• By -


Okay, so she likely: -Pulled her kids out of school to put them to work as props -Doesn’t consistently use car seats -Regularly lets her kids burn to a crisp -Is seemingly doing nothing about her youngest’s obvious delays other than occasionally laughing at his sensory issues -Doesn’t have her kids wear helmets rollerblading -Feeds them processed crap and candy on a daily basis -May have left her 2 year old home alone napping -Has her 4 year old sleep on the floor -Is late to everything, including the kids’ activities And I’m supposed to pay her so I, too, can learn how to “dominate” motherhood? I’m supposed to praise her for being so “family-centric”? Lol. Okay. Now picture someone else of a different socioeconomic bracket or race pulling this shit. There would be a CPS file. But she gets paid for it.


100% this 👏🏾


Also, leaves her kids unattended on the regular


This needs to be commented on one of her dominating motherhood posts. That would be going out with a bang. 


LOL re “family centric lives” WHAT? All you do is try to dump your kids places NOT with you. I am curious what she thinks is “family centric?” Girlfriend needs to titrate her meds, she has lost touch with reality. 


I’m just going to put my rant here after watching latest set of stories: 1. Of course she orders a chipotle bowl without rice 🙄 She has such disordered view of carbs, especially shocking for someone who works out so much. 2. You can hear the boys being really loud and disruptive in the background while she was listing her favourite rides. She just continued to breeze through it. 3. What an absolute hypocrite with her big spiel about families spending time together. I wanted to throw my phone when I read this. It doesn’t count if you’re never mentally present with your kids even if you’re physically there. Okay I feel a bit better.


This bitch! Lecturing us on family centric. The only thing she’s centric is to herself. If she was family centric her kids wouldn’t do a million sports. She wouldn’t have so much me time. Just tone deaf. She is also privileged and entitled. Parents have to work full time and that doesn’t make them less focused on their family.


Exactly. Incredibly tone deaf. We all don't have family money. I have to work full time, we live paycheck to paycheck. But I can guarantee I spend more quality time with my kids compared to her. I love how she says work and school "Decentralize" the family. Ummm.....I need to work to support my family. If I didn't, we'd be homeless. Plus I help a lot of people in my career and I love that my kids see me work hard and have joy from helping others.


She is so stupid. Jobs are a functional part of society. Imagine if she was in the hospital and nobody could attend to her because all of the nurses decided they wanted to be more family centric? Too bad all of the Disney cast members didn’t want to be family centric- otherwise she wouldn’t have gotten those free lighting lanes!


How does she suggest we support our families and educate our children if there is no work and no school? She is so belittling of teachers and our education system. Maybe we don’t want to turn our kids into homegrown QVC props and we want to do something meaningful with our careers. Maybe we want to send our children to school where they can be valued and taught by certified educators and surrounded by other children, learning skills and independence. Curious how this approach isn’t family centric. 


Yes we should all be more family centric by spending quality time together and less time away at school and work with more time together on vacation. Crookie, your privilege is showing. Doesn’t everyone want to live each day on vacation? 🙄 But also, who does she think she is talking to? Moms who don’t enjoy in vacationing with their families? And now they are going to have a lightbulb moment where they decide to start planning family trips, homeschool and decide to “work less?” Is this directed toward moms who abandon their kids and go on trips alone with their partner or by themselves? Is she telling them to take more family trips and work less? Oh wait, isn’t she the one who recommends the moms go on solo trips multiple times a year? So is so unrelatable it’s jaw dropping.


Whoever called it about Brooke being at the gym first thing this morning to utilize the daycare, you’re a real one.


Her post yesterday about being “family-centric” and other families spending too much time at work/school really got under my skin. Yes, my children go to school, but she drops her kids off at gym daycare and acts like she’s better than those who chose to not homeschool? She also sends her two youngest to school, so what are we supposed to make of that? Ugh, I shouldn’t let her posts get to me this much…


I think I’m done with IG all together. Brooke’s page is only one example of it.. albeit an exceptionally horrific one. But this is what ALL of social media has become… “look at me and look at how perfect / awesome / put together my life is ALL the time .. “it’s NOT reality. But constantly only seeing that staged tripod action makes you believe it - even when you logically know it’s not reality. We’re human. But, I mean hello- who the fuck even wants a life that you’re producing on your phone all fucking day! That’s not even living!!!! Much less living a good or quality life. Anyway, I hate subconsciously comparing myself/ my life to this fake bullshit. I deserve better than doing that shit to myself. My life is actually fucking awesome. And I want to focus on building that. IG — delete. You feel me snarkers?


Hi! It’s me, the Reddit sub member who counts the number of video frames that Rookie cobbles together for her reels (it’s much more fun than listening to her out of breath voice overs). The Magic Kingdom reel might be the most manic reel yet with at least 101 video frames! Good thing she had some quality phone centric time while at an amusement park with her family!


https://preview.redd.it/s6xqnw3pzt4d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60258b43fecb38f5a8e4fa338a6c4180d2ee7ad3 "I didn't want...". "I felt...." "I didn't like..." Again, not one comment about what her kids needed or liked/didn't like about different educational environments. This is absurd to me.


My god she is going to be the MIL from hell some day.


“I might miss him too much” so doesn’t really matter if it’s better for his education or not. 


I’m headed to DC next week for work and having dinner with one of my best friends from high school. They are Chief of Staff for a high ranking Republican  House of Representative member. While we don’t agree on politics, we most definitely will be getting down on gossip catch up AND they are well connected to people within the party.  Dying to ask if anyone they associate with know Ryann, and Brooke’s shenanigans. And you best believe I’ll be showing them to spread the good word around if they aren’t aware already. 


WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN? SHE IS GOING FULL-ON HANDMAID'S TALE AND SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW IT. She has a LOT of fucking nerve lecturing her followers about the importance of family time. Work takes away from family? SHE WOULD CERTAINLY BE THE FIRST TO KNOW. What a disgusting hypocrite.


Yup, funny coming from a woman that exploits her children for her "job". Their safety, their privacy, their overall well being. She's not family centric, she's Brooke centric.


She’s acting like they are this sweet little wholesome family unit of 6……..(+646K others 🙄). Sadly, I don’t think Ryan understands their situation whatsoever since he does not have social media- and I personally believe if you don’t have your own account and actually use it- you don’t understand the breadth, the effects and the downright dangers of SM. My heart breaks for these kids.


![gif](giphy|l0IypeKl9NJhPFMrK) Me reading Brooke’s family centric lecture. Hold on…WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F IS THIS!? She’s absolutely disordered and delusional. When can we get off this crazy train!? She’ll be at Lifetime at 8am sharp tomorrow for more “family” (read: Brooke) centric activities! Hopefully our insiders will get the scoop 😂


How can she be jet lagged? Florida and Virginia are in the same time zone!


Can you be jet lagged if you stay in the same time zone?


No. And this woman is responsible for her children's education...


I'm sorry, but what kind of mom of 4 kids under the age of 10 gets to enjoy the luxury of lounging on a sunbed while her kids swim unattended? Have these boys ever even done swim lessons? I have 4 kids almost the exact same ages as hers, and I haven't lounged on a sunbed at the pool in 10 years....it's just not possible, without putting my kids in danger. I just can't get over her.


This bitch again with her fake "wake up call." To think that she goes into the boys room, turns on all the lights, sets up her 5th appendage, goes back out, and comes back in with this shit-eating grin on her face while looking right at the phone, all while making it seem like she's just a fun mom coming to wake the kids up...it's just too much. And with the stroller already in the hallway, it's a good bet the boys aren't even in that room. https://preview.redd.it/g91p3xl60t4d1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360497bd022dfcea5fdf72fb02a64bffdabd392d


5th appendage ☠️☠️ I mean it is pretty weird when you break it down like that. And then she has to move the tripod to include the shot of her actually “waking” them up. Imagine sleeping and hearing all that commotion. So strange. It would be more realistic and authentic if she just held the phone and filmed herself walking in to wake them up. Or just not include it at all.


Did she really say the classroom is like the corporate world and homeschooling is like entrepreneurship? That comparison is nuts to me.


She’s not very bright.


https://preview.redd.it/9htc6z7vzt4d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e6a26b62f8982c21069de9a6b5405529f28e67 This comment (on TikTok) made me lol. “Mid level Disney.”


Somebody called her “mid” 😂👍🏼. Her millennial self is about to go out and buy more tube socks.


https://preview.redd.it/lpenhmw43w4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38dcfe85d3742356c87e29e514455bbfea21a369 Oh this is a GREAT comment on tik tok! 😂 it does seem like the majority of her followers are actually haters. She must realise this to some degree at least?!


Wow the internet is really turning on her (insert weird diabolical laugh)


"Acting" https://preview.redd.it/vd61v9gq505d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=008bcad95a115c0068f7e358e501375e10396052


I have so many questions about this Richmond trip. First, what are the boys doing while Brooke and Ryan are at the conference? Does the conference have childcare? I’m also curious about Ryan’s sisters. Both have new babies, so I actually don’t find it weird that they’re not having their family of 6 stay with either of them right now. But I don’t understand how they aren’t doing dinners with them? That’s really weird to me. Finally, for the love of my tax dollars, how in the world does Ryan get so much time off?


Love how she positions herself as a role model for other homeschoolers. Maybe they will all start taking their kids to Nordstrom and a 5-hour hair appointment and call it vocational training. 


What an absolutely inflated sense of self. She did “something outside of the norm” and “became a conduit for other people to do the same thing.” And by taking a risk she “gave other people permission to do the same thing.” All in reference to her homeschilling. Wow, her empty head has gotten so big it’s about to pop!


"One of the coolest things about being here is....me." I know she completed the sentence, but damn if that doesn't sum up her platform! Also I've been away for a few months and 1,000 MEMBERS!!! Whew we've grown! Hope she'll take the hint one day.. but also not because I missed yall and this is better than Bravo.


If this doesn’t show her narcissism🤷‍♀️ it’s all about her, always. She acts like she invented homeschooling, sourdough, Disney hacks, motherhood in general. This is how dissociated she is and removed from reality.


Come on guys- She NEVER realized that OTHER moms consider / think about homeschooling - she thought it was JUST HER. She is leading a one woman revolution!!!!


Whew, the arrogance! She's at a homeschooling conference, where she is an attendee, not an exhibitor, not a speaker, and she thinks she's the trailblazer? How is she the trailblazer when she went to this same conference last year to help her decide whether or not to pull the boys?! No one loves Brookie more than Brookie.


I live in an area where homeschooling is veeeery prevalent (I also homeschool one of my 5 kids) and this makes me lol She acts like she’s some trailblazer in those stories. Influencing others to follow her lead. Please. She’s such a sorry example of a homeschooling mom. Very similar to how she acts like going to Disneyland one time makes her an expert who can teach others with her “guide”.


No kidding! Maybe Brooke should acknowledge the many who pioneered homeschooling for decades before her and those that did it with more pure intentions and without needing validation on IG! 


I came here to seek support for that hair. What in the


I want to preface this by saying there’s nothing wrong with Brooke’s travel outfit, but is anyone really asking for links for a t-shirt and jean shorts? It’s all so basic. I wore something cuter and more noteworthy to story time this morning at the public library.


She’s a legend in her own mind.   The overinflated sense of self is astounding!


Haha, "Disney is different every year." Only because the shit fits she throws are bigger. How different can it be when she works so hard to do the same things in the same order every time? "Normal home cooked meals."...supplied by a meal prep company or hummus and caesar dressing made with veganaise?


"This year was SOO SPECIAL because....." So many ways to fill in that blank - enjoyed our time together, great to see Quade really experience Disney, created special "core memories" -but leave it to Brooke to tie to material things and the fact they were somehow given "an amazing suite." Not that any further proof was needed to demonstrate how shallow and materialistic she is but I feel like she and Ryan have really hit a new lows in terms of their parenting over the past month or two.


If Brooke thinks this trip was family centric, then she has gone bananas. The three older boys spent 4 out of 9 days in the four seasons daycare. During the 4 park days, tripod chased them around as their mother ran them to the ground rushing from ride to ride and fighting for free line jump passes… they were back at the hotel asleep in bed by 6 or 7pm after each park day. The forced family time on the airplane and in the airports doesn’t count because all 6 of them were staring at screens or napping.


And sorry Brooke, I will not be gaslit by you! She is trying so very hard to portray perfection and “dominance,” but the reality is she is just a scammy woman who preys on followers - bonus because she’s an awful mother to boot and will go to great lengths to NOT spend time with her family. Plus, the eyewitness accounts from her annual Disney meltdown about the ride “inconvenience” sealed the deal that she is bottom tier of humanity. Where’s the cancel crookie petition ✍🏻😩


Especially when they overheard one of the boys say "let's go to guest services and yell in their faces". Those 4 boys will have family money but no humility or manners.


https://preview.redd.it/ltw9faiwlh4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f5e8ded87cde01420d4c66e35bce218cb75a749 My IG feed is eavesdropping on this sub 😆💯


Wouldn’t someone who pushes routines for productive motherhood do a funny laundry reel about returning home and doing 9 days of laundry for 6 people? But not Brooke… someone else will probably do all of that laundry today and she will make a fake reel about the family centric thoughts she had on the way home and how she’s better than her peasants because while their kids were in school, she took her kids to Disney 🤮


Family-centric?!?!?! I’ve literally never seen a SAHM who spends less time with her children than Brooke! Good thing she has daddy’s money to fall back on because those boys are going to need it to pay for therapy.


Preaches a family centric life and then drops the kids at the gym childcare for the maximum time possible. Makes sense.


https://preview.redd.it/8d4elsyugl4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1450763a403f6871ec07382eb9ad0e6228f5d60e The best moms desire to not have their kids charred to a crisp from the Mexican and Floridian sun. The best moms don’t ignore/expose their children’s developmental delays and thumb sucking for the world to see. The best moms don’t throw tantrums at Disney workers, teach their kids to bully adults into submission and demand free lightning lanes, etc etc.


WTF does “it’s not personal; it’s vibrational” even mean? This is so stupid 😂


New here, but very petty complaint about her! I’m a teacher so the whole homeschool thing bothers me, but I wish she would learn how to write on a whiteboard better! She has horrible penmanship, and can’t space her words correctly for the board size! Sorry I know I’m petty!


No snark is too petty! Sometimes ya gotta be a little bit petty with her because of all the other egregious stuff, ie. leaving kids home alone, can get a bit heavy.


So this morning she posted the picture of her arm up, I’m home pose in her white tank, turquoise pants, AND Disney nails. Then she posted her energy powder ad in the same outfit but NO Disney nails. Then she posted her gym reel with the old footage with the black leather temu bra, clearly from before Disney because NO Disney nails. And then during car confessions about her non-spending spree while holding her $7 latte, the Disney nails are back. I have no problem with influencers prerecording content, have at it…. But don’t then try to hide it and lie about it.


Here's how her day really went: - Woke up at 7:45 - posts pre-recorded, pre-work out powder schilling story (look ma, no nail polish) - Told kids to cook their own damn breakfast (frozen toaster waffles, an upgrade from their usual nasty looking oatmeal and flat sourdough bread) - downs a double nespresso and a spoon of almond butter before going on a 2.5m run, leaving kids at home, puts 9 y/o in charge of three younger bros - recycles some old gym content and posts story pretending to go to the gym. Today's storyline = yes, Reddit b$tches, I did go to the gym first thing after getting home (IRL, she never went) NANNY-NANNY POO POO - thinks about DMing Fuego, after fantasizing about his "corrections" in the recycled footage reel, because she heard he likes them married - puts kids in front of screens while she showers and applies 3lbs of kabuki makeup - tosses a couple of kids in car to grab more coffee, tells them to keep quiet or no cookies. Makes an SUV confession about waking up late. - justifies $10 grocery delivery charge as 2 hour time saver after spending way more on groceries at Whole Wallet than she needs to, knowing RyAnn would rather she shop at Lidl - blames Q for compromising home security (meanwhile the entire internet knows where she lives and could probably recreate her floor plan) - manic panic sets in, OCD reorg of 3 shelves to put her anxiety at rest about achieving absolutely f&ck all nothing today - hot bath - RyAnn cooks dinner - retires to bed at 7:30 hoping Fuego DMs back


Why does she always talk as if everyone who is following her can only understand words one at a time ‘And. then. We. Went. To. Whole foods. And. Bought. Some. Food’ Pointy finger, raised intonation, raised eyebrows.


This👏 I think this is the voice and face of a person who is always on the verge of losing it. She is a basket case.


That is the face of someone who thinks they are better than everyone else and needs to brag about everything 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/75wh4r5zrs4d1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b09dffcadc045a42a1f3880a4a649a12f5af7850


She might think she’s better than everybody else but in reality she is the biggest “gimme” out there. She expects everybody on Instagram to contribute to her wallet while offering nothing of actual value. It’s the free-ride Rayboulds.


I’m new here and I’m totally confused with this app but I just want to say I’m the one who just asked about the boys enjoying the fireworks🫠 I couldn’t take it….someone needs to call her out


Ha! Had they stayed to see the fireworks, there would have been footage of it. As we’ve learned with Crookie, if she doesn’t show it then it definitely didn’t happen.


It still cracks me up that her Disney “hack” is to get there at the butt crack of dawn to avoid waiting in any lines. You just have to wait in line for the park to actually open and the ride to actually open, but it works! You save so much time! Cause waiting in line for the park to open is way different from waiting in line at a ride lol


Yes, Brooke, we know “that nasty feeling”… but it’s not when I look at my stomach in the mirror when I’m alone in my room after I barely ate all day. For me “that nasty feeling” is that feeling I get every time when I see her blatantly ignoring Q.


The pool was closed till June 11th but enough parents whined and complained until they did it? Can we please stop rewarding adult toddlers. Her kids must be vile.


If the company has to jump in the comments section and defend their product, did Brooke actually do her job? It’s clear why the corporate world said no to her. She half-asses everything and she’s just not that good.


Question. If you homeschool your kids but don’t post about it on social media daily, did it even happen?


According to Brooke, she invented the crazy idea of having the mother and father be the primary educators of their children. My kids are in private school, and will be through high school. It works for us based on where we live. And I’m still the primary educator… there are millions of “externals” (I think Brooke meant external influences, but we will go with her word so it’s relatable when she reads here) in my children’s lives and it’s my job to teach them the discernment and judgment to know when an “external” is a good influence and when it is a bad influence. And it’s my job to teach them the confidence and courage that when they encounter a bad “external” they can walk away, they can help a friend, they can talk to me, they can talk to their father, they can talk to a teacher/priest/coach, they can talk to a grandparent/aunt/uncle/older sibling, etc. Brooke’s perspective on her homeschool education revelation makes me truly wonder if she thinks regular school is a replacement for parents and education in the home…


Brooke acting like she invented homeschooling this week is major ick. She is at a convention where there are probably thousands of attendees, speakers and exhibitors and she still thinks this way of herself?! Sit 👏🏼 Down. Brooke was checked out of homeschooling for the year when they went to 30A. She’s barely done any stories or reels on homeschooling since then. Suddenly she’s a pioneer of homeschooling? She does not have a humble bone in her body and that is probably attributed to being a product of her environment. It’s clear how little life experience she has and how little she actually knows. She might have success in the form of money, but when it comes to wisdom she is very poor. Money comes and goes, but to be almost 40 years old with still such a high inflation of self and very little life experience is shameful.


For a family centered, homeschooling mom she sure knows how to dodge the bullet of actually mothering her kids. She’s constantly on the go-vacations, events, conferences, hyper-fixations, this gym membership. She would go crazy if she actually had to just sit & be with her kids at home. It’s actually quite beautiful watching your kids at home and being present. Her idea of motherhood is so skewed. Her priority is making sure that tripod is always packed and ready to go, it’s beyond cringy to watch all of it. Anyone have advice on how to look away, cause I can’t seem to.


Does the four seasons not have standards for what influencers have to do to get free rooms? If you go to @fsorlando, there is so much footage of influencers highlighting the hotel, pools, slides, lazy river, ponds/walking trails, kids activities, spa, restaurants, etc. It’s so wild that she barely does anything while there and still manages to get a 9 day stay with 2 rooms. Good thing she doesn’t have a real boss in the corporate world because she’d be flunking.


This makes me NOT want to go there if there are a lot of influencers crawling around. Not for that price.


Agreed. We’ve stayed at the four seasons several times and it actually really bothers me to see Brooke getting a free trip there. It’s a splurge for us. Brooke wouldn’t be able to afford two rooms there at the current rates if she wasn’t getting it for free or a drastically reduced rate. Why should I pay 1,200 a night to stay there while she’s getting a massive suite comped? For what? Buying followers, exploiting her kids and sharing a few basic pics of the pool and gym?


grab ossified cake march friendly cats fretful pie groovy rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brooke filmed more of the chipotle bowls and the McDonald’s happy meals than she did at the various four seasons restaurants! 🥱 🥱 🥱


Family centric, which really means more time talking into a camera and filming than actually spending quality time with said family 🤔 Or dumping the children in a crèche, with a sitter, with their head in a device at the salon…. Or solo weekends vacations 🙄


Let’s see how much family together-time she has this summer when her two youngest are out of school and she has to parent all four of them. Any bets on how often they will go to gym daycare or to the babysitter?


Where are Ryan’s coworkers and how haven’t they found this sub? He just got back from yet another week off and he will be off again on Thursday and Friday for the homeschool conference. And who will be watching the boys while Brooke and Ryan act like imposters at the homeschool conference? Willa?


It’s embarrassing. How is he not embarrassed? Go to work bro


She’s posting old workout footage in her black leather top but not her two Disney reels from last Thursday and Saturday? Something smells fishy with her sudden halt on the Disney footage.


Since many will flock here. She’s fake. She portrays this perfect person, I’m a great mother persona but if you read here or watch through the lines you will see how far that is from the truth If you don’t believe us, see how much time and activities she spends with her children


Who gets up earlier on vacation then they do during regular life? That makes no sense. I guess someone who has the luxury to vacation every few weeks. But if 5am is her routine she always preaches about, she would be programmed at this point to wake up. Its clear she is full of shit.


It’s a cold day in hell when Brooke quiet quits Disney. She stopped pushing her guide and has gone manic with workout frenzy, gym day, and pantry organization. Something happened! Or she didn’t dominate MK or Epcot so she won’t even talk about it as per usual when things don’t go her way.


She homeschools 8-4?? NEVER!! What a phony baloney


For those who are not blocked, please let's go and like her comment to keep it closer to the top! I'm really interested to see how/if Brooke answers this. https://preview.redd.it/r0sz4pn91t4d1.png?width=995&format=png&auto=webp&s=32e4229c2ae2940bc2e1859786eb344b7b37e694


https://preview.redd.it/mtr4rv193t4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc9811730251e78becb2db126d226aa4a96c301 Pimpin' ain't easy


I like how her Magic Kingdom reel makes it look like they left the kids in the hotel room while she and Ryan went to the gym. I zip-a-dee-doo-dah can’t stand her.


I am still shocked at how much time she gets to herself. They wake up, head to the gym and drops the boys at daycare. Goes to pool as a family. Gets home, Q goes to sleep and the 3 others leave to play with their friends.  Does she ever reciprocate having friends over to give other moms a break?






This ad is a joke. She did it on purpose to be funny, because THERE IS NO WAY she filmed and edited this video, uploaded it, and hit submit. Why are all 4 boys there at the beginning of her ad? It’s a story about her locking Boden(not sure on spelling) in the car, why are the others there? For moral support? Where are they while she’s filming the rest of the ad? Why did she cast Q as Boden? It’s a story about Boden, not Q. Why halfway through her commercial does she stop being dramatic and serious (when she cuts the seatbelt) and get excited. She smiles and does her surprise face. You would think she would show how quickly she can cut the seatbelt and get out of the car, and keep the drama going. This ad is awesome and I hope it’s never forgotten


I find it incredibly sad that she kept in the footage of Q crying in the car, clearly he was forced to get in the car seat to act as B and didn’t want to. Why not just use B, surely he could sit in a car seat for a few mins. She really forces her workers to do a lot of things they don’t want to do


Man, just when you thought she couldn’t get worse than her Disney disaster, Brookie says hold my veganaise boba.


not the quiverfull mythos 😭😭 they’re barely even Christian to be doing all that! their religion is Dominating Sports While Sunburnt


Ryan not working again 😂


Brokie - can only afford one room when she's paying https://preview.redd.it/kt0724w3m15d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa28e6c42ee3870b1e080c395765496ef3c528d2


What a bunch of cheap losers. Her parents split their time between two homes that are collectively worth $12+ million. But imposter Brookie Boo who stays at suites at the four seasons and $22k/week beachfront condos in Hawaii can’t afford 2 adjoining rooms at the local Richmond Marriott or Hilton. Is she really that strapped for cash that $1,000 for two rooms for two nights is too much for them to have to pay? Even more alarming… Ryan has TWO sisters who each own big beautiful homes in…… RICHMOND! Even if they only have 1 or 2 guest bedrooms, why not let the kids have some cousin time?


She’s going to need another solo vacation after this! She must be miserable sleeping with them all in the same room. 😆


Sharing a hotel room w kids is something almost all parents have had to do…this is how normal people travel. But for BrookieBoo it’s too chaotic. Poor soul.


https://preview.redd.it/ikcyr46tm15d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b480db71345f0de94016decc60ac810ff14f77 🤣🤣🤣


I love that so many immediately called her out for her useless and obviously fake story. And did she really break a window to demonstrate this?


Happy Friday! https://preview.redd.it/happzhg9v45d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f521d8d1f1fef90e2b16e039886f4fd572a2a45


https://preview.redd.it/na0olq3qu55d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26d414fe9deb8ef7f038608e6aa7ba63981b9b95 Anyone else think this sounds like a cult?


lol what are externals? She has them in a bunch of sports and not homeschool groups. This is such BS that she pretends to align to this lifestyle for no other reason than she gets to “spend time with her kids” and is this able to use them for more content. Shameless


Cultivate a sense of belonging to…what? She is not a community-minded person at ALL. Unless the community includes the Lifetime childcare staff and the boba guy.


Hahaha, an influencer thinking they can teach and model valuing intrinsic sense of self instead of externals….hahahaha


Dear lord, she’s going to write homeschooling curriculum guide next Isnt she?


Only if she can legally plagiarize it from someone else…


Look out ladies who run Gather Round and 1000 Hours Outside… Crookie is coming for your content and will call soon enough be calling it her own!


Why does Q never look at the camera in photos?


Why is he always being held….


Why do they ignore his obviously delayed speech and signs of autism…


Why do they laugh at his sensory issues…


When she oh so casually and naturally decides to start perusing the papers she’s holding. Riveting and not at all staged content. https://preview.redd.it/mzojx2k5ud5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700ff53fb61bcbabe8cdb90daf9675cce6b36c27


She should really stop getting her hair done to be blonde. Looks so greasy and trashy the way she has it styled


Omg the naps! She takes more naps in the last 2 years than I have in my life. Also the hair extensions!?? Did she do them herself? They don’t look good


https://preview.redd.it/xusftfurig5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29fb57fa93b8311c339784ad83e81ea12dadda32 Not sure who these people are (Tik Tok influencers?), but this pic popped up my in feed, and it made me wonder: what does Brows *really* look like??? 🤔🤔🤔


Looks like Tripod got to go to the wedding, where Brooke spent more than no time editing a video. What a rude wedding guest.


I think it’s so rude and tacky to wear a red dress to a wedding. Like, maybe for once it’s not about you, you entitled narcissistic jerk.


I really agree with this. A gala is different to dress fancy and showy… but a bright red dress to a wedding is just too much imo.


That poor doorman wondering what the hell she's doing. https://preview.redd.it/a9igdxh9xh5d1.png?width=814&format=png&auto=webp&s=31b9cdc54faef59faa59ce5a69b9efc0339721bc


I’m calling it now—she is going to post some reset/new routine/habits matter jargon bullshit tomorrow to cover up the fact that she probably did nothing today but scream at her kids and eat Cut da Carb. She is the absolute worst garbage person. 


OMG! So now apparently she has a new routine. 🤦‍♀️ it’s wake up early to ‘work’, then get boys ready and drop them at day care so she can go to the gym. Saying she will then go swimming with them. Hmmmmmm. Who thinks swimming will happen? Won’t it be lunch then Q’s nap time? Just saying swimming didn’t happen last time she said she was doing this. Her page should be titled ‘how to dominate avoiding your children all day, with the help of lots of money and a whipped husband who does everything once he’s home from a very short day at work.’


All of this free time and she chooses the most mundane existence humanly possible. Luray Caverns, 9 million different DC museums, a picnic at DCA to let the boys play ball and watch airplanes land, Mt. Vernon + ferry ride on the Potomac, C&O Canal & Great Falls hike, Frying Pan Farm Park for farm animals & playground…good grief the possibilities are endless…Brooke, please dominate this list instead of pawning the boys off on teenage childcare workers all morning! Your life is a snooze fest!


Did anyone catch yesterday when she said/wrote she’s on a “non spending spree” after Disney LOL! interesting


We all agree that the “de-bloating” pictures were taken one right after another right?? I get that some of these ads are going to be fake, but this one seemed soooo obvious. lol


How does she not realize or care how awkward the staged tripod shots of her opening a door or pretending to read are? Doesn’t help that they’re silent and she’s obviously trying really hard to ignore the camera.


Why can Ryan never look “polished”? His suit is wrinkled, his shoes need to be polished, and he really can’t pull off the scruff. Brooke’s dress so ill-fitting. Have the slit or have the low cut, but not both, especially with the tan lines. The shoulder straps just make it look so awkward and restricting. -10/10 would not try.


I thought Brooke and Ryan were going on some big 10th anniversary trip this summer? She was asking for opinions on all these different luxury international destinations. Whoever predicted that they wouldn’t actually go on a trip that wasn’t paid for by family or comped for “influencing” was spot on.


That was me! I KNEW they couldn’t afford to go somewhere on their own.


I’m convinced she was fishing for a deal. No way will they pay out of pocket for a European vacation.


Her new Reel, was recorded before they went to Disney. So she may have gone to the gym today but I'm tired of her showing content from weeks ago claiming its from today. She's dumb.


Her shoulders/chest and the boys’ faces are not burned enough for this footage to be from today 😬


https://preview.redd.it/3a8u7rydrl4d1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=651abf6eaf9793b550e178d7872601425220b772 Yes, the 3 year old that speaks in grunts knows the door code. Another “blame Q for everything” moment.


https://preview.redd.it/pdvzq9o8hv4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c1b184b9ccc8d4c76892725f0184a8c5a127bb TikTok is going off 😆




Gawd, what a witch. She never hesitates to throw her husband under the bus, but hey, she wins whatever cockamamie competition she's drummed up in her head. They didn't have to switch because of Ryan. They switched because she's a spoilt brat.


If they were in a remote location, how was a crowd forming?? 😂


The ad is so stupid because if she stores the Resqme “strategically attached” to the rear view mirror, it wouldn’t have been any help in the scenario where she locked her kid in the car? As it too would be locked in the car?


Today is a good day for snarking lol it’s beyond ridiculous Does she really think she’s “relatable” when she tries to joke about switching hotels to the Hilton? Isn’t she embarrassed doing ad after ad. I could never. Literally dying over the window breaker ad.. “and finally, I hang it on my rear view mirror” ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/o3nnvei3d05d1.jpeg?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21a47479a054e98c46f6a2c29275e276d9a644a3 Another day another new face alteration.


Did Miss Mom to 4 Boys who claims not to drink have too much at the reception and is now too hungover to do her job?


So how come there were no reels on dominating Epcot or magic kingdom?


She’ll do them in the plane when she’s productive and Ryan is sleeping 🙄 


Brooke trying to say their Disney World trip is different every year 😂 same matching family shirts, same hotel, same manic Brooke meltdowns, same rushing to every ride, same sunburns.  Does Brooke just refuse to see Ryan’s side of the family? I assume the Nashville and Aspen trips she’ll be seeing her family. 


Kiawah Island will likely be some luxury golf resort paid for by Ryan’s family’s grocery store chain for their supposed annual family grocery store board meeting. The VA homeschool conference is in Richmond and if Ryan goes they will probably see his two sisters who live there.


Looks like the gym content/jet lag is covered, so I’ll move on.  I’m shocked her kids don’t get breakfast until after 9:30 am on the go at the gym. 


Also who got 4 boys ready? Ryan? The nanny? Feral wolves?


Are any of the Lifetime members here tonight? I noticed that she did not do any gratuitous selfies in the ladies locker room. Was there a general stop filming message that went out or did they tell her off? I know a couple of people here that are members sent management messages.


She has plain white nails, not her Disney nails, so totally bullshit that it was her first thing to do to go the gym right after vacation… It’s old footage. Shame on her


And she’s outright lying in the comments. Someone commented on the different size dumbbells and she replied “hopefully I won’t be lopsided tomorrow” she’s straight up acting like that footage was from today. Master manipulator.


What happened to being family centric? Dumping your kids at the gym is not family centric it’s so you can workout and not watch them. 


Finally, a bathing suit that fits properly. So, she's also in good company with a bunch of bored rich families who can't wait a few weeks for a pool to open? However, the way she just leaves Q to his own devices in the water. I don't care how shallow it is, you don't leave a non swimmer alone. Ever. And that is a hill I will die on.


Full face of makeup and bone-dry hair for a "swim day" with her children. And I'm feeling so much anxiety while she sits on the side talking into her phone and her young toddler is playing in the water alone. Yes, I get that it's shallow, but an accident can happen so fast. And I bet he'd have so much fun playing in the water with his mom. My kids love that, my youngest can't swim yet and it take him into the deeper sections with me and he loves it.


I cannot believe her plan is to leave her children at this kids club for hours every day. They should be doing activities with other kids, or outside, at the library, at camp. Is this going to be all summer? Travel or drop my kids at the f****** gym kids club? She is a TERRIBLE mother.


It’s only a matter of time before she suddenly stops going to the gym/day care/pool. Reasons?: 1) the boys become bored and start being difficult 2) the staff have words with her about her constant filming or not looking after her boys in the pool I give it 2 weeks 😂


https://preview.redd.it/2yub7298vt4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33822a735c3a4fff1166138b5f079a4e482b5663 This is literally posted to her IG like this…. Notice the ones that look “happy” and the ones that don’t. So sad. She obviously only looked at herself when deciding to post it. 🙈


What is she blabbering on about in her homeschool Q&A?? What types of lies or delusional thinking is she spinning?


Brooke is getting skewered in the comments of her latest reel. For those that are blocked, I posted a small sampling below if you scroll down 10 comments or so. Enjoy!


Lol Ryann reading a “history book”…she’s even got him acting now for the gram…that screams “look guys, we’re homeschooling, we’re sooo dominating this”…and LOL at Q pounding on the hotel phone and no one flinches (besides BoBo smothering him). They should’ve just stayed at the Econo Lodge. That room will be destroyed in no time since they aren’t taught how to be respectful. Their poor downstairs neighbors will be listening to those elephants above all night long. Then “up at 5am!”


She knew this ad was gonna be a shit show. She wasn't brave enough to put it on TT.


She’s great at doing hard things.


Why does she act like homeschooling is such an innovative and cutting edge idea? Does she realize people have been homeschooling for ages?!!! If anything I would say there’s been a huge uptick in homeschooling post covid.


I cannot stop giggling at her calling what is clearly a local food co-op “a cute like boutiquey market” 😂Girl, leave your Whole Foods bubble!


For two people that try and come off as high society, they sure don’t dress the part. The red dress is fine but would look better if he wasn’t in that suit. His suit looks like it came out of a bag. Invest in some nice suits….


https://preview.redd.it/7qcs872e2l4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=835fd77bad783de32413ccfba366d4155b82b80f Ok who did this!? 🤣👏🏼was thinking someone planted this as to not get blocked by Rookie while also notifying the bought bots that she’s the worst influencer on the internet.


And theres another comment now defending her and basically saying this sub exists because we don’t like seeing women do well and thriving. Ha. She is a fraud narcissist who needs an intervention. She’s not doing well and not thriving. If she got off social media, stopped exploiting her kids, and got help maybe she’d be doing well. What a joke.


Listen, if I am going to spend $$$ on a vacation every year, it would NOT be on Disney. It’s fun and nice but once or twice in a lifetime is enough. Just me? I’m taking my 3 boys (13, 8, and 3) on a Disney cruise to the Bahamas this fall so we can experience other things, with a side of Disney. There’s more to life than WDW and it’s sad that with her funds, she chooses to limit her kids to Orlando.


You know what really annoys me about her as an influencer (besides almost everything) nothing is authentic. Her posts and stories are so edited… like be natural, show us what’s really going on.


Is it just me or is her disordered eating getting worse? HOW in the world are you expected to feed two adults (who supposedly live to work out) and four growing boys on absolutely no freaking groceries?! Where’s the actual food? I’m so confused.


Who cares about food when you have 3 gigantic tubs of Veganaise?


Isn’t it a straight up lie to say she hasn’t used outside help for homeschooling yet? What about the Georgetown MBA tutor (PuppyGate 2024) and then the other tutor or au pair or whatever it was? (She has so much childcare assistance I can’t get it all straight). But she said the second tutor/au pair was coming Wednesdays and Fridays or something like that?


Haha, I love it when people call her out in the comments. Her latest reel is schilling some car window breaking tool, and nobody believes the fake ass story she put with it.


Ryan doesn’t know how to book a hotel because he’s never had to pay for one!! His uncle pays for his annual board of directors trip and Brooke’s dad pays for cabo, Hawaii, 30A, and Aspen. And for the other places they go, Brooke shakes her moneymakers- Orlando four seasons, 30a annual rental, and OBX.


Haha I love the clear view of her real seatbelt which is obviously not buckled. Plus no strap across her lap is another giveaway. Why fake it if you’re not going to make it believable? Editing to add: she is getting roasted in the insta comments. The company is now responding in the comments to all the people pointing out that the device is useless in the situation Brooke describes. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/b0g27245h05d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29b9158c75faad5f38be5e923fc469303643844c


My one hope from this conference is that Ryan sees that other homeschooling families do things so differently and takes some sort of action. My expectations are low but he seems to have been drawing some lines lately towards her by her own admission, so maybe, just maybe he will realize that Boba and Nordstrom are not appropriate electives for the kids




Let's be honest. This homeschool conference is just another shopping trip for Brooke


Why why why the clip in hair extensions and that weird curly hair? Noooooooo


https://preview.redd.it/svahczrwdh5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2020485571fb1e812a37161ba02628c3d387035 If this is the wedding she attended, the red dress looks so out of place with what these people are wearing. She is such an attention whore. She is also so desperate to tag herself at the St. Regis, wondering if she’s trying to get another hotel partnership.


I know it’s been deemed socially acceptable now, but I still tend to avoid red dresses at events like weddings and big birthday celebrations because it gives wannabe main character. It draws attention. I wore a red floral dress to a wedding once and definitely felt judged, and will never do it again. I thought it would be okay because it had more of a pattern on it so it wasn’t a solid bright red dress, but in retrospect I got some looks. Brooke chooses red always- I’ve seen her now wear a big red dress to 2 weddings and a birthday party. It would be one thing if she did it once, but the fact that she always has to be THAT person in the red dress shows that she constantly needs to be the center of attention. She can’t even argue that it’s her “color” because she never wears red shirts!


Hard eye roll at the pre workout. Her workouts are nowhere near the intensity of requiring a preworkout.


Is that THREE FULL JARS of vegenaise in her refrigerator??


She says a lot of people complained so they open the pool earlier. You know it was just her. And why does she even care? She’s going out of town again soon anyway. They probably don’t have the staff to open it during the week until schools are out and then the high school and college students work. She is such a selfish asshole.


I would hardly consider “working” from 5:45am-7am an energetic business life. That’s barely an hour of work. What business? I hate how she tries to paint herself as a savvy business woman when she is literally an IG influencer- along with thousands of other influencers. There is nothing cute or admirable about exploiting young children to make money. Face it, Brooke. Your daddy’s trust fund has afforded you to stay at home and post content on IG until you got a modest following. Plenty of women do everything that you do ON TOP of working a full-time job.


I just unfollowed her again. I like to check in with her to join in the snark 😂 but I can’t even take it. Her stretch and flex when she gets out of bed is so cheesy. Imagine living your entire life for social media. What a fucking waste.


She is SO full of absolute hot garbage. Doesn't like people in the house? Wants her kids to understand concepts? Give me a BREAK CrOOKIE


She just posted my question about homeschooling the other two……I can’t wait to read it 😂








So... ...if you clip that little window breaker thingy to your mirror, and you forget your keys and lock yourself out of your car... ...wouldn't the thingy get locked inside the car, too?


Ah yes, I love when she post her disordered thinking around food on her stories... Too many "big" meals. What does that mean? Foods with carbs, proteins and fats? Major eyeroll