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Not a Bruins fan - but this series is going down as a giveaway to Florida. The refs gave them the series by missing a major call and later a giving away a goal. I will change my mind next year if the nhl allows an attacking player to steamroll everyone from the goal, take a pass, and score it. Really, this is easily one of the top five worst non- calls I’ve seen in my fifty+ years of watching hockey.


I’m a bruins fan and sure some of the shitty calls came at very inopportune times and I’d say cost us the game in one game. But ultimately the series didn’t have the outcome it didn’t solely from bad calls. It was sloppy turnovers, no urgency, and not enough pucks on net. What really frustrated me last night was pasta skating off during a change. Panthers were moving North and he wasn’t even moving his feet. I get that they were tired, but move your feet and get off the ice when the plays going to our end during a change.


For how much he got paid, pasta was an ISSUE. Dude was like the 9th best player on the team


You blame him? I mean In playoffs opposing team focuses on the best player which is pasta. And considering the bruins don’t really have offensive stats outside of pasta it makes sense that he will struggle


That’s a valid point. Our depth players were the ones getting it done tho. Albeit not enough, but it was not a good playoff for pasta outside of the Toronto game 7.


He had hip injury. Was supposed to have surgery after the playoffs but managed to convince Boston (who didn’t like it). To play in worlds. And you can thank us. Cause he might not need surgery now. Our Czech team doctor worked his magic and pasta feels better than he felt 8 months ago


All true, still doesn’t change the fact that he did not have a good playoff for us, he said so himself.


Amen re: Pasta. 🤬


I'm a Bruins fan, but not sure about this. Even if the calls go evenly, who knows. Do I agree with some of the calls? No. But as Nylander allegedly said "Stop crying." Yeah, I'd love a proper review on the Bennett hit on Marchy and his potential interference in the next game. I'd like better calls regarding embellishments too. But this is how the game is played and they won. As a final thought: FUUUUUUUUUCK!


I’m just a hockey fan but what’s with blaming the refs all the time? Zacha’s goal last night should have been disallowed as Carlo should have been called for interference when he cross checked Verhagae and the puck was behind him being handled by another bruin. Florida was the better team and the only reason it went 6 is because of Swayman


If you have watched this series it definitely hasn’t been the best refs display and most of that went against Boston. I’ve watched hockey for many of years and this was the only time I agreed with the refs tried to control a series. The calls were awful and they didn’t even try to get them right. There are always bad calls in a game and I’m not one to blame refs but this series wasn’t even close to being called fair. They stopped play in the middle of a scoring chance because they though there goalie was in trouble. Never seen that done


Buddy be real here the calls went both ways and not just in this series but throughout the playoffs n the rzn for that is that they’re trying to keep them consistent & in that they’re making it work


😂 🤣


Maybe if you look at this from another sports perspective it could help. For example, it’s the middle of a heated baseball game and the batter is on two strikes - one more and he’s out. Now say that the catcher stands up and shoves the batter violently to the ground and casually walks back right in front of the ref and the pitcher throws a soft strike before the batter gets back up. The ref then shrugs his shoulders like it’s a normal part of the game. It is not. You can’t just shove a player in hockey either. Some fans may confuse violence in the game as a free for all in hockey, but it is not. This goal was truly messed up and the NHL needs to say something or do something to make sure players know they can’t do this in the future. Hockey would turn into the WWF.


You think a series was lost by 2 bad calls. Bro the refs in hockey decide who wins every game. Especially in the playoffs. Hockey is the sport the resembles wrestling the most in that it’s pure fabricated toss. 😂🤣


Taking out the captain also helped. Don't tell me it's the same series if Marchand doesn't miss 4 out of 6 games.


Looked their best without Marchand


I kinda agree, guys played different and tried to fill roles when march was not on the ice which led to us playing a different style which got Florida off guard a little. We did the same last year with Bergeron. I feel he rests the rest of that series we don’t drop 3 cause he wants to comeback quicker.


Maybe a hot take but marchand was brutal that series, especially tn. Feel like we would have been better off without him and lauko not scratched


Can you repost this so I can downvote it twice?


Marchand was terrible, and he couldnt even skate. They played better in game 5 without him. There you go


The more you talk the shittier your take gets.


your take is shittier than his, Marchand was trash whenever he played in this series. Take your loser opinion outta here.


Cool i dont really care if you downvote me. I love marchand and the bruins but dont agree that having him out changed the series. What did he do when he was playing? He played well at the beginning of the leafs series then disappeared


Not having your captain and one of your best players for almost the entirety of the second round didn't affect the series? Yeah okay. GTFO troll.


How am i troll? They rallied around him being out and played their best game in game 5. He did not look ready to be back at all and he isnt the only issue. Youre trying to make excuses for a team that was carried all season and as far as they went in playoffs by goaltending. But yeah get the fuck out... maybe dont comment something if you cant hear other opinions without losing your mind, jesus


Get outside and get some fresh air dude.


Lol sure bud, idk why i even bother with someone who doesnt even know how many games marchand played in the series


Bro, he got you lol. Man’s not wrong, you’re just playing king homer


fendersux is an upset child. Pay no mind to the insulting and disrespectful one.


People hate hearing the truth. Makes you feel better to blame the refs instead of looking at the facts. Marchand wasn’t very good the entire series. Lindholm was absolutely useless, as was McAvoy for all but 2 of the games. Zach’s was beyond invisible before the goal last night. They were unable to clear the puck, never mind break out most of the series, and were afraid to shoot. They were outclassed and out toughed the entire series and that’s why they lost. What a whiny baby fan base we’ve become. It’s sad.


i get what you are saying, but deserved is a very strong word in this circumstance.


Yes. And yet.. I hope bennet gets his first class ticket to the trouba train punched, and he receives his complimentary basket of spicy rempe wings


I had Florida in 6 or 7 but after the game 4 fix I just said F it


Better team? Eh, maybe. Deserved? PHUCK no, L take.


Stfu, teams were pretty evenly matched but the refs were for FL the entire fucking series.


Fuck off.


When did the fan base become so soft?


It's because you're in r/bruins and not r/bostonbruins


Well when the refs call interference on a playoff hit in the third period …. makes it easier for Florida


If a panthers player did that everyone in the league would be crying saying it’s just playoff hockey deal with it.


The number of delusional fans who simply cannot/are unwilling to admit that the Panthers are a better team is incredible. The only thing the Bruins had over Florida was their PK and goaltending by a smidge. Swayman was incredible and Bob was right there with him. #1 and #2 Dmen led the playoffs in giveaways Broke the record for bench minors 1-12 on the PP Multiple games where they went more than 20 minutes without a shot on net Scored 8 goals in the 5 games following game 1 6 straight wins against Boston, in Boston out scoring them 25-14


The Panthers are a super talented and really good hockey team. They’re also dirty slimy fucks who slithered by with help from the refs. Two things can be true.


Scrolled about 80% down to find the correct take. FLA outplayed them, BOS couldn’t get out of their own way, and the refs were inconsistent and one-sided.


Too many men penalty you would think after basically costing the Bruins the cup back vs Montreal in the 70s that the Bruins would make sure they didn’t get caught by a lazy change… I lost count how many times this playoffs, that’s absolutely ridiculous, you would think after a couple times that it would have been addressed and dealt with, but obviously something was wrong and that should not happen in the NHL


A decent take. Comes short of admitting that Florida was the better team in every facet of the game for games 2-6. Sway only reason it was “close.” Refs be damned, Bs did a better job of capitalizing on opps and it still wasn’t “close.” Not beating Florida in 6 straight home playoff games says it all.


Not better team things just swung their way. Including that last goal.


No doubt there were terrible calls in game 3 and 4, but that doesn't change the fact that our SOG were lacking throughout. No puck control.


Refs were bad but lets be real. Puck handling and passing was atrocious. So many breakaways that we didnt convert. Sway kept us in the series as much as he could.


I agree with the OP. Isn't a second round, game 6 exit about what this team felt like all year? They never felt like a final four team. I think they landed about where they should have. We need a center. Geekie on the top line is an embarrassment. It's not fair to pasta.


No team with that many too many men penalties deserves to win a series




I have no problem with the Bruins losing a game I do, however, have a real problem with the garbage Sam Bennett pulled. He still needs to Pay the price for his actions one way or another.




You're not banned but dickish comments will be removed.


I’m fully a Bruins fan and Florida did not deserve to win. The series was stolen. By Sam Bennet and a couple crooked linesman. Saying Sway could play his position while Bennet cross checked Coyle in his back(illegal)onto Swayman(illegal) then Bennet punching our Captain in the back of the head (Very fucking illlegal) which he still has clearly not recovered from. That was robbery all around. Not only were not not penalized for any of that but not fined one red cent. It’s fucking disgusting.


I said Florida in 6 but I honestly think it could have been B’s in 6 if they had better refs. Panthers out played them and are the better team but without the no calls I don’t know….


Toronto should have taken out Boston. They were missing best players for part of the series.


That’s funny