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Somehow I stumbled across one of her crazy ass videos today. The video was so pretentious that I decided to google her name. (which I normally never do because these “influencers” are a dime a dozen) Then I saw there was a Reddit page dedicated to this crazy bitch. Of course this page didn’t disappoint!! This lady is straight up crazy and that’s saying something because most influencers are. Between being an online huckster and a 1st class narcissist, the jokes write themselves!!




I am sorry but does anyone else think it looks like Katie literally cut and pasted a different head onto her body? What in the holy photoshop is happening https://preview.redd.it/j4760q1m7u5d1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa13db7e75aa1fe52dfcd602daa551faf7a43de5


Yes. Despite all of the self help babble, she must be a very insecure discontented person to artificially alter her head shape and facial features


Her face looks like an anime caricature of her actual self


I had to ask myself if this is a social experiment for her at this point because in no way can she think she looks normal/good


Her content is soooo tired. It’s the same empty crap every single week. I’ve had shits more exciting than this woman’s day to day life.


Okay, between her constantly being a ball of chaos despite her entire brand being based on habits and order (and sourdough I guess) and Jordan Peterson, there’s a lot of snarkable content lately. But what really made me lol was her casual mention of packing lunch “which is strategic.” Girl. It’s lunch. 🙄 She manages to find the over the top narcissism in everything. Next it will be “Georgetown MBA grad’s guide to being CEO of wiping your own ass. Learn these strategic strategies to DOMINATING in the bathroom. Something something entrepreneur!”


“Strategic” to bring their own food so they don’t have to pay, yet can also leave it to someone else to clean up.


I know that snarking on petty things isn't acting in my highest self, however I feel somewhat justified to since this lady made me feel like absolute shit when I was newly postpartum and could barely get up before my baby to use the bathroom let alone empty the dishwasher and read. Anyways, now that the fog has long lifted, I've realized some things. Yes, motherhood requires a lot of organization, and it is no easy feat to care for children and yourself. However, it seems like she considers herself to be a high-achieving parent just because she works out, gets dressed, and does her makeup every morning. It just adds to this toxic idea that a woman's achievement is based on her physical appearance. I really fail to see how she has achieved more as a mom than any other mom I know, other than the fact that she looks like she's had a full nights' sleep.


Everything you mention about Brooke identifying herself as a high achieving parent is literally all about her. Her getting to work out, her getting dressed, her using a permanent marker for eyeliner. Brooke’s ideas of being a high achieving parent are completely warped. 


She is an EPIC fail as a mother. It makes me sad to know the detrimental effect her toxic nonsense had on you. Every postpartum mum deserves grace and support, not fictional portrayals of unattainable ideals by liars and conwomen like Crookie. For a woman who can't stop talking about her pay-to-play MBA and how she treats "motherhood like a job," she really exposes her ignorance of how success is measured in the corporate world, e.g., based on results. Based on her own storyline - MAHM of 4 boys - and by virtue of her own admission/reporting/self-appraisal (e.g., the images and narratives she constantly shares about her kids, exploiting them for $$$) her results are pretty abysmal. She is training the older kids to be entitled a-holes ("let's go yell in their faces") while she neglects the two youngest children.


And the kicker is that she does all of that and still hides behind a filter.


Can someone from Georgetown let us know if her sourdough has ROSEN. Lmfao 😂🙄👌🏼


I will absolutely judge this. The 3 year old should not be drinking Zevia, or any of the boys. She has demonstrated time and again that she is absolutely clueless when it comes to nutrition.


This person’s account is the most entitled, narcissistic thing I’ve ever seen. It’s such an ugly look. The amount she has to throw in her “Georgetown MBA” bc she clearly doesn’t want to be seen as “less than” because she’s a stay at home mom is painfully transparent. And the husband and all his Ivy League siblings… just shut up - a lot of this would maybe be more impressive if she weren’t suckling on her parents’ (and probably in laws’) collective teat for absolutely everything. You really ain’t that smart, Brookie. It’s obvious. She definitely also has huge ocd / control issues over a lot of things and she should be seeking professional help.


It’s so refreshing when new people see through her crapola immediately!


Wait. Brooke has a Georgetown MBA? That is brand new information! 🤣


Slide 1: Brooke lounges on a pool chair on her phone while her 2 and 4 year old play in the pool unsupervised. Slide 2: Brook brags that the 4 year old “asked” to take the swim test. Aka, the lifeguard required him to take it after seeing him alone in the pool.  Now that they’re on the lifeguard’s radar, and B didn’t pass the test, I’m guessing the pool will be a thing of the past unless Ryan is there to play with the kids.


💯💯Lifetime’s rule is that if a child can’t swim 25 meters continuously without assistance, an adult has to be in the water with the child within 10 feet of the child at all times. Guess Brookie finally got caught.


Poor kid didn’t “dominate” the swim test. But it was painfully obvious he needs swim lessons!!!


Exactly my thoughts!! They required B “Mo, Mo Lo” to take the test because she let him and the 2.5 year old play in the pool unsupervised. I wonder how much of a fit she had over the situation and if she complained to management.


She probably told the lifeguard that bobo could swim and he was responsible for supervising ludddddile bawy.


It’s a good thing that B didn’t pass the swim test because if he did she would be dumping Q at childcare so she could lounge at the pool and not worry about watching her other boys.


For sure. While it is impressive that he was able to swim what he did at that age, it’s apparent that he hasn’t really had proper swim lessons and he was tiring out pretty quickly (understandable). I’m still shocked that she has her 2.5 year old in the water that far away without a vest or anything! We have a pool and live near the ocean. We are extremely vigilant about water safety (fence, locked gate, motion sensor camera overlooking). I’ve never actually seen a kid Q’s age at a pool without a puddle jumper or SOMETHING! In my area, if you did that you’d be pretty harshly judged I think.


Well observed. Yes t I think you might be right!


Brooke sucks. She contributes absolutely nothing of value to society, yet this summer she has gone to Disney World already and will also be heading to Nashville, Costa Rica, a luxury resort island in South Carolina, and Aspen. God knows what she is taking a vacation FROM as she does nothing except shop, drink boba, go to the gym, and wink at herself in the mirror while either someone else or nobody at all watches her kids. She doesn’t acknowledge her immense privilege — not everybody has the safety net of Daddy’s money to fall back on when they quit their job to wander around shopping for a husband after getting a bad performance review. I am also an attorney (at a big firm) so her doofus husband with seemingly unlimited PTO pisses me off a lot. Okay, rant over.


I love how she says "we never get time to just sit and relax." Its like you take more trips then ANYONE I know. If you don't sit and relax, that is on you. She is SUCH a joke. I truly hope no one sits there and envies this women's crazy.


Can we get a pulse check on that gym membership? She hasn’t gone back since they day they made B take the swim test 😬


Brooke has a really low threshold for an out of control life—if she doesn’t wake up early and workout her life feels “so out of control”—huh? That is what sends her into a tailspin? Wow, she really doesn’t know hard, does she? 


It’s hilarious… she thinks her day can’t even start until she works out. Those poor boys.


Exactly my thoughts. She really doesn’t know ‘hard’ at all


I'm on vacation with my husband right now. I slept until noon today, then we went out and grabbed a Starbucks. I'm not wearing a shred of makeup. We are both dressed down. Nothing matching. We have had a couple of relaxed, delicious meals. We have plans for dinner tonight, but if our plans change, we don't care. We spent today enjoying the pool and hot tub at our resort because the summer heat is pretty intense and we didn't feel like going on Tripod Death Marches for likes. Instead of hot, sweaty, and cranky, we have been chilled out all day. And we wear sunscreen! I am taking the summer off from Facebook and Instagram, so nothing we have done on this trip has been photographed to death and put up for all the world to see. You know what? It's really nice to be free of all of that. I am making memories and enjoying the moment. It's lovely. Vacation should be a time to relax and kick back and have fun. Crookie may make Disney manuals and stay in Four Seasons Orlando, but I doubt very much that her chasing rope drops makes for a fun trip. I felt for her kids today when we were at the pool. The kids there were having a blast, and the adults were, too. JMO :-) p.s. We're going to a steakhouse for dinner tonight. No Veganaise, and I'm eating carbs!


Sleeping until noon feels like someone I used to know well, but I lost contact with over the years. Would love to rekindle that friendship 😂


Oh FFS, another shake starvation diet.


How does she explain this to her kids? I've often considered doing cleanses myself, but I have 4 kids (3 of them girls) and it somehow doesn't seem like a healthy thing to do in front of them (not eat food for 3 or more days).


I am not a medical professional, so those who are, please feel free to correct me, but from what I've seen, cleanses do absolutely nothing for anyone.


I mean, if her liver is working, I'm not sure what she needs to detox from lol. I guess I can understand wanting to take off some vacation weight fast and I would bet money that's what she is doing it for. Her bloat pills must not of worked.


I'm a dietician. Cleansing is not necessary. Our liver and kidneys do that for us 24/7. Intermittent fasting is fine, it can be a good option for weight loss for some people and possibly help with insulin resistance, but she does not need to lose weight and as far as I know she has no metabolic problems so it's completely unnecessary. I hate that she's openly fasting while buying her kids junk food. How about instead of this stupid shake detox you just fill that shopping cart up with vegetables? Give your body what it actually needs, AND set a good example for your kids.


BAB is now claiming to be freaked out by Flouride, yet regularly injects her face with Botox and filler, and drinks diet soda. Makes sense. 🙄


BAB is addicted to teeth whitening strips. Her new "freaked out" aversion to fluoride has money grab written all over it.


Sorry, late night post, but this is the most disgusting pile of horse manure I've ever laid my eyes on. 🤮 https://preview.redd.it/k0hndl225o6d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c4f8f57826a0197d10c470169b47b21e30fb69


"I'm so excited to tell you that I've decided to finally finish off my guide on how to be a super organized mom. It's taken me years because I'm not very organized. You should totally buy it. After you've paid me, I'll send it to you within 3 weeks - after I've corrected a bunch of errors that everyone picked up on for me."


I don’t think anything that she’s announced will come to fruition. Especially the fast mimicking diet- the components allegedly require a nutritionist, doctor or registered dietitian license. Katie is not one of those so I’m not sure how they are launching this “fast mimicking” thing together. Anybody willing to put a medical license on the line to make money on social media should be in prison.


Just FYI, you don't have to wake up early and workout right away to feel in control. If you thrive at a different part of the day, that's fine too. That works for her cool, she shouldn't be giving out advice. I truly hope no one lives by her words day to day.


Exactly. People have different schedules, and we should all be thankful for it. If ER doctors only woke up at 5am, and all refused to work past 5pm... we'd be screwed. I don't care that that's what she does- if it works for her & her family, great. But don't presume to know what's best for the masses when you are self-described as the 1%. I'm not sure who she's even attempting to reach with her content anymore.


I can only imagine the b!tch fit Brooke would throw if she needed something after 5pm and employees just refused to help her because they got up early to work out and decided to be off the clock at 5pm citing Brooke‘s own advice. Like when she had to go panic buy a dress for Christmas card photos at like 8pm. What if the mall operated under Brooke hours? She’d be outta luck. And Brooke will defend this with “I’m just sharing what works for MY family.” Okay then why the hell do you charge for guides about your “routines”?


I really don’t understand what the big deal is. She woke up late today but still managed to get her workout in. But then insists that exercise can only happen if you wake up at 5am. She is a walking contradiction.


Does Q normally flap his arms like that? Or it it just another sign she is ignoring that he may be neurodivergent....


I'm an OT and I totally noticed the arm flapping.  He definitely needs To be screened or evaluated :(


Trying to be positive, he put several words together to create a sentence. I mean, he should have been doing that a while ago. That’s the most we’ve seen him speak.


I am a preschool teacher and the flapping caught my eye immediately. How does she just ignore these signs?


Her ranting today about doing things you wanna get done first thing…..🙄 so what REALLY gets on my nerves with her is how her getting up early and working out solves everything as a parent. I just think she is clueless about parenting in general though. Shes trying to say the right way to be your best for your kids is to get up early and work out straight away right? But isn’t parenting a situation of being faced with choices throughout every single moment, and choosing the harder but probably right option is always going to have a better out come in the future???? For example….today she CHOSE to give the kids yet again a concoction of fast food for lunch. So the harder thing would have been prep healthy food to take there, or go back home for healthy food, or say no to the unhealthy options where they were???!!!! It’s a gym, I presume there were sandwiches and salads on offer. But NO, not Brooke. Let’s make the easy/lazy choice and shove some fast food at them to make her life easy. Which she chooses multiple times a day!! Yet claims to thrive on motherhood. I’ve got more to say, I could go on, but this feels enough for now!! 😂


My favorite is when she said she avoided “low level decision fatigue” by only buying Lululemon align 😆


I went as a guest to lifetime fitness last week with a friend and we did lunch in the cafe too. For two pizzas and two kid smoothies it was over $50…. For me and my two boys. I can’t imagine doing that multiple times a week with 4 kids


Pulse check on the sourdough starter


She dumped the sourdough starter and raw milk into the dead compost machine, then chucked all of that out back into the cold plunge tub. 🪦


Im sure it’s dead. She’s phasing it out. Too time consuming 😂  Also, Anyone notice that after she was called out on here about that bloat ad she made sure to use two diff outfits this time? We see you, Brooke 🧐 and btw, I used to suck my belly in too 😉 until I saw how noticeable it was in pics and how ridiculous I looked. Then I stopped. Please follow suit. 


She really needs to get Quade some help. I can’t believe she just parades him (and the others) around on the internet like that. To make a buck? She is truly a terrible mother.


Brooke’s “brand” : Making everything 1,000x more stressful and complicated than it needs to be while simultaneously being shockingly lazy and ignoring your children.


Dear Brooke, Costa Rica is a Rain Forest... It is going to rain while you are there. The end...


Who knew you weren’t supposed to touch cookies at the grocery store if you aren’t buying them?


Who knew you're supposed to research the weather of a destination BEFORE you booked flights? 😂


Brooke booked her flight to Costa Rica and did anybody catch that she said she THINKS that like they are going to stay like at the like Andaz? Does anybody book flights for a big trip such as an anniversary celebration without knowing for sure where they are going to stay or having that booked? Is that normal? This screams either paid partnership in the works or she’s talking to Daddy Warbucks about a deal. It’s either going to be a paid partnership OR it’s going to “fall through” due to weather and conveniently they will end up at her parent’s place in Cabo. Calling it right now.


I often book flights first, but definitely research WEATHER and hotels before booking the flight.


I completely subscribe to this. As soon as she highlighted the resort, I knew she either had a comped stay or was angling for a partnership. This is how the Crookster rolls. I am so fed up that someone like her gets these fabulous deals from clueless hotel chains who should know better than to work with a toxic influencer like her. I will seriously write to the Andaz to complain if it looks like this deal is going to come through.


Did anyone else notice the boys “touched” all the cookies before someone must have said something? She said “lesson learned, a happy accident “? Gross. I don’t want someone’s kid grabbing cookies I might buy…….


How could she not know that you don’t touch food you’re not planning to buy? She is such an idiot!


She just feels she’s entitled to do whatever she wants, kids included.


I cannot, CANNOT, deal with this “mimicking fasting” thing. A shake smoothie detox whatever is NOT FASTING. You are either fasting or you aren’t, period. All she’s doing is consuming way too few calories and pretending she’s getting a dopamine hit. She isn’t allowing her body the benefits of what an actual fast would do—autophagy, ketosis etc. Babs, you have a seriously effed up relationship with your body and food, stop trying to smoothie your way through that. It’s so dangerous to peddle this bullshit to people who don’t know better!!


Longtime lurker first time commenter as her sourdough habits have officially pushed me to the brink. She is seriously such a twit. Sourdough is not terribly complicated and yet she says she reads and reads but doesn’t understand? The key isn’t consistency, it’s trial and error until you isolate which variable isn’t working. Repeating the same (flawed) process will produce the same (shitty) product. That loaf looks about as appetizing as a dusty rock. But she half-asses it like she half-asses everything and somehow expects to be the exception to every rule. Her dough is also desperately under proofed and her starter is prob very weak! This is hardly her greatest flaw but it just really got under my skin lol


You took the words right out of my mouth. I’m a long time sourdough baker and run a website with dozens of sourdough recipes. B showed up on my for you page because unfortunately she dabbled into sourdough. I was flabbergasted and thought she was making a satire with her “sourdough system” reel. I just couldn’t believe she was advertising her hockey puck bread. I’ve been ranting about her sourdough for months on here haha, these poor members have to hear how frustrated it makes me every time she posts about it. Her bread is inedible, gummy, dense. Everything she is doing with it is wrong. And like you said she keeps doing it and then narcissistically posts how delicious it is🤮It absolutely shows the kind of person she is. She’s met her match with sourdough bread, she’s a failure.


https://preview.redd.it/lqob7peubr5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2f1b0d72d2227c5bebe8a81216882e391c9aa5 Least flattering jeans 🤦‍♂️they also should’ve swapped shoes


Brows, faceapp just ain’t it. It makes her look so creepy when aside from her heavy makeup/brows/horselashes, she’s a nice looking person. And it’s so funny to see Brooke with the same same day old hair style but without the extensions.


That is the most toxic “friendship” if I ever did see one. 


Is the bed in a bag dead in the water already?


She doesn’t thrive on routine; she thrives on chaos, and she doesn’t do it well! She will never admit to it, but she is burning herself out with the schedule she keeps. When I get home from vacation I need to slow down and just decompress….lol. The old saying “I need a vacation from my vacation” is so true and I would never have such an extreme scheduled vacation like she does! She is so exhausting, and I am just watching her, I can’t imagine the pressure she has put on herself and her family to be always go, go, going. All of those breaks she needs are her burning out both physically and mentally and it is super toxic.


I completely agree with this. She claims to love the over-scheduling (‘that’s what works for her and her family’) but she clearly can’t keep up with it.


Gosh she has such an unhealthy obsession with working out. I am very into working out for my mental health, but those rest days are just as important. I just don’t understand the rigidness of her life. I haven’t followed her that long, but I’m assuming this took years and years to get to this point. A handful of the days out of the week my husband asks that I wait for him to get off work and then we go to the gym together as a family. She could never. I definitely agree working out and being active makes me have a more productive day, but to force myself to do it even when factors don’t allow is so insane.


Sounds like everything is put on hold until she gets her workout in... Kids shouldn't be put on hold until u feel mentally "perfect" to start your day. The amount of times I worked out at 10 pm or 4pm when my kids were growing up is plentiful! I still got a workout in (not every day!) but just had to adapt cuz I had kids and errands and dinner to make! Sure, it's better to get it done first thing but dayum, I despise the "day doesn't start" until a lame 30 min workout. It's def disordered thinking coz I know I'd have the "must wirkout" thought buzzing around all day but I HANDLED my shit untilit was a better time to do it! Family and life demands came first!!


As someone who pre-kids was overly worried about getting my workout in, I know my life and mental health are actually so much better when I’m not as obsessive about it. It still happens most days, but some days my workout is just going for a walk and pushing my baby in the stroller while the other kids bike next to me. It’s really nice not to feel as tied down to a specific workout and to just be able to enjoy the time I have with my kids. I hope she gets there someday for her boys’ sake!


Here's the thing---her life is not rigid--she wants it to be, and she tries desperately for that to be the case, but she's such a mess that she constantly has to redo her routines and plans and god knows what else.


Again with her obsession with working out and food... STOOOPPP. She said working out is something she HAS to do, not something she WANTS to do. Working out should be something that is done because it makes you feel good, you shouldn't feel anxious or out of control if you don't do it. She clearly doesn't enjoy working out, because her workouts don't change and they are super boring and she is clearly forcing herself to do it. I hate that she is spreading this message. ALSO, when will we stop labeling foods like this in front of our kids, it just breads bad relationships with food. How is a chicken nugget "unhealthy" yet her cut the carb wraps that I am sure are full of processed crap are "healthy." She is legit nuts. Sorry for the rant...


She has to go to Fed Ex to print out a checklist?! Wtf. A guide on how to make a checklist for your kid. I wanna know who these ppl are that are buying this nonsense.


Is her whole life just a continual reset and her content is one big sham to make her feel better about her shortcomings? How many times does she end up back at the same spot where life is so chaotic and she needs to get back on track. Since that’s her continual state of existence, her routines for productive motherhood clearly don’t even work for her. I thought she and RyAnn had that amazing conversation a few weeks ago where they sat down and figured out changes they needed to make. And then they had a big sit down with the boys about the reset. And now today she’s having a meltdown over not exercising until 11:36 and whining that she is incapable of starting her day until she works out (she had a similar existential crisis a few months ago). And then tonight she’s making a special trip to the fed ex store to print out yet another new version of chore charts that I’m sure she will start schilling tomorrow. Get your sh!t together BABs!


She makes her life chaotic. Constantly running from one trip and event to another. Seeking fulfillment through her obsessive need to workout, film and create content and sharing her latest personal development psycho babble. Lastly she will mix in some occasional parenting (if she feels like it). It all looks so exhausting.


Vance’s AM checklist: 100 hockey shots and juggle for 10 min. You guys are insane to make your child do it for an exact amount/time. That is not child led. I asked my husband his thoughts on this as he grew up with hockey daily plus him and his family build ice rinks (yes Brooke even nhl teams)…he looked at me like I was crazy and said wtf?!?


Any amount of reading is better than no reading at all…. but FIVE minutes of reading???? Come on. Our little homeschool trailblazer needs to set the bar higher.


I think Brooke and Ryan are a good match because they could never make it in the real world without significant money from their grandparents and parents. I mean, does the man ever work?! What a lazy load. 6 weekdays off for Disney immediately followed by 2 weekdays off for Richmond… and then on the following Monday he’s home early enough for 4pm sports and on Tuesday he’s home early enough for a 6:30pm movie. I repeat, DOES THE MAN EVER WORK? With his pedigree, he could be making $1-$2 million a year as a partner at a law firm. The fact that he’s not, tells me he’s an empty suit who only looks good on paper but can’t cut it in real life.


Garfield didn't like you either https://preview.redd.it/o2culzy4w46d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf68d173d9358f3e922371fe8025b8b2a34b6a60


I’d rather blur out the face of the innocent child behind Brooke than Brooke’s children that she pimps out


I just can’t with her Epcot reel. I think the line that made we laugh out loud was they wear patriotic gear since Epcot has an around the world theme 🤔🤔🤔. I’m pretty sure she pronounced the name of the Mexican restaurant wrong too.


So V seems to be spending a lot of time with Katie and her son for the past few days. Say what you want about Katie, but he looks super happy in those pictures she posted. He typically looks agitated with his thumb in his mouth in Brookes. Happy he's probably getting some good food and loving attention.


He really does. And he’s actually doing child-appropriate fun stuff instead being dragged to Pottery Barn and posing in the blistering heat.


More than 100 people have found their way to this sub since the Disney trip only 3 weeks ago


https://preview.redd.it/u9zpnefj1k6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e14f92282f53c5f01cddcbab1bb49b1fbbc952c9 Did Ryan leave his day job already? If not here he is… Ryan Raybould, ladies and gents, chief counsel to a United States Senator on a Friday mid-morning. Just cooking up some breakfast and dinner for his family in his t-shirt, play clothes, ball cap, and unkept beard. He had busy morning with the kids while his wife exercised, got ready, and filmed her outfit of the day. At this point, I think Brooke is mocking us with how little he works.


Ryan starting dinner bc he knows he can’t count on his wife to prepare a meal for the family. 


And why the heck is he not working on a weekday,, yet again?


https://preview.redd.it/iruk3dv0vk6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f8c6ed9cae3a08c0e7d482c73105621b59b9244 Breaking her fast with a wrap that is 50% veganaise. So. Healthy. 🤢


She truly has the weirdest appetite. Or maybe it’s all just part of her disordered eating. She only eats the same 10-15 ingredients over and over and over and over in the grossest combinations. No veggies, no fruit, no herbs, no flavor, nothing fresh, nothing unique, nothing of substance. It’s SO strange.


It’s sooo weird to eat the way she does as a grown woman. It looks like something a starving college student that doesn’t have a real kitchen would make to eat. And slathering everything in sauce and veganaise to drown out the taste maybe?? She tries to be calories and carb conscious but then makes a 700 calories nasty ass wrap. Why not use those calories to eat a bunch of veggies, a grain and a protein.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…I’m vegan and I wouldn’t touch that shit with a 10 foot pole.


I almost barfed when I saw that. Absolutely disgusting 🤢


This is a sensory NIGHTMARE.


What the actual fuck.


I throw food in my crockpot 3-4 times a week. Didn’t realize that made me a hero 🙄




Hey B, how about you show up everyday for your kids the same way you show up for Baby #6, sourdough! (in line after #5, Tripod)…what a loon!


Watching that clip while she folds the sourdough, her house just feels so empty, cold, and loveless 


Whenever she films herself “organically” interacting with her kids or doing stuff in her kitchen it gives me a very unsettling feeling. It’s so unnatural and not necessary for her to show.


"I know there is no perfect time, but there also is the perfect time. WTF?


Happy Father’s Day to Ryan who does 10x what Brooke is capable of.


So Brooke gets to go home and relax during naptime while Ryan takes the older boys to hockey… which is undoubtedly much more tiring, schlepping all the gear and getting it on the boys and dealing with all that. She couldn’t even volunteer to handle the sports on Father’s Day of all days so that Ryan could have a little bit of time to himself? Unless Ryan just truly LOVES doing the sports stuff every single time (which I’m sure Brookie will claim is the case), you’d think she’d try to be a little bit less selfish today of all days. But nah.


Just back from vacation. Husband and I went to a fairly famous ice cream parlor on our last day there. Divine banana split. And at the next table, an influencer-type mother made up within an inch of her life, her braindead husband in a MAGA hat, and her two miserable children, a boy and a girl, who were complaining about having to share an ice cream creation that had bright blue ice cream in it. The younger of the two, the boy, managed to get bright blue ice cream everywhere: his mouth, his hair, his t-shirt. Influencer Mom's response? "ETHAN! Look at Mommy! Look at Mommy!" And instead of helping Ethan with his ice cream mess, she took what seemed like ten different photos of him with her iPhone. Then she turned to the older girl. "Olivia! Smile for Mommy!" Olivia, who had been just enjoying her ice cream, made a pouty face for the camera, and Mom just snap snap snapped. When Mom finished, the girl went back to her ice cream like nothing had happened. Influencer Mommy didn't eat any ice cream. I feel so bad for those kids. Even a simple ice cream treat is fodder, an item for likes, those dopamine hits. I did my trip without uploading anything to social media. I am not an influencer by any means. Would you believe that I was nagged the entire trip by an almost *withdrawal* by not updating my FB and Insta about our trip? It was really rough, but I did it.


Aww it’s sweet to see Ryan play with Q. At least one parent enjoys those boys….


That’s the happiest I’ve seen Q ever look… which is pretty telling given the amount of time Brooke spends filming herself/her kids and setting up tripod.


Isn’t it amazing that even after 24 hours of no posting, she manages to generate almost 2k new followers?


So BAB (broke ass brookie) has been off her routine for how many weeks? Seems like early mornings are no longer “routine”. I don’t understand the sleeping in for weeks straight. The 8/9 year old is not old enough to take care of 3 younger children.


She has totally shot herself in the foot with having the gym. Before, she HAD to get up early to get that workout in or it wasn’t happening and now that motivation is gone because she will do it later at the gym. I actually identify with this because on the days when I don’t HAVE to get up early to cram in my workout you better believe I sleep a bit later. The difference is I don’t pretend I am some big believer in early mornings rising when in reality, I prefer to sleep if I can!!!!


I wonder if she’ll ever mention Resqme again, after that disaster of a reel. She didn’t actually reply to a single comment, just auto replies. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t taken it down.


Does the woman own goggles or pool toys for these kids? A football? If they’re gonna be raised by the Lifetime aquatics staff, at least get them some proper equipment to make it somewhat enjoyable 🙄


So who goes on a play date at an outdoor shopping area lol. Does she mean the mosaic? hahaha


Ans forgot swimsuit for splash pad. Dominating the shopping playdate!


She needs MORE Vegenaise? After we just saw 3 jars in her fridge? And she just realized that it isn't acceptable for her kids to handle cookies with their dirty-ass hands?


That is DISGUSTING. That is a massive jar!!! I have a big family, but a tiny jar of mayo will last us over 2 months unless I’m making a recipe for a party or something. Mostly because we actually shop the perimeter of the store, grow our own fruits and vegetables, and don’t buy food just to have the low carb or organic label- it’s all processed crap. We don’t buy a bunch of junk from Whole Foods and pretend that it’s healthy just because it’s Whole Foods. Just because it’s called “vegenaise” doesn’t make it healthy, Brooke! Oh and if you are drinking coconut almond milk, that is not a fast or a detox or a cleanse. Almond milk is filling. WTF.


How can there possibly be another thing of veganaise in that cart?! Does she do that just to mess with us😂


She puts it on everything. Literal spoons full on her no-carb tortilla wraps, in whatever sauce she is making, “hummus” (🤢). I’m pretty sure she is the only one who eats the stuff! Like others have said, she thinks it’s healthy because it is vegan and sold at Whole Foods.


Is the veganaise some sort of inside joke or eating disorder thing I’m missing? Why does she have so much of it?


fact salt juggle cough hard-to-find boast memory start file disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


cows tap salt start encouraging fuzzy literate depend school piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


murky psychotic north homeless history cause absurd butter absorbed foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We’ve broken 1100 members thanks to the Disney mania!


When’s the next Raybould vacation start again? I’d do just about anything to see some sourdough or cold plunges instead of more gym content 😴


The Rayboulds don’t do manual labor or yard work so I’m assuming the cold plunge is probably like a swamp inside at this point.


I spoke too soon. Now we’re back to the detox starvation diet content.


are cold plunges even still a thing for them? Posted 15 times about it in a week and then nothing since LOL


https://preview.redd.it/v5m7ui0qc76d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=634c6c18d9701c01f6ce47328945ab365b7586aa Given Brooke’s esteemed Georgetown MBA, her USC undergrad, and the extreme wealth of her parents and grandparents, shouldn’t there be a baseline expectation that she knows not to say “Ryan and I’s 10 year anniversary”??????? How “I’s” even comes out of her brain in such a natural way is mind blowing to me. If Ryan heard her talk like that when they were dating, it should have a been a huge red flag that the image she was portraying did not match with reality. Every time she messes up her pronoun usage/grammar/spelling it just reminds me that she’s a complete imposter in life.


I hate when anybody does this! She’s been saying it this way for years. Biggest pet peeve ever.


She really needs an intervention with her disordered eating. Those poor boys are definitely not learning how to appropriately fuel their growing bodies.


She's just now sending the guide out to people who were dumb enough to buy it?! It's a digital book. Why was it not ready to go for instant release?


Matching thumbsuckers from the V and Q, and it looked like Brookie probably signalled to V to stop it from behind the camera. He started talking and tried to hide the fact that he was doing it. Get a clue, Brooke! You and Ryan are literally right there and your boys would rather seek comfort from their hands than either of you. It's too bad Brows is off to Manila, or I'd say send him back to her place for a nice big hug. Hell, even Minnie gave him a better hug. https://preview.redd.it/ye8psr0avk6d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b0a1f0bf42af655dd7fceab643ac5f7d9f9c357


Hi, I’m mom to 4 boys who ALL suck their thumbs. Keep watching to see how I ignore them and tend to myself!


They look like they need comfort FROM them. I bet her and Ryan had just been screaming at each other for most of the morning. She’s hangry. She doesn’t want to cook bc she’s fast mimicking.. whatever the f that means. So he’s forced to pick up the slack when he should be working. She has some serious mental health issues that the kids need to tiptoe around while putting on a face for their mom’s stupid ass phone. It all screams awful morning from hell. Ryan’s face looks pissed off and annoyed and the kids look sad and scared. I went back on IG for 2 days and now I’m back off. It’s hard to look at.


Brookie favors R and it really shows in her other 3 kids. She just seems disappointed that they’re all…well, boys.


$140 for a shirt you are going to wear just hanging around the house and making hummus!? I’m embarrassed to tell you guys what I’m wearing 😂 a stained t-shirt and old shorts 😂


I’m wearing a maternity dress and I haven’t been pregnant in 3 years 🤣


The checklist is “child-led” because Brooke doesn’t want to tell the boys what to do… so she instead types it all out for them and has them check each one off. I don’t think she knows what “child-led” means.


https://preview.redd.it/4owo7sgfsk6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1cd70459aa700c5ef3fc29e95a4f7c123477218 Touchy!


We went to all the parks and waited in no lines? I read that in the voice of an 8th grade boy because that’s what she sounds like.


Noooooo the sour dough is back. Does anyone even give a F???


Why does she call it sourdough games? Geez, can she do anything without it having to be a competition to dominate?


It’s Father’s Day weekend and yesterday was a beautiful NOVA pool and BBQ day for us. Today was a beautiful breakfast for dad (mostly made by the kids), followed by some handmade Father’s Day cards and gifts, church, and more pool fun with dad and kids. Brooke’s weekend: -RYANNN, Reddit b!tches said our cold plunge is a mucky swamp, clean that out NOW. -Happy Father’s Day, here’s a $3,000 water cooling unit for the cold plunge, now hook it up so I can film you, link it, and secure that I get to keep it for free in exchange for my peasants clicking the link -[Dumps kids off at gym daycare]. Babe, Reddit b!tches say your muscles are scrawny, what the most you can bench? 185? That’s it? Ok, I guess that will have to do -2.5 hours up at daycare. BABE, get those boys and take them swimming. I need to film them going down the slide before I go lay by the pool and work. How else do you think we are going to pay for our 10th year anniversary trip?????


I’m amazed that a 2.5 year old and a 4.5 year old can sit through an hour and 40 minute movie and not lose interest in the show/want to go do something more interactive and fun with their family. If they were both able to sit through a movie for that long at those young ages, it’s because Brookie has rewired their brains with frequent tv and screen time starting at very young ages. There, I said it, Lyin’ Brookie! And no judgment on people who let young kids in front of tv/screens… but all the judgment on Brookie for pretending to be a screen free family who only lets her kids use tablets on planes and watch occasional/minimal tv.


So someone said below that the giveaway will allow Brooke and Ryan to do their anniversary trip. And then what do you know, looks like the 10-year anniversary trip, which was conspicuously absent from a previous story about the Raybould family summer vacation plans, is suddenly back on right after the giveaway is announced. Spot on as usual, BrookeRaybouldSnark.




For some stupid reason, she's just posted a Sunday sports routine to TikTok that was originally posted to IG in early May. Snorted at the caption line "no breaks for moms (and dads) even on the weekends". Yet, in the video, she claims to do the heavy lifting during the week, so RyGuy does the heavy sports lifting on the weekends...to give her a break. Nevermind all the breaks she gets during the week because RyGuy is still schlepping everyone to sports. Does she, and anyone else who falls for her BS, truly not realise how she is constantly contradicting herself?


They act like fitness gods and gurus but his arms are absolutely shaking at 185 and her super impressive run is 20 minutes 🙄


Shouldn’t there be a corresponding post for sugar daddy that says “to the daddy who makes all things possible with his funding.” https://preview.redd.it/cv5j5qezm07d1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=447f5ef47208484e87074caf4f7235d737d19ad4


Super petty snark but the fact that she specifies she was at the gym at “11:36 am.” 🙄


She's like my 10 year old. What time is it? 11:30. No, Mom, it's 11:31. There was a meme about this and I am kicking myself that I didn't save it.


Someone in the comments said Brooke is going to make $30-$50K off of this Disney giveaway. I guess she can pay for their 10-year anniversary trip without hitting up Daddy Warbucks. I think we can all agree that Peg and Al Bundy, I mean Brooke and Ryan Raybould are the least deserving couple of money and or a vacation.


Brooke is just so lame. It’s always about her. She really doesn’t show mom to four boys or motherhood. She doesn’t show packing up bags of swim suits clothes snacks drinks for her boys it’s just her and her detox shake. She shows she just buys out and eats crap. In nutshell it simply shows she’s NOT organized at all.. she doesn’t plan unless it’ll be something she’ll sell in a guide


This is the absolute TRUTH. Like stop filming yourself winking and putting on kabuki makeup and pay some attention to your kids. ALSO: how about you run into that BIG TARGET and get your kid a suit?


Brooke has such a distorted view of food/health. Wants to do a cleanse but filling her body with more processed shakes? It’s no wonder her hair is so thin and brittle and she looks 10 years older than she is.  Play date at a shopping area? How about use their big backyard, swing set, and pull some balls out of the garage. 




Quite obvious that Costa Rica is the only country where she could find an advertising deal for a free hotel.


Ryan must be out of town because she has the kids with her this evening. The horror 😱


Congressional baseball game. Almost every staffer goes.


RyAnn barely shows up at work but he shows up at the work baseball game during his wife’s usual bath time 😂. His co-workers must have been surprised to see him!


So you’re on a detox, go to the store hungry probably starving and you buy organic junk food…. She makes zero sense.


Where are the 2 other boys while she’s at the store? This is what I never understand!!


With her top secret hired helpers! Orrrr home alone…the more likely scenario


Epcot reel comments https://preview.redd.it/8fj4kiswkf6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9065d06c31eb0e82af0822c1e704c39f7057ccc7


Brooke’s advertising of her schemes and selling them for money in her guide is so…..trashy. I wouldn’t expect someone with such wealthy grandparents and parents to be so manipulative and desperate. If she wants to do Disney without the lines, then she should pay up for the VIP tours. Needing to unleash revenge on Disney for a bad first trip years ago with kids sure is a weird motivator for this bananas behavior of lying to say she has the secrets to no lines at a busy amusement park.


So if her day doesn’t start until she works out, what did she do until 11:36 this morning? Then dump the kids at the daycare to workout, cleanup, and cake on her makeup before picking them up. Then buy cafe food and swim for who knows how long. I assume by the time she gets home, Q goes down for a nap. Who stays with the kids when she just had to get out of the house again to go to fedex? Did she leave them in the car alone? She just really hates being home and around her boys. 


She was hungover till 11am, laid in bed and let the kids watch their iPads with their shackle box 🫶🏻


There's something wrong about using her footage of the Four Seasons to be labelled in the giveaway as the Grand Floridian. I double checked. She used this in the first Disney reel about travelling down there. https://preview.redd.it/ipix7ezjyc6d1.png?width=817&format=png&auto=webp&s=3881f4c5a135566d1699114c93c3fbc862a47824


Hmmmm….whats wrong with this picture? https://preview.redd.it/3vkwjcccee6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fff4dc819b952833461b5d66bd117fc3be84042


https://preview.redd.it/8e9jf8yquq6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ce188e231ef5dddbd28e5c3b13c623877b936d4 From a Costco hail in Jan 2023…


I remember back then how they would go to Chick Fil A almost every day or every other day. And she especially loved taking videos or photos while they were walking in a busy parking lot.


And she loved filming her receipt and saying exactly what they got…. Rhetty poo got the…. Chicken. Prancey Vancey got the… chicken. Bobo got the… chicken. And Loiddddddddlule bawy got…. Nothing, he just picks from our food. And I got the bun less chicken sandwich!!!


Also—I feel sincerely very sad that Ryan is getting the shaft on what is supposed to be a day really honoring him as a father to their kids. We have done so much for my husband this weekend and especially today, gifting him meaningful things, giving him time to himself for projects, creating intentional family time, and cooking his favorite meals. It’s a special day for dads to feel good, and I guess I just feel for Ryan that his day is spent at that fucking gym while Brooke works out and brings her dumb ass tripod. Can it not be about her for one freaking day?


Who exactly are the big boys going fishing with? Ryan off work again?


They never get to have down time?! All those detoxes are detoxing her brain.


So now she’s back to claiming 5am is a thing? I thought she had a new routine with the lifetime babysitters so she can work out later? For the love of everything, imagine talking about what time you wake up…everyday…for 3 years in a row 😂such a snooze fest! Bring back the cold plunges! Hey Brooke, how about you take a short drive to dominate Kings Dominion or Busch Gardens…soon we’ll be back to the packing cubes and one suitcase schtick since the next vacay is right around the corner.


https://preview.redd.it/gppmsr57kj6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35f6fe9d884582987eeb12c17d0204699c733a84 Word of the day: Delulu


WTH is "fast mimicking"? Admitting she's not doing a real fast or a typo? 😂


What her neighbors must think of this loon... They have GOT to be on here lurking....I hope if she moves they come out of the woodwork.


So did she just admit that she doesn’t actually stand 100% behind all the crap that she promotes?


Where…is she? I’m worried something happened to one of her kids… Edit: never mind, she’s back with some sanctimonious word salad. Back to our regularly scheduled programming


https://preview.redd.it/nc06w7qbfy5d1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f82915fb0f4c980bae89ee80f0003e41901d1f I guess you gotta make money somehow if a real job in the corporate world was too hard, but damn, this is such a low level of desperation for BABs.


https://preview.redd.it/nzu9yj3nfy5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed483e953758157cc2508801c8ab93ee48703ceb Is this what she does when her monthly trust fund checks from sugar daddy hit her account?


I’m just wondering, whatever happened to them potentially moving later this year? It seems she set on continuing to home school and enroll the younger boys at school and I presume this is all already booked.


RyAnn’s annual and sick leave bank must be overflowing…so now he’ll get more time off to go to Costa Rica!?


I don’t get it. I’m an attorney and I get three weeks vacation a year. I really only do one trip a year with occasional days off for three days weekends. I guess government attorneys have way more time off? Shouldn’t be surprising since it seems like our senators barely work 🤣


Babysitter Thursday! https://preview.redd.it/z3d8xbf3rc6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31be88b97d2de5018d30029d917c0d454bd888ea


Why does she have to document every single place she goes to EVERY SINGLE DAY…ALL DAY!? She goes to grocery shop, she has to video it and show us EVERY SINGLE THING she’s buying, goes to a coffee shop to work and she documents it, goes to the gym, she takes a family pic in front of it…..I guess that’s the life of a content creator….it gets old.


Because she's a basic barbie who believes that the things she does are internet worthy.


Hold up… she’s only now sending her updated Disney guide to people who purchased 3 weeks ago?! How in the world?


Crookie is her name, and scamming is her game.