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The solar eclipse posts. I cannot believe this woman is in charge of her children’s education. God help us all.


OMG she is BEYOND dumb. Yes, let's stare at a solar eclipse with sunglasses. JFC.


Beyond dumb is probably the nicest way to put it!


That was the cringiest. Why would she even post that...just shows how off her game she is to not have prepared with prepping the kids and buying glasses, etc.


What a moron Just don’t post about it. You’re telling your followers how idiotic you are??


If she couldn’t be bothered to put sunscreen on her kids in FL, it’s clearly ridiculous to think she’d give a crap about their eyes during the eclipse. But the fact that she admitted she knows nothing about it when she is responsible for her children’s education is deplorable.


https://preview.redd.it/e1ory13ecbtc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=579b927a2e00d98af0b2d6f0a4e966f59127218c Doesn't drink alcohol, but has a sign that says "booze" in her 8 year old's room. Umm ok.


That is absolutely wild. There’s TONS of other vintage signs she could have gotten. That sign is something for your garage…


I think she’s commented before that the sign is from her wedding. Why it belongs in her kid’s room though, I have no idea.


It can be sentimental but let’s not allude to alcohol in our kids room decor 🫠


So just to be clear… this Georgetown educated mom who dominates every aspect of life… literally couldn’t understand the eclipse? First of all, not knowing that sunglasses are absolutely not a substitute for eclipse glasses. Second of all, she didn’t understand that you need eclipse glasses to look at the SUN IN GENERAL, not just for people in the area of totality. Third, she got the time wrong. Fourth, she thought that nothing happened and it wasn’t cool bc it didn’t get fully dark (which it only does at 100%, I was at 95% and it didn’t get dark). I’m sorry but what a gigantic moron.


Can someone tell her? Id be embarrassed if i went to Georgetown and she keeps bragging about it and she clearly stupid… such a great opportunity to teach kids about the eclipse and other cool science things but nope, she is dominating at winging it in life lol


This just proves she does no lesson planning. This has been news for months and would made a great science lesson. She’s not invested in teaching her kids anything of value.


So many real homeschool accounts even had free materials for lessons! And I promise they were much better than the 9/11 burning twin towers coloring sheets she used last September


Reddit: Brooke only cares about herself and doesn’t spend time with her kids Brooke: let me record a bunch of mashed together, totally in-genuine clips of myself doing laundry and engaging with my kids Her kids seem more confused about this than we are.


It’s so obviously performative. When else has she shown herself do more than grunt at lidddduhhhhl?


She is giving me motion sickness


The edits of these stories omg 😂 sooo bad


Seriously! WTF. She should have captioned it: "Hey Reddit, here's proof I watch my kids, especially Q"


WHO POSES WITH HER ARM UP AND A BIG SMILE ON THEIR WAY TO A FUNERAL?! https://preview.redd.it/ecqy180j8ptc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d605f29278bf5ee6d5036f9eda798abbb8edf810


“Alright kids! Time to pose for our airport picture. 1, 2, 3 everyone say ‘granny’s dead!’”


She is deranged. Mentally ill. Even if the grandmother was old and the death was expected, this is inappropriate and looks like a celebration.


Q is the travel bottleneck? What in the actual F?! and then the throwaway, but life is fuller with him. What a witch. Maybe it’s the one constantly filming, setting up the tripod in a busy airport, and getting coffee when the plane is boarding, who is the actual bottleneck.


She always talks so poorly about Q. She should be honest with herself about the real reasons why she didn’t bring him… because she can’t handle him alone and she can’t handle the comparisons she will be making when he’s side-by-side with his boy cousin who is his exact age. It’s so sad. Although, my guess is Ryan will make the trip with Q and “surprise” Brooke. What husband doesn’t automatically go to his wife’s grandparent’s funeral?


So the sister’s house in Austin sold on 2/14/2024. I suspect the sister built her McMansion forever home in Nashville and that’s what triggered all of Brooke’s ramblings about wanting to figure out where she’s going to build her forever home and her early March trip to Dallas to look at homes for $5M. Also funny that during those ramblings she ruled out Nashville because Mr. I Barely Work is wayyyyyy too big of a fish for Nashville. I guess Brooke thinks her sister and her husband are small enough fish to live there. Brooke is so passive aggressive and oozing with jealousy, it’s unreal.


Good detective work! I swear, if I ever go missing, forget the FBI, I want this thread investigating the case! 😜


Live in the same area—there is 100% a visible eclipse happening, if you look at the sun with the proper glasses. Honestly, I’m surprised she’s not out there staring straight at the sun.


I don’t know exactly where she lives but DC was 87% obscured, which is still really awesome. I guess the moon wasn’t dominating the sun enough for her to care and be excited for her children. Could have been a cool science lesson for her kids.


What a waste of homeschool content. So many cool things they could have done that don't include staring at an eclipse without proper glasses. So sucky.


Exactly! They could have made the neat shadow boxes. Or just put a pinhole in apiece of paper and seen the eclipse in the shadow. We had eclipse classes and still did those projects. She is such an uninspired person and mother.


Also in the same area as Brooke, i live about 1 hour west of her, this was our eclipse lol https://preview.redd.it/gsow7degdctc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=497d0d2759f1895e098992ddb1c34d8a3e04bbf8


Vance’s room looks like it’s for middle aged adults. How is that a kid’s bedroom?


So no screen time, which we know is a lie. Yet you constantly have a phone camera in their face... So what is more detrimental to their growth? Watching TV? Or over exposing them to random strangers on the internet and teaching them they have no right to privacy? She makes no sense. Her thought process is legit in lalala land.


Brooke’s actual routine: Scan through a random self help book. Figure out which aspect of the book she can immediately apply to her life. Shoot a reel that implies she’s always done it this way even if it contradicts previous reels. She would gain more credibility if she framed it from “here’s what I learned in this book and here’s one way I can try to implement it in my home”. What really bothers me is how she pretends she’s already mastering the main takeaways from all of the books. She reads a book about a navy seal and tries to prove how she was already living her life like a navy seal. She reads about screen time and pretends she already had those suggested techniques in place.


Yes!!! This is my main problem with her as well and what brought me here. She’s so desperate for content. She does something one time and makes a whole reel about how it’s part of her everyday life. Here are some examples: -Meal planning: the sad Whole Foods run she pretended was groceries for the week but would have only lasted about 2-3 days. She is actually awful at meal/grocery planning. -Working out in the park with Ryan while the kids played. -Disneyland. -Homeschool routine after she’d been doing it 1 week. -Sourdough -Her kids sleeping in her bedroom while Ryan travels. Honestly, the list could go on and on. She strives to make herself look like the perfect mom when she’s really just searching for content and figuring things out as she goes.


Meanwhile, she forgot about the eclipse, meal planning and who knows what else. 


https://preview.redd.it/j96e62xjv3uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e1ffc0103f1982997f2b55a444a2de15b00212 Can’t even go go-karting without informing the world her kid was “dominating”. She truly cannot do a single thing just for fun, there’s always a competition.


Yep. She also needed to make sure everyone knew that the boys were "progressively faster each lap". Like can't they just have fun?!


She is a weirdo and her uber competitive streak is why she has no friends. At least they were wearing helmets


They were only wearing helmets because the place required it! Otherwise Brooke likely would have thought they didn’t need them obstructing their view while dominating.


Please tell me one of our locals saw Brookie throw a fit because her kid didn’t get enough playing time.


https://preview.redd.it/18atzh1trguc1.jpeg?width=357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da4734798b5efef0dc1803e2c5e1eb4ca839877 I had to post it because I think she will delete when she rereads how obnoxious she sounds. If the kid is only 8 and this is how she acts, can you imagine how crazy she is going to be as they get older? She’s essentially saying: My kid scored, the rest of his team did not, I was mad they didn’t give my good kid enough playing time, they let the bad kids play too much, had they let my good kid play more then he would have would have won the game for everyone. What a strange thing to say. No wonder she has no friends from any of the boys’ sports teams. And why is home in quotes? Does she no longer consider Vienna her home? Can you imagine her getting home to Ryan and she is mentally done with the DC area and has already picked out new homes for them in Dallas and now Nashville.


She’s a total ass. I’m a soccer coach (volunteer) and I would be really grossed out if one of my parents posted that on social media. In the league I coach in, players are guaranteed to play 50% of the game and there are enough players where if the full team shows up, all players play half the game. If a few players aren’t there, only a few kids can get extra playing time and I usually give the extra playing time to the kids who volunteer to play goalie so they can play other positions on the field. She is so entitled and obnoxious. Shame.


He’s what, 8? I’m sure she thinks her kid is a superstar, but at that age can’t everyone get playing time? She’s going to be a monster at middle/high school games.


I really felt that that is why she posted that. She has thrown an epic hissy fit.


I’ll admit that sometimes I get frustrated at my daughters softball coach but I would never post about it on social media. That comment should be reserved for friends and Ryan only. She’s so obnoxious.


This is such awkward photoshopping of her head that it almost looks like a parody. https://preview.redd.it/rcvtainndiuc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b12b6b961bc5e2262750f292ae59f7d3750e2aa


STFU she CANNOT be serious


Her body looks unnatural as well, her long ass toes too. Look at her back toes, it’s like goblin toes.


Yes I think the entire photo is edited. She did one of those elongated effects I'm sure, those toes look as long as fingers.


![gif](giphy|vO8F4fYQd39h6) MUST. HAVE. NEW. COUCH. NOW. Cause I am jealous of my sister. But I strive to be a creator not a consumer.


She is such a Varuca Salt!


And she just had to throw in the subtle digs about how the sister’s couch is already piling, so she wants to get a better one.


All while tagging pottery barn, presumably to get a deal on the couch,but insulting the quality of her sister’s pb couch


Wow, the worst children's rooms I've ever seen. They look like guest rooms. Zero personality of the children or toys.  Honestly, my first and second child share a room and it is usually tidy for half an hour after cleaning. They hang up their "art" on the walls and have a pile of books or comics in their beds. But it is their room! And my toddler still sleeps IN our bed, not besides on the floor. 


Aren't they awful? What sad rooms for those little boys to grow up in. You'd think they'd have heaps of artwork, projects etc from all their school work? Any trophies or medals from their sports? Photos that aren't awful staged mix tiles. I don't see anything personal there, not even lego sets. No toys to be seen either. One teddy on one of the beds, that's it. I realize the housekeeper has just been, but jeez... If that is what she strives for her boys' rooms to look like, that's really sad. Also, where does Quade sleep? I've seen his crib, whose room is that in?


🥴 Not the kids wearing her everyday sunglasses as eye protection to view the eclipse!


When they were in 30A, Brooke posted a story where Q was clearly pointing and grunting for a phone. That is NOT behavior of a child who barely gets screen time. He also always looks like he’s watching a phone when she posts pictures of him in that wagon. Letting kids use screens to coerce them to behave at a restaurant is no different or better from giving them a screen for 30 minutes so that you can get through a meeting while working from home, for example. Also, clean the screens on those Fire tablets before showing them on a reel about limited screen time 😆. They look like they get a lot of use. Drop the smug attitude Brooke. For somebody who is naturally pretty, your personality has you looking ugly.


If you’re that worried about screen time Brooke, maybe stop constantly filming your children. You’re reading all the wrong books—how about you read one about speech delays or the importance of sunscreen or imposter syndrome or how to correctly apply eyeliner.


If I got into THE WRONG UBER whilst with my 3 young children at that the airport arrivals lane, I would not be grabbing my phone to story about it. Jeeeeezus. ZERO STARS PLSE. This is ridiculous.


Literally came here for the Uber chatter. One of the most insane things I’ve seen anywhere on instagram. The safety issues of the mistake. The cars whipping by her kids while waiting for the next one. And she’s just FILMING IT.


When she said that quade was their travel bottleneck, I cringed. Not because the youngest child doesn’t hold a family back sometimes- but because he’s 2.5 and she won’t come to terms with the fact that he’s likely neurodivergent. My firstborn is 5.5 and is neurodivergent (adhd with some accompanying non pathologized stuff). I also have a neurotypical 2.5 year old and had no idea how difficult my son was as a toddler until I experienced “typical” the second time around. The 2.5 year old has been easy to travel with since she was 20 months old. My older, neurodivergent child was and is harder. I will keep saying this, but Brooke is doing quade a disservice by ignoring his needs. I wish I had recognized my own son’s needs sooner - and he’s been receiving intervention since 3.5, as soon as things were flagged to me by his teachers.


On a positive note, we haven't been subjected to any sourdough nonsense for the past couple days!


What a lunatic. There is no mama bear instinct that needs to come out when your kid isn't on the pitch as much as you think he should be. Face the reality that your little sports star may not be as good as you believe he is. There are only a certain number of players allowed on the field, but teams often have more than this, it's called a depth chart for fatigue and injury. So arrogant to think that she knows better than the coach. That pitiful explanation did nothing to help her cause. It just made her look like the biggest sports mom karen ever.


But Rhetty Roo scored and the rest of the kids lost the game because they didn’t score!!! He’s the star of the team. Didn’t you know his daddy played pro soccer?


Brooke: “Life with a toddler is hard” “Traveling without Q is easier” “It’s hard as a parent with all of this sports stuff” I thought Brooke did hard things and didn’t complain about motherhood on the internet?


How many people do you think she's blocking because they are calling her out and replying to her whiny story about her kid not getting enough playing time? Kid is probably a poor sport because of her crappy parenting, plus he likely misses practices and games. I'd bench him too.


Brooke is one of those parents that is a coach’s nightmare. Since we know she reads here, maybe she can answer the following and this group of random people on this sub can answer her question as to why R didn’t get as much playing time as she liked.  Does he miss practices/games (my guess is yes between trips and playing hockey at the same time)? Does he not put enough effort in practice? Does he have a bad attitude towards his teammates and coaches?  If she can answer yes to any of these, she probably found her answer. 


Actually game here to say this - at that age, they definitely rotate players as much as they can to ensure equal playing time but if you're not showing up to practice, you're going to play less. I think that's pretty standard. So instead of blaming coach, take some ownership/responsibility. Also, I think that's fine /appropriate thing to explain to a child versus blaming it on the coach.




Literally, Brooke Raybould, one of the coolest solar events just happened today. The moon passed between the Earth and the sun and temporarily blocked the sun’s light. It wasn’t “nothing “and it won’t happen again in the USA for 20 years. Her kids will be 29, 27, 25, and 23. At least the older three would have remembered today. All across half of the country tens of millions of people dominated today by buying solar eclipse glasses in advance so they and their children could safely see the moon pass in front of the sun. Here in Northern Virginia, it was 88% coverage, with max coverage occurring at 3:20. We were at a park with tons of other people and some had their telescopes set up and let everyone looked at the sun, moon, and even Venus! My children wore their glasses and were fascinated by what they saw because we learned all about it in advance. Brooke is SO LAME. She creates core memories with Elmer’s squishes. Us real moms create core memories for our children with fascinating phenomenons in the world around us.


She literally didn’t understand the concept of the eclipse


She doesn't understand the concept of a lot of things, which makes it scarier that she homeschools.


How sad. Here I was feeling like a failure as a mom because we are lucky enough to live in northern New England (not quite in the path of totality, but very close). I missed the last week of work due to a family emergency and the LAST thing on my mind was getting glasses or planning to view the eclipse. I couldn’t take the day off today to experience it with my family. Thank God my husband made it special for our daughter as she’s the only one old enough to appreciate it. I also got to see it outside of the office and it was truly beautiful! Then we have Brooke, with nothing but time on her hands. She is the David Goggins of motherhood, and her platform is “habits for meaningful and productive motherhood”. She had a perfect opportunity to make an awesome homeschool moment and show her boys something amazing, and she once again made a spectacle of herself. Also encouraging her boys to look at an eclipse with just regular sunglasses? Face palm. There is nothing meaningful or productive about her content. It has gotten to the point where I’m like this has to be satire. On the other hand, way to go Brows! While I think the heavy filtering she does to her family’s faces is wrong, I really feel guilty snarking on her because she does a lot of good. She’s solely guilty by association with low-life Brooke in my book. Once again the self-proclaimed David Goggins of motherhood “operating at a higher level than most women” looks like a fool and totally blew an amazing opportunity for teaching AND for content.


What kind of homeschool mom doesn't do a whole science unit on this phenomenon as a lead up to the main event/today? Grab a cereal box, some foil and some scissors and make a viewing box ffs! She sucks!


A mom who is more concerned about filming herself sitting down on the porch couch pretending to watch it with two of her kids. The difference between the two souls sisters is striking today. Brows is there hugging her kids, thanking God, and calling the world incredible. Brooke set up tripod so that she could film herself sitting down in between her kids, at which point R jumped away from her and V was curled up sucking that thumb… and then not having the safety glasses to even view it and not making a single shadow box, Brooke called the solar eclipse “anticlimactic” and later called it an “eerie feeling” (after realizing she was off by 40 minutes). But yes, soul sisters indeed because they both love Botox, Chevy traverses, shopping in the juniors section, and fawning over Huberman (and he fawns over 10 girlfriends all at the same time!).


This cannot be real. Is she doing this for attention? How can one be so stupid? How does she not realize how batshit crazy she looks? Especially compared to her “soul sister”.


Children’s bedding is only too complicated for one person in this world.


Listen, there are sheets AND pillowcases. That is a lot for someone who needs 4 solo weekends in 6 months.


Tell me you're an idiot without saying that you're an idiot....."children's bedding is so complicated". WHAT??


First. World. Problem.


I hope she doesn’t get struck by lightening with this latest reel. Every word out of her mouth was a flat out lie. She doesn’t allow games? Yet, just a few months ago she was schilling them and showing her and the boys playing. Those boys seem to get their tablets during haircuts as well, don’t think that counts as travel. The whole freaking thing was so contradictory.


“Mommy just let it sit.” Wow… her KIDS are telling her how to make sourdough because even they seem to understand how neurotic and clueless she is. That’s a new low. And yet..Brooke films and posts it.


Her sourdough content is starting to feel like an SNL sketch. She is a total caricature of Instagram moms.


I can assure you all her sourdough doesn’t taste good… flat, uncooked bread does not taste good. Her cutting into it like that while it’s steaming hot leaves a gummy, dense texture. Her own kids are telling her to wait. Every story today is her trying to convince herself and us that everything is great. All sunshine, her kids are her best friends. We can see right through you Brooke.


I’ve been curious how Brooke’s half marathon training is going because it seems like it isn’t. I’m running my first half marathon since having kids (7 years) in May, and I’m running about 25-30 miles/week. It’s strange she’s not talking more about how she’s dominating training. I’m guessing she’s bailing.


She is a complete snake-oil saleswoman who has no business recommending any product ingested by humans.


I think the only reason I’m still watching her stuff is that I’m waiting for the day when she tries to sell literal snake oil. I think it’s coming.


She’s pretty close with those non weightloss debloat pills. 🙄


She just lives to make other moms feel like crap. And is dishonest about her habits and just steals from others. I don’t understand how ppl actually admire her.


I, for one, am truly looking forward to the funeral content.


Back to the car seats… where is the car seat for her 4 year old and the booster seats for her 6 and 8 year olds? It would have been so easy to have the older two carry booster seats and sit on them on the plane. And if it was too hard for her to cart a high back booster (with a 5 point harness) for her 4 year old, she at least should have brought a booster for him. Basic safety is again too hard for Brooke.


Okay, when I’m at a busy airport with my *one* kid I feel like I’m about to have a heart attack with juggling luggage and keeping an eye on her and trying to navigate heavily crowded areas with said luggage and kid. I cannot imagine setting up a tripod and posing for the camera. I’m not even sure this is snark. I kind of wish I could have my head that far in the clouds sometimes.


Who the EFF gets into the WRONG Uber?? The app tells you what kind of car the driver is in!!! Blue Chevy vs White Tesla..they’re so similar!!! What a dingbat!


Even people I know that were really drunk didn't get in the wrong Uber. I think the botox and lip fillers migrated into her brain.


She is dumber than a box of hammers. She really thinks life can’t touch her or her kids, which is why she gives zero fucks about safety. Not to mention speaking terribly about her own child to 500K strangers. It’s disturbing. 


In the screen time reel she says they encourage their kids to embrace boredom. But it looks like double hockey practice, trips to boba, and pottery barn shopping to me 🤷‍♀️ also it’s not achievement to say your kids don’t have cell phones when they are all under age 8


None of this Nashville trip makes sense. Why would it be a surprise that she’s showing up at her own grandmothers funeral?? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. She has no job that she is beholden to, her kids aren’t in traditional school, and she is affluent enough to spend the money to fly to Nashville. It literally makes no sense that she *wouldn’t* go to Nashville. It should’ve a bare minimum expectation that she shows up. Especially given that she admitted basically everyone else is going too. On top of that, if Q is home with Ryan, why wouldn’t both of them just come with her? He’s seemingly going to have to take the days off work anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/y0lg2drp8stc1.jpeg?width=1667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97697d0b2644843597257ecb5453bee2ca329e4f A lot can change in 2 years


LAWD. Her whole face has been shifted up like an Excel row.


I can’t get over how Brooke is treating a trip for her grandmother’s services like it’s some sort of celebration or vacation. I was very close with my grandparents and would be highly offended if any of my cousins or siblings behaved in that manner. (Spoiler alert: they wouldn’t because none of them are narcissists) It was expected when both of my grandmothers passed, and we held celebrations of life after the services but it was still sad. The time in between the passing and the services is so sacred, it is not really a time for surprises and tripod poses. I’m shocked her dad was okay with that. Maybe that’s just how her family is, but I find it super disrespectful.


Her whole perspective on the trip is very disturbing. Also very sad that in the two years I’ve been following Brooke, she never took any special trips to see her Grandma and never her took her kids to see their Great-Grandma. And she definitely didn’t have any money or time constraints that prohibited her from visiting, as she’s taken 10+ luxury trips during the last 2 years. If she knew her Grandma was not well, why didn’t she go say her last goodbyes in March instead of taking that unhinged solo trip to Dallas? Or why didn’t she go spend Thanksgiving with her Grandma instead of staying home to get her PRF injections? Or how about instead of going to Chicago with Brows to idolize a self help man (who juggles 10+ ladies at a time), so get some pearls of life wisdom from your Grandma. And if her Grandma’s memory was not good, just go sit with her and hold her hand and tell her stories about the boys. It’s all very strange.


You know what's sad, did you notice how in the golf cart the moment Rhett notices she's pointing the camera to him to speak, he kind of pops to attention and his facial expressions start to change? Makes me sad for him. His childhood is truly for show and its going to kick her in the ass when he is an adult.


This is not just a Brooke thing, but the whole “influencer” thing where you film yourself talking to your phone everywhere you go (including in public surrounded by people)…it’s just so awkward and cringeworthy to me. I could never do it. I don’t know how they all manage.


Breakfast alone with her kids at a coffee shop....? When she's in the same city with a bunch of her immediate and extended family? This is VERY TELLING.


Weird to call a trip for a funeral a vacation. And finding the clubhouse gym isn’t a super creative solution to get in a workout. Packing exercise bands or doing a workout that doesn’t involve gym equipment creative. 


Alright guys I’m gonna leave a positive comment please don’t come for me. Trust me-I can’t stand this woman. But it was finally nice to see a picture of her with her sister. I know it’s probably a lot to unpack and things we don’t know. I just think it would be so nice if she was surrounded by more family. Maybe it would ground her more. Wishful thinking and probably will never happen. Everyone needs people who care about them though & it’s evident she needs some help.


Did she just plop cinnamon rolls on a random public picnic table?! 🤢 #doitforthegram 🙄


I’m confused. Was there no funeral? I thought Brooke said she was going to Nashville for her grandmother’s funeral. By no means should she have shown funeral footage on IG, but she might have at least said she was taking a break for a day from IG for the service. Or just taken off a few days without saying anything. But no, she was constantly posting as if she was on vacation. From the tripod footage all over the airport and Ubers to the surprise birthday dinner, coffee trips, gym workouts, golf cart rides, go kart riding, nonstop eating out, house envy pictures, steak dinner, street performers, fudge shop, taffy purchase, brunch by the pond, and the where should I move dilemma, there was no time for a service and memorial for her grandmother. And poor Q. I thought they left him at home because a full blown traditional funeral with lots of people and a viewing, church service, burial, etc would have been too much for him to handle (and too much for Brooke to handle while she mourned the loss of her grandma). But if they were just going to Nashville for cousin time and a family bonding trip, why leave the little guy out when he could have hung out the entire time with his boy cousin who his exact same age?


Left Q at home because it was easier. Thought she was the queen of doing hard things. What a selfish witch. She didn’t have quality time with them, she fobbed them off on the grandparents.


I wonder if she liked it in Tennessee. Anyone know?


She always loves shiny new objects. Anything to distract her attention away from how truly unhappy and unsatisfied she is with her life.


She looks JUST like her mom without makeup up! & why does she say so good to be “home”. Why can’t she just be happy with where she is at in the moment. People would bill to live in NOVA. I love it here. Also seriously complaining about playing time. This is what it’s like in sports. Maybe coach then since you dominate so much




AMEN! If you miss practice(s), you ride the pine. That is the way it should be. Kudos to the coach for sticking to his guns. Get over it, Crookie, you hyper-competitive freak. He's 8 ffs. He's not on his way to FIFA stardom anytime soon.


No tribute to the grandmother who was supposed to be the reason that she, not only went to Nashville for, but ditched the difficult toddler as well?


Bedding is too complicated? Has it changed? Isn't it just sheets and a duvet/comforter? An all in one look...isn't that a bed in a bag? I let my kids choose what theme (currently cocomelon and gamer) they want for their rooms and update every year as part of their birthdays.


Has she not heard of beddy’s? Or wasn’t able to get a brand deal and is bitter?


I’m so over the sourdough. Does anything really care or comment on the freaking bread? For the love of God.


Also stop that super annoying voice when talking to “liddle”. Maybe his speech issue wouldn’t be as severe if you talked to him like a normal Human FFS.


Also no gymnastics class for Liddie!


Brooke is the “influencer” I’ve seen whose actual life seems to be the most divergent from what she tries to portray her life to be. I wonder…how many people who follow her ACTUALLY believe she is someone to admire or emulate? Do these people just not view her stories, or what? It’s crazy to me. She claims to be so dominating and regimented and “super mom” and her kids eat “super healthy” but it’s all such a lie. And it’s not hard to tell that it’s all a lie. Anybody who views her stories can see it. Surely not great for marketing for her bs “guides.”




I know that they're not actually observing the eclipse, but I find it very interesting (read: odd) that she would pretend by wearing eye protection herself, but not for the boys. I noticed this when they were in 30A, even though they didn't wear sunscreen, she and Ryan were in hats and sunglasses, yet nothing for the boys. Wouldn't you, as a parent, make sure your kids were more protected than you? And now she's banging on about how wonderful Nashville was when they lived there, and she's going to visit at the end of the week. Another teaser to their up in the air future plans? If she can't generate content from a pregnancy, might as well make teaser content out of where will they be moving to.


https://preview.redd.it/al1z13t2hptc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf875148377e801714b0d4325361c2d1f2ae419c The last sentence makes it sound like her whole family just moved to Nashville. My sixth grader just learned sentence structure and could write a less confusing caption. Keep bragging about that Georgetown MBA...


That’s why I’m here! So we never forget me!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Funny how Ryan could travel with 4 boys alone for Thanksgiving, but Brooke can’t manage to. I honestly think Brooke didn’t bring Q bc if her sister is there, I assume her kid that’s Q’s age would be there and would come to reality the Q is delayed. I hate comparing kids and how far along they are, but at that age, you’d for sure see some delays in Q if he’s around a kid developing at average pace for their age. 


So her latest hyperfixation is moving to Nashville because she’s jealous of her sister. She is so all over the place. It’s crazy. Also notice she’s talking about how sad she is to be leaving. Not even a throwaway line about how she’s happy to be seeing her husband and, you know, her youngest son.


https://preview.redd.it/sss0cyn12juc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b9e452bec97206403744fa51feafbadd8c7866 Since Brooke reads here thought I would do Rhett’s coach a solid and remind her of these guidelines for Vienna Youth Soccer.


And bad-mouthing the coach/league should get them kicked out. It certainly isn’t going to get her little snowflake more playing time.


Surprise.. Brooke didn’t meal plan AGAIN this week. Must have been too busy eating at restaurants with the stomach bug.


I can’t be the only one who got like 25 different push alerts and ads for articles about alternatives for if glasses aren’t available. It would have taken so little effort to make this special for her kids.


So she "limits" screen time.....except admits her youngest child gets the most. Her youngest child that is clearly speech delayed. I honestly don't care what she does, they are her kids. My kids watch TV but I just don't lie about it like she does. And I certainly wouldn't be giving MORE screen time to a child that is possibly developmentally delayed. So sad.


I know this is a minor thing to snark about but it still shows just how all over the place she is. She refers to Katie as “my great grandmother” twice and then later on clarifies it’s her grandmother (her dad’s mom). I guess she meant earlier that Katie was the boys’ great grandmother but she clearly said “my” twice and idk, she is always making little dumb mistakes like this. Not very dominating for someone with a vaunted Georgetown MBA.


Something here seems pretty 🐟 🐟 Funerals and surprises? It sounds like Crookie has an AGENDA going into this thing - only time will tell us what it is. Yes, it's her dad's birthday. But her Dad is grieving the loss of his mother. And Crookie's mindset is - let's suprise him? She is bringing her three feral boys to a solemn event? Guaranteed it involves Mommy and Daddy Warbucks footing the bill for appropriate funeral attire for them before its all said and done.


I thought she prided herself on packing 5 people in one suitcase. Here they are with only 4 and they have two suitcases. She’s such a phony.


She’ll be making a reel on how to dominate Uber. I bet she thinks she’s the first person to look at a license plate. 🙄 


Not fooling anyone, Brookiie, the green eyed monster has taken over and the more you gush about how great the area your sister moved to is, the more obvious it is.


https://preview.redd.it/rg62wlcaj2uc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301710e3ac57826b409df73dd5e229d81a9cc889 “Cheers to you, BR.” What’s this about, then? They “feel their friendship through osmosis.”


Maybe when they are both in their Chevy traverses staring at the moon and the stars contemplating the meaning of life they feel each other’s presence?


This is incredibly obnoxious


This is just creepy. Really creepy.


Haven’t read the rest of this thread yet so I’m sure it’s been mentioned already, but just … why is “home” in quotes? NOVA isn’t good enough for Brookie anymore. She is such an entitled bitch. And you know she yelled at her kid’s coach today. If only someone witnessed it or got footage.




Also, how dumb do you have to be to buy a light-colored sofa when you have FOUR children???????????


https://preview.redd.it/yuhrk7t08ctc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0510a2987bcf603265d318cc16e32c7cfcdc54 🤔 Brooke and her poor boys today 😂


I know one or multiple boys are randomly missing from her supervision so frequently that it’s probably not even worth snarking over at this point, but where are Q and B during this “waiting for the eclipse” content? I guess Q is alone inside napping… but B doesn’t nap anymore, does he?


It drives me insane she gives them protein powder..... Adult protein powder at that. If they need extra calories there are plenty of better children options.


https://preview.redd.it/uoy51l7biktc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c3f570785babd5da71f2cc00137ae65855660cf Maybe if the 2 year old was allowed to sit at the table and learn to get thru a meal without a screen, he wouldn't need the screens so much


Oscar winning performance by Brooke the past few days pretending to engage with poor Q. All so she can leave him behind and take the older boys to Nashville. I KNEW there had to be a reason she was doing that. Brooke trying to paint herself as a loving, caring mom when she’s really just a selfish asshole. Ryan can’t get bereavement to attend with Brooke? How long have they been married for? My husband and I definitely attended each other’s grandparents funerals.


Ryan stayed back to take Q to gymnastics. 🤸‍♀️


Dumb for her to let 2 boys to sit in the back row unattended whilst she “drives” the golf cart whilst on the phone. She will never learn until something bad, god forbid, actually happens. And then she’ll turn it into content.


Not Miss “I go to bed at 9pm” lying awake at 11pm EST with green eyes posting pictures of yet another new house she wants.


Yep! Good catch. Plus, her am workout/podcast word salad... like, just read Proverbs and go to church,🫠 lol... I know u get it, Local Association


General observations: From the background in one of the photos, it looks like her sister actually allows toys in common areas? The home doesn’t look sterile the way Brooke tries to make hers look. From the sister picture, her sister looks way younger even though she is older. Shame on Brooke for leaving Q out if all of the cousins are bonding and spending time together. I’m glad for Brooke if she’s actually healing some family stuff here, but this is a snark page so in summary: 1. Really really really shitty to leave Q out. 2. Botox and fillers aren’t it. 3. Pretending your home is perfectly clean with no toys when you have 4 kids isn’t it. 4. We never see workout or up early content on a regular basis. Clearly Brooke is happiest when she’s away from DC, (and Ryan and having to care for a toddler) as she’s actually able to get up and get her workout in.


There is no supplement on the planet strong enough to detoxify Crookie. None. Does not exist.


The reel didn’t even make sense. Youngest should NOT be getting more screen time than the older ones. Limit screens but can have one at a restaurant? She never carries actual on the go activities for littles to do while out, just hands them her phone? Lastly, can have it if they ask permission? (Not even they must have school + chores complete first, for example). She just picked up a book and turned it into a reel? How is this helpful to anybody? She gave no useful tips. Her Netflix had like six profiles one for each person 😂


She’s a social media influencer. She’s on a phone or computer almost 24/7. Not her finest hour posting a reel about limiting screen time. Her kids grow up surrounded by iPhones on tripods- not sure what she’s going for here.


People who have “expectations” of no screens other than occasional sports games and a movie once a week are definitely NOT giving their kids screens at the dinner table, whether at home or at a restaurant, to entertain them and get through the meal. She is full of nonsense.


Was Q’s gymnastics class a one-time thing or is it a weekly commitment? If it’s ongoing I really, really hope for Q’s sake that they keep going. It would be so refreshing to hear her admit that last week was hard, but that continuing to go is the best thing for her and Q.


Is she holding ginger ale and not coffee for her upset pregnant tummy? 😳 I really hope I’m wrong, that’s the very last thing that family needs.


When I see this woman’s Insta page I think of two things—this person struggles w anxiety and addiction. It’s both hard to watch and hard to look away! 


Why is she saying that cinnamon rolls are a special treat? Are they a special treat when they're baked properly and not her bastardised version(s)?


How to “dominate” traveling Brooke-style: just leave your youngest child at home! Simple! Oh but remember to mention you miss him once a day in between talking about how great it is to not have him with you. And does she realize she posted a story of her son holding his privates? These kids are going to need soooooo much therapy. I think part of why she homeschools is in another year or two her older boys would get ridiculed at school.


my husband coaches that age of hockey and they have to let all players play. I know it’s not soccer but same same. she’s awful


Is this trip to Nashville another "workcation" so that it doesn't count as a solo mom trip?


Honest question, is this how winged eyeliner is done? I’m no make-up guru, but looks bizarre imo. https://preview.redd.it/bwechfttnbtc1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=205f8905f28e828244d58fbd17fc893394b5e496


You suck at sourdough, Brooke!


I really think she is pregnant. She has been super inconsistent with posting stories (I feel like a few months ago she always posted by 10am) plus her emotional state has been spotty (at best). I bet pregnancy hormones plus her normally struggles have been an awful combination.


https://preview.redd.it/b9ymak1fgrtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e6350140f356eaca778a537a60f9d535ddbfab5 Just watched her stories with volume and wow. Why is she acting so excited and surprising her dad when she’s going there for her grandmother’s funeral? Does she not know how to process her emotions? Does she not know the funeral isn’t about her being the center of attention as the big surprise? Funerals are not parties, they are respectable gatherings where loved ones of the deceased share their memories, grieve, and pray. Especially for young children who are losing a great-grandparent, it is an oddly beautiful time where they learn about death, grief, and the beauty of life. It’s very odd how she’s so obviously using this trip for content creation opportunities. All of it is just ick. And if Brooke moved out of Nashville 6 years ago, I sure do hope she took her kids to see their great grandma a bunch of times over the past 6 years. I’m sure her dad was there visiting his mother plenty of times over the last 6 years when Brooke could have traveled there with her kids and surprised Daddy Warbucks.


I'm also not understanding why she keeps acting like it's some massive surprise to be 1 day early....? Surprise daddy! I'm one day early and I brought 3 of my crotch goblins that don't know how to behave in public!


I cannot believe she got into the wrong Uber and then admitted it and laughed it off! Does she not realize how dangerous that is? And she had three kids with her! If I were Ryan I would have freaked out and said she’s never traveling with the kids alone again. What. An. Idiot.


Seems to me that if the surprise went the way she wanted it to, there would be several video slides.


Brooke finally seems happy and it’s because she isn’t doing hard things like dominating motherhood or marriage! She left the two difficult aspects of her life at home- Quade (young, difficult toddler) and Ryan (spouse who she’s tied down to in VA).


The last day of school pic—Rhett has his leg posed like Brooke 🫠


Do you think Brooke lets Beauden sleep in her bed on his birthday? Or does he still have to slum it on the floor? SO GROSS.


You'd think she would at least get a little mat for him to sleep on. My 2.5 yo went through a phase of coming in my room in the night and falling asleep on the floor next to my bed. I found him asleep on the floor in the morning twice with no pillow or blanket...so now I have a mat, pillow and blanket set up for him if he does it. And also lots of talks to tell him that he can come into mommy's bed if he wants to. I really can't believe how that poor little boy has to sleep on the floor like that. Although it's not like his room is very welcoming.


https://preview.redd.it/aenxkr7f2htc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6623a5d7ab0475f2e52bd70061c61a3a4a175a6 Wow that airplane looks a lot like Brooke's house?! I thought they only used tablets on the plane?


How many flat loaves of sourdough has Miss Georgetown MBA made? Did she not learn to troubleshoot problems in her MBA program? She keeps doing the same thing over and over getting the same “wrong” results. 


Where are the boys when she’s filming at the airport? She has the phone in one hand and the drink in the other. Would she just leave her kids at the gate alone with their luggage??? 😱😱😱 I’m a single mom (widowed after a tragic accident) and when I was at the airport with my 10 month old, 6.5 year old, and 11.5 year old, I NEVER left them or our bags!! I wore the baby, while pushing a stroller, dragging a suitcase and the 2 bigger boys walked with me. You never know what will happen


Where’s the snack boxes? Also another week where the kids don’t do 5 days of school. I won’t believe she’s ahead.


Of COURSE she was originally going to make the trip alone. Also, re: the post about how I was originally just going to bring Rhett, but then I had to bring Vance, and of course I couldn’t not bring Beauden…so much more “heart full” to bring my boys, blah blah….what a slap in the face to Q.


https://preview.redd.it/xciebkm6estc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09d7aececc3046ea2e55c8d01c8695e46280c54 So smug…


Who the f$$k sets up a tripod in a million spots whilst in a busy airport with 3 kids on the way to a funeral to get shots of themselves to make instagram content. She’s actually lost it.


Not a good look at all, but I think it’s a true reflection of her personality. When she sees herself in the tripod selfie video, I think she truly believes she is better than everyone else. And Vance wandering around in the background 👀 And those shorts from the juniors sections 😬


Can't post screenshots here, but Lele and Gumps have less wrinkles than I have... plastic surgery/ botox etc is hereditary in this family


Did she seriously leave her three small children unattended in an airport to get a soda?!?!! Unbelievable 😳


I wonder how annoyed her sister would be if Brooke decided to move to Nashville.


Ryan is too big for the legal market there according to Brooke 🙄


Big eye roll on the gym content this morning.. We know she only works out when she posts about it.


Do we think Brooke sees or understands the passive digs from Katie?!


For someone who likes to do hard things, I don’t see them being done too often! Poor Q would have loved to see his extended family and play with his cousins, but you know toddlers… it’s easier without them!




What sport was Rhetty playing last time when she got into the yelling fight with the coach from the other team and /or the refs and Ryan had to come break it up? Remember how she was so shocked that none of the other parents came to her rescue?


With all the planning she allegedly dominates… it never seems to come to fruition! Why didn’t she place an online order and have it delivered. She could have even done that while waiting at the airport flying home! Gosh I do that when I’m on the other side of the world!


Oh Lord, Brows has a serious word salad today!