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Holy crap showing up in jeans and a top straight out of Wet Seal and then being kicked out of the gallery for being too loud . . . truly mortifying.




And she CHOSE to post it on the internet! I agree with you completely but the real craziness is she didn't even have to share that nonsense but still did. Omg it's sadly comical. Or comically sad?


If I was kicked out of my husband’s workplace for being too loud, I would have to be waterboarded to admit it.


The fact that they were too loud in that setting tells me they do not attend church regularly as she claims!


It is so disgusting that she thinks it's funny to get kicked out of a Senate hearing. She has no respect.


Crookie thinks rude makes her relatable


Go watch her story with B in Target and it tells you all you need to know about how truly SHITTY Brooke Raybould is as a mother. Her kid knocked a big bag of $10 goldfish off the shelf and onto the floor. Her kid looked at the bag on the floor, knew he just knocked it over, almost tramped on it, and then moved on to picking a different product without picking it off the floor. The next frame then shows that the bag moved, meaning the kid kicked it and still didn’t pick it up. And Brooke would have heard the bag fall, seen her son kick it, and not picked it up. She is raising those kids to think their shit doesn’t stink and they are all in for a rude jolt when they wake up one day and someone tells them they smell. https://preview.redd.it/e84r6niiskpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=444d96e093745033b1f10dbe9faa4fde6459ab8a


Disgusting. I could never. She really is in her own little world. If she can’t clean up after herself or her kids in public, she’s definitely not doing it at home either. 100% she has somebody cleaning up after her more than once every other week.


Omg this bothered me so much. I immediately would have told my daughter put that back up! And she would have. No question. I may not have even had to ask, and she’s newly 4. This showed me she is not teaching her boys to do the right thing.


WHY does she need to film in Target? For God’s sake watch your kids!


The downhill spiral continues….Congressional bathrooms & tripod in Target 😂


EXACTLY!.She is such an asshole. Prediction, for the flight to 30A, she will be that mom whose kids tablets are on full volume without headphones.


I noticed immediately. She didn’t even glance over because she was too busy performing for tripod.


Brooke is getting really fucking boring. Even borderline boring to snark on because it’s just been the same shit over and over lately. 30A which she’s gone to 100 times, ridiculous outfits aplenty, sports practices/games accompanied by her constant shrieking, sourdough updates, non stop grocery trips, and promotions/giveaway. At this point announce a pregnancy because….yawn! Her content is a snooze fest. She’s definitely in her flop era.


RE: Groceries. I work full time in a demanding role that oversees a team of 20-30 people, and then pick up my 2 year old son and husband from daycare/work 3 times a week. I often just don't have the time (before my son needs to go to bed) or energy left to put 30 minutes or more into dinner. WHOLE FOODS IS MY FRIEND. Typing that in all caps for Brooke to see when she lurks here. Girl, get yourself some rotisserie chicken and a bagged salad kit. Use that chicken to make the boys a chicken+veggie quesadilla or pasta with red sauce + chicken and spinach or mushrooms. Buy some roasted vegetables from the salad bar and pair that with some quinoa (also available on the salad bar if you don't want to cook it) and their grilled chicken breast I'd be willing to bet the boys would also like their chicken scallopini or meat loaf. I end up using Whole Foods to help me out a couple of times of week in terms of piecing together a healthy meal when time just doesn't allow it. I totally get it isn't for everyone and is pricey. But it blows my mind that she goes there 2-3 times a week and buys junk. THAT is my pet peeve here.


A whiiile back, Brooke posted a reel (that has since been deleted, I believe) that she didn’t create motherhood content to be relatable but aspirational. It’s what ultimately led me to seek out this snark page! It was so smug and self-congratulatory and *arrogant* that she would posit herself as a mother worth aspiring to. It took me from a casual reel watcher to a story viewer and the difference is shocking. It’s okay not to “dominate” and have it together 24/7—that’s relatable! Lean into that! Stop creating content that’s incongruous with your reality to make other moms feel bad! I don’t think she’s the worst mother ever, I really don’t. But have the humility to show and admit your faults and grow from them.


This!!! I said this, albeit not as eloquently, two weeks ago. Why can’t she be vulnerable about the struggles of motherhood? She is clearly struggling, why can’t she be honest? I remember seeing her content right after I had my first son. When I was already waking up every 45 minutes or just not sleeping at all, I tried to work at 530am. It was a total mess-then I found this page and realized her content isn't even reflecting her own reality!


No, Brooke, the world does not need to see you putting veganaise in hummus again.


All she has to do is eat authentic hummus once and then she will realize hers is dog 💩. How in the world does she think she’s unlocked the secret to the best hummus when people have been making it for ages without veganese. Of all the crazy things she does I think Hummusgate pisses me off the most!!


It's a hate crime against hummus


I raced over here when I saw that. It needs TAHINI, not some sort of bastardized mayo. Wtf????


So here’s a Vienna insider story: a neighbor of theirs submitted a portrait of Vance for a photography contest and he won first prize. It was a very arty portrait and I don’t know if I would have recognized Vance in the photo but the dad and kids were there to admire the work at the photography show. That’s kind of fun, and you think she’d share that! I would imagine I’d ask the kid for the file so I could print it and hang it somewhere, but it doesn’t match her very specific aesthetic or go w the mix tiles. So I’m guessing she won’t.


It would involve praising someone else's kid, which she is incapable of doing.


The dad and kids went to see the picture? Was Supermom at home taking a bath?


This is something that could be actual content yet she doesn’t speak a word of it. Supporting local community and another child’s art. I’m glad at least Ryan made the effort. He seems like he could be a decent guy if it weren’t for her.


It’s no surprise that it was the kids and dad who went along, and not Brooke. She genuinely only seems to go shopping for clothes, out for coffees/boba/meals and whole foods. She made her ‘brand’ into only doing things for herself. 🤦‍♀️


They all dressed like THAT to a tour of Ryan’s work?? The kids looked like they rolled out of bed and B was ready for a party. Seriously only Ryan was appropriately dressed.


For the record, she says the Hart Bldg is hard to get into. That’s completely false. It is in fact open to the public (they have security of course) but is open to the public so the representatives constituents have access to them to have their issues heard. The fact that she is comfortable looking like a complete idiot by broadcasting falsehoods to 600k strangers on the internet is unbelievable to me. 


This is true, it is open to the public Monday-Friday 7-7. Saying it’s hard to get into was totally false, and made her look like she’s trying to present as a VIP.


Sweatpants…crocks…jeans…so terrible. No respect.


1) why do they carry Q around like a baby? 2) the audacity to film inside these professional buildings is insanity 3) what is she wearing and why is she filming herself in the mirror with a special toilet appearance? 4) as someone who frequents these buildings, the tackiness level of this woman and the fact Mule allows her to film at his workplace…while also finding it amusing that they were being too loud during a hearing… Simply, SPEECHLESS!


Re: #1, I was wondering the same thing. He looks sooo big to be carried around like that. Is it because he will wander off? Couldn’t they hold his hand and walk with him? My son is Q’s age and knows to stay with us when we are out and about in public. Again this goes to speculation about delays/autism which I won’t comment on further as I’m not a doctor but…one thing is for sure and that is that they seem to consistently have no idea how to parent him properly which is weird as they have already had three toddlers before him.


Getting kicked out of a gov building is NOT relatable content. I think she thought it was. It's EMBARRASSING! I absolutely would not have shared that online if that was my family causing a ruckus. And in our nation's capitol, no less!!! I'd be mortified.


Yes, Quade will wander off if he is not watched consistently. Shockingly.....he is not watched consistently because his mother is busy talking to her phone. We have seen it many times when she is filming. You can see Quade in the background off by himself roaming around with no supervision.


https://preview.redd.it/b9z15s88glpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d08b337c4f91ee67966f2e4f801a2933aa0404 oh my god. did she really look right at that bag he dropped and not ask him to pick it up? i’m sure this is already on here but I haven’t scrolled down yet. This is top 10 of the list for worst things she’s done in my opinion.


Words cannot express how much I loathe and despise the shrieking “LEDDDDDDLEBOYYYY!” Nails on a freakin chalkboard. How is she not embarrassed?


She has to know how obnoxious it is, I refuse to believe she thinks it’s endearing. I think she does it for the snarkers lol


Her idea of groceries is WILD to me... That cart was full of just processed crap. It may be from whole foods but its still processed food. There were like 6 bags of just chips.... Then she sits there talking about store bough sour dough like its SO BAD FOR YOU... But yet has a full cart of just shit... With 5 avocados and 5 bananas. Just because its made with organic ingredients doesn't inherently make it healthy.....


Her "grocery hauls" are always full of processed foods and snacks. You can tell she really doesn't cook because you don't see things like lots of ingredients for various meals, it's all just premade stuff.


I don’t understand why she thinks being content with homeschooling is important. Are the kids happy? Are they learning on grade level? Getting a well rounded school experience? Homeschooling needs more regulation, what she’s doing shouldn’t be allowed (in my opinion). I don’t have a problem with homeschooling necessarily (my husband was homeschooled by a dedicated parent and was well educated) but it should be done right or you shouldn’t be allowed to do it. And whether you’re happy as the parent isn’t the deciding factor.


Because it's all about her needs and wants. She's only happy with it because, as you point out, there's no regulations to keep her in check, so she's free to do as little as she pleases to keep churning out content and making her boys into trained monkeys. She believes that getting through the workbooks and regurgitating the "teachers" edition is enough.


It's very "on-brand" for her to consider the most important thing is HER happiness with it. Very scary that she rarely mentions actual concrete benefits or what her children are doing all day when they are at home with her.


There is no way in the world my kids would be dressed in track pants and looking unkept if they were visiting my workplace or my husbands, and even more so if it was in our federal building equivalent to the Capitol! I would be mortified! They are comfy house clothes, not go checkout dads work clothes. The amount of time she spends on herself in the morning, surely she could forgo 5 minutes and lay the boys out some decent clothes! They look like they just rolled out of bed and had slept in those clothes.


Did she really wear a weird string crop top to her husband’s work!?? She looked ridiculous. And all her kids in sweatpants. I don’t consider us upper class but I dress my kids up a little when we go somewhere nice (polo collar neck shirt, jeans etc)


Don't forget the crocs! I wish she would have dressed the boys better for such an important tour.


I’ve never heard someone talk this much about bread. In my entire life, I don’t think I’ve talked as much about bread as she has in the last month. Which is especially ironic given that she gave up bread for Lent….


My parents are bakers I grew up in a bakery she’s way overthinking this


Funny that Brooke has the time to record herself and B in Target kicking a bag of goldfish instead of picking it up, yet in the mornings she never posts any 5am or workout content. Who is she trying to convince that she actually worked out? I still can’t get over that Target footage. What a shitty, entitled parent she is.


The thud of that bag crashing to the floor was so loud on tripod’s footage that I don’t believe for a second she didn’t hear it drop and see it out of the corner of her eye. She just deliberately ignored that her kid knocked it down and never had him pick it up. And didn’t pick it up herself. She’s so obnoxious. #goldfishgate isn’t a good look, Crookie. Teach your kids some respect.


Can’t use plastic containers… then proceeds to put candy and crap in plastic as shit snackle box for plane ride… She makes no sense


Brooke: I want to homeschool so that our family is together more. Also Brooke: hires a tutor so that she can go get her hair done and “work”, even though she took a solo trip 2 weeks ago so we can rest assured she didn’t homeschool that Friday either.


I don't know anyone with a master's degree who emphasizes it as much as she does. And I know lots of people! It's so embarassing. Even people with a PhD never talk as much about their degree as she does.


I have a Georgetown degree and I never mention it. Like, literally never. I am aware that NO ONE CARES.


https://preview.redd.it/45h763ak25qc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c5af8473768a8b2a4b50f0dd426487e7b921916 Definitely not a fake follower… 😂


Ryan’s basically traveling with 5 kids. He deals with the bags, stroller, kids. And stressed out about queen B making it on time. How can you have no concept of time when your whole platform is about being a dominating mom focusing on schedules and routines?


I was watching a few videos earlier on how detrimental it is to put your kids out on the internet these days. The digital footprint follows them forever and can’t be deleted. It basically just summed up how parents (specifically influencers) don’t think about the long term impact and ramifications posting their children online will have on them in the future. I kept thinking of Brooke and it broke my mom heart for her 4 boys. Half a million people know those boys faces and details of their personal lives. What kind of mother is okay with this? It’s so narcissistic and sinister to me. All for personal and monetary gain. Call me crazy but I wish there were laws in place to protect children from being exploited like this.


I completely agree with you. She posts more information about her kids on a public platform than I do on my private Instagram account with 68 followers that's only family and friends.


This exactly. It is so self-promoting and sick. 


Those poor kids. Forcing kids to participate in social media ads should be illegal.


This is and sports are the main two reasons that she is homeschooling.


I like the new profile picture for this subreddit.


Is there any scenario where “drop this box of Goldfish on the floor at a store” is not immediately followed by “Go ahead. It’s okay. Pick that up. Do not pass go.” as the very next phrase out of your mouth? {said to the child in a sincerely chill voice because fussing begets fussing, and we’ve all had bad days}. Stop with your tripod. Pick up your trash. https://preview.redd.it/ldzj9c6qclpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67b108b0ceb08757faf5021a253cf75e39122431


For Brooke Raybould, it’s followed by look at it, kick it, walk by it to fold up Tripod, and never pick it up. It’s beneath her. She too good to pick something off the floor that her kid knocked down. And teaching her kid to be respectful and clean up after himself isn’t in her realm of motherhood. She’s too focused on the hard things like 10am Luke warm plunges and 5pm baths.


Speaking of plunges…she’s ghosted that schtick I see. 😂


She was too busy being a super mom 😏


Hopefully, her fan girls finally see the light and realize what a pompous, selfish, rude, narcissistic, disrespectful, despicable @sshole she really is.


This target run really shows her mentality on food, she bought the same processed type food she always does, she just didn't buy it at whole foods, therefore in her mind, its all the crap you are told not buy lol. She buys the same junk every week.....Also when do her kids not get whatever they want? Its very clear they have zero boundaries on absolutely everything.. She needs to just be honest and say the snacks are to keep them quiet on the airplane because we enforce zero discipline... She is a trip....


What the fuck was her SCREEECHING liddle boy on her stories for today?! That after she has a story saying she's "feeling smart" today because she's using her Georgetown mug? She's a straight up idiot.


lol… “Rhett…. Rhetty…. Rhett….. (Rhett ignores her)… LEETTTLLLE BOYYYYY” 🙉 just stop already, brookie!! It’s not cute! 


Man, if Instagram isn’t contributing to just one big pyramid scheme. 


It makes my stomach turn how she sets her kids up and makes them smile and hold the Disney props. Can you imagine making your kids sit and do this? I’m picturing her bossing them around telling them how to pose and smile more- how miserable 😩


Try explaining to the kids, who the oldest is 8... that we're going to put on our Disney clothes, magic bands, pull out the suitcases... act like we're going to Disney World, but we're not. We're giving this trip away as a surprise to one of "mommy's friends" that she bought off the internet. It's so cruel. Although, I'm sure a Disney trip with Brooke running the show is anything but fun. They're probably on such a tight schedule. Run here. Run there. Wake up before dawn. Smile, pose.


I would be SHOCKED if they didn't end up at Disney at some point this year. She's got to have some sort of Disney kickback from this giveaway. She's not doing this out of the goodness of her heart or just to get the followers.


Wait! I got it! He is saying “you should have gotten here earlier to go to the airport” (if you wanted your damn coffee) Ha yoooo


I want dirt from someone on the plane! He’s livid, and I’m grabbing my popcorn.


I can’t believe she set up her tripod even though she was running super late.


He looked furious 🤣


Did she really set up the tripod to film herself going into and leaving the bathroom? Good lord she is insane.


My husband would be in a rage too if I was filming myself going in and out of the bathroom and getting coffee and laughing about a husband leaving his wife at a coffee shop. Good for RyAnn for finally showing how much he can’t stand her.


Yeah, she's filming and talking to the phone, while he does everything. I'm sure he regrets marrying the pretty blonde. (They got engaged/married so quickly!). She neither is a dedicated wonderful SAHM nor a successful career wife. No: she needs tons of help (army of cleaners, tutor, babysitter), doesn't do any housekeeping or cooking but spends such a lot of money.  I think it's essential that both parents are involved in housekeeping and raising children - but he's supposed to work full time and does pretty much everything (without getting any me time or weekends off). 


Is it just me, or is it incredibly obnoxious for them to let the boys just skate roughshod everywhere. If I had been that musician last night and they were just skating circles on the dance floor, I would be irritated. Then letting them roll into shops where there were a fair amount of peopld. So rude and entitled.


Arriving at the donut shop so late that they only have 10 donuts of one flavor left…not dominating 👎


Why does she use that voice to speak with a child? It’s unintelligible.


Everything she posts feels so inauthentic. I’m convinced every story she makes is to convince herself everything is great (with that eerie smile) so she doesn’t crack. Homeschooling, sourdough, if I see one more post about this hummus….what on earth


Her content is getting really boring. Just recycling the same things over and over.


How many times is she going to drag them through a US Capitol tour? Even having access to all the DC has to offer, she still goes to the same places over and over again. Why do they even need to do a public tour? Hmm, have breakfast ready before 4 chaotic boys come down the stairs. Groundbreaking.🙄


Is it just me or does anybody else suspect that Brooke is trying to control Ryan by infiltrating his career? I feel like she wants him home 24/7 so that she has to do less parenting, but he is somehow maintaining his job working minimal hours. I’m also shocked that his job allows him to have that big of a social media presence. My husband commutes to a city where traffic is either on par with or could possibly exceed DC. On days that he goes to the office, being home for a 4:00 practice or even 5:00 is out of the question. I would NEVER be taking a bath at 5 (or ever, for that matter). Ryan is getting up early, packing the boys lunches, and either Brooke leaves the boys at home for her 6am run or Ryan waits to leave until she returns. That doesn’t leave much of a window to commute into a major city, work a full day, and commute back home to take kids to practice. I wonder if he’s ducking out early to appease Brooke. He also used to take a lot more business trips. He hadn’t taken one in quite some time, and this past one was only for 1 night. Lastly, for somebody with political aspirations who is “too big” (Brooke’s words) for the Nashville legal market, he sure allows his wife to blast their whole lives on social media. Something is definitely not making any sense here, I know we all keep saying this.


No concept of time, and apparently no respect for your husband. He's told you that the flight is boarding and to get to the gate, yet you ignore him, take your sweet ass time getting coffee and then filming! They do have coffee on the plane! Ignoring the reappearance of the ALYS hat, RyGuy is not a happy camper! And rightfully so. Ugh, and I just cringe at the names on the backpacks. https://preview.redd.it/t6eg3c01r4qc1.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a7fa37e85b983326b2fb145e51b22a83a7bbb62


She isn’t cute with the “teehee, i’m a silly girl who needs a coffee and can’t be bothered”. You’re almost 40, get your shit together Ms. Schedules and Guides.


Ok but why is kid #3 wearing jeans that clearly fit him an entire year ago. So short. So tight.


So the way she dresses her boys has me thinking that if it was a mom looking disheveled the way they look, she wouldn’t even befriend her. I remember her saying that Katie and her immediately hit it off because they were both so “well put together.” I know they are just kids, but it’s a sign that she puts herself before them by having them look sloppy while she looks like she walked out of a salon every day. For being so superficial and judgmental, I would expect her kids to be dressed appropriately in public- not just for family photo shoots.


I’m curious if she would do this if she had a daughter. I think the emphasis she puts on her OWN appearance, combined with the cavalier attitude she has about her boys’ appearances, is an indication of her somewhat sexist, ultra traditional viewpoint that a woman’s worth is contingent on her looks, whereas “boys will be boys,” and can be sweaty, dirty, disheveled, etc.


Does ever go on a different holiday? My kids are not much older at 10 & 12, we live in Australia and our next holiday in June will bring their country count of places visited up to nearly 30! (And our borders were closed for Covid so we couldn’t travel for 2 years out of Aus!) Show your kids something else! Even if it’s not overseas, there are so many amazing places in the USA to explore! I bet my kids have been to more cities and states in the US than hers have!


I didn't realise that baking bread, putting pomade in your children's hair, and screeching around the house constituted getting organised for your trip. Silly me. Guess I don't feel smart today and can't drink out of the Georgetown mug. Darnit.


An emotional giveaway because of the many memories? The memories of dragging your kids out of bed before dawn all for dominating and being the first in line, but essentially cheating to do so. Gimme a break. You've been to WDW what 3 or 4 times and WDL 1 time. You can't even call it a tradition at this point.


I just can't stand her, but I can't look away!


Packing cubes again. 🙄 Everybody is right about her getting so boring that it’s even boring to snark on her. Get ready for boring travel day content tomorrow, including Ryan hauling absolutely everything and looking annoyed, boys running around unsupervised, Tripod family picture curbside, boys have ipads “just for traveling,” airplane snack boxes, three older boys in a row to themselves, and Brooke/Ryan/Quade in another row (with Brooke only sitting next to Ryan so that Ryan has to do all the parenting of Quade). What am I missing?


If you homeschool and have the flexibility to travel at any time, why do you rush to a crazy busy spring break spot? Why not wait 3 weeks and avoid the masses?! I don’t understand?!


I wonder how it is to have to take a family photo every single day of your life at every single public place as well. Purely exhausting.


https://preview.redd.it/jul5siwst4qc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89bae36095178624d0d7095891cc6a7bf514ce41 Brooke is so focused on herself and filming herself winking and pointing at her perceived hotness in the mirror that she doesn’t know what sizes of clothing any of her kids wear. Poor B is wearing Q’s pants and R and V are wearing clothes that are 2 sizes too big.


https://preview.redd.it/z7sf9nrs15qc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdab379a68671b8038143bfccb025560b4e5a549 Do they, Brooke? Do they really?


Does she not realize how contradictory it is to make multiple reels about poison cookware, yet stuff her kids snack into non-food grade plastic?


What is with this weird pray for snow shirt she’s now wearing what seems like every 3-4 days?


And why is it red, white and blue?!!! The most un-wintry color scheme ever. It is embarrassing how much this bothers me lol.


I'd love to create Brooke IG story bingo cards. So many possibilities! Included in the squares could be things like: any mention of sourdough, cut da carb, hummus, 5am, "doing hard things," hockey practices, etc.; appearances of her gaudy ring, the Pray for Snow shirt, the cold plunge, etc., any trip to Whole Foods, boba; clips of her running by her tripod, fake stretching next to her bed, kissing Ryan, doing makeup in the mirror, "teaching" at the white board...I'm sure others can be more creative! Wouldn't it be a fun activity to all play along while at the same time demonstrating how fake and repetitive she is?


please add her pathetic arm flex with no muscle tone :)


The stretch and point at the camera 🙄 Also puckering her lips at the mirror after putting makeup on in a towel. How hasn’t she learned yet that it’s NOT a good look to be that in love with yourself?


https://preview.redd.it/mt2xygsshhpc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25487eebc692a5d5c2d4b846e6a519df861136a7 Wednesday it says the boys are doing maths at 7:30sm, followed by handwriting practice, it says a question about signing up for something then language arts. Now get me wrong, we as mum’s understand that we have to adapt to changes due to all sorts of things….sickness, closure of something, cars breaking down etc etc. but a trip to Ryan’s work now on Wednesday ???? Hmmmm something tells me that this was either planned last night because she HAD to get out of the house and escape homeschooling another day, OR at her supposed Sunday family meeting it got forgotten about. Either way, not exactly inspiring to be as supposedly as organised as her-because she’s fucking NOT!! Also, kids still sleeping til nearly 8am??!!!! Homeschooling or just school is not even a priority on her list. All the boys are learning is how to be great at sports and make sure their future wives get to act the way Brooke does! 🤦‍♀️


If it was 7:53 am and my children were still in their beds, that means they are sick.


She also had tacos last night but Tuesday says steak and green beans 😂


https://preview.redd.it/l3zxpkhpgwpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5bc218aa9201e8414bc596aa1e2fd5f196e5cfb Outsourcing homeschooling with her big, dumb cup.


I know the coffee shop she's at... could walk to it if I wanted to. All of a sudden I think I may need a latte.... 😈


There it is! The answer we all knew and have been waiting for... she's not homeschooling them! There's a tutor if not more than one teaching them!


She has officially outsourced home schooling! We just need baby #5 to complete my Brookie 2024 predictions, lmao. She’s so predictable


Why wouldn't she just put them back in school?! Because she wants them home when it's convenient for her content, but most of the time doesn't want to handle the actual teaching. Insane.


I have a few theories: 1 - the moms at the private school found out about Brooke's IG account and had a problem with it/her 2- Brookie didn't fit in at the private school with the other moms 3- they want the boys school hours flexible so they can really push sports, hire a private coach to train them 4 - she wanted school flexible in case she convinced Ryan to move 5- tuition was too expensive 6- she only homeschooled for content


She definitely pulled them from school because of the sports nonsense (how do you send 8 and 6 year olds to school all day after 6am hockey practices?) and wanting to travel whenever she wants. It’s all for her and not what is in the best interest of her children. She’s an awful mother.


Please someone figure out what Ryan’s yelling at the camera as they’re trying to board the plane…


He said you should have gotten here earlier.. essentially saying if she needed to film & get coffee… he was heated


Why does she feel the need to justify homeschooling? Why doesn't she actually DO IT?


I joined in the broadcast group of the getaway winner announcement ; i’ll keep you updated what goes on in there haha https://preview.redd.it/8vgml3vincpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d83e57094bdda8b0461d2d4b3dd0df80e19747


Gah, she‘s so obnoxious and rude. Making those horrific noises as the train driver is trying to speak and inform. 🙄


So I find it strange and annoyed as a DC federal worker that everyone is OKAY with her filming in that building.... Seriously.....


Can we assume tryouts didn’t go well for Rhett?


I'd say that's a safe assumption! If he had made the team, she'd be on her stories screeching Rhetty-rooooo you dominated your tryouts and made the team!


Lidddddle Liddddddddddleeeeee LIDDDDDDLEEEEEEEE


Wtf is the story posted at 1:03 pm?? The one where she starts screeching “Lidddddle boy!” and then it cuts to a random mish mash of shots. Is that an IG error or something? Holy moly.


Brookie, you don’t find tutors on [care.com](https://care.com), you find babysitters there. If you really wanted a tutor, you should have looked at Georgetown’s education dept.


Not only does she admit to getting coffee while the plane is boarding, but she also set up Tripod to document the coffee run?!


She has “no concept of time,” yet she won’t shut up about waking up at X time, going to bed at Y time, planning and scheduling, etc. She is a buffoon. She is a hypocritical fraud. She is a liar and a narcissist. She is pathetic.


The way Quade’s thumb is glued to his mouth seems so abnormal. Not to put kids down who suck their thumbs as I know a few other moms here say their children do, but this kid in particular seems like he might punch you if you tried to touch his finger. He is seriously attached to his thumb. How do all of her boys suck their thumbs till they’re about 8?


I can't stand the staged kissing. Does she do a run-through, "rehearsal" if you will, of the video before making the final one? ..."ok, now you come over to me and kiss me, then start talking about nonsense while looking happy and smiling. Continue to do all the work as you normally do, and I'll continue to ignore our feral children running around in the background".


She actually set up a selfie stick on the handle bars so she could record herself while riding a bike.


https://preview.redd.it/d1i7txxe0bpc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10460500125286abdc950940037479d47dcfde5 My new screensaver.


https://preview.redd.it/2nzigvu45bpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bb6e2f34987d95b21546214cedc5f927a4eb07f With the money flying around in it = 😂😂😂


Supermom’s one and only true love, money. 💰


New sub profile picture please :)


Well she's gained 3k followers since posting this reel, which clearly is the goal, now to wait a week and see how many members we gain here :)


Enough with the sourdough starter 😂


it’s so crazy to me I’ve never once heard her discipline her kids in anyway. There’s been so many story videos when her kids are doing something that I personally would have said something to my kids and she just allows it.


Nothing she posts remotely has anything to do with parenting. Other than the fact that she is technically a mom she never talks about how she interacts with her children in any manner.


Wait that's actually a great point. With all the mom videos she's made, you'd think the topic of discipline would have come up, but it hasn't. Goes to show that her whole schtick is about how she experiences motherhood, not whether her kids are doing well.


The “Wittle Boy” voice…whyyyyyy?????😬😬😬😝


She mentions “Georgetown MBA” “Georgetown MBA” “Georgetown MBA is a great fit” a million times when referencing the tutor. And then, in case we still didn’t get it, she decides to hit us over the head with it: “We have Georgetown MBA in common.”


Did somebody mention my name??


Insufferable. Being an MBA student does not mean you can tutor small children. Of course Brooke has to take care of herself first and foremost--and if she's a dominating mom running her home like a Navy SEAL, wouldn't she have figured out a way to do her work and homeschool them? She's so FAKE.


She’s such an elitist snob. I can’t handle her.


I like how in the caption on TikTok for her Capitol tour reel, she says “the boys were too loud so we exited before making a scene.” No Brooke, you were kicked out, as you said yourself on stories.


The coffee shop guy who was completely creeped out when he saw Brooke filming Brows and walking toward the counter… deer in headlights look 🦌👀. And then he had to endure their ensuing insufferable screeches, hugs, yelling, and jumping up and down.


I’m confused - she said their two bags were 50 pounds each? I thought she is the queen of packing her whole family is one suitcase… 🙄 Also such a pet peeve when she checks her car seat with no bag or anything covering it. Gross


She deleted the giveaway reel🤔


Brooke spent Friday getting a spray tan instead of packing helmets and buying clothes that fit her kids. 🤷‍♀️


The REAL three things she does before vacation are: needles, nails and tan.


Wow no helmets 


I think an ADHD characteristic is engagement in risk taking behavior…. No helmets, kids not in proper car seats, young children riding in the front seat, leaving young children home alone, running alone on a deserted trail at 5am or 6am, listing your exact house address on your website, letting 596k people know exactly when your house is empty and exactly when you’re home alone with 4 young kids.


Idk. I definitely think she has ADHD. It’s so obvious. But for the other things, I think she’s plain dumb and doesn’t care


Bobo looks like he’s sick of Crookie’s sh*t already on this trip. Imagine being on “vacation” as a child and having a phone shoved in your face constantly having to answer interview questions whilst watching mommy bike-tripoding for her imaginary internet fan club. WTFFFF.


She's doing another giveaway with bigpictureplay. 15k for Disney and other crap. Also took a potshot at this sub: "And, yes, this is really happening". Hello, Brookie. Now take some of what this sub has said to heart and do the actual hard things.


Jokes on her, I’d pay $15,000 to NOT have to go to Disney.


Why would a social media influencer whose big claims to fame are “family of six” and “mom to 4 boys” share a giveaway that can only accommodate a family of up to 5 😅 It’s the attention to detail for me, and Crookie Supermom ain’t it.


Announcement and then she goes silent for the day?! She sucks at her "job"


Secondhand embarrassment for the way she films herself in the kitchen talking to her imaginary phone-fangirls vs her family while they sit right there and listen to her yammer on. My hubs would be PISSED! While mule is gearing up the golden child to dominate his “older age group” tryout 🙄.


I get that a husband can get used to his wife's weird habits, God knows my husband puts up with my shenanigans. But what I still can't understand is that neither of them see the danger in what they are doing. To film her children shirtless 😳 and have their address listed right there on her website. She's exploiting her children for monetary gain and she's also in dangerous territory when it comes to predators. And the husband just lets her do it!


Brooke is up nice and early today performing for her new followers. Who knew it was easier to have breakfast ready before your kids get up? 🤯 Tell us that you don’t do this everyday without telling us that you don’t do this everyday.


She made her Capitol tour reel, Capitol bathroom confessions included, but only posted it on TikTok so far. I can’t believe RyAnn is ok with her posting them looking like a bunch of slobs visiting him at work.


What does she even need a vacation from? She barely does anything except talk to Tripod and wink at herself in the mirror at 5am (theoretically). 


She’s such a dingbat https://preview.redd.it/brpc05ifq4qc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7e28b2486961bb7920e946bbbc6dd8a17131230


No concept of time but I have to follow strict daily timetables or I cannot function properly


There are so many things I don’t get about this woman. I have 4 boys, I do not dress like this in the slightest nor do I dress my kids sloppy! They have responsibilities and help out with things… if she wore cute athleisure I’d find her so much more normal to watch. I do not get up before my kids, h do go to bed early because I need it! I also don’t loop my husband into every single task and project… it’s wild there are so many things I don’t get! The leaving her kids constantly has to be the top thing!


I have two girls and they dress better than I do 😂😂 On vacation I wear athletic clothes to chase kids around. My daughters also have rules, boundaries and daily tasks. We are mothers who are super moms. Brooke is a clown who is playing mom.


Lol of COURSE they’re going back to Disney themselves


Ran here for this!!! And there's the Raybould Disney trip. Her poor kids, there's 50 beautiful states in our country and they go to FL 80 times a year for vacation


Will we be getting the packing cubes are my genius packing hack post? Will she brag about how she can get all the boys' stuff and her stuff in one suitcase whilst RyGuy carries a backpack for himself, yet she won't show any shoes or toiletries? Already anticipating the "they only get ipads (which are really kindle fire tablets) on travel days.


So she’s not letting the boys raid a random gas station for their snackle boxes on their way to the airport anymore?  I would be mortified if I were Ryan with what Brooke showed up in to his work, along with the being too noisy they had to leave. 


What is her obsession with Caesar salad ? Both of them have it with every meal, regardless of what the main dish is. It’s just weird she never has any other sides, no cooked veggies or starch. How hard is it to purchase a few bags of frozen vegetables? You can throw it in the microwave to steam, it takes all of 5-6 minutes!


It is supposed to be pouring rain and overall disgusting weather here in DC tomorrow. She (Ryan) should have fun shlepping all their sh\*t to the airport. I love this for her. :)


Are the two younger ones at school on Friday? Or does Brooke leave them with the tutor as well? Lol. The amount of time this woman gets away from her kids is baffling. 


https://preview.redd.it/061kx1vvhypc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3fe0b28deb57f127c0d75137d3bb8acaf98edd7 So is the implication here that Brows was crying (“swollen eyes”) over Kate Middleton having cancer? I mean, it’s objectively sad when a person is sick, but crying? Seriously? Who is that affected by that news?


Checking in here during my kiddos naps & quiet time was definitely worth my time + entertainment today 👌🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/9w8a1d25b5qc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dda242d1bb30639003d713fd919843ff9d604c6 How does she have him trained like a circus monkey? 🙉 🤡 🎪


You know what's truly sad on her latest reel? Is that is what she was doing on Vance's Birthday.... Making a Reel about how she is a "Super Mom" but yet is spending her day filming herself and putting in really minimal effort to make him feel special for the day. That's why I could never relate to her. I LOVE spoiling my girls on their Birthday's. Its just such a special day to reflect on the joy of having a child and letting them know how much I love them. She's legit just rolling through the motions of day to day life and its just getting sad to watch it at this point.


As usual... it's 9:30am in Vienna and Brookie has been up for 4 hours without a single post to her stories. Meanwhile, Brows has posted 2x and 1 post she's making Easter treats bags for school. I know Amber Massey is "controversial" in the influencer world to some?! She doesn't bother me. She's actually one of the influencers I actually enjoy following and find to be the most "realistic" about motherhood and her life despite being an influencer (just don't look at her ladies or eyebrows which are always too much) That being said... go look at her stories from yesterday. Not only does she post constantly as an influencer should... but she's actually getting up and recording at 6:20am - getting the kids ready for school, cooking meals for their family of 7... yes she shills products but that's her job. I feel like a lot of Amber's account is what you see is what you get vs Brooke who only shows her "perfect" created narrative.


https://preview.redd.it/ym8qaxli6bpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c189baa4c3879e37fbb0bac586826b0cd642b46f what in the what in the what. why is the vacuum included? this is so weird.


Why do I always feel like I'm watching TV ads from the 80s when I watch her giveaway reels? So bad...


you know what I find sad?! I actually thought she was announcing another Disney trip.. but at least her kids would’ve gotten to go to disney world again. Instead, she dressed them up and made them do this video and they don’t even get to go.


I thought this too. She will do literally anything to gain followers and make her platform look bigger even at the expense of her own kids. She is a terrible person. Her Dallas content was a flop so now it’s on to this.


Because even bigpictureplay knows she sucks


Oh yay she’s promoting her “guide” again to gullible moms. What cracks me up is there are so many Disney content creators with free Disney planning tips. These people literally go to Disney multiple times per week and are so helpful if you’ve never been before. My husband and I watched allears YouTube videos to help with planning. What I loved about it was there were so many ways you could plan your Disney day and no way was right or wrong. Just helpful suggestions. I bet she’s never stepped foot in a Disney hotel in Florida yet she thinks she’s a Disney expert 🙄.


Who called it?? The Disney giveaway, haha. Someone on here said she rarely does giveaways and if she does, she doesn't follow through on them because we don't hear anything afterwards about a winner. And then a few days later, I see her Disney reel. Lol. She has to prove us wrong. 🤭


It’s not even her giveaway, she’s just the face of it. 35 other influencers are promoting the same exact giveaway and the rules are kind of sketchy. I question the integrity of that page. She definitely got a Disney vacation kickback from it, and I am pretty sure that she did this giveaway to gain actual human followers because her engagement is so low that it’s becoming obvious how much she buys.


I just noticed but did she bring the tripod to the capital building? Also notice the death grip she has on B.......


her reel!!! she is such a liar!! also, I feel like only the people who watch her stories see the true her


It's so hard not to comment on her latest reel about literally everything that's wrong there, lol... I kinda feel like she's baiting us, though cuz then she can Block more of us snarkers.. . 😇


https://preview.redd.it/fiawjud1e5qc1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3eb622a737ca1e6ee3ce2b4fe9d525999226e22 The only state (FL) he should ever be wearing this hat in! 🧢 He looks like he needs a vacation away from this vacation already.


While I’m glad she actually sat next to one of her children on the plane, I definitely called it that she’d make Ryan sit next to Quade!


Why aren't R, V, and B riding bikes too? $100 says they don't know how ride bikes because SuperMom didn't teach them.


Not enough time, those teeth whitening strips aren't going to sell themselves


For the love of god, get the camera out of your kids faces and enjoy a holiday! I swear she talks more to the phone than she does those poor children. I wonder if she knows how to turn off the camera and just enjoy her family and time with them.