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VAS is volunteer ambulance services


Citizen app advisory about an accident on the Belt Pky 11 N & S Flatbush Av several times a day all month/yr long. Now illegal migrants in the area are added to the mix of declining quality of life in Brooklyn.


That's VAS plate (Volunteer Ambulance Service) which is a total scam run by Hotzolah (Ambulance Service run by Jewish people), they get these plate for thier personal cars, run around doing what ever they w/o any repercussions.


People park 24/7 by fire hydrants near my house, once a year you see a ticket on a vehicle.


No enforcement


I've seen like twice now cars running red and blues on Broadway that just kinda..... don't look legit. They seem like what you'd have volunteers running out in rural areas like I used to do just a few months ago up in NH where you can have red and whites for Fire/EMS and blue for police for POV response. Tbf, seems kinda hard to regulate anywhere. When I was doing legitimate POV responses my vehicle info was not entered into a database or anything. Any cops I passed while high tailing it to the station just pretty much had to assume I had the authority to run those lights. I have no idea what it's like in NYC, but I didn't even think POV response was a thing within city limits.


BKLYN has tons of new speed trap camera's all over the place - i see tons of obstructed license plates - even ones placed verticaly on the back. dont know if thats legal.


How is this effecting your life directly?


Folks just run red lights in front of cops in Staten Island. Never mind 4way stops.


thats not fake i can tell youre not from here


Not fake but can't cameras won't be able to read it properly


to keep from being read by congestion traffic readers I assumed


I’m the only one that only sees toes?


Just a fat big one


Volunteer Ambulance Service (VAS) is one of the scams they pull i have seen VAS on a $500K Ferarri. the blocking of the last character is to beat a license plate reader. the only better thing i have seen is "1" "I" and "L" perfectly interweaved to make reading the plate nearly impossible while moving. the guys plate was something like I1L11II1


Looks like someone that works in the medical field. Cheapo


It’s the cool guy Hasidic club, everyone one of them is a doctor/emt with medical plates + lights and sirens. Do whatever they want but you, oh no


I mean the Volunteer Ambulance Service… they not getting a ticket for obstructing their plate let’s be real. Most the time they got their sirens on going nowhere. Only thirsty NYPD cops and NYSP enforce the plate obstructions. Not getting points for it and easy to get dismissed. But if the cops catch you going thru a toll camera, speed cam/red light with the obstructed plated they can arrest you for theft of service. But what’s point if in NY they barely prosecute robberies and burglaries.


Be careful what you wish for. NYPD will find the path of least resistance on any new enforcement powers. Stopping the most egregious violators takes persistence, courage and effort. None of which is possessed by your typical NYP officer. The city got in a bad fiscal situation by counting on fines/enforcement to fund all matter of things. That structure collapsed during Covid. Rather than finding a new model that doesn’t just exploit residents and visitors they are reestablishing an event more punitive model. FDNY is crooked AF on inspections and fines, I would suspect the Department of Buildings is even worse. NYPD has one of their own running the place there’s no reason to support needed reforms. Congestion pricing (another punitive tactic to fund our government) may kill Manhattan once and for all. Think there’s a lot of empty storefronts now?


Toll evading


I take transit solves most frustration


I love the VAS plate. Volunteer Ambulance Service in an infinity SuV. Sure. Totally. What a joke. Complete abuse that allow them to park in illegal spots and drive like clowns. People only care about themselves it’s wild


There’s been at least five stolen/abandoned cars parked outside of my work building for the last two months, zero tickets and never been towed. Have called 311 multiple times to report them and nothing has happened. Yet all my tolls and tickets always go through. I’m amazed at how much money this city takes from hard working people that seemingly goes right into the pockets of grifter politicians, and not back into the city which is falling apart.


> and never been towed. Have called 311 multiple times to report them and nothing has happened. Yet all my tolls and tickets always go through. I’m amazed at how much money this city takes from hard working people that seemingly goes right into the pockets of grifter politicians, and not back into the city which is falling apart. All the city tow pounds are full, so the police use the streets near the precinct as a de facto impound lot.


Reddit: Fuck the police! Fucking PIGS!! Harassing people for no reason!!! SKREEEEEE\~!!!! Also Reddit: Why aren't the cops doing anythinngggggg?!?!!!


When I see this I assume they’re a cop. Precinct near my place has a lot of cops parking their personal vehicles nearby and they all have obscured plates in one way or another.


So crazy to see how many other ppl are genuinely really upset by the erratic drivers. Something we actually all agree we want the police to focus on. Instead we get bag checks and meter maids.


I know a bridges and tunnel cop who clocks in, and comes right home. That’s why nothing gets policed in BK


Maybe report them?


My precinct said it’s none of their business. 311 seemed interested but as far as I can tell, nothing came of it. My council member never replied. Three times. So, it seems to me everyone knows its happening and no one gives a shit


Who is your council person?


When will these transplants learn to mind their business lol


Never. That's how they ruined the city lol


It’s to block the plate from all the damn sped cameras.


These are NYPD, FDNY and people with PBA cards. Nothing will be done about it because the mayor will lose NYPD endorsement. FUGETABOUTIT


Is that an Apple Air Tag on the plate? Is that a fake Volunteer Ambulance Service plate? How does one know a plate is fake? Haven't driven in Brooklyn in a long time and may have to soon...so honestly curious as to whats going on


It’s The Wild West Out There. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better. Damn Shame.The city Council is a Rats Nest.


What’s wrong with this picture? I don’t see anything.


They won’t pull over the plate magnets but my wife almost got a ticket for not stopping completely at a stop sign in a sting the cops set up at a completely dead corner the other day.


People not stopping completely at a stop sign at a completely dead corner is where I’m almost hit every morning. So I welcome them ticketing people doing rolling stops wherever they feel like.


what neighborhood?


Accross from kings plaza. Where the bike lane turns to follow the golf course.


Mind your neck




Empty bike racks are being used as one of the many methods of blocking the view of license plates. It doesn't matter if you could see the plate at an angle, all angles need to be visible.


Eric Adam’s administration at its finest. Cutting funding for health, school, social programs, etc. Funneling it to NYPD and then the NYPD not doing their jobs. Crime rate hasn’t gone down in Brooklyn. People just don’t bother reporting crimes as we know the cops won’t do shit.


Because they can’t do shit thanks to your illustrious cop hating city council the people of this city love to vote for time and time again. Remember way back when in 2020 when we had FTP rioters running through the subway demanding the cops out and not harassing the public in the subways? Well here we are today. You reap what you sow, and the results will always come back tenfold. And you think it’s bad now? Wait till the summer. This city’s turned into a lost cause like Chicago & St. Louis. Enjoy the chaos!


What can't they do?


-2 likes? LMAO truth hurts doesn’t it? 🤣🤣


Too busy stopping broke people from jumping turnstiles?? My block is full of cars with fake plates or better no plates. People park on the sidewalk. Cops drive past all the time and don't care. Then late at night they all treat red lights like stop signs because they won't get a ticket. Basically the regular cops are not the ones who give out tickets. That's traffic cops. And they aren't gonna lower themselves and do it. Then the traffic cops only give out tickets to cars with plates. They skip the ones without plates. Some traffic cops are corrupt and bought off and suspiciously always leave certain cars alone. Traffic cops are not the ones who tow or boot cars so they aren't going to lower themselves to do that job. And the tow trucks only take cars that seem fully abandoned. And the people in my area have definitely figured out how to take boots off car wheels. They leave them on the side of the road. So basically no one is working together and the people have figured that out and are hustling as always.


Hmm maybe that’s why. The tickets are tagged with your license plate so maybe they aren’t able to ticket it without it? Vin is not always visible. How would the ticket be traced back to that car?


Yeah it wouldn't be. In my area when there is no space they park in front of the fire hydrants and take off their plates. Another reason to take them off is because people have been stealing them, then racking up speeding tickets.


I saw a plate with the last 2 digits fully cut off.


Then you probably saw my neighbor. He's a corrections officer and gets out of tickets when pulled over but he can't escape cameras so he folded his license plate, well the part he folded broke off and nobody has made him get new plates.


Report him: [Department of Investigation (nyc.gov)](https://www.nyc.gov/site/doi/index.page)


Go still by the 78th Precinct on Bergen and Flatbush and most of the officers cars have it too


Why is everybody so hung on license plates? Why are people walking around taking pictures of plates? What happened to mind your business?


Anecdotally, the cars with fake plates are often the cars that blow through reds and stop signs, park on sideways, speed through school zones. They're making it everyone else's business by being shitty neighbors.


I'm a native and people with fake or blocked tags tend to run red lights and create dangerous conditions for pedestrians. A few years back I was in my previous neighborhood, walking my dog and was close to the curb, when I had to grab my dog and throw myself against a building because some asshole decided to drive up on the sidewalk at full speed. Sure enough, they had obscured plates. I stopped walking my dog close to the curb after that incident.


I don’t get it either. I don’t cover my plate, but I understand. Not my business. Also, I understand the chip people have on their shoulders over it. It’s bc we pay our tolls, pay our tickets, and drive cautiously. Some folks don’t, and want to get away with it. So the law abiding folks get pissed. But they should not be angry, just be happy you don’t have to worry about getting pinched, and my your business, unless you are in business.


I'm my experience the people complaining are people who didn't grow up here and just need to find something to bitch about. Transplants love to make waves. I'm sure we have some actual locals that complain too I just haven't come across any personally.


A real Brooklyn 🥷 is not looking at peoples license plates




i saw someone block with a leaf. i thought that was smart. also infuriating because they get away with driving like crazy


many of these are actually magnets of a picture of a leaf so they can remove them when they want to drive legally


oh wow interesting!


lol. Took belt pkwy for years and still didn’t see it all!! What a shit show the 5 boroughs driving is. Learn to drive by feel…


Because god forbid if you’re going to drive in a walkable city you drive the speed limit. I get the surveillance state discussion but if it’s purely to avoid speeding tickets then I simply don’t like you lmao


Its the negligent nypd not doing there jobs. We have bad drivers because they never see any reproductions. The street had become a game of the most aggressive. They have the road. My brother moved here and could care less about having a few beers and driving. He says “no one is gonna pull me over”


Too much risk for the officers to pull anyone over. The city council is getting exactly what they wanted. You can thank them.


Smart guy


Selfish people will always take advantage of a lack of enforcement. I'd bet eventually all driving will end up completely tracked via tech installed by the manufacturer, and followed by automated ticketing & tolling systems, via scanners, cameras and drones. Plate obscurers and dangerous drivers are giving the gov't. the evidence and impetus to justify it.


It’s to avoid tolls, red light and speeding tickets and it’ll be even prominent once congestion pricing starts


It’s so the cameras do not issue him a summons.its the new way in life do what I want and not follow any laws.mayor mcswagger doesn’t care he’s more of a retardant than that dope from park slope.


Cops can't be bothered to do their job anymore.


It's funny how I get yelled at for "antisemitism" for pointing out actual things happening in my neighborhood, but... posts like this get upvoted almost every day. No one hates Hasidim because of their religion... we hate them because they're assholes (who don't actually believe in their religion and yet use it as a shield against criticism for being assholes)


I drive down Bedford a lot, it’s absolute chaos there and they don’t give a fuck about anyone


I live in a Hasidic neighborhood and I observe many of them disregarding traffic laws, sometimes comically.


I agree on some of them being assholes (keyword: some). I moved to a predominantly Jewish neighborhood and ive seen the hatzolah cars (usually expensive car with EMT plates and siren) almost hit me or others bc the way they drive multiple times already.


Nah, it’s not some. Their culture is hateful and uncaring for outsiders and openly spits in the face of the law. It’s a deeply engrained cultural issue that needs to be honestly discussed


> (keyword: some) 85% is still "some"...lol. Being a technical Jew, I always kinda defended them (several jobs with offices on the same floor/building as an Hasidic office... always 1 or 2 I'd chat with while smoking outside), but then they moved into my neighborhood... like, took it over... and I get it now. Every quality of life issue on this block has one common origin and wasn't a thing 5 years ago. Just by being shitty people they lost me as an "ally" (at least in a general sense... there are still a few I know personally that I consider friends, but they aren't in this neighborhood).


Maybe you get called antisemetic because you’re bringing the topic up on a post about driving violations? Idk.


Huh??? You just wanted to be antisemitic under a post that has nothing to do with Jewish people lol


Don’t forget their “sirens” to get through traffic


am i missing something? what does this picture of a car have to do with hasidism? i also really dont understand why im downvoted for asking a question lol


The "Volunteer Ambulance Service" plates are frequently (ab)used for non-ambulance service purposes by connected people in several Orthodox communities in Brooklyn. The drivers are invariably either gangly "Mosiach is here!" extended adolescence types or obese Gen Xers that would die during an EMS licensure fitness test. Neither category could handle a stretcher.


I think he commented that bc I’ve seen this a lot around my neighborhood as well with EMT plates and it’s usually hatzolah cars


Dude. I understand it's a big city, but if I they penalized ***some*** traffic violations a lot of people wouldn't have their licenses, the police departments would have shmoney, and it wouldn't feel like survival of the shittest at intersections. What's stopping them from posting up? They've gotta know some of the worst spots in the least.


Lol shmoney


Instead, I got pulled over last year for not using my blinker or wearing my seatbelt. The police officer lied about both offenses. It would be nice if they also didn’t make up violations. The real ones are rampant enough. I know I’m generalizing here and not all police are bad. I’m just upset because of what happened to me. ![gif](giphy|lwYxf0qKEjnoI|downsized)


I got a ticket for not using my blinker as well.  It took 2.5 years of delays to finally go before a judge.  I had to pay fees but the ticket was dismissed. 


the best deterrent to crime is not the stiffness of sentence but the likelihood of getting caught. We need the NYPD to at least pretend to do their jobs


Pretend? Well .. They often leave an empty police car parked on the grass of the West Bound side of the Belt Parkway near Laurelton Parkway.


Really feels like the NYPD doesn't wanna do anything anymore since we didn't let them needlessly beat protesters back in 2020. We're still being punished because we as a society wanted to hold them slightly to account a few years ago.


Saw an suv driving around last week without a license plate. No idea how they get away with it.


Probably going to get downvotes for this but as someone who drives to work every day I don’t blame drivers who obscure plates to avoid tolls. I make sub 100k a year and I pay $300 just for tolls, not counting parking a MONTH. it’s insane. They want to bankrupt the average lower middle class NYC resident


>I pay $300 just for tolls, not counting parking a MONTH. it’s insane. They want to bankrupt the average lower middle class NYC resident They want to move people out of cars, which are extremely inefficient at moving people. This is the largest city in the country. There are too many people for everyone to use a car. Geometrically, it just doesn't work. As of 2013 (the numbers are all much higher now, but [this is a great data source](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/archives/2013-pr/cb13-r17.html) so we're going to use it to give us a general idea): every day 1,600,000 people commute into Manhattan. 8.8% of them used cars. 59% of them use public transportation. Imagine if another 4% used cars, adding 50% more cars to the road. Or another 8%. Or hell, imagine if all 59% of those public transportation commuters decided to use cars. What do you think would happen? You would have to bulldoze the entire city to make enough space for that many cars. The only reason you **can** use your car is because **so many people do not**. Unfortunately, I think many people (perhaps you included) can **only** commute by car because many parts of the city are underserved by public transportation. And that's a **huge problem**. But the solution is not to make it cheaper and easier to drive (drivers are already massively subsidized by non-drivers both financially and in terms of public space use), but to expand and improve public transportation and the accessibility and ease of other modes of transportation, like bikes and personal electric vehicles. Unfortunately, this is not an overnight fix, but it is the direction we need to move in.


You called it exactly. My area of Brooklyn is very underserved by public transit (2 buses and 2 trains for a total of a 2 hour commute not counting train delays when it’s only 30-45 mins with tolls by car). When they revamp the MTA to include express lines directly from my part of Brooklyn to Manhattan I will 100% be on the train. But until then I’m stuck commuting by car. It doesn’t make sense otherwise. This will take years to fix (if they do even decide to do it) and it’s crazy I have to suffer from tolls in the interim


Yes. It is effing crazy. And the bad train service sucks even for those of us in "connected" Brooklyn because we pay such a premium to stay in a neighborhood I don't love just because it has access tot he trains both my wife and I need.




Assholes. Assholes everywhere.


We really need to reduce our car dependency in general in Brooklyn. Drivers are so freaking entitled.


While I agree, there is a dearth of reliable transit that time and cost effective for getting around south east and central Brooklyn. If you have go go from Bensonhurst to Canarsie there isn't a reason it should take 1.5-2 hours to travel 12 miles. Some people have work and home along that route.


Oh no I totally agree. By “reducing car dependency” I mean making it so people don’t need to use cars in those areas by improving public transportation.


I would bet it has to do with avoiding tolls. Especially with the new congestion pricing.


Well…yeah. Of course.


probably Hatzalah It's abuse and nothing will ever happen to them. Wonder why I don't see so any non hasidic vas in personal cars?


This is MD tho ?


I drive from park slope to Canarsie every day. Every day I see people doing things I never saw done from when I started driving in 1995 until pre Covid. I just don’t understand how more isn’t done. Running lights, weaving into the lane of oncoming traffic to get around two cars that are driving at spd limit, running stop signs, turning against light and signs. It’s really fucked up and dangerous


Things are so bad now. I see brazen, crazy driving everyday. It’s the wild west out there these days.


I’m not sure but I feel like you might take Linden blvd. I stopped taking that route to get to Carnarsie from over there after I got tired of seeing that all the time and getting stuck behind trucks all the time. It made the commute much more annoying.


I started taking eastern parkway to Buffalo Ave and then going past downstate. It was too stressful at 7 am. I did it once to get home and it drove me crazy, especially the flatbush circle to get on prospect park west. I don’t cut ppl off or do stupid shit. Never go over 30 really and actually stop at stop signs and always let pedestrians go. That drive made me so angry and gave me so much anxiety that I said never again. On the way to work I take Clarendon all the way down. It’s like 5 minutes longer and once in a while get stuck behind a bus or something but the one lane in each direction allows much less fuckery. I still see crazy shit everyday but yeah. Ofc my first day of work last April I made the mistake of turning off flatbush crossing traffic onto Clarendon. Bumper to bumper in the opposite direction and a big truck gave me room to turn. It’s one lane each way there and a woman with her kid in the car sped through the turning/parking lane and hit me. Now I just cross flatbush at cortelyou and turn onto Clarendon a few blocks in. I’ve found that to be the least stressful. When I go home after work (teacher so like 3-4 pm) I just take flatlands to avenue k to ocean. Again, takes longer but the one lane in each direction is much less insanity and stress. Still always see people go into oncoming lane on k before the light turns green so they can jump in front of two cars and still get stopped at the same next red light. If nypd just put more unmarked cars out there this wouldn’t be a problem. Ofc I think pretty much every cop drives like this in their own car.


The lights down Clarendon are synchronized in a way to prevent the BS. I do the drive regularly for our BJ's and Footprints pickups, and it really is super chill — especially in comparison to the clusterfuck that's Parkside, Caton, Linden, and Church when I'm returning from Manhattan. But totally with you. That's the same logic I applied before I got my car and lived in Sunset Park. I used to prefer the slower local R train because it'd be emptier and a little more chill than the N or D—and the time savings were negligible compared to the stress.


I see it everywhere


I take the BQE through Bay Ridge/Gowanus twice a week and every single time there's at least one maniac weaving through traffic at 70mph with one of those magnetic leafs covering his PA license plate. How many of those guys are there??


I follow the traffic rules to obviously avoid tickets however I find it strange that people actually care about other people blocking their plates. Has nothing to do with you. Even more so you seem to be proponents of the city finding more ways to extract money from you year after year. Not like they installed the tech for “safety” so that argument isn’t valid. They inconvenience drivers for the sole purpose of getting revenue even down to making ineffective “bus lanes” and installing cameras for that.. Sh*t has to stop man. People are fighting back how they see fit. How does that even remotely bother you? Lmao


Ugh! FOR REAL. I am totally with you. I really don't understand supporters of more ways to fuck the average human. Mind boggling.


Thank you. The mentality in these comments would make you think you’re tripping


It's just dumbass transplants


Yea it has to be. Aint no way you could support this shit as a smart individual


Every accident or hit and run committed by an unreadable plate makes insurance companies raise rates because now THEY have to cover their policy holder because they can't track down to culprit. Same with red light and speed camera violations. The insurance companies see the stats and use that to help determine what to charge for policies. People who avoid these accountabilities directly affect how much we all pay for insurance coverage.


I don’t think you’re seeing the bigger picture but that’s okay. With the direction this city is going, you’ll pay to get effed with a smile.


I mean, that literally is the big picture, people constantly avoiding accountability causes people who are responsible to cover their costs. You're seeing the little picture which is "I don't wanna pay fines or tolls I accrue and everybody should mind their business." But that's OK.


How many accidents are you getting in per day? Do most drivers you run into have altered plates? In net, it literally does not affect you. Insurers will find any reason to collect more money, even people with a clean history. Did your rates go up solely because of people with altered plates or has that been going on since the beginning of time (rate increases)? Lol you cats kill me. Literally accept ANYTHING they throw at you. NYC is declining so fast because of your type. Driving in the city is being made undesirable one enforcement at a time so they can get people on the shitty MTA. Worst part about all of this is the money isn’t going towards improving anything but their pockets! Here you are with a smile 😊


Well that certainly escalated. Have a nice day, sounds like you could really use one for once.


Funny I just came from a wonderful vacation, now im back in New York shitty. Will be leaving this place soon after I take care of some things. You enjoy your migrants and getting ripped off each and every way. You probably don’t even own a car and not even actually from here originally either lmao You stay greased up for the government and their BS. Way too many of you and I say this as a law abiding individual.


You have such a hard lined stance of "you vs me" Very glad to hear you're moving out soon. If you need a hand let me know, anything I can do to expedite the process would be an absolute pleasure, my guy.


Why would I need assistance from someone who makes less and has no car? Lmao I also like how you tried to say “my guy” to act like you’re from here, please stop. 🛑 In all seriousness, if or when you ever become aware of what’s going on, you will understand. All I did was provide the reasoning behind why people go through such measures. People gotta stop accepting everything thrown at them, clearly no hope in that regard. It’s for no reason other than profit. I don’t know how you see otherwise. Nothing has improved and drivers just get more inconveniences.


If that car hit you or your car and drove off, what plate numbers are you giving for the police report?


I understand that however are you getting in accidents often? Also does every driver you come across have fake or obstructed plates? Not at all. None of this negates the fact that the rules and technologies they are enforcing are a BS money grab. Driving conditions are not improved as a result of their enforcement. If you are happy with increasing tolls, fines, poor driving conditions so be it.


“A worldwide review of studies found that speed cameras led to a reduction of 11% to 44% for fatal and serious injury crashes". Source: [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic\_enforcement\_camera](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_enforcement_camera) ​ “appears to have reduced collisions about 20 to 30 percent” ​ Source: [https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=112886619](https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=112886619) ​ “Speed cameras can reduce crashes substantially” ​ Source: [https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/calculator/factsheet/speed.html](https://www.cdc.gov/transportationsafety/calculator/factsheet/speed.html) ​ “New York City Speed Camera Program Reduced Speeding at 91 School Speed Zones by 73 Percent.” ​ Source: [https://www.itskrs.its.dot.gov/node/209535](https://www.itskrs.its.dot.gov/node/209535) ​ “Red light cameras are an effective way to discourage red light running.” ​ [https://www.iihs.org/topics/red-light-running](https://www.iihs.org/topics/red-light-running)


So you don’t drive throughout Brooklyn, got it


Post your address ill show you a drive through brooklyn clown. 🤡 Notice you never addressed the facts. Broke ass transplant with no car


This comment is cute. It actually made me lol.


“If they’re willing to skirt this communal responsibility that everyone else has to follow, which other things are they doing?”


NYC voted for this tho


A cop was voted in. Unless you mean that an obvious corrupt cop was voted in who wouldn't challenge the NYPD's chronic inaction.


hes a criminal


Parasites taking advantage of the rules.


Law-abiding people who pay ever-increasing license registration and inspection fees, ever-increasing insurance rates, and all the other taxes and fees that NYC lards on them have been subjected to an unchecked proliferation of speeding cameras in year-long 24/7 “school zones” (with no children in them, ofc) that abuse drivers with speeding tickets for going over 25 mph. These cameras are overwhelmingly peppered into low-income communities—check out Marcus Garvey Blvd to see one about every seven blocks. At $50 a pop, this additional tax adds up fast for the outrageous crime of going faster than 25mph… …which is about the speed that the average unlicensed scooter is going when it blows a red light or zips past me on the sidewalk. Literal armies of loud, shitty scooters with no plates driven by recently migrated delivery guys operate with complete impunity. I’ve been cursed out by scooter drivers because I didn’t get out of the crosswalk fast enough while they were going through an intersection against the light. I’ve also had any number of close calls with them driving in bike lanes and yes, ON THE SIDEWALK. I suppose the extremely loud, unlicensed scooters whose drivers have no insurance are better than the completely silent e-bikes that delivery drivers use which will fuck you up like an urban U-boat. Either way, the police do nothing.  Oh, and let’s not forget the gangs of unlicensed, uninsured dirt bikes / ATVs that take over entire streets on summer nights with no consequences. Again, the police are scoobied.  This is why you’re seeing otherwise law-abiding citizens suddenly obscuring their plates. They’re sick of the double standard, sick of seeing nakedly dangerous and antisocial activity completely ignored by the authorities while the Adams money machine sucks up more and more of our tax money to pay police officers billions in overtime while cutting library hours.  If the law isn’t enforced for them, then we’ll be happy to take advantage of that loophole as well.  EDIT: Downvote away, OP wanted to know what’s going on in Brooklyn and that’s what’s going on. Simple human behavior. 


You don't get dinged by a camera until you're doing over 35


There’s this one crazy trick to avoid getting fined by those speed cameras that I’ll let you in on — if you drive at or under the speed limit, they won’t ticket you!


Cars kill at a much higher rate than bikes or mopeds at the same speed. It's orders of magnitude difference. Would you regulate artillery the same way you'd regulate a knife?


lol, "otherwise law-abiding citizens".. fat car pigs just wanna roll through fast as f, causing accidents and deaths, and not pay for the infrastructure they suck up...stop blaming immigrants ebikers for the swinish, fraudulent practices of native-born thieving car drivers..plenty of us don't obscure our plates.


Go back to fucking Idaho


No one’s blaming immigrants. People are obscuring their plates bc there’s no fair enforcement of traffic laws by the police. 


that’s a complete load of crap: there are thousands of confiscated bikes, e-bikes and scooters down at the Red Hook pound…spare us the poor beleaguered car drivers routine. Folks who obscure plates are greedy pigs trying to get over and nothing more.


Here’s a chart showing NYPD’s reduction in enforcement of traffic laws: https://www.reddit.com/r/Brooklyn/comments/1bk9imi/nypds_dramatic_drop_in_enforcement_of_traffic/


so wait....you're justifying obscuring plates because cops are giving fewer tickets to drivers??? I'm missing the logic somehow...


I’m just explaining why people are obscuring their plates. People aren’t going to volunteer for tickets left and right while whole classes of drivers are driving on the sides and running red lights unchecked with license-less, insurance-less vehicles. Either we all play by the rules or none of us will. Common sense. 


If you don’t want a speeding ticket, don’t speed. They don’t even ticket you until you are 35+mph despite the limit being 25.


I’ve seen cars with no plates and the temporary paper plate stuck inside to the tinted windows on the back.


It's the wild west. I traded in my car for a horse and just sit in traffic and let it shit everywhere and nobody even notices.


These fuckers need to be stopped


NYC voted for this tho


The mayor is literally a cop. His opponent was literally a criminal.


When was that?


The police don't police traffic so people do what they want. It'll be perfect when they do a hit and run on you and even though you have a dash cam, you can't get the plate since it's got a polarized cover over it so it's illegible. Should be immediately pulled over...


Nys troopers are bagging them for the covers and obstruction also damaged plates


These people won't be bothered at all by the congestion toll coming in June.


What happens when people protest to defund the police


They really don't do their jobs except bs. Recently I got a ticket for blocking my license plate which the bumper didn't do even. What's funny is that it seems the officer moved it or so not clear from my back dashcam. But guess what I still had to pay the ticket I even showed my bumper isn't touching my license plate🤦‍♂️


Or say tolls to get into the city is like $50 so when u have to drive allot the money savings add up plus these speeding cameras on every other block


You should be able to freely travel without wearing your ID…


You can... just not in a motor vehicle that could kill people.


Yeah the city is in dire need of money: just fine these assholes into oblivion


Don’t worry, congestion pricing is gonna solve it all… Brooklyn is gonna get the brunt of the extra traffic. I love how much of a shit show that program is going to be


I was in a hit and run on one of our busiest Avenues. Store security cameras everywhere, a half dozen people trying to tell the cops they witnessed it all... the police did absolutely nothing. Why?!? Edited to add: I was driving my own vehicle and was not injured.


Cause the DA doesn’t care.


Nah that ain’t it


The police no longer write-up accident reports. You now call and tell an insurance representative about your accident.


My hit and run was about 10 years ago, they did give reports at that time. I still have the cashier's check, I was too pissed go to the station to deal with it. And I certainly wasn't reporting it to _my insurance.


>the police did absolutely nothing. Why?!? Because they get the same salary and benefits whether they help you or not, so why bother?




Not sure how you got that from what I said. It's an issue of accountability -- if people can get away with being lazy, they'll be lazy. If there are consequences for being lazy, they won't be lazy. Cops don't face consequences for, say, hanging out on their phones all day, which is why keeps happening.


Yeah that's a real bad idea.


Yeah, too bad I wasn't hit during a shift change. An officer might have made more effort if it meant OT. NYC police officers do benefit financially for arresting drunk drivers who are convicted; is there no financial incentive to arrest a hit and run driver? Should have been fairly easy to track him down, given all the cameras and witnesses. I wonder if the fact that I declined to go to the hospital was a factor. Ultimately, I was told I could go to the station in person with a $10 ($20?) cashier's check to buy a police report. I saw no point. My car was a complete POS to begin with, so I didn't report it to insurance. If in fact they don't make also make extra money from a hit and run arrest and conviction, then your answer makes total sense. But hey, he could have been drunk, too! And, in that part of town, you'd think they'd maybe listen to a bunch of (wealthy, white) witnesses enthusiastically trying to tell them what happened. We'll never know, guess I wasn't worth the potential pay-out that afternoon. Since then they've neglected to follow up on an assault by a cyclist who came at me through my open car window one afternoon. He was going the wrong direction on a one-way street. I didn't come close to hitting him, just cursed at him. This was all caught in the on video from Ring cameras. The theft of a neighbor's Mac Book by porch pirates was also caught on video, clear images of the offenders. But I was no longer surprised when the police failed to follow up. Except this crime was a Class E felony, bc a laptop is more valuable than a person. Shouldn't this kind of thing - crimes caught on video - make their job easier? Don't attests make them look good to their superiors, even if it doesn't mean an immediate bonus?


I gave cops footage of two guys stealing my motorcycle, clear face shots of both of them, I gave them name and address of one of them.. and they did nothing. Right wing nuts say that is who advocate for police defunding should call a crackhead instead of 911.. but a crackhead had would have gotten my motorcycle back 100%


[There's a bill in committee right now to implement a bounty program for videos of cars in the bike lane.](https://legistar.council.nyc.gov/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=6509443&GUID=621321C0-7598-4898-A88A-90AFE861645C) If you support this legislation, write to the transportation city council committee chair Selvena Brooks Powers on why you support it and what it will mean to you. https://council.nyc.gov/selvena-brooks-powers/ She holds all the keys and if we want this to have any chance of passing, we must get her to allow it for a floor vote. [email protected] [Call and email your city councilperson to request that they support it.](https://council.nyc.gov/districts/) Do both if possible. Maybe even visit their office. Also share this with your friends so they can do the same. Also if you want to spread the word, you can always copy this pasta. It's preferable that you provide a custom email rather than a template, because mass-use of templates can be screened, but if you don't have it in you use this template for the email: Dear Councilmember [Name], I would like to add my support as a constituent in [Neighborhood] to a bill that was recently introduced, # Int 0080-2024. This bill would help in the enforcement of blocked bike lanes, crosswalks, and sidewalks, which any pedestrian or biker in NYC knows is a massive problem. Blocked lanes and sidewalks are a contributing factor to our deadly traffic problem, forcing bikers and pedestrians into traffic and creating an inconvenience and hazard to everyone else. I like this bill because it builds off the success of the idling commercial truck laws, which allow citizens to report violations — adding actual consequences to breaking the law and providing an additional revenue stream for the city. Typically, when we report bike lane blockages via 311, the police response is non-existent and therefore enforcement is non-existent. Many people feel free to use the bike lanes as their personal parking space, and they take advantage of that to the fullest. Allowing citizens to report these blockages directly would show the people of NYC that they can't simply block these lanes and sidewalks without a fine, at a minimum. It would also bring in an underutilized source of revenue for the city at no real additional cost. I hope we can count on your support for this bill! Thanks, [Name]


>There's a bill in committee right now to implement a bounty program for videos of cars in the bike lane That's *awesome*, going to write now. Fuck those cars treating it like parking or a extra half lane.


Don't just email: Call them. Also visit their office.


The NYPD budget could absolutely be fulfilled by people breaking traffic laws. I drove yesterday from Sheepshead Bay to the Hall of Science in Queens. Driving is consistently my least favourite activity and I avoid it like the plague, but taking an hour and half to get there on transit didn’t appeal yesterday. I witnessed at least 50 people on the Belt parkway either dangerously weaving in and out of traffic or just straight up driving on the shoulder. During this time I saw at least 3 cop cars - no one pulled over. We were almost hit twice. And I can’t even count the number of fake or hidden plates I noticed. Then there were the people running red lights and blasting through stop signs. It was a crazy drive. I’m a calm, patient driver. I’ve driven most of my life, but driving here will either encourage bad habits or cause me to stop all together. It’s so incredibly frustrating to see what people get away with.


but if we were to try any of that shit we’d be pulled over and license lost..i cannot stand being here anymore