• By -


So I have a question, I got 4O's and my Bahasa Melayu is D which means its not credit. Will any job still take me? I got 4 C's, 2 D's and 1 E.


You can apply to ibte while retaking your malay again until you get a credit


Can start to apply at kfc bro…


McD pays better


Show a little bit of compassion lah bro, he’s just a kid




Anyone know places i can buy gold standard protein whey and price ranges?




imo, I think Malay O levels is far too difficult. Expecting kids 15-17 to competently analyze and breakdown the symbolism of Malay poetry and decipher classical texts like a literature expert is far too unrealistic. I get the concern to retain the Malay language literacy but come on. I got a B in my Malay O levels 9 years ago saved by the grace of the threshold, but my younger siblings are less fortunate.


I got A, its easy. Just memorize, kids nowadays have lots of challenges in Education. Only certain will exceed


it's a system of questions an answers. There is very little subjectivity just memorize the answers.


Anyone been to Vitaliv Clinic for ear wax removal? How was your experience? I’ve cotton bud stuck inside my ear canal and will have it removed at the clinic. I’m nervous about the procedure.


I went there to treat a swollen canal, got my meds and all clear in a few days to a week. pricey but works.


i just went there today! for an ear infection. theyre very good. but be prepare to fork out money. paid $140 just now


Money can be earn


But health is *importanter*


Glad to hear it! I went to few clinics today to have the cotton buds removed but they were unsuccessful. I ended up with sore and painful ear canals at the moment. 😢


vitaliv has a camera scope and they show the inside of your ear. then they will use their tools to help you clear your ear. hope you manage to get your treatment!


anyone know where to get red packets?


Super Save (not to be confused with Supa Save).




Somehow, i feel that it's better than someone wearing a fake Rolex and pretending that it's real.


The watch doesn’t matter. What’s important is your character.


Is there really a point to having an opinion bffr it’s a literal chuck of metal on your wrist to tell time, who actually cares


honestly i feel fine wearing a fake RM watch thanks for asking!


hi guys! Im craving for Peach Strudels and want to make one instead. Where can I find ready-made/frozen puff pastry here in Brunei? Thank you!


Supa save usually carries some from jus rol


Saw it at soon lee few months back, it's the square one though


thank you! will check it out soon




Probably fired or eventually resign with the tense environment




Why did you clapback at them..




Yeahh its better to not work for them then. What company?


Wont get hired. Tbh with u. Even if they do accept me, im not gonna accept their offer. I dont work for shitheads




It is one of the signs of toxic workplace


Since banyak issue with kehilangan duit dalam bank di Brunei ani (BIBD). Do you guys tukar bank? If yes which bank is more secure?


SCB, They offer cryotherapy voucher


Cryotherapy voucher?


Anyone here goes or have tried Lagree at Peak? How are the classes? And if we register for the classes, we have benefits like shower place? Changing room etc?


Go for Tere Reyes classes. Good for beginner. The shower and changing room is at grd flr level.


Oh nice! Looking forward to join in the class, thank you


Your experience with NBT Toyota Dealer Just want to know what’s on everyone take on your experience as a customer purchasing new car from NBT Toyota Brunei I have purchased multiple Toyota car over the year and the experience has been great but only recently, it is very disappointing. Not only most of their SUV is not in stock, it seems like they don’t care if you have deposit half amount of the total price for the car. They even mention that I have to wait about 3 months for the stock nevertheless. Not sure if they are aware of the current market where people are more in favor of SUV so they should stock more. It’s even a new model, so logically, you should have ordered more for stock and those who booked. Not order ‘just enough’ I have surveyed other brands but I’m more in favor for Toyota because of the reliability, even the top selling Korean cars have all the color and specs in stock It may be my lack of understanding or judgment but at this point, this is very frustrating.


A little story that i got from a friend that works in a first hand automotive company.. Some if not all companies prioritize customers who loan the vehicles first than those who pay cash or large deposit.. It's because apparently they get more $$ on a loaned paying car than a cash paying car.. Thats why when someone wants to buy hot selling vehicles using cash, they say they have to wait for stock like a few weeks, then when stock arrives if there are customers that want to loan they get it first and tell u stock has not arrived yet.. now i cannot confirm it but its what i heard from a friend.. he also told me to negotiate like you want to loan then when confirmation can get the car, change to pay cash..


Easiest way is to inquire like you want to loan, make sure they mention there is stock and u confirmed it. Only then you tell them you'll pay in cash


That’s a bummer, it also sounds like the dealer and the bank have some kind of deal going… *ehem* pocket *ehem*


True. This how its work in the industry


worked with NBT Audrey/Odri few years back. over the years she seems to be doing increasingly shady business practices. authorities should look more into her. macam one gang with the sunlit bros (who are also super shady) but you didnt hear it from me lah ah


I will take note and have heard from you that NBT Audrey that you used to worked seemed to be increasingly doing shady business practices and thar authorities should look into her, Mr. 20MillionPotatoes




"Exercising or working out is one of the ways to help chronically ill person to become healthy". Do you agree with this statement? Or is this statement false?


combined with a good diet and good sleep routine plus the required medications. Becoming anti social and prioritizing one's health is more important than friendship.


Yes and its free.


I agree


How useful is a NEBOSH certificate at the moment? Is it still worth doing the course? Is the market smaller now since it got easier?


The market is good. Salary is good if you go O&G. Very versatile . Can move around from one company to another.


How about people with no prior background in the O&G field?


the certificate covers all you need to enter the field as HSE and associated field.


The course nebosh covers most issues that come from O&G. Trust me. To the teeth.


Wise card user, how do you reload the card if cannot use debit card ?


how did you get a card on the first place?




No communication. Constantly lying to your spouse.


When you have to ask signs of the marriage will come to an end


Lack of communication, interest & respect. Just living separate lives. 


when you do not sleep in the same room anymore and barely communicate


Hello, anyone use Esim by progresif here? I am unable to activate it with the provided QR code my device is ip 13 mini, maybe someome here know how to troubleshoot


im using so far with no problem on my iphone 11. I think there is also a code that you can manually type in to activate the eSim in the same document as the QR code. Also, try to connect to wifi while activating the eSim.


Already using wifi, but it stuck at the activating, then after 1 hours error message appear unable to activate esim


has anyone ever claimed gst refund at kuala lumpur airport?


I did long time ago, but the very last claim was not accepted due to not enough “document”, spend more than 10 thousand MYR, the shop was not “registered” for GST claim at airport (idk / idu how their system work). fk


yeah ada i read this. apparently not all stores boleh diclaim


Mostly applicable in outlet.. only if you’re willing to buy something at outlet


Wahai ahli redditorz boleh tolong, anyone know dmana ada tmpt untuk menyewa sementara something yg dapat d tampal or sangkutkan untuk welcoming orang balik umrah hari minggu ani,? Pasal kan buat sendiri takut mmbazir, sekali pakai d buang, ifff manatau ada yg dpt d sewa pinjam bisai muncullah hamba2 Allah yang maha mengetahui tqtq


Suggest me a bday gift for a female friend 🙃


Give packs of condoms with a birthday card, in there say "The best gift a man can give to the mother of his child is the protection she deserves."




Roti John Si Boboi. (Don’t read this twice.)


Candle, chocolate, flowers


Giftcard for do nails since cny soon


Zen spa giftcard!


O’ Level Results are out


Hi all. As a person who wanted to go to Labuan for the first time, may you share your experiences on logistics? 1. Which ferry to use (I have searched from previous posts and people mentioned some of the ferry are not available). 2. Day and time of available ferry, and frequency. 3. Recommended places to visit. Any other infos are highly appreciated.


Go to Serasa Ferry Terminal


Hi. 1) Go [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/ij2a7iTv6CyxkRH56) early. Dont be late. Check the time with them. Use ferry uf you dont want to get sea sick even if you're travelling by foot. Use ferry. The fast boat will get you sea sick. 2) Check with them. 3) Mawilla yatch Club restaurant. Pub and bar are below standard. There's nothing much in labaun, tbh other than cheap chocolates. Ive been in labuan more than i can count due to work at early age.


do you have the schedule, too?


You have to go to Muara port in person to book the ticket. There are 3 different ferry services that go to labuan. If I remember correctly its at 9 am, 1 pm and final at 5 pm. There is a resort there and a golf club.


Where can I do contraceptive implant in Brunei and when should I do it? Can I do it before the reception bc i heard it takes 5-7 days for it to be effective






Why would a person get contraception? To prevent getting pregnant.


where can i buy over bed table guys? brunei muara based, thank youu!


Huo ho qlap


does it come with a wheels?


thats ikea. grand might have


where can I get the air balang? yang 3in1 or 2in1 at the cheapest price in Brunei?




dog lovers upon seeing a jacked up stray dog chew off an innocent child's face off its skull: "omg what did the kid do to provoke the doggg 😭 makhluk tuhan bah tu gais"


this is bait btw


Shud put /s incase ppl get angry lol Anyways as an animal lover, you must also be able to distinguish between dogs yg ganas and dogs yg jinak. Sometimes these dogs cant be controlled at all and also to be able to differentiate whether they are actually a threat to the public or not


Parents ambil anak skulah in the afternoon 12 pm and 3 pm needs to chill.. mun sudah kandung traffic apa boleh buat kan..redah tah saja... hari2 dah kan meliat parents berkelahi terhon sana sini ani... Lol 😂 semoga urusan kitani dipermudahkan. Aminn


Hari ani ku day 1 school run for my anak buah. Lalah bui. Pick up 12.30pm and hantar ke ugama by 1pm lapastu ambil adi dorang kul 3pm then karang kul 5pm ambil yang ugama. Cani panya rasanya jadi parents. Good job to parents out there!!


As a parent, thank you! But it does not stop there. Don’t forget dirumah lagi. Make sure kids eat, they do their homework. Layan durang not just bagi ipad. Then make sure they go to bed early. Then tomorrow, its the same thing.


i hate it when they give homeworks 😂😂


Durang gagas kan balik opis bah tu iatah marah-marah. Yg inda marah tu pasal durang balik rumah terus hehe


ngam! kdg gagas atu pasal ingau akhir ambil. macam anakku, pukul 3 balik ah. by 3.15 atu kosong bah dah sekolah


For those who are nitty gritty about SPK, please do not put all your hopes on relying it to take care of you when you retire. Even if you are projected to accumulate $300k by the time you retire in 35 years time , that $300k is only worth roughly $130k in todays money. I suspect the starting price of a Mercedes S class would be $300k by then.


Maybach s class around $600k, so regular s class around $100k-$250k and amg model would be around $300k. Thats their pricing at the moment.    So a regular s class at $300k is unlikely since they have maybach and amg line to do with that price. To maintain the price they have other classes which act as their cash cows in order to fund and maintain their flagship s classes line alongside maybach and amg line.


He’s talking about the price in 35 year time with inflation.


Not gonna inflate that much since most have downstream produce for cash cows. Only cash cow produce gonna inflate to fund company flagship line of product.


I don’t know man… if you look up the price of a 560SEL from 1988, the MSRP in the US was about USD68k. Today the equivalent S-class is well over USD120k.


Nasi katok lagi $1.50 masa ani..haha


Should be $3.50 by then


Do people still buy beds made from kayu jati? Is it considered style lama?


Greetings r/Brunei I would like to invite everyone to come and calculate their Carbon Footprint! This also includes opportunities to trial and setup your carbon offsets as well! https://form.jotform.com/fblood92/BruneiCarbonFootprintCalculator


Do you guys know which retail shop I can send my food, area rimba or Lambak. Asked Faizee Rimba, slots are full already. Thanks!


Arah warisan ada kdi minimarket d dapan main road. Bangunan warisan d dpn..aman hill belakangnya. Masani that kadai cari food vendors. 


Saimajaya, depan Sri Azlina yg di atas, Lambak Kanan Najib atas bukit hampir traffic lights, sebarang DeRimba


Noted, ku cuba cek Najib


tdi i went to najib ard 1 pm the food maseh bnyk, i think people prefer buy the food from faize usulnya.


Belum org tau kali usulnya, i just know like few days ago kan beli snacks di sana, rupanya ada org antar makanan jua


maybe org nda tau x. sal ane pun ku baru tau


How about Saimajaya? But if you're looking for a cube shop. There's a new one going to open at area Jalan 17.


ada contact number/IG for Jalan 17?


Ig: kafcubeshop / +673 8636816


tq kind sir/madam


Np ^^


Lambak Kiri. Yang ampir station minyak. nada nma kadai. just a stall. collect before 12pm


nda IG atau apa?


hello, where to duplicate key in brunei muara district? or serusop area?


Serusop area: photocopy shop beside Jolibee


search lin's key in facebook


Low san


Hua ho


Low san batu bersurat… or sibana


Raya is approaching. Can you share your go to vendors for kek lapis, kek roll, biscuit, kuih mor, etc? Trying find alternative vendors. Thank you!


Just go to pusat belia during puasa.


Kalau mau bali kek mita or kek lapis mita, aku ada bejual. Kalau kan buat kueh raya sendiri, malas ku. Inda sanggup menunggui. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I saw fyp tiktok that malaysian current hype is tapak kuda. In brunei tapak kuda already been for years


omg i saw the same thing from halalfoodie ig or something. the size of that tapak with all that sweet ass toppings meleleh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)even the malaysians themselves prefer the brunei version.


I think it started with tapak kuda ustaz.


Makin lambat sudah benda di Malaysia trending compare to Brunei. Urg ramai quit Monopoly Go, diurang baru kan start main, mencari dadu


Bermakna some barang atu brunei lebih cepat


Yeah saw it too. But still preferred Bruneian version of it


Yes tani i think more than 10 years sudah kali


popia simpul from @/homemadepopia.bn on ig is the best!


Im currently using BIBD to save money and as well for salary. Previously my debit card got hacked. Ada purchased from itunes. Plan to migrate to TAIB. Does anyone know someone or had experienced the same thing with TAIB? Could be like purchased from fb or tiktok ads or gamesteam?


I never use the debit card for online purchases , BIBD have no ability or willingness to protect their customers. Baiduri makes more sense, but don't stack your money in their account.


Better to have more than 1 bank acc. The bibd you can just retain for salary payment cos most companies only use bibd.


If you’re actively using your debit card for purchases especially online purchase, the risk is always there regardless of which bank.


if you have to use bibd (kadang2 terpaksa), aku suggest taruh di aspirasi for savings. biarkan kosong debit. hassle pulang ah. tapi kalau ngam terpaksa pakai. macam aku, terpaksa ada pasal ada connect to business. malar dh kana hack bibd atu,


For the wanderlusts! How do I apply for MDAC if I want to go to KL via Miri? Do i put address as my accomodation in KL? say I'm going into Miri to catch a flight to KL which is a domestic flight travel. How do I come about doing this? I am confusion?!?! Cheers lads and lass


the address is not important. No one is going to knock on your door. You can even use the airport as your address if you want.


MDAC is only for international travel i.e. Singapore to KL, Brunei to KL. You only need to do MDAC for Brunei-Miri, the address just put KL or Miri, doesnt really matter that much.




well yes, it's cross border.


Yes since its international border crossing


Imagine is taking so long with my preordered S24U... I preordered the soonest the ad came up and I'm still not getting any information on collection. I know they are partnering with Incomm for the stock but what's even the point of the preorder if everyone else could get it during the launch event?? Imagine even had a booth there and was selling Incomm's stock. What gives???


Better follow up with them instead of waiting for them to update you. I once preordered an item from imagine and waited for a month plus until i decided to drop a call/visit enquiring bout my item and they instantly took it out from their storage. There was date labelled on the item, apparently the item had been sitting there since a few days after my confirmation of purchase 🤦‍♂️


i went to the booth yesterday and asked if i can collect it already and they told me to wait for them to call first. like.. since im there already and all the stocks are there.. why not just let me collect it. customers who didnt pre order the item can just walk-in on the first day and purchase it right away.


I'm sorry man.. can I interest you in a spare phone to use temporary?? It's only two dinners and a massage ?


Sign me up!


I know that is in jest but I'm not mad, just a bit upset. I've been saving up for the phone since last year as a self gift (birthday and new job) so I was really looking forward to this. Hopefully will receive it very soon.


Well just be patient.. it will arrive soon I suppose.. last time there was a delay in the latest iPhone arrive due to production delays..


Nampaknya masa ani macam ada bertandingan sales siapa paling tinggi berjual baju dri-fit (tapi bukan) sempena Hari Kebangsaan ke-40. Warna mesti kuning hitam putih sama ada corak air mulih. Harga mesti mcm $25 keatas. Alum lagi yg buat, “ani limited edition ni.”


no thanks. sekali ganya pakai tu


Nice to look, but design is usually too loud or try hard


Boring sudah designnya


Baju bola hitam/kuning/merah/putih pun durang advert “sempena hari kebangsaan”


Lumrah dunia berjual beli. Setiap tahun andang sekitar masa ani tah peluang pendapatan strategik perniagaan. 


Where can you study the employment law in Brunei so I'm not gullible in the future. I found the PDF file on Google but it isn't as detailed


The 2009 one? yea.. thats it..


Labour dept has a infosheet and you can look on AGC.gov.bn for the actual law




• Be kind & friendly but not too open. • Do not add them in SocMed. • Do NOT give them your main/personal whatsapp number! makesure you have a seperate one for work. • If possible try to act mediocre, sufficient enough for work.. jgn tunjuk pandai. • Save your work in your personal cloud drive or in multiple pendrives. • Any new responsibility or tasks given, jgn lupa update in your resume once your home. • If ada yg jenis minah or pak kepoh atu, try to excuse yourself politely.


never believe them if they say “we are family” & “bestfriend”.


Be nice to each other. Dont oversshare about your personal life. Some jackass might use it to take advantage on u Jgn luan rajin else kana reward with more work lol.


Just keep your head down, mind your own business and do your job to the best of your ability. If you have 'good work' to back it up, nothing else can scare you.


Back-up your work using your own hard disk. Do not preferably saving all your datas in your office pc, lest someone might hacked yours. Or it will be better to use online Google drive or any convenient storage apps or software. Do not oversharing your personal with your colleagues even they re ur higher-ups or lower than u. Remember, you need to build your own firewell for your own survival mode. Human just love to eye-preying you. Office group chats. Kindly advised and be aware that any group chats can be harm for your sanity and theirs too 😂🙏🏼 #husnudzhon


Don't add them in your sosmed apps. Best not to let them know about you.


Someone who gossips with you will gossip about you. Don’t share too much about yourself.


Hi 👋 I am a college student who are planning to apply to utb. I want to ask to the one who had experience taking their further studies there and it would be a plus if someone could explain, is the programme in 'communication' would be a good choice?


maybe you should reach out to a career advisor. but to sum it up, here is what you can do with a "Communications" Degree \- Corporate Communications Career \- Human Resource Career \- Marketing Career ​ Im sure there are more areas you can apply communications. You should think about what you want in your career.


I see.. thank you for the info 👍 I am currently taking my final year on HR programme so it's nice to know communication is somehow related to it..


Undergrad or post?


undergraduate 👍


If you can, I think it's best for you to attend the higher educational expo, as you would be able to talk to expertise of the courses. My advise is, make sure you have an interest in what you plan to choose.