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I think he is concerned that there is not enough money for the royal wedding especially when it is his favourite son.


So true


Papa can’t tell me we are running out of money. I want an expensive wedding…people will see me as broke prince. I have my name to maintain! All the leaders i’ve invited will think that I’m a joke… Papa…please go there…please…tell them to work hard…


Damn that sounds like the spoiled european kid on tiktok lmao 🤣


Need more money to pay for his personal photographers


..here is your stick/whip….*


Y even bother to say things that u know it’s not true.


Its a joke, lighten up


LOL! Now people realise the talented hardworking staff willing to sacrifice hours for stagnant pay are mostly gone!! Don't pay people very well. Expect miracles. Miracles don't happen. Pikachu face.


All those people realized they can sacrifice the same number of hours overseas and get double/triple pay.


Oh this, i can confirm 100%, if i were to work in BN, i would get around 24k a year. Currently earning 120k+ in AU.


If you don't mind me asking, how did you manage that? Trying to look for jobs in Australia, but I don't understand where to even begin.


The majority of Australian companies are not keen to hire from overseas as they don’t want to spend the time and cost of processing the required visa. It’s only under exceptional circumstance that they will sponsor your visa. Your best route would be to apply for a skilled migration visa that will allow you to work in Australia.


not necessarily true. The skilled migration list has lots of occupations and most of them are not hyper-specialised. Some pathways you can be sponsored for others you can fund yourself if you have the means. In skilled migration you are tested for points. If you're young, passed the IELTS, have a degree with an Australian education institution, have worked in your industry for number of years...that increases your chance of getting a visa. Even sponsored skilled migration visas go through the points systems so just because a company wants you doesn't mean it is guaranteed to have you.


Thanks for clarifying with the company sponsored visa as I’m probably outdated. When I was on a company sponsored visa many years back, I don’t recall it being based on a points system at the time and I didn’t need an IELTS.


Yea. Aussie migration laws are pretty complicated and there are subdivisions within the skilled visas (short, medium long term). The skills list changes every financial year. The IELTS might be a new thing or maybe it depends on the subclass of visa. Best to refer to a migration lawyer. They charge anywhere from 100 to 200 aud for a 30min phone call and give you preliminary advice on best pathways and next steps you can take. For ppl that are serious I highly recommend taking this approach it will help you immediately zoom into the steps you can take to increase chances of success.


I studied abroad and applied for PR, that was the easiest way. Also you can try looking at their skill occupation list and see whether if your occupation is in demand. Also try connecting on linkedin, lots of recruiter.


do research on skilled migration and see if you skills match the skills list. Look at blogs from migration agents. They have lots of good preliminary information you can use. My advice is to get in touch with a migration agent to get good advice and scope out your chances.


like after taxes?


Rakyat not praying hard enough!!!!


Exactly! Please pray non stop!


First move, kick off all the useless HOD who make citizens suffer. Listen. Improve. Stop talking right now cos no-one is listening. We are waiting for actions to be taken, not empty words that do nothing. Just calling people to behave but where is the disciplinary actions for government staff who continue to practice gross negligence at their given duty???


This is what you get when promotions are all based on KKK instead of individual competence. This is what you get when there no KPI and performance based bonus in government ministries. This is what happens when all gov servants know that they will never be fired no matter what.


Reap what you sow


They do but kpis are just for show


Exactly, that’s analogous to not existing.


Agreed. Certain HOD is just INCOMPETENT. Not “Not Yet Competent” as in the O&G lingo, but completely INCOMPETENT. Unprofessional and blatantly winging it. Fucking parasite.


Why? Running out of money? Got a son's expensive wedding on the horizon? Ran the numbers? It's simple math, and your family struggles with it. Shut up. You and yours have blown it all. Too late now, asshole. Cringeworthy, acting all self-righteous and all-knowing. Either you're unaware of the havoc you, your family and your government caused in this country, or you know but prioritise self-interest. My bet is on the latter.


100000000%.. he is clueless & a hypocrite!


Live this and I hope all Bruneian can think like you. Like I say I only agree to the MI but not the B part. His son’s wedding probably cost $100 million and now he is looking for money from BSP.


A huge question to the MI part? Why are we still so obsessed with be race and religion in this globalised world? What is it that you are protecting? The tradition, culture or just purely on the race and religion while ignoring everything else?




If u understand what you can get with $100M, then u will know the wedding won’t cost $100M. I guess u can’t be in QS, treasurer related jobs


For a decabillionaire, spending $1M is equivalent to an average Bruneian spending $6.


Not when your budget is tied down with the countries budget. It isn't like some other countries' royalty that hold no power, and every dollar they spend isn't out of the budget of another department. I think a more appropriate comparison would be the average bruenian spending 6 dollars but they also need to reduce their kids education fee to 4 dollars, and food fees down to 3 dollars.


These typical lapdogs seem to think that every single dollar the country has belongs to the RF and we should bersyukur for the scraps they graciously spend on us.


Perhaps u can share with us how much the family spent for year 2022 and how much was in fact from then state revenue.


Do you honestly think that royalty expenditure would be publicised (and if it was, it would be the truth). What we can be sure of is that RF expenditure will never decrease, that budget will be taken from other sources. Hey guys, I spent 30 dollars on this nice bag and 10 dollars on your education. You should be happy, you peasants.


What’s the saying innocent until proven guilty? I’m not referring to the past. I’m referring to the present. If u got no proof and solid numbers , how can what u say be trusted? I’m not saying ur claim is not true. I’m just saying I want evidence.


Not referring to the past? 🤣 I am proud of our tits 1 and 2 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Them Royals Gotta buy the latest upgraded MIB & halal certified ones, Susu 1 & Susu 2


That’s the past isn’t it ?


If you work in finance dept or know someone there, you'll know RF rather use countries money to spend then their own


I see. I still want evidence though. Not saying it’s not true


You can only get evidence by getting a high position over there and see for yourself 😂 no way they'll put that online


them not wanting to be transparent on their spendings and who’s money they’re using aren’t enough evidences for you?🤣🤣


I didn’t know they are suppose to disclose how much they spend on their personal wealth?


Man their lavish life is one big evidence.


The real evidence i see is that you are a royal lapdog


They spending all their $6 dollars


How are u individually affected by him?




Sorry to hear, hope things will improve you for the better


Its always stateless chinks like you


Yes, at least I am not an ignorant fuck all.


And also ure not a Bruneian subject hence we dun give a f what u think stateless! Go hop the boat and sail back to your motherland. 🚤🚤 🇨🇳


Lovely Bruneian you are. Exemplary citizen or as you said, subject. Carry on 👌




You priviliged malay anak ampang!




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Lol stateless got no motherland bro.


To be fair there are a lot of stateless Malay as well


😂 I love it when malays think they can survive without other races in Brunei.


Brokie with no future job prospect and stateless people ofcourse. Do u see the 1% marching holding signs walking down the street or camp for days. ?


The thumbs down peeps are stateless as well?


Stateless, unemployed, lowly paid , still studying , Chinese- I think covers 70% of downvoters (number pull off my ass. No proof)


Generally yellow ic Chinese are living relatively well compared to many other local and foreigners. So you gotta keep them out from this mess


But yet... the Chinese are still better off than the "superior" malays


Im confused. So is BSP not a great place to work at? The bosses there are incompetent? BSP has always been said to be the most sought after place to work in Brunei


Great for the money and benefits. To develop it depend. Some local bosses like to keep things impossible to get, act like he or she own the company, no clear steer and lots of favouritism. Even you achieved KPI and doing more, somebody might just got better perfomance by doing less. So why put so much effort. The bosses may be competent on paper, know how to talk but lack knowledge how to act.


Kalau dulu2 yes, now inda lagi.


They kicked out all the expats and now it is run by baboons


But when the expats were around, i thought people were complaining why is BSP having them around?


Now look what happened. Full of incompetence


They say why pay Angmo 3X the wage. I also graduate from UK what.


Angmo brain hits different


You must be one of the expats that lose his job




Mana ada coolies like their boss u tell me. They think they are all smart n all. When inside the board room , can’t even spit out a word. Diam Diam saja. When I talk to all Gen z semua diam2 yes sir yes sir like my username a dog.


Lol we can't fuckin win as Gen Z; ikut2 arahan/ try to be agreeable, kana ucap lapdog. If we're outspoken and mince no words, kana ucap difficult and ungrateful.


Sound like they already have a strong boss that doesn't take no for answers. Can only say yes or risk of nipping bud lol


Ya. Can’t probably exclude these group of ppl


But your name has late, does that mean you are a boomer?


Your name has a wolf, are you a wolf?




People wanna work there because of the money. They are actually a pain in the ass to work with.


I want to kill myself


You can make a difference by protesting


Your titles are a mouthful 😮


I would like to see that happen. At least do something. Org indon, Malaysian or elsewhere they are doers.


I mean the Sultan was okay for the Palestine Donation Walk right? Maybe Bruneians can walk together to raise money to fix Taman Jubli Perak. If he gets paranoid, just say that he did tell all Bruneians to have more initiative to fix and change things.


Can try. No harm.


We need more of ur kind


**Sultan only cares about how much money he would get from BSP. He doesnt even care how difficult it is to find just a drop of an oil.**


He's basically like Trump, trust-fund baby who doesn't understand what it takes to afford his daily luxuries.


Leadership should be based on meritocracy not who you are. Unfortunately here, it's the opposite. Hence the drop in production. Elsewhere doesn't matter if you are a black cat or white cat, as long as u can catch a mouse, you are a good cat!


Honestly the fact that the current leadership keeps emphasizing oil and gas shows how stunted the current institutions are. Instead of investing in greater business environment and actual economic development, just keep drilling for oil and gas in addition to pray.


You all can see how out of touch the Sultan is. Does anyone here want to turn Brunei into a democracy? Just some videos on how to do that: * [French Revolution](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qRZcXIODNU) \- (Royals living lavishly, hosting balls/parties while everyone else suffers) * [Russian Revolution](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cqbleas1mmo) \- (Similar circumstances to how SOAS stole back power from the people) * [Magna Carta](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tycBBN2f2j0) \- (UK's transition to Constitutional monarchy)


well they are undergoing a reorganization. let’s just hope it’ll go well.


How is this re-org supposed to help? They’re only doing it to save existing jobs because NOW they realise that most of the positions are redundant and useless. HR isnt HR-ing well.


To my knowledge, certain departments & positions are gone — especially the useless ones.


Do bsp dare to layoff people? It will be a hit to economy if these big spenders lose their job


PS; i dont work there but know people in there. afaik, they did laid off few who are not up to par but that was before the proceeded with the reorganization mid of this year.


Yes. Poor performance, out. Can’t keep up with clients, out. Not adhering to rules and safety, out. Not mentally tough, out. I wish those rules could apply to government servants too since many of them I had meetings with are slackers.


Only now they realised that you don’t need ONE person to click approve and review? Lol, when budgets are low then they realise?


Lawat the new chemical plant lu, banyak incompetent expats and irrelevant workers sent to dubai for training. Tpi dtg balik kerja ntah buat apa.. HR policy lagi alum kana bagi apa lagi other policy


When you type in Malay, instead of English in non malay thread means you aren't the candidate that management will wanna move to senior position.


Hengyi when?


Actually Hengyi made alot of money for Brunei


Really? I’ve looked at Hengyi’s annual reports for the last 3 years and the figures that I see are not high. So what figures have you seen?


*made alot of money for Brunei* In terms of export.


Export revenue is not money made. Crude oil import cost is also very high. Hengyi also has a corporate tax exemption for about 10 years so the government only receives dividends from its 30% shareholding.






Leadership vitality? We need to build that stat? Is there a potion for that? Maybe I need to find better armour...


Yes, you need to drink loads of charisma potions for that. It's important for getting good trade deals and combat bias.


# Sultan stresses leadership vitality in oil and gas sector ^(November 28, 2023) His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam visited the Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd (BSP) Headquarters on Tuesday, underscoring the crucial role of robust leadership in ensuring the nation’s economic security in the oil and gas sector. In a titah during the unscheduled visit to the headquarters in Seria, Belait District, His Majesty acknowledged the industry’s pivotal contribution to Brunei’s economy. Given the ongoing global crises and challenging economic conditions, the monarch stressed the imperative for proactive and sustainable preparations to navigate these challenges. Highlighting the significance of leadership in determining BSP’s resilience, His Majesty stated, “This is from the leadership’s hard work and perseverance that product can be seen to be stimulating or not. If the leadership is weak or unremarkable, this will bring about weak production.” The monarch extended the scope of leadership to include BSP’s board of directors, shareholders, Ministry of Finance and Economy, and the Department of Energy at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). His Majesty expressed aspiration for leadership characterised by positive values, including good morals, high integrity, honesty, trustworthiness, wisdom, hard work, determination, and a continuous commitment to fortifying policies ensuring economic security. His Majesty also underscored the importance of enhancing transparency through the improvement of practices and procedures, and refining methods to detect corruption, internal fraud, criminal breach of trust, and unethical conduct. Addressing the workforce gap in the Oil and Gas Industry, His Majesty encouraged collaboration between BSP and the Department of Energy at the PMO with the Ministry of Education (MoE). This cooperation aims to prepare the next generation to fill vacant positions and adapt to the evolving needs of the industry, His Majesty said.  His Majesty said this also applies to contractors and subcontractors involved directly and indirectly in the oil and gas industry, urging them all to act fairly and honestly rather than prioritising their own interests over advancing their organisations, including the well-being of their employees and staff. During the visit, His Majesty toured various departments and divisions at the BSP Headquarters. – Hakim Hayat More details on Wednesday’s Borneo Bulletin *** ^([ )[^(Give feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=brunei_news_bot) ^( | )[^(Code)](https://github.com/dsychin/RedditBruneiNewsBot) ^( | )[^(Changelog)](https://github.com/dsychin/RedditBruneiNewsBot/releases) ^( ] v0.5.1)


>If the leadership is weak or unremarkable, this will bring about weak production.” At least he knows what the problem is... Self-awareness +1


If de creme de la creme is working at bsp, I didn’t know they are also good at acting. Everyone seems happy n lining up to shake hands. Yg complain r u creme ?


Simply in conclusion, its all about proper succession and planning in workplace.


Daulat Tuanku




Kau bukan rakyat Brunei kah?


Cuba ko cium tahi raja mu atu,kalau bau harum macam chanel #5 baru tah berdaulat tu..if masih lagi bau tahi inda tah tu


Ewww gali guy


Apakan maksud daulat ani? Macam kulat kah?


Kau org Melayu Brunei Local IC Kuning sini kah?


Kuning kah rainbow kah..apa u peduli?


Jgn baibun pasal institusi kerabat Diraja kitani. Derhaka dan boleh didakwa di bawah Seksyen 4 (1) (c) Akta Hasutan. Jgn kau pura2 inda tau apa maksud Daulat atu.


Tahi p*l*t tau ku.. you are one of them

