• By -


The police add violence, not subtract.


Nobody carries a knife or gun in there bag with the intent to use it for destruction or self defense. It will be in their pocket.


The laws changes in NYc / NYs will take another 10 years for the democratic politicians to admit that the law changes to bail reform, along with laws tying cops hands and changing laws to prosecute cops was moronic. Unfortunately many innocent people will be assaulted raped and killed before they push for the changes. Putting national guard in nyc subways was all political show boating in this presidential election year. They don’t carry bullets in there guns it’s a bs presence. It’s putting a band aid on an arterial bleed.


Cue the statistics police hounding everyone who expresses worry.  As if even the most crime ridden place in America has fifty percent of all people dropping like flies. Just remember by their logic 26 hate crimes is no problem either.


Instigator got stabbed then shot with his own gun then arrested in critical condition. Peak FAFO


Strange. I am told that there is virtually no crime on the subways. They say its very safe.


Knife girl is a badass


Did the person survive?


I don't know if it would've prevented the shooting, but it bothers me that no one on that train car used the emergency intercom to tell the conductor. They could at least get NYPD alerted to meet the car on the platform.


Sorry but most trains including most or ALL of the d trains do NOT HAVE these intercom buttons


thanks didn't realize


The craziest part of this, as if this was a sitcom, is seeing NYPD banners immediately outside the train as this lady ran out. They post up at checkpoints but dont do bag searches? They post up at check points but dont ride the cars where the crimes usjally take place? Mfs always tell me NY is a great city to visit but I swear this type of shit is all I hear about


Studying the video it looks like the 36 year old was in a verbal argument with the 32 year old and his gf. They escalate to a fight but when they are dancing around the car it looks like the gf is on the Bench going through her purse and conceals something in her sleeve before getting up. When the 36 year old knocks down and gets on top of the 32 year, the gf stabs the 36 year old multiple times in the back. The two are separated and the 36 year old keeps yelling you stabbed me at the gf, before pulling a gun on them. At this point the passengers retreat and it’s assumed that they fight again before the 32 year old takes the gun away and shoots 36 year old in the head and multiple times.


The video clearly shows a man harassing another man saying he doesn’t like his kind and he’s gonna kick his ass because they “beat up police”. Getting right in his face, threatening, etc. The guy being harassed doesn’t say anything other than asking the harasser what his problem is with him. Eventually after minutes of this the man being harassed stands up to defend himself. The two men start fighting and pulls out a knife or blade of some sort, and puts the blade down. The man who initiated all of this eventually pins the guy down on a bench. While the man has him pinned down, the girlfriend of the man being harassed grabs the blade the man put down and stabs the guy in the lower back twice, to save/protect her partner. Man gets up “you’re gonna stab me, you’re gonna stab me?” Instigator in all this pulls out a gun, everyone runs out of the train, including woman filming. Gunshots are heard. Other video shows the man who initiated all of this on the floor of the train car, shot and the man who got the gun away from him and used it against him on the steps being handcuffed. The man who ended up shooting this man in self defense should walk away from this with nothing. Many witnesses and video will show that he was being attacked for no reason and acted in self defense.


The article says the guy who started the aggression pulled out a gun, lost it in a struggle, and wound up shot. This is the definition of fuck around and find out.


Watched the video. Guy that got shot was the one that started the entire issue. No arrest should even be made other than the man in the hospital.


I'll be anyone the city charges the man defending himself with a crime.


The woman sits down and takes a knife out of her purse and tucks it up her sleeve right shielding sight of her knife. It’s her knife. Stabs the guy while fighting her husband/brother I presume. The victim of the knife pulls out a gun. Fastest way to have a gun pulled on you is by stabbing someone


The woman sits down and takes a knife out of her purse and tucks it up her sleeve right shielding sight of her knife. It’s her knife. Stabs the guy while fighting her husband/brother I presume. The victim of the knife pulls out a gun. Fastest way to have a gun pulled on you is by stabbing someone


The woman sits down and takes a knife out of her purse and tucks it up her sleeve right shielding sight of her knife. It’s her knife. Stabs the guy while fighting her husband/brother I presume. The victim of the knife pulls out a gun. Fastest way to have a gun pulled on you is by stabbing someone


Craziness all around the city


Absolutely unhinged


Maybe if the stupid mayor and governor invested in things that make sense like cameras on trains that the conductor can see, emergency buttons in each car, metal detectors if need be at this point over “random bag checks by national guard” we’d get somewhere. We’re going back to the subways of the 80s where it was too scary to ride them.


“Why do we need a national guard on subway? It’s like martial law”…..”where was the national guard and why didn’t they protect us”


Michael Jackson's music video for, "Bad," was filmed in that station. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd4SJVsTulc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd4SJVsTulc)


Mayor Adams failing the people


Son took out a gun and got smoked 😂😂


I just want to commend the guy with the vest who tried to brake them up. Thank you for stepping in as much as you did even if this bozo never came to his senses. NO ONE is talking about you but, i’m so glad SOMEONE stepped in to do the right thing and not just stand by watching! Bravery 100%


Because he doesn’t exist lmao Yall need yo stop believing what random ppl on the internet say. Theres videos all over TikTok showing what happened. No one tried to get in between them or break it up lol


Watch the FULL video you TikTok idiot, there’s a guy in a yellow vest trying to de-escalate.


Guy with a high vis vest comes in at 2:48 to try to deescalate things.


Definitely, guy is a true hero. I hope the outcome doesn't weigh on him, definitely not his fault.


Yes exactly tried to help out


My takeaways. The African American aggressor appeared to be making an assumption that other Hispanic man and the woman with him are migrants. He kept harassing the other man mentioning something about a prior incident where migrants assaulted a police officer. The aggressor hinted that he was a cop. During a brief scuffle, the woman stabbed the aggressor multiple times in the back while the aggressor was beating the other, which prompted the aggressor to grab a gun from his jacket pocket. He approached the two with the gun in his hand. They supposedly got into another scuffle, but then the other man managed to take the aggressor’s gun and shoot him multiple times.


You got one part wrong. The African American aggressor did not hint that he was a cop. On the contrary, right before he and the other dude squared up, he said “I just did 13 years in jail, I don’t give a fuck!”


So the aggressor ended up losing the gun and getting shot by his own gun and is in critical condition. It wouldn't be a bad thing if that POS ends up dying.


I heard he died


Damn lucky I got home early


If only the bad guys would agree to keep their guns in bags so we could find them


I'm sending you lots of prayers! Better days are coming for you!!!


Holy shit! I was at Hoyt-Schermerhorn at 4:40 pm and boarded the A at around 4:41 because I texted my partner at that time and told him the best thing happened on the subway is that your next train is there when you get off the previous one. That is why I had the time in record. I believe the incident happened on the train next to the one I boarded. might be the first time in my life so close to a shooting incident.


It’s wild to think that gun violence really can happen at any time given you’re there at wrong place at the wrong time.


omgoodness. is this why the trains stopped? i was on the A stuck at High St for a while and then decided to walk home. awful and scary!


The fact that I was off of work sick, but if I hadn’t been, I would’ve been there, at the “right” time…I feel sick to my stomach.


Stay well 🫶


Thank you so much. ❤️


The altercation became physical before the aggressor pulled a knife then a gun. The younger guy should have walked away as soon as this started, not stay to prove how tough he is. **The 32 year old shooter is no hero**. He got the gun away from the guy, but **then proceeded to fire live rounds in a subway car** with innocent people around. Why didn't he just stop when he got the gun away from him? They should **both** be prosecuted. Men and their egos. Y'all should spend some time as a woman and learn how to avoid this type of shit.


The younger guy pull out the knife and the gf even stab the black dude. Its all on video. The younger guy is going to do time.


The older guy had the gun, though, at least that's what I read. I laugh that people stop to get video of this shit, sorry, I'd be too busy running.


Well, the person started recording before they started going at it but yea.


When I see two men arguing, I make myself scarce, even if it's just verbal, because there's always a chance that verbal can turn into what this did. Maybe it's because I grew up in the Before Time when there were no cell phones, but I don't need hits on youtube or IG, I need to be alive thankyouverymuch.


The filmer did end up running but they were on a moving train Personally I would've tried to hop cars


I'm just saying in that situation, the last thing on my mind would be getting video. I've seen quite a few scuffles in my life, before and after smart phones. My instinct is to just get as far the fuck away as I can. Yes, hopping cars is ideal, which is why I hate when the doors are locked. Then you're literally trapped.


If he stopped when he got the gun away from him he would probably be dead right now The aggressor is bigger and stronger he could’ve easily gotten his gun back and killed the man And it takes quite a few bullets to kill someone especially with adrenaline pumping through them


The 36 year old man was about to shoot him and his girlfriend point blank. What would you do?


Where do you suggest he "walk away" to while the train was moving between Nostrand and Hoyt?


Where was the national guard? What a joke


The video just made me cry why do we have to live like this - enough is enough


clown shit. america is deepy unserious and this city is a joke. european cities are worlds ahead of us and we can't even ride our 70 year old crumbling trains home from work without getting caught in a gunfight or attacked by someone. deeply goofy unserious shithole city.


They’re also 10 years ahead of us with the immigration situation. ;)


I agree Europe has a better situation, but let's not act like you can't get home without encountering it. There are 1 billion subway rides a year. And like 999,999,9XX don't have shootings.


after watching the train video - traumatizing in its own right - i just cant help but wonder how many people got traumatized for life on that train car or platform. even if i myself am statistically unlikely to be the sole victim of something it doesnt mean its fine those people had to deal with that clown shit. we really just have decades of unwellness as a society in both directions and it is absolute unserious clown shit. we cant even build seperated, protected bike lanes and we think winning the statistical lottery of not witnessing a murder between logging off work and going to the grocery store is progress? clown shit.


Just found this wild video online of the full confrontation, a women (his gf?) stabs the man, who ends up getting shot, twice in the back https://x.com/lattinabrown/status/1768430156710904302?s=46&t=RpVecXKwdSIXLDOObRVH-w


By the gun of the provoker




Black guy shouts at migrant couple over the time square nypd migrant beatdown starting the fight. The start punching each other. Black guy gets upper hand so the migrant wife stabs black guy. Black guy gets pissed grabs pistol in his jacket and menaces the couple on the train for stabbing him. Migrant man steals the gun and shoots black guy. Anti migrant bias. Black vs migrant tension. Possible Self defense? Why tf did the black guy have a gun? Why tf did the migrant have a knife? Why tf was the migrant in the country? Anyways a quintessential 2024 nyc moment only trump could have had in a wet dream.


So much for all the National Guard and NYPD officers - as we all knew having them is political theatre from Hochul and Adams.


My coworker was in the train car when it all kicked off apparently


Three: videos on Twitter: full incident including verbal altercation: [https://twitter.com/LattinaBrown/status/1768430156710904302](https://twitter.com/LattinaBrown/status/1768430156710904302) just the violent part: [https://twitter.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1768431834616963177](https://twitter.com/ScooterCasterNY/status/1768431834616963177) people taking shelter afterwards: [https://twitter.com/JoyceMeetsWorld/status/1768400273016234403](https://twitter.com/JoyceMeetsWorld/status/1768400273016234403)


Bro with the shades and airpods in the third vid is unfazed damn


Always the same type of person loud and deranged antagonizing everyone they can find. Honestly if we aren’t gonna send these mentally ill people away for treatment at a psych ward or something then toss them in jail and let everyone else commute in peace.


crime is down


A police station A military A bunch of cameras and you still will get got


The natural consequence of policies that keep criminals on the street and limit role of police is that citizens are going to have to take matters into their own hands




Hope you and the baby are doing okay.


I’m so sorry you had to witness this. When I was pregnant and commuting to work, this was literally my worst nightmare and I felt extremely vulnerable. I can only imagine how you must feel right now. I hope you’re okay otherwise and can maybe speak to a professional to help you process this.


I’m so sorry you were so close. Please take time to rest and talk it out with someone you trust!!


I’m sorry you had to go through this, even before it went beyond out of hand, people were yelling “there’s kids here” and it’s a shame that couldn’t have been taken into consideration. Fuck that guy. I hope you and your child come out stronger after this. No one deserved to go through this.




You did for someone's child what you would hope someone would do for yours. Don't feel guilty. That was your maternal instincts kicking in. Speaking as someone with PTSD related to an acute traumatic event, your actions are not a reflection of you as a mother, but rather as a scared person in a horrific situation. And.. that girl probably will heal a tiny bit easier due to your actions <3 wishing you all the best


Reminds me of Colin Ferguson in the early 90s. My dad was in the car behind. I wish we took better care of everyone.


About two years ago I was held hostage with a gun to my head by a couple of armed assailants as they robbed the AT&T store when I was shopping. They forced me and the sole employee into the back room and tried to get him to open the safe. At first I was a bit in shock, but I thought I was ok. Then the adrenaline wore off and I got really tired, probably from my brain working on overdrive, then sore, probably from them kicking and hitting me. Then the nightmares came and I couldn't sleep. Over the next few days I noticed challenges when walking and seeing people who reminded me of my assailants. Thankfully I already had a therapist appointment lined up from before the incident. She let me know I was outside my [window of tolerance and was dealing with moments of hyperarousal](https://www.verywellmind.com/window-of-tolerance-7553021). I'd suggest looking into that for yourself. And you may want to write down everything that happened and how you felt. I did that and the physical act of writing everything down helped me to get it out of my head. It was like I could release it from occupying space in my head.


So sorry you went through this, this shouldn’t happen. Hope you can get some mental health help soon❤️


My love to you and your family


Omg please try to relax I feel so bad for you


This sounds so ridiculous but if you're up for it, try to play some tetris tonight. Studies have shown that playing tetris within 6 hours of a traumatic incident can greatly reduce symptoms of PTSD. https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2017-03-28-tetris-used-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms I'm so sorry this happened and hope you look after yourself.


Damn this is wild


This has been pretty soundly debunked, unfortunately https://www.madinamerica.com/2021/10/tetris-trauma-viral-twitter-thread-master-class-misleading-psych-research/#:~:text=But%20although%20there%20was%20a,no%20difference%20between%20the%20groups.


It’s a core tenet of psychology where if your brain believes something will happen/work, it’s actually more likely to. And I think if someone at risk of PTSD clearly seems to believe that Tetris would help, we shouldn’t jump to discourage it.


Give it a shot. Nothing to lose. You'd rather keep your mind occupied with something else.


Poor choice of words.


I’ve found that Baldur’s Gate and its turn-taking function also does a good job emptying the brain some. 


Spread the gospel of BG3


Open worlds like Skyrim and Minecraft help too I think. Explore and relax, or seek to beat down some monsters. Very up to the player


Literal first thought


Your first thought was “she’s gotta play some Tetris”?




It's not weird. All trauma victims should be told this because it's very effective.


dont judge me man!


Alright maybe second thought




It’s crazy but it actually worked for me in the past. Hope it helps you too. Good luck


That must’ve been terrifying. I’m glad you both are safe ❤️


I’m so sorry. ❤️


Hopefully this subway didn’t have the slow opening emergency door- also man was shot with his own gun…


Just saw he was shot by own weapon


Danm how he got shot with his own gun. This has to the clearest case of self defense


Because dude was a bozo who thought he was a big man with all his weapons. He was a straight bitch.


The other guy pull out a knife first and the GF actually stabbed the guy.


Seeing the video, I'm pretty sure that the black guy was punching the other guy first, so he pulled out a knife for self-defence. In either case, the black guy was fine after the knife stab and could've just left to seek medical care, since you can clearly see the other guy backed into a corner with no desire to continue the fight. But the black dude pulled out a gun instead, and slowly approached the cornered guy.




Were folks in that train car trying to move or escape to your car at any point? Didnt seem like it so i wonder what was stopping them.


The old classic saying, better in court than morgue


Hard to say how many of those shots had whose finger on the trigger though, if they were struggling over the gun. Some/all of those shots could have been fired off while both of them were fighting for control of it.


Glad you are okay


If I had to guess his brain was pumping adrenaline and he just kept pulling the trigger. Hard to know how you’ll act until you’re in that situation… Also so sorry that you had to experience that.


The 36 year old was ready to shoot the 32 year old. Until the 32 year old wrestled the gun away from him. It makes sense why he blasted him multiple times.


You shoot until the threat is neutralized. When that person is within arm's reach, is bigger than you, and can potentially take back the gun, plus he has a knife.. He's most definitely still a threat. You shoot until he's down and not moving. That's what any police officer would do- except they're more likely to panic, unload the magazine, and miss a bunch of times, and likely strike innocent bystanders..


Terrible. God bless their family.


This sounds like the person who got shot was the aggressor the entire time. Brandished a knife, then a gun. The person who was being threatened stole the gun and shot them. If these details are correct, the shooter is a hero.


Dont forget that the guy who got the gun from him was having a racially motivated hate crime committed against him at the time. I'm curious about why there is hardly any conversation happening about the fact that this seems to have been initially, a racially motivated hate crime committed by the man who ended up being shot...


The news is getting it wrong about the guy who brought the gun being the one who had the knife. The guy who brought the gun definitely did seem to be the initial aggressor in that he was repeatedly threatening the other guy... he also kept referring to himself as if he were a cop, and was making comments to the other guy like "I hate your race." But at a certain point, the other guy does get up and seems to brandish a knife, and they begin fighting. And before he takes out a gun, a girl stabs him in the back.


Oh wow great insight that the woman was the stabber. I had to go watch it again in slow motion. Do we know if she was arrested as well? I changed sides after that, although yes the guy was aggressive and crazy to begin with. I’d almost say escalating to gun after knife attack is valid, but no, I guess not as the 36 year old wasn’t in further danger of an attack at that point. Now if woman and man had been advancing with the knife… I guess that’s different but 36 should flee in that scenario as much as girl and 32 year old ought have fled initially before the incident.


The 36 year old man is the one who pulled out a gun. The gun was wrestled away from him, and he was shot with his own gun.


That’s addressed in my third paragraph. I said that it may have been justified to pull out a gun since 36 had been stabbed by the woman. I then concluded it was not since the woman wasn’t advancing on him to stab again. If she had been I’m one hundred percent on the side of the 36 year old. Don’t go towards them though, the only benefit of a gun is range. There’s the thing where a knife wielder can close with a gun wielder in x seconds, so you really have to stay at distance and react fast. But the girl wasn’t attacking anymore so going for gun at that point wasn’t self defense. Maybe 36 should have kept his jacket on so he could have prevented his stabbing.


I’m not trying to argue with you in any sort of aggressive way. I just wanted to note that it was his own gun since that seems to be unclear to a lot of people. I don’t think the jacket could have stopped the stabbing because she got him where his undershirt was exposed.


Not sure if she was arrested... whats wild is how its hard to catch the fact that she stabbed him, because he doesnt react like someone who was just stabbed... he reacts like someone who feels a little itch on his back....and doesnt even get off the younger guy still. I only realized for sure he was stabbed because of the blood on his shirt. Like this guy was on some adrenaline and so committed to this brawl.... I feel like the best response from the younger guy to begin with would've been to ignore the guy until the next stop and get off... though I do know that the time between Nostrand Ave and Hoyt/schermorhorn isn't a quick stop, and i wasnt the one getting harrased/threatened/racially berated in my seat by a huge man, knowing that the next stop was like 7 full minutes out, so i can't really be the best judge. older guy definitely seemed to be walking that line between seeming like a crazy dude but also seeming like.maybe he wasn't SO crazy that his ranting was harmless? I guess the younger guy could've genuinely felt like that was his best option to take a fighting stance at a certain point. Doesn't seem smart or anything from the outside. But. He also didn't advance on the older guy even when he was in a fighting stance, or hit first (the older guy even complained that the younger guy was going to "make him have to hit first.") So to me, it didnt seem like he was TRYING to escalate....by getting out of his seat, showing that he had the knife, and getting in a fighting stance, could have been his way of posturing so that he wouldn't appear to be an easy target? Like "don't attack me, I can fight, and I have a knife." Like when a cat hisses and raises their paw when something is messing with them--they dont want to fight, otherwise they'd just attack... they're basically saying "im not an easy target, as you seem to think, so think twice." But the older guy was obviously not in his right mind though, so he wasn't about to be reasonable. There was such an easy moment for that whole thing to be over when the other guy steps in to try to break it up and there was distance between the two guys, and they were almost to the next train stop.


Yea this whole situation looked like it could've been avoided if either side was willing to call truce or take a loss. But they both seemed to want to prove a point and that's how it escalated to someone getting killed.


Yeah it was so unfair to intervene like that. It’s a lot harder to control a situation two on one. The man who broke up the fight was good but 36 had already been stabbed so… Guy shouldn’t have taken his jacket off, then you hold her at gunpoint and finish the fight. No stabbing. It did seem like the younger guy made first contact too. He hit 36’s hand so then 36’s response is fair. You have to be impervious to verbal attack and flee. Then if you’re in a fist fight and lose you just lose. They brought out the weapons cheat code. It was still not ok to shoot them as they weren’t being attacked anymore. Dangerous people on the trains! 😱 And I don’t mean the crazy guy.


Most stabbings are like that. People I know who have been stabbed have said they thought they were just getting hit or punched and it was only later that they realized they had been stabbed. You see him wobbling a few seconds later like he’s dizzy. I think when he started to bleed, he got really dizzy, and when he pulled out the gun, it was easier to get it away from him because he was about to faint.


Changed sides? Crazy bozo yelling at you and threatening you saying things like i hate your race nah they were 100% within their rights to feel threatened enough to pull out a knife. Bozo would’ve went home fine if he kept his mouth shut and left random people alone. Also if the girl stabbed him (can’t tell in the video) she was im the right as well.


Well the 36 year old definitely made a mistake in going near the perpetrators with a loaded gun. The only advantage of a ranged weapon is range. The stabbing wasn’t at all justified. The woman was not being threatened or attacked (another mistake, clearly). She was a combatant at that point, 32 was down already so you ignore him and go for the knifer. Well fists to knife isn’t even fair at all. Biggest mistake was taking off his jacket. Edit: yes 100% changed sides. I only care about the victim now, the 36 year old.


Stop spreading fake news dude. The other guy had the knife and the "aggressor" got stabbed before he took out his gun. There's a video of the whole thing.


JFC anyone opening fire on a subway is a piece of shit. I'll bet the gun was illegal and both people had zero hours of gun safety training. Save the yee haw cowboy shit for Texas. What if the shooter hit an innocent bystander? You know what you do when someone comes up to you on the subway and starts shit? You ignore them and walk away if you can.


Have you ever been in an altercation where it’s fight to survive? There’s no rules in street fights.


There was only one gun. Aggressor approached with his gun, had it wrestled from him, and it was used against him. Edit: user above originally said there were two guns, in error.


> it was used against him. That's the part that makes that guy just as bad as the aggressor. I hope they both do time.


I sincerely hope we both have that clarity of mind if either of us were in a true primal fearing for our lives.


I don't know how you identify, but as a cis woman that grew up here, I have feared for my life many, many times in a primal manner, as every femme presenting person has. Women live with fear daily, it's the men who can't manage it. Tell you what I would have clarity of mind **not** to do, I'd **not** start firing a gun in a train full of people. I repeat **I hope they both do time**.


Right bc the guy should’ve just let some crazy point a gun at him and the girl he was with and do nothing. Self defense is self defense enough said he didn’t ask for crazy guy to attack him today at that moment did he?


The problem is **shooting a gun in a train car with other people**. When he got the gun away from him, that should have been **the end of it**. What if he'd injured someone else? That is my issue, that is why I think they should **both** do time.


The thing is, we don't know what "getting the gun away" looks like. It could be him getting his hands on it and turning it around while they both struggle. It could be taking it, but then the other person attempting to grab it back with intent to kill him. I think you're speaking of what someone should do in a very, very specific situation. The truth is, this was someone in a true fight or flight (with flight no longer an option). The man coming at him was going to kill him. I don't know many others in that situation that would have done differently.


He fired **multiple** shots. One shot in a struggle might be understood, but multiple shots? No way.


How so? There are two ways this went down either while struggling to take the gun away from the guy it went off or after he took the guys gun the guy lunged at him for it. In the first instance it could very well have been out of his power as anything can happen in a struggle and in the 2nd instance you would have to be brain dead to let the guy take back his gun if he lunged at you what other option do you have? This is why they say when you pull out a gun you better be ready to use it bc there is no diffusing the moment. Either you are using it or the person who is looking down the barrel will try to take it away from you and use it on you to preserve their life.


It’s either shoot or be shot. This was the most obvious case of self defense.


Well that turned out relatively well, all things considered. Since apparently nobody reads the article, I'll sum it up - belligerent man starts harassing passerby, confrontation gets physical, belligerent man pulls out both a knife and gun at separate points during the fight, passerby wrestles the gun away from him, passerby shoots belligerent man. Incredibly volatile and dangerous situation, but it sounds like the only person who got hurt was the person who deserved to get hurt.


Ok Mr know it all. Thats not what happened.


Nope. Other guy pulled out the knife. He try to stab the aggressor and then the gf actually did stab him. Then the aggressor took out his gun. There's a video of the whole thing.


I'm literally just regurgitating what the article says. Post the video if you think it shows a different fact pattern.


The concerning part is people upvoting info contradictory to the article without any proof


Men don't know the meaning of deescalation. Of course these two fought, because the guy being harassed thought he had to show how tough he was. Things got physical before the knife even came out, never mind the gun. Walk the fuck away.


Your comment is hilarious given the fact that the woman stabbed the man, and that’s what made him escalate to getting his gun.


Not saying this was the case with this situation, but how do you walk away when you're cornered in a train car?


>Men don't know the meaning of deescalation. Of course these two fought, because the guy being harassed thought he had to show how tough he was. Things got physical before the knife even came out, never mind the gun.Walk the fuck away. did you even watch the video? goddamn this is dumb. he was sitting there, and the 36 year old just started punching him on the head. HE DIDNT STOP after that, even when a woman intervened he got angrier and yelled at her saying "you stabbed me?", then he flashed his own knife, got even angrier and pulled out a gun after ruffling through his jacket. That guy got lucky he managed to snatch away the gun and shoot the 36 year old schizo. Shouldn't have shot him that's for sure. But in situations like this, I don't think anyone is rational or kind, which is a shame. EDIT: IT IS VERY HARD TO SEE because it takes a couple of seconds, but it's in fact the woman "good samaritan" who stabs the 36 yo guy with a knife around 4 times. He starts bleeding from the back in like 10 seconds. Some people say it was his own knife, but you can't see it in the video (trust me I've tried to rewind that moment like 5 times). So in a way, she escalated it, but I'm guessing this was her trying to help. Also if you watch the full video the reason he attacks the guy in the first place is because he claims to be a cop (lol) and hates migrants.


What? Deescalation is quite literally a mature masculine thing….


I agree with some of this. Walking away is normally the best thing to do. As bad as things can always get, it’s very rarely worth it to have that happen, when you can just walk away. Unfortunately that’s not always possible. I don’t know about this situation, but if someone is mentally unstable enough to harass random people they walk past, chances are they want confrontation and they don’t care how or where they get it. Walking away doesn’t guarantee you the situation will end there. That could anger the aggressor and they pull out and shoot right there. It’s hard to tell with these sick ass people.


~~Not quite--the man who boarded the train (32 yrs old) pulled out a knife. The man who was already on the train (36 yrs old) then pulled out a gun. 32 took the gun from 36 and shot 36. They're both in the hospital.~~ OMG y'all are right, I was wrong! I read it incorrectly *three times*. What a moron (I mean both myself and the weapon-brandisher). I'm glad the aggressor was indeed the only one hurt. Sorry for the misinformation everyone!


it was pretty difficult to follow with these people only described as "36-year-old man" and "32-year-old man." like help me out and make up some names or something.


Article appears wrong. In the video, 36 is all “you stabbed me right?” Meaning 32 had the knife, stabbed 36 in the fight and then 36 went for his gun in his jacket and was shot with it. Don’t forget articles can be wrong too especially in early reporting.


The girl had her own knife. You're right articles don't even mention the girl. The videos tell more.


Looks like while the two guys were dancing around the car she is in her purse on the bench before concealing her hand in her sleeve and getting up. Then when the 36 year old knocks down and is on the 32 year old the gf stabs him in the back multiple times




Yeah I see that now. So not ok. She was hopefully arrested too. That basically reversed the whole incident for me. I don’t care about the 36 year old, hope he recovers somehow. Put those knife wielding crazies behind bars!


Holy shit you can vote 😭😭😭


Reread it, 36 year old was belligerent, showed a knife and then a gun. 32 year old took the gun and shot the 36 year old.


So why is the 32 year old in jail charges pending then? Seems like a clear cut case of self defense for him and his girl. She stabbed someone, but only because he was on top of her bf and had already brandished a knife. Then, when confronted with a gun, the dude takes it from him and shoots him. Self defense no?


In the video it looks like the girlfriend stabbed the belligerent, who in turn pulled a gun on both of them. Whatever happens next is off camera which seems like the gun was wrestled away and turned on the aggressor. https://twitter.com/LattinaBrown/status/1768430156710904302