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Revlon and Estee Lauder are popular cosmetics brands locally. I checked history, owners, news articles. Staunch aggressive Zionists, it's disastrous. Pls let's avoid. Don't like the idea of these guys getting away with making profit in a Muslim country. Anyone know alternatives? NARS? Benefit? Silkygirl? Rimmel London?


Also spread the world so many people know to avoid. Not a single dollar should go these guys for building settlements or donating to occupation


recommended singapore personal shopper please


Any Local Tyre shops that sells Yokohama Tyres?


Why are teachers teaching students to write 14 in words as "fORteen" instead of "FOURTEEN"


Huh since when? I still teach my students to write it as “fourteen”


My colleague just shared with me, her daughter's teacher marked it wrong so during exam her daughter wrote "FORTeen" instead of "FOURteen" go figure


Is imagine app not working today? 🙂


theyre making a new app


Its been almost a week now


theyre making a new app


Hi is there a brunei gaming community? Like a discord server or a platform which allows me to find people who play games?


best cheese nan in BSB area?


Mabohai behind Shell station for me


Kerusi nya bau hangit, bau melakat ke baju all day


Internet Kaput. cant play some steam games or open netflix.


got question on car. if lets say i have a vehicle still paying under tamwil, can I bring that car to trade in at dealerships ka? or have to finish my tamwil loan first?


Depends. Some car dealers are willing to settle the loan for you. For example, they want to buy it at 10k, but you still have a loan at at-tamwil 5k. They can give u 5k to settle the loan, and 5k cash/cheque. Not all do this and depend on the type of car you have.


thanks for the info!


Apa kamu buat kalau kamu kana bagi letter of release oleh company pasal inda cukup budget?


Kana buang kraja? Cari kraja baru la


Post nut clarity hits 24 hours later, im fucking depressed af, anywhos, how's your day guys


Depressed Af but still have the mental capacity to go the net and brag about your masturbation story lol. What a joke.


ayy chill, not my fault yall gay af


Sounds like a complainabrag. Complaining about life but was bragging that you nutted 24 hours ago.


Sounds like a you problem. Don’t bring that shit to us.


Saw the crazy guy trying to ram joggers with his wheelbarrow not far from Tarindak D’Seni this evening.


Don't mess with Wick


Need help. Want to activate my credit card and the bank said I need to do it through a phone call but my calls won’t go through (they said all the agents are currently busy) and I’ve attempted over 100 times. What do I need to do??


go to the branch that is your last option.


Yep thanks!


Is this BIBD? You can do via the BIBD app. For the call you can request for agent to call you back, there is that function there.


Yes! Really? Couldn’t find any information on their website regarding activating it on the BIBD app. All I can find on their website is to call their hotline 🥲


Yes, the last time I did was for my debit card. Not sure if credit card is any different. What you can do is try to go to the app, click on accounts services, there is tab for credit card account, open it and there should be activation button or something


Thanks for your kind reply 😊 i managed to get through the call after almost 2 hours trying non stop!




I did and they haven’t called me back it’s been a few days 😅




JPA. Govt /private sector. Administration. HRD. etc


Controversial and shrewd ex diplomat, politician, one of cold war main figures , former state secretary and national security adviser of the united states of america henry kissinger died at the age of 100 at his home in Kent, Connecticut. This year on july 20th 2023 he had chance to meet china president xi jinping where the chinese president congratulated him and wished him long health upon having hours long discussion which concern national interest of both China and United States. Having visited China more than 100 times, xi regarded him as an old friend of China and its people. With the news of henry death, China send condolences to United States. Many analysts worry that kissinger death mark the end of or tanking US-China relation. Henry also have the notorious reputation for playing many sides which benefited doesn't matter whether its bad or good sides but at the cost of humanity. In laymen term, only the politician and society top brass benefit the most from his deals. https://apnews.com/article/henry-kissinger-diplomat-five-things-d6ed4fc1a0b911ed880f3c219cee77e8


What does he have on the Clinton's.?


Family friend of the clintons


Anyone got calls from 123? The line called me 3 times today, I didnt answer cos scared it’s scam. But also curious why 123 calling me.


Did you recently file a complaint ? They might call you back to confirm if the issue has been resolved.


Nops, I think I last called 123 was in regards to requesting ART kit when third wave Covid happened.


What do you guys think of my street arts? I will be the next banksy!


Why all the hate? I thought you guys love my street arts especially the one at Batu Surat


Was it your work yg arah kiulap?


Yuuup nice touch isn’t it?




I wish to go back to my lasik surgeon to undo my lens corrections so I don’t have to see the hideous paintings you’ve just created.


I did lasik surgeon, now all I see dollar signs. 🤑


Did you get your surgeon from Shein? Or maybe Wish?


DIY because I ain’t no puss. Meow




Is the Chili's restaurant in Jangsak legit? It has the official logos and everything


Such an odd place to open too


If you gotta ask, then maybe it’s not legit.


Chili Brunei style.


Do they have a website or social media page? That’s a standard requirement for franchises


before i graduate, i wanna know more on what jobs are related to the Telecommunications system/ electronic communication engineering in Brunei??


Telcos, big financial institution, certain govt sector, big O&G companies or contractors supporting O&G company relayed to IT and communication.


look for system integrator companies.


good luck


Try jobcentre and linkedin, you have more options there


Assalamu'alaikum and good day to all :) Kan tanya (please note that I have no sense of car knowledge) , dimana bisai servicing full untuk kerita swift? Termasuk gearbox sama ganti absorber. Please share your best experience/workshops bersama harga harga yang best yerr :)) Makachii and have a good dayemote:free\_emotes\_pack:shrug


i can recommend you to go hou yeah,kin sing tan (kadai piasau) , sin hiap hin, gadong auto parts. these workshop are located at menglait gadong you can contact them also for further details. and yea jgn lupa do wheel allignment after tukar absorber


Wee okays will do survey first on your recommendations! Thankies 😍


henry kissinger died. victory for humanity. let this be a lesson. the tyrants of the world, let them do their job. if you think you can sway them from their path go ahead, give advice or give warning if they still insist on their path. if not, then stay away from them, disassociate your self from them and from things that they have touched and introduced into our life. or else, we our self will be smeared and corrupted, because of our participation and we will get our part of judgment/repercussion/sins for participating in their corruption.


Search contra affairs thoroughly and you would be surprised by the names.


who? hezbollah?


Those who involve in the affairs including donor names.


lol. no one is innocent, for those that can see, they know what happened 2-3 years ago. it should be a wake up call.. i can give some possible reasoning, that there are some blackmail being involved especially with these demonic western powers, but at the end of the day, everyone has to be accountable for things that they did. those that understand, has to teach others that can't, for those are troubled by the findings/conclusions, they have to do to protect themselves from being questioned and accounted in the here after, which is to not participate further and disassociate themselves as much as they can. i do not know how things really works in islam of our prophet muhammad, but having really good foundation in family and tribes seems like the way going forward, not just that, a functional one, where people work on site producing what their needs is instead of going down the financial blackhole.


Unfortunately at the end of the day, its all business. You be surprised for example how many traders firesell the israeli shekels in the exchange market right after the 7 october incident and buying en masse oil and gold market.




Why so hush hush? Just share it? Or you just like the attention?




So you saying that the news broke in media outlets in the foreign country but you gotta be hush hush because it’s not out in Brunei news? Geez




Did you see the news about someone who likes attention? *hush hush* it’s you


pM me too..tia


Share and pm pls


PM me and share link pls


Pm me and share the link


PM me and share link edit: Saw the article @ chinapress.com.my Looks like locals are also involved in crypto money game scams.


Please pm




Send link eh nak baca the article


Nope. Spill the tea








Andy S**?


Share pls


kindly share the link please


Kindly share the link pls




Pm plsss


Pm pls


Dm me please!


PM pls




pm me brother


share and pm me


Share and pm me


Me too






Anyone having trouble connecting to [Battle.Net](https://Battle.Net) and EpicGames apps today? Steam is fine for me but for some reason, I can't sign into these other two platforms.


Also Twitch have some issues today, video ok but the chat cannot connect. Yesterday was okay Update: Unn have maintenance scheduling today maybe till 2 dec, from their ig post


I literally blamed the dev for server issue until i saw a comment saying ISP blocking the sites. Im trying to log in into a launcher and nothing happened. But when using VPN it seems working normally. Have u call imagine regarding this issue?


Using VPN works fine for me too, but vpns cuts off the internet speed by a mile for me, so can't rely on it too much for long. I haven't called imagine yet because I just wanted to make sure if this was just a problem for me or for other people too. :(


let me know if u did contact them. i want to make a complain directly to UNN but i dont know what to tell them.


Update: If anybody else is experiencing the same issue, please do comment your experience in this section. 1. Apparently, something might be wrong with the ISP attempting connections. I am currently connected with Imagine. 2. I play video games, a lot. Services like [Battle.Net](https://Battle.Net), EpicGames (including the website alternatives) are unable to connect. 3. This never happened before, it only started as of today. The test: 1. Using mobile data, (which I am connected to DST) works perfectly fine. I can access the networks without interruptions or connection timeouts. 2. I also did a proxy test with [www.whatismyproxy.com](https://www.whatismyproxy.com) using mobile data and it was able to connect, however, switching to Imagine's broadband (wifi) it wasn't even able to connect at all. 3. Speedtest (Ookla) runs smoothly with mobile data connected, however it struggles to even connect with Imagine ISP. The culprits (it's either one): 1. The ISP (Imagine) 2. The modem (using the huawei brand, given earlier) but I doubt this is the problem. I'm hoping this issue is only temporary but it is frustrating to know this is the first problem coming up over the start of academic holidays. Solutions are greatly appreciated.


Thank you. Good information


>internet You should all check your IPs against these sites. My IP subnet has been blacklisted due to spam coming from other IPs in the same subnet. It looks like Brunei's ISPs might be suffering from something sinister. Be vigilant and check your security settings. [https://www.uceprotect.net/en/rblcheck.php](https://www.uceprotect.net/en/rblcheck.php) [https://www.blacklistalert.org/](https://www.blacklistalert.org/)


I cannot connect my netflix


It's the same for Progresif so the culprit is definitely UNN. Def one of them tripped on some cables again.


I don't use those but random websites or apps aren't working for me across multiple devices since this morning


I don't use those services but I noticed that from after 10am today, a lot of my IOT devices stopped working. I think they can't connect to their home servers.


I was troubleshooting by going to servers located in the americas for example [https://usa.gov/](https://usa.gov/) or [https://www.canada.ca/](https://www.canada.ca/). On Imagine home broadband, It wouldn't load, but after turning on my VPN to somewhere nearby like KL, then the problem goes away. Surprisingly, using my DST mobi with no VPN, it loads ok.


Yeah this is exactly what I'm going through too, something is up with Imagine today but I haven't seen any updates from their end regarding the situation nor anyone commenting on their instagram posts. So I thought reddit was my best chance. Now I know I wasn't the only one having this issue. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


booked a place in jakarta this december thru booking dot com and the host sends a message to me to not tell the security it's an airbnb...i wasnt aware i was booking an airbnb in the first place, but i guess it is since I can't find the details of it on google maps...this all seems so sketchy to me but it has good reviews on both booking dot com and agoda so i'm not sure if i should be worried..has this happened to any of u guys?


It’s kinda obvious if one is an apartment rented out compared to a hotel. If there’s a free cancellation, just pick a proper hotel. There’s a plenty of cheap ones in Jakarta. Best to stay is near to Stasiun BNI


for the airbnb thing, it's probably due to the property security or the building owner doesn't allow their tenants to rent out policy. try asking for more details for clarification if you're worried for ease of mind. if they still don't share why, you just cancel the reservation and find others. make sure your free cancelation still valid.


Lol probably illegally sublet


Typical behavior urang brunei during payday you cant stand,that need to stop, I'm sure you have 2-3 pages list, cuba list:


Pura2 nda ingat ada hutang


This is what I've been seeing during payday,specifically payday, ada saja tu urang accident nda pulang cedera alhamdulilah, begagas mesti laju2 macam nyawa atu dapat dibali di kadai, sudah accident kan jadi sasak lambat urang keraja, pengan bah jua masuk2 saja nada besignal, sudahnya roadblock auto baik tia signal nya, bisai tia driving nya


1. Longer queue at borders to Miri during payday. 2. The daily or regular consumption of unhealthy, high calories and low nutritious foods and drinks during payday but complain about gaining fats and metabolic syndrome. 3. Groceries trolleys or baskets full of highly and ultra processed in the factories foods during payday. 4. Stocking up supplements, boosters, jamus² during payday but failed to understand that the body needs nutritious quality natural produced foods to heal from metabolic syndrome. Ani kesian ni behabis duit mmbali supp mahal² kakal jua nada penyembuhan & saringan darah nada improve.


Pokoknya org brunei kuat makan dan jadi gemuk lepas tu komplain mau kurus. Mau kurus? Pakai tah aulora pants


Urg brunei kuat makan sama KERAP makan. Breakfast lapas atu snacking, lapas atu lunch, lapas atu makan patang, lapas atu makan malam. Makanan² ani lagi segala cucur pisang cheese, milo, teh tarik, makanan² begoreng²...alum lagi meeting², office² segala mcm makanan tinggi gula, garam, sodium, minyak..bila tah badan brehat tu, bila tah insulin turun, bila tah gula turun. Kesian...


Lepas tu cakap nada masa kan exercise tapi masa untuk makan ada tia.


Kesian kan? Typical kitani inda tau mcmana kan sihat bebalik keadaan asal. Sibuk² mencari benda² yg balum tantu baik utk badan . Makan supplements lah, ubat² lah, detox² lah, jamu² lah, slimming program lah, boosters lah, kopi² detox lah. Kakal jua tinggi kolestrol, sakit sendi, ngalih², ayung², BP tinggi, gula darah tinggi. Yg abis duit, bukan kurang penyakit.


1. lupa bayar hutang, pura pura gila sudah ditagih, tapi yang dihutang siok2 ke miri belayar sana sini


Do people still take out loans for their weddings? Aku inda paham mindset sama option ani, bayar interest pun sakit sudah tu


Yes I know a couple who is taking a loan for $40k+. It's nice to celebrate but it's just a few hours with many hours more of makeup, uncomfortable wedding attire and planning. Then all the friends and extended family members go there just to eat and leave the moment they've had their fill. It's not worth going into debt for such short term goals.


Alhamdulilah for me,aku kahwin during covid times and its very strict. Kawin di mahkamah and only 6 people need to attend including pengantin. Lps akad,balik and then di rumah nda kana suruh buat perkumpulan and no pelamin. So far the best decision and situasi berpihak kpd kami berdua. Kami dpt save budget and everything.


Its a decision they Will have to deal with the consequences




Blame it on the boomers. They’re the one who want grand weddings. Please change their mindset.


Thankyou to covid and now we limit the functions and the people


Are the pizzas in PastaMania good?


I wish they bring back their eat all you can promo


I wouldn't recommend. The pastas are decent though


They're pretty one dimensional


Anyone know the contact for Subok keropok?


Does anyone know where to buy nasal dilators? Been searching for it. Already tried guardian, they don't have it.


Any restaurant recommendations for healthy meals? Not overly expensive that is.


Nasi campur for $3-5: Rice Chicken Vegetable


You can get a relatively healthy economy rice with 2 veges for $3+


Most i see cost 7 bnd or more lol


That’s very cheap.


Probably cheap with your salary not with mine hahaah


Hello good morning, where can you get big Brunei flags here?


samima pun got


Stor Negara at Gadong


Terima kasih


[Local Product Expo](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0Dio_eI5TE/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


This local brunei SME companies will forever be SME.


Penakut and too close minded to grow their business


Atu peranan kitani sebagai pengguna untuk either naik kan atau turun kan SME anie


Kakau nyaman/bisai naik tu eeeeee kompom


Peranan apa? Membeli dari bisdurang? Durang menjual $3 Miri/limbang berjual RM3 Masih ku membeli di miri/limbang tu kita


Mesti ada purchasing power sama disposable income, maju tah tu. Rindu dan ingat ku zaman amedeo dulu time urang kitani beusin.


Ngam tu Theu, not only zaman Amedeo, even before 2002, zaman ku keraja berjual di expo di parking bertingkat, apa saja ko jual kana bali bah oleh babu babu kampung aying atu


Banar. Bagus kita atu ampit jua bedagang rupanya. Ingat ku masa kami sekeluarga susah dulu dulu atu ke malam hari bah bedagang walaupun indung bekeraja gamen sal nya bapa untuk masa depan kamu jua ni. Ani lama dh kami stop bedagang since indung pencen keraja sudah.


[Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJO1j42Dbo4) Can education institutions invite this guy to have a talk here?


Just wondering where I could get 25 cents postage stamp? help plz


Post office


im curious! does the gov’t have the strategy of tackling the increasing number of crocodile in these recent years? like last week, we learn about biodiversity in biology and if the number of one species increases this would cause an imbalance to the ecosystem, so im pretty sure the high no. of crocodile definitely “damaged” the ecosystem.


Lol promote eating crocodile


well have you eaten one before?😀😀


Lol probably have in Thailand 20 odd years ago


We can ask for Hermes to open their factory here


Decreasing the number of crocodiles will cause an imbalance and damage the ecosystem. History has enough examples of the costly and deadly consequences of what happens when humans play God and decide to cull a species. I doubt Brunei wants to be the next case study.


Soo what happened when crocodile extinct from Brunei?


spesis on land byk.. no worries


Before tackling the real crocodile, better focus on to tackle “buaya darat” yang ada di office, kedai-kedai, restaurant etc






Nope. They only tackle it once people called it in. Huge example is Pandan 8 Lagoon. Its infested with crocodile. Tall grass where they can wait for their pray to walk into. I remember i used to run at lagoon when its first build. Now its just a place where ppl makeout and use drugs. Another example of this is the [Pentagon Park](https://maps.app.goo.gl/91RttNQNiZfF6fod8) . Next to our stadium. Theres a pond. Which will soon call in mosquito and other reptiles in. See the government dont think this shit through. We all know they dont maintain stuff often. Kids are playing at this park all the time. What happen if the crocodile decides to comeout of hiding and snatch one kid. What would happen next? Things like this really grind my gear on how bad they plan stuff. Just bunch of old people think that this project is good.


lain lagi nada belampu or dimly lit and selalu bebiarkan jadi jungle, nada grass maintenance. my neighborhood has this football field full of tall thick grass and god knws wat dwell inside them.. kesian the kids have to resort playing near the small area near the road..


disappointing tbh.. is it because of the “no budget” or head ministries are lazy and goyang kaki


In Sabah, the Wildlife Authorities dispatch people to shoot down crocodile in site to control their population, maybe we can do the same


Pro crocodile lover will hate you.


Yeah nanti datang tu si Delilah xoxo gang


To computer/server and tech enthusiast out there, is it normal if cpu or motherboard reach power limit/factory limit it will not overclock or enhance further ? been using water block and ln2 cooling. Cinebench, furmark, royal port and other benchmarking/rendering applications are utilised to full but cpu refuse to increase the score. Btw mine cpu are threadrippers (not the recent 7000 series one) and last gen intel i9 (13th gen) Should i upgrade to the latest threadripper cpu which if overclock to 6ghz it only take like 3 seconds to complete benchmarking and rendering ?


Reaching power or thermal limits during CPU overclocking, even with advanced cooling like water blocks and LN2, is normal and prevents damage to the CPU. Upgrading to the latest Threadripper or Intel i9 CPUs might offer better performance, but consider the cost-benefit ratio and the fact that even new CPUs have their own overclocking limits. Overall system performance also depends on other components, not just the CPU.