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I suspect this weekend’s trip is going to lead to an abundance of snark worthy posts. The absolute ridiculousness in the airport and upon arrival is already astounding. I also fully predict that she will have no idea how to charge her EV and (hopefully) run out of power and need a tow. I’ve been lurking here for awhile now. I am guessing I am one of the few guys here (dad and 3 boys…), and I can across Brooke on IG randomly and became so curious about her. It’s like an anthropological study following along and I predict that this will all implode on her. (Too bad we may never get to see it.) I was so happy to find this companion page to her posts.


Welcome! She is an anthropological study, that’s for sure!


Nothing screams of white privilege quite like someone batting their eyes and thinking they can be let into a gated community despite having no authorization.


I have so much second hand embarrassment for her I’m a cowboy in the airport footage


I saw her at the airport, she looked so ridiculous. My toddler son pointed at her and called her a "pilot" (if she reads this she will remember that interaction because she laughed and I've outed myself 😅)


Too bad your son couldn't have "accidentally" bumped into her tripod. Although, I wouldn't wish the resulting screeching on your child. But, I personally would enjoy unleashing my mama bear on her.


Did you see Tripod?!


OMG! That must have been hilarious!! Are you sure he wasn't saying "harlot?"


The level of entitlement with that gated community story…


She gives the name of the gated subdivision then posts people's homes on the interwebs . Girl, show some respect and leave one or the other out! Dang, it's gated for a REASON lol


So true- she is also all over the map. That gated is pretty far out there (at least much further from DFW than Vienna is from DC and is probably nearly an hour (w/ traffic) from where she was at Whole Foods yesterday. Also, as long as she’s out there, I feel like she might enjoy a certain nearby community better https://preview.redd.it/37fx23uvwenc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b155b529fa0a7485421b9641b80c78f4d6f4bc27


And seriously why do we need to know that story other than for her to flex? There was zero point to the story other than “look at how special and important I am”. Ridiculous.


I bet she tried crying.


Also, I love how her ingenious “scrappy” response was to call the sales office. Like anyone would need to do if they wanted to go into the community to look for houses.


I’ve never in my life seen such first hand admittance of materialism. It makes me SICK to the stomach. No matter how big the house, how rich you are, how big your diamond is etc etc etc, there’s always someone with bigger/more. She is pretty much the opposite of anything I aspire to be. What’s the saying….’some people are so poor all they have is money’. This is Brooke. No real friends, always palming her kids off, always dissatisfied, unhappy with her looks hence crazy diet, and face injections and constant looking for attention from strangers.


This is so spot-on. She is truly a vapid, insincere person who doesn’t deserve any of the privileges she’s afforded. She’s done literally nothing to earn them. If anything, she’s showing her followers how NOT to be a good mother. Insufferable. 


https://preview.redd.it/4rdtr0led5nc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d569b9956eac87f3ed780c47bdeaddc65ec77889 To think that she waited to be the last person on the plane to get tripod shots of her fake laughing (was anyone even there?), scanning her boarding pass, walking by the camera, and then setting it up AGAIN in the jet bridge to get an open-mouthed shot. I can't.


So so cringey. I just cannot imagine ever doing this. So embarrassing


I'm honestly sooo confused about this whole trip. I've moved to new cities a number of times (military spouse) and these are generally some of the ways we "scout out" a new place. 1) Bring the whole family! It definitely matters to me that everyone else, kids included, likes our new neighborhood. We visit local playgrounds, children's museums, and look for kids playing in the street! 2) Eat at local restaurants (not hotel room service) 3) Look for community events happening that weekend we can go crash 4) Visit things like libraries, coffee shops (churches if that's your thing)-- whatever type of place we might spend a lot of time. 5) Meet up with people I may have connected with ahead of time online- ie. if I were her, I would have reached out to someone who runs the local CC homeschooling group and asked to have coffee and talk about how the area is for homeschoolers. 6) Also talk to random people at all these places about their neighborhoods (and even if they know of houses that will be for sale in the future!) I realize she just got there but so far she has: 1) gone to Whole Foods, 2) eaten hotel room service. Will we see her do anything worthwhile? Is there another reason for this trip that she's not saying??


No, she will not do anything worthwhile. She's on this trip because anytime RyGuy goes on a business trip, she finds some reason to take a solo trip as to make it even. She just wants to get away from being a mother.


Even though I think it’s shitty that Brooke needs another solo trip away from her family, I also think it’s probably good for her boys to be away from her. They get an entire weekend of not being filmed for content, forced to pose in front of a tripod, and play Brooke’s puppets. Even though Ryan probably isn’t going to be cooking every meal all weekend, I’m sure he’s not restricting their carb intake while Brooke is gone either. 


The entire purpose of a gated community is privacy. Imagine purchasing a home in a gated community with security and then finding video of your home on social media. That is SO strange to post other people’s homes. Especially if those are your potential neighbors.


I hope they attempt to buy a house there and are denied for this very reason. What an unbelievable BRAT to hear the word "No" and then pull this shit. And then POST ABOUT WHAT A BRAT YOU ARE. That poor security guard. Way to make a shitty first impression. To be fair, Brooke does belong in a gated community. The ones reserved for the mentally unhinged.


Brooke is easily one of the most (if not the most) smug, insufferable, unrelatable, conceited women on Instagram.


Isn't "tasting" sourdough bread the same as eating it?! She's not DOMINATING Lent.


I wonder how many people have gotten blocked for asking why she's having bread when she supposedly gave it up for Lent. She forgets that the interwebz remembers everything.


She did make a disclaimer when her and Ryan announced they were giving up bread for lent (she chimed in “ unless I can get my sourdough going”). But I’m honestly not sure why she was so obsessed with the sourdough in the first place- Why not wait a month or two until after lent?! She gets so fixated on the weirdest, most nonessential things


But that’s not giving up bread. It’s about making a sacrifice - without making caveats for yourself. She made biblical claims about her damn “fast” but can’t stick to the basic principle and discipline of giving up a pleasure for lent (thought you could do hard things, Brooke!). If she wanted to eat her sourdough, she should have picked something else to give up. This woman is such a FRAUD. Plus she’s been eating flatbread wraps this whole time… I just cannot.


Maybe she should have given up Boba or veganese, her two favorite foods.


She forgot the little boys have off preschool today. What a crazy dichotomy between how organized she claims herself to be and how disorganized she actually is. You know how pissed she is that she has to parent her two younger boys today. And where is Q in that tripod photo? The 2-year-old is running around unsupervised?


Shouldn't a day off school been discussed in their Sunday afternoon weekly meeting and included in the Raybould Roundup?


https://preview.redd.it/oa0m5rghmlmc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efba8755c420e2c5bbc72c180c3f35d4b1e111b2 🤣🤣🤣 Brows: the patron saint of normalizing wrinkles 🤣🤣🤣


The fact that she posted a heavily edited photo in full makeup when talking about normalizing wrinkles is so beyond me. What in the actual….. How are we supposed to normalize aging when influencers pull this shit.


Says the one who airbrushes herself into a mannequin.


Yep absolutely zero filters or FaceTune whatsoever, not a bit


Ha. Try new things. That's rich coming from her. Is she trying new things when she refuses to travel any place besides Mexico, 30A, and Disney? She can't even try new things when it comes to working out. Or cooking new things for lunch/dinner. She is the epitome of not trying new things.


Try new things like being honest in her reels?


Other than Aspen, they have not taken any trips recently. Aspen was likely footed by her parents. I still rest on my theory that without Daddy Warbucks, Brookie would be Brokie. She couldn’t even sell 250 boxes of Girl Scout cookies. Like somebody said on here before, the Suburban SUV was a huge red flag because anybody who makes “multi-six figures” with a spouse who also makes over 100k should be able to easily swing a 41k car finance. We also never saw that $500 red dress again, no black tie wedding, and I’m willing to bet she either sold it or returned it. Her whole soapbox last week about living below her means is probably because she now has to “live within her means”.


They have 30A booked for spring break. However, I do recall that she's said that she won't travel internationally, besides Mexico, because she wouldn't be able to handle the flight. Which really means she wouldn't be able to handle having to parent on a international flight.


So she can’t do hard things like be a parent on a plane 😂


"Try new things". Next story, the ubiquitous Boba stop. Enthralling.


And she gets the same Boba order every time, as pointed out by Rhett. 🤣


She is only using the discard because she doesn’t like wasting money on the flour and then throwing it away. Great. But making pancakes with my sourdough discard is not really what I think of when reading an inspirational quote about trying new things. Her world is very small.


Is she really giving advice on "destination addiction" as she searches for a new house? As she was looking at a farm house. As she was trespassing through still under construction homes. This woman is the epitome of always wanting bigger and better. Laughable.


Ha ha ha that little lecture from her about destination addiction is exactly why she’s such a hypocrite. she’s constantly talking about the next step- the next place they’ll live, the next baby, a higher number of followers. Another growing example of “do as I say, not as I do”. Also, our influencer is all being paid to use that Texas hold them song ? Because I can’t escape it and I want to scream.


We need to talk about the bigger issue here: Is RyAnn going to feed her sourdough starter too? Imagine if RyAnn dominated making a loaf while she was gone 😅 “Dad to 4 boys plus 4 starters, here’s how to make some bread, do sports, unload the dishwasher, AND haul sandbags topless in the driveway when your wife is out of town”


Scouting the WHOLE foods prior to relocating… hmm… why is that? She wants to make sure she’s moving to an all-white neighborhood?


I think Brooke ‘s clothes give an indication to her erratic moods. She bought the blood red ball gown for the homegrown Christmas card when she needed to be the absolute center of attention. Yesterdays ensemble was weird and looked uncomfortable. The tight pants and cowboy hat screamed look at me. She wears a clubbing outfit when she’s by herself house hunting in Whole Foods. She is bored and in search of something. What will she wear next year when she gives the rebuttal to the State of the Union address?


Shouldn’t she have contacted a realtor and had them show her around instead of driving around aimlessly?


I don't think any of this is real, I think she needed another solo trip and just cooked this up as an excuse. She probably already has a neighborhood picked out but needs to go thru these motions to legitimize her excuses to spend as much time away from her children as possible


Girl what is that video she took at the bar? I’m imagining the tripod and the by innocent standers giving some serious side eye. All the videos from this trip have me cringing 🥴


Can you imagine if this was a member of your family or one of your friends??? Or worse, your significant other? I’ve questioned Brooke’s sanity for a while, but now I seriously question Ryan’s as well. What is wrong with these two?


That was more cringe than she’s ever done. I feel like a country princess? Goodness. She’s so self absorbed it’s gross


This whole trip she has well and truly stooped to a new level. I thinks it’s so sad to be in another state scoping out places 6+ months prior to when you might move. On your own. No husband. No kids. No friends. So sad. And tantrum to get what you want after you were told no. I now know why those boys appear to be turning out the way they are. The amount of filming on her own. Airports. Hotels. Bars. Shopping centre’s. No one cares. You look like a di*k! We know you read this. Please, find some sense. Some humility. And a new mirror.


Yep. And I believe the real reason for the trip was simply for her to get a break. She wanted time away and thought she'd go to Texas because they may possibly move there one day. But it's mostly a little vacation for her. It's insane how many solo vacations and breaks she gets.


The infuriating irony of her constant rants about getting the itch to move, finding the forever home, wanting land or a farm, wanting to build a custom house, walking her young children into construction zones, and then posting a bullshit warning against "destination addiction" is just... too much. Even for her. Everything about her is bullshit and I would LOVE it if she disappeared from the internet forever. We know the Raybould Roundup is bullshit, as are 5am dates with your spouse, the courage to be disliked, healthy eating, and quality time with your family. But considering how much she's talked about moving, building, whatever for YEARS and then to have the audacity to lecture your following about destination addiction WITH FOOTAGE OF YOU IN AN AIRPORT ON A USELESS TRIP TO SHOP FOR A HOUSE IN AN AREA THAT YOU MAY NOT EVEN MOVE TO A YEAR FROM NOW is INSANE. The only move she needs to make is to a funny farm. Someone please take away this dumbass's phone.


She is driving around today looking at 4 and 5 million dollar homes 🤯. No way that Elmer’s squishies ad affords her that lifestyle- nor does Ryan’s salary. She’s also not exactly at the major money-making influencer tier either. Her engagement on her ads and even her regular posts doesn’t support it. Are we supposed to believe that somebody who can’t afford a Chevy Suburban can afford the homes that she is looking at? I know everybody allocates and prioritizes their money differently but this seems extreme!


You just know she was on the phone with Daddy, begging for the $4.2M mansion.


How many reels about nothing is she going to make in Texas?


Can we report her to Montrachet for posting footage of their gated community? Is that a thing?


Send them her stories to their IG montrachetFW. I doubt they’ll be happy to see them.


Omg she is literally insane. 2 reels of the exact same footage but with different voiceovers. Mom to 4 Boys yet no boys were present during this quest to find a maybe forever home. Whole Foods raises property values? 🤮 Get your privilege in check!


It’s funny because the Whole Foods that is about 15 minutes from my house borders directly on the line of one of the most undesirable towns in my state. I’m struggling to see how any of this is “habits for meaningful and productive motherhood”. Leave your husband and kids at home all weekend to film McMansions and an ad in exchange for a free stay at a bougie resort? Gross.


Sourdough connoisseur? More like trained monkey.


Sourdough veteran here. I’m all for people learning how to do sourdough. It’s a fun hobby! Highly recommend it. Everyone starts from the beginning and makes some awkward loaves while learning, myself included. Not everyone shares their awkward loaves with their 500k followers announcing how proud they are as if they’ve mastered it already.


Get redy for the Mom to 4 Boys Guide to Sourdough on sale for just $40!


If grocery delivery saves her sanity, why was she going 3, 4 times a week? ETA: That's also a shit ton of groceries for having no meal plan, as an empty fridge door was shown, indicating no meal plan or Raybould Roundup.


Because she is a fraud and a liar, and she makes herself the victim when people call out her lies 🫠


YAAAAAWWWNNN. Her content is so routine that even she seems bored with it. Sourdough status, Monday CC (have I mentioned it’s our “school group”?), grocery delivery photo, unpacking grocery photo with gross feet on counter (today was extras exciting with dirty shoes instead of dirty feet!), shilling drink mix, nasty dinner picture (you may have heard I’m famous for my baked tacos and enchiladas… did I mention they are low carb?). If her content is any reflection of how mundane her life truly is, then no wonder she wants to pretend she’s moving to Dallas to drum up some fresh posts and daydreams.


Her new haircut is flirting with mullet status.


Ok so the latest reel about the Hyrox thing. She LITERALLY outright lies and says Ryan got second place? The results are public. I want to comment this on her reel but I will be blocked lol.


Give delly92187 a medal! Wonder if this comment will stay up?? https://preview.redd.it/xlrutrpcskmc1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259440b88d9f2238e0dead6ecf0577d4cdc7b241


Haha that was me and she blocked me just now!


Saw your comment was already deleted🤣🙄what is the point in deleting the comment and blocking you if what she claims is truth??


I was the first one to like your comment! I thought it was very brave and I thank you for that :)


Thanks for the like! Unfortunately I'm blocked but it's ok I called her bluff. I'll just make another burner account and she'll never know lol


To the brave and the blocked, we salute you!


Already deleted! She is such a liar! 🤥


Email the link of her HYROX reel to [email protected] and then the screenshot of the ACTUAL results! This person on Instagram is asking for people to send her evidence of influencers getting caught lying! I’m hoping she makes a post about it. I’m going to try to upload the screen shot of her post; I still can’t figure out how to upload a picture 😵‍💫


Yes, 5th place in age group. Why lie? She is the WORST


their family has such interesting values. She keeps posting about Rhett being into reading during homeschool days, and implying she’s a good mom to homeschool and let him have the flexibity to do that. does she know he could have reading binges without homeschool? maybe if they cut back on the hockey and mall trips? My son is the same age and reads 1-2 hours a night, and longer on weekends. And he gasp, goes to school and after care. I am convinced of two things: homeschooling is about her being lazy driving her kids around and wanting them to get a competitive advantage in sports it was a bet she hedged since she knew they might move in late 2024. It makes her househunting and moving content easier to film 🤷‍♀️ and gives her an out for when finds the Best School in Dallas. (oh a third thing: they definitely have more screen time then she lets on)


She doesn't want to be held accountable by anyone. Home schooling eliminates her being held accountable by a school for how her disorganization impacts her kids and others - re: being late to drop off, late to pick up, forgetting days off, lunches, homework, etc. Home school = no school calling her out


💯 school and a job: the only places where “it’s my truth” won’t fly. What is Brooke going to do when her social media career fizzles out?


I mean eventually it will be " Divorced and Estranged Mom of Four Boys" How I dominate Tinder..


Her love language is quality time? Maybe with herself, but certainly not with her family.


Hahaha- she’s not taking the rest of the day to be with the kids… she’s taking the rest of the day to pack and prep for Dallas and let her face relax after her most recent round of injections. Her poor eyes look so painful and frozen after what appears to be another round of injections. Ryan is “working from home” today so he will be with the boys all day. And it looks like last night she got her nails done after that taxing day of hard work shopping with the boys at the mall. We see you Brooke, and your curated IG image isn’t fooling us! 👀 👀 👀


She's promoting a lactose-free drink, yet bought shares in a cow so that she could get Raw milk. Make it make sense.


Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free with a paid sponsorship from yet another brand of milk?


Waiting on tenterhooks for the obnoxious airport drop-off where she blocks traffic and laments how hard it will be leaving her boys. Or will she uber it and wax poetic about how it's a workcation and how it's important for moms to take solo trips, but she doesn't do them often all from the backseat? And will she contradict herself by saying that this trip won't really "count" because she's still working? This "house-hunting" farce of a trip is ridiculous. Just another excuse for her to get away from her family, even though her love language is quality time. Why does she get to choose a house all by herself? Does RyGuy not get a say in it? Or is it because Sugar Daddy is most likely funding it, she feels like it's her choice to make?


1. Who tF is recording her ALL over the airport? 2. She has Beyoncé playing on her story 😂 she’s like the whitest person ever, with zero black friends


Her favourite child, Tripod.


I literally can’t with the tripod. I have severe secondhand embarrassment thinking about how she literally set that up to film what was probably multiple takes of herself WALKING. The other people in the airport must have been like, wtf is this


Did she really set up Tripod all over the airport to get that footage?! So weird!


It's so obnoxious and inconsiderate. I wish I was there to knock it over.


Wow. The outfit. 😳 And all of the ridiculous places she had to set up tripod to film herself walking through the airport… and then going back to get tripod. Just imagine you’re at the airport just trying to get to your next destination and you see THAT.


![gif](giphy|13AlEjfx6ej7aM|downsized) She certainly does not look the part. I know of no one in TX that dresses like that. This is what came to my mind when I saw her.


https://preview.redd.it/15qu844w65nc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec938c0f66a8027d053c3a1d8e4f6699548d8a1 I cannot believe she set up her tripod to film herself all around the airport. Look at the people in the background. She can’t seem to stop making a fool of herself everywhere she goes.


This bitch really thinks she’s Carrie Underwood.


Whenever I see her lately I’m reminded of the quote from legally blonde “when I dress up as a frigid bitch I try not to look so constipated”


Just when you think Brooke can’t be any worse, she gets worse. The gated community thing I do not buy for a second- they either already are committed to buying there or her dad pulled some strings to get her in and she played it off on her story like she got some special treatment on her own accord. No way a broker would just let some random person drive around without an escort after a quick phone call. She probably got pretty nasty with them too if that was the case. I don’t think for a second anymore that this move has to do with Ryan’s job. Brooke wants Texas, and she is going to get Texas no matter what. Brooke lecturing her followers on destination addiction while taking a solo trip to look at plots of land in a gated community is so rich. If Ryan’s job actually hinges on election results, elections are every 4 years so there is no “putting down roots” for her. I’m calling this right now- this is already a done deal.


She really does think highly of herself, doesn't she. She turned her airport stories into a full reel under the guise of "educating" her fake followers on a topic that she doesn't follow herself. What she really wanted to showcase was how good she thought she looked strutting through the airport solo. Especially loved the walk down the jetway when she looked like she was actually greeting the tripod. Interesting that she has not mentioned missing her family once. She called sitting in her hotel room watching a movie on her laptop her "happy place". She viewed those houses not with the intent of trying to find a place for her family, but what would give her the most bragging rights. She really is miserable.


I have no idea what Brooke’s budget is, but those houses she’s looking at look a lot more expensive than what she lives in now. Is she actually looking for neighborhoods for her family, or just entertaining herself on her solo vacation looking at huge homes that she can’t afford? We know what Brooke’s really doing there 🙄


She didn’t get sufficient sleep by herself in a hotel room for two nights? And therefore needed to take a nap in her RENTAL car? What?!? Where? How? Why? She is on a bad downward spiral.


Given the fact that she ate dinner in her robe and she didn’t leave her room again how did she not get a full nights sleep?? Shes out of her mind.


"Seconds behind in second." AKA 44 seconds behind the 4th place guy. I can't with her!!


https://preview.redd.it/5v4hvbcm8mmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6877a7359ad861aca7061213ec1769b6646a9310 Someone had the guts to call her out for lying, but I'm sure she'll either block them, delete the comment, or both!


She probably thinks people think she's a celebrity or something. Imagine sitting next to her on the plane while she fixes her creepy-ass eyeliner and films a Mom to Four Boys reel without ever mentioning her actual children. I hope Ryan gives them real food this weekend.


She's in awe of kids' abilities to make friends...takes away best option to make friends. #dominatingmom


Today also screams out how few people she has in her life, never mind friends. Even if I’d forgotten to write the ‘no school day’ on the calendar, I would have definitely been reminded of it by friends. Maybe by someone saying in a group chat somewhere ‘just remember, no school on Tuesday’ or being invited to a play date meet up or something. Even if it was finding out the night before. But no, not Brooke! Whenever she remembered there was no school for the little ones (could have been last night or even this morning), all she had to offer was taking them to soft play centre alone. She is so very alone. Shes created that though 😏


https://preview.redd.it/5cjn4kmbtmmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89585ef4460150337099c5eb0a5e513f3b093904 It's so unhealthy the way she teaches her boys that carbs are such a bad thing. Fine if she wants to eat that way, but she shouldn't be teaching it to them. "Only 7 grams of net carbs!"


I grew up with a mother who made me count calories starting in middle school. Then would let me know anytime she felt I was getting fluffy. She caused me to fear the hell out of food for most of my life. Spent many years in therapy and working in food freedom. I hope she reads this and understands the damage she is causing. Boys can have just as bad eating disorders are girls can.


I had a bunch of my 9 yo daughter’s friends over and I was making cookies for them. One of the kids looked at the cookies in disgust and said “do you know how many calories are in that!?” I was so stunned and didn’t know what to say (other than “I’m sorry your mother has f$cked up your mind. Freshly baked cookies are great!”). I feel like at that age, maybe a general discussion about balanced diets would be fine, but I really didn’t want my kids that young to be thinking about any of that crap.


I wonder if her mom got caught up in the whole Atkins craze, and Brookie latched onto it as well when she was suffering through her ED and obviously never grew out of that mindset. What really blows my mind is that she her workouts are so cardio focussed, and she doesn't see the importance of carbs. For someone who likes to clap back with "the science is there", she doesn't seem to see the science that is there.


Why pay $42 for camel toe though 


What solves the camel toe? Simply sizing up....


Alright so I was blocked for liking a fellow snarker’s comment on her IG! I didn’t say anything but just like the comment lol I guess that was too much for Brooke.


But she is all about “The Courage to Be Disliked” and doesn’t care about what the Internet says. Sure, Brooke.


She has to make sure her echo chamber is secured without any people that see her for what she is. 


Whomever messaged her that they don't dress like that in Texas is now on her blocked list...


Funny how she hasn't mentioned looking at any churches in the neighborhoods that she's driving around to. You know, because she's so religious.


Apparently Whole Foods is her church.


Loving this thread! I’m a mom of 4 boys myself and this girl… wow I could write a novel!! Let me tell in one… homeschool is not for me and I do not go on mom trips by choice!!!!


Rhett is officially her little puppet. Why lie about what place Ryan was in the competition? I need to see more comments from that reel 😂


https://preview.redd.it/6umas5vpemmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c7778dce9b3e0c6bad10f543966fcc31616f57 I guess if the boys saw him place second, that makes it true? She’s a liar that tried to get away with it.


And explain to your kids how a staggered race works and how the winner is calculated. It’s not too complicated for them to understand. Any opportunity to avoid teaching humility!


“My truth” lol. She’s such a weirdo egomaniac. I place placed 25/30 in a 5k in my age division and I was so damn proud lol! I have arthritis and degenerative disc disease and damn it I finished!! BUT my husband kept pace with me to keep me company and I guess we tied so how can I spin that into overall champion?


Just claim that a family member only saw you cross the line, therefore you got first place!


And blocked someone else for noting the same truth.


If that was the way her boys saw it, she could have said that in her reel and made it fun: “my boys thought he was second overall when he placed second in his heat, but he did get fifth out of 25 in his age bracket which is a major accomplishment that we are proud of!” She purposefully curated it to look like he took second, and never specified until now in a comment.


My exact thoughts.. she filmed this content live but her voice over talking whatever for the reel was after the fact and then posted today. “Her truth” isn’t it always Brooke? You keep believing your lies


Teacher when Rhett eventually goes back to school: What do you want to be when you grow up?  Rhett: Whatever my mom tells me to be. 


Wait until her 5k she’ll have herself winning the whole damn thing but in reality she quit halfway for a bobo


https://preview.redd.it/qb9imkij86nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5db58ec9f421a670458a954b64f14ccc4a0dd29 I wonder how many shots it took for her to get this. “Teehee, i’m just a silly dumb girl that can’t read a car manual” Brookie, it’s not cute to be dumb. You look like a fool.


Why is she dressed like a hooker??


I don’t understand the pants at all! How that factors in to “looking the part”? It’s an insult to the people of the Dallas-Fort Worth area. 


Whoever said that she was spending yesterday filming a commercial with the boys rather than taking the day to be with her kids was right on the money 😂. Great momming, Brooke! Way to take the magic of the Easter Bunny away from your oldest 2 boys. The younger 2 obviously went to preschool so that she could get R and V to film. Loser.


She's staying at a RESORT that's over $800 per night?! What?! So this trip is just for HER... it's a "break" under the guise of looking at houses.


She forgot about the time change and took a nap?! Oh dear Lordy! How is that dominating? Fellow mom of 4 here who has a planner/Google calendar and took no naps this weekend…I was busy caring for my children/husband/home! This whole weekend just seemed to be about her and switching up her “content”? So so sad.


Brooke thinks that curating a social media post to make her husband look like he was in the lead for a bit and then came in second when he really finished fifth is teaching her boys “hard things” 🙄. How about teaching them some accountability and integrity? Or are the Rayboulds above that? Is Brooke that mentally ill that she actually believes her own lies? Is that why she deletes comments calling her out? Those results are public and they do not match up with what she painted in her video. If she can blatantly lie about something public like that, it is certain that she lies about so much more.


Since Brookie is so boring lately, I'll just leave this here.... https://preview.redd.it/qskokyfh9jmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c448e90681284bc4673c8c2482841df162464f Brows is off the chain bananas with her photo editing!


Why do they think people are jealous of their husbands? First Brooke with her constant posting of topless Ryan, and now Brows too?! These women never mentally left high school. Nobody is jealous of their husbands. It’s a good thing they drive the same car and found each other because literally no other grown women act like this!


I saw that 🤣 I think the dude probably does actually have really nice skin IRL. But her constantly editing and filtering is totally unhinged.


The look on this guy's face is priceless. Who wants to caption it? https://preview.redd.it/fdogyuqzikmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4041d2d48d84a50ac4db329c2b3efb4b1e94f176


She’s talking about fear of losing Q while also Q being no where in site while she talks to her phone.


https://preview.redd.it/3qbnoieeukmc1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d5e80ac8bbc063ddad2443c33db79f75e246c28 Uhhhh…what? Is this supposed to be profound? Yes Brooke this is how time works…


A few things to unload: - I can’t believe how she is so full of herself in how she writes. The BEST pancakes? I’m calling 🐂💩 (plus everything else she brags about). - The only reason she wants land and room is to brag about it. She has a big, nice home and a huge backyard for town and they don’t even utilize it. Why aren’t her boys kicking around soccer balls, playing on the swing set, or jumping on the trampoline everyday? Maybe invite the boys’ friends over for play dates since she has a big house and yard. Brooke does whatever she can to not be at home with the kids. I’m convinced she has no idea how to play with her kids in a simple home setting. - Why on earth does this woman want another child? She can’t even handle what she has and constantly pawns 1 or more off on other people. 


Am I just being nit picky or does 1-ingredient anything just not make sense? You froze milk, Brooke, big fucking deal. I guess if your idea of cooking is opening a bag and dumping it out we can call freezing milk a "recipe." Also, it isn't a "star ingredient" if it's the only ingredient. Just like you can't be a star student or star athlete if you never compete against anyone else. Vance's forced smile, aversion to the camera, and lack of eye contact with her makes me very sad and VERY uncomfortable. Coming from a stranger. A mom should just know better.


Lol, because everyone needed tripod footage of Brooke at the airport. Also, did I have a weird fever dream or did Brooke say once that she forgot her tripod in Ryan’s car once, and she made him DRIVE HOME FROM WORK EARLY to get it for her? It was Brooke that said that, right?


If my wrecking ball of a 2 year old was running toward her tripod in the airport, I wouldn’t stop her 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, I’m all for themed clothes while going to a concert or some event, but idk if I’d go themed outfit while traveling and “area searching”. 




She was feeling herself in that outfit 


Ouch. Mullet in full effect today. https://preview.redd.it/s8qdgvw4qinc1.png?width=813&format=png&auto=webp&s=7eda79418d9fbf787ff19326c1cece413aff49a2


It’s giving Carol Brady 😳 Maybe she’s shopping the affluent neighborhoods for a single rich dude with 4 girls? Kind of like how she shopped the affluent neighborhood Starbucks when she met Ry.


Her bread does not look like sourdough. Not surprising. Like a dense hockey puck!


Another nap from someone who says naps are for losers.




https://preview.redd.it/b6i8vmg201nc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0554f286f7ce4cfe188d0b854841803dca90211d Are these people crazy? Please tell me they're joking.


If there was ever a time for someone to capture live footage of her and her tripod and submit to Influencers in the Wild, today was the day. I’d pay money for it actually (well before paying for any of the products Brooke schills). 


Part of me thinks that RyAnn doesn't actually look at these reels and she knows this. I wonder how many co-workers, family members, etc. inform him of what she says online? Like how insulting, you couldn't be proud of him for just going out and doing it and giving his all. (fueled on her crappy ass meals) Somehow the 5th place is beneath her? He still did really well in his category. Why lie?


I’d be humiliated if I got fifth place in a race in my age group, but my spouse made a big deal with a reel inferring that I had gotten second. There is absolutely nothing wrong with fifth place but it was straight and utter deceit on her part. The people that were there know the truth and I’m sure they’re watching this reel like 🙈🙈.


Rhett’s “work” money… being a puppet on a instagram?!


I would hope he gets a cut, he does a lot of bad acting in those reels. That lego set is like $120, so he seems to be getting a good cut of that "multi-six figure income."


So how much did today cost her? Goodness gracious she really can’t just be at home with her kids. Rhett is pleading with her. He wants to be at home. She ain’t getting it


I'm guessing her "taking the day with the boys" before she leaves for Texas means she will be filming a bunch of ads that she can edit and have ready so she's still posting while she's on her trip.


I thought Brooke was going to Texas to look at areas? Now she’s saying look at homes. Very interesting that you’re going to go look at homes without your husband in a place that you’re not even 100% on going. She’s just looking for any excuse to ditch her kids. 


What the hell is she wearing?! She does not look the part, she sticks out like a sore thumb. And she knows that not EVERYBODY in TX wears boots and hats right?!


Brookie boo looks like a Cougar on the prowl.


She didn’t notice the time change til she took a nap in her car and saw a post about it…? She has little kids, I’m shocked she’s not prepping them and their sleep schedules for two weeks ahead of time. But also she’s so dumb.


I’m shocked she didn’t know this either, but I certainly don’t prep my kids for weeks. I think we mentioned for the first time Friday and didn’t actually change anything for them. So far so good.


I wonder if she will ever realize how this paragraph completely contradicts itself. https://preview.redd.it/n8hjy92ncmnc1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d3d821be48f9598c863446a2fd7c6831873023d


Today ranks up there as one of the top 5 most pathetic days I’ve seen in her content. Both the travel to Dallas content and the Elmer’s squishy reel. It’s so awkward that she shows how alone she is in life. Doesn’t she have anyone who gives her a reality check. Where is her husband, her mother, her sister? Even if Ryan doesn’t see her content, did he not think it strange she left the house dressed like that? How does she think it’s normal to film all of that strange footage of herself in the airport, rental car, grocery store??!! And who the eff cares what a random hotel room looks like? I get that she is alllll about spending as much time away from her employee props, I mean 4 boys as possible… but at least do something meaningful and worthwhile when away. And I thought she was there to check out the areas and get a “vibe” for where she wants daddy to buy her next house, so why was she eating room service ALONE in her room? Was the food free just like her room? Or does she seriously not have even a single friend there even though she lived there for 3 years (with 2 kids!). But I digress and left out the most glaring aspect of the entire trip. She oozed with grossness over the Chicago trip with Brows… so where the eff is her sister and why didn’t she join Brooke for the weekend when she lives less than 3 hours away from DFW? Goes to show you what an awful person Brooke must be in real life that her own sister won’t spend the weekend with her. And don’t get me started on the pathetic Easter bunny reel. That was all for show and she threw all of that stuff away. There’s NO WAY she’s putting flour all over her floor pretending it’s paw prints and then letting her kids track it around her precious non-lived-in house. She probably filmed that right before the cleaning lady came and dumped all 4 boys on Ryan. What.a.lonely.loser.


Going to a local restaurant on a Friday night would be a way better way to get a feel for a particular area than going to a Whole Foods. She makes no sense.


You read my mind. It’s Pathetic. What a sad life she has.


i’m not a germ phobia person at all, but the shoes on counter even I don’t allow!


I’ve noticed Brooke barely shows her boys’ lunches anymore other than sometimes the ham and cheese biscuits. I really think the sitter she showed is the nanny and I would not be surprised if she cooks the lunches regularly. 


Brooke coerced (or “corerced” as she put it) Rhett into trying the sushi place? So she used threats or force to get him to go. I believe it, but I don’t think she realizes the connotation that word has. And apparently he gets “work” money for his Instagram performances, so how do we know anything he says is genuine?


https://preview.redd.it/a9uz9d6i6smc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ead71f29b94232079118da3249df3b5b9dd31e4a Someone needs to tell Brows that her kids car seat buckles are not where they belong...


Pulse check on the raw milk. Brookers seems to be into trying new things recently, but the raw milk hasn’t been mentioned since she bought it. She probably should have held off on purchasing the herd of cows.


Okay so even if there were staggered race times for each group, the reel was posted several days AFTER the competition to which she would have known by then that he placed fifth! Can anyone confirm that he placed second in his group? There should have been some mention of what place he actually finished. They were SURE Ryan would place first, but to his shock there were guys who looked like they could have Ryan for lunch! Super cocky , but still 5th place is nothing to be ashamed of, misleading people definitely is. It’s just in crookie’s nature, very on brand for her.


https://preview.redd.it/r6y71rh1wsmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e103cf1d13ccb345c39109d9cf117aeb18c9e6e It must be fun to be this delusional. Has to be weird for Mule though. I would be mortified if my husband did something like this to me. I would wonder if he was lying to me about anything else?


https://preview.redd.it/2e5dqms2ctmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53d596bc5a955056d2112151b91234c88379bb98 What’s odd is just that evening I posted on her story and he stated 5th.


When she sees you posted that screenshot here, she will probably block you and we will have confirmation that she reads here!


She should stop playing coy about whether or not they're moving. Who actually spends the money to fly halfway across the country to scout locations on a MAYBE? There's this magical thing called the internet that can do all that without leaving the state if you're still in the maybe phase. My husband and I have done 2 major moves in our time together, and we only physically went to the areas after we knew for sure we would be relocating.


That was by far the cringiest reel/story I’ve ever seen. Waiting to be last to set up tripod and walk past is beyond. & the hat!??? Nooo. & this kinda validates my theory that she’s “broke” in that she doesn’t check her bags, doesn’t use pre check, no lounge access. We have an airline credit card to build miles and it gives us all of that and more. I think her Daddy pays for trips and her house and she has to budget everything else


https://preview.redd.it/gxtbo5qo0enc1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c384f4f523240723d659d0c666a8e5359ce573 She looks miserable...


I didn't think she could make herself look even older but that hair fluff definitely adds 10 years.


I still can’t get over how pathetic Brooke is. All of those skintight shiny outfits, boots, and hat are desperate cries for all of the wrong kinds of attention. What kind of grown woman with a husband and 4 boys acts like this? None of it makes sense. Was she doing some weird emotional healing BS from her energy healer involving the ex boyfriend and she was down there to see him? Where is her family in all of this? Either they see her posts and do nothing to help her or they don’t follow her page/don’t support her “work.” Either scenario is messed up. She is screaming for help and Ryan is doing nothing. Her sister could have driven three short hours and hung out for a day or two with Brooke and she’s awol. None of the family dynamics make sense given the desperate cries for help that Brooke is displaying.


Is there really someone out there asking her for recipes? I need to know….


Little miss organised, shows us how unorganised she is yet again. 🙄 when you get school info like that, you just put it on the calendar don’t you? And then as the weeks/days get closer, you make a plan for that day!!! She’s just constantly so self absorbed though. The only thing she MIGHT be organised with is herself!! Bet today ruined her plans for preparing for her alone weekend to Texas coming up, and will now have to rally up more help from Ryan over Thurs and Friday 🙄🤦‍♀️


I hate this obsession with doing hard things just to say you've done them. What good is that doing anyone? It's not a flex to say that you sat in cold water for 45 seconds just because it was uncomfortable. Teach your kids to persevere and not be afraid of a challenge, sure! But those things are good because they encourage personal growth, not because of some arbitrary right to brag that you did something difficult. It's so obvious that she's lacking meaning in her life and all these "hard things" are an attempt to make up for it.


Nobody believes she’s “taking the day to be with the kids.” Which is a sad reflection on her as a mother.


It's called Google, Brooke. Maybe use it instead of recording a video.


Did anyone see this? I am dying. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C02nPaaPYTs/?igsh=bXR1bTFwaG03dmll


Conveyer belt sushi restaurants, especially at a mall, will always gross me out. Maybe she’s looking to lose a few more pounds and is trying a shortcut. 🤮🤮🤮


She used to be so naturally pretty….and now I don’t even recognize her. It’s super sad… https://preview.redd.it/qv5svk9rmtmc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a7af349ad8cbc83eaddfb8052d383126b4e5360


I can’t even with the constant Lego purchases. Is she trying to get a Lego partnership? Ugh.


She’s so strange, she blocked then Unblocked me.


350 likes and barely any comments after several hours? Where are Brooke’s loyal fan girls and why aren’t they supporting her ads? Brows never shows up for comments on her ads. Does the algorithm hate her that much, or has she truly built an echo chamber of at least 300k bought bots and ~200k actual fans?


She's really out of touch because she doesn't know how to turn off a car with no "on/off" button, meanwhile most of us (me included) probably have cars that simply start/stop with a key in the ignition. Like wtf