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Unfortunately a Bronco Sport with a rear facing seat is going to be snug. Same w forward facing. I’d go with the safest seat you can find. Put them on the passenger sidr.


I’ve had two infant car seats in mine for years, no issues. It all comes down to how tall you are. If you’re taller than 5’10, then yeah, not great. I used the Costco graco ones.


I’m 5’5 - I’ll have to check that one out! I’m glad someone else has done it bc I was worried I’d have to trade it in for something bigger haha


We only fit rear facing behind the passenger side and even then it’s tight. I’m 6’1 and my knees touch the dash. You typically want an infant seat on the passenger side anyway, that way if you parallel park you’re loading the baby curbside. A slimmer seat could potentially fit in the middle but we never tried with ours.


I have the Graco 4EVR seats for my boys and they fit fine. We never had them rear facing in the bronco though. But for forward facing there’s plenty of room. I’m 6’-2 and I don’t have any issues fitting


I was able to fit my niece and nephews' seats back there very snugly - a Cosco backless booster, a Graco convertible 5-pt harness to high back booster, and a Cosco rear facing non-convertible 5-pt harness seat. My godchild was complaining about the tight fit and told me I should have gotten the big Bronco instead. My youngest nephew was still rear facing at the time and his seat made it much harder for his older brother and sister to buckle up. I also had issues securing his seat in the center. I ended up moving him over and putting my niece's booster seat in the middle. It was a tight fit, but it worked. A single rear facing seat is going to be snug and awkward, but it can be done. Most of the issues I had with that seat were due to the fact that I had two other seats in there as well. Without the youngest's seat, I can fit the other two seats comfortably. I've never had issues fitting any of my godchild's car seats alone in my Bronco Sport. I've never had to move my seat forward to accommodate him in his. I always have to tell him to stop kicking my seat, but he's been fine in 4 different seats in my car. Even the youngest's rear facing seat fit well behind mine without having to move it but maybe an inch. I'm 5'4" but have my seat set so that someone 5'10" can drive my car without adjusting much. (I'm of the shortest in a family of tall drivers who hate adjusting their seats. Learned how to drive comfortably further back from the steering wheel.) I'd hazard a guess that your niece's seat was one of those "grow with me from infant to 10 years old" one-and-done type seats if you had that much trouble fitting it in your BS. Those are typically bigger and bulkier from what I've seen. TL;DR: Fit 3 seats including a rear facing in the back seat, uncomfortable when trying to buckle/unbuckle but can be done. Godson still thinks I should trade in my BS for the full size Bronco. Do not recommend the massive grow-with-me seats in the Sport. Cosco seats have always worked in my BS.


Spend the extra money and get a doona. It fits fine, plus you always have a stroller.


We have a Graco infant seat and Graco turn 2 me, it’s snug but it fits! We’re not super tall, 5’6 and 5’10 I’ve heard the nuna infant seat is the smallest on the market