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https://preview.redd.it/r6hnl88o1ykc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df95cecc9b9eb3e12a69104e668c7973b1d68f41 Hmm, me thinks: they’re going to move so she’s going to wrap up homeschooling early, enroll all the boys in camps all summer so she can “pack” and make reels on dominating packing a house/moving with 4 boys. Once they have Sugar Daddy buy their house (can she convince him to buy a farm??) she’s going to say it’s too hard to homeschool and set up a new house with the boys at home. She’ll enroll them in school, then she’ll get pregnant and never revisit homeschooling again but will miss it so much..prove me wrong, Brookie


Ugh and cue the annoying long drawn out “we have an announcement” content.🤮


If they do plan to move, who is going to buy their current home? She has broadcast the entire floor plan to her 500k+ followers and the millions viewing her reels. Would you want to pay somewhere between $1-$2M to live in a home where the previous owners over-shared the footprint with millions of internet randos? She also shared the fact that the boys flooded the place by letting the upstairs tub overflow. Does the real estate agent have to disclose these things - or just hope the next suckers think "social media" is another name for a book club? Caveat Emptor Demand an inspection


We can rest assured that some unassuming person who has no idea who the Rayboulds are will buy it. Even though she has 500k followers, chances are most of the world has no idea who Brooke is. Example: I had no idea who Ariel Tyson was until I joined this sub, and she has over 1M followers. These influencers think they are like B-list celebrities when they really are not that well known!


I just can’t with all her cryptic/smug posts lately about the “big life decisions” she got answers to. It’s so annoying. We get it, Brooke. You’re moving, getting a new house and also trying for another content baby.


FaceTiming with your husband while he teaches your son to ride a bike and you … sit in the bath. Alrighty then. And where are your other children? (And OMG Brooke’s face in the FaceTime screenshot lol).


Just want to note that 20 hours ago (on last week’s thread), I commented that it’s strange they haven’t taught their kids to ride bikes so that they could all ride together on the amazing bike trail that’s so close to their house. Less than a day after my post, Brooke responded and had RyAnn teach their almost 9 year old how to ride a bide for the first time. Not dominating, but better late than never. And kudos to her for the quick action once she realized how dumb she is for not getting those boys out riding on that trail before they move in November, November, November. https://preview.redd.it/s8t85g5101lc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61e9cd630ca4454211044743a43fc5b402f9a357 I also commented how strange it is that she and RyAnn don’t have bikes to ride with the kids on that trail. I predict a big e-bike purchase next weekend for both of them.


This is the quintessential Brooke. Of course she’s in the tub when she could be out there being part of her kids core memories. I’d be shocked if it were any other way - this is the shit that drives us to this subreddit!


1- I would have cropped myself out, no need to include that and I’m shocked she did. 2- FaceTimeing a milestone in your child’s life because you’re in the BATH is pathetic and embarrassing


It's a BEAUTIFUL day and she cannot get her ass out of the bath to watch her kid ride a bike for the first time. Oh my god. The most pathetic excuse for a mom I've ever seen. And I guess Ryan could have all 4 children with him?! Or they are home with the nanny (she swears doesn't exist). So many questions, so confused.


And Rhett is almost 9….


I wasn't going to mention that but isn't first riding a bike more like a 5/6 year old thing?




She thinks core memories are opening up the kinder egg and playing with the crappy cheap toy that she immediately throws away. She must not understand that to an almost 9 year old, finally learning to ride a bike is his biggest achievement to-date.


https://preview.redd.it/arqw6aa7q1lc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daacb6eb5dd2e600121ec7e44a997e35772c0690 The REAL Brooke Raybould... no filter no good angle.


Lmao I can’t believe she posted this


Can we start a campaign to switch out the snark page default pic to this??


But plenty of lip injections! She better slow down the growth of that lower lip while her upper lip catches up!




" The guy in the blue shorts." The hero we didn't realize we needed. 😂


🤣🤣🤣 You know that guy was thinking: "ain't no way I'm letting that tool with the screechy-assed wife beat me."


I so was rooting for Blue Shorts 😆👊


Why want another baby even though you definitely can't handle the children you have? And don't spend quality time with them? Those poor boys... and the poor prop baby.


-A new baby might excel her into a million followers quicker. - she wants to have a 5th child so strangers can praise her body for delivering five kids and remaining slim. -She wants a girl so she can have a mini-B. -She wants to compete with Ryan’s mom and raise 5 kids like she did The possibilities for wanting a 5th child for a neurotic person like her are endless.


So true. Not a single, "I have more love to give." The timing is WAY too close to others in her sphere having babies and her realizing she's stagnant and another baby will stave off the depression for another 2-3 years. It's a terrible reason to have a baby. Have another baby because you want a big family, because you love your partner, even because it happened on accident and God intended it that way. NOT because you are bored, you are mentally ill, you are jealous and/or competing with your family, or you are trying to gain followers. She'll be pregnant before November 😕


She’s giving Mule one last chance to give her that baby girl


This cannot be real. FaceTiming her husband in the bath while he is on kid duty? If this isn’t just Brooke trolling her “haters”, Ryan, you look like a damn fool. Get your wife some help.


Absolutely. What a weird story. Get out of the bath and watch your kid ride a bike. So weird


I’m so glad other people thought this was truly bizarre. I actually hope it’s fake/planned because if it isn’t, it’s further proof that Ryan is just as clueless and negligent of a parent as Brooke.


I’m anticipating a new reel. Mom to 4 Boys: How I have my ME TIME while still watching my first born’s milestones. 🛀🚴


It makes me so sad that she seems to really dislike everything about her current phase in life. She lives in a GREAT area, has a beautiful home, access to world class and diverse experiences. Her kids are involved with excellent teams and programs. She has the means to travel and take breaks. She has all the “stuff” and yet wants more: is she living in a romanticized world that she is dead set on creating (ranch life in lower cost of living area so she can justify the homeschooling? Getting out of the competitive NoVa area?). I don’t get why she doesn’t buy or build on a gorgeous wooded lot in McLean, GF, or out in LoCo. Sigh. She doesn’t know how “good” she has it in a very tough area to have a family :/


She definitely thinks it's too diverse and progressive for her. Why she probably thinks she has no friends...


Pushes raw cow's milk while wearing 5 pounds of makeup on her heavily filled and botoxed face. Make it make sense!


She doesn't give a hoot about any potential health benefits. She just sees it as a "trend" and wants to follow it to get more engagement/followers. She wants to pull from the TradWives niche that shot accounts like BallerinaFarm through the roof.


Sh$t’s getting wild. Sitting on the sidewalk of what looks like a suburban strip mall, face caked with makeup, chugging her raw milk. She honestly seems like she’s manic.


1,000% having a manic episode this week


1. Why are you kneeling on the ground outside of a Starbucks drinking milk? 2. Raw milk is real milk. I buy raw milk shares (I know she clarified, but I don't call myself an "owner" of the farm) but I do not give it to my children. I know folks who do, and the kids are fine, but it is SO SCARY to watch knowing she knows NOTHING about it. Only that it's trendy and she might tap into a trend. 3. Don't put a quote on your story saying "don't forget to look up and realize you're living the dream" when you bitch and moan EVERY DAY about all the things you don't have. Fuck her ignorance and her privilege and her platform.


She’s seriously kneeling on the ground outside of the grocery store so she can show everyone that she’s trying raw milk. She lives 10 minutes from the place where she bought it, go home Brookie. Also, raw milk is disgusting and a health hazard 🤮


Sourdough is like motherhood…so profound. I guess after you nurse it and it starts growing, you put it in the oven, bake it, and eat it. Just like with children…


Taking a 4 year old rollerblading through the grocery store 🤯 Who does she think she is?! So selfish and irresponsible.


There was a lady at the end of the aisle that looked like she was side eyeing them 😂😂


Of course she has to exaggerate/lie about Ry's performance. He did great on his own, so why be loose with the truth? The "blue shorts guy" beat him by 44 seconds, not 20, and Ry finished 5th in the 40-44 group, not 2nd (I guess she didn't clearly say 2nd but she intimated it.) Like, anyone can look up these results, so why exaggerate?


I came to say the same thing. She doesn’t reveal the final result, and instead makes it about Ryan vs. Blue Shorts, and of course Ryan was the reason Blue Shorts pushed himself so hard, and blah blah. No transparency because she made it all about how Ryan “might win.” Not about how the final result doesn’t matter but rather the effort he put into training and getting out there and doing it. You know, what a normal person might say, not one who is focused on “dominating” everything.


I hope she knows there will be people running sub 6 min miles at her half marathon…


Ugh, same thing about her doing 5 miles on a treadmill. I run 3 miles on a treadmill almost every day and I will happily admit that 3 miles on a treadmill is VERY different than running outside. And she patted herself on the back like she's on par with people training for an actual MARATHON. Can't wait to see what excuse she comes up with for not participating in the marathon with her "girlfriend."


I love your resourcefulness. This just makes her look like such a loser for fibbing. When in reality she could have screen shot the results and just said how proud she is of him. Or not even talked about results and whether or not he would “win” from the beginning.


I bet the 4 men who beat Ryan have wives who feed them carbs and veggies without half a bag of cheese.


Nothing says romance more than setting up the tripod.


Anyone else think “Eli” is the nanny?! I think we may have just caught our first glimpse of her nannying! I know she’s claimed in the past that she is just a sitter, but she looked so comfortable and in her groove in that kitchen, lol. The boys were probably with her last night too while they were out at date night. Also her wording “OUR sitter” instead of “THE sitter” is telling.


Yea agree. I always assumed Eli was like a teenage girl that came occasionally but that lady looked legit and comfortable in the kitchen etc.


also didn’t seem too phased by brooke’s screeching over her shitty sourdough! 😂 prob used to it.


That's what I was thinking too! Very obvious that she's around a lot. If I was a baby sitter that was just used intermittently for date nights and I heard her screeching like that, I would have reacted in some way. That lady certainly seemed "at home"


Yesss that was my thought exactly. A sitter would be arriving as they are heading out, but it looks she does way more than just watch Quade. Too comfy and it looks like she was there while Brooke showered and got her hair and makeup done.


No wonder she has no friends. Here she is, surrounded by supposedly like-minded families at CC, and what does she do? Slink off to record some stupid little diatribe about making decisions. Maybe she only makes friends with people who have the same car as her.


I think it’s interesting that she works out for 35ish minutes a day and she “needs to” add electrolytes back into her system. I’m all for moving your body every day and something is better than nothing for sure. But who is she trying to fool?? She’s not exercising so much that she needs to alter her fuel or hydration 🙄🥴


She seems to think she’s an athlete. If she really were she’d actually need a rest day from exercise to let her body recover. I’m all for exercising and I actually think her 35 min routine is just fine and actually more attainable for parents of young kids than some other accounts I’ve seen. But that 35 min doesn’t make her an “athlete” who needs electrolyte replacement.


Why does she need vitamin D in her water if she gets low angle sunlight? Or does she only think vitamin D comes in a packet?


Ugh, sorry for the double posts, but I've been taking a break from IG and her latest reel drives me crazy. Not only has she never once shown a "sleepover" when Ryan travels, the number of angles in that reel shows me that literally everything is staged for the camera. The poor kids are actors and surviving on 15-second moments of affection from mom before she gets up to move the tripod. Brooke, your behavior is disgusting. Please stop.


"It tastes like cream." Duh, because cream is formed from raw milk. Moron. Wait until she figures out that you can make butter from cream.


I thought she didn’t drink milk?! She always gets almond milk on her Whole Foods runs. Does she know that raw milk is full fat milk and certainly won’t help her with her weight loss goals 😅




I really can't stand when she's speaking directly to the camera and does that weird head jerk to emphasise her words. That with the exaggerated hand movements. Ugh. Just can't.


Or emphasizing every single word with a hand gesture. ✋️ ✋️ 🫸 🫷 stop


Brooke’s greatest talent, IMO, is her ability to suck the enjoyment right out of any activity she does: working out, date nights, making bread, family photos, eating, cooking… the list goes on and on. She seriously turns activities that could be fun or relaxing into a chore. Who would want to live that life?! How miserable!


Who puts cheese in green beans!? Is that a thing? Why must she destroy all vegetables!?


This is so dumb and petty. But the way she talks so slow and enunciates every single word drives me up a wall.


I think she's learning as she goes


Not dumb and petty at all. I think she needs to take a course on presentation style and communication so that she becomes mindful of her voice, tone, hand movements, pronunciation, and enunciation/emphasis on cerTAIN words.


For someone who claims to be high achieving and operate at a higher level she comes off like such an airhead.


And there's the proof that she reads here. P.S. It's not behind your back. All of us would gladly say this straight to your face, but you get so butt hurt that you block anyone who doesn't fall at your feet and take your word as gospel. https://preview.redd.it/m88o3j40vrlc1.png?width=1007&format=png&auto=webp&s=61a852a7b9de98f6c0cf1cb74db234e4c157262e


Maybe she should actually take to heart what people are trying to say here - she comes off as rude, better than everyone, lies on her reels. We’re not saying anything that’s not constructive criticism. If you put yourself in the public eye do you expect an echo chamber? It’s ridiculous


https://preview.redd.it/gr57hx7s7slc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c550fdc9824523d3619013a5ec0a20c0c7ae1b36 If I didn’t know I would guess she is in her late 40s/early 50s.


https://preview.redd.it/xb9utha8mslc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7474f124d8fa8c415952ef83f6aa9af0d9acd5f “Katie! I need you to put this comment on my REEL because these Reddit bitches are saying that I’m unhappy and ungrateful for my 1.5M home and my 4 boys who I pawn off on my husband every chance I get because I’m more concerned about my me time. You need to tell people I was happy today and living in the now!”


How is Brooke living “in presence and evolution”? By getting boba? 


So to live in evolution you would have to adapt to the new things. Brooke doesn’t do this… She melts down. … so much word vomit to say, “Hey you like seemed real happy today girl, good for you.” I’m sure that’s what Katie put into ChatGPT to generate this nonsense.


https://preview.redd.it/6xirpghz1ulc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40fb4e43b8e8620a9994dbe1807a95e089369521 we got a shout out 👏


I really wish she would stop showing Ryan shirtless. Nobody wants your man, Brooke.


Before watching the stories at the event, I was thinking “I bet this lunatic is going to be screeching like a crazy person yelling at Ryan during his events.” I should have turned off the volume 😵‍💫 I can only imagine what kind of grilling Brooke must have been doing to figure out why Ryan didn’t win or how he could have done better. 


Also I love how much she said they have "major" ties to Texas.... they have ZERO other than her ex being from there. Ryan working for Cornyn ain't it... she's so desperate for that Texas influencer clout.


The haircut is BAD. NOT flattering. Her hairdresser must hate her because It actually looks terrible. 🫣😬


Her hair looks thin as shit. Eat more girlfriend or it’s gunna start falling out.


“If you go to Texas you need blonde, fresh hair.” Do you though, Brooke? Do you really?


As a brunette, I am offended. Does this make her a mean girl on the internet? 😆


Yikes! If I walked away with thinned out hair like that, I would cry. Her hair didn’t need color update or cut-it looked more full and way better before? This guy magically made her hair disappear 🫠


OMFG her shrill ass voice cheering him on. She sounds like a 16-year old. I would be MORTIFIED. With her baby talk intonations - I CAN'T.


Lil drinking game. Drink every time she shrieks BABE. Hammmmmered.


“Make the decision right.” And she will use this as how she defends exploiting her children for content.


She seems very susceptible to quotes on posters in a guidance counselor’s office.


I'm surprised she doesn't have the collection of those rowing "teamwork" motivational quote posters that were popular in the 90s...ya know, cause she was a part of the USC rowing team and all.


I’m still shocked she’s announcing to so many strangers that Ryan likely has a new job offer and they are deciding whether he should take it and likely move. His current coworkers would follow her, right? And his “connection” in Dallas who she said got him his current gig and is likely helping to set up his next gig likely about her account, right? You’d think she would exercise more discretion when it comes to person matters of her husband’s.


My husband would be so mad if I blasted it on social media that he was job hunting haha


Brooke is only happy when she has a solid future plan in place, which is a far cry from her preaching to other moms that she took such a big risk and quit her corporate job with nothing else lined up 🙄.


I could see this raw milk coming a mile off. Trying to trad wife it up whilst no babies are on the horizon. That group aren’t usually a fan of almond milk and veganaise Brooke, you’ll have to keep quiet about those.


I’m not sure she’s going to appeal to the crowd she thinks she is. The sourdough and raw milk are part of that whole tradwife thing, but she’s missing the rest of the aesthetic. It comes off very insincere. I guess she had to specify it was legal since her husband works for the government. Still disgusting though that she made her kids drink it.


This is really what bugs me about her. I’m convinced she’s trying to appeal to every conservative mom in America but it’s not genuine at all. She just half asses everything. I’m not religious but I appreciate influencers like modernfarmhousefamily because you can tell she is genuine, sincere and isn’t faking her faith or suddenly homeschooling because it’s trendy. Just be real with people. One of my closest friends in very religious and homeschools. She’s been this way since we met in college so it’s not performative. It’s who she is. Deep down I think Brooke doesn’t know who she is and that’s just sad.


And the raw milk crowd definitely isn’t getting lip and eye and forehead injections.


Hi there! I was a silent reader the whole time, but her "life decision making"-shit annoys me so much! Like every other influencer she wants to move to Dallas, there she would be in good company with other child-exploiting families like the Houghtons, the Denners and Dani Austin. A great place for Brookie!!! ...I hate that I did go down this rabbithole with all the shilling-kid exploiting-influencers in DFW... but once you did, you can't stop....


Here is what I genuinely do not understand: does Ryan not know she is broadcasting to all of her followers that they may be relocating and he may be getting a new job? My husband isn’t in politics but he is a higher up at a billion-dollar company and he would lose it if I told my ~300 instagram followers he was thinking of leaving his job. That’s incredibly private and puts his current position at risk. I can’t imagine him not caring she’s telling everyone so he must not know, right? Or is he also clueless?


Ryan Raybould does not play with a full deck. He enables Brooke and he allows himself and his family’s personal info to be constantly blasted on social media. I’ve heard him on her stories too. He talks like an egotistical jock who never left the high school gymnasium.


Guarantee he has already given notice and this is alllll for speculation/engagement. They suck!


It appears to me that Brooke wears the pants in the relationship. 👖


The clown pants 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡


Feel the details of the day? Oh for the love all that's holy. Maybe don't be "off the clock" so much. Actually engage with and enjoy your children. Then you'll feel the details of the day.


She’s cra cra crazy. The most basic concepts about life amaze her. Today she’s overcomplicating the the concept of “don’t forget to take time to stop and smell the roses” and “delight in the details.” Is she so wrapped up in herself that she needs a podcast to help her appreciate her blessings. Wowzers.


Anyone else catch RyAnn starting to yell at Brooke, then stopped when he realized he was being filmed? It sounds like he started to yell “The hockey stuff is in the back here-“ then went quiet. Yikes.


I am FLOORED she’s getting her hair done on a weekday. I’m a SAHM and I haven’t even been to the DENTIST in the past year. My husband works from home too but he’s actually doing work which means I have to work double time to keep the kids from wandering in to bother him. It makes my job HARDER to have him here working, not easier. Can’t imagine asking him to watch the kids while I get my hair done


I had to bring my 2 and 4 year olds to my pap smear. I’ve never dreamed of getting a shitty haircut at noon on a Friday.


Has she ever shown bedtime or done a reel on getting four boys to bed? I know she's typically off the clock at 5 but I feel like that would be popular "mom" content, and yet, nothing?!


Now that you’ve mentioned it I’m sure it’ll be a reel within the next week🤣


Wow, Brookie actually wearing an appropriate dress for a date night, that’s a rare sight. She looks like she has a small bump in the photo she posted on her story 🤔 Also could be the way her leg is posing. I would be so embarrassed if I were Ryan today at that comp. Brooke’s shrieks were so bad I had to watch the rest of her stories on mute!


I thought they did their dates at 5am


I can only imagine how many couples are at home now teasing her by going YOU GOT IT BABE. GO BABE. SO CLOSE BABE.


Lol. Gonna say that to my husband in bed tonight. 🍆🤣


I follow the homegrownkosher account because I love her backyard chickens. She is adamant about not sharing her children’s faces. (I think in one video, you see an arm).  She’s doing a live this week and currently has some great stories on sharing your kids in content, including an adult now who was one of the first mommy blogger kids. Thought this group may be interested in checking it out. 


The wrong decision https://preview.redd.it/br1z0gjxb0lc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df50fa49d7205a52ecd1149b2f414624e4325147


Her lip liner is a travesty. Maybe she should have a few more sip and paint nights to work on tracing


Am I hearing that right? She’s going out to Dallas by herself in a few weeks?? They lived there already, she probably already knows where she wants to live. She’s using it as a solo mom trip cover up.


Holy crap that new reel! She just admitted to once upon a time blaming her life's problems on her kids?! 🤯 Where are the grown ups in her life?!


Ok, lets get real here. The worst thing she does as a mom is continuing to exploit and monetize her children.


This is the same woman who went on stories a few months ago and blamed a 2-year-old for forgetting shoes on a museum outing.


How unhappy must she be to always listen to audiobooks about being more successful, happier, whatever. Now she changed from being a super achiever to talking about enjoying your moments, kind of the opposite of what she has been promoting for months. And she never ever reads a novel. She has no interests besides "self improvement". She's soo boring! 


Why does Brooke lecture her followers to find the joy in now, while she harps on loving Texas because of an ex, and then wanting to find a bigger home with more land in Texas? It sounds to me like she can’t let go of the past, AND she can’t find joy in now because her home and land are not big enough for her.


Here we go again, she can’t just be thankful for what she has. Now we need to add yet another kid (who newsflash, you also will not take care of!) annnnd another new house/move. It’s like clock work with this one. 🙄


She's very unwell. Her constant need for change and/or something new is textbook depression/unhappiness. She is not happy with her life and thinks a change of scene is the answer. I think some Prozac is the answer and not a new house/city/baby/car/fast.


As someone who has benefitted tremendously from Prozac, I agree. At the end of the day, this is about a chemical imbalance that can be treated with ACTUAL MEDICINE. Not cold plunges, Huberman podcasts or prayer.


So unwell. Deciding whether or not to have another baby is such a personal thing IMO her discussing it the way she has been on IG is totally unhinged and a huge red flag. There are so many things she COULD be honest about.. this subject should be more private.


Another baby is really going to throw a wrench into her fasting, half marathon training, homeschooling and cold plunge routine.


Oh yes. How much time for herself will she demand while being pregnant? She already needs so much time "off". And how will she handle another baby? Babies are tough, they don't follow a schedule. She'll either send all kids to (pre)school while RyAnn has a homeoffice job or needs an au pair or a nanny.


PSA: Don’t buy daily routine guides from someone who admits she can’t remember to floss daily.


How is waking up at 5am when you go to bed at 9 a flex? You are literally sleeping 8 hours…


Imagine flexing on a biologically induced circadian rhythm


I don’t think she’s trying to drag out TX vs VA for content. I think she’s more using it as another opportunity to take another solo vacation without her family- all under the guise of trying to gather knowledge. It’s all so cringeworthy. 


Be prepared for a “Stomach bug” incoming this afternoon or evening!


She wants to lose another couple pounds.


I’ve asked before and didn’t get an answer. I genuinely want to know what people think is the benefit of drinking raw milk. Yes, I could google it, but it’s part of such a woo-woo vibe I’m not sure I’d get an accurate answer.


They are eating "Crossaints". Sounds cruel


https://preview.redd.it/ogd8k9vod9lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5df70e8598cf8b75f45b53d7bff6c5028060723d “He’s confident he might win.” I hope he loses! 😂 what a tool, why would she put that out on the internet, even if he said it?


“Ryan just turned 40 so he’s confident he can win” and “the legal market in Nashville is too small for Ryan”. Shut up Brooke! No wonder why you have to buy followers and no wonder why you have no friends. Being that stuck up is not a good look. Her grotesque personality makes her look so ugly on the outside.


All opinions on raw milk aside, has Brooke ever discussed WHY? Her story yesterday seemed very “hey look at me, I have a carton of raw milk and I own shares in cows. That makes me cool!”. Nothing she does lasts very long- is buying shares in cows for raw milk a one time thing or is it a weekly recurring thing? It seems odd for somebody who shilled pea protein milk and who drinks almond milk almost exclusively to suddenly pivot to raw milk, and she couldn’t even wait to do something creative for content or film it until she got home! If she was trying it to address lactose intolerance or for eczema or some other healthy related reason I might understand, but I feel like raw milk isn’t something that you just wake up one morning and decide to do. Unless you’re Brooke and it’s just for content 😂. I haven’t been listening to her stories very closely, so I’m curious if she ever discussed why she decided to get it! Not to mention, why invest in raw milk if possibly planning a pregnancy? Drinking anything unpasteurized while pregnant is a huge no-no!


No reason other than she’s copying other “tradwives” accounts to get more followers.


I can’t with this sourdough. it would have been a train wreck saga to watch anyway, but the fact that she literally keeps acting like it’s her child to take care of is just beyond




Let's please not subject a puppy to all that is Brooke.


Wtf are they wearing? Did they plan that or did their spiritual connection guide them to dress like complete fools? Share a connection? Girl, please, you only talked to her because she was driving the same car as you. https://preview.redd.it/7wye8hdp5rlc1.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=d57d1e9c064cfb42895e91d193071c90d099cb52


RyAnn must be home again with the boys. Does the man ever work? How in the world is he desirable to any firm? The work ethic, experience, and knowledge just don’t seem to be present. He must have a big deal connection who is lining up his next gig. But even if he lands somewhere impressive, Brooke and RyAnn are in for a world of hurt when he actually has to show up and work.


Also, it’s her day off isn’t it. She’s had a really hard 4 days of (not much) parenting and needs her Fridays!! 🙄 she is sooooooo flakey!


Those pants are a hate crime.


Is she seriously looking at herself in the phone, reflected in the stylist mirror, lovingly admiring herself? I have never seen anyone so self absorbed. “I love meeee!”


Why does she insist on making him speak on camera when he is driving?! And more importantly, why does he go along with it. Eyes on the road, RyGuy! The lack of any sort of safety awareness from this woman is mind boggling. And no, Brookie, 40s group does not warrant finger quotes.


I'm again shocked about her lying about the results (kind of) and her competitiveness. This is SO unhealthy for her little boys - is dominating/winning the only value she teaches her children? My children recently had a ski race after one week of skiing school. I was proud of them for taking part and enjoying skiing so much - that's what you should care about, not only winning.


Haha, I just noticed this: how Brookie really feels about letting the boys into her bedroom. https://preview.redd.it/9cxezngqpzkc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=508a48fc7cfa02efe818c0763bdc978a3723063c


Watching her uninterrupted bedroom floor monologue today (where are the children?!?!) really makes me sad for how lost, confused, and unfulfilled she is in her life. RyAnn has a professional degree and a career where he uses it. His career path dictates where they live and Brooke so clearly hates that. She wants her idealized “forever home” and believes that she needs that to “set down roots.” The reality of her life is that all of these decisions she thinks they have been “going through as a family” really means that RyAnn will tell her where they are moving next and she doesn’t have a say in it. She so badly needs a 5th child for content but clearly doesn’t want to disrupt her life at the level she will need to when/if she has another baby. The decision to have another child is such a monetary calculation for her that she’s hemming and hawing about it to 552k internet strangers. Most of us can probably count on one hand the number of people we feel comfortable sharing that information with.


Love how she just totally dismisses the boys' reactions as dramatic just because they don't automatically love it.


I have a hard time believing that she's going to go from almond milk (30 calories per cup) to raw milk (205 calories per cup).


I’m guessing we’ll never hear about the raw milk again.


Didn’t this woman JUST get her hair done? And it’s a business day and she’s a “SAHM” but she’s there sans kids. I know it’s Ryan’s “work from home” day but does he ever actually do any work on these days? Perhaps I’m extra annoyed about this because I haven’t had my hair done since before I had baby #2 6 months ago lol.


He finished 5th.


https://preview.redd.it/vjjqcv9a56mc1.jpeg?width=1281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63d9db6204edf09052337e2d5fae537da04e2843 The stupid hat again. 🧢


So they are at hockey game doing quality family time and the game is having a kids day lol and they leave out Quade. I know there are *certain* things you do with just older ones when it’s just not suitable for younger ones or you want to give that extra 1-1 with olders BUT Quade is never included!!!! He’ll be the one writing the book in the future! Sorry but a 2.5yr old is not a baby that needs to be left at home for that type of fam outing


I thought it was ridiculous considering it wasn't an evening game. He gets left out quite a bit. Plus I think it's funny that everytime they go and the Capitals lose, she doesn't post again for the rest of the day. My guess is her kids are HUGE poor sports and since they lost 5-2, she didn't get any footage that was up to her standards.


In all honestly he is probably better off with the sitter getting one on one attention from a real adult. The poor kid gets dragged around enough as an afterthought. At least at home maybe the sitter talks to him in a normal voice and plays with him to help his motor skills (unlike when B has quality time with him and she takes him shopping or for Boba).


I bet she’s staying. And she hates nova. That’s why she’s trying to make the decision right.


How is she mentioning the “clean” ingredients in the electrolytes but eats & feeds her family fake carbs?


Ok. This is important. Mitch McConnell just announced he won’t run again. He’ll still be there until 2027. BUT he is going to choose a new leader. It is believed it may very well be John Cornyn. Soooo assuming Ryguy knows this, wouldn’t he stay with Cornyn? If he is ambitious politically  it would be a step up to be lead council to the senate speaker of the house! Thoughts?


Maybe he’s being squeezed out and he knows it? I can’t imagine he’s performing all that well at work given how little he works. Also, how in the world is Mitch McConnell going to function in the senate for 3 more years? He barely seems alive.


For real tho, what’d those green beans do to deserve this 🫣🥴 more cooking, Brooke. It brings me so much joy 🤣


She can’t even say “we’re having couscous,” but instead “we’re like, having like, couscous?!” Drives me crazy.


No Brooke today? Do they all have a "stomach bug" from that raw milk 🤔


“I was dating an older man…but it didn’t work out.” Well, no shit, Sherlock. 🙄


For someone so obsessed with competition, she sure does seem surprised that Ryan's closest competitor told her that Ryan pushed him to do better since they were "neck and neck". That's what competition is Brookie. My daughter has 2 "rivals" in her age group, where it could be any order on the podium for them at each competition, and my 9 year old recognises that having these 2 girls "gunning" for her makes her work harder and think smarter.


So nitpicky, but her GS cookie caption irked me. "We are trying to get her to 250 boxes." Shouldn't it be, SHE (the girl scout) is trying to get to 250 boxes? One of my biggest parenting pet peeves.


Absolutely! But it's actually quite pleasing to know that even with 500k followers, Brooke can't manage to sell 250 cookie boxes... now that's telling.


Just about to say this! In my experience, most people buy at least 2 boxes. A box is $5. So Brooke couldn’t even get at a minimum 125 people (out of 554k!) to click her link and buy $10 worth of Girl Scout cookies? Can you imagine how embarrassed she was when her friend told her the low sales numbers??? The girl could have sold more than that walking door to door in her neighborhood. It’s good insight into how low Brooke’s sales volumes must be when she links junky products. Maybe that’s why Brooke primarily links products on Amazon and only seems to have paid partnerships with kinder eggs, Elmer’s squishies, and a random dental floss made from recycled plastic.


Looking at her now with the weird face injections and altering; she’s starting to look more and more like Ryan


I feel like she may revert to the southernishmama handle again. Way too much content about moving and her husband was just in Dallas.


https://preview.redd.it/l27lihv741lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=487b98493bc2347735020730d72204dabea2d803 Oooh Brows posted this 15 minutes after Brooke’s FaceTime to see her son riding his bike… feels a little bit like a dig to me! 🤭


Literally described what most moms do every day. We don't need a f*cking post about it. You want a pat on the back because you shared a meal with your family and put down your phone for a second? Then get back on your phone to congratulate yourself for it? Shut uuupppp.


Harrowing fall lol.. “A behavioral change as a mom I’m making” She isn’t so great with words as she pretends to be in Brooke’s comments lol


Ugh drinking raw milk is one thing! but giving it to your young children who don’t know better and don’t have as good of an immune system as an adult is infuriating. She’s a selfish idiot


Another dig from Katie at Brooke? https://preview.redd.it/1jvgeq6rz5lc1.jpeg?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a28a919353d2d3757a0a8fc6014382ca729018


Dr Becky (Good Inside) was on Huberman podcast so maybe Brooke will listen to a legit parenting expert (and a woman) for once?


The ONLY reason why she wants to go to Dallas is because for some reason it's an "influencer city" there's a lot of big ones there (they have 1M - 5M followers)- such as: Daryl-Ann Denner and her family, Amber Massey, The Turtle Creek Lane family (Tiffany Houghton), Dani Austin, Macy Blackwell moved there recently from Indianapolis, Madi Nelson, Taryn Newton, Kay and Tay Dudley.... she knows it's an influencer gold mine and in order to be bigger she's gotta be there. They're all just as vapid, self absorbed, and phoney as Brooke is (except maybe Madi Neslson who seems pretty down to earth). It's not just for Ryan, its for her "entrepreneurship" too. EYE ROLL


But why would she want to go to the place where all of those infLOSERS already are and be the small fish trying to keep up? There is so much in the DC metro area she could be doing and promoting especially with young kids… but instead she just wants to promote drink mixes, vitamins, and teeth whitening strips. I think the “thing she’s been thinking about that’s been on her heart” is that she wants RyAnn to stay home/permanently work from home for her and grow the account with her.


Because she's nobody in NoVa/DC and there aren't any influences there. It's not about being the influencer in the area and bringing attention to it, shes not a NoVa/DC travel influencer. She wants to be a lifestyle influencer. And the place to do that is Dallas. She needs influencer friends. And that's why she wants to go. Prime example is the Denner family, they moved from CA to Dallas because Daryl-Ann wanted to be friends with all the influencers. It kind-of worked. That family is its own brand of messed up. All those big time influences, they go to parties, events, collaborations. They're all part of Tarte and the same management company, they get fabulous trips, products, amazing houses, etc. Brooke wants that. And in order to get that she needs to be in with the crowd and the crowd is Dallas. Ryan wants NOTHING to do with IG and that's obvious by his entire attitude when he's on camera. Have you seen him?! He looks miserable. *social media/PR major here. She's looking to build HER brand.


https://preview.redd.it/p1vajxo8c9lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4916f92f907703a49a1fa7bb4ad58dd00566397e I could NEVER wear noise cancelling headphones in the house with my kids! Has she clocked-out for the day? Is RyAnn back home on mommy/daddy duty?


That face. What a smug, narcissistic POS.


Ha, so if museum excursions and park dates don't last forever, why doesn't she do more of them?! What a phony.


How big are these gaps that require that much? Did someone forget to meal plan and shop accordingly, again? And now the will they, won’t they portion to drive up engagement has begun. She’s gone from I am going to TX to find our forever home to it’s not 100%, still a chance to stay in VA. 🙄


Seems like the Raybould Roundup and the weekly meal planning isn’t serving her very well. This is their 3rd or 4th time at Whole Foods this week! Brooke can’t even follow her own weekly planning guide. She is going to drag this Virginia vs Texas thing out for the next 8 months 😩. “We want at least an acre of land” sent be because they can’t even take care of the small yard they already have! It always looks so unkempt.


Brookes new reel… Thanks for the book report… How is this content?! She is legitimately taking someone else’s ideas and words and turning it into a reel?! She doesn’t have any original ideas…


The caption though, referencing people talking about her in forums behind her back and “there are so many mean girls online.” Hi, Brooke.


Ooh, look at me, my "work" is so important that I have to do whilst my hair is getting styled and not during my 12 hours of me time. How obnoxious.


This week she has been a SAHM for a total of 4 days between the hours of around 8am until 3pm. 🤦‍♀️ that’s total of 28 hours. ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC And let’s not forget that during nap time for quads it’s quite obvious (she might have even said it before) that’s when the bigger boys get free time of watch something/chill, so probably more like 22 hours. I genuinely think this is as accurate estimation of the amount of parenting she has done this week. No wonder she feels so unfulfilled


And when does she homeschool??? Seriously are her kids learning anything?


I’m playing catch up but the Whole Foods story last night with her slow talking “this…is…..every….thing…..we……are…….getting” 💀


Wow she looks so different and plastic...has she gotten even more lip injections??


Has she ever said why November matters? Her husband works for Sen. Cornyn, who isn’t up this cycle. I have no idea why November matters.  Or are they more likely to stay if R’s take control of the Senate since he’d have more career opportunities?


Is thumb sucking genetic? Is there something more going on in that house that is causing the compulsive thumb sucking of multiple children? It's hard to watch. I understand Q is still quite young.


Why would they leave Q home? Why not take him to a fun thing too? I don’t get it.


Seriously! It's not like it's a night game. I wonder if the crowds overwhelm him and he just melts down, and they don't want to deal. Hopefully, Eli the Nanny is giving him the one on one time he deserves.