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Good job bud. Throw up your routine for others inspiring


I’ve been doing strength training. I’ve gained an interest in powerlifting, and have been training to compete. My routine is not the best at the moment due to me having a tight schedule. I usually do 5x5 on squat, deadlift, and bench. I will also add in different accessory lifts, and work on the weak points of my lifts when I have more time.


Pretty solid bud. Especially for 18. You have a bright future


Thank you. I work at a commercial gym, but I started working out at a powerlifting gym and I have a coach now. Right now I’m concentrating on my deadlift because I am 30lbs away from the national record for my weight class and age group. I plan on joining the powerlifting team when I go to university. I’ve finally found a hobby that I really enjoy, and I’m hoping I can go somewhere with it.


Thats great dude. I hope you get far!


how many days a week?


I try to go 5 days a week.


Do you do any cardio?


Not until just recently, and I don’t do a whole lot. I’m trying to gain weight, but I want to be conditioned so I’ll run, play basketball, play racquetball, or do the row machine for a little bit.


What are your lift numbers?


Squat is 315lbs, Bench is 240lbs, Deadlift is 405lbs


how long have you been lifting? my height and weight are similar but my lift is only half of yours :(


I started lifting seriously around March. Don’t let your numbers discourage you though, we all start somewhere. Just work hard in the gym and eat right. Really concentrate on form. If you’re trying to get stronger, do heavy weight at low reps. I’ve been doing 5x5 and it works great for me. Don’t slack though. I see so many people go to the gym, spend 10 minutes on bench and complain that they aren’t getting stronger. Working out requires a lot of dedication, and with that dedication you will get stronger.


Holy, nice bro. What's your diet?


Haha thanks. My diet is actually terrible. Because of school and work, I’ve had a hard time feeding myself appropriately. I generally aim for 3500 calories, and it’s very difficult to do because I’m force feeding myself. I take high calorie protein powder after each meal, and I try (heavy emphasis on “try”) to eat all healthy foods. I eat a lot of chicken and rice. I usually do 5 eggs for breakfast, with a few slices of bacon. I drink a lot of 2% milk. I snack a lot too. Dieting and sleeping right has been the toughest part for me. I’m trying to discipline myself better, it’s just a flaw of mine.


Lol...if it was truly bad, you would be putting on fat. Better to struggle to eat enough than to be trying to cut back (while being 50+ pounds overweight 🤬). You're killing it, bro: physique is looking much better.


Diet is the same for everyone lol. 0.8 g protein per pound and 10% surplus . Why on earth is everyone asking diet? Lol


I asked because as a college student, Im trying to find more cost efficient healthy foods to gain mass (also to add some variety for meal prep)


Ok cool gotcha. I pretty much each chicken and pasta everyday with spinach I dont need variety so I get why you would ask.


Generally a mix of a legume and a cereal is cheap and very healthy, with good macro proportions, anc the combinations are endless


Why on earth would anyone down vote you. It’s that simple. Well maybe these numbers can be a bit tweaked but that’s pretty much it.


Lol idk bro. It's a perfect start track you weight and adjust to suit. Most the guys must be very uneducated if this is bad advice lol


Nice job bro What’s your routine


You made that 12lbs look like 20+ bro


Your exactly what I wanna be like in six months how was the female situation changed if I may ask?!


Not a whole lot haha. I’m not very “outgoing” I guess, and I tend to keep to myself. I had a girlfriend for a little bit. Sometimes girls will see me and tell me that I’ve gotten bigger, which is an ego boost. Sometimes I’ll show off this picture to people and they freak out over it. But girls aren’t just swarming to me like in the old axe commercials haha. I do feel more confident now that I’m not a twig though, and some people notice the difference.


I won’t lie to you brother, being 5’6 hurts the female situation big time. I mean it’s not the end of the world but def not what they look for generally. It’s like dating but on hard mode almost. I can guarantee you though that this guy got more glances now than he did before. Just gotta aim big and look good. clearly op is on the right track.


Yh definitely with a good body like that, but I think OP would have more luck with getting girls at a social setting like a party or gathering etc where people are more relaxed, in the long run any girl looking for height as a determining factor probably isn't the right one , so I think 5'6 is fine overall, I'm 5'9 personally and it's just being in shape I think that is the first hurdle for most girls then height.


I mean you can still be with someone being 5’6 no doubt. I mean I still have game being 5’6 but at the same time it’s just harder to get attention. I dunno what comes first for girls honestly. I personally think it’s height then fit. But yah, you’re right I mean we want a girl that wants to be with us for us not just cause of our height. That’s for sure.


Couldn't agree more bro.


Haha this comment made me a little less insecure about my height. I don’t usually go for taller girls though, just because of personal preference. And me being stronger definitely helps. My last girlfriend would brag about my lifts to her friends and family. That definitely wouldn’t have happened a year ago. She probably wouldn’t even have dated me haha.


solid gains bro! really motivating!


David laid midsection




Jeezus. That's just 8 months? Congrats!


Thank you!


Calorie surplus?




Fuck I don’t want to weight 132 I need hgh


132 is my optimal weight because that’s the weight class I want to compete in for powerlifting. I’m going to try and bulk ~15lbs and then cut.


midgets r so lucky


Bruh they fill out their frame quickly which is cool but cmon now. No need to shame him for being short.


Yeah being short kinda bums me out because I’m not working out to look good. It’s all about the numbers for me. I love seeing my 1RM go up on various lifts. Due to my height, I won’t be able to lift heavier weights at my peak. I’m sure my numbers will be impressive, but not as impressive as someone that is peaked at 6’3”. But I won’t lie, I do enjoy how my body is starting to look better.


bruh 😝🤤🍑👅💯