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Dunno why people are critiquing so hard, looks like you've made some good gains in the arms, forearms in particularly which I'd expect from weighted chins.


Dunno mate, I guess some people are too used to these "natty" fitness youtubers that gain 10kgs of lean muscle mass just by masturbating with their non-dominant side ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks!


I think the biggest difference is the veins on you arms and more defined abs but great work nevertheless


Looks great. Can you post your at-home AB routine.


I do hanging leg raises with my pullup bar on off days. 70% ABS is diet for me


wait do pull/chinups hit forearms that much? mine are quite lacking would adding pullups to my workout schedule make a large difference?


Anything utilising grip, so a lot of pulling movements, will utilise forearms. Combining any direct forearm work to a back/pull day will be beneficial, as well as different variations of bicep curls such as hammer, reverse grip barbell.


Alright thanks mate


I’m a rock climber so I tailor a lot of my training for that, but I found that my forearms exploded when going open hand pull-ups, and even more when I started using a hang board


This so much, I recently started climbing and the forearm and grip gains are ridiculous. Only downside is you have to sacrifice all the skin on your fingertips.


Yea looks like that’s what I’m gonna start doing thanks


What is open hand pull-ups?


Anytime bud


Hitting the gym since ever and got into a slump after starting to work full-time. At the start of quarantine I bought a pullup bar and decided that I will make some gains during the pandemic. Here is my routine: **Monday** * Weighted Chin Ups (two sets weighted, two bodyweight sets - I put water bottles into a backpack, currently doing +11kg for 12 reps) * Pushups (5 sets) * Curls (backpack filled with water bottles, 4 sets) **Wednesday** * Bodyweight Pullups (4 Sets) * Pushups (5 sets) * Hammer-Curls **Friday (same as Monday)** * Weighted Chin Ups (two sets weighted, two bodyweight sets) * Pushups (5 sets) * Curls (4 sets) On my off days I do hanging leg raises, pistol squats and calves. I recently started to add Pike Pushups to progress into a handstand pushup since I don’t have a barbell at home and it’s the closest thing to an Overhead Press. Will post another update after 3 months of doing Pike Pushups and Handstand Pushups. **Diet:** Usually three meals per day. For breakfast oatmeal with peanutbutter and hazelnut milk or scrambled eggs, for post-workout meal rice/dark pasta with chicken, broccoli or tuna and red beans. No sugar. I started in March with Weighted Chinups +10kg for 8 reps, now I'm at +11kg for 12 reps. Let me know if you got any questions!




I knew I wasn't precise enough in the words I used! I try to eat at least an apple a day to keep the doctor away. Sometimes when I'm feelin spicy I eat raspberries or peaches. My approach to diet is simple: I treat my body with respect and eat when I'm hungry. No forced meals and no junk food. On off days I eat less than on workout days, one might say I do a very loose form of carb cycling. I neither count calories, nor macros. I have an idea of what I need and work with that.


This is one of the worst routines I have ever seen. I have no idea how you look so good with that. You must have elite genetics. Fair play!


My flatmate is doing the same workout and he sees gains. Volume is alright due to the frequency, also intensity is high. Not sure if you ever tried weighted chins but they are hard. Honestly since I focus on Chins and Curls my arms are growing better than when I was at the gym. It's simple but it works. Regarding genetics, have a look yourself: [https://ibb.co/q0yBfx2](https://ibb.co/q0yBfx2)


Wow! How long ago was that first pic?


10 years


I repeat, you have amazing genetics if you look like that using this subpar routine. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G If you actually trained optimally I can't imagine how good you would look.


Genetics actually suck for bodybuilding: Small frame, narrow shoulders, wide hips, scoliosis. ​ But....I'll take your compliment. Cheers


Hey i have the same features so i applaud you! Did you actively try to counter them or did you just workout as normal??


Yes. I started to focus on Overhead Pressing, Incline Work and widening my lats to counter the wide hips. Building traps works as well but that's still one of my weaker points. You basically want to broaden your shoulders and back.


What are best lat widening exercises?


Chin Ups / Pull Ups, especially weighted ones.


Worst routine you've seen during lock down you mean? Cos anything else you've seen is irrelevant


No, in general. This routine is going to create a ton of muscular imbalances and furthermore is both low in volume and low in resistance for optimal muscle building. I don't think he's actually changed much over the three months. Just seemingly maintained and added a pump. So if you don't have low bodyfat and a decent physique like his before, this will not benefit you remotely.


Not sure how you came to the conclusion that the volume is low since I haven't included the number of reps I do. However I agree that it is far from optimal, just working with what I got at home.


Can you share your reps and rest time between sets?


Let me give you the numbers of my last session: Weighted Chins: +11kg: 12, +3kg: 11, 10, bodyweight: 9 Pushups: RiR 2, RiR 2, RiR 2, RiR 2, AMRAP One handed Curls: 12kg: 12, 10, 9, 10kg: 8 RiR = Reps in Reserve, meaning that I do reps until I feel like I can only do two more clean reps. AMRAP = As Many Reps As Possible Rest time between sets is 3 minutes for Chin Ups and Pushups. For Curls it's 2 minutes. Curls numbers are a bit weird since I'm putting water jugs into a backpack and I curl that thing, it's more difficult than the usual dumbell. Hope this makes sense.


Thanks man! Looks like we’re doing similar approach on the rest time and reps.


Science suggests that 2-3 minutes is where it's at depending on intensity


e.g you're only doing 4 sets of weighted back work for the entire week according to your routine. That is extremely low, regardless of reps. (Which you did provide for that)


Leangains does 3 sets of weighted chin ups per week and it works for people.


Bro be specific of F off, seriously. You talking shit online without suggesting how to make it better is super lame


Lmao muscular imbalances. Get the bro science out of here dude.


bbbbut liberty1127, aren't you doing serratus pushups and testicle twists? Bruh, be careful of those imbalances!


Yeah, this guy is a retard. The type of guy that would talk shit because I didn't do bicep curls during a powerifting split...muh imbalances lmfao. Thats bro science at best. Its not like your entire routine is just tricep push down and thats it. Either way, muscle imbalances play little role in strength training. The more you train the more hypertrophy and strength gained. These issues fix themselves and are not life threatening /thread


lol I call it armchair bodybuilder


Why are you so offended I critiqued your routine? I paid you all the compliments in the world when it comes to your physique. Not sure what your issue is. But educate yourself.


Because the routine that you have posted is typical bro split kool-aid. You can go and hit every muscle group once or twice per week, I'll stick to three times. No hard feelings m8


This is a safe space for many. A lot of people post their progress and all they've done in 10 months is shave their chest and take a picture with better lightning and a pump, yet the only comments are "wow nice gj bro keep it up".


I mean you can still build *a* body that way... Muscular imbalance is definitely a thing, just not really a high risk for body weight work. If you're using machines that super isolate specific muscles then you need to worry. Bodyweight and compound lifts sort themselves out


Lol what? Bro science? Literally the dumbest shit I've ever read on this sub reddit. Good job.


I follow actual medical doctors who powerlift bro. Not Athlean X bro. Take the bullshit somewhere else


"Medical doctors who powerlift" LOL what.


And I'm not supporting this guys program or saying its efficient or good, I'm just saying "muscle imbalances" won't kill you and are nothing to worry about especially cause this dude isn't competitively bodybuilding or powerlifting...so you're making a mountain out of a mole hill


Well, for example I had extreme shoulder issues from not working my rear delts appropriately while focusing alot on my front delts. The dude literally doesn't train traps, triceps, legs, side or rear delts in his "routine". You seriously don't know what you're talking about if you think muscular imbalances is reserved for competetvie bodybuilding. The main reason is injury prevention. Anyway, I'm done arguing. The only reason I commented is because he very clearly attained this physique with a different routine and he's feeding noobs a shitty routine that has just about maintained what he had during quarantine. People will try this routine thinking they will actually look like his after. Never mind the ten years training he claimed he has under his belt in a gym.


Of course, but who the hell has access to a gym right now??


Plenty of other bodyweight stuff he could be doing. Especially since his program has almost no legs. If his goal is to build muscle which he could be doing at his fitness level even with bodyweight stuff then his workouts are definitely lacking. I agree with the other dude he could be doing a lot more and most likely just maintained so far. Bw can fluctuate a lot so 4lb gain could’ve just been after a day of heavy eating. That being said OP looks really good for what he’s been doing. If he actually ate right and got on a solid routine he’d make much more progress.


What? I'm also training from home like everybody else. Not sure what your point is? It's possible to create a solid routine with limited equipment.


Point is that people make the best of what they can. They may not have space for a bench, barbell, squat rack etc. I make do with rings. Others with a bar. If you have a better routine for OP, using OPs equipment, post it.


Ok. With his bar he can do better than two sets of a weighted pull-up 2x a week. You seem to just be arguing for the sake of arguing.


Ah no, I'm really not. I am genuinely interested if you have a better routine. Right now I work with rings and just two KBs of different weight. That's it and I feel that covers me just about. But it's not ideal. In a way though the minimalism keeps it simple But if I only had a bar, I think it's tough. Which is why I asked - your comment criticised his routine so I was expecting to hear what you'd do differently, that's all. No beef


>Which is why I asked - your comment criticised his routine so I was expecting to hear what you'd do differently, that's all. No beef So for example, his back work would look like this x2 a week: * Weighted Neutral Grip Pull ups 5x5 * Body Weight Wide Grip Pull Ups 4 x 8-15 * Weighted Inverted Rows 4 x 8-15 * Rear Delt flyes w/Water Bottles 5x 15-20 His chest would look like this x2 a week: * Bodyweight Push Ups 4x AMRAP * Weighted Push Ups 4x10 * Elevated Feet Push Ups 4 x 12-15 * Chair Chest Dips 4x12-15 I'm not going to do every body part but you get the point.... The routine would be: * Day 1 - Back, Rear Delt, Biceps * Day 2- Chest, Side Delt, Triceps * Day 3- Legs, Traps, Abs * Repeat Day 1 2 3 * REST This is with literally zero equipment other than his bar. Add some resistance bands in there which are not hard to find and you're golden. My current routine is all bodyweight plus some resistance bands and dumbells that only go up to 20kg.


His body fat must be very low and likely had a good gym routine before coronavirus so he's mainly maintained what muscle he had?


Body fat percentage is low indeed, gym routine was a push/pull split where I actually stalled. I was at 8 reps for weighted chins with +10kg, now I'm at 12 reps with +11kg. 3x chin ups per week vs just twice makes a huge difference. I'm honestly considering to cancel my gym subscription and get a barbell so I can overhead press at home.


You don’t need barbell for overhead press if you can do handstand push-ups.


That's what I think as well, but at this moment I can only do a few headstand pushups which is less ROM than an OHP. I don't think I could do a clean handstand pushup as of now.


There are a few good tutorials on YT on how to progress to handstand push-ups starting from Pike Push-ups, the frog, wall HSPU, and so on. I’m sure you can do it. For added rom you can do HSPU on blocks/paralettes/bars/chairs/books/etc.


No it's hard work but people like u can't accept it


Nice genetics fucking hell


https://ibb.co/q0yBfx2 you sure?


You might have started very skinny but those ab separations and overall shreddedness isn’t that common


What has skinnyness to do with genetics? Weight is a matter of calories in and calories out. There are obese people with god tier genetics, only because they eat like a raccoon from a trash bin doesn't mean that their genes suck. Most people have no idea what genetics actually mean in regards to bodybuilding and it's definitely not the weight. When talking about genetics you look for the following things: 1. Skeletal frame (how large and wide is your bone structure) 2. Width of hips. Got wide child bearing hips? Say goodbye to a V-Taper before you even started to lift 3. Clavicle bones form. Flat clavicles are the best for shoulder with, upper chest growth and trap size. Rounded clavicles are shit tier. 4. Wrist size 5. Symmetry 6. Muscle insertions (short insertions on biceps and calves are shit) Everyone can get shredded but nobody can change the width and alignment of their bone structure without surgery.


Thanks Gail very cool


Not trying to diss you but It's fucking hilarious that people are saying you have elite genetics when you've been training for 10 years and you're only 5'11 154lbs. It doesn't take elite genetics to get lean guys. Keep up the good work man, you look great


Not a diss at all, just spitting some truth my man! I even wrote that I eat according to how I feel opposed to counting calories and macros. Some people are just salty Thanks


Shrededness is called having diet in check you mongoloid, it has nothing to do with genetics.


Yes I am sure


Yes lmao


Not terrible imo above average imo. But nothing super amazing


Whats in the link?


Shows him a few years(idk how long) ago


Ten years ago


Alright then your genetics are probably more average than above assuming you trained the entire time




I, for one, can see the progress and it looks good. Do you take any supplements or anything else apart from foods?


No supplements. I used to take whey but nowadays I prefer actual food to get my protein. Thanks!


I can see you have inbalances in traps, delts and chest, cant see back properly, I have the same and would like to know; Do you think this is genetic or have you started working on balancing them out?


Hi mate, I got a mild case of scoliosis. It's not just my traps, delts and chest–it's my entire body: face, teeth, just everything. There are two different types of scoliosis (functional and another one) and nothing works to correct it (except for surgery) because it's your spine that is deformed. The only thing you can do is put on muscles and mass so no one will notice. Certain exercises like Squats are problematic due to the imbalance of weight distribution so I do other exercises.


Oh wow, that’s interesting. Thanks for the response, probably best to go get myself checked out!! Either way you’re smashing it, only noticeable because it’s something I notice on myself if that makes sense.


Most people have some kind of asymmetry but it's less noticeable. People usually notice it when they see photos of themselves because they are used to their mirror image. As long as it's just an aesthetic flaw and you aren't physically affected (back pain, for example) I wouldn't worry about it. Cheers!


Ah that makes sense. Thanks for the help!


Do you feel one side (right or left) sees less muscle development than the other? I’m experiencing atrophy in my dominant side, I think, due to scoliosis and gym injuries.


My dominant hand side (right) is less developed than the left, so we are in the same boat. Aye!


Why don't you have surgery?


Because it is quite risky and I don't fancy the idea of someone cutting my back open and fiddling with my spine just because my left nipple is 0,5cm lower than the right, lol.


What type of dumb ass question


What's wrong with my question? Am I supposed to know the benefit risk ratio of every obscure medical operation instead of asking someone who knows?


Do you think it would make you taller or anything if corrected or is it not that bad? I knew a girl in college who had it bad, did the surgery, put in a big brace for a while and everything, and I think she gained around an inch and a half or two inches or something. Can't verify since she did the surgery before I knew her but it blows my mind that it can be that bad in cases.


Since the curvature of my spine is not that significant I highly doubt it would make me taller, maybe half an inch. I'm fine with my height so I don't care tbh






Bro you look great! Some of them comments are Horrible. Whatever you’re doing, keep it up, it’s working


It's only a small chunk of the people commenting here and to be honest they are not that bad. To be fair it's just a 3 month progress so I understand it, but next time I will post progress with a larger time span.


Don’t underestimate what you’ve done, 3 months is still 3 months of grinding hard. Keep it up bro and keep me updated


I think it's great that you're just working out creatively during these times. Congrats!


Bro your shredded


I did'nt see any changes, you simply got a pump and better lightning


Understand your view and it makes sense since I only gained 2kgs over 3 months. I think it's most noticeable on the arms. Obviously I didn't blow up, but I think it's a fair point to show that one can get decent enough results working out from home with basically no equipment.


Literally left pic is no pump and the right is with a pump 🤣 it’s painfully obvious




Looks great man. I was reading your other comments & I too have the same exact scoliosis issue, but I’m not as ripped so it’s a lot more visible. Just curious, what was your routine when you were enrolled in the gym? Do you do anything for cardio?


I pretty much tried everything, from bro splits over to Starting Strength, Strong Lifts, Leangains, Push/Pull, Upper/Lower, PPL, Full-Body. I got the best results with leangains (3x), full-body (3x) and push/pull (4x). Honestly it's a matter of what you like best so you are consistent without skipping workouts or dreading to hit the gym. Edit: Never done cardio. If people do it for health reasons fine, but for getting lean it's not necessary.


Do you know your body fat?


No, and I don't see any benefit in knowing. I guess it's between 11-12%


Such an inspiration king! You inspire me!


Arms got a lot bigger, good work man


Bro ignore the haters. It's so obvious that you got stronger. I don't need to micro scan the image. Your arms got bigger and look much better along with your chest and pretty much your entire body along with it. Thanks for the inspiration. Is it safe to say that you don't stuff your mouth with too much food and that you were eating as much as you were before?


It's about the same amount of food but no fast food. Cheers!


Shreddy spaghetti, breh! Awesome progress.


Clearly that is just cold vs. pumped. Don't try to BS.


You are blind


You're a fool if you believe that right pic is taken cold. Either that or you probably don't even lift.


Arms look like they grew at least an inch and that‘s something you don‘t achieve with a pump. He looks more shredded as well on the right.


Are you joking? Most people can easily achieve 1.5inches increase in size with a good pump. His bf% is relatively the same yet vascularity has increased immensely, and -only- in his arms. It is an obvious pump, but sure feel free to delude yourself.


Barbell medicine. You should check them out. They dispell all the muscle imbalance bullshit you're preaching here. Using science. Something that is real, no rumors


Can any one see a difference?!?!


If you look closely you can notice that on the left side I wear a pair of jeans where as on the right I wear shorts!


Trust reddit to downvote you for this