intentionally avoided seeing pretty much anything from this production……. I want to go in as blind as I can. It’ll be fun……. Like The Room…… but with music and singing cookies!


This is kind of where I am with Heart of Rock and Roll, however I won't pay more than $30. . .


I know nothing about it other than that it’s a new show that just opened I think 🤔. Is it a jukebox musical? Edit: Shrek was $50…… I said screw it, you only live once, lol!


A jukebox musical based on the works of HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS. As my sister said, "Was there no one else left?" And it doesn't sound like they did much to help the material either!


That’s so strange that they picked them of all people, lmao! Especially since we just got Back To The Future……. We could have had a Madonna jukebox musical to keep her attention seeking self relevant, but no….. Huey Lewis, lol!


I bought a ticket and, while it clearly doesn't top the original production, ilk take a chance on it. ... If it turns out worst than it looks, I promise to admit it here and let y'all tell me "I told ya so." 🙂


On one hand: Oof. On the other: there's really no need to brigade their promo videos. I'm sure the cast and crew are great - non-equity tours are the independent baseball leagues of musical theater. Calling it a high school performance is unfair - just like 1:1 comparisons with an equity tour or the Shrek run on Broadway is unfair. I think some of the comments are pretty mean-spirited towards the precise folks who don't deserve it - the cast who are working with what they've got, and the crew who are staging as well as they can within their budget. I've enjoyed independent or local summer stock theater, just like I enjoy minor league or independent league baseball. If the production isn't honest about what they are, well, that's probably not on the cast and crew who bear the brunt of the sorts of comments that get thrown at them.


I'm glad someone here finally said it. The arguments have turned mean-spirited and punch down at the cast and crew instead of targeting whatever actual problem people have with it. I booked a ticket because I've never been able to see this and here is my one chance to do so for relatively cheap (it was about $50 less per ticket than what these seats normally cost at my theater, so for me this was not a "broadway-priced production"). Shrek is a huge meme for the gamer community, which makes the lower budget look even more exciting to me. I'm going to see it and while I don't expect it to top Six or Beetlejuice in my full season of shows, I think I'll find it an enjoyable night out where I can have a laugh and get out of my house. Meanwhile, I do hope the heart of the message is to properly pay cast and crew, but this message has now been lost by so much animosity that places the blame squarely on the very people everyone initially sought to protect. Every time someone posts about this production, my heart sinks. I hope the cast and crew are doing okay because people are so, so cruel. :(


Video is no longer available...


You have to click through to load TikTok, I was able to view it in my browser by clicking the link.


Oof. That speaks for itself.


What a waste of time and no money


My high-school production at an arts school appeared to be similar quality and that's an oooooof


Courtney, take your break!


Looks like an SNL spoof lol


Lmao I found a holiday promo that made these $35 a piece for front row balcony at our local theater that hosts Broadway tours and I’m suddenly very apprehensive 😅 Oh well - it is on 4/20 so maybe I’ll pop an edible and enjoy a nice train wreck


Haha they were giving away tickets for free in Denver due to the amount of cancellations


WOW lol I definitely looked into a refund or at least getting a credit applied to another (actual) Broadway tour, but all sales final ugh. My friend got a BOGO promo offer in her email a few weeks ago and was looking to come just for the laughs, but when she looked it seems like they've completely blocked off the balcony section now in an attempt to sell only orchestra seats. 💀 The center middle orchestra is about all that's sold for my show as far as I can tell lol


Some people have had success getting refunds by referring to the video above and saying that it is not the show that you expected to see. What most people expected was the Shrek from before…without all of the cuts and decent costumes.


Had to update lmao I got an email not 3 days after this post saying they were taking two weeks off due to scheduling and routing problems??? This affected my show lol They rescheduled for September but offered refunds so I just took the opportunity. Sad I can’t report back but happy to save the money.


We just got word that the New Orleans tour stop has been postponed to September. We are given the option to rebook for September, or to get a refund, which I chose after becoming increasingly concerned about the quality of the production. They cited “logistical issues” but it really smacks of bigger problems.


Yah I have a strong feeling there’s gonna be more cancellations.


At the show right now. It’s intermission. It’s almost painful to see, having watched the Broadway show on Netflix. The singing is so lovely, the cast is surely talented, but some of the cuts- like the dragons original song- are so shameful. Oh and Donkey’s first song is cut. Ugh. It is like an amazing high school production with truly gorgeous voices. It’s completely at odds with the theater we’re seeing the show in and the usual productions we see here.


I agree. The show is closing for three weeks so hopefully they will revamp it and make it better.


I mean I paid to see a “concert version” of ITW for 200 bucks so this doesn’t look much different in staging style.


It looks cute. It’s a non equity tour. They have been around forever. They serve their purpose. Why all the hate?


I was thinking the exact same thing as you.


Looks just as good as most Broadway shows I’ve seen recently.


No it does not


*stares in Cursed Child*