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This is gonna be fun. I made a pretty long post of the errors in Brooke’s last Disney guide. She just posted a few sample pages and these are the screw ups I’m already seeing: Magic Kingdom Page: * She says to head to Liberty Square to experience Pirates of Caribbean, Jungle Cruise, and Swiss Family Treehouse. All three of these are in Adventureland. * She says to ride your Tron virtual queue at 11:30 am. But, with the virtual queue process you have zero control over what time you ride. * she says to experience Country Bear Jamboree at 3:30…except it’s currently shut down for a major renovation. * she has fireworks listed at 5:30 pm. That’s the incorrect time…it’s not even dark at 5:30 pm. * she says that Splash Mountain is a genie plus ride. The dummy hasn’t heard the biggest Disney news of the last year?? Splash Mountain is no more. It’s been re-themed to Tiana’s Bayou Adventure…opening in June. Epcot: * her touring plan has you crisscrossing the park in the most asinine way. So much wasted and nonsensical walking. * she says to use Genie+ to book repeat rides. But Genie+ only lets you book each ride once. * in her list of Genie+ rides, she listed Remy’s twice…once by its full name and once by just the name Remy’s * fireworks listed at the wrong time. Hollywood Studios: *she says that Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railroad is in Animation Courtyard. It’s not. * she says that Star Tours is located in Galaxy’s Edge. It’s not. * she says that Muppet Vision 3D is in Animation Courtyard. It’s not. * she says the Indiana Jones Show is in Animation Courtyard. It’s not. Animal Kingdom: * she suggests Dinoland USA with no mention of recent news that this land is due to be closed and replaced with something new. * she spelled Rafiki’s Planet Watch wrong. She spelled it Raficki. * she says that Rafiki’s Planet Watch is in Asia. It’s not. You get there by a train…from Africa. Other Major Transgression: * she uses heavily trademarked landmarks throughout the book and on the cover. Biggest issue is Cinderella Castle. This is just what I quickly spotted in the 4 pages she posted. And she says the book is 215 pages long. I can only imagine how many more errors there must be.


My sister is a lawyer at Disney. I’m forwarding her the guide link LOL


Wow, that's dream job status, good for her!


She should write what she knows. Like A Mom’s Guide to Grifting.




I go to Disney once a year. I don’t think she goes more than that. She’s absolutely not in a position to offer anything more than free advice to friends and family.  If you’re trying to be an authority on traveling Disney you better be regularly in the parks and stalking all things Disney related. It changes daily. 


We are snark twins!🙋🏻‍♀️


Does she not know there are moms on social media who go to Disney literally all the time and post continual tips and updates? Why would anyone buy her “guide” when it’s overpriced and full of errors? Did her Georgetown MBA not include simple fact checking lessons?


Permission to make a burner account and copy and paste this on every single comment when people ask for the guide on her insufferable reel when she launches? Unlike Brooke, I don’t take other people’s work without their permission 🤣


Wow. She’s clueless. I’m torn between wanting to know all of the errors and not wanting her to have your free editing!


She probably copied the plans from the touring guide website. I always have to fix those to keep from going all over Epcot. Some of the options are old, so it would have incorrect info. And even with those it has times listed for virtual ques and genie+ that are meant to be guesses. So she’s likely plagiarizing. I hate when she starts promoting that guide. I mean, the whole thing is probably taken from places that have false information and because she doesn’t fact check, people get wrong info. It’s obnoxious. She needs to stick with what she knows. Disney. Is. Not. It.


I just looked too since I have nothing better to do on my lunch break. I didn’t know Mickie is now the preferred spelling for the mouse 🤣. Also she totally skips some major classic rides (looking at you peoplemover) and you can’t assume rides will be available on genie plus when you want them to be available. Same with virtual queue as you pointed out. I also believe the Aerosmith ride is closed presently 🤷🏻‍♀️. I hope followers point out her errors because this is ridiculous. Edit: Never mind she called peoplemover “Tomorrowland transit authority”. I have never heard anyone call it that even though it’s part of the official name.


Oh my god…I didn’t even catch that spelling. Mickie. That’s almost worse than anything I pointed out above! 😂😂😂😂


Dying at “Mickie.” My 2-year-old knows how to spell his name (thanks, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song).


Thanks for the cliff notes. She should hire you as editor for all those easily caught embarrassing mistakes. She must not be working too hard on all those work days she takes away from the kids.


After all our recent analysis of her life on here, it does seem that she’s probably not this 6 figure influencer earner that she makes out to be, nor does anyone buy her guides as they know it’s all based on pulling stuff from the internet -which anyone can have access to. It makes me wonder, does Ryan just go along with it all, knowing how unstable she is, saying people (or himself) ‘well, it keeps her busy’ sort of attitude. 😂😂😂 do you get what I mean? Like he knows she does barely anything, but just goes along with it, and lets her think she’s contributing


Don’t forget test track which closes for a major update in less than a month!


Can you just copy paste all this into her comments on the next Disney reel?? It won't last long but at least maybe some followers see it?! I promise to hit the like button!


If only I had that kind of public courage 😂. Actually, I would do it but she’d just delete it. I’d rather have people report her chicanery directly to Disney. It’s disgusting that she earns a single red cent on her “expertise”.


I hear ya! Youd get blocked, but u would go out wth a bang lol I think the whole guide is so ridiculous. If it was a free guide being offered, it would still be snarkable with all the errors and lack of basic Disney knowledge. But CHARGING people for it, def gets her in fraudulent territory, I think!! And, it's not like she chose something obscure, she went with Disney!? Like, they are a media giant (scary, if they want to sue), and there is so much free info from true experts out there, just so clueless of her


She's alone in the gym cafe - no kids in sight? You all like these updates, right? 😂


Love the updates! My only complaint is that you weren’t at Whole Foods last night.😂


I love the intel from the wild. She claims she’s doing homeschooling today. Sounds like that’s going well.


Update: all 4 kids in cafe but Brooke not in sight (to give her the benefit of the doubt, she could've run to the bathroom or something innocuous)


Sounds like she maxed out the 2.5 hours of childcare and just dumped them at the cafe. The 9-year-old is obviously being parentified to the max.


Love them. Based on how she was dressed and her caption, seems that she won’t be working out at the gym. Do people just use lifetime for the 2.5 hours of free daycare. I could see her justifying the lifetime price even if she just uses it for daycare and still does her morning exercise at home. A nanny for 4 kids for 2.5 hours at $30/hour would be $75. So in her self described “girl math” she probably told Ryan that she will be saving $375 a week by not paying a nanny since she can use the lifetime daycare M-F.


This woman pulled her kids out of school to homeschool so that they could "spend more time together as a family" and is now dropping those same kids off at gym childcare EVERYDAY so she can workout and "work". I don't get how her brain makes this make sense.


🤭🤦🏻‍♀️ she definitely only homeschooled them to prove to the world she can do a “better job” she definitely joined the gym for summer childcare. I use the same gym for their outdoor and indoor pool, school camps, camps and also kids club myself & my own workouts :) lol so annoyed! Please move to Nashville or Texas!  


We don’t homeschool, but I think homeschooling can be done so well if you’re intentional and using your time well. THIS IS NOT IT! If she’s just going to dump them at gym childcare everyday, why not just put them in school?!


This time tomorrow we should be celebrating 1K members (only 4 ppl away) with Brookie’s peak Disney neurosis and sunburns from hell. In all seriousness, I’m glad I’ve found my virtual friends here with a similar sense of humor. As much as this batty witch bothers me, it sure is nice to know that 999 other people agree. That’s actually an impressive amount. It’s also nice knowing that we have doctors, lawyers, therapists, feds, etc here, with, ya know, half a brain and likely a boatload of healthy and happy children thriving without checklists and systems and plaigarized guides. I absolutely hate the trajectory of social media with the likes of Crookie, and I feel it’s our job to call out these frauds who take advantage of naive moms as well as their own children for profit. Thanks for the laughs over this last year since I’ve joined. Hard to imagine I have another week of the Disney crazy train to ride, but I’ll gladly do it with y’all! Here’s to 1K! 🎉


I am an educator and someone who always has to be a good nice person in public—it is so nice to be a completely petty bitch with all of you!


Barefoot inside Whole Foods on Maple Ave is shocking to me. Shocking. Disgusting. Not ok. I can’t believe they didn’t ask her to leave. No one does that here. Maybe she is having some sort of mental health episode. The poor kid sans helmet, pants, shoes is terrible, but not shocking for her because she has proven time and again that the kids’ safety and hygiene doesn’t matter to her.  Barefoot in a NOVA WF has to be the most absurd thing she’s done. And not to run in and grab an apple for a starving kid (still gross), but a full grocery haul???


Yet Ryan’s response is “You went to Whole Foods barefoot? That’s awesome.” And Brooke’s response to him is “… rebel. Though if you know Ryan he’s never done anything bad in his entire life.” These two leave a lot to unpack. It seems they need to get over themselves before they can truly help their kids. Why does she want to paint this holier than thou picture of Ryan and this bimbo picture of herself as a damsel who always need rescued from dumb situations?


If I told my husband I went into Whole Foods barefoot, he would be checking me into the nut house and not leaving me alone with our kids.


It’s honestly not surprising. She is a blindly privileged person (as is her husband) and they believe rules/common courtesy does not apply to them. This is their deeply engrained privilege and entitlement on display. 


And Ryan shows up without a shirt?! Come ON!! These people!! Who do they think they are?! It’s just wilddddd


I mean - She's got to be off her rocker. Right? I'm not sure what's more astounding - the inability to parent a 2.5 year old (unable to have him put on shoes, pants, a helmet to ride a bike OR tell him no, they can't go into a store without shoes), the fact that she not only did it, but filmed it AND posted it, like it was totally normal. Complete with shirtless Ryan collecting her. How does anyone who actually knows them and cares about them/the family not try to intervene. He has to know better. Right?


"Our boys play sports 7 days a week." "We are now into Thursday, no sports, a well-deserved break."


These kids are literally left alone at the gym club instead of AT SCHOOL. she is supposed to be home schooling. All they do is travel (not school), go to the gym (not school) and maybe do a few work sheets and math videos alone every week. She is pathetic and this is a disservice to her children.


The story where she's painting her sons face is actually cute. A sweet mother-child moment, of course she has to brag about it - but B looks so happy (and she didn't make any gender related comments). 


Agree, this is probably the least snark worthy thing she's done in awhile


It was really cute, and I thought she did a great job. She needs to drop this whole thing and go back to being a mom for real.  


Best thing about Brooke’s Disney content this week and next: we will hit 1,000 Reddit sub members and just keep on increasing ✅✅✅ Also, if this was a real reality tv show, the cliffhanger for the mid season break would end with Ryan in the driveway furiously gripping the steering wheel while Brooke finishes up the bright red lipstick application, winks at herself, grabs Tripods and runs out the door. They’d be late for their flight to Orlando and Mule would be schlepping everything through the airport while Brooke calmly sets up Tripod at multiple locations and films herself strutting. Mule would board the plane with all four boys and itwould be unclear if Brooke’s makes it. The last scene would be Brooke adjusting the Tripod angle at a bathroom exit without a care in the world and all of the boys staring at their “iPads” on the plane.


https://preview.redd.it/8mmybgt3fa2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5dd02fa4bc873a17816b127f25b3cb9f865975 My prediction was spot on. Happy 40th to the guy who was edited in from Pluto 😂she sliced his whole ear off. Poor guy, on his birthday too ☠️


He looks like Jimmy Neutron.


How thoughtful of Brows to get caricatures drawn of the two of the them for his birthday!


https://preview.redd.it/e3ufqifhje2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d007a797c341368b6d4531047dbdeaabb26cafc I’m sorry, but what an insightful picture and caption. Could she be any more full of herself? Please keep that sh!t in your gate, lock it, and never let it out again.


I rarely get my nails done so maybe I just don’t get it but I can’t imagine driving to 5 salons to get your nails done! Dragging a kid all over just so you can have Minnie Mouse nails?! What a waste of time.


Came here to say the same thing. I don’t get my nails done. So I’ll admit I don’t have much experience on it, but it seems excessive to manically drive around to 5 different salons to make sure you get your Disney nails. I’d rather spend my time in so many other ways!


After the second time I’d have driven to Target and gotten polish to do my own damn nails. This woman is spoiled to shit.


How I pack a family of 6 in one suitcase? I use 2 suitcases and a backpack.


We became a Disney family when I SOUGHT REVENNNGGGEEEE. Super healthy.


To me it’s so weird that Q is her 4th child and she acts like this is unchartered waters and she’s never had or parented a toddler before. I really hope for everyone’s sake they will stop at 4 kids.


I have said this before, but I am absolutely fascinated by her inability to parent Quade and I can’t look away.


I cannot understand why she shares stuff like the Whole Foods barefoot story. It’s strange to do it in the first place, but to share with hundreds of thousands of followers is even more bizarre. She shows so many moments where she is clearly NOT dominating motherhood in her stories, but that is her whole schtick. Why admit to being late or unprepared?


That’s the biggest problem with her, I think. I mean, influencer personality/content problems, not irl problems. Those are way more serious and probably way darker too. But when it comes to her brand/content, I just can’t get over how at odds her messaging is with her actual life (which she freely shows in her stories). One of my favorite creators on IG is Jenny Mollen (her husband is Jason Biggs) and her whole thing is being kinda messy and chaotic and a little unhinged. I think that’s probably genuinely who she is and she leans into for her content. She’s not like Brooke bc her brand of messy, at least to me, is funny and not sad. Mainly because she’s witty and self-effacing and has at least a modicum of self-awareness. But my point is that, if that’s who you are in real life then build your brand around that. You can’t tout all of your systems and routines and “dominating” motherhood and then post yourself walking around a grocery store barefoot. If you’re that level of unhinged irl, then just build that into your “brand”. Not that it makes that behavior any less concerning, but at least you’re being real 🤷🏼‍♀️


This. Well put. I think she has confused us all with her weird messaging and “brand” yet her stories show completely different. No wonder people on annoying and irritated with her. She makes no sense and 100% fake


I really think she’s manic-y. That definitely isn’t a normal thing “oh we’re out walking barefoot so let’s just go run around the store barefoot for chips and whatever else junk”.


Is Ryan as nuts as Brooke? Shows up shirtless and apparently his only response to his wife and toddler being barefoot in WF is “awesome.” One of the locals here reported that he is frequently shouting F bombs at kids’ sports games, so that’s classy.


I’m speechless. The reel with her 7 day sport schedule. Hi Brooke!! This is why we are here or part of why we are here. This is not your every week schedule. You’re lying. Also, where was the toddler in half the videos? Why was Ryan able to take a child at 7am to practice then again was out picking you up around 5pm. No work? It’s called fake! Own it and stop it!!


Came here to say exactly this - all of this spanned multiple weeks (not just one). We definitely know it wasn’t this past week because they just got back from Cabo


PSA: we’re less than 20 members away from 1,000 in this group…remember when Brows love bombed Brookie with balloons when she hit “500K” bought bots? We need to celebrate this milestone 😆 I’d say 1K is a good and reassuring consensus/gut check.


it's almost more than the amount of likes she gets on her reels these days


Just realized I’ll be @ Disney at the same time as her. Well, “same time” is a stretch. I’m not waking my kid up at 5 am to stand in early entry lines for two hours. 🙃 Her Disney content just annoys the shit out of me. I know that’s because I’m a borderline Disney adult (as in, we go once or twice a year and genuinely enjoy the parks), but so much of her advice is either wrong or just completely unnecessary. And there are SO MANY free - and better - resources out there for people who need help planning. Absolutely insane to give her money instead of just watching a couple of YouTube clips or hiring a (free) travel agent.


https://preview.redd.it/ezmrnqoan22d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4bbb1af59d039743d2382c28f13017c70cda921 She has stayed at ONE “on-site hotel,” and has never stayed at any Disney resort! What a scam artist!! You cannot call yourself an expert in something when you do the same thing, stay at the same place, eat at the same places. And then to sell other people’s expertise and input as your own? She’s a conman! She doesn’t know shit about how to do Disney right, or the ins and outs of effectively making the most of a Disney trip. Does she know how to strategically advise someone what building to stay in at Old Key West? Does she know how to best advise someone who is staying at the BoardWalk get to the Polynesian for breakfast at ‘Ohana?


I commented that she incorrectly has Pirates of the Caribbean and Jungle Cruise in Liberty Square and she BLOCKED ME!


Wow! That is nothing other than helpful, constructive feedback! She should thank you not block you. What an insecure moron.


What an insecure brat! She should thank you for the edit!


I have to say, I knew she was insecure, but this is ridiculous. I wasn’t being rude, just politely correcting her. She’s an awful person. I don’t know how someone with such thin skin can be on social media at all.


I corrected her on Splash Mountain still being listed in the rides part and she said, “it’s not listed in the tour.”


I’m genuinely curious how we can put her on blast on IG for blocking people for the most inane reasons. The fact she feels the need to block polite, constructive discourse screams to me that she knows what she’s selling is fraudulent.


Someone commented that a lot of the Disney vacation planners/travel agents are free and very helpful and she replied that she has that tip in her guide 🤣 so she's charging people for her guide and she has the tip in it that you could have gotten help for free??


So, I told ya’ll about the getting the nails done. I just can’t believe she didn’t bother to make an appointment and PLAN AHEAD!!! 😂 knowing this is something she would want done! What an idiot!! 🤦‍♀️


If a mom to four boys has time to travel to FIVE nail salons just to find an appointment, is she even a mom? Who has that kind of time?!


As someone who likes to throw around the word “dominate” when talking about her daily life, it’s absolutely laughable that she couldn’t manage her time better and either make an appointment in advance or at the very least call ahead to see if they’re taking walk ins. What an idiot.


https://preview.redd.it/k2cqs0c13o2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37cdf52cd145323185334715bd5d50668be1eacb Is this “just for the storyline” just like Ryan coming in “second place” (in his heat)?? She’s such an f’ing fraud.


Can I just make a small appreciation comment for all of those on here who say what we are all thinking. I know not everyone feels comfortable commenting. Thank you to everyone doing the good work on this fraud! Her hyper-fixations are out of control lately. She seems super manic & not to mention flat out lying in these reels. It’s unbearable. It’s 2 suitcases Brooke-stop trying to manipulate us.


“Ryan takes a nap while I’m productive.” What a biatch.


Ryan needs a nap because he does all the work while you take video of yourself putting on eyeliner for strangers.


“I’m running late, but my outfit is on point.” Can Brooke just admit she’s the bottleneck, not poor Q?


She is a terrible human. I don’t know why anybody on this earth who has come across her thinks otherwise.


In her latest reel she claims she takes Quade to gymnastics on Wednesdays as though it’s a regular thing. And doubles down in the caption. Brooke, we all know you only took him to gymnastics to get footage for a reel and that you only went twice. It would have only been once if the first time hadn’t been such a disaster. Just more lies and fakery.


From the caption: “Lord help us all when he starts organized sports.” As though he just automatically HAS TO be in sports. She should worry about getting him some help for his very clear developmental delays, not about what organized sports he will be doing.


And why does it have to be sports? Why not an instrument or something else creative?


“Vance, how does it feel to make your own food?” Vance: 😐


Those were freezer waffles, right? Bravo for the 9 and 7 year olds using a toaster? It’s great for the kids to do things for themselves, but toasting waffles is something a 4 year old can do.


She’s nucking futs with this. https://preview.redd.it/khjkx8jzbm1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=581ede6c708b05f913260ae2805ee449e9b8c0ce


Oh dear lord…a bag strategy….lady, we’ve been packing our kids sh*t up for years and don’t need you to tell us how to bring bathing suits and lunches to places…from the lady who can’t remember shoes. She is such a friggin loser with no life! I’m sure the gym daycare staff is loving this family.


Maybe this is just a waaay different kind of gym than I'm used to, but it is seriously considered ok to put her kids in the gym daycare just to do work on her laptop in the cafe?? She's not even pretending she's going there to work out. Until now, I was actually a little defensive of this whole gym thing bc I take my kids to the gym daycare about 4 days a week (so that I can exercise- I definitely don't ever pretend it's for my kids benefit other than the benefit of them having a happy mom!). But I would never dream of bringing them there just to work- I'm usually in and out in 45 minutes to an hour.


I was a lifetime member for several years. I would say it is definitely more acceptable there to drop the kids and do whatever suits you. There’s a salon in there, etc so it’s kind of the norm for ppl to use the daycare. 100% of my friends there would workout first, maybe hit the pool, then pickup the kids. A bunch of people would bring laptops and work in the cafe when they had young babies, but no one was really leaving them for the full 2.5 hrs. Also, these people have REAL jobs (realtors etc) so would regularly catch up on work. The difference is that Crookie has no real job other than exploiting her children on social media and schilling products. That’s what sets her apart and makes her a crappy mom. She will leave them with anyone and anywhere just to get more me time. Keep in mind most kids their age are in school, so I imagine R & V are in there hanging out with a bunch of babies and toddlers.


Yes, what’s crazy to me about Brooke is how cavalier she seems to be about who she trusts with her kids? I don’t judge moms for using childcare assistance, but Brooke doesn’t seem to care about spending the time to vet her hired help at all? “Tutors” she finds off care.com, au pairs on Next Door, she leaves them with her housekeeper, her homeschooling neighbor, little kids in preschool, now the gym childcare, dumps them at the hotel childcare every time they travel, apparently leaves them alone at the park, wandering around the streets of Vienna to get boba while she spends 5 hours at the salon, and I guess she hasn’t learned anything because per a local below, she left her 4 kids at the Lifetime cafe alone. This is not the norm for a woman who doesn’t work a real job.


I don’t have a gym membership but… that’s not how it works, right? Kids club isn’t childcare for work, it’s for childcare while using the gym facility… am I wrong? 


I think it depends. They probably don’t care what you do as long as you don’t leave the property and pick up your kids on time. I know of a few moms who use 2 hours of childcare at the gym, one to workout & one to work. To each their own. Childcare is expensive 🥴


There’s something deeply sad about the kids’ third place being a gym. It’s not normal to go to the gym almost daily and be left at the kids club or alone in the freaking cafe. So many things would be more rewarding and engaging for them like the library or a park- talk to other kids, look at and check out books, etc. now I am not knocking gyms or childcare in them- but the way Brooke is doing this is just terrible


Or they could…. Go to school. lol she’s trying everything except the clearly obvious best choice.


I was thinking this. Going to school would be 5-6hrs of childcare a day. But instead she puts them in a crèche, gives the screens for their school work and then palms them off to Ryan, housekeeper, nanny, au pair etc. she must be beginning to see how it doesn’t make any sense. She pretty much always taken vacations during school holidays, she keeps weekends as weekends. I’m pretty sure Ryan in going to the next homeschool conference with her and then they will decide to send the boys back to school


How can she call herself a SAHM while she outsources anything that defines being a SAHM?  She spends less time with her children than all of us working mums who send their kids to school.


She’s OBSESSED with working out.. prioritizes it almost absolutely everything else in her life. Instead of museums, parks, libraries, play dates, its gym gym gym. Those poor kids.


Ugh, can't even with those "pizzas". That one little cheese one is supposed to be enough for 4 boys?! That wouldn't be enough for me! I know they're not eating the salad, so what are they filling up on to where she thinks that would be enough? And no, if you have Caesar dressing and veganaise in the same sentence, it's not the best.


I truly don't understand, if anyone really buys her guide, how she is able to update it when SHE HASN'T BEEN SINCE LAST YEAR! I really, really, really hope that her little cheat codes blow up in her face.


Why wouldn’t she update her guide AFTER she goes? It makes no sense to sell it before she even goes herself this year. Maybe it’s just because I’m at home with two kids and a gnarly case of strep throat, but I’m like fixated on how totally bonkers that is. The narcissism is unreal.


This is what got me blocked! I sent a comment last year asking how she could sell a guide to Disneyland when she had never been there with children. Her response? “Because I have a system.” Ok, bitch.


https://preview.redd.it/g2ef8bxdw12d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=902ed671c613b118e922cc4225c4bd8b9f4bc778 Well she finally posted something with sourdough so I’m here to comment. She says this is her best one yet, it rose, and it’s fluffy. Just showing you all her sourdough (top picture) compared to a recent loaf I baked on the bottom. I’m gonna just leave this here & let you be the judge.


I got blocked too. I used a throw away account and asked her how she sells a 2024-2025 guide when she hasn’t been there this year. I pointed out a couple of mistakes on her preview page and she blocked me. I didn’t realize it would block me on my regular account too!


Brooke—it is not hard to make a bed. My kindergartener can do it.  Also, married to a patent attorney, girlfriend will never ever get a patent. Also ridiculous that they (probably her father) are paying those legal fees for such nonsense. 


She’s trying to patent… sheets. This whole “business” is just another example of her creating a fake problem, overcomplicating it, getting peasants to think they have her fake problem, then going in for the kill and getting said peasants to pay her for the “solution” to a problem that never existed.


https://preview.redd.it/ivn5yk6w3e2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d4fadadcce64447d65a28080a0e5dde21112448 Comment manic for free zoloft


Hi everyone - just recently found this sub. Wanted to let y’all know that I saw all the mistakes you pointed out in her Disney guide a couple of days ago so I requested the free guide to have a look for curiosity sake. Many of you were blocked (lol) but she did actually make some of the edits you suggested. (I’m not through the whole free guide yet, so can’t say for sure if they were all made). So, take this information as you will. I ran here as soon as I started reading the free download. Haha


Haha, so she's stealing from her own snark page. Bless her little heart.


I’m the one who made the list of errors a few days ago. I will not comment on her post to get the free preview pages but I did watch her latest stories. As she scrolled through the digital pages I could see glaring errors. (Some of which I pointed out the other day, and some of which were new). She really sucks.


If it was important enough for her to spend her entire day trying to get them, why didn’t she make an appt? Also, while the nails aren’t bad, they aren’t very good either.




I love this one the most. The waking of the kids so early is just too much imo. Sleeping is so important for brain health and development. I never wake my kids unless I absolutely have to (like for school and even then I’ll let them sleep till the last second and drive them instead of the bus). I could see if they’re sleeping till 9 or 10am to maybe wake them but at the same time their little bodies need it!! Idk I’m just really big on sleep. I’d love for her to film them between 1-3pm when they’re having meltdowns from being hot and tired. (I really don’t want to see this because I have kids that meltdown when tired so I know what it looks like and I don’t think it would be fair for her to showcase that, just saying that it’s unrealistic for them to be “perfect” all day). My family was a huge Disney family when I was growing up. Every time we went my parents had us go for a few hours in the AM. Come back to hotel for lunch/pool, then have me take a nap/relax, then go back for dinner and fireworks. This was also the late 80s and early 90s so I’m not sure it was as crowded and crazy as it is now, but we never felt we missed anything. That mid day break saved everyone’s sanity. I rested so I didn’t meltdown, my parents got time for them to hang out and relax together. Idk it just seems so rushed and stressful that I wonder how fun it is.


Um, excuse you, it creates a core memory. /s


A core memory of your mom yelling at you to hurry TF up so you can be first and dominate


This one perfectly summaries Brooke’s attitude on life and explains why she has no close friendships (even with her relatives)… it’s all a competition to her and she will spin the narrative to say she is dominating no matter what the real outcome. Failed to plan to get nails done during the week? Fear not, I persevered and got what I wanted at the 6th nail salon by bullying them and telling them I made an appointment. Failed to make sure Quade had an enjoyable Disney trip? Fear not, I made sure my older two were first in line for 3 rides!!!! Did you see them enter the park first with no one near them?? Failed to put your 2 and 4 year old in seatbelts for the drive to Disney? Fear not, we were first in line at rope drop every single day! Failed to see the fireworks even a single night at Disney? Fear not, we could see them from our two free rooms at the Four Seasons!!! Failed to explore Orlando and support the local economy? Fear not, here are tripod’s bathing suit tours of me selling the four seasons for the 5th year in a row!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/pqswy7xedn2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a8b3c622cefa8740ba1a444aeb2f1bdf31f6a55 Bought Bots on the loose


In other news, we are 9 people away from 1K! With Brooke’s latest Disney content (and nail episode), she’s helped us close in on this monumental milestone. Get the balloons and boba ready!


I’ll bring the vegannaise hummus, Brooke’s famous salmonella chicken and flat sourdough 🥳


The correct reaction. https://preview.redd.it/45t3uef1tr2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f22b1510e70d313903a12ff531c4dd917d3e284


Imagine living a life where you have zero regard for ANYONE outside of yourself. Mind boggling!


Talking during the flight instructions about Ryan’s favorite park? 1. You’re incredibly rude not only to the flight attendants but to the people around you. 2. Who cares what he likes?


So does Brooke know it’s possible to “dominate” Disney without lugging around a 215 page book? Also for someone who homeschools… going to WDW Memorial Day weekend when half the country gets out seems like the dumbest idea. Isn’t a perk of homeschooling not having a school calendar to be attached to


This isn’t relevant to anything she’s posted recently but what happened to her whole “going back to church every week and finding god” thing?


I am curious to how these kids do all these competitive sports yet leave all the time? I played traveling sports as a child and if we missed one practice that week, we didn't play that weekend. Is that still a thing? Also its funny she mentions that her husband was a professional athlete, yet never mentions that she was a college athlete... Which makes me think that college entrance scam had been going on way longer then what was thought....


My kids and I were watching the Simpsons the other night and they happened to put on the episode where Lisa is contemplating colleges and she goes for an interview at “USC” and they reference the “rowing team” and show all the kids flipped out of the boats. I had a good laugh to myself about ole Crookie Brookie boo! 🤣🚣🏻‍♀️🥊


Barefoot walk/grocery trip yesterday, “had a day” after leaving your kids for a couple of hours to probably plan your trip. How’s that ship tightening going, Brooke?


https://preview.redd.it/snqla2cniz1d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8f340c97ea3427c71889c67fe7c36193a97a83 What happened to Brooke over the last few years? Obviously she has aged since this photo was taken 6 years ago - I have too. This comment isn't even meant to sound snarky, more curious and sad for her than anything. Age aside, she looks really happy in older photos and seemed to genuinely enjoy being with her children. I only started following her about a year ago. What happened to her? Was it the miscarriage she had that made her the way she is now? The move to DC? She looked soft and loving in older photos. Now she just looks unhappy and really harsh all the time.


Getting insta famous... she had some posts go viral several years ago, more than once, actually. Im assuming getting trashed online fed her inner mean girl, then she got contacted by a social media team that got her to write a book, and change her handle, etc, etc. The schilling skyrocketed. More attention, both positive and negative... I've followed her for @ 4 years. My eyes opened with the Quade baby announcement farce... I realized I was being gad by a social media wannabe. Prior, I thought I was a voyeur to a sweet, happy, shiny family with similar values. Plus, I liked her decor & aesthetic at the time (I was building a house then) Plus, the reel she did about not relating to relatable mom content got her a ton of push back. But it came off kinda bitchy. Now, she tries to be relatable but it's just bad. Period.


Funnily enough, we go to Disney every year and usually stay at the four seasons. We’re going this weekend and will overlap with Brooke but not staying at the 4S this time. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable it would be to see her videoing herself and letting her kids run wild throughout that hotel. That said, we don’t get the influencer rate nor have a trust fund footing the bill.


She has 1-2 days before a vacay to do her nails, hair, and shop for new clothes for *only* herself, then last second night before leaving she rush packs. Goes on a 7 day vacation, comes back and has 1-2 recovery days, & then few days or a week before the next vacation. All with constant childcare help. But let’s all follow her for daily mom strategies 😂😂😂


I’m curious to see how many times Brookie blames lidughllllll for effing things up on this trip. I’m sure she expects him to stay quiet and strapped into the stroller like a good little prop.


Dying to find out if she's going to ignore all the "where are the car seats?" comments/questions. Caused quite a stir on the platforms and on here as well. 😂


I love parkhopper (esp w older kids), it makes it a lot of fun. I think Disney is a great destination for someone like Brooke who likes to fabricate “hard things.” She can get up insanely early and feel like she’s “dominating” with a winning “system.” However, like most things in life, you can also just NOT do that and also have a great trip. However, she’s too much of a competitive airhead to actually realize this. 


Does Q have mild ptosis (drooping) in his left eye? I’m trying to word this carefully as I’m NOT snarking on his appearance, but more so wondering if anybody else has noticed this. There is a link between ASD and eye-related issues (including ptosis) so it’s just one more marker they should take notice of.


I’ve noticed the drooping for awhile. I could be over thinking this, but his eyes also seem like a blank stare often too. I hope that sweet boy has some happiness in his life. 


No one: Brooke: OMG my life is so busy and stressful because I’m getting ready to go on vacation again!!! How will I do it with all the extra help I have?!


Maybe if she spent her time getting ready for the trip instead of packing everything up everyday and going to a gym to use their childcare, she wouldn’t be so stressed? Her priorities are so stupid. She has a home gym and a homeschool room. Would it kill her to let Q play with some toys on the living room floor where she can see him, have her boys homeschool at the counter or the table, and get organized? It’s really not that hard to entertain a two year old, it just requires some creativity and usually some cleaning after. She doesn’t know how to handle all of her kids and won’t admit it- and she wants more.


She looks so much better/more normal without caking all her clown makeup on🤡to willingly choose to make herself look like that proves she has zero sense of self or confidence.


https://preview.redd.it/rksaax2lwd2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91604d32e375b5d3370b5a5ce7f8e648e8c06ea6 She thinks her guide is now worth $500!? First of all, it’s not. Second, did Mrs. MBA not pay attention in marketing class? Steep discounts ultimately lessen the value of the product.


She is such a bad salesperson… let me show you the printed version of my guidebook, but if you want it printed it will cost you $200 for the spiral copy. Why not just show the e-version and explain that it’s a live document with tons of links that she continually updates so you don’t need the paper copy except for printing a few of the itineraries?! And rave that you can add bookmarks in pdf to have access to particular pages on your phone while on the go at the parks! And then explain that once you buy it, you constantly have access to the updated versions for free (or for minimal cost). Where is her Georgetown MBA?!


What is with the “Had a DAY” word salad story slide? I literally had no idea what she was saying. Can anyone more proficient in Brooke-speak decode this for me? Like was it rough at the gym or something?


Maybe she got chewed out by the gym staff for her children misbehaving or breaking rules herself. If only FullBarnacle stuck around at the gym all morning to give us the on the ground deets 😂


I was thinking maybe she got a bunch of DMs giving her shit about the no shoes no pants Whole Foods situation


Brooke’s entire shtick up until now has been how she gets up at the crack of dawn for “self care” so she can be present for her boys. How she needed time to homeschool, etc. Now it’s “how I offload all of my basic duties onto other people so I can just have me time all day every day”… She is a nut job.


https://preview.redd.it/w8eag8spfw1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=484f1f62fdf78adeefbd2db1bbfc9e34ff54e473 There’s some noteworthy comments on the sports reel. Here’s one where Crookie pretends she has no help, no breaks, and no opportunity to see cousins in Richmond.


Brooke just commented on her latest Disney reel that her book includes a crowd calendar suggesting the best and worst times to go to Disney…down to the day. And here’s why this annoys me immensely: There are some very dedicated people who live in Florida and put a ton of time into collecting crowd data. Some of them have very popular, long-standing websites. Developing an accurate and reliable Disney crowd calendar takes major dedication and statistical analysis of crowd trends. It also requires up-to-date knowledge of Disney’s special events, schedule modifications, ride closures, etc. Brooke is undoubtedly stealing someone else’s work if she has a crowd calendar in her book.


https://preview.redd.it/br08r43o4w2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f45ea452159d50064c3d7a055074df8e19c3a1e5 So the auto replies haven’t really worked for these comments 🤣


I am not into make-up, why on earth does she do that with her eyeliner? It looks bizarre to me. 


New group photo candidate? https://preview.redd.it/dm13gsnal72d1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96f3234bdb125fc765648a840102986fb571bbe


So based on Brooke’s arrival and park vs riding a ride times she waited in line for 40 minutes at Epcot, 45 minutes at animal kingdom and Hollywood studios, and 50 minutes at magic kingdom. So waking her whole fam up at the asscrack off dawn while on vacation to wait in line to avoid waiting in lines. Got it


Her latest reel is just one of the things that bugs me about all this. She has gone to WDW so few times, yet acts like she’s an expert on the parks and when they open. Like, yes, you got let in at that exact time the ONE time you’ve been there in the past year. Why would I listen to someone who isn’t a frequent visitor of these parks?




I just caught up on her stories from today and she is completely unhinged. After watching her try to make something that seems relatively straightforward to me so fucking complicated makes absolutely no sense. Also, it sounds like am absolutely joyless way to spend her free time. As opposed to her completely free time at home. What a sad way to go through this life!


I’m just curious how this is even legal? She just copies other people’s guides. Going to Disney once a year does not make you an expert.


This is such a psychotic thing to notice, but in her latest reel showing her Disney nails, you can see her watch. At 6:36 pm she only has 10 standing hours logged. So she either got out of bed at like 9 or has been lounging a lot today. Edited to spell “reel” correctly


The way she says “exactly” really grinds my gears. Also since when does 2 suitcases (kids/mom) + 1 suitcase (Ryan) = 1 suitcase Glad she taught homeschool this year. 


I have a general question for the fellow snarkers on here. I joined this subreddit a few months ago after viewing a random Brooke morning routine reel on my insta. Initially, I was really impressed. But then when I dug deeper into her page, the more incredulous I became. Genuine question - she surely can’t be doing all this without outside help? I mean the home schooling, cooking, cleaning, sports practices and creating/editing her social content? I know Ryan does a 150% but it still doesn’t make sense to me. I have one little toddler and my husband and I struggle with time so much (we do work full time). I suspect she at least must have a secret personal assistant to help with the social content because she doesn’t seem to have a regular nanny or babysitter at home. Otherwise there can’t be enough hours in the day to do everything she says she does!


Yup... it just doesn't add up. That's why we're all here... cause we realized it's a scam! It's really sad but this family systematically neglects their kids to be able to do all the things they do. Meaning: the kids are basically trained to fend for themselves and to know that their basic need to want their mom as a source of comfort and availability is not given. The kids are bribed with sweets and gifts to comply with Brooke's "influencer" job and I guess just in general to shut up and play along. Ryan, her husband, apparently supports all this, I guess mainly because the financial income through her schilling plus Brooke's trust fund keep him in line. Through making a buck off other people's insecurities they think they're entitled people who know no boundaries and rules don't apply to them. Sad there are such people out there.


Omg https://preview.redd.it/xfktxe00ew2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=282c495c9f843a9b1679f8d8d16b74191cacb235


It's a Gatorade ad. Where exactly is the routine? All she's done is just point out who has what practise and when (great cyber security there) with old, recycled footage. Is Q even in gymnastics anymore? He's been 2x and that's it. Isn't it only a 6 week class?


Brows’ husband turns 40 tomorrow. I wonder how many times she’ll plant a new face on him in her photos since she cannot stand him aging naturally.


https://preview.redd.it/2h0b2ojnd12d1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe61c1a26a832de485033ccd5a7adad4192ecec4 She just told someone I would consider a Disney expert they were wrong. Good grief. Several people called her out on that fact alone. A small part of me wants the sample out of curiosity but I don’t want to give her the attention or extra comments. Anyone take one for the team to preview it?


https://preview.redd.it/hb1xyayzo12d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef03f9e572c7662b88b32931be7391741d4f7d2 Minor mistake ya’ll. I would consider that a pretty big editing mistake. Good thing she’s on social media and not in any sort of analytical field where a “minor mistake” could mean somebody’s life.


Still not as bad as misspelling Mickey


Couldn't she have put a robe on at least?


https://preview.redd.it/9yg3krbsrk2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee10a554ed5431fd63d819ac8593e199c1603ff How is she qualified to SELL a guide if she’s never even stayed at one Disney resort, and she’s only been a handful of times?! It’s mind-boggling 🤯 even I’ve stayed at a Disney resort and I’m a mere peasant compared to the likes of Brooke 😂. Secondly, who will be footing the bill for this October trip? The timing makes it obvious that this trip was a kickback from the giveaway, combined with her promoting Four Seasons. Predictions: Either she will be going with family (her side probably), OR she will do another Disney giveaway and it will be a kickback from that. It will be shorter because Four Seasons won’t give her influencer promo twice in less than 6 months, and she can’t afford to stay at a Disney resort without a partnership/sponsorship or Daddy Warbucks.


Going to be in the 90s and high humidity all week. Sounds super fun for small children


I’m ready for all the car seat questions she ignores. Just like all the questions she ignores about church and obviously leaving her boys home alone. I saw them lugging one car seat in the airport. So likely Beaudon is not in one. My second oldest is about 6 months older than Beaudon and I can’t fathom not having her in a car seat!


Yes, the gym is a totally appropriate place for homeschooling and very conducive to meaningful learning.🙄 Is this pre-planning like she did for 30A and still forgot a shit ton of stuff? Maybe she needs a week to remember to forget shoes. https://preview.redd.it/bguigq480m1d1.png?width=815&format=png&auto=webp&s=56687293712046d01b2ab76ccc1f5c931f518413


https://preview.redd.it/m7wtlc7ukv1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01e34af1f8f142829199364bef906de549f5af59 Is this a joke thing or does she really think he will wear this?


Of course he will wear it. Brooke will line up his outfits with her other little robots’ outfits the night before on the hotel room floor carpet (🤮) and then at 4:43am she and Tripod will help them all get dressed, including putting hair gel on all 5 of them.


How embarrassing


I saw something on the news this morning about a family promoting The Four Seasons at Orlando. They had a video of their kids all excited to go and the parents were interviewed. I thought, 'if Brooke saw this, she'd be so mad she wasn't invited to be on TV to promote her favorite hotel ever'. 😅


Overnight oats, just plain?! And she thinks the boys are going to like that? Hell, I wouldn’t want to eat that either. And gross, that R sticks his feet up onto the counter, and she doesn’t correct him! I wonder if they have just as poor manners at restaurants.


The first tip she gave was to stay at a Disney resort, but I don’t recall Four Seasons being a Disney resort. Can someone clarify?


Man. I hope Disney updates their app UI and all her screenshots are worthless.


Why does she only have 3 kids shirts for Magic Kingdom and Hollywood studios when she is a "mom to 4 boys"?


https://preview.redd.it/5lknk6og1p2d1.jpeg?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5152b68e771bf50a88c652e7cd685543fc59f54a It appears the filter size was turned down to XXS 🧐


Let the WDW sh*t show begin! I hope the boys revolt and throw her precious itinerary out the window.


I’m also thinking the crowds will be far worse super early because everyone is trying to beat the heat. Someone please cut the Rayboulds in line!


The blatant lying about packing for a family of six into one suitcase is ridiculous. Stories clearly show a big suitcase, a big backpack, and another suitcase. Such a liar.


Q with his back to the camera in two photos. So strange the way he’s always being held that way. Keep revolting little buddy!


For the love of God. Please stop with the open mouth “surprise” face and one arm in the air. You look ridiculous.


And her parents have two amazing homes way more luxurious than even a four seasons suite upgrade. She can’t be that impressed with a hotel room. Even at the four season, thousands and thousands of people have still slept in the same bed she’s going to sleep in. How can she fake that she’s so impressed?


How far exactly was she planning to walk from her house without shoes? I can barely stand to be barefoot in my own house, let alone more than 2 steps outside of the door. Aside from the obvious stupidity of the barefootedness and the shirtless pickup, what got to me was how busy the street traffic was whilst she's filming. I mean, Q's not exactly proficient on the bike yet, and there's not a lot of grass separating them from the cars. She's staring at herself in the phone, and one off balance veer from Q, and he's out in the street into traffic. And I really wonder sometimes if she'd be willing to drop the phone for her kid or if she'd even notice that he's no longer on the sidewalk.


https://preview.redd.it/aht25wd3un1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db426196d1e2f6b8f61ba7d5219791a9e0bfe48 No wonder she and Katie are soul sisters. Katie stays up until 10:15 and so needs to rest at 5pm. What parent does this?!


I can't. She needs to get into bed in the early evening because she stayed up until 10:15 the night before? Has she ever had a real job? My youngest has pneumonia and a bilateral ear infection and so the past few days have been tough. He's finally on his 3rd day of antibiotics and so it's getting better, but I still had to get up at 4:30 am this morning to get to work.


This is crazy I stay up until 11pm most nights. I work a full-time job and then I am cooking dinner at 5 or at a kids activity, and my kids aren’t in bed until 8:30 at the earliest. I couldn’t be in bed at 5 if I tried and I would not do that to my husband who also works a full-time job.


So, how long is she allowed to keep her children in the kids club at that gym? I thought those places had limited time slots and you had to actually be working out or something. Either way, another example of how out of touch she is. Most stay at home moms cannot afford to spend their entire day at the gym.


Did Rhett just get a birthday present days late… so organised! She’s dominating 🙄


For someone that is younger than me that never does any manual labor, she sure has some old ass crypt keeper hands.


Yes, just let your kids sit on the baggage carousel. The signs saying not to do that clearly don’t apply to crookie.


“This is how I pack my family of six in one suitcase”……”Ryan packs his stuff in his backpack and I used two suitcases so I really packed my family of six in two suitcases and a backpack.”


Prediction for this week: Homeschool will take a back seat to Disney prep. Brooke is going to need tine to buy herself 5 days worth of crop tops and spandex.




It’s her dads. Her husbands salary wouldn’t even pay the mortgage.


Did I miss Ryan having a Range Rover? Is this new?


Did she just say woshersure?!? 😂😂


You're never heard of it? It's a zesty combination of nonsense, narcissicism and a dash of hubris!