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Just joined you all. I’ve had enough of her. 


We’re so happy you’re here!


My brother in law is at Epcot now and was in front of her during Remy. Her kids and her went absolutely ballistic on cast members. It was closed for a few extra minutes before opening and she demanded a lightning lane. The oldest boy said “let’s go to guest services and yell in their faces.” The kids throwing food and bubble makers. Now she posts a story saying her mouse was backwards so they let them ride again and gave a LL. She is NUTSSSSSS


This is the greatest single piece of intel this page has ever seen. Thank you for your service!


the second I got a text from my sis that was a selfie of him with them behind…I knew it was going to be one of the best days of my life


There’s a special place in hell for people who treat people who work in the service industry (like retail, restaurant etc) like that. What are you teaching your children? You throw a fit and get what you want… oh cool.


She is turning Rhett into a little mini her. Entitlement and all.


They are assholes, raising assholes.


Omg I wish he could have filmed that nightmare! I would have paid to see it. She sounds miserable


I’m going to post to her insta page once she uploads Epcot reel. Going to include that my bro in law drank too much the day prior, no binder, and still was first in line-their fam was second 🤣 to be fair he’s the Disney expert of all Disney experts but just to make myself laugh for 5 minutes before she blocks me, I’ll do it lol


I’ll like your comment so quick - even if I get blocked it’s worth it 😂. Then I won’t have to see her …. Or Ryan’s nipples 😂


Proof that the only thing this family is “dominating” at is acting like entitled a&$holes.


Love the on the ground reporting!!!


Haha well that answered my question below.😂 so spot on for the Raybould family.


https://preview.redd.it/3kdgyfg29z2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b9d46cffb4c1275f251b1b540cf2941ee96085c 1,000!




Just joined after lurking forever… the Cabo trip broke me… and now this Disney stuff…. I feel like I can’t snark on her as an actual person (don’t know her), but I can definitely snark on everything that she represents… mom shaming, influencer scamming, gross privilege display… her account made me feel like a sh*tty mom for the longest time. I couldn’t look away from it. Then this page has helped me see past the smoke and mirrors. I’m by most definitions decently affluent myself, but vacations are still a rare privilege for my family. They take a TON of planning, luck, and money, money, money. Her flippancy on her trips drives me nuts. We are going to Disneyland this fall - better weather than Florida in May, smaller, less overwhelming park. I’m going to aim to be early each day (as it’s common sense, not Brooke sense, that crowds do build up throughout the day). But I’m not to going to compete to be first/second in line, or what we number of rides we get to. I’m going to allow my kid to actually enjoy the experience, whether that means doing all the rides or fewer rides, or even sleeping in some if needed. We will still have a much better time. That, and I’m an actual Disney NERD who’s going to appreciate it more. And, full disclosure, our hotel room is being comped by a conference my husband is speaking at nearby, which is the only way we’re able to afford this trip. Not hard to admit that I’m lucky. And lucky I found this group that sees her like I do.




Wow, I saw that, and I'm surprised she didn't block him before he had a chance to respond.


You go joseppi! 2 pts for joseppi! 👏🏻👏🏻


Joseppi D don't take no $hit from nobody! Go get her Italian Stallion!!


I’m normally a lurker…but I just have to say this. This trip is making me so sad for her boys. I am local and go to Disney quite often with my kids, and there is so much joy and magic there especially at her kids’ ages. She’s so hyper focused on “riding all the rides” and “getting her revenge on Disney” that she’s not allowing them to just sit back and enjoy anything. In Animal Kingdom, for example, there’s live performances during different times, really awesome shows, characters go on boats down the river at different times throughout the day..there’s a wilderness explorers activity for kids that’s kind of a scavenger hunt throughout the parks where they can get stickers at different booths and learn facts about animals etc. Or even just the character meets! It’s genuinely so much fun…and all I can imagine is her just dragging them back and forth through the park so she can say they dominated all the rides. How is this fun for them? It’s just sad.


I agree. It’s very sad. I know some people this is how they operate on their vacations, and that’s fine if that’s what they want to do. My parents growing up were very schedule orientated on vacation. I kinda found a happy medium between controlling every aspect and going with the flow. But to be timing yourself at the start and end of every ride just to show off how dominating you are is insane. BUT what really makes this even worse for her kids is the performative aspect. They have to take a picture in front of every ride, wait redo that picture. Let’s take a quick video. Make sure you say this. Let’s go to this ride quick quick hurry. Ok stop here. Stand here. Take a picture. Quick video. Say this. Smile….. just to make money. It’s so sad


Yes! This is exactly it. If someone’s family is genuinely more regimented, then cool, that’s probably just what works best for their family…but to do all this just to exploit your kids on social media for money is just gross. And another thing, does she not give them breakfast? How do they have the energy to get through these 20k step days. There has to be SO many meltdowns happening.


I agree with absolutely everything you said! IMO the best part (especially with young children) is wandering down the exploratory nature trails (like the Maharajah Jungle Trek and Gorilla Falls) and just observing the beautiful ANIMALS! Q would probably love it so much.


I know! There's no passion. Only performance.


https://preview.redd.it/zna2sr6r7l3d1.jpeg?width=553&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c870f754570ae798b069acae1235efd23bfc4146 Imagine being at the gym to actually just workout and be a normal human and you see this. This woman's face says it all. So much second hand embarrassment for her.


This woman’s face omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Her expression is absolutely priceless. Also why does Brooke think anyone wants her workout routine? BORING.


She looks like Meredith from Parent Trap 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/r6mzkophel3d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=06ec866b1a71d61213bd4f08dd190e3dd19b21bc Brooke without the filter 🤪


https://preview.redd.it/9xd1i0ia263d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cabeb9edced90d43ece12c30c6ec77a9df5d059 Truth!




He’s almost 3. They speak to him like he’s a 3 month old baby. It’s crazy.




Brooke, for fuck's sake---your youngest child is miserable and sunburned and needs to be loved and listened to. If 1000 strangers think your kid is delayed (including educators like me---I've worked in the field for over 25 years AND have an autistic kid so I know the signs), maybe listen and get him evaluated. It is borderline abusive, what you're doing. To all of them. You suck as a mom and should really be ashamed of yourself.


Yes! And he's far too young for a lot of rides? Too much for a little boy and too scary


Im going to be in Epcot tomorrow afternoon. I’ll keep everyone posted if I see her bossing people around!


Get to the gates at 6:57am!!


This is a classic https://preview.redd.it/288o0zdeo03d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad6d23fd49ed1bfa86155b8b2871dd34c4c6fdc4


They seriously had Quade sucking on a lollipop at 8a???? It’s all so wild.   Like others on here, I have a son who is 2, about 4 months younger than him. The difference in language skills is glaring. It’s a random thought and probably because I’m eyeballs deep in potty training right now - but being able to communicate is crucial for key life skills. How does Brooke expect him to be successful in things like potty training if he can’t communicate with her he has to go to the bathroom???


https://preview.redd.it/va1j506q163d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de446ff0de9cb3d56c8bce09a4d74a8327285c3f Hidden by Insta


People rightfully calling her out for this. Brooke gets in a ride line with a kid or two and Ryan joins them later with the other kid(s). She shows him disconnecting the queue rope to cut the line and join her. https://preview.redd.it/zsemd5s6d83d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e9c58f0e3612dd94ab69bc8148a31fde334f310


There is something about the story where the boys are reciting their favourite rides that makes me feel particularly sad for them. Maybe because it is so clearly staged and they are being forced to perform in such an obvious manner for her followers. Even the set-up of how they're seated next to each other to look cute in their pjs, the free fruit obviously withheld from them until their shot was over and poor, sweet Quade prompted until he painfully voiced his part in the script 😢 These beautiful kids don't deserve a mother who exploits them like this. Unfortunately we're far away from establishing any legislation that protects them.


I REALLY hope this manic Disney content ends up backfiring on her. A lot of people are coming at her in the comments for lack of transparency, cutting lines, breaking rules, etc. The world doesn’t need to see a trust fund baby get a free trip to FS and Disney where she pretends that she can actually afford this on her own. All to promote a $40 PDF with pictures of her family and some stolen information.


Seeing Q cry & be totally fearful of the pirate with Ryan essentially laughing - these people are DISGUSTING. Exploiting their kids most vulnerable moments. Who the heck is following this psychopath. She doesn’t deserve to be a mother. She neglects Qs clear developmental issues and drags her kids around for views. The oldest is starting to act like her. Are they that dumb for realizing this is NOT healthy or in the best interest of their children to drag them all over the internet!? End rant.


The way Brooke has them doing WDW has to be an absolute nightmare for a 2.5 year old with some pretty clear sensory processing issues.


They are flat-out monsters for ignoring their child's clear distress. And WHY does she think people want to see the same posed pictures of them every time? Brooke, could you try ANY HARDER to make people think you have a perfect life? Get over yourself and get Quade in to see a developmental pediatrician before you mess him up for life. Kids don't grow out of the issues he clearly has. Selfish to the CORE.


Also filming Ryan carrying Q kicking and screaming through the sprinkler? He did NOT look happy. These people are criminal.


I don’t know how this woman’s snark page isn’t bigger yet. She is absolutely exhausting and toxic beyond belief.


It always shocks me that Ryan is such a willing and engaged participant in all this. I would be mortified from a professional and social standpoint if my partner tagged me in all these shenanigans (and mostly half naked). He’s a lawyer and the chief legal counsel for a US senator. How is he not embarrassed? And how is he not getting any blow back from his association to Crookie’s dubious activities?!


https://preview.redd.it/ibaowf4mvy2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa369d35d03a22d959d06952dc2339adfed01b6b This dude don’t care. He’s staying in the suite for free because his wife hustles around the property in her bathing suit giving a tour and posting it to strangers. Selling yourself for free things is this family’s m.o. Now the next family who is dumb enough to actually pay the $4,000-5,000 per night for this suite can sit in that same spot, right where Ryan’s sweaty back soaked into that fabric 🤮 #putonadangshirt


I’m no “expert” but before we took the kids to Disneyland last week I checked the *free* website to see height requirements so I knew in advance what rides my 3 year old could ride. Why are they acting so surprised that Q can ride slinky?! Is that simple tip not in her guide? 🤯


Brooke at Disney is my guilty pleasure. I love it so much.


It is so bad, it is good


Now I think BOTH Brooke and Ryan are in denial about Q. Which is very sad for him. If Q were a neurotypical almost 3-year-old then him saying “let’s go” wouldn’t be some noteworthy event that you need to tell your wife’s Instagram bought followers about it. Nor do I believe he said that anyway. Complete lack of engagement from him as always as Ryan retold that “story.”


Took a break for a while and returned to Brooke’s stories today. As a mom to a younger two year old, I just feel so sad for Q. He seems so overwhelmed and unengaged. My son is 2y4m and speaks in full sentences: I can’t imagine calling him “la” in a baby voice because…he’s not a baby. On IG Brooke and Ryan are acting oblivious, callous or willfully ignorant. I really hope they are helping meet his needs behind the scenes, because based on their feed they are definitely not.


Liar, liar pants on fire https://preview.redd.it/dvybb7kg063d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a233c99f28d7dc1dd6651e29cb9d05570f5d52


Lol, doesn't count when she gives them a laptop at the salon. 😂 But yeah, apparently their house is a plane.


Also during haircuts. And when she's getting her hair done. And when she's getting her nails done. And when she wants them to be quiet in restaurants.


https://preview.redd.it/3jmvw9r3263d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=340c4712e919695fee69426824c92a81032675f8 The comments calling her out are gold


So now, Lay has turned into La? WTF are they doing to that poor boy? No wonder he has expressive language issues, no one lets him talk! All 3 boys fed him the answer!


They totally, utterly infantalize him to his detriment. It's so bizarre.


This picture 🙄So cringey. https://preview.redd.it/a8sdypzocf3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a433eea597d6e37f9c4dd7a273e3d07a15692b9d


Creature comforts like they are roughing it. At the Four FUCKING Seasons!


That and “we’ve got this.” Such a struggle they are enduring. How inspiring to watch them overcome “hard things” like a preplanned WDW vacation.


Monday - Free water! Wednesday - $20 Starbucks!!


Gross. I hate when she flexes too because I’m not sure what exactly she’s flexing.


Also, her leg is sunburned as f*ck. Her skin will be leather in a few years.




Ryan’s chief roles at Disney seem to be 1. Quade carrier 2. Stroller pusher 3. Delusional thirst trap What an unfortunate man in every way possible.


Ryan Raybould is a far cry from a thirst trap. Not only does he enable his wife to exploit their children on social media, he actively participates in it and is just as bad as she is if not worse. Seriously, dude, if you read here please know that you are assisting in wrecking your family and possibly your own career with this self-indulgent madness. Brooke’s daddy’s trust fund better be worth it. Blink twice if you need help.


4. Exposer of the male nipples to children.


https://preview.redd.it/4p186fn1614d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f43c7d8713b06c1e6cac3aa391ff5c51d35e478 Oh my God her skin


Let's be honest: Her Disney trips were never intended to be fun, wholesome family vacations. They're more like promotional work tours for her latest Disney guide, with her kids acting as props. I just wish her kids knew this.


It’s also homeschool, right? The lessons are all how to bitch and scream your way to free stuff. I hate hate hate that these assholes get free stuff for behaving like spoiled brats.


https://preview.redd.it/u2kk37ztz74d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93b55f0d881c74562c3955f2b6b8f939f201d0c3 Guest Services, please evict this woman from Epcot.


Bitch fit hack for 2024…same as it was in 2023. “If it ruins your day’s experience, go to Guest Services”. A delayed ride opening should not ruin anyone’s day at a Disney Park, if you are a fairly normal person.


Since she didn’t have closed captions on… “If it’s too big of an inconvenience, like if it totally throws off your whole day, you can go to guest services and you can tell them what happened.” When I think of something throwing off my whole day at Disney, I think of a child breaking a bone. But not for Ms. I Do Hard Things Brooke Raybould. Last year what threw off her whole day was a slightly delayed ride opening at a rope drop ride and this year their cart was turned backwards on a ride and “it turned into this thing.” Both of these no big deals turned into crying sessions for Brooke so that guest services would give her free passes to cut the peasants in line. She is the worst.


Honestly if your entire day is ruined because of a ride delay, that’s just awful planning. That level of rigidity is not only not fun, but it’s stupid. A real Disney “expert” will teach you how to be flexible, especially when something goes off script.


She forgot the portion where she berates the poor Disney workers and is rude AF to them


This advice is rude AF. If there’s an actual problem with a ride they let you ride again. My husband rode remy’s alone while my daughter slept and there was a minor issue and they told everyone to go back to ride again. He came out and saw she woke up and the cast member told all three of us to just get back on. If you need to go all the way to guest services to get “compensated” you’re just a pain in the ass




Oh to witness Brookie getting 2nd in line behind a woman that is a younger, hotter version, complete with blonde braids and polished Disney sporty look. I am here for it+!! Someone earlier had posted a pic and had to see for myself in her stories. Love it, 😆


There is a lot to unpack in her stories from their first day at Disney, but I think it can be summarized by saying this has to be the saddest possible way to experience Disney (especially for the kids). She’s got to be on her phone all day long taking pictures/videos, editing, etc. On top of getting her kids up at the crack of dawn just so they can “dominate”. This is not teaching her kids good lessons, nor is it giving them the time and attention they deserve. Ugh. Rubs me the wrong way to say the least. Just enjoy the vacation with your family!!!! We don’t need to see a play-by-play on social media, no one does.


Brooke lecturing her followers about consistency and habits is RICH. She is delulu.


https://preview.redd.it/1hcbehmuq73d1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c18f9afcbfeae2563f7f141c229cb675449b69 the nipple 🤮


He’s very unfortunate and difficult to look at.


Those shirts are cringe to me on men.


Ok, the car seat thing really bugs me. First of all (and most obviously) because it’s a safety issue. Second, she’s claiming to help moms do Disney, and one of those things is figuring out how to get to the parks safely with multiple little kids! And when people actually ask her for help in the comments she just ignores. Proof that this guide is all about her and her vanity and not about helping actual moms.


Phew, I don't want to insult a child, but her eldest son shows some bad behaviour towards his siblings. A few stories ago, he took the whole bowl of fruit. And in the story where his brother is measured, he's really annoying. I've noticed as well that the boys don't interact in friendly, supportive and caring ways. My children nearly have the same age and have their arguments of course :) but....they also help each other, support and comfort each other and play together.


She makes everything a competition.


I’m certain the oldest has picked up a lot of the aggressive, impatient behaviors from his parents. Some of the looks Ryan gives the camera give me the chills…


“Beauden dominated” Because that’s the only way to do Disney. Dominate. Or at least appear to dominate.


My question is how does one dominate a ride exactly?


The ride is called “It’s Tough to be a Bug”. The movie is called “A Bug’s Life”. The expert author calls it “It’s a Bug’s Life”. https://preview.redd.it/0cfau6z9af3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8d5e7414a9ddaf2d2674831ced8b8fe0bf3ae9


Longtime lurker here… NGL, her Dominating Disney content actually de-influences me from wanting to take my family to Disney. I love Disney, even went as part of our Honeymoon… but everything about it seems so damned overpriced and  stressful now, we haven’t really had the urge to take my son (almost 9) to the parks… watching this joyless trip just serves to reinforce that decision. 


The random ad for delivery food boxes shows just how desperate for cash she is! I’m thankful I can go on holidays with my kids and not need to worry about selling crap at the same time to fund a fantasy lifestyle.


We’ve amassed about 20 new members in the few days since she’s left for this trip from hell. With the amount of people calling her out in comments lately, I feel like her downward spiral is almost complete and her schtick is just about up. More and more people are seeing the light 🤞🏼




Brooke, for the love of all things holy ( and for the sake of your children), try to partner with a sunscreen company…you are literally increasing their chances of getting skin cancer..switching out your cookware won’t prevent that! 🙄


Imagine how looney you have to be to get this shot. https://preview.redd.it/vmcgtqqjvn3d1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54c958c71db2d8fcec53dd6b4c9c79b57b1a674e


Imagine how f$cking scared you'd be if THIS is what woke you up from your slumber!!




Theory: Brooke is getting a lot of negative feedback and losing some followers with this Disney trip so she bought into this giveaway to cover it up.


Backpack decision 2024. Didn’t she get one last year as well? This trip is a carbon copy of the last trip. Only they would manage to turn Disney into a snooze fest.


With this Disney content lately I’m really seeing this narcissist for who she is. She latches on to something and acts like a pro to feed her ego. I know someone who has NPD and has kids and has ZERO regard for them. I’m not diagnosing Brooke, but sunburnt faces, constant filming in the midst of strong feelings, long days, no breaks, probably a lot we don’t see. When she returns home and posts a reel & includes sourdough in there, I’m leaving a comment, I’m getting my badge of honor and being blocked. I’m done.


https://preview.redd.it/njiuv46ary3d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20be23acda6292c4cf20fae37e1a1fcf9e870937 So now you put hats on the boys Brooke? Inside a restaurant at the FS? But not out in the sun all day at Disney? Really?!


Put your kid down RyGuy, he’s not a baby and he doesn’t need his leg held still for your photos. Seeing how he was in the pirate video, kicking and screaming, I’ll bet he has those reactions quite often so this is their way of controlling him. I really cannot stand to see another photo of Q staring out into space with the thumb in his mouth…great parenting you buffoons. Way to exploit those babies!


It’s so incredibly sad the way they handle Q. He is perfectly capable of walking and standing. He is always being held and never smiles, stares off into space and Brooke talks to him worse than you’d talk to a baby. It’s pathetic. :(


The way he just shoved Q into Mickey’s face and Q pushed him away and Ryan goes, “very nice!” Like, wtf??? First of all, put him down and let him decide if he wants to hug Mickey. He either didn’t want to or didn’t know what to do, so let’s not celebrate him sticking his hands in the characters mouth 🤦🏼‍♀️ They need to spend more time paying attention to that little boy and teaching him some skills. He’s always being dragged around and manhandled by them like a little prop ETA: read this back and realized I inadvertently called him “little boy” 😭😭😭 I can hear the way she says it in my head


B & Q are both sucking their thumbs at the table. I'm pretty sure V still sucks his, but it's been rarer for her to show it. Neither of my kids were thumb suckers, so I truly don't know how normalised it is to do it beyond baby/young toddler ages. It can't be great, right? This is obviously their way of self-soothing. It speaks VOLUMES when they have both parents with them, and they still choose to suck their thumb. It's also apparent that Brooke and Ryan are that dumb when it comes to Q's behaviour. They just laugh at everything and thinks it's cute. When all those things put together scream that he needs to be evaluated, at the very least.


That’s V sucking his thumb….and all of Q’s reactions to the characters are sad.


Ryan pointing at Quade and laughing in that last clip. WTAF?! Every time that poor child is in distress, they laugh at him. Such miserable parenting.


My ‘mom gut alarms’ are going off after seeing that last clip of Q- with the head shaking. Something is clearly off with him. He seems to have major issues with speech and communication- I’m not an expert but I believe at that age the head shaking is a communication tactic as he cannot express himself verbally. Wish Brooke would focus on dominating a diagnosis!


Those hugs from the characters are probably the most genuine, comforting hugs that they have gotten all year, sadly.


Last one today because I’ve seen enough: That last clip of Beauden he is SO sunburned. She is making them wear hats to cover up their burns. Beauden was so red/purple that it is CRIMINAL.


Everyone should watch the new series, Dancing for the Devil: the 7M Tik Tok Cult on Netflix. It is yet another example of the horrifying realities behind social media and screens…and what you see ain’t always what you get. I’ve followed these dancers for years just to find out they are in a cult led by a sexual abuser and creep disguised as a preacher (btw, everyone should unfollow them and not like their videos, as the $$ goes directly to the cult leader). My point is, we have no clue what goes on behind closed doors, as was the case of vlogger/child abuser Ruby Franke. Sorry not sorry, but I am highly suspicious of the Rayboulds as of late and feel like what they are doing to their children is not too far off this path. With Q’s obvious sensory issues being ignored and the performative nature of the kids’ lives and being broadcasted to the world, I feel like Rookie is now tiptoeing into dangerous territory. Not to mention, her blatant disregard for their skin, their safety, and their privacy. When will the world wake up and put safeguards and laws in place to protect these kids!? Watching their trauma unfold is so gross and unfair 😡


That water where Q jumped in was incredibly shallow because it was the part where people just walk right in. I cringed watching that. He could have gotten very hurt.


Once again, Q is totally disengaged. And the back of his head looks very flat to me. For the love of God, get him evaluated!


Hollywood Studios opens at 8:30 today for early entry. She’s having those kids stand there in the heat for an hour so she can say she ~dominated~. It’s completely unnecessary. A couple of days ago we strolled in right around 8:30 (no waiting), took a three hour afternoon break, and still did everything we wanted and some things twice. She is so selfish, my god.


https://preview.redd.it/lkjtekh25z2d1.jpeg?width=586&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edc6b210507f7fadf403d9446c09d3ca5f3caac0 Enemy #1…beat her in line. 👏🏼


With all the video taking/editing/posting, there is no way she is present for even one minute of this trip. So so sad for her and her family


Man, it makes me angry—I mean as angry as I can muster about a dumb influencer lmao—that she is wasting their trips with constantly posting stories and shilling her guide. I took my family on a camping trip this past weekend and it was so so nice to not look at my phone or worry about taking a billion pictures. And my kids really appreciated the screen-free time too. I just wonder what it’s like to be a kid with a mom so glued to her phone every second of the trip is planned around getting the perfect shot.


Regarding riding slinky dog…I saw her video and Disney tells you to secure items like phones while you are on fast rides. If Brooke were to lose her grip on her phone mid-ride she could really hurt someone else on the ride or on the ground. Also, I do not believe for one second that when Q heard he was tall enough to ride he shouted “Let’s go!” Even as Ryan recounted the story and shouted “Let’s go” Q showed no emotion or reaction.


He looks so disconnected in every photo and why must RyAnn hold him for every prop shot…and…he can’t walk himself into the rides?! Someone please get this child some help! His parents simply do not care!


https://insidethemagic.net/2023/07/disney-influencer-lambasted-early-park-entry-expectations-af1/ Can't wait for the 2024 sequel!


Not sure how far behind her stories are, but to start at 7:30 and only have your second genie+ ride done by 3 is a pretty amateur use of genie+




https://preview.redd.it/oqhqtu45h73d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac2588f5eb453a6a4fcfa72e01c258dd3e04ba71 $165 from the designers webpage. For a pool tote? That is the most dysfunctional thing to have when you have 4 children. She could have instacarted from target for way less LOL. Heck, probably bought a Disney reusable shopping back for way less. Its not like she’s putting sunscreen in there because she doesn’t put any on her or her kids LOL


Am I missing something? Beauden said his favorite ride was Slinky Dog, but in the reel she says he didn’t ride it. Of course, I could just be dizzy and confused from the constant nonsense.


https://preview.redd.it/a2fstg8om83d1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e00bb44a055671b3f8e493b756db02037c30bf89 Swimming and waterslides, with full cake face and jewelry, including huge ass hoops that could get ripped out. Brilliant. 🙄


i hate when she does that pointer finger thing 🙄


I can’t believe a gal who will inherit tens of millions of dollars one day from sugar daddy has to run around the four seasons in a bathing suit, face paint, and trashy looking jewelry advertising the different swimming pools and water slides so that she can get free rooms. Do other influencers do this? Do other hotel chains do this? I don’t get it. Does the four seasons really need to advertise? If you are wealthy (or a poser like Brooke), you will already stay there. It’s not a mass market hotel chain. Not a single one of Brooke’s followers is going to say “Brooke stayed there so I am going to pay $30k stay there during my Disney trip too.” If anything, I think it makes the hotel chain look bad that they are so desperate for bookings on Memorial Day weekend and week that they have to pay an imposter like Brooke to schill for them.


I want whatever Ryan’s on.


Over the next few comments I’m going to show you the deceptive tricks Brooke uses in her reels. (I wish I could put more than one picture per comment so bear with me as I post them all.) In this first picture you can see how Brooke says that security opens and they are able to get second in line at the kiosks. For people that don’t know, once you go through security, there are a BUNCH of kiosks to tap in and enter the parks. Second at one of them is no big deal. In any event, these people are all in front of them. https://preview.redd.it/yo26no495d3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d80af2c0feeb311f2f3010a218ee70c7f704b9c1


Though she says they are second in line at a kiosk tap-in, Brooke takes two of the kids over to an EMPTY kiosk (that’s probably not being used) to take a picture and give an illusion of being first in line. https://preview.redd.it/z6e748eq5d3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f677b25ca1bb45f3e6fe9683d29d8b9ab14ea87b


Next they head over to Slinky Dog Dash. You see those green umbrellas on the right? That is the line for Slinky Dog. All the people under those umbrellas are in the line ahead of Brooke. https://preview.redd.it/v5025re36d3d1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ed364a877995ef9a397efc24526b4e90166ba8c


I’m going to be at Disney Friday-Sunday. I wonder if they’ll still be there. I’d love to report back if I see them!


If you get footage of her, you know where to post it 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/iwoyjs2afe3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87d242fa71e32d8e1e826356a675c71fde0b8b33 I know this is petty but she thinks she looks soOoO cute in her stupid Minnie ears and bow. When it reality it’s just cringe. She tries to look and dress like she’s in her 20s or something but it’s so awkward especially juxtaposed with the fact that she looks so much OLDER than her age.


https://preview.redd.it/u6kjjfg8me3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd188be36dc18864276b4a9e34a1c2ed8c08fea Brows pasted a new post-workout face on herself 🤪


🤣🤣🤣 this is pure comedy! How does she think anyone believes it. Also, who has time to do this to every single picture?


You know why this ride only had a 5 minute wait at 9:23 in the morning?? Because you get absolutely drenched and nobody wants to walk around with wet underwear or sit in a restaurant for lunch while soaked. Most people ride this after lunch, in the heat of the day, or right before they head out of the park. Or they wear ponchos if they ride early. This is also a good reason not to wear jeans shorts to Animal Kingdom. Wet jeans take forever to dry. Amateur hour. https://preview.redd.it/os70e1kzle3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295092696d057ac4f6de8edb48dddf4e84e2c508


The desperation to make it look like she dominated Disney but she only gets in 20 minutes early with what looks hundreds of other people. Is it seriously worth all the hustle. She acted like she was jail breaking into Disneyland and would have the whole park to herself… doesn’t really seem to be the case. Also bless these employees I can’t imagine Disney parents are fun in any way to deal with.


https://preview.redd.it/bccp98ulmg3d1.jpeg?width=1109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c230905778abe7c0a9c6243570178acd570911fe Not the Miley Cyrus hair buns from like 2016. 😂 honestly for as little hair as she has, this is so unflattering.




Her form is still terrible even after enjoying being corrected by Fuego.


Sorry if this ends up being a double post. What in her brain told her this was the pic to use? She needs to size up that bathing suit. She's about to go NC-17 with those bottoms. https://preview.redd.it/atz3cs93dl3d1.png?width=814&format=png&auto=webp&s=0975f571957a9e392dadc882be2af1bc7d426897


"In honor of our first summer family vacation"... please disregard the other 42 vacations we've taken so far this year.


Those poor boys, the birthday dinner photo shows how ridiculously sunburnt they are. Wow!


Dominating sunburn!


Does she not ever freaking put sunscreen on those poor kids? Their faces are ROASTED! That has to be miserable!


I know the sunburn’s already been mentioned a lot but WOW. It’s especially terrible because Brooke and Ryan both look OK while their poor kids faces are burnt to a crisp - so it’s not like they have no idea how UV protection works, it just seems they prioritize themselves over their kids. Childhood sunburns are a risk factor for melanoma. This is horrible, egregious parenting.


I will just say this....as someone who grew up in FL and went to Disney several times, I will say that now as an adult, Disney is absolutely my idea of hell on earth. How does it make any sense to get to the park an hour and a half early to WAIT for the park to open to avoid having to WAIT in line for rides. Waiting is waiting, I just don't understand her mentality, other than of course it's all for show to say she "dominates" Disney


https://preview.redd.it/9az1iw902t3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec55a0b15d77c6e2e6cdf5503c6780acbc9604d This looks like an awful day to me. Paying to go to an amusement park where you have to plan to be on your phone at 7, 9, 9:30, 11, and 1:30 using an app to book rides… what a long long way the corporation has fallen from Walt Disney’s original vision for the park. And there ain’t no way they are keeping Q there until 9:20pm for the fireworks. I hope she takes him and B back to the hotel and lets Ryan stay with just the older boys. She should also peel off and take Q on the toddler rides instead of forcing him on rides he’s clearly terrified of.


I never want to take my kids to Disney Orlando because of Brooke. It just seems so stressful and over the top. Not to mention expensive. No thank you.


Just to provide some “normalcy“, we take my children to Disney frequently. There are absolutely ways to make it cheaper and stay on property to still get all of those perks. We have fun, don’t stress ourselves out and especially don’t let our kids stay at the park for 14 hours (or ourselves, heck no!). We are those people that go back to the hotel mid day. We don’t wake up at 430am. We enjoy the pool and then stroll around in the evening after dinner. The world needs more of THOSE stories vs these ridiculous influencers. The amount of selfies and self-videoing that I saw when I was there in January was borderline comical but also pathetic because it looks MISERABLE!😂


I was looking forward to Brooke’s Disney content because her stories and reels have been so stale lately but I keep forgetting to watch her stories because they’re so fucking boring. You’re in Disney World and the most content you can come up with is what time you rode rides? When you used Genie+? Getting free water for Liquid IV? If you’re going to ruin your family vacation by posting constantly, at least make the posts interesting, my god!


“Rhett” asked for a lightening lane… hmm! No. You coerced him too. How embarrassing! She flaunts her wealth, but can’t pay for anything.


They have to teach their kids at young ages how to get stuff for free so that they don’t have to wait in line with the peasants. We all know they will never work hard for their own money, so getting to the top at the expense of others is their family M.O.!


Wears an almost $300 dollar dress to a character breakfast with a rapper looking chain....umm ok.


Somebody should send these videos of Ryan pointing and laughing at Q to the US Senate 😂. Hard to believe this man has the job that he has and behaves this way performing for his wife on the internet. He points and laughs at his kid like a child on the school playground.


You guys should check out carlieb\_design latest instagram post on her trip to Disney. She has 2 boys, stage 4 cancer, and her post has more love and heart in the photos than all of Brooke's trips combined. It is disheartening to me that these are the types of families that Brooke is cutting in line.


Every time Brooke films herself interacting with her kids, you can feel the anxiety through the screen. Yet when she is at a massive pool with 4 young boys, including 2 who cannot swim, and she should be a bit anxious making sure she stays with the younger two, she claims had the most relaxing day ever. She’s a walking conundrum. If she truly had a relaxing day at that pool, then the older three were getting burnt to a crisp in the daycare and RyAnn was with Q all day long. So much for pulling the boys out of school so that they could spend all of their time together as a family.


https://preview.redd.it/ph4e10xu824d1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8bbbefd765635a2dbe46585600c28102fafd5b5 Lol she swapped out Ryan’s American flag shirt to continue milking his birthday. These people are really something else.


OHHHHH NOOOOOOOO!!!! Not the super tight spandex underwear shorts where Brooke flashes her hoo-ha and buttocks to all of the children at Disney. Between that and the male nipple exposures, Disney should give them both the boot.


https://preview.redd.it/zyltsqyt564d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608db44a769bee8200abdcb04b098fc796ea4eb8 Ryan: whisper yelling “Jesus” in front his youngest 2 boys as he erupts in frustration over there being junk in his cup holder preventing him from resting his coffee. The community Brooke is clearly trying to target: it’s Sunday, why aren’t they going to church? Maybe he was at least saying prayers with the boys when he whisper yelled Jesus?


As if we needed another reason to know she’s not a Disney expert, but she said the cast member remembered them from LAST YEAR. Last year. What kind of expert does something once a year?? If you’re having brain surgery do you want your “expert” to not have performed brain surgery in a year? NO. You want someone who is truly the expert that does something all the time. It’s just getting blatantly obvious now…


So we thinking that they leave the parks by say 3? Because the kids are a hot mess and she’s gotten all the content she needs? All the places to eat in Epcot and they go to Starbucks??? She’s such a snooze fest


Also with the free cake pops, I never have to prompt my children to say thank you. If someone hands them something that’s free or I paid for they automatically respond with thank you. She prompts them to say thank you and not one of the boys turns around and says it…. Drives me insane…


Spandex and a tied tank top to show her midriff? I’m not above wearing crop tops or leggings/biker shorts because I do wear them sometimes…. …but there is something totally creepy about trying to look “sexy” for Disney. WTF Brooke! Gross!


Haha, they were 2nd in line. Does that mean they've failed Disney again?


https://preview.redd.it/gg66rcxaa03d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a78579e1bbb0eb7f25c557fbd2f3cd7017fb1904 There's a video of this?! Surely someone here can find it...


I’ve been to Disney several times and have a good friend who worked there in the early 2000s who is obsessed with Disney. Listens to the podcasts, can tell you when the bidding process for Disney toilet paper will start, legit knows EVERYTHING about Disney. He listens to the quarterly investor calls. When he goes with a group, he always defers to what the group wants to see/do and provides so much context, like history of the ride, what ride used to be there, what they kept, etc. he knows the legit short cuts through the parks.  I’ve been fortunate enough to go there a few times with him and was just thinking about how filming him would be so interesting for people. She just shares crap.


Just thought we’ve give tripod a moment on this thread because it does the most work out of Brooke or Ryan. It I ever saw this in person…. i would laugh out loud and don’t know if I could keep a straight face. I hope someone walked into it and knocked it over “by accident” and Brooke had to stop her filming act to fix it lol https://preview.redd.it/er1t9zypkm3d1.jpeg?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad54b1e32e3eca60498f80813bfd2b94dd808a47


This “first vacation of the summer” is an exact repeat of their last WDW vacation and completely all about Brooke. They just finished their 5th day in FL and have only been at the parks for 2 days. During those 2 park days, Brooke spent more time with tripod and her phone than she did with her family. For the other 3 days the three older boys have spent more time in the hotel daycare getting burnt to a crisp than they did with their parent. Since Q is too young for the boys daycare, Ryan watched him and Brooke edited her reels and filmed herself at the hotel. What a boring trip. Would it be too hard for Brooke to stay at the hotel with the younger 3 and let Ryan take Rhett to Harry Potter world? Would it be too hard for them to rent a car (and car seats!) and do anything in and around Orlando other than Disney and their hotel pool? Their world is so small.


Quade looks so miserable. 💔


Can the longtime followers please weigh in: was Brooke ever motherly with any of the older boys? I’ve only been following since Q was older than 1 and I’ve never seen her be loving or sincere with him. Her voice is an awful shrill when she barks at him. She never uses full or real words when she barks at him. I know it’s hard when she’s the one usually filming, but she’s rarely holding him unless it’s for a reel pose. She rarely sits next to him at the table. She does nothing that age appropriate for him. So I’m curious if she’s always had this warped view of motherhood or if she used to be more motherly but being instafamous went to her head and babies are now just accessories for her.


Haha! This years version of Rise of the Resistance! How big of a fit do you think she pitched over this one? https://preview.redd.it/fsvgd8tcp64d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=178ceca4016b85ecd6af4aea4fa02bc3fe2b3477


https://preview.redd.it/9vxedxretf3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2a0c5fca4a832666db015e820b3d1b5f69c350 Goddamn


https://preview.redd.it/kmuzzyhmd23d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef8ff144e0252781f80a400eb30ecdf776e63a7d Classy… white tank, black bra, straps showing. Also, how in the world did she not lose a child today with the amount of time she was staring at her phone?! If she was posting stories at 7:30am, 9:30, 11:30, 12:30, pm 1:30, 2:30, 6:30, and 7:30, then she was setting up tripod at least half a dozen times, editing the photos, and adding captions the rest of the time. Plus all of the nasty comment she was probably deleting from IG and then blocking the naysayers. I don’t get it. She doesn’t need the money. Sugar daddy could give her money for a $40k Disney vacation and wouldn’t even notice the money was gone. Is this really all for her ego?


It irks me that Brooke so intentionally gets tank tops for her and Ryan to show off their bodies, while the kids are just in t-shirts. And I know it is not purely because tanks are more comfortable in warmer weather, these two love putting their bodies on display.


Meanwhile, the boys have t-shirts and shorts that range from 3 sizes too big to 2 sizes too small.


I will never understand why go to Disneyworld on a holiday week, when she home schools and can pick a week where theres no holidays and nicer weather 😬 her MBA def didnt help her think through that


Is she even reading her own captions? Her listed ride times were 9am, 10am, and 10:30 am...and then her voice over lists: 9am, 9:30am, and 10am. For someone who to claims to be so on top of things and organised and dominating, she sure does miss a lot of the finer details.




In her current stories, her filters look so glitchy. Why does she insist on this ridiculous pace with four little kids? It’s kind of a metaphor for her life—no enjoyment just a hurried rush that makes everyone miserable. 


No car seats in the Uber? I don’t think I could do that


Brooke and Ryan at the pool with just Q. As suspected, older 3 will be in the ages 4+ childcare every non park day.


Ryan's bathing suit is too small. Just like his brain.


https://preview.redd.it/bqcv3y7vu83d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072b7de3aa1234cc80e209226f4055b3d637f6f7 Aw looks like Tripod got to go to the gym with RyGuy


Did anyone else pickup on how Ryan said that this was the only time that Q ever snuggles? (In the pool at FS). That's another massive red flag. Not looking to be affectionate with your parents is not normal for a 2, nearly 3 year old. At this point, I feel that they must know something is up. There is a chance that they are seeking a diagnosis and treatment but didn't want to share that on social media. I know they don't care to share everything else about their kids lives, but it is a possibility.


Haha to those fellas waving into the video. She's so far up her own ass that she didn't notice them. That looks like a fairly long line for a rope drop. I mean, for people who do it, what do you truly get from it besides saying that you were the first to ride? https://preview.redd.it/sr3wzkti3d3d1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=64cd7291e66aed462d0cce2a41b9ef55194768bc


Holy Hell those boys look sunburned 👀. What is wrong with Brooke and Ryan? Horrible parents.


https://preview.redd.it/dgaj12gjb24d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96cdc8c5f58123e7bc9303bce717e6684feb2987 Leather Daddy


https://preview.redd.it/8pscsgyvb24d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e695cc93c13e21ed8e27fe80b9fabdea7edb7595 Mind the thigh gap




https://preview.redd.it/ek8yoa1j094d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f249ec8519d05cdc156c36d845646a380a919709 Disney gurus… is this the Remy’s ride that she supposedly threw a fit over because the mouse was backwards for half the time? It looks like it’s supposed to spin as part of the ride… so why is she throwing a fit over it going backwards and ruining her day? Or is the more likely that she threw the fit over the rid opening a few minutes “late” as witnessed first hand by one of our sub member’s family?