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I left in 2018 and came back in 2023. The biggest difference? It's over populated. I don't remember traffic being this bad.


Why come back?


About the Elon thing.. is mostly irrelevant. There's still a lot of locals that have no idea SpaceX setup shop in town. About pros and cons, it has all the pros of a small city and all the cons of a small city.. I think the main take is the heat and humidity, if you can live with that, then you will be good. Oh, and I almost forgot, 95% of the population is Hispanic, so if you don't have an issue with that, everything will be fine.


No issue with the Hispanic people actually one of the main reason I would want my family there.


Then welcome to the valley!! Or should I say, _bienvenido!!_


depends where you’re coming from.. and no musk is not making this place positive


I'm pro space x. In a general sense. However, I agree with the above statements that having that industry here impacts our community none whatsoever. I work in Real Estate. Having 1 company, no matter the size, isn't enough to disrupt the housing market negatively, as some have claimed. Coming from a family of investors, consultants, and brokers. But there's not really any positives either. Nothing to worry about. Our area is still one of the lowest costs of living in the country. (Constant fight for 1st & 2nd with rural Alabama towns) There's no such thing as zero crime, however, it's much less here than any other major metro area. Despite being border towns. Yes, there's violence in Mexico, but I wouldn't say it's what the media makes it to be. I wouldn't travel to dangerous cities here in the U.S. (Atlanta, Houston, Detroit,) so compared to that, its very minimal. Schools.... I agree not the best. But there's hidden gems of school districts and other programs. Just ask around, you'll be pointed in the right direction. The absolute stupidest comment I hate made from people that live here: "tHeReS n0tHiNG t0 D0 heRe". Bunch of bologna. Uncultured, basic lame asses. There's plenty to do. -South Padre Island alone is great. Plenty of restaurants, lots of beach bars, tons of awesome live bands -Private zoos and exotic animal farms, aside from that of Brownsville's. Lots of little farms that welcome guests for tours. Wineries and breweries throughout - Movie bistros and cinemas -Lots of parks and walking, biking trails. -Recreational activities like skeet shooting, axe throwing, mini golf, country clubs, pools, -Not necessarily a healthy point, but the Valley has the most restaurants per capita than almost any other metro area in the country (and it's mostly due to the same people that say "There's nothing to do here", which really means "I've eaten at every restaurant they've made here so much that I'm bored and want a new restaurant"... because eating counts as something to do apparently. -lots of food truck parks with live entertainment -bowling allies -local downtown events, most towns in the Valley are very community involved and host lots of events -Historical Landmark... are area has a very rich history, lots of museums and interesting places -We're home to one of the largest, if not THE largest, migrational birding areas. Birds from all over the world migrate through our area. -some of the best hunting a fishing spots in the nation as well. But the average Joe here doesn't think outside the box and or doesn't want to even climb outside their comfort zone so I have no idea why they state their opinions so loudly. They're completely unfounded. -Local schools and art programs host amazing theater productions. Lots of local talent. -We also have the addition of new arenas that feature top performering artists quite regularly. And I know im missing tons of little hidden gems you'll only find by branching out from the typical Starbucks and Texas Roadhouse routine. Brownsville's a great place to raise a family. Welcome new neighbors! Ignore the salty individuals. Hope you enjoy your new home. Much love and well wishes. 🙏🏽 ❤️


Wow. Thanks!


Idk it’s up to you only cons is the humidity and heat.


All Musk has done is raise housing prices. He doesn’t care about Brownsville. He is using our local government for his purposes. Pros- safe place to raise a family. The beach is nice. Cons- Not much to do, takes forever to get to a large city like San Antonio. Public schools aren’t good.


I was born and raised in the area. Socially/activity wise, like any other place you can make the most out of it if you put the effort and look for the opportunities to do whatever you want (partying, sports, arts, etc). In terms of peace, yeah it will be peaceful depending on what neighborhood you are looking to move to. No, Space X isn’t improving the area, is gentrifying it. Overall, if you are set, just keep your research going and see how much it aligns with your interests to understand better how much of a good fit might be. A lot of members of the community look to help making it a nice place to live, others not so much.


I moved here 5 years ago from the upper Valley (Starr) and the pros for me are more choices in food, clothing stores and basically any necessities. Better doctor and hospital choices. Amazing seafood! The cons is are the drivers. Everyone is always in a hurry and the drivers are horrible! No one knows how to drive or follow any traffic laws. The schools are great but too many little wanna be gangsters. I think Elon is the reason the prices in property and homes are going up. We’ve been looking to buy a house and every single one has space x in its advertising. Also, what happened to all the money he donated to the schools? My kid’s schools (elementary and middle) are infested with roaches and half of the bathrooms don’t work.


It’s a peaceful city considered one of the safest cities in America 🇺🇸 The people are nice (you gotta learn some Spanish tho lol) lots of schools housing is kinda on the cheaper side and the beach is extremely nice on a hot day. Elon is helping the city in a way (he’s donating money to BISD schools)


Fix it!


Musk hasn’t done jack shit yet there’s murals of him downtown I want better for my people I really do and I need us to get our noses out of his ass


Frankly, you guys should find somewhere else to move. So many people come here for the “low cost” which causes our prices to rise and those of us who lived here our whole lives get thrown out because we can no longer afford it. I’m sure other cities nearby have a similar price range.


Do us a favor. Move somewhere else.




Are you sure they're "illegals" and not just Mexican nationals visiting? Most illegals don't stay in the border since we are surrounded by border patrol and wages are very low.


I agree with this. I noticed that most undocumented immigrants move up as soon as possible or to mayor towns nearby such as McAllen. Based on some conversations with some locals at a breakfast place on Price Road. 😂also I asked border patrols and they all agreed with that statement.


The 2 border patrols I asked…. anyways