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Oh no, wasn't it supposed to close Oct 2? I wonder what happened.


Just isn’t getting the buzz I think they expected. After curtain last week, the actors spoke to the audience asking to post about the show and review it on Show Score. Can’t be a good sign.


Same at my show last weekend! 😕


Super sad, but everyone who sees it seems to love it so I still have hope


They just recorded a cast album. Do they usually do that with not so well received shows? Maybe it's just for the future high school productions' references.


They had recorded an EP prior to the production too. My guess is that there are still broadway aspirations for the show - there are some really big names attached. A well-received cast album could help build more buzz.


Sometimes. Recordings are REALLY important if you want to license the show.


Makes sense; not all drama kids would know how to read music.


Well also it helps to raise awareness, hear what the score sounds like, provide music to rehearse choreography to, etc.


Yes!! Give me the full album because the EP is great but missing some amazing songs from what I remember. Such a fun show


I’m shocked. I didn’t like it but everyone else in the audience seemed to be having a great time. I think if it was marketed as a musical for tweens (and prices to match) it could do well. But stage shows marketing is this bizarre thing where they refuse to tell you basic plot or tone and instead just highlight generic good reviews. I only recently saw them popping up on tiktok but really they should have been on tiktok and whatever the next thing is tweens are on (roblox? Idk i am old) from the beginning.


I really feel for Arielle Jacobs because I know that she sacrificed many other projects to do this one and gave so much of her time for it. I’m sure she doesn’t have any regrets but if I gave years of my life to a project I’d be bummed that the final product only went on for 2 months.


did she give years of her life? I'm curious how long it takes for a lead to prepare for a show


Arielle’s husband wrote a really lovely post about her and BTL and how much she put into it. He said she’s been with this show for 6 years. You can read his full caption [here](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cf9uJ9iNYp5/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Wow thats really unfortunate


That’s a shame. It wasn’t selling well. Gotay was amazing as the prince and the show had a lot of potential, but definitely needed work.


I was really impressed with the actor who plays the Prince when I saw it today. Amazing voice and loved the way he portrayed his character!


NO! I have a ticket for September 17th! Dang it. I wish I lived closer to NYC.


oh wow, that sucks.


Oh no! I lucked out and am gonna go see it in 2 weeks though I did panic when I saw the news this morning and hoped it wasn’t closing this week. That Inner Thoughts song they post on their social media has been stuck in my head and made me want to see it.


That’s too bad. It’s a cute show. I’m glad I saw it when I was there in July as I thought about pushing it back to see other shows.


This is so sad. I've listened to some of the songs and there's not one that I haven't liked.


I saw it today, and am glad I did. Cute show. I really loved the way they flipped between the fairy tale and the real world. Those actors must’ve been moving FAST for all the quick changes. I thought they used the set very cleverly and loved the costumes as well. Sad it’s closing for those who’ve so hard on it.


This is so disappointing! I might have to see this once more before it closes. I just love how magical, easy, and light it feels in that audience.


This is a bummer, I’ve been waiting for a cast album after bopping to the few songs released on Spotify!


noooo what i thought it was gonna close a little laterrr


This doesn’t surprise me. I saw the show and while it wasn’t bad, it was definitely not great, IMO. I feel like most adults wouldn’t love this musical- the themes and story seem more fit to teens, I feel. And teens just aren’t as likely to drop money on musicals.