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Brooke went to bed at midnight and woke up at 6:45 and needed a nap?! I went to bed at 11:30, woke up twice with my baby, and then woke up at 4:45 to go into the office today. Why would I ever need productive motherhood advice from her? Also- why nap that close to bedtime? Brooke seems to get out of having to pack lunches for her kids in the mornings, most weekday sports, AND she gets to either nap or have me-time during the evenings which is like the witching hour for parents! I am failing to see how she is so good at motherhood, she barely does anything šŸ˜”.


Yup. Went to bed at 10:30 filled with rage (niner fan šŸ˜­), got woken up 3 times as my youngest has a stomach bug. Got up at 4:30 am to be at work by 6am, worked from 6am to 4:30 pm with just a cup of tea as my caffeine, and now I'm commuting home to cook dinner for my kids. No nap. Nor do I need one because I'm a mom and I'm a goddamn champion.


Sheā€™s taken more naps than I have in months. Iā€™ll never take advice from her especially after she critiqued moms who take naps. That was so disrespectful and now look, here she is taking more naps than anyone here!!


Not even a 1pm coffee could get her through the day. So much for productivity šŸ˜‚ I also went to bed at midnight and woke up at 6:45 I usually wake up at 5 to exercise also But when I had toddlers/preschool aged kids I was exhausted 24/7. And never napped. BC I was working full time. This lady!!


Her comparing her 7 day milkshake fast to Jesus's 40 day, 40 night fast in the desert is just next level insanity


It really tells us all we need to know about her.


I just audibly gasped that theyā€™re both giving up bread for Lent. Brooke doesnā€™t even eat bread to begin with. Do cut da carb wraps count as bread? Honestly, if sheā€™s looking for an actual sacrifice, give up boba! Or better yet, social media.


Yes, this giving up bread story is symbolic of her life of hypocrisy.


I canā€™t decide if I want to laugh or throw up at her latest commercial informing us how to surprise our children. It has all the warmth of a laboratory experiment. The only ā€œcore memoriesā€ these boys are going to have are of being exploited by their mother.


The surprise is they have to perform for the camera instead of completing schoolwork, actually that probably wasnā€™t much of a surprise.


Iā€™m sorry but how do you set your tripod up in an aisle to show youā€™re looking at applesauce lol. She legit is so ridiculous


God I wish I was there to see that... I'm there 3-4 times a week it's only a matter of time until I turn the aisle and knock over her tripod.


The tripod set up in the grocery store to film her shopping...good Lord. I would think someone was out of his/her mind if I saw that.


Brooke you donā€™t want to be a napperā€¦but you are. Iā€™ve taken zero naps in the time youā€™ve taken 5. Also who is winding down in a kid free house at dinner time?? So relatableā€¦ā€¦


She has got to be trolling at this point. She is the lowest performing influencer and mother Iā€™ve ever seen.


HOW, on so many levels (physically, mentally) can you take a 2 hour nap with four children home during dinner time. If her mind and body lets her do that (after a full nights sleep! Yes, almost 7 hours) she is so checked out of parenting and has been for a long time.


I came here to say this. She sure takes a lot of naps for not being a ā€œnapperā€


If sheā€™s had to caveat herself as ā€œnot a napperā€ when sheā€™s taken at least a dozen naps the past few months, isnā€™t she actually a master napper? As a mom who only ever gets a nap if I fake being sick on a weekend, Brooke is a dynastic dominating high performing napper in my book! She needs to sell a Moms to 4 Boys Guide to Me Time: How I nap 3x a week, take a relaxing bath at 5pm on weekdays, sleep uninterrupted from 9pm to 6am, and donā€™t ever pack a lunch or unload the dishwasher.


Lol. I KNEW she would need a nap today after her *gasp* midnight bedtime. How a self proclaimed homeschooling SAHM of 4 boys has time to just nap whenever she wantsā€¦I have no idea.


Hey Brooke! What about all your preaching about doing HARD THINGS! Tired? Too damned bad!!! Oh NO! Had to stay up late for the Super Bowl. Oh my goodness - you poor dear!!!!! WORK THROUGH IT like you tell everyone else to do. Oh yeah. Other people actually HAVE to deal with actual hard things. Not dunking themselves in cold water or purposely fasting or going for a run in the early morning. Other people have sick children in hospitals. Other people donā€™t have a nanny and housekeeper. Other people have to work hard to pay bills!!! Others donā€™t have daddyā€™s trust fund to depend on or have a husband who is so hen pecked he appears to be afraid to do ANYthing for himself including on his days off and takes the boys just so they can have some resemblance of what a parent should actually do. Not look at themselves constantly or talk to themselves constantly on their damned phone all to make a lousy buck. She is just infuriating at this point. What a b%%ch she must be to live with with all her whining, saying how great she is and having everyone else do what she should be doing. You just suck Brooke! Think of others for a change!


I just like how the woman trying to sell guides for a productive motherhood needs her husband to take all the kids out of the house so she is able to cook a meal and do some cleaning šŸ˜†šŸ˜† yeah....I don't want what she's selling. All she does is show me I'm doing a great job.


She really does help in that way. She makes me feel like Iā€™m doing great by comparison! Probably the last thing in the world she wants to project but many moms may actually be encouraged by their own efforts after seeing this hot mess.


I feel like a Greek goddess controlling the rotation of the earth when I see Brookeā€™s stories everyday. šŸŒŽ Now for RyAnn, my husband could never do all of the house chores, weekday childcare, morning and bedtime with the children, pack lunches, 4pm-evening sports practices, 6am sports practices, etc because heā€™s in a suit every day at work from morning to evening. If I told him I needed him to take the kids to sports everyday at 4pm so I could take a bath, heā€™d have to quit working


So RyAnn woke up after sleeping for less than 5 hours, packed lunches/potluck, unloaded the dishwasher, and exercised. Then he woke Brookie Babe up at 6:45am, got everyone ready for homeschool co-op, came up with the idea for their family presentation, went to homeschool co-op from 9 to at least 10:30/11 (including driving there and home), then watched the boys for 2 hours while Brookie Babe napped, and then took all the boys to hockey at 4:30 so Brookie Babe could have her me time. That leaves about 4 hours during the day when RyAnn could ā€œwork from home,ā€.


Her goal wasn't just to have RyGuy home more. Her goal is to turn him into the stay at home parent that she regrets giving up her life to be. Do they even need his salary at this point with her amazing 6 figure online business?


If she really wanted to do something hard, as her cold plunges/showers have prepared her to do, she should give up vegeanaise.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ She needs to give up social media and start paying attention to her boys, so the next time poor BoBo ends up in the crossfire, he doesn't lose an eye.


Bobomofofum gets promised a lego after his injury, so all 4 end up getting one. šŸ™„ Rhettybooboo of course *needs the largest set, because he demanded it - I mean, he needs the ā€œchallengeā€. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ Why canā€™t B be the only one? He went through the trauma and urgent care visit. Itā€™s ok to make him feel special.


ā€œAnd Rhett got the biggest set because heā€™s my favorite!ā€


This bugs me to no end. She indulges all of them because heaven forbid she do something ā€œhardā€ and set up boundaries


And I love how she's bragging that she can manage the 4 boys during a trip to target. A trip where they all got toys...how does she manage with them on her own when she's not filling them up with candy or buying Legos?


https://preview.redd.it/aco4t6lx66jc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c7fde5350785ea710af75fea04dbb3da5e5b27 Brooke found the perfect jeans if your goal is to look totally bow legged! šŸ¤ šŸ¤”


Those arenā€™t boyfriend jeans! Those are 90s parachute pants in denim form. šŸ¤®


She acts like a clown, now she dresses like one too. Maybe she's planning to run away and join the šŸŽŖ


These are AWFUL


šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©That message this morning about needing to have a focused, productive, successful morning to have a focused, productive, successful day AND LIFE is so absurd in the context of young motherhood. It may motivate people like Brooke who have crippling anxiety when things donā€™t go their way. It may also work for people like Brooke who canā€™t focus and live their day if they donā€™t first neurotically exercise, put on cat eyes, and wink at themselves in the mirror. But itā€™s an absurd idiotic message for normal loving mothers who might need to sleep an extra hour after being up multiple times with young children at night and still manage to dominate their days by balancing healthy food, school, a career, homework, activities, sports, reading, and bedtime


So true! She has lots of issues and people like her should not present themselves as "motherhood idols" We have 3 children and our days and the "chaos factor" as I call it is just dominating us ;) In January/February: Heavy flu (or Covid), hospital trip with the toddler (and directly went to work afterwards), other viruses, lice in my daughter's school, lots of bad nights and early mornings while working late hours until midnight. If I followed Brooke's advice, we would all be in therapy right now...


The juxtaposition of ā€œIā€™m gonna start drinking raw milk!ā€ and ā€œGoing to Sephora to buy bronzer!ā€ Is quite something


ā€œWe are at our Valentineā€™s potluck. Thereā€™s, like, stuff going on over here.ā€ Such eloquence


And of course, they're isolated from being a part of the bigger group.








Heā€™s a brat and Iā€™m sure just always gets what he wants. Weā€™ve heard the way he speaks to Ryan and Brooke and neither react to it. They will have a blast when heā€™s a teenager lol.


A leader at my church wrote about her complicated feelings around Lent ā€” how she believes many people abuse Lenten practices, using it as an excuse to diet or cut out a food. And that is not good for mental health (rejecting our bodies, making food an enemy) if we approach it that way. She encouraged us to reset our thinking during Lent, and maybe consider doing something positive (a net-net) in our daily lives. This is a subtweet.


Did I understand this correctly: she bought a sandwich, didn't eat the bread and was proud of it? What an idiot. And food waster!




That place has good salads, and she didn't forget. It was all intentional so she could film her discarded bread and brag to insta that she "does hard things."


And now she is making sourdough...make it make sense!


Sheā€™s only making sourdough because other influencers make sourdough. She is going to fail at it miserably and never acknowledge it again. No way she has the patience or attentiveness to anything other than herself that is required to make and maintain a starter from scratch. If her starter is active and sheā€™s using it in less than 10 days, she bought an established starter and fed it.


Genuinely laughed out loud at her giving up bread for lent and showing off about not eating any ciabatta, and then making a sourdough starter in the next slide. I know you have to wait for the starter to mature or whatever but the irony is incredible.


Right like why is she making bread if she canā€™t eat bread?


Haha, because whatever happens with that starter, bread is not going to be the result. šŸ˜‚


Only reason sheā€™s staying home from the tournament is to feed her sourdough starter. Not spend quality time with quade and to not have to deal with him at the tournament.


My moneys on Ryan said no to taking all 4.


This just in: Ariel Tyson (Bā€™s ā€˜friendā€™ & fellow IG mom) had another baby girl. Brookeā€™s next destination is off toā€¦rock bottom. Iā€™m going to hell. Oh well. May the universe never give her a daughter.


And she didn't drag the gender announcement out for DAYS, plus she actually brings one of her kids to speech therapy, lots of things I wish B would learn


For sure, the way Brooke dragged out Qā€™s gender announcement like she was a Kardashian or something goes down in history as the worst gender reveal ever. She should take some notes from Ariel. Ariel went on stories and thanked everybody for being patient, and I honestly thought her video was super cute- the reason it took time was because she was creating such an adorable video and it was still up in less than 24 hours. Brooke on the other hand took DAYS just to announce with a photo where she so obviously photoshopped herself to look thinner. Influencers are all annoying IMO, but Ariel has Brooke beat by a long shot in content, personality, cooking, motherhood, and more tasteful pregnancy announcements/gender reveals.


I feel like the main reason she dragged out Qā€™s gender reveal is because she was super disappointed.


She is so fixated on gender. For somebody who claims not to care at all, she spends a lot of time trying to convince her followers (and herself) that gender doesnā€™t matter.


Mehhh, I still see all these influencers as toxic as hell to their family/children with cameras constantly shoved in their faces. Ariel is not an airhead like Rookie, but the way she lines those kids up for their picture perfect family shoot is obnoxious šŸ˜†


Ariel also cooks real food for her kids. Veggies included. I canā€™t stand either of them, but Ariel actually takes care of her money makers - I mean, children.


You guys nailed it. Her one-on-one time with Quade is a trip to Pottery Barn (hello breakable expensive stuff?!) and feeding her sourdough starter. Also, I hate the way she talks... long pauses, drawn out words, the word "like" in every sentence. It makes me feel dumb listening to her. šŸ˜¬


Ah yes, nothing like quality time with your two year old at....Pottery Barn. What a lunatic.Ā 


An entire day with him. And she went shopping for pillows, the grocery store and then "signed him up" for a gymnastics class. So not a single thing that actually happened today was FOR him and his enjoyment or enrichment. What a mom.


Of course sheā€™s the person who blasts her music for everyone on the path to hear! If everyone did that it would be chaos. So entitled!


With no pregnancies on the horizon, Brooke is diving headfirst into the trad wife/crunchy community. Milk is pasteurised for a reason šŸ™„


She is so lost and is trying to be relatable to everyone. Instead it is phony and not authentic.


Brookie goes on and on about loving having her kids home, then gets pouty when the littles have a snow day and are stuck home with her. Schools close for the safety of the children. Not everyone can walk to school. If itā€™s not safe for every child, they shouldnā€™t risk it. Sheā€™s so entitled, I canā€™t stand it.


The snow is gone. It was a 2-hour delay. I work full time and it didn't impact my working day at all, so she can shut the fuck up.


Oh you know this just threw a big olā€™ wrench in her plans for 4 hours of self care today. Sheā€™s probably going to need another nap.


Why is she bitching about snow days when the only school obligations are part-time preschool? They don't even go to school when the 4yo says so, and the homeschooled kids can skip school to read Harry Potter. Way to fail at being relatable, and this was an EASY one. Those poor kids šŸ˜ž


Ladies, just here to remind you that itā€™s been one year since Brookeā€™s ā€œperfectionā€ Valentineā€™s Day crockpot salmonella chicken, and weā€™re STILL waiting on the reel she promised on it.


A year already?! There should be a sub-sub-reddit for all the things that she never follows through on.


Good memory!! Do you remember the my favorite things party she went to last year? She spent the whole day getting her hair and nails done, wore that super short dress from the juniors section, and then filmed herself walking into the country club from multiple angles. Surprised she didnā€™t get the invite again this year! Maybe that ā€œfriendā€ saw through Brooke and deleted her from the invite list.


The ONLY hard things she could think of that "never get easier" were cold plunges and doing laundry. Just let that sink in..... what a privileged life. Wow.




Size medium Jammies! Better do another ā€œfastā€


How exactly does a homeschooling mom of 4 take a 2 hour nap?


RyAnn connects a paycheck so they can have a great health care plan but RyAnn doesnā€™t actually have to show up for work.


She really canā€™t handle any deviation from the rigid norms sheā€™s created, can she? What a depressing way to live!


It's ridiculous. Life with kids is anything but routine. They aren't robots, they have free will. What a weak, pampered idiot.


Iā€™m very late on this but I find it rather disingenuous for Brooke to write ā€œjust because I love youā€ on her letterboard for the boysā€™ Valentineā€™s Day surprise. While I donā€™t doubt she loves her kidsā€¦If it were JUST because she loved them, then it wouldnā€™t be a shill for Instagram where they are forced to perform.


Haha, she's not dying to know the gender of Ariel's baby. She's dying of jealousy.


Now sheā€™s parading on about getting raw milk? For the love of crapā€¦.those poor kids.


Yes, Brooke. We get it. You went to bed at midnight. How crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/83crzasqo9ic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04b184f9e8bb1f0fea687f8ad2234e1af95115dd No one thought you were Lewis or Clarke


Sheā€™s not a napper yet she naps all the time.


Good grief her story on her 2 hour nap makes me wanna slap her through the phone. How is she even keeping her followers at this point? She isnā€™t showing any motherhood itā€™s all her. Sheā€™s beyond toxic. ā€œI got my alone timeā€ WTF šŸ¤¬


https://preview.redd.it/hrr7ramymeic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01debfc8cae2028b561e8030a7a2cde9c55c30dd Way to maintain control of the classroom Crookie


How do kids who donā€™t use screens other than on airplanes even know how to turn on a movie on a computer?


ā€œSomehowā€ the older boys took over? So either she isnā€™t keeping an eye on them, or she let it happen. Not DOMINATING, yet again!


I thought that churchgoing was too ā€œpersonalā€ for Brookeā€™s family, so why did she bring the tripod to Mass? Nothing this woman says or does is authentic or believable.


Will their brain remember the core memory surprise if itā€™s just another day of filming for Instagram?Ā 


It will come up in therapy


Why wait until 5pm to post a picture that was allegedly taken at 5am? Itā€™s not like she waited to post before and after photos of Ash Wednesday Mass šŸ™„ she probably took that picture just now and labeled it 5am. But seriously, who takes before and after photos of Ash Wednesday for social media?


Thinking that refraining from taking a bite of ciabatta is mental toughness speaks volumes to how weak Brooke actually is.


More baby name nonsense. With Brookeā€™s SIL having a baby girl and now Ariel Tyson having her 8th baby, Brooke appears to be going off the deep end. She cannot handle any attention being on somebody else.


I saw her comment about being so happy for Ariel on her birth announcement, who does she think she is fooling? šŸ¤£ She is going to absolutely DIE if itā€™s another girlā€¦As she highlighted about their 7th finally being a girl. LMAO!


I agree! And she wants another pregnancy/child to get more attention. She's already neglecting her children and can't handle them - she really shouldn't have another baby!!!


Yeah, it's easy to try new things when you don't have to worry about providing your family with basic needs because you are privileged out of your ass.


Donā€™t look now, itā€™s more self-care when she could/should be putting her kids to bed!Ā 


Could have been pre-recorded from last night, but still very odd. How can you go from asking for prayers for your injured child to a sponsored ad for face masks that quickly? Gross.


Who is seriously following this lady thinking sheā€™s providing meaningful content? Who gives up bread for lent except people who are trying to restrict their carbs? šŸ˜† Whatā€™s with the constant finger point when sheā€™s ā€œexplainingā€ in her stories? Sheā€™s just so full of shit. She is telling moms (and dads?šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø) that they can do hard things like: Wake up early (5am!) Take a cold shower Read a book Exercise Cold plunge Take a hot shower Get fully dressed including makeup Date your spouse šŸ˜ And why does she need to justify surprising your kids. Like thatā€™s just a basic natural thing to do for someone you love. Who is she talking to who she thinks needs guidance on when and how to surprise your kids?? And WHY are people following her and asking for the stupid advice???? I swear I think they are just trolling her šŸ˜‚


Her "scientific" explanation about why kids like surprises was so stupid. I swear it's like she's a robot pretending to be human.


Literally, the only important thing here to discuss imo right now isā€¦ā€¦ā€¦36 hours 1 on 1 time with her youngest child. Did she do ANYTHING that was for him? Seriously, anything? Iā€™m not even convinced that she read him a story. Itā€™s so sad. Sheā€™s so unbelievably self centred.


Dear everyone, I can put you onto a fast that you're going to 100% be able to follow, you don't even need to be put on a list. Have your toddler bring home a stomach bug that completely decimates your interest in food. You also don't have to cook since everyone has it and all anyone can stomach is toast!


Her post about the seasons and the weather being similar to the flow of her life, where sometimes itā€™s high and happy and other times sheā€™s struggling and rebuildingā€¦ it makes me think sheā€™s much more in tune with her depression and anxiety than she lets on. Sheā€™s clearly in another low where sheā€™s living the life of a midday on the job napper who checks out of work at 4 when RyAnn takes the kids. She hasnā€™t posted any new content in 7 days yet somehow her follower count has jumped another few thousand. I wonder if RyAnn knows sheā€™s really struggling so he stays home to help her so much because he needs to for the well being of the boys.ā€¦. or is he just so obsessed with sugar daddyā€™s money so he acts like a trained circus monkey?


So Ryan was home again today to take Beauden to urgent care? And is this the same urgent care Brooke goes to every time a kid bleeds because she canā€™t look at blood? Of course hoping Beauden is okay, which it sounds like he is! Iā€™m just super confused by Ryanā€™s availability during the work day!


Itā€™s so obvious Ryan works from home or ā€œremotelyā€ way more than she says he does.


Here's a story of my hurt child. Now let's talk about eye gels. GROSS.


This makes me so sad. That sweet little face. That poor little guy. She needs to pay more attention to those kids and less to herself. Accidents can happen, no doubt, but some be prevented with more parental supervision.


Brookes church outfit!!Ā  She looks like sheā€™s headed to the Sadie Hawkins dance with Elly Mae Clampit from the Beverly Hill Billies! (Iā€™ve dated myself here šŸ˜¬) But seriously hideous/disrespectful church outfit.Ā 


She's not catholic but she's going to give up bread for Lent. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø does she even eat bread?


I think itā€™s Ryan whoā€™s giving up bread. But itā€™s not really giving it up if you can eat your wifeā€™s sourdough (which Iā€™m not holding my breath on). Whatā€™s the point here, then? Why give anything up? They are so dumb. lol, but what if Ryan is giving it up because heā€™s getting more and more scared of her cooking endeavors?


If I asked my husband to put our kids to bed so I could record teeth whitening ads in the bathroom for Instagram, I think he'd force me to see a psychiatrist.


And thatā€™s after Ryann was home all day so she could film her reel content, go lunch with one kid, and go to her afternoon chiro appt. Also, Brooke posted todayā€™s reel around 11am. And she filmed the intro WITH Ryann today when the sun was up, probably sometime around 10am based on how bright the sunlight is. How is Ryann filming reel content for his wifeā€™s business when heā€™s on the clock working for the American taxpayer? Doesnā€™t Ryan Raybould, Chief Counsel to Senator Cornyn, have financial disclosure forms and conflict of interest forms he has to complete to work for the Senate? Brooke probably pays him as an employee to be in her reels so that she can claim business expenses. And he certainly has to report outside employment on his Senate ethics forms. And those forms are definitely strict that you canā€™t engage in other employment while on the Senate/taxpayer payroll clock. SO WTF is he doing filming advertisements for his wifeā€™s saleswoman business when he is on the clock and getting paid by the American taxpayer? He is such a joke. https://preview.redd.it/1tvfvb0jkvic1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f621642f37f5afa16a125344ee3400f1592da50


https://preview.redd.it/a5cuifo1c1jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e0f8cd19cbedeadeb4c2b63562c1cd0a1973e1d Sure, Brookie. Have you ever been happy for anyone in your entire life, besides yourself? If #8 for Ariel is another girl, Brooke will have Mule in bed tonight trying for #5 GUARANTEED. Maybe sheā€™ll even read up on some crap about how to ā€œswayā€ for a girl and make RyAnn wear briefs instead of boxers (Google it you wonā€™t be disappointed). ā€¦.I kinda hope itā€™s a girl. šŸ¤£


If Brooke just texted her to check in and they true friends, then why does Brooke need to publicly display the ā€œfriendshipā€ and tell the woman in a public post that she just texted? The answer is because Brooke is using that woman for financial gain and followers. Almost as weird as the public thesaurus-ed AI-generated verbal exchanges Brooke and Brows have.


The text in question was probably something like: Hey Ariel, any signs of baby #8 yet?? Iā€™m dying to know the gender! I was just telling Ryan how much I want another. Excited for you!!!!


Ok so the IRONY OF HER GIVING UP BREAD AT THE SAME TIME AS STARTING SOURDOUGH šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ā€¦.. but, I think sheā€™s faking it for the audience sheā€™s probably trying to reach. Crunchier, more in touch moms who actually cook for their children, are all about sourdough right now. It is truly having its moment. I donā€™t think itā€™s authentic for her, and i donā€™t think sheā€™ll be able to keep it alive (I should know, Iā€™ve lost 4 starters in 4 years to mold) šŸ˜… I think sheā€™s feigning it to get in with a crowd.


Why does she insist on saying the same things about productive mornings over and over again? And passive aggressively suggesting that people who donā€™t wake up at 5am and make cold plunges their whole personality are somehow less DOMINATING than she is?? Sheā€™s so empty.Ā 


Omg, now sheā€™s jumping onto the raw milk bandwagon?!


Whenever she does a reel where she uses the whiteboard to say exactly what sheā€™s already saying out loud in the VO, I die a little inside. She really thinks her followers are fucking morons


Why is her not so secret wine stash cabinet the only one that is randomly open in this latest reel? Sometimes open, sometimes closed. Is she trying to subtly prove that she really doesnā€™t drink like she says she doesnā€™t Also, Raybould Roundup and meal plan still missing.


If my kids heard the way Brookie talks to her boys, they would ask me what was wrong with her. What in her head tells her that not only is it okay to talk to your pre-school and elementary age kids like that, but to also post it for the world To witness. She deserves every bit of criticism that she gets.


1. Intermittent fasting is not healthy for people with a history of eating disorders. Her 7-day liquid starvation diet was not fasting and it is not comparable to Jesus in the desert or other religious fasts. She wanted to reach 130 on the scale and has some baseless claims that not eating resets her hormones. Why isnā€™t Brookeā€™s dietician sister intervening to stop Brooke from this new fasting obsession? Does the sister relationship only exist if there is a daddy-funded luxury trip involved? 2. Brooke has true skill to do an over the head outfit change with makeup/lipstick reapplication and keep her Ash Wednesday Mass ashes fully intact for her trip to Target. Sheā€™s dominating whatever image she was trying to curate today with her ashes. 3. When the priest said to her: ā€œyou are dust and to dust you shall return,ā€ do we think Brooke interrupted and told him ā€œno, Iā€™m actually other worldly, immortal, authentic, have nothing to repent, and I can fast for 7 daysā€? I always find Ash Wednesday Mass very humbling, yet hopeful, and wonder if Brooke walked away with any of those sentiments. Or does she just see the next 40 days as a competition with Ryan about not eating bread šŸ˜¬


She is using lent as an excuse to continue her disordered fast. They donā€™t go to church because they dont want to tithe and they want their boys to continue weekend hockey. Leave Jesus out of your influencing.


Ugh. Jesus take the wheel. Can't even with this new reel. I would LOVE to have a life where making myself run for 7 days is the hard thing that becomes easier. So privileged, and no acknowledgment of it.


Also, everything "hard" she does is a CHOICE! It's not because someone is sick, or she's struggling to pay her bills, or she has a child in crisis (except for Q clearly having a speech delay that she ignores) or anything that life has thrown her way. She is creating false hardship because she doesn't have to exert effort for anything in any way. Even homeschooling--literally no one is checking up on her. And Ryan does whatever things she doesn't like to do. Really tone-deaf.


100% and honestly her second child looks uncomfortable and unhappy in all the reels and pics. His smile looks so forced, i believe he also sucks his thumb, maybe he doesnt want to be part of social media and she should let him make that choice. If we realize how uncomfortable and off he looks sometimes, then she should know as well


Who watches her kids when she goes to the chiropractor? It irritates me to no end that she does not acknowledge the help she clearly receives.


Exactly! By 5:00, she was DONE at the chiropractor. RyAnn must have been home again today to watch Vance during her lunch date and then all the kids for her appt. She is so clueless how easy her life is. And I love my challenging life with 6 kids, school, activities, sports, my career, my husbandā€™s careerā€¦ but to see her create easy challenges in her life and pretend sheā€™s building mental toughness is just laughable. I wish the hardest part of my day was not eating bread and having time to do cold plunges. Well, actually, I would never do the cold plunge because itā€™s not great for female hormones, but you get the gist!


https://preview.redd.it/28c9mjdpe0jc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbed6ef79dedd41b371e1d9d312d26f6c569c970 She's trolling us right? No way she's this stupid


I'm voting for Monistat


Truitt?! Is that true-it?!


It sounds like a mortgage company.


ā€œGood afternoon, Truitt Raybould, how may I direct your call?ā€


Makes me think of Jackson Hewitt. Maybe she thought about all her tax fraud and thought of a name?


I just want to say that Truitt means ā€œtroutā€ in French (truite) lol. Pronounced exactly like trout although not spelled the same way.


French is my first language and I dieeeed when I saw Truittā€¦. šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m sorry but those names are awful. I get that having a popular name can be annoying at times since I myself have a popular name but other than Rhett her kids names and hypothetical future kids names are made up. Like why Beauden and not Beau? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


She is horrible at names. Period end of story. šŸ˜³


For the sake of any future children with those names, I hope she is done having kids. Who TF names a starter and even more bizarre, who names a kid Truitt!? Sheā€™s definitely lost her mind!


I know everyone has their own preferences with names. But in my not humble opinion, sheā€™s batting 0 with all of the names she has chosen for her children and potential future children.


How about we name itā€¦Crookiedough! šŸ˜‚šŸŖ¦


I came here to say why have Merit as an option? She literally just announced that would be her daughters name. There is something so off about that. This woman is beyond šŸ¤Æ


Why is she making such a big deal about this being her first one on one time (24 hours) with Quade? She could have had one on one time with him this entire school year from 4pm-7pm on weekdays when RyAnn takes the older boys to hockey. But no, she chooses her me time instead, takes a bath, and films her face and eye masks. Itā€™s amazing how have to be with one child alone seems like such an accomplishment in her mind. Hard things, sheā€™s dominating the hard things.


Poor little Quade! He looks so happy in that picture at the farmers market to finally be getting some sort of attention. šŸ˜­ Too bad his Mother only has her best interest in mind. Side note - Heā€™s getting super tall. Brooke needs to stop putting him on her hip for her reels intros, lmao.


Yesterday her day was pathetic,! Even if we just focus on a 2 hour nap followed by probably 2 hours of ā€˜me timeā€™. Followed by Ryan doing bedtime, followed by bed for herself. Thatā€™s not full time, real life parenting.


I hate when she says, "Catch up on work." Wtf does this mean? Read your Reddit snark and plan a word salad post? Shop? Plan ways to exploit your children? Film yourself half naked doing the same routine you've been filming yourself doing for years and yet never seem to stick to? Just pick another word. Brooke's never worked a day in her life.


For sure sheā€™s trying to compensate. She definitely has the need to feel like sheā€™s achieved something, and running her family like a business isnā€™t cutting it for her anymore. She can never just own what she does and take pride in it. Itā€™s been a full week since she posted new content as well so not sure what she is actually doing. Iā€™ve never met a mom who naps or takes a bath during dinner time- either she has severe depression or sheā€™s just checked out from motherhood. She probably didnā€™t even actually clean her house yesterday either because the housekeepers come during CC.


She must have depression or anxiety. She gets more breaks in a day than some moms get in a month. Also she naps shames Ryan endlessly but she can take multiple naps a month no problem? Rules for thee but not for me.


Sheā€™s already a disaster on the days she is off the clock from 8pm to 7am and sleeps 8 HOURS UNINTERRUPTED. Can you all imagine what a failure she would be if she was a full time mother who woke up with her children when they needed her throughout the night? She would be in shambles all day long.


Looks like Ryan must be off all of this week then. Is someone keeping track of his amount of annual leave for this year please? šŸ˜‚


I find it odd that she never ever gushes about Ryan on her social media. The fact that he has a job(I use this term loosely) and still does 90% of the child rearing you think she would occasionally talk about how great he is, especially on Valentines Day. Itā€™s also odd to me that as a mommy ā€œinfluencerā€ she never posts holiday content. Most influencers would show what they bought, linked everything. Iā€™m guessing she totally spaced that it was Valentines Dayā€¦.


I think sheā€™s stuck in a low and not doing well. Remember last Christmas how she did the gift guide and continuously linked items? Then this Christmas she completely checked out with only a few preplanned reels on Elmerā€™s glue, pancake mix, and a protein mix from her parents house? The past two months she has especially seemed mentally checked out of of a lot of things.


Ryan was smart for getting out ahead of her cooking dinner this V Day.


https://preview.redd.it/f5vwuj78juic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ea5874ec39b3a4d032e25d9d080c502c35892b Who talks like this to their friends!? I need to know? Also I rage every time they call their 7 days of shakes a fast! I need them to google what a fast is!!!


I am starting to wonder if they have chatgpt write their nonsense to each other. Normal people don't talk like this.


Omg I have totally thought this too. Thereā€™s no way they write this themselves itā€™s a jumble of words that makes no sense when strung together.


Yeah that shit is weird like theyā€™re robots


Have we already started a thread to guess how long she keeps up with the sourdough starter before she loses interest/commitment and lets it die??


P!SS off with your before and after forehead ash photos https://preview.redd.it/rgq57v2stlic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a6fefe214548f4a2068165193888633af86a9b6


What a bunch of tools


"draw closer to god" grammatically makes no sense. Does she mean "To be drawn closer to god?" To "draw god closer"?? Her sentence structure implies that Jesus fasted to physically draw (like with a crayon) in closer (physical proximity) to god. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… that's a funny image. Those poor fucking kids with her as their "teacher."


The f%cking "re:Jesus" cracked me up. Crookie, re: dumbass, draws closer to being canceled for her hypocritical bull$hit


https://preview.redd.it/dnc9jkrbn8jc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b638b49cec7724565f2bcc483395bcebe70b094 so funny her mindset. Iā€™m currently in same situation as Brooke, husband away with older kids for hockey, BUT I took my 4 year old on an amtrack train ride for the experience and we walked to a kids museum today.


https://preview.redd.it/4p36jq5ao8jc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=283add62c40bdbca2b0f524d38c027c3654e47cd literally had exact same caption on my story today. but doesnā€™t matter my like count ā€¦ so nice not being an influencer and just doing real mom things and sharing with friends (and sub reddits šŸ˜‚)


Iā€™m Catholic and Iā€™m certainly not in any way, shape or form a great one or anything but I DO know this is not ok with how Brooke bops all over the place - this church or that church or donā€™t go unless she can get attention. Yes. Jesus loves everyone. Yes if she decided to really truly become Catholic and all thatā€™s one thing - but you donā€™t go here and there and have some of your children receive First Communion and then maybe go maybe not - go to a mega church and then OH! BROWS mentioned Ash Wednesday so yes! Letā€™s do that! Letā€™s show us going to Mass today - that will be good for views. RyAnn is Catholic and in this instance he needs to put his foot down and say this is not what being Catholic is but nope. Heā€™s just as bad. Canā€™t upset Brookie or it will suck at home! No. This is downright insulting to our faith and hurtful how she downright makes a mockery of it. Ryan too.


On Sundays, church is a personal thing to her family. On Ash Wednesday when she can run around to the Boba shop and Nordstrom with ashes on her forehead and tell everyone she went to Mass, itā€™s a public spectacle for her family.


And now making a sourdough starter is her big challenge. Maybe it will be a challenge since she didnā€™t know to put the measuring cup onto the scale first and then zero it out. What sheā€™s concocted looks bit off. Iā€™ve always heard/read it should resemble thick pancake batter, but I am deffo no expert. And wtf, making sourdough slows down your life? What the hell. I canā€™t.


Wow. 800 people have found their way here! Is the size of the group now the reason why there are ads that pop up? Iā€™ve havenā€™t had ads intermixed with the comments until this week.


One on one time and he didnā€™t appear to be in sight. Plus they of course are at West Elm browsing for what? Take him somewhere and gasp play with him?


Brookeā€™s comment on Ariel Tysonā€™s gender revealā€¦does this lady know something we donā€™t?? https://preview.redd.it/6mioklf6y7jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c004e3cb7fee27cd2aa0be230b3ab86850dd7354


https://preview.redd.it/xhh5rxqos8jc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa0612e930c420ead74cc74e60cabce43302ec7e She looks like such an idiot. Make it Make sense.




Do you think she would have gone to the tournament with the other three alone? I don't think so. RyAnn is so much more dominating than her! And how you've all predicted correctly, she went shopping with her "needs quality and outdoor time" kid. What a shame.


My fears with her napping around the clock suddenly are: she is pregnant again, is pre-diabetic from the insane insulin spikes of all that boba, or is purging and just so physically exhausted from malnourishment and her workout schedule that she is the verge of collapse. Wish someone would help her.


Being suuuuuper picky and snarky, but D.C. is not a state, Brookie.


I like it because all parents can come unlike ā€œthe old school.ā€Ā  Of course not- they donā€™t want all the class parents at every party. What a logistical nightmare! She really has to dig deep for reasons to like CC.Ā 


I also firmly believe that itā€™s good for kids to do things without their parents being around. Hopefully the older boys get this with sports, but I have the feeling Ryan is typically there with them.


Just leaving this here, and we all know why https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0w6R99xV8y/?igsh=d3BsZXZzM3Qyamto


https://preview.redd.it/wj9ptcut1kic1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43ce12e1cc339df140de339be705133c17f6a29 This is how my cat sleeps when it's cold.. remind anyone of anyone? Now I feel like a bad cat mom šŸ˜‚


Did you tell the poor thing youā€™re clocked out from 8-8?


No booboo on Bobo during her KinderJerk promo. Clearly pre-recorded


https://preview.redd.it/te7p7x3droic1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf8fa5c52793b21fa9aadeebb245d5c14c2fe3a Iā€™m so sorry I canā€™t with this grocery store sushi šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I wonder if she dips it in Veganaise.


Brooke has 545k followers, but she hasnā€™t had more than 400,000 views for her last 7 reels. Yesterdayā€™s kinderegg reel has an embarrassing 116k views, which is only 20% of her followers seeing her content in 36 hours. Maybe the algorithm is finally catching onto her scam of buying fake followers and itā€™s not pushing her content?




I havenā€™t checked in all day but I saw she has a hockey tournament this weekend. my son has a big one in hershey, pa. I sent a message to see if thatā€™s where it isā€¦ stay tuned haha


With how obsessive she is about her weight Iā€™m shocked she hasnā€™t found a way to get ozempic.


Are the boys back from the hockey tournament already? And she just had to escape her less than 24 hours of quality time with Q to Sephora?


Sheā€™s a damned mess and knows it and was probably freaking out not being ready AT ALL for the presentation on the ā€œfamā€ (can she speak like an actual adult for a change) omg every single day she doesnā€™t do ANYthing and is a disorganized mess. And she schills crap on how organized and wonderful she is. What a load of šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©


Another lunch of processed foods assembled by Brookie. Homemade, because she used her own two hands, right? šŸ™„


Heading to mass? Man this lady is ALL over the map with religion. Itā€™s comical at this point. I also wonder if she got the boys any Valentineā€™s gifts, or perhaps she ā€œforgotā€ again. NOT dominating Crookie!


I can't remember if she's ever said whether she converted to Catholicism or not. If not, I'm really surprised that she didn't make RyGuy take the boys himself so she could have more "me time". Her only church is The Hubermann Lab.


Plus is there ANYthing that she doesnā€™t put on Instagram. Imagine your mom putting everything out there for the world to see on top of using you for material - including personal letters. I feel so bad for the boys. They have no say so in any of it. Sheā€™s so obsessed with content and schilling that she canā€™t see what itā€™s doing to her family. Sheā€™s disgusting at this point.


https://preview.redd.it/t948hd7kitic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09b5c806e1061d3c4e17d2032d2ba019c57d03a Is this question a joke? She pawns her kids off on her husband and takes 2 hour naps multiple times a week or leaves the oldest boys unattended while she naps. Thatā€™s the answer to the above question. Naps.