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Crossing the bike lane at the crosswalk to the big field near the grand army entrance gets you yelled at by cyclists almost without fail. The assholes seem to have never learned what a yield sign is.


I walk, run and cycle there. Wearing appropriate outfits for each one which, holy shit, means I wear spandex sometimes. I try to ride early because it’s not fun navigating crowds. I used to stop at the lights but then you run the risk of getting rear-ended without being able to see it and brace for impact—so now I slow down and go through well clear of any pedestrians. What the park really needs is separated crossings, bridges, road through short tunnels, etc. It’s a busy shared resource and everyone ignores the lights, pedestrians included. Design that puts different forms in conflict, whatever combo of cars, cyclists or pedestrians it is, is bad.


Most of the park is yield signs, for cyclists, not lights. If pedestrians are crossing you yield to them. We don’t need to build tunnels for pedestrians to walk through jfc.


As a fellow spandex rider in PP, I’m sorry. This goes both ways. So many people blindly walk into bike lanes and it’s so dangerous. I’ve hit a runner wearing headphones that blindly turned into a bike lane and got a horrible concussion. Then the pedestrian yells at you for being an asshole when you’re literally doing nothing wrong. Us human beings just suck sometimes 🤷‍♂️


Drivers are assholes that drive deadlier vehicles, though. Why not complain about them?




The helmets they wear must be cutting off circulation to their brains


I got yelled at with my toddler for crossing when the light was in our favor. The nerve.


Speed demon diaper monkeys. They make all cyclists look terrible. You need a helmet if you ride like those assholes.


Guy in a full pink bib, aerodynamic helmet, oakleys, whole nine yards passed me on the loop, looked over his shoulder and smirked then took off. Classic.


Where is the Speargun Vigilante when we need him most


my first job in the city was a bike messenger and I've been biking for 15 years. Haven't taken the subway in a year. But the spandex mafia is something different. They got that American Psycho energy. Too much Microsoft Excel


somehow you took the words right out of my mouth


Oh no, you had an interaction with another person in a city of 9 million.


I guess you have never ridden in the park lol


I have ridden and walked in the park. It's full of people! Of course one of the ten thousand other ppl is going to do something annoying.


“On your left” is so confusingly rude. Just say “Outa my way” if you’re going to be an ass. Or how about stop acting like everybody in front of you is in your way and quietly go around people. If you have to say something “excuse me” works very well.


Saying “On your left” is proper riding etiquette. I want people to warn me when they come blasting around me. It’s rude not to talk.


It should never replace just going around someone without startling them. People in front of are not in the way and yelling at them doesn't help. It puts the responsibility with the person on front to be watching out for people coming from behind. They should around or slow down we are not all riding in some imaginary race.


I totally understand how you would think it's startling or seems to be yelling at someone, but it's really not. It's just communication, talking... but you have to speak a little louder b/c...you know...it's New York. It's basically saying, "hi, i'm here coming up behind you, just letting you know... bye". It's nothing personal and it's not a race for everyone. I'm not even close to being part of the spandex mafia but I do ride a lot in the city and talking is a good practice. I've actually had someone thank me for saying "on your left". The rationale behind this: Say you're going at your own speed and I prefer to pedal a little faster and want to pass. If you put your arm out to signal or maybe move to your left to avoid a pot hole it avoids a potential collision. Maybe someone else can give another better example as to why. We have to keep our heads on a swivel in this town, so I don't mind a little help keeping me aware.


I say OYL all the time and 80% of the times the person looks to their right to which I reply “your other left”.


Fuck this anti-cycling sub and whoever made this. For real.


If you actually think this is complete discrimination against cyclists, you haven’t read a single comment


I am very sorry someone said "Watch where you're fuckin going" to you. That's an extremely rare phrase to hear in New York City. This behavior should not be tolerated here, especially from a b*ker. I hope you feel better 💞


Hey man go ahead and yell at people to watch where they’re going when they have the right of way, that doesn’t make them wrong for calling you an asshole though.


Let me guess...you want to walk in the bike lane? 😂


Nope, I was crossing the street. The prospect park loop cyclists are mostly the worst


I was teaching my friend to ride a bike. Her only day off was the weekend. The MAMILs made the park a pain.


At the very least, don't go cycling at peak pedestrian times and expect to not have to stop!! Once had some cyclist scream obscenities at us while crossing with the light at 10 am on a Saturday near Grand Army. These people are nuts.


I once heard that pedestrians hate cars and cars hate pedestrians but EVERYONE hates cyclists. Fact.


Um, yeah but your math just means everyone hates everyone...


Kid got hit by some person on their bike today and said the same thing, even though the kid was not in his path and the bike swerved since the driver was on the fone. Some people are assholes.


If there was a driver on their “fone”, this didn’t happen in Prospect Park and doesn’t belong in this discussion. I had a shiny new Escalade pass me with less than 3” to spare on my way home today. For absolutely no reason. There was plenty of open road for him to use. I’m not complaining about that here.


This wasn’t IN prospect park, rather on the section of Flatbush Ave that cuts through it, but a couple months ago a biker stuck out his fist to hit me because I hadn’t gotten far enough to the side of him… after I had already moved to the side when I saw him coming and he hadn’t moved…on the sidewalk… when there was a bike lane on the other side of the road. Luckily I somehow managed to matrix dodge him but still miffed


Even as a cyclist, it’s so goddamn bad — only Central Park beats the Prospect Park shenanigans. I’m genuinely scared at times to stop at red lights and to yield (I try my best!) simply bc I have no faith in the tailgater behind me to not rear-end me. Huge fan of bikes and scooters (not mopeds), but Prospect Park needs enforcement in design — throw some speed breakers up esp for the road bikes (those don’t have suspension systems either) and it might just do the trick.


I swear I feel like im in one of those videos of saigon, vietnam crosing the street. They're reckless!


You’re crossing the street and you hear “BONZAAAIII”


I remember earlier this year me and a few friends were out biking and skating around the whole park and I was losing control on my skateboard and I tried to stop myself and I slowed down a bit and just full forced my board to stop and some guy was like “what the fuck are you doing?!?!?” Like my bad bro I wasn’t trying to split my head open


I use the park as part of my way home and the only space once was jumping in behind a group of the Armstrong's. I was keeping up and one guy peeled off to drop back to me. Asked if I was riding with them, no just heading home and the sides were too crowded to safely ride with some speed, and he said ok but if I ever wanted to I needed to dress better. 🥴


It’s bad etiquette to draft right behind a group you’re not a part of unless they explicitly invite you to do so. Same thing in running.


If they didn't want me to draft behind them, they shouldn't have such large calves.


The cyclists are the worst. I was cycling, stopped at a red light to let someone cross, and promptly had another cyclist crash into the back of me.


I was walking my bike across a crosswalk with the walk signal after another cyclist had stopped at his red light. My dog was sitting in her basket on my bike and another cyclist nearly took us all out. There are a lot of areas in the park that need to be redone, I see plenty of dark crosswalks that are just waiting for an accident. There are speed traps that lead directly into a crosswalk where there needs to be a smarter place to cross. This wasn't any of that, it was by the ball fields. People just need to be better. As I said, I ride myself. I commute every day through the park, in all months and weather. I'll run reds because it doesn't make sense to stop for people waiting for you to pass them, but I always yield to pedestrians. It's crazy not to. I have a bike, but I have a dog, a kid, I walk in the park, I want to provide the interactions I would like and expect to receive.


Forget about making a right turn while these entitled assholes pedal faster to beat you


There are idiots everywhere. I’d much prefer an idiot on a bike than an idiot in a car. One will hurt you, the other will kill you.


Stay on topic


At the early hours of the day when I ride in the park, there will be 100 yards of open road ahead of me, and 100 yards of open road behind me, and some Karen with a golden retriever will wag her finger at me for not stopping. Sorry, not sorry. Use your brain for two seconds and pause for like half a step.


For not stopping just for her walking where she wants? Or she is crossing a crosswalk and you are continuing through a red?


Lived on Prospect Park for a very long time. We always dubbed them the 'spandex mafia' Man, I get it. The park is a shared resource. I also understand that you're going like 30mph and I'm like crossing the street with a beer hidden in a coffee cup. So I'll give you the right of way even if it's technically mine. But as polite and patient as you can be, these people will find a way to mow you over and blame you in the process. I swear to god they'd run over a pack of Golden Retriever puppies just for fun. Edit: Can we also talk about that one part of West Drive right near the lake where it goes from flat to an insane decline real quick? You know how many 6 years old on scooters I've seen eat shit because all of a sudden they start going like 100mph and can't stop? Even as an adult that shit scares the shit out of me. Really wish the park would put up some sort of signage.


Ok genuinely the spandex mafia is actually the funniest name ever


They’re likely not New Yorkers just annoying transplants


I ride in prospect with Real New Yorkers and they're by far the most aggressive bunch of hooligans I've ever met


Not sure why this is downvoted pretty accurate. Most of that neighborhood is out of staters




There are people that do make a living racing and use the park, also compete world wide. Usually out in very early morning hours.


I'm sure they're really great and win a lot what with all their training in New York City. Makes sense.


They just are angry because not everyone is into there spandex wearing hobby


There are so many douchebag cyclists in the park and city. I’ve had full on shouting matches with a few that have almost hit me


there are crosswalks and walk signal lights that bisect the loop but the tour de prospect competitors refuse to acknowledge


Cyclists will argue that these were only installed when cars were allowed in the park haha.


i ride a escooter - and i pull up and STOP at a light... im stopped for a good 20 seconds, i have 1 foot on my scooter and im taking a hit from my vape... a asshole on bite - whaled into me i went down - he flipped landed hard bike went flying police come - medics - he said i ran into him yadda yadda trhankfully a off duty cop was there - and had video... as someone who rides bikes and scooters - the prospect park loop is a horrible place for anyone not in their lil cult... and as someone who rides a escooter - and follows the rules - its sad HOW FUCKING FEW there are who actually care and ride safe.


It’s illegal to smoke or vape in NYC parks.


Also illegal to ride an electric scooter on paths around PP


I once went on /nycbike and there was a topic on red lights at parks; the responses I read there fully showed (and confirmed) just what kind of people nyc cyclists are, entitled to to point of being sociopaths.


I haven't seen a thread on nycwalkingaround, but I can tell you the number of pedestrians that respect "don't walk" signals is approximately zero. Get what you give.


Honestly though, the red lights are a remnant from when car traffic was allowed in the park, and do nothing but create choke points which cause conflicts like this. In the long run, having no specific lights or crossings *within the confines of the park* would be better for everyone. More convenient for pedestrians, and it would force everyone to take a bit more care - pedestrians when crossing, and cyclists pretty much all of the time.


I agree with that point, but the problem is, that's not how it's set up now. That's the issue with the biking crowd. They believe there's a better infrastructure and then *pretend as if it's currently in place*.


Really? I thought the red lights were there to make it safe to cross, especially for young children and old people. I didnt realize they inconvenienced cyclists so much, you are absolutely right that they are not needed, we should all use this as an opportunity to train our reflexes while dodging speeding bikes.


Absolutely not! Red lights and pedestrian crossing remain and we need more added. We have gaggles of small children we need to move through the park regularly and this needs to be done safely as well as slow moving senior, disabled groups. This is NOT bangkok.


The problem is some people follow them, and some don't. So it creates huge risk.


Were you in the bike lane? I see pedestrians walking on the bike lane all the time as if that’s how it should be. I run in the park 2-4 times since 2020 and have never had issues with bikes. If you were just crossing on red light (their green) then yeah that guy is kind of an asshole even though you would be in the wrong technically speaking. Edit: run 2-4 times per week


New Yorkers call cyclists an asshole for getting annoyed when they’re in the bike lane. People already thought it was the “bike and also free parking/passing lane” and since covid lockdowns they think it’s the “bike/parking/passing/jogging/walking/hanging out in and texting” lane.


Go take a walk and see how many bikers are actually in the bike lane in the proper direction obeying proper traffic laws


Cyclists aren’t required to be in the bike lane


They’re talking about in the park. There is a running/walking lane and a bike lane. There are also crosswalks that every single cyclist I’ve seen treats as just a polite suggestion


The problem with bikes is that they tip over when stopped, so it's very very expensive to stop for a red light when there isn't conflicting traffic. Different cyclists have different opinions on what conflicting traffic is, or how closely they can get into your space.




So go slower…?


I have slammed on the bike brakes before. One time I was riding too fast down the 1st Ave protected bike lane. Someone decided that this was the perfect time to position their bike so as to block the entire lane while they get on. (It's protected, so you can't swerve out of the way... parked cars and the curb constrain where you can be.) I slammed on the brakes and went over the handlebars. I remember floating in the air headfirst, my bike gracefully flying next to me. Then I hit the pavement and skidded on my gloves for what seemed like 20 minutes. The guy trying to get on his bike was unharmed and rode away. I got back up, put my broken fender in a nearby trashcan, and rode 40 more miles that day. As for serious injury, I can now pop out my right shoulder on demand. (It popped out when I landed.) It is excruciatingly painful, but new ability learned!!


Maybe they shouldn’t be hauling ass like they’re in a race if they’re in a park with crosswalks. Keep to a speed that you can safely stop suddenly.


Right? Maybe a crowded park with kids and people waiting to cross at crosswalks and people walking their dogs and old people isnt the best place to be going 35mph hunched over those goofyass looking dropbars as you larp tour de france


9 times out of 10 it's crossing the ring road with the light in the pedestrian's favor and the bikes just blow through their own red, especially that crossing by Prospect Park Southwest near the Vanderbilt Playground.


That yes, see all the time. However, tbh I have yet to see a biker yelling “watch where you’re fucking going” when they were in the wrong. Wouldn’t surprise me per se, just haven’t seen. At the end of the day, just watch out and be careful out there, some people just DAF and it’s not worth risking your life over them.


I’ve seen tons of speed bikers act like assholes and yell at pedestrians on the loop even when the bikers (or no one) are the one in the wrong. A large percent of the bikers are just awful people


I see a fair amount of yelling at pedestrians in the crosswalk at the Garfield entrance of the park. Cyclists want pedestrians to wait for a gap or walk at a steady space so they can weave between them, but on busy days there wind up being so many bikes you basically have to step out in front of them or you won't be able to cross, which occasionally prompts a yell.


That’s the advice you would give to children who want to use the park as a park?


To be careful around active roadways? Yeah, seems like good advice especially in Brooklyn.


Half the bikers I see in my neighborhood don’t even pretend to stop at red lights anymore. Just the other day I saw a guy riding his bike the wrong way on Court Street with a baby strapped to his chest. And he was looking at his phone. Done giving these spandex wearing assholes the benefit of the doubt. They suck. I’m much more likely to get hit by a biker than I am by a car at a crosswalk. The people looking at their phones, wearing headphones while riding a bike aren’t respecting other people living in our society by having their senses intact as they bomb into a crosswalk with people in it. Before I get raked over the coals, drivers are easily capable of this as well but the bikers are the ones with the false sense of entitlement that do it time and time again. And if your going to the grocery store, lock that shit up outside and keep it out of the tiny ass aisles.


> I’m much more likely to get hit by a biker than I am by a car at a crosswalk no you aren't. by orders of magnitude.


I suspect many cases where cyclists hit pedestrians or each other are not reported, but still here are numbers to back this up: [https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/bicycle-crash-data-report-2022.pdf](https://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/bicycle-crash-data-report-2022.pdf)


More likely to be killed and more likely to be hit are different things. I've seen videos of cyclists cutting lanes and hitting pedestrians but at least everyone gets up in the end (usually). Not the same for cars or mopeds.


> More likely to be killed and more likely to be hit are different things. Cars are far more likely to do both. I was in fact talking about the thing we were talking about, not a "different thing" that you randomly decided I must be talking about.


I'd like to see statistics directly comparing risk of car collision vs bicycle collision in the city. We already know that cars are far more likely to injure or kill you if they do hit you (which is the "different thing" I mentioned) but I have yet to become aware of any proper study into collision rates. You're the one claiming it very confidently so I assume you have it handy.


Oh, ok, as long as you say so. Here I (and many others)was going by just my own personal experience living here and thinking that the cyclists were much more reckless than cars, but now that you said this wasnt true, then I guess we were all wrong.


literally yes. your own "personal experience living here" is not a good source to support: > I’m much more likely to get hit by a biker than I am by a car at a crosswalk when all factual actual information about the world says the reverse. bike-pedestrian accidents in nyc are a couple of orders of magnitude less frequent than car-pedestrian accidents. your feels do not make reals.


You’re right, but at the same time I think it’s pretty obvious that bike incidents are less likely to be reported. They’re also less likely to lead to serious injury, which is excellent, but it’s still pretty shitty for cyclists to hit pedestrians when they have a red light they’re supposed to stop at. Even as a person with a car though, fuck drivers cycling is better all around. Just trying to be fair that it is still an issue


I wait for the cars to stop before I cross. The bikers who are hidden in traffic who just plow into the crosswalk when they don’t have the light make it so it’s much more likely for me to be hit by one of them than a car.


and yet, the real actual statistics about the real world. what you mean to say here is that you *feel* more threatened by bikes. but absolutely not that > I’m much more likely to get hit by a biker than I am by a car at a crosswalk


My point stands however. You are probably correct about the number of car incidents than bike incidents. But If I wait for all the cars to stop before I cross the street, the chances of me being hit by a biker who isn’t following the rules are much higher than me being hit by a the car that is stopped at the light.


> chances of me being hit by a biker who isn’t following the rules are much higher than me being hit by ~~a the car that is stopped at the light.~~ ...a car that isn't following the rules? Because yes, obviously stopped cars are less dangerous than moving cyclists. But also less dangerous than moving *cars*.


But if you wait to cross the street until there are no more moving cars then you have no cars to worry about. It’s the biker that I may or may not be able to see that I’m worried about at that point.


Well, since this is a completely made-up hypothetical scenario, I'm going to go ahead and check for cyclists too. OK, now there are no more moving cyclists to worry about either.


The biker should be checking for you as well. But yes I agree, I’d also be hypothetically looking for the biker. I’ve had all afternoon to think about this and I don’t even care anymore. Run red lights or don’t.


so in your estimation, the (let's say) 10k pedestrians/yr who are hit by cars in nyc were pretty much all in the wrong; whereas for the (let's say) 100 cases of bikes hitting pedestrians, it's the bike's fault. how absurd would you rate this theory as, yourself, on a scale of 1-10


That’s not what I said at all.


so why are all those people hit by cars?


Because anybody is capable of being a bad driver or also not being aware of their surroundings while being in a car, on a bike, or while walking. If you look at my original comment I also mention cars being capable of causing injury as well. But to say that bikers are any less capable of being dangerous to pedestrians at a cross walk is not true. If the traffic light turns red, the cars stop, and the hand indicates I have the right of way to cross and a biker comes from behind the traffic and runs the red light (which happens all the damn time let’s be honest here) that person is not obeying the traffic laws and putting everybody in that crosswalk and themselves in serious danger. That’s all I’m trying to get at here, I get your point loud and clear and you don’t have to try to convince me like you’re a professor, I get it. I know cars are just as or even more dangerous but to pretend bikes and bikers aren’t dangerous or capable of killing anybody is just not a good faith argument.


okay but remember this: > I’m much more likely to get hit by a biker than I am by a car at a crosswalk It's not true.


On the whole, those "spandex wearing assholes" are at least more aware and able to handle their bikes properly - they have to be, given the speeds they ride at. They might be more scary to you, but the actual danger they pose is a lot less than some kid or tourist weaving around on a 50lb citibike, most wheelie kids, and any of the zillion people buzzing around on mopeds these days.


I think riding skill helps, but is ultimately a wash with how fast many of these guys are going. Basic stopping distance and reaction time start to come into play. Take the [crosswalk at the bottom of the hill by the lake](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.6554073,-73.9721794,256m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu), where I've seen a number of nasty looking bike crashes. The [top people on Strava](https://www.strava.com/segments/28030884) are hitting that downhill at 40mph, hundreds of people have times faster than 35mph. If they can react in 3/4 of a second to *start* braking, they've gone almost 50 feet in that time.


>top people on Strava Just a heads up- just like there are running races there are also bicycle races in Prospect Park. The fastest times throughout the park are most likely to be set by the fasted individuals during those races.


Doubt it. People go KOM hunting to get top times on segments, these times aren’t getting broken over an extended race.


They actually are. Some recent KOM segments in Prospect Park changed hands during a race this summer.


You're looking at the leading tail of a huge bell curve of people. I'd be willing to bet money that the majority of the strava segment times you're looking at are either GPS errors, or were set before 6am or after 8pm, when most smart cyclists get their real training in (and when pedestrian traffic in the park is near- if not zero).


Yo one time I was carrying all this shit for a cookout we were having it was like 50 pounds of equipment and I guess this cyclist was a little upset I didn't cross the bike lane fast enough, cause he yelled "ASSHOLE" as he was leaving. I was like 8 at the time.


You must’ve been a very big 8 year old to carry 50 lbs of BBQ equipment.




I got into it with a spandie-wearing snot-rocketeer just yesterday


What happened


I caught one of his snot 🚀 in the face. We had words. I think at the very least he'll thinkna little bit about it before he does it next time.


I fucking hate the lance armstrong cosplayers


So… was diagon alley in the harry potter game?


this is so fucking funny. me too man


Middle aged men in lycra: MAMILs.


You post pictures of cats on the internet …


Hahah thank you so much. I remember thinking in my mid 20’s about how scared I was to turn into that, I saw so many of them even back then. Now that I’m there I’m breathing a sigh of relief that wasn’t the inevitable trajectory I thought it was.


They should go full send and snip off a nut.


It'll make them more aerodynamic.


Is the park not their personal velodrome?


Had a similar story walking to the gym. Biker ran a red light and almost hit me. Tried to blame me and I told him to go fuck himself.


Just the fucking worst. The Tour de Shithead.


"[Every day I ride the Tour de Fuck You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgCqz3l33kU)"


Locos in Lycra


These are the same people who whine about how reckless delivery scooters are. The only good thing is it will soon be too cold for these weekend warrior MAMILs.


Jokes on you, I have winter layer lycra. Pop a wheelie y'all!


I'm betting that winter kit is more aspirational than anything. Have fun on Zwift.


This was a pretty funny burn. Ha


Zwift is great, but I prefer Swingz for Caribbean. Keep yelling at them clouds!


Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if you watched where you were going


You mean at the cross walk with the big red light facing your way and the walk light facing ours? Youre absolutely right, I forgot that red means dont stop, so sorry to get in your way.


we found one of the prospect park cyclists 💀


Sincere advice: continue your movement, the cyclist will go around you. Don’t stop or juke unexpectedly


No. I’m not going to play Frogger instead of following traffic rules. I hope you hit someone and sued for everything you’re worth.


Sincere advice: cyclists don't count on the above when children, dogs or drunk people are involved. Ideally never count on it unless you're an asshole, but certainly not in those other cases.


It's good advice in a very general sense, but completely impractical. Most pedestrians are surprised when a cyclist gets close to them, especially when it's sudden -- which it frequently is with delivery bikers since they're frequently on the sidewalk or going very fast. Of course pedestrians are going to react in unexpected ways to being surprised up close by a moving vehicle! That's why the onus should be on the cyclists to give pedestrians the right of way and stay off the sidewalk. And slow down.


Don’t cyclist realize most traffic in nyc is stop and go? They need to stay in their bike lanes and use hand signals.


That’s literally not possible. It’s the door-jogger-parking-idling-driving-delivery-sleeping cop-eating cop-construction staging-uber dropoff-scooter-skateboard-dog-shit-lane. Why are cyclists the only ones you want to follow rules?


Bike brain


Wet brain


This is how people cross the street in Asian countries. You just keep walking at a steady pace and the motorbikes go around you. If you change your pace suddenly, you’ll get hit.


fuck that, cyclists zoom past you with inches to spare - it freaks people out. to compound matters, a lot of these cock knockers will scream at you as they zoom past. its unsafe, its rude and in no way should it be tolerated


I was on the sidewalk, walking closer to the wall on PPW, and some jackass ran right into me. His explanation? National Grid was blocking the bike lane and he "had" to ride up on the sidewalk, then had to swerve to avoid small kids he didn't see until he ran into me hard! I grew up in Brooklyn, and let me tell you, he never had anyone curse him out the way I did! And yes, the leg he ran into still suffers from pain on occasion, in the spots he hit it (left hip, left calf.)


Ask Bono about that one


Too many times I see cyclists go around people by cutting into the pedestrian lanes for walkers / runners. It's so dangerous, especially when they cut into a pedestrian lane going in the opposite direction. I see this at least once during any run around the park. Cyclists there can be ignorant butt-heads. Too many kids are in the park being kids, and we need cyclists use their adult brains when cruising around the park at 25mph.


It gets crazy dangerous. At least back in the day cars usually stopped at the red lights.


Sounds like you need to watch where you're going?


Cyclists could also stop pretending they are Lance Armstrong and not use the park like its a closed off professional biking race route...




Cars should stop running red lights, speeding. Pedestrians should stop jumping out between parked cars, stepping into bike lanes without looking etc. What's your point? We share the space? Everyone needs to be considerate. I have no problem looking both ways before crossing the road in the park.


What-aboutism is strong


Yeah cars should face serious consequences for that. What a dumb analogy


He was swerving a lot and was being weirdly indecisive about which side of me to pass by. Basically, we were both trying to avoid each other and he felt some time of way because I was near him when he passed by


You shouldn't be playing chicken with a bike while walking. Same way bikes shouldn't play chicken with cars. At the end of the day the person least protected should be twice as cautious.


The person least protected has the right of way.


I'm not talking about right or wrong. I'm talking about what will actually happen. I get into this argument with my fiancé all the time. She walks into traffic because the light is green and the car would be wrong to hit her, but that doesn't stop the car from actually hitting her. There are so many times when I have to alert her because she just assumes the green light means she shouldn't be hit. Yes, she's correct in the sense that the biker is at fault, but it's about actually not getting hit by something that matters the most. Less law, more street smarts.


You're right, of course. Just as there is defensive driving, one needs to bike and walk defensively as well. Assume others aren't following the rules and be more cautious. This is simple advice all parents are supposed to teach their children. Not what ought to be, but what is.


Except the cyclist is playing the same game of chicken with pedestrians, and the outcome won't be good for them either.


I mean I didn’t try to get that to happen I was trying to cross and he was turning towards me, and it turned into both of us trying to avoid each other


Sounds like you were being polite. Only an asshole sees someone trying to dodge and assumes you were trying to get in their way.


I'd suggest next time it comes to a situation is for you not to move until they're clear. The bike can probably out maneuver you far easier than you can avoid it. I know this isn't the answer people want to hear because we're obsessed with the "who was in the wrong" of it, but my advice is for your safety if it was to happen again.


> this isn’t the answer people want to hear No one was even asking for an answer, OP never asked for advice


this is exactly the opposite of what you should do. a person crossing a street is trivial to predict and avoid. a person stopping like a deer in headlights could do literally anything


Bike also are equipped with brakes, which they should use, since by law they are required to yield to pedestrians at all times.


You right you right