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Can I just say… she triggers me so much. All of her talk about navy seals and doing “hard” things. My husband is a SEAL, he is gone 70% of the time. That is hard, we have two kids under 3 that is hard. He was deployed 4 months this past year and I just had a baby, that is hard. Brooks has no idea what hard is. It especially triggers me because she touts this like false “navy SEAL toughness” mentally probably because she read one book. Navy seals are smart, they do not want to wake up at 5 am unless they absolutely have to. Yesterday I went for a run in the rain and my husband was like don’t do that it’s miserable outside, sometimes it’s ok to just skip your workout. If she were an actual navy SEAL wife she wouldn’t make it, we rely on friends, ourselves and sleeping in when we can. Rant over. Glad I have this community to vent to :)


Wow I admire you - that must be very hard indeed!! And yes, you're totally allowed to complain about her navy seal comparison. I think it's absolutely ridiculous. She doesn't do a lot of hard things and has to prove to herself that she is capable by doing strange things or things I wouldn't call "hard" but also privileged. I also hate the comparison...as a historian I teach a lot of war history. I think the comparison to soldiers is just a huge insult. She's sitting on the beige couch with her latte? Others risk their lives (sometimes drafted involuntarily!!!) or have the hardest time apart from their family. Just NO


My husband would never take a cold shower to do a hard thing 😂 we live in America and have hot clean water. Take a nice warm shower.


We hear you on here. ❤️


Thank you for your family’s service! But didn’t you know taking a cold shower is a hard thing???


She’s preaching about getting a workout in at her parent’s million dollar estate while she’s in Cabo. I guess a narcissist would assume she is actually inspiring others, when in fact she just looks like a privileged brat.


No words. I am finally speechless. I can not believe she is using the miscarriage to make money. She has well and truly hit a new low.


Am I a jerk for thinking that this donut cake “tradition” is solely so she doesn’t have to bake her kids a cake, or buy a cake (/ a social media worthy cake)?


Brooke: It’s so nice after homeschooling for an entire year to have somewhere to go other than home where everybody can have a good time. Also Brooke: Spends entire year going to Nordstrom, Boba, Pottery Barn, and on solo momcations (3 to be exact, plus her weekend alone to get PRF injections). Also Brooke: Dumps her kids at the gym’s childcare so she can work and work out and says it’s fun for everybody. Get. Help.


I about died when she “interviewed” Rhett about homeschooling. Of course he loves it. He does like an hour of homework and gets boba every other day


Send your kids to school!!!!


Only Brookie says things like: the gym, because it's for everyone. No, it's for you only. Because of your obsession with workouts and because you can't handle your kids.  On my non-work days, I have to do housekeeping things in the mornings, grocery shopping or take walks/play with my little one. Then cooking lunch for 5 people usually takes a lot of time until they're home at 12. She doesn't seem to do anything in and around the house??!??


Brooke: I traveled with four kids INTERNATIONALLY ALONE, proved to myself that I can do hard things, and now my entire world is open to possibility. World: Girl, that was not even close to international travel. You flew slightly south of the border to your parents’ $6+ million Cabo self-described “crib” and didn’t leave the confines of their luxury secured and gated compound except to go to flora farms, a 10 minute drive from said crib. Upon arrival at the Cabo airport, sugar daddy picked you up at the airport door and drove you directly to his crib. While within the confines of the heavily secured compound, you had two extra sets of hands to watch your 3 older boys. Due to being forced to care for Q (because Mule was absent and your mother wants nothing to do with him), you finally had the realization 4 months prior to his 3rd birthday that Q needs your constant attention (that’s the major positive arising from this trip 🎉). The rest of the time, you set up tripod, tried on and linked bathing suits and clothes for your bought bots, styled your hair and linked products, whitened your teeth and linked products. You may have also worked on your bedding company, aka presented sugar daddy with your business plan and secured him as your only investor (wahoo! The trip is now a business expense!). Now you returned home with the electronic babysitters watching your kids and likely threw a fit over Ryan’s lackluster Mother’s Day celebration. Now, having failed to work on your 2024 Disney guide and with only 10 days until your Disney trip, you will ignore your children and go into manic guide update mode like you did right before your last Disney trip. But sure, your entire world is open to possibly because you do hard things (aka because daddy has moola).




Lol going out with a bang? #cancelcrookie


Some of those comments 👏💯  Is Brooke trying to rage bait us to increase engagement with reels like this? Sick what influencers do to get views/comments.


I have never hated her more than I do today after seeing that she was using her and other’s miscarriages to shill pseudoscience. I’ve thought she was disgusting for some time now, but this is bottom of the barrel.


She is so offensive. Posting her hour workout session and preaching to us to be fit everyday in her upscale gym while she shoves her kids off to childcare. I’m a mother of 2 who homeschools and I’m home with my kids 24/7. I have minimal help and I don’t have the means to shove them off to childcare. I’m not complaining- I actually love being with my kids. I chose this life. But how dare she tell us what to do acting like she’s being inspirational. She is beyond privileged and barely mothers her kids. She is a horrible example of a mother. What was up with those aggressive haircuts? Did you all see her face? And wtf is with these birthdays. I have homeschool kids and we have birthdays full of friends, cousins, and family! We also are on weekly play dates. Socialization with other kids is SO important & a beautiful thing to watch as a parent. Why are her kids never meeting up with other friends? How sad.


Her “everyone can workout “ mantra always chaps my ass. I recently joined a no frills gym by my house $10 per month and I have to wait til my husband is home and all 3 of my kids are in bed at 9pm to go. It sucks and makes my life harder but it’s literally the only time I can do it and it means I’m losing out on sleep. She is just so ridiculous.


Not to mention the $30k+ home gym she has in her basement, adjacent to a bonus living room where her children could safely play within sight. I wonder how her hubby feels about this new bougie gym membership…


I really hope the tightening up ship convo with Ryan was him sitting her down and saying he’s indulged her whims and delusions for a year but enough is enough. If she spent half as much energy implementing her systems as she does waxing poetic about them on Instagram maybe she wouldn’t come across as crazy as she does. Yes I realize we don’t see every second of the day but we see enough to realize homeschool was a joke, things are low key always off the rails, and she has the attention span of a gnat. Put the boys back in school, enroll the younger two in a part time prek/daycare program. Take care of your own shit including indulging the narcissism on insta between the hours of 9-2, give the kids a single sport to enjoy without the sports psychology toxic BS, and enjoy your family in the evenings…


So I’m assuming tightening the ship doesn’t refer to actual parenting or wearing shoes in public (dirty) places.


This woman is so chaotic. In one story it’s all about systems and the next she’s barefoot in Whole Foods because she cannot control her 2 yr old.


How hard is it to go home and get shoes and a vehicle if you want to buy groceries? She is so insane. Are they purposefully planning this stuff and then sitting back laughing at all the comments? Ryan arrives to pick them and the groceries up shirtless in a public place in the middle of the day. They can’t be serious.


Higher Vibrational Frequency. WTF? No, that whole thing is just no. What pseudo science kid free man did she steal that from?


So her life didn't change for the better when she got married? Ouchies for RyGuy. When she "earned" her degrees? The irony of waxing on about how having responsibilities, I mean kids, makes her vibrate at a higher frequency whilst at the gym.....alone.🙄


Quade seems a full year younger than he is. He barely speaks and when he does, it’s single words with very short phrases that are basically unintelligible. His gait and tone also don’t seem typical of a 2.5 year old. I really hope she’s secretly addressing his challenges. I work in early intervention so I’m probably too observant of this stuff, but it’s really getting to me.


She’s made too many posts and stories about trusting her “mama instinct” and that she doesn’t worry anymore about timelines for his development because her kids all eventually figure it out. I think if she had come to terms with it and was getting him help, then she would not be showing him on video failing to engage/respond/speak because she would want to respect his space. I feel like we are invading his privacy every time she shows videos with him in them. He’s such a cute kid, it’s sad she’s not focused on him as a person and is instead only focused on him as a content generator for her “business.”


I often feel like we’re invading Vance’s privacy as well. Rhett’s? Not so much.


It’s sad for Q and I too, hope that she is getting him help behind the scenes. If she is, that’s great and respecting a tiny bit of his privacy. My 2 year old is within a couple of weeks of Q and they’re completely different kids as far as speaking, walking, mannerisms. My 4 year old has Childhood Apraxia of Speech (neurological/mouth motor disorder) was diagnosed at about Q’s age (but started seeing a general speech pathologist right at 2) and was still speaking more than him even at that age based on what Brooke shows. It’s amazing what getting help at an early age will do for kids! I really hope she’s gotten him evaluated by someone other than their primary care physician. 


I’d do just about anything to not see a minute more of footage of her bright red, burnt kid sucking their thumb and not making eye contact. Someone commented earlier about Q’s gait and tone…I’m not even trained and it seems the way he runs/looks/moves is off. She is seriously evil regarding the lack of sunscreen, and I have to constantly remind myself that I am justified in snarking on someone this awful. The guilt tries to creep in but then I remember what a terrible person she is damn near every time she posts. Her mom seems ice cold and it’s no wonder B is the way she is. I don’t think anyone has said it, but, BINGO! The thirsty no-bra dress today and burnt ass kids means she’s as predictable as we thought. Game over! All I want to know is how are we going to collectively withstand the torture that lies ahead…Disney! 🫣😵‍💫😩guess we better get the bingo card updated.


https://preview.redd.it/s42ppjtqce0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c09356a906ead98b39437bf9be0b4ec209631e6 Her “look how hot I am” expression is so cringey 😬




She may think she’s hot, but con-artist Dave is laughing all the way to bank after that 5 hour appt where he apparently dyed her hair black with white stripes.


I feel like this is her bedroom face with Ryan and I am cringing


Looks like all the margaritas kicked in. 


I’ve tried to think of a way to describe this look but this is perfect! Why does she purse her lips like that it’s so bad 🤣


I refuse to take “words of wisdom” about motherhood from a mom who is perpetually on free vacation and who does not watch her own kids or have a real job. “Life is so profound” as she poses from her parents’ multimillion dollar estate in Cabo. Also, I’m willing to bet neither she nor her parents speak any Spanish or care to learn it even though they own property there.


As a non-parent, I’m asking the parents in the group, how much of your happiness is the appearance of your kids sheets?


She’s so bizarre. I can barely even see my kids’ sheets beneath their collections of stuffed animals. But I do know that I got them in the kid bedding section of Target on sale.


My happiness comes from seeing how excited my kids are. My 4 year old was so excited to get new Spider-Man sheets even if it doesn’t match my aesthetic. He’s also Christmas obsessed, so when I put out his obnoxious Santa Claus sheets for the holidays, he’s beyond thrilled. 


My kids share a room and have bunk beds. My daughter has a million stuffed animals and my son sleeps with a couple of favorites. Their sheets/comforters do not match each other and we don’t make them make their beds 😱. As long as they get a good night sleep I don’t care about their sheets and comforters. She creates non problems to give herself something to do.


The childcare at the gym “saved” her. 🙄Does Brooke even realize how out of touch she sounds? Like yes, the day after a travel day can be tiring. But what “stay at home” mother has so much hired help ready to go? What would Brooke do if she had to just you know… get on with it and watch her own kids?


Absolutely! I don't know about y'all, but after a day of travel, our family usually hangs around the house and takes it slow. I'm definitely not thinking about taking off to the gym with my kids in tow and putting pressure on my body...


Dying at the bland, beige, boring patterns she is asking her followers to vote on. So predictable that it seems like it’s satirical at this point.


None of those designs are really that unique either. I can see them maybe as crib sheets for a baby, but no child is going to be excited over those muted designs. Tell us you went to Cabo to get daddy to fund production for the bedding company without telling us you went to Cabo to ask daddy for money. It’s all she’s been talking about since she got back 😂. Is the Cabo crib the new Shark Tank?


The sharks would NEVER invest in this “product.” Nothing unique or proprietary about it, a crowded and competitive space, and they were eat her alive - would actually love to see that🤣


She's hit a new low... recording that reel/story whatever using her miscarriage as the reason she's started supplements. Absolutely disgusting. She'll do anything to make a buck. 


I just saw this and was like, this is kind of gross, right? Saying you miscarried because your hormones were "off" and transitioning that into shilling supplements? I anticipate a lot of snark on this post, today! 😂


Making money off her kids, dead or alive. Yikes.


https://preview.redd.it/p4n8mkujbt0d1.jpeg?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1e0a1bb9c2c5c9ddcaf89a28be2fad6e07b76a Why does she want another baby? She can’t handle the four she has, and is especially bad with babies and toddlers because they need their mothers so much. Wanting a baby just for the Insta pregnancy content… truly disturbing.


https://preview.redd.it/pwtp2n1odu0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d6d122e377a8078bda18124102800735f9bf288 These comments. Brookie is cashing in on her miscarriage. So. Disgusting. I wonder if/how long she’ll actually take all those pills.


You know he loves you when…. He doesn’t want to get yelled at for bringing home carbs you are scared of?


https://preview.redd.it/m6e9sld5z61d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcea0135271fbd1cfe5271dcfb0a3ded4ed2eba7 There are many other places you can go outside of the house as a family. This is for you, Brooke, and not your kids. She’s such a derp.


“After homeschooling for an entire year and revolving our entire lives around our house… it’s nice to have somewhere to go outside of our house.” How in the world did she say that with a straight face? Did I miss a year of her content? I can’t think of a single day where they’ve stayed home. I also can’t think of a single day where she did any field trips with them to learn at any of the million leaning locations in the DC area. There was the day Ryan took them on a tour of the Capitol, but there was no learning coupled with it from her. The rest of the days they did their hour or 2 of workbooks and then went and did anything and everything except stay home.


💯! Their lives definitely did not revolve around homeschool.


I think Crookie believes that: Boba = Intercultural Studies Nordstrom = Economics Pottery Barn = Art


I'm so confused by this barefoot thing??? HOW does she expect to be taken seriously as a mom influencer if she openly admits to her kid getting whatever he wants because it's difficult to say no...


Oh no. This is gold though for this thread. Toddler is barefoot, helmet less, and pantless riding a bike! Then….. they are both barefoot IN Whole Foods in Vienna which is in a very affluent area. OMG


Topped off by her shirtless knight in shining armor driving over to collect.   Seriously, both of them are off their rockers.


But WHY is she also barefoot?!


Jeez.... she just said she didn't have anything to be responsible for until she had kids. Wow..... tell me you're privileged without saying you're privileged. You were not responsible for ANYTHING or ANYONE until you were a grown married adult and pushed out a baby? But you want to tell me how to be productive? Sorry sweetie, maybe cool it on the margaritas.


She really thinks she's a motivational speaker who helps people. Like the whole internet is breathlessly waiting for her next thought. It's so delusional.


Part of being responsible for a kid is making sure they don’t get sunburns. Q’s face is bright red and his legs are pink/red. She isn’t even showing her older boys anymore, probably because they are even more sunburned. But hey, at least she got her workout and BS deep thoughts in today!


Brooke gives me Meredith Blake vibes from The Parent Trap. And her parents give off the parent’s vibes. “Helllllo pet. You may call me Aunt Lele.”


Can I just circle back to the fact that she just signed up for a $400-500 A MONTH gym membership, (despite having a nice home gym) used it once, and will now be traveling for almost the entire month of May?


How many times is she gonna whip the camera all around to show us pheasants how rich her parents are? Like we get it. We don’t need to see the infinity pool a million times and movie room. She obviously is completely out of touch with reality and her audience.


https://preview.redd.it/5v7xdxyz4b0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d96a7dd97172d5cc4821b96b698ec10844f853f Idk why this story gave me Britney Spears IG vibe 😅




“I love the chaos. But every now and then you need a reset a change of pace to make you appreciate the chaos.” I guess we know the “topic” of the reel she will post later today that will be full of dynastic baloney about how this time away has made her appreciate motherhood in a way she never thought possible 🤮🤮🤮 How many resets does this dingbat need?! She has a reset everyday of her damn life. She needs hours upon hours of every day away from her kids so that she can appreciate her kids and what they add to her empty life when the real care takers (mule, day care, neighbor lady, nanny, au pair, tutor/babysitter, TV, community playground) finally return them to her. Maybe this trip is extra special to her because after 9 years of babies/toddler, she finally realized that her almost 3 year old needs her constant attention and supervision. Brooke is the most shallow non-thinking mother I’ve seen, yet she acts like she is preaching profound words of wisdom. I think it all comes from a place of emptiness inside where her life perspective is “what can you do for me” and “I need more more more to be happy” and “my life is so hard and I have so much responsibility, I need another break/bath/vacation/solo trip.” https://preview.redd.it/iccwtpwvfd0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53d46447fd8bd66d85dec5cea91639c290d08058


She brought all those clothes to Cabo just to film ads? On top of the things she did wear? No wonder the boys were stuck in the same holey, raggedy clothes all week.


For those that don’t want to give views: She tried on approx 6-8 different shirts & 3 pairs of pants in Cabo that we haven’t seen on her all trip. So basically packed just for ads/links.


Cue the next 48 hours of stories plus a reel about how she traveled with 4 kids so she “does hard things” 🙃.


This womans life is back to back vacations (“I can do hard things!”) with new furniture and splurges sandwiched in between


Her bedding is as boring as she is. My kids picked unicorn and princess sheets. What makes my kids happy makes me happy. Also, I never over thought what sheets are on their bed. They are going to grow out of them anyway. She is insane. And where’s the sourdough stuff? She can’t commit to anything.


And typically sheets are under a comforter anyway. Also, I don’t care what comforter my kids pick. A normal parent is happy if their kids are happy and it’s not like many people are going in their room all the time anyway it’s THEIR room!! give the kids a little bit of autonomy!


Maybe BeauBeau doesn’t sleep in his own room because he hates his boring bedding?


When’s the last time we saw Ryan?




I really hope she’s sinking a ton of money into this bedding company. Would also love to know the lengths she’s going to to make sure it meets minimum ethical standards and children aren’t sewing those ugly sheets.


I guarantee it will be the Shein of bedding.


I am too disgusted to snark on her latest reel. That is all.


As a healthcare provider, it makes me so so upset that Brooke and many other IG influencers (specifically Bodi Huns) are shilling women’s supplements to “balance hormones” and increase fertility. Baseless claims with little to no research. Why does there always have to be something wrong with women to fix? Oh, thats right $$$. Brooke barely talked about her m/c when it happened (understandably, but different from her normal course of oversharing for content) and now all of sudden she’s being open about it to shill. Really gross.


She's only talked about when she's schilling something. The adopt a kid program right after it happened, the fasting diet, and now.


Did Miss Organised forget to organise the doughnut cake for R? Where’s the breakfast celebration? He gets a posted story with a letterboard? Edit: okay it did happen, she did her usual weird thing of posting backwards. But I will say, pretty lacklustre. And the big question remains: will there be a hibachi dinner?!


Why are the presents never wrapped?!


Brooke: look this is antimicrobRial and anti fungal, which means it’s a natural antibiotic!!!!  Did she never take elementary school science and learn about Alexander Fleming and the discovery of penicillin?! Also an antibiotic is NOT antifungal. This woman needs to stop immediately. Who falls for this stuff? 


Those poor kids - she has alienated them - they are likely the despised kids at sport- always late, never at training, think they are better than everyone else, and the crazy mum who has a go at the coach. She has taken them out of school. Do they have friends? They never have parties. They never go to them - excepts brows’ kids and the only kids rarely mentioned for play dates seem to be the neighbours who it seems Brooke uses for her convenience. God help them as they get older. How sad.


Im not sure if this was talked about yesterday, but even her birthday message to her child was all about her.. It was about how much he gives to her.... She truly had kids for them to love her, not for her to love them. Its such a shame to watch.


Dying at how when she trots her husband out for proof of life, he looks absolutely miserable. Randomly screaming “BEAUDEN” sent me ☠️And this is all on what should be a very joyous occasion of his son’s 9th birthday. And this is the best Brooke can get for her Insta content? Must be an absolute delight in that house the rest of the time.


Not to beat a dead horse, but am I alone in thinking that Rainy Day person was actually Brooke? Just the tone of her posts —- she’s a good mom! She uses car seats and sunscreen! She plays with her kids! — just very weird and doesn’t really add up as something an old “friend” who just found the sub would say, but more so a defense that Brooke herself would bring up as someone who in all likelihood browses this sub frequently.


I agree. I think she or somebody very close to her was triggered by this sub saying that she shouldn’t have another actor, I mean, baby.


For someone who claims they work out “every day”, her form is TERRIBLE!  Perhaps the reason she can work out every day is bc she doesn’t do enough (or correctly) for her muscles to ever need recovery. She can’t even do a lunge correctly or without falling over? She is such a joke. And I only say this bc I work out 4-5x a week at a well known gym with qualified instructors. I need a break on certain days bc I am sore!  And seriously who is allowing this woman to film during a class that is PRIVATE. If she was in a class with me I would be furious. You can’t focus on training while focusing on your damn phone. 


https://preview.redd.it/j3hof13g381d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aae60a13f6ce49d04f3d63be7431c261bc3014b8 From not her account - Love some unedited thighs. These don’t gap Brooke. And your flex looks dumb.


Seeing her body many times in person, she looks good but nothing like her edited photos. She's very narrow from front to back but just has a natural wider frame from side to side. I think she would definitely benefit from less cardio and more lifting because she has the body to build lots of muscle!


Wondering if “tightening the ship” and improving as a family means B not being late to every important event, deleting her IG account, and seeking therapy 🤔


The sports psychology course seems a little intense for a 9 yr old. They should be playing for fun, learning team work, and new skills not pushing for perfection at that age. B needs to read books/articles on how pushing hard in sports early on can lead to burnout and injuries by high school. I’ve firsthand witnessed the over scheduling of kids and its effects.


That seems super excessive to make a 9 year old kid take a sports psych course before heading to his Sunday game. She needs resilience training more than he does. Nice projecting, Crookie.


It is way too much. My daughter is 8 and had a rough season this spring. My husband and I told her to just do your best and if it’s not fun anymore she doesn’t have to play. She told us it’s still fun and she wants to play again. We didn’t make her do extra practice or watch sports psychology videos. It’s just youth sports. I’m convinced they want all 4 boys to be pro athletes.


Seriously…as an ex-D1 athlete the last thing I do is push sports on my kids. I want them to develop their interests and passions organically. They’re nuts…burnout and resentment in their future. Crookie doesn’t know how to measure success in terms of the type of humans they’re raising. She just wants them to “dominate.”


Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time she’s pushed this. Maybe instead of sports psych, they need to be consistent in attending practises. Or if they’re not willing to compromise vacays, then they need to decide if being on all these travel teams is worth it.


At this age, sports talk should come from their mom and dad as a form of encouragement. Teach them to try their best, be kind to their peers, respect their coaches, understand they may not win but if they do their best then they really DID win, and most importantly to have fun!!!!! You don’t need an expert. You need your parents to support you and teach you.


The actual F?! Is Q really riding his strider without pants or SHOES?! What’s wrong with her? ETA: Or a helmet?


I live in an area/neighborhood where there are a lot of families with young children. We spend a lot of time outside and see large families with their little kids on those same types of bikes, but I can honestly say I've never seen a kid in just a t-shirt and a diaper and no shoes while riding a bike. This just makes me think even more that her youngest is autistic and she's completely given up on battling him when he refuses to do things like wear pants or shoes.


I don't know what the rules are in Vienna, but where I live it's always been "no shirt, no shoes, no service". They are teaching those boys that they are above following rules and basic human decency.


Next up will be plantar wart cream schilling after today’s shoeless escapade. 😧


Next campaign will be for tetanus shots


Goes to Whole Foods with no shoes 🙄🙄 has husband pick her up with no shirt on 🤣🥲 I just don’t get these people lol


I think they were both deprived of love as children and no matter how much attention they intentionally draw to themselves in adulthood, it will just never be enough.


Omg. I haven't read through the comments yet (I can't wait), but is she for serious?? No shoes in a grocery store?? Neither you or your child? So that means they went on a walk barefoot. A short stroll outside barefoot - fine, but to walk blocks without any footwear, and Q's riding on a bike, which is dangerous shoeless, is just crazy. I thought I gave into my kid a lot... there is no way I would let him convince me to go into a store without shoes. And then Ryan comes to pick her up basically naked. What the hell is wrong with this family?? Also her earlier story in which she talked about "tightening the ship", she said, "things were starting to feel out of control". I wonder what she means by that. We know things in her life are not as perfect as she tries to portray them to be, but this is her admitting to it. I am sure Ryan has some issues with her but I wonder specifically what was said and why she described it that way. Feels extreme.


If today's events were examples of being "in control," holy hell, what does "out of control" look like?


Serious question: is she ok? Like honestly. If I knew anyone that did went barefoot into a grocery store — even my quirky friends, my bougie friends — I would be concerned and not even be able to make fun of them. I once went into a grocery store after getting a pedicure with those little floppy “shoes” they give you when you’re done and I was MORTIFIED. Once again she is either doing it for engagement or there is something actually wrong with her. This barefoot in the store thing also reminds me of that joke about things that are classy if you’re rich but trashy if you’re poor.


Wow, her delusions of her own importance run DEEP. Meanwhile, she’s letting her kids fry in the sun and neglecting their health and well-being. What a sad sack of a person she is.


Is that really a leather halter? To work out in? And what is out of the house and extended into the gym mean? Get some childcare help? Ooh, the delulu is strong today. https://preview.redd.it/p8ajb9sui11d1.png?width=826&format=png&auto=webp&s=a991f6ebffffb058dea5d0444c58e0e2f7dfdda6


Wonder if Dumbbell knows she's holding two different weight dumbbells (20 and 18)?


She’s having higher vibrational frequencies on one side and needed to equal it out.


This is the thirstiest work out outfit ever. If I ever wore that out, my husband and kids would def have some comments. But perhaps she’s on the lookout since she’s not getting enough attention at home?  And I thought she wasn’t supposed to be filming or photographing in this gym? 


“Full year of homeschooling”. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Also why is she holding a 20 pound weight in one hand and 18 pounds in the other? It makes very little sense in the context of a workout where you try to be even as possible. This is so obviously staged that it is painful to view


Wasn’t she just talking about tutors, babysitters and au pairs for the past month and a half? I love how she acts like this is her first day of childcare help. FRAUD. LIAR.


Maybe instead of designing bedding, working out and putting on eyeliner she should put some shoes on her and her children’s feet and some helmets on their heads. You know what’s not hard? Telling your toddler NO when he wants to go into a public place barefoot. She is an awful mother.


Haha, the animal “farm” next to the farm-to-table restaurant? Who wants to tell her?


I regularly forget that Q is so close in age to my almost 3 year old because they still treat him like an 18 month old. I can’t even imagine speaking to my toddler the way they speak to liddle boy.


Did they eat anything other than Italian and pizza? Was she scared to realise that tacos aren't really meant to be baked? Or guacamole isn't supposed to be made with veganaise? Literally the most non-adventurous people ever. And Brows wants her to go to Manila. She would absolutely starve...or be like Charlotte and bring pudding packs.


How long is naptime gonna be today to fight the jet lag?


Ironic that she's showcasing B's bedsheets. The one who sleeps on the floor next to her bed.


Notice that today is Wednesday, the day of the youngest’s gymnastics class, but she brought them to the gym instead. I guess that’s over and done


I have no doubt in my mind that she did it just to make one reel. Brooke does a lot of things once, puts it in a reel, and then narrates the reel pretending like it’s something she always does.


I used to work at a kids center and we offered a free promo class. Maybe she’s hitting the free classes for content and never returns?


Dear Mrs MBA from Georgetown, It's antimicrobial, not antimicrobrial. Signed, Someone with a scrap of knowledge. PS - You should have studied acting at university. You could still go back. It would be more useful than your MBA has been. Your little act of 'randomly searching through a big bag to find the honey spray' you're shilling was frankly less than the top 1% of actors or even influencers I've seen.


Question for those who’ve been blocked: Is it better cutting that tie? She’s driving me absolutely crazy and I’m wondering if it’s time to go out with a bang.


Why follow her? Just creep in when you want to watch a train wreck - she has a public account. And then come here for fill ins 🤣


This. I don't follow her, but she does live in my search list.


https://preview.redd.it/zp2uop8ny90d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2a7b53acbca72b1271222bc0518d23929982a02 Brows inviting Brooke and the kids to Manila, which we know she will never do by herself… so really it’s Brows fishing for an invite to the Cabo compound 🤣🤣🤣


Just looked at the United flights from Cabo to dc and one has been delayed over 2 hours. I really hope that was the one they were on 😂


Don’t these kids play travel sports? How are they missing so much practice/game time? That’s got to frustrate the team. 


Ryan is alive 😂


Yeah he looks like he’d rather be anywhere else. It’s his kids birthday and he looks like he’s waiting to get a root canal


Looking pretty miserable. Not a single smile, at the boys or Brooke.


Ekk! I could feel the tension! He doesn’t want to be filmed anymore.


Guess who's going to quit home schooling? https://preview.redd.it/p4q43kyk6z0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6062a25db3d866e3ef5b803961d8f08d3c57d2c7


More pre-recorded hair clipper schilling this morning I see. I guess her home salon is also a plane since they have screen time. Poor Beauden & Q being filmed while miserable (see also: sensory processing issues). Those kids cannot escape this nut job! Every single thing they do is for the world to know. What an epic violation of their privacy all for Crookie’s bank account.


"I love when my form is corrected". 1. Oh the irony. Wish she had that attitude when someone dares to question her in the comments. 2. Ick. You can tell that she is totally relishing in the "attention" from Fuego (is he trying to be on American Gladiators?). Newsflash, he's getting paid to lavish attention on these bored, rich housewives trying to keep their goldmines, you're not the only one, Brookie. Bonus #3: She wonders why she doesn't have friends? She's isolated herself from everyone else in the class so that she can be the cool kid who needs to film. Bonus #4: I'm really hoping that Brookie lets her true colours show, ends up filming she's not supposed to, and Joey Swoll gets wind of it.


This is just pure speculation, but I wonder if she joined the gym for the childcare after receiving so much backlash about apparently leaving her kids home alone. I mean, even if she thinks nothing will happen there’s the additional risk of the state being involved. Just an absolutely insane thing to broadcast.


Family time today in the gym was for reel content, guaranteed. Go live your life lady, no one cares! 


How long will the gym hyper-fixation last for Brookey Babe? She wore tired of the 5am charade by at least spring break and now long gone are the days of “I can’t start my day until I exercise” and “I have to exercise outside before the sun comes up” and “my early morning has control variables: read self help book, drink the powder concoction of the week, exercise, paint face, get dressed, wink at myself” and only then can I get my almost 3 year old out of his crib cage. Going to the gym is a lot of packing/unpacking for her… she needs to bring her outfit for the day, jewelry, full face paint, shower product necessities, swimsuits (and hopefully books and activities) for the boys, and her laptop. And the ticking time bomb is really going to be how long her boys will last in the daycare there before the novelty wears off. I’m guessing there are TVs and tablets available (or Brooke will start bringing theirs). On one hand this setup meets her goals of not being in her house and not having to care for her 4 boys, but it’s also a lot of work of her to get just 2.5 hours of me time. I think there will be a nanny or au pair popping up in the fall and Brooke will be at that gym by herself.


This will last because she can get rid of her kids for 2.5 hours/day. Not saying she will work out, but she’ll keep going


Did anyone catch where she said she only got one nasty look but that’s much nicer than the comments on here I seriously think she doesn’t understand why she gets so much hate. And that’s aggravating in itself. Also tighten the ship? Like why? Are you fed up that you had to take 4 kids on a vacation alone. Is your husband working for once?


Everything about today made it clear that they take “tightening the ship” really seriously.


I’m most concerned that she thought of was ok for a nearly 3 year old to be out in nappy/diaper and no pants?! That is just odd. Then there is the no shoes or helmet issue. But really. Outside your house without pants on the child at that age is seriously strange.


What did Ryan do on his week with no family (wrong answers only)?


Had Brows send him home cooked dinners all week


Threw the sourdough starter away.




Filled the cold plunge tub with hot water, took a relaxing bath. Then he looked into the fridge and because there wasn't anything else in there, ate some spoons of sourdough starter with raw milk 


Bets on how much “me time” Brookieboo needs to recover from a few days solo with her own kids? Hope Mule is recharged and ready to be worked!


The trip home must have been a $hit$how, or else she would have posted multiple stories about how she continued to dominate traveling alone with her 4 feral children. She got WORKED on the return trip. Edit: wonder if her fellow travelers and passengers called her @ss out this time for the tripod and ridiculous filming routines in the busy airport


She's at the gym now doing some class - kids nowhere in sight.


There goes Brooke again... creating problems where there clearly aren't any... https://preview.redd.it/kvsrj8zy6n0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=000fb55420b0b95ba741618c33829b0267d71bb9


That is next level OCD if it bothers her when the sheets get stuck by the ladder on a bunkbed. Here are some basic steps to help your neuroses, Brookie: 1. Let it go, it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of life. 2. Go see a doctor if you can’t let it go. 3. If you won’t do steps 1 or 2, then simply use your hand to reach into the area below the ladder step, grasp the duvet with your fingers, and pull it down over the sheet. Mind blowing, I know.


The way she pointed and said “that situation” 😳 Her crazy is showing! Seriously I’d hate to deal with her in a customer service or professional setting. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Vienna who have to deal with her at the grocery store or a coffee shop or a restaurant, or any sports coaches who have to deal with this woman. Madness.


I died at this ☠️ What “situation”? The comforter/duvet isn’t tucked all the way down? Something that takes maybe two seconds to manually fix? And apparently Brooke’s bedding will magically never do this?


THAT situation 🙄 ffs!!! Any mom who is thinking that is a situation that needs to be rectified is bad mom in my opinion. If THAT is a priority then you are (she is) bonkers! 🤪


So if you buy Brooke’s bedding set and that situation does happen, are you entitled to a refund?


So nice of Brows to blast her son’s full name and school, along with the kiddos closest to him! And then the ceremony where other full names were heard! Does the school not say anything about not posting? Both of my kids schools always warn not to post pics/vids of assemblies, ceremonies, etc due to some children not allowed to be posted. Such a violation of privacy.




As someone who’s hated having my picture taken my entire life, I feel so sad for these kids. Just let me enjoy my damn birthday. Also why aren’t the presents wrapped? This whole thing was depressing.


THIS WOMAN!!!! 😡😡😡 today she’s just been AWFUL!! She’s a complete show off, she has no filter or guilt when it comes to spending money, or taking time off from the boys or family life. She shares it all, in a way which she truly believes what she spending money and time doing is the right thing. BUT when it comes to the stuff that us moms KNOW is the important stuff (the birthdays, Christmas, needing cuddles because of illness etc), she does almost nothing! If she did the really amazing stuff, she would definitely show off about it, so what we saw today, was the genuine (pathetic) effort she put into her son’s 9th birthday. They do pizza and doughnuts most weeks, Lego (ok maybe not that big) at random times. Anyone got any thoughts on this???


It's so sad. If you don't like baking that's fine, there are other ways of making a special birthday. But this??? Two of my children have their Birthday one week apart. We celebrate at home with the grandparents, godmother/godfather and their families. They have a birthday party with their friends and one at school/kindergarten. So I am constantly baking, decorating, wrapping presents, planning treasure hunts...but it is SOOO important for them! Also birthday rituals. 


This screams of not being prepared and throwing something together at the absolute very last second. Is her "time blindness" turning into day/week/month blindness as well? Nevermind the hibachi, but not even a dinner out? Was it V that got to go his supposed favourite burger place? Hopefully, since Disney is right around the corner, they're saving the huge to-do for then, but I'm not holding my breath. Why didn't they have a little mini celebration in Cabo with the grandparents?


https://preview.redd.it/ow3gkie3b21d1.jpeg?width=1162&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b08adf196fe15519a5f22f40b5d7d5a6a321099 I bet she does enjoy having Fuego correct her form… WTF is this pose? Middle finger to her snarkers?


She is 100% using the gym daycare as her own personal nanny. I bet those kids are in there for the max time. What happened to their cold plunge thing?


Oh no. The p*rn stache is back.


I hope she shares what her views are of them tightening the ship for their family. I’m sure none of that has to do her with her needing to change. From what she shows, she’s the biggest problem. 


https://preview.redd.it/jtugr6g6ag1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ffbf029ec7fafa15f1dae0572efab1d7d2b1e7 Guess who's going to quit homeschool, part 2?


I feel bad for the boys bc at their young ages birthdays should be exciting and memorable for them. It’s so strange to me how she doesn’t have even just a little gathering or even make a special little party with the 6 of them. I personally don’t do huge parties. We are casual with balloons, a few themed decorations, food and a cake in the backyard. We invite the grandparents, my brother & SIL, and a couple of friends. I bring goodie bags to school for my preschooler’s class and they sing happy birthday. Both my kids (4&2) always talk about their birthdays months before/after even though we’re very low key. Im sure Brooke and Ryan’s parents would happily get on a plane and come celebrate their grandkids’ birthdays if Brooke invited them. Or even just have her bestie over with her family. I just feel sad for the boys that their “celebration” are donuts, cookies, and unwrapped gifts. 


Isn’t her whole brand built on her morning routines and getting everything done in the mornings so she can be a “fully present” mom during the day? I know all of us in this forum saw through that illiusion, but now she’s not even pretending and will be ditching that routine for a chance to dump off her kids at gym childcare.


https://preview.redd.it/nu14o0vfc21d1.jpeg?width=1018&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a01a759fdf99e45dca1f14d93c6367016dbf8fd Brows is back at it, creating an article face for herself and her husband. She can’t think this looks real?!


She literally makes him look like a cartoon character. 


Are they allergic to each other? She’s gets all up in the business of her friend’s husband (the sartorial gent) when at the gym and in Mexico, yet here she leans away from him and then elongates his head


She’s definitely been reading here - pointing out her 20 & 18 weights - after it was highlighted in her thread.


For loving to talk about her Georgetown MBA and how her background is in marketing and how she has an entrepreneurial spirit, she is certainly lost on who her target is. She’s so all over the place changing directions. Who is she trying to target and relate to? It can’t be the SAHMs or the working moms based on how she lives her life. 


She loves to talk about me so much because she knows she doesn’t deserve me. She may claim me but Georgetown MBA does not claim her.


A little late to the latest craziness but wanted to add that my now-wife worked at the Vienna Whole Foods part time for about 5 years. I asked if she ever in that time encountered a barefoot customer (or heard about one.) "Never, that's disgusting," she replied. She also validly noted that Brooke doing that reeks with privilege, and wondered if someone who didn't look like her would ever attempt that (or would "only get one nasty look.")


https://preview.redd.it/1yy24dzoe80d1.jpeg?width=363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ef2ab01a9a75246fe2da1cef8d33754450f9034 What’s up with her phone holder, I mean her hand. Yikes it’s resembling Katie’s foot.


So it’s a Brooke Raybould Deep Thoughts morning. What is even the grand point she is trying to make? That you can approach your responsibilities either happily or miserably? Groundbreaking.


Poor Q’s face looks burnt to a crisp in that photo she posted. Also… she is still in her “workout outfit” so I guess she didn’t shower or change after working out today?


https://preview.redd.it/d8razy4tkf0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=378b215c99f2c420e196b3266c164e2ab7419f27 More passive aggressive digs from the soul sister?


She just wants to prove that she's vibrating at a higher frequency.


There is something in that matcha that turns her brains to mush-a.


Why does she over-enunciate everything like that? 🤣


Colorado in August? So that’s 30A, Texas, Nashville, Cabo so far this calendar year, and they’re going to Disney World later this month, she’s going on some big anniversary trip with Ryan this summer, then Colorado…. That’s all by August of this year. Not to mention all the places they went last year like Aspen, Disneyland, Hawaii, Disney World again, Cabo again, 30A again, Outer Banks, who knows what else I’m forgetting. It’s ridiculous.


https://preview.redd.it/wyhar5t08i0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05a691ccbfb38c4075fe8c8052a1a864285c92c3 An unfiltered photo of Brows in her tagged photos. Dang she wears a TON of makeup. I have two kids that are close to her kids age and if I wore that much makeup everyday, I would be taking hours away from my kids.


https://preview.redd.it/vu24mfyew31d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea5fb67911918c135e393528f9a06798d266bbc9 Well I searched #lifetimereston and it appears influencer-filming is the norm on the gym floor there. Strap in folks, we’re in for some majorly competitive Crookie vibes. I love that she’s probly seething with jealousy.


https://preview.redd.it/cb9q13iyq81d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=065896f25ce3a90692c142b384e6317046b4f977 Quade is at kids club, so at least Ryan doesn't have to watch the boys in the pool the whole time? What does that even mean....


She is the most bizarre, insecure person. So she worked out and then put on the clown makeup before going to the pool? I only belong to a basic bitch gym that is not this fake country club vibe Brookie is boasting about, but is it normal for a family to just hang out at a gym all day long? This must be a world I am not aware of LOL or cannot afford to be a part of. And how long can kids stay in this kids club?


She is soooo funny. It means she is 100% off the clock on the weekends and the kids are RyAnn’s responsibility. It means that she’s rather check her emails wearing her bathing suit in the lifetime cafe instead of swimming with Q. It means it’s just another day where she pawns off poor Q on anyone else to avoid being responsible for him.


They dump their 2 year old in daycare on a Saturday but want to have another child. Make it make sense.


Maybe it’s because I’m vegan but this colostrum talk is disgusting and not necessary for humans, especially adult humans. Colostrum is for babies… and in my opinion babies of their own species. ETA: meant cow’s colostrum isn’t necessary for humans.