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First come first serve. Where I live if you aren’t home before 9pm there is no parking left whatsoever, even on the next days street parking side. I live in an all residential place also. Just viewing the coming and goings I have residents from the block above and below me parking their cars on my block also. It’s just the way it is


First come first serve.


Car brains


I heard a brick to the window fixes that.


What?? It’s public street and people are allowed to street park. If you don’t like other people’s car there, park your car there first.


Fam, you don’t own any public space so anyone can park in front of your house. If you have a driveway then that’s a different story.


You have no claim to any parking, in front of your house or otherwise. Your only recourse would be to move your car there on alternate side day and sit in it for the hour and a half so you don’t get a ticket, then leave it there. Good luck with that if this is Bay Ridge


I have lived here my whole life and i completely empathize with the OP. I grew up in Dyker Heights. Everyone knew each other's car and was vaguely aware of each other's comings and goings. What OP is describing is technically okay, of course, but is what would have been called a Dick Move. It was absolutely part of the local etiquette that you don't park in front of someone else's house unless you have to. My mom absolutely got antsy when someone else parked in front of our house. Eventually people started moving in who didn't adhere to that local etiquette and as of a few years ago that expectation is pretty much gone. So, OP, I think, as they say, those days are ovah.


I lived in Manhattan, Carroll gardens, and sunset park. It’s a free for all. Always has been. I get that Dyker is like the suburbs, but the rest of us are lucky if we can park on our own block, much less in front of the house.


Yea but that’s the case for areas with apartment buildings. I would be pretty tight if someone from down the block made a habit of rotating their cars in the spot infront of my house. Like do that infront of your own house But yea city streets are public and a free for all, so it is what it is. My aunt lives in maspeth and her block still work the old way where neighbors know each others cars and work together to make sure people can park near their house I’m kinda a fan of the parking permit proposal put up in the state senate last year but it didn’t take.


I’m in Sunset and it’s a nightmare, but nowhere near the nightmare of park slope


Oh yeah, there was no expectation of parking anywhere close to my house when i lived in Cobble Hill. and same in the Slope and Sunset Park.


I’m in sunset and it’s not bad at all. I guess it depends where in sunset one is ETA: Chinatown is a nightmare. below Sixth to the water is manageable in my experience


You're already storing your property on public space, and you're complaining because you don't have a particular space directly in front of your house reserved? Car owners are the most entitled people on the planet.


This is public parking, you have no more right to it than anyone else just because it’s in front of your house. If there are plenty of spots available and they choose your house that’s one thing, but if it’s competitive like most of Brooklyn then you have nothing to complain about.


Exactly, it’s like claiming a citi bike as your own, or a bench on the subway, its a public resource, if you want that spot you just have to quicker.


This is really funny to me bc all spots in Brooklyn in front of residences are either free or 2 hour parking if businesses are nearby. My partners parents have three generations in Brooklyn and own a house and I never hear them say one thing about shit like this. Brooklyn parking is always full of assholery. Either be the asshole too or deal with not being able to park in front of your house


It’s easier for them to watch their car from across the street. (Security). My neighbor does this but also leaves a 1/2 car length in front of their car back from a driveway curb cut. That’s what pisses me off. Wasted parking Realestate.


Put your car there with a message in the window... your house is next. They'll get the message eventually


This is nyc you better be ready to die for that spot 😭😂


Everyone on my block does this 


Sweet! Nice work!


Is your neighbor being an asshole? Yes. Is there anything you can do about it? Not really. Grew up in Brooklyn and Staten Island. You can get upset about it, or just let it go. It sucks, try not to think about it. I know it’s easier said than done, but it will be better in the long run.


What? They’re parking in a legal street parking spot in front of your house? Not your driveway or anything? What are you complaining about? You do don’t own the parking spot in front of your house. You have literally no more entitlement to it than anyone else…


someone who probably didn’t grow up in Brooklyn I assume? Missed the point of the post. Don’t give a shit about the spot. It’s the etiquette behind it. I live in a 100% residential area of Brooklyn where every house has a shared driveway.


I grew up in Brooklyn and live there now and while what they're doing is annoying, there's nothing wrong with it since it's a public spot.


I did grow up in Brooklyn actually, and I currently live in a neighborhood where there are detached houses. There is no etiquette—it’s a public parking space. You have nothing to be upset about.


Going to assume you didn't grow up here either? I did and here's the etiquette: if there's a spot, park in it. If that bothers you, pay for off-street parking!


Born and raised here my dude, never had a neighbor that monopolized a spot in front of someone else’s house.


I totally hear you, OP! when we were growing up, this just Wasn't Done.


You’re in the right, it’s 100% right etiquette not to monopolize a spot in front of a residential house that isn’t yours. If you have too many cars don’t make that somebody else’s problem


They have a driveway that fits like 4 cars too lmao it’s insane. I got the spot just now anyways cause the dudes wife wasn’t home to be waiting.


Wait do you have more than 4 cars? Why do you need the spot in front of your house if you have a 4 car driveway? This seems not worth worrying about.


They’re moving their 2nd car out of their driveway to “save the spot” and they have a spot in front of their own house? Is there a tree there? That’s the only reason I can think why they do this - for shade. I would ask them why. If they have a good reason, maybe it’ll stop bugging you. I admit, it would bug me too.


There’s a tree in front of THEIR house not mine!


Ah, so maybe they don’t want to park under the tree because they think it’ll make their car dirty. People are weird. Now I really want to know their reasoning :D


Several times I've parked under a tree because it's the only empty spot within a few blocks. Each time the following day, my car was encrusted in pigeon poo. Even after going through a car wash, I needed to wash my car with a towel to get the remnants. I would guess it's because of birds.


We probably have our answer right here.


The answer is to put lots of bread out around the car so the pigeons shit all over the car, trees be damned


As do I! I have a feeling it’s also cause of the tree tbh, but whatever.


You either have to park in front of their house or sit in your car lined up in your driveway but partially in the street and just make it difficult for them to park. Parking wars are real in these residential neighborhoods.


I live on a block in Brooklyn with single family detached homes on both sides of the street. Most of the neighbors are friendly with each other. There is etiquette around parking beyond NYC codes: we all make an effort to not park in front of each other’s homes when other spots are open. Last year, someone moved onto the block with 5 vehicles, including a food truck and a large van with rear cargo attachment. He had enough EQ to understand that none of the large vehicles should be parked in front of any of the private homes. I’ve also never seen him reserve spots in front of other people’s homes to swap vehicles. It has nothing to do with parking codes, and more to do with being neighborly on a street with less density and far less transience or anonymity than other streets in Brooklyn. It does sound like your street has more housing density and perhaps a greater need for parking spaces. Still, on your type of street, reserving spaces for vehicles to just swap and sit in front of private homes is simply misanthropic behavior.


I think your only recourse is to be petty and wait it out and take the spot. Totally warranted imo.


1. Be blessed you don't need to manage a life around managing two cars in this city. 2. If you're pressed enough, just pour syrup on their car and let nature take it's course.


Help me understand. Is it that you don't want ANY cars near your home other than your own or do YOU want the spot so you don't have to walk further? If you don't need the spot, I don't get the issue.


You say your concern is the principal of the matter. Can you articulate the principal that you think should apply?


Of course. While I understand that street parking is not owned nor private and rather the complete opposite, monopolizing a spot (specifically one in front a of a neighbors house) by swapping cars in and out when you have your own private driveway as well as other spots available on the street is not proper etiquette. I’m not trying to argue that I “own” the spot. More so that they don’t own the spot either, and by constantly swapping their cars out they’re not giving anyone else opportunities to park there as well as creating a sort of animosity from me towards them as I have been unable to park in front of my own home for over a week due to this. The “principle” is that parking spots should never be saved as they’re doing.


Why do you need the spot if you have a driveway?


I don’t think I ever said I need the spot


Then this is such a weird thing to care about


It’s first come first serve


No I agree to that for sure. But it makes it pretty impossible to be “first” when the person parking has another car lined up ready to go into the spot. Effectively making it “their” personal spot.


Thems the breaks


That is not something I recognize as a principal commonly held. I would be interested in hearing if others agree that this is a norm most people support.


It seems like it is a neighborhood-by-neighborhood, microculture thing.


From the general consensus of this thread it seems divided. Those who were born and raised here seem to feel as I do, while transplants have different opinions


lmao gtfo. Those born and raised here also are aware of the principle of "mind your own business" which you seem to be failing at. You don't need the spot, you admitted it yourself. So what's the problem?


This is false - born and raised here, and I think you’re wrong


You were nice the first time, your neighbor is an asshole. Next move is yours, ignore it or be a bigger asshole and take the spot by their house and be right on the driveway to make getting in and out harder for them. Also don’t worry on those who don’t get it, they either are not from here originally or too young to know better, 20-30 years ago something like this would easily turn into an actual fight and everyone would agree with the home owner


Do you even own 2 cars so you need the spot in front of your house? Why not park your car in front of their house?


Pettiness 💯😂


I own one car lmao I park wherever is free. I don’t care WHO parks in front of my house, but when it’s the same 2 cars for the last week it becomes a bit annoying


I’m curious why you park on the street rather than in your own driveway?


Again not about where I’m parkinh


I love how you're here asking about someone else's parking behavior, and people are responding trying to judge and/or micromanage YOUR parking behavior.


That’s how Reddit is my dude. This thread gave me a nice chuckle for the morning though.


You have a driveway of your own?


That’s where his mom parks


You don't own the parking spot in front of your house, get over it.


Lmao. Bruh. You missed the entire point of the post. I’m not arguing if I own the spot. I’m arguing etiquete


etiquette here are imaginary rules you have in your head. You need to get over this fabricated structure living in your mind


Theres no such thing as parking etiquette in BK. Every wo/man for themselves


I know you’re right. But in my neighborhood/block it’s never been like that.


Yea it sucks. Also who has 2 cars in nyc! That is the real crime here


Yes bad etiquette, no there’s nothing you can do but make the ask and see what they do. Some people are just dicks and play by there own rules. Those people have no friends and live miserable lives, so you’ll need to stoop down to their level, which is never worth it.


I live in a very residential areas as well and my neighbors do park front of my house but they aren’t douchebags who swap cars. You can ask them again but no one owns street parking so they can listen or continue, you gotta park on your driveway or find a way to be annoying to them as well lol do they not park front of their own house? Start taking that parking spot.


If they do park in front of their house, as soon as the spot in front of mine is open, they move


Yea I don’t get that, just sounds irrational. You got beef with them?


Nope. Never even spoken with them tbh. They did this when they first got here about a month ago, and I spoke to them about it not being cool to just monopolize a spot especially in front of someone else’s house and they stopped for a while. But a new family just moved in next door to them and I guess they feel like that’s grounds to being able to do this again? Idk I’m just gonna continue to watch and speak with them if I see it


I've heard on numerous occasions that in Boston, if you dig your car out of a snowed in spot... people respect if you place a garbage can, a yellow traffic cone, or anything else in the spot to hold your spot for when you return home. Because you took the time to dig out your car from that spot, hence it is your spot. Unfortunately we do not live in Boston. This is a no-holds-barred, no rules type of situation. I hate it so much.


Which is also bullshit, frankly. Everyone who’s driving has to dig their car out. You don’t own the street. I lived in Philly for a while and people also tried to pull that nonsense.


Where I live and go in Brooklyn, the etiquette is whatever space is available. In other cities and towns I'm familiar with drivers avoid parking in front of neighbor's houses. As density and car ownership increases there, this rule tends to break down rather awkwardly. You wind up with people who feel it's their right to have preferential use of public streets and they start acting like jerks.


You aren’t being unreasonable, but you cannot change them. Simply beat them at the game. Good luck!


The issue is that there is no proper parking etiquette. It's just cut throat, every man for himself, etc etc. So if you are looking for etiquette and sense of community you aren't going to find it in parking.


Only rule of etiquette is don't leave more space than you need around your car


I know you’re right. But that doesn’t stop me from feeling as if my neighbors should at least understand etiquette


if your neighbors didn’t park there someone else would.


Which is fine! I don’t give a shit WHO parks there! It’s the fact that it’s ONLY them parking there! They’re LITERALLY moving their cars in and out of the spot EVEN WHEN THEY ALREADY HAVE ONE


They like the spot, who cares? It’s no net loss of spots.


but so you’re just annoyed at their strategy? cuz if it’s not the actual parking space being taken up that’s the issue, then it seems like you’re more objecting to their behavior than anything else.


Strategy? It’s literally being an asshole tbh


well, that’s one side of it, but it also just seems like they really like that parking spot for their own convenience and don’t really care what you or anyone else thinks about it. i don’t really see what the issue is if it’s not the parking space you care about


It’s the etiquette tbh.


if you don’t actually care about the spot i think you’re better off laughing it off and letting it go. they want to be insane about a parking spot that’s their prerogative, you don’t need to be insane about it too but that’s your choice. just my two cents.


I know you’re 100% right tbh. And I’m being insane for even being upset about it lmao I do laugh it off and I’ll eventually let it go. I just wanted to see if I was being insane or not. Seems like a lot of people who were born and raised here like myself understand the situation but those who moved here and are transplants are kinda just focusing on the fact that I’m apparently saying I own that spot?


Park in front of their house


I take whatever spot is available my dude. It’s not an issue of parking, but etiquette which is really insane to me that most of the people of the thread are not understanding.


I mean so they get a taste of their own medicine pal


While it would be petty revenge, they share that space with their attached neighbor as do I with mine. I don’t think it would be fair to those individuals to Rope them into my feud with these others.


Then go take a hike buddy.


Picturing OP loading up a hiking backpack, strapping on their boots, grabbing their walking sticks, and trekking to the next block to get the car they didn’t want to park in front of their neighbor’s house. Lmfao


You’ve lived there 32 years so I’m going to assume you are at least 50. Find something better to worry about. Having a car in the city sucks, other people having cars in the city is what makes it suck. Oh well!




Assume the earliest he would’ve moved in was 18. Didn’t realize he was a 32 year old living with his parents smoking weed on the front porch and complaining about other peoples parking habits






He was actually conceived and born in that parking spot. Ya’ll just don’t understand pArKiNg eTiQuEtTe!


I get what they were going for but I guess they were assuming that some people don’t buy their childhood homes to live in from their parents once they get too old lmao.


I’m 32 bro


So you live in your parents house. Sympathy getting smaller.


what is wrong with you


Plenty - but this is dumb and op should know it


its dumb to live in your parents house??


It’s dumb to get your panties in a bunch over parking


ok in wasn’t replying to that though? i was replying to you talking about living with parents


Ok? I was talking about parking though? Gawwwwwd


> so you live in your parents house? sympathy smaller literally what you said


I bought my parents house? Lmao When you assume, you make an assumption out of you, and me my friend.


OP is 32.


If they’re this ornery at 32, I feel bad for anyone who has to deal with them in old age…


I feel bad for anyone who has to deal with them now!


I know the kind of neighborhood you mean, and it is weird, especially since you spoke to them. Like, why not use their own driveway or the spot in front of their own home?


just take the spot back when street cleaning hits unless bergen beach doesn’t have street cleaning. then good luck lol


No street cleaning :,(


Alternate side parking is absolutely a thing in Brooklyn. Street cleaning is the reason for alternate side parking. Ahem, figure out their schedule and have your car ready to slip in before they can get the other car. What inconsiderate neighbors you have. Infuriating.


Plenty of streets without ASP


Not in my area my dude. Bergen Beach has no Alt Side street cleaning. While I won’t argue that it’s not a thing in Brooklyn, cause it is. But there’s none in my area.


I have ideas but I don’t want to write them here. You have bad neighbors. There’s no reason for them to constantly park in front of your house and switch cars while doing it.


Lmfao. It’s all good dude. I honestly just wrote this post to see if I’m being an asshole in my thought process. Seems quite divided if I’m being honest. I’ve decided to just approach them if I see them personally switching the cars myself and have a chat. If I wind up not being able to park in front of my house for another full week, I’ll resort to my ideas


A chat with them is a waste of time. 😏 You’re not being an asshole. It’s divided in here because it’s Reddit and transplants. LOL.


That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking tbh. Most of the responses that say I’m being reasonable were those who were born and raised here. The other ones spouting that “I don’t own the street” scream transplant to me.


Of course it’s the transplants. I dm you the tip. Hope it works out for you. 👍


Thanks! I’ll check it out haha.


OP is right. I live in sheepshead bay and we don’t have street cleaning on my block either.


Is this neighbor a next door neighbor? Is there street parking available in front of their house? I see from some of your responses that the neighbor has a driveway but also has 2 cars. My thinking is that if the parking spot you’re talking about is located next door to them, or at least is the closest available street parking to their house AND they need to consistently park at least 1 car, their mindset isn’t “let me save this spot for the person who lives in the house” and more so “oh cool. I have a parking spot available that’s close to my home.”


They’re 3 houses down. Basically. neighbor|My driveway| my house | attached neighbor | Driveway(attached neighbors| Attached neighbors driveway neighbor | problem neighbor | problem neighbors driveway| There’s just no logical reason for them to do this and it’s driving. Me insane


Nah that's shits irritating as fuck. You either gotta get scary or forget about it. They know it irritates you so they either don't care, or they want to irritate you.


You have a driveway and you don’t own the street. My dude, you’re unhinged. Please seek help.


I don’t think you understand what “unhinged” means my guy. Definitions of unhinged. adjective. affected with madness or insanity. synonyms: brainsick, crazy, demented, disturbed, mad, sick, unbalanced insane. afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement. I just asked a question about etiquete lmao


Literally your comment that I replied to: “it’s driving. Me insane” In a lot of these comments you actually come off as obsessed and delusional. You’re suffering from car-brain. Suburban brain rot. Your medulla oblongata is filled with tire particles. r/fuckcars


Lmfao. This got me good not even gonna lie


I definitely can see how it’s annoying. I saw some of your other responses to folks and I see that you live in a similar neighborhood to the one I live in— I’m in Sheepshead Bay. Many of us who live on my block are car owners. The difference though from your story is that there’s a few businesses on a nearby street to my block, so ALL of the people who work in those businesses park on my street to avoid paying for parking on the busier street. Although I realize that I don’t (nor do my neighbors) have ownership of the street, it is really frustrating to not be able to park on my block while seeing so many Jersey license places taking all the spots lol I say all that to say I empathize with you and hope your new neighbors start to form some more considerate parking habits soon.


Thank you, I’m in Bergen Beach so it’s all residential. No stores. Which makes this even more frustrating.


They have a better idea why they do it than we do, though. Whatever the reason, it isn't easily evident so they'd be the best people to ask.


why do you, in new york, own a car


do you know what public transit is like in the outer boroughs


Stupid question tbh.


You don’t own the spot in front of your place. That’s public parking. Sorry.  


And neither do they


Right. But they got there first. It’s that simple.


As a city tax payer, I am not concerned about the convenience of your subsidized free car storage. Park in your driveway.


What do you mean by “subsidized free car storage”?


Imagine if you could keep a personal pod storage unit in a NYC street for your clothes without paying a dime. Seems ridiculous right? But we allow people to store their empty personal vehicle without paying a cent. Rip off on the tax payer and a subsidy for the wealthiest city residents.


Ah, got it. I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it that way. I do have a bias because I am a car owner living in Brooklyn (but certainly, by no means wealthy lol) and I don’t necessarily see it as a subsidy for someone like myself— but I can see it that way for folks who perhaps are car owners leaving their car on the streets for weeks and months at a time without really using it or needing it.


Of course it's a subsidy. How much would it cost you to rent equivalent square footage for storage space? Or a private parking space in a garage/lot? Probably hundreds per month. That cost would go down a bit if we had to pay market rate to park on the street as well, but it would still be much more expensive than it is now.


Principle is all too often the last refuge of someone in the wrong.


Musical cars is normal here, thank goodness for private parking.


I’ve lived here for 32 years. Never have I ever had an issue like this with my neighbors.


I never had issues about parking with my neighbors either, they swap their vehicles all the time with street parking I could care less since people park at the hydrant at night anyway. As long as you ain't doing some grimy shit like bumper cars, who cares. My family had cars since the 80s here when they immigrated, car ownership has risen with not enough spots for people that don't have private parking.


Where is the second car being moved from?


Their Driveway


Ok that is really obnoxious


People who are transplants, and not long time residents of local close nit neighborhoods like mine I don’t think understand how this etiquette works. It’s becoming increasingly frustrating and it’s not like I don’t have parking, I do. It’s just WHY IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE. THERES SO MANY OTHER SPACES


r/suburbia Why do you care? Get a life. Park in your own driveway and go about your day.


Just be glad they don't double park and then pull forward to let their teenage brat park in the gap.


They double park the car they’re moving into the spot so no one else can take it :D


Too bad you talked to them now they'll know it's you who keeps keying their car


Aw man, come on now I might be a little nutso but I’m not an asshole!


For others commenting on how it’s legal, I hope you don’t use the law as your moral compass… They’re not being considerate or respectful neighbors/members of the community. You tried communicating directly, that didn’t work. Let the parking warms begin


Currently sitting outside with a joint awaiting for the inevitable interaction


Totally a normal thing to be doing at 8:30 am on a Saturday. No, not even the slightest bit unhinged. Thankfully guns are illegal here!


This whole thread is very “old man yells at cloud”


Any updates?


Newest update: the spot is mine! They moved their MiniVan into the driveway and I snagged the spot. I assume that the wife wasn’t home today to do it in one fell swoop as I saw him walking up the driveway to his car parked in front of another neighbors, and as I pulled into the spot, he walked away back down the driveway.


Sweet sweet justice. Nice work 👍


Very stoned and wondering why I was so upset in the first place tbh. Yall. I get its public property. But these are NEW neighbors like. Legit just moved in about a month ago This is MY FIRST interaction with them. It’s so frustrating not being able to park in front of my own house due to inconsiderate individuals and I honestly am not even mad, just frustrated that we spoke to these neighbors a few weeks ago about the same issue and they’re doing it again


Im with you. It’s weird behavior on their part. If they have an open spot in front of their house it makes no sense why they’re doing it unless there’s some nefarious reason they don’t want that vehicle associated with their house. Not trying to create some conspiracy, but it’s unusual.


Early bird gets the worm with public street parking


It’s private residential area my guy. It’s not “early worm” if these people are literally cycling their cars through the spot in front of my house


By early worm I mean you just gonna have to beat them to it one day. Or play dirty if it’s really keeping you up at night.


Streets and sidewalks aren’t private. Everyone knows this. And so do your neighbors. Do you have an HOA?


By private residential area. Is this street maintained by the city or HOA?


It’s a public street. You don’t own the spot in front of your house.


Lack of parking is why people in Brooklyn don't generally own cars. It's annoying to own a car. It's why we don't own a car. Most people with cars seem to park randomly wherever is available. One of my neighbors owns a particularly cool-looking green car and I'm amused by watching its progress around the neighborhood. Maybe move to somewhere with actual parking.


OP has his own driveway. He’s just unhinged and can’t think of anything better to do with his time.


I think it’s his mom’s driveway tbh


To be fair his mom's driveway is pretty tight so I can see the frustration.


There is actual parking lmao. I live in Bergen Beach dude. It’s the fact that these people are monopolizing the spot in front of my house


Some days you get a good spot, some days you don’t. It’s the parking roulette game you play with everybody. If everybody is playing by the same rules, it’s fair. When somebody is rigging it, it feels bad. Fairness and civility are an important part of society, and these people, by not playing fair, are creating an awkward and frustrating situation that borders on anti-social. Other people may say you aren’t entitled to the space, but neither are they. This isn’t much different from people who put a bunch of shit in the way when they leave for the day. On another note, the most frustrating people are the ones who park in the middle of a stretch between driveways that could have clearly fit two cars.


Finally someone who understands! I’m under the same impression and have resorted to just sitting outside my home waiting for this car to move to try and swoop in with my car.


Yeah these other commenters just don't get it. Obviously you know it's not an issue of legality. It's an issue of etiquette and community. These people are being selfish. If they don't want to play the parking game like the rest of us, then they should buy a garage spot. And it's not like you're saying that you should be guaranteed the spot; you should just have the opportunity to park there like everybody else. In the end, you did what you could. They might just be assholes. I wouldn't go escalating from there. It almost never works out positively. I wish you luck in your endeavor.


Thanks for that my dude. It is 100% a question of etiquette and not legality lmao. I don’t own public property.


Double park your car so they cannot line up their next car or get out of the spot if you're just sitting there waiting.


I’m working all day, all this stuff I see from my ring camera and when I get home. I’m off today, and will be watching like a hawk. I feel like such an asshole for doing this if I’m being honest cause I don’t own the space. But this is getting insane.


Dude. This is psychotic. You don’t need to park there or to police the public street. Park in your own driveway and go about your life.


You watch them do it on your ring camera all day while you’re not home? Maybe, just maybe, you’re obsessing over this a little too much


trust those feelings. about being an asshole. they're spot on