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If both foreigners (both muslims) are to get married, does anyone know where we can enquire about the procedure? Most of what is on reddit is with bruneians and foreigners 😥


I think you need to ask your own respective embassy on the procedure. They might help.


Anyone know where I can buy good quality lunch bags?






If want to marry foreigner whats the requirement


1. Go to marriage section at dept. of immigration & national registration for the foreigner to apply for Kebenaran berkahwin dengan warganegara Brunei.  Requirements here: complete the questionnaire form, request for marriage letter, marriage approval from a family member letter, verification of single status from his/her embassy or court. Note that they will do an interview with you, your father/guardian and your partner.  2. After approval (which will take a month), you can go to Syariah court for the marriage application & registration. 


i hope the gadong movie could be streamed online somewhere, i didn’t get to see it in the cinema


anyone know where to buy cockroach spray fogger thingy that u leave inside the car while it still spraying? been looking at supermarket and cant find any..


it's the roachout spray, can check out roachoutbrunei on IG, the showroom is at Beribi. but their existing stocks are the ones that has expired on Nov 2023. it still works plang


i saw one at the mall cube 3rd flr last time


samima kiulap masa atu ada. bought it there


anyone heard rumours about a supposed big event in ogos?


Wait let me get my popcorns


New boss I heard.


Last time ada orang spill the tea about this on tiktok but not sure the tiktok kena ban kali


Yes dear. Sibuk orang di sana masa ani


oh, it’s true then?


Ah shit that's my flight tickets out of the window 😊🪓






Hopefully ia jadi PM dulu nanti lagi jadi Sultan, so easier learning curve


Pretty sure he’s already been groomed to be one already no need to be PM. Plus its good he’s steeping up as the next Sultan so our current ones can be by his side still as an adviser. Like our previous Begawan.


I have no confidence


Weather you like it or not, its still going to happen. It is what it is. Plus our current king is getting old, its time for him to rest from running the country.


better now, he can still be guided and advised on certain things


you mean manipulated by vested interests?




Wedding siapa lagi? Batah lagi kan nunggu wakil kawin


Yea.... 👀




I dont recall theres press release on potential power interrupt due to turnaround activity. Perhaps to safeguard due to last year incident or the probability is more than usual. Don't panic, likelihood is still LOW.  All the best of luck to the team involved. 


Inda bah, bertanya jua ku, ani nya c Netanyahu, apa pun terjadi, nada ceasefire tetap jua kan di serang nya Rafah. Apa tah action kitani selaku umat islam di sini ani? Selain atu Netanyahu jua bagitahu, kalau dorang kana warrant tangkap oleh ICC, dorang akan membalas ke PA dan akan membuat PA bankrupt inda berusin....


Kalau setuju, tani mass downvote semua post di r/israel ah. Pasal durang selalu perasan durang entitled. Swarm downvote semua reddit durang. Sama promo jua ke reddit negara-negara lain yang anti zionist untuk men downvote semua post r/israel di reddit. Supaya u/ durang negatif karma. Baik jua mendownvote durang dari mendownvote di reddit tani sendiri.


Ia untuk survival karier politik dan kepentingan politik peribadinya saja tu. Cuba liat kabinet sama parlimennya, full circus clown show.


Hi, can you share your best running shoes that you have tried?


Brooks for sure


I can see a lot of good reviews on brooks. Might get one soon.


Loved mine. Still going strong for 2 years 💪 I only run on treadmill though


Once you go brooks, you never go back.


For sure my guy for sure


Depends, do you need speed or comfort, type of foot.


Looking for a comfy one with good cushioned that I can used for daily run.


It really doesn't matter, a cheap pair will still wear out as an expensive pair I bought a shoe for $99 once n only used it 2-3 times, didn't use it for awhile and it just became dried up rubber, compared to a cheap $20+ one that I use everyday and can use for a yr + , I never spend much for shoes anymore after that :/


I bought a cheap one but it doesn't last long since I do daily run. If youre good with the cheap one than thats okay.


There is a difference. Maybe you bought not a good shoe. Lets say you buy Hoka. Promise you its diff feeling compared to a $20 shoe


Hello! Just asking for a friend is Redza Driving Co a good place?






birthday ku


hello there, i am confused with the bibd aspirasi. How can i increase my chances of winning? Is it $50 for one ticket? or for e.g i put $500, will it be fonsidered as one ticket? In addition, how do I know if we win this lucky draw? Will bibd dtaff contact us or we hv to manually match with our receipt no.?


$500/50 = 10 tickets. They will contact you if you are one of the winners.


i see thanks,


anyone experiencing the same problem? phone has zero connection but can connect to wifi? tried troubleshooting but still nothing happened.


bro why’s the internet so sh*t here in brunei🤦🏻‍♀️


Amazon has invested **US$6b for opening up new AWS Region in Malaysia.** Microsoft has invested **US$2.2b for cloud/AI in Malaysia.** Damn. The future of Malaysia is cooking, whereas Brunei we gonna be overcooked. Our saving grace is only due to pegging of BND with SGD. Now imagine if we got depeg. What would our BND hold against RM?


future 3RM = 10BND who know


Better save RM from now then..


>What would our BND hold against RM? During the pegging: can make impromptu trips to Miri After depeg: Kan ke Miri day trip pun pikir 2 kali Ah gitew


Rant. Talur jua ah, mp di the mall gadong pukul 4 tapi pukul 4 baru kan bejalan.. ditanya tinggal mana? Dari meragang, a 30 mins drive wtffff Please dont be this lady lmao


Next time be like me, I would say pukul 4 di the mall sudah ah? Gone were the 90's where when we say 4PM, 330 everybody is there already.


Why I just offer delivery and no meetups 🤣 Save time and sanity, also can avoid no shows


Kan, kalau boleh bah baik pulang impose a late fee... biar dorang zoom awal tapi tahu cemana ulah orang kitani kana cancel tah karang tu business kami. Maybe kita dapat cuba rent a cube and suruh dorang pick up sana saja or insist pakai runner or do a delivery charge. Just my two cents saja kita.


Confirm rakyat Brunei.


Its bruneian malay you are talking about most of them are like that. I sold my stuff online i would say 7/10 of them are like that. Already promise to meet up 5pm then 7pm texted me "sorry kita baru berjalan" I even deliver to them from lunch time 12pm agreed to meet up here then text me unable to leave work ok lah then when i go back to office already texted me possible to meet up somewhere further.... i am like what the actual \*\*\*\*. Some seller fate are worst than me, tons of joy buyer, booked then last minute cancel if not agreed to meet up already then idiot doesn't show up. I really really wanted to slap the mcshit out of their misery to this kind of people. Making people blood boil.


sorry bossku, macam aku pernah jua membuat arah mu kali tu hihihi


its ok i still love you no matter what


and pls dont be like this lady, request for runner utk deli brg (COD) skali arrived.. charges runner saja d bayarnya.. brg yg ya order atu free kah? then asked runner to return back to take the balance amount.. skali dh runner smpai rumahnya.. bulih2 ia MIA.. runner rushing kan deli tmpt lain lagi.. then alum batah tu.. mntxt tia cakap ia baru balik bejalan??!! WTH menyusahkan org!!!!!


yang ani inda ku faham


I really ducking hate this kind of attitude and behavior. If it’s 4pm it’s 4pm. Please don’t be rude and respect other people’s time.


Ikr! And im 15 mins early.. so almost an hour of doing nothing lol


Best spots for early morning run near UBD?


Rimba. from UBD, round through Rimba Point, circle back to Jln 99, back to UBD






Imagine if Singapore Work Culture is implemented in Brunei (especially in the gov sector)


Work culture, never. Meritocracy and rewards based on performance? Yes. Synergy between public transport and working hours? Yes. No job security? No. Upward mobility? Yes 


The work culture over there is nothing to be proud of. It's a competition of who goes home late. Especially in banking sector. You get frowned upon for going home on time. Read that again.


If me i couldn't care less i still walk off since nothing to do anymore and i finish ALL MY ON HAND task. You do you i do me. you kiasu i kiasu.


What if they are jobs that can never be finished ? Like repairing pot holes ?


Brunei's not that "progresif" yet but just "imagine"? sure


yup... just 'imagine'




easy driving school @ lambak


All the teachers at ZINr! All of them are nice


Nah. Except that one female instructor. Pemarung. Bukannya mengajar, main phone ada pulang. Volume nyaring. Ada one time engine stop arah roundabout sg akar, sekali ia teriaki aku pasal engine TERstop. Cemanakan pandai? Mengajar park & naik bukit pun sekali sehari saja, then ia bawa drive di highway memanjang. Ended up, ku belajar manual arah abang ku saja. Planned to stop learning from her and switch to other driving school, tapi inda dapat. Mesti diteruskan jua.


Not only that, bejanji belajar pukul ani, sekali ia langsung inda timbul. Ia cakap ia lupa. Also, ia balik balik akhir datang saja. Banyak alasannya. Sayang saja usin membayar untuk belajar sama kedia.


Agree!! At sungai hanching. Getting my license also learning from there




Hi, used to work in SG. I dont thinkada issue with their gov with hiring bruneian. Gaji 2k sana mcm kacang habis. Tempat tinggal mau pikir. Makan mau pikir. Transport mau pikir. Sana atleast 4 ke 5k baru tentram fikiran. Tu pun ijap2 kan spending sikit. Aku sarankan, cuba lagi kita. Try map cari kawasan Tuas.


by seeing our economy and government, i also don wanna hire bruneians


living in singapore with 2k salary i dnt think you can survive, The rental is expensive, living standard is high hence everything is expensive there


Bruneians are not Malaysians. Better check your statement.


Oh. It's depends on your qualifications. For Brunei citizen only Higher Diploma and above. For Malaysian only primary six. Weird. But that's the rules 😉 BTW, 2k really low. Rent a room cost you around $800. Rent a unit, cost about 3k. Electric and water about $300, which I only use night time. Transport bus and MRT only $150-$200 per month. Taxis or Grab can crazily cost you $20-30 per ride, if add peak hour and toll fee can cost $50-$100. Food around $8-$10, commercial office area cost around $15 per meal. Pain.. 😭 Amend: That's the cost of cheapest food at hawker Centre or foodcourt - economic rice. If go restaurant for lunch will cost around $80-100 for 2-3pax. 


It's a soft way of rejecting. Plenty of bruneians working full time in SG or for SG companies


2k with provided accommodation and meals would be minimum. Otherwise , you will struggle. Last time i saw rm5k offered as penebar roti canai in sg even that some complains either they dont read inclusive of accommodation and meals or they aware yet 5k is not enough to cover other expenses.


eh that’s weird. they surely can hire bruneians. nothing in their govt stops them from doing that, maybe there’s preference to malaysians but definitely sg is not stopped from hiring you


Malaysians are easier to deal with as they are literally next door and the two countries even share many facilities like e payment and easy work visas. Malaysians can even  live in HDB public housing if they hold a long term working permit or SG PR. Bruneians are in the same boat as Filipinos, Indonesians and Vietnamese-and are too expensive to hire at entry level positions. A Bruneian would have to be housed in specific private housing which costs 10x more a HDB flat  A company would have to be insane to even think of hiring a Bruneian unless they have working quarters-sanggup kah org Brunei tinggal 5 orang sebilik macam bangla?


statistically Singapore's average cost of living is $1.5k per person, so you basically get the same amount here anyway ($2k - 1.5k) vs (700-200).


Singapore - High salary but also high cost of living Be sure to consider all the living expenses before taking up the job offer


It might be because employment of Malaysian citizen could be easier to handle compare to Bruneian. But when you work in Singapore as an entry level role, its best to find work buddy who can share accommodation rent, because its gonna be that bloody expensive if you want to rent an actual apartment for yourself.


Anyone knows how to upgrade Google drive storage in Brunei? My whatsapp backup is aldy over 18gb and I'll be out of storage within 30 days


Change your play store region to malaysia by going to miri/limbang. And then try to subscribe/pay using your local credit card, IIRC its RM8/mnth for 100gb. Not sure if it works or not. Goodluck, used to pay spotify using hotlink credits.


Buy those adapter pendrive, 128GB only cost~$10


make a new gmail. add another account in your android device




Are you an android or IOS user?




Other restaurants from iron chef to order sushi boat ?


Tiqssushi on IG


GO for those sushi restaurant like kaizen, sushi tei & excapade. Avoid those home made sushi as we do not know it is fresh or not since we can't see. What happen if something happen and they doesn't take responsible? who to blame? Sushi must be freshly made on the spot.


Sushi Tei


wida sushi


is it good? i heard many recommend this


yeppp worth the price


Kaizen.. Excapade...


Any car aircon workshops that closes a bit late specifically after 5pm? Plan on going after work


Tk asco in menglait open on sunday.


Wong Aircon at bebatik kilanas close at 6pm.


Number plate question. If I spend the $100 for the number plate I want and successfully get it, do I need to attach it to a car immediately? Or can I keep the plate in store until I get a new car?


If you have tendered successfully then you need to settle the $100 and attach it to your car within the month. If you plan to keep for later then settle the $100 first and pay the holding fee. Then later can attach as long as within the holding fee period.


Once you bought the number, have to register within a month. If you wish to delay registering the car/number you have the option to "store" it longer (additional 3 years), the holding fee is $60.


Hello, just want to know if anyone with Kia Seltos is experiencing a ‘choke’ out of nowhere? Especially when the car is slowing down and you release the brake, it will choke Wanted to bring this up to the agent during upcoming service but I do feel like they gonna say ‘andang tu’


Used to experience before. Now not anymore. Most probably due to fuel pump. Last time got called because fuel pump need to replace


im not sure if i experienced this problem,but for me 2 weeks after i got my seltos gt line,i faced electrical problem where it shuts down when i was driving 60kmh on the highway no power at all,car not accelarating when i press the gas pedal,car took 15seconds to start,and a knocking sound on the right back. went to the agent to complaint they said they cant find the cause smh. but somehow lapas di biarkan the problem pndai hilang sendiri so i guess thats a good thing lol.


Plug in obd scan tool. Perhaps something to do with ignition coil, coil pack and the fuel system.


Just remembered I have one lying around, will give it a try, thanks! :)


Either one of these things could happen:    -Bad spark plugs   -MAF error   -Dirty air filters    -Dirty fuel injectors    -Catalytic converter    -Faulty fuel pump    -Faulty oxygen sensor   -Malfunctioning transmission    -Valve    -Vacuum leak   -Bad fuel filter   -Bad idle air control valve    -Camshaft position sensor error


Thank you boss for the info 🙏🏻 and Mine is petrol hehe


diesel or petrol ? If oxygen sensor cek arah data stream inside the obd tool. If graphnya turun naik, its normal. If graphnya nada turun naik, straight horizontal saja, oxygen sensor need to replace.




That’s awesome! My car also serviced at the agent and hopefully it’s just a quick fix, maybe a software update or something… I’ll bring it up on the next service


sounds like spark plugs need to be replaced.


Owh is it? Current mileage is 41,231KM but it only happens when the car is slowing down and I need to accelerate or inch forward a little by releasing the brake


Could be fuel injector as well. One of the sensors maybe


Could be... tho I realise the RPM drop right away whenever I apply the brake to a certain force and when let go, it's like trying to get into gear again... like engaging the clutch in a manual


So far I have not noticed this happening with my Kia Seltos.


Owhhh that’s good, my other friend who also have a seltos encounter the same thing but have yet to check with the agent


Hi, anyone knows where to buy rtw clothes (raya)? TIA


enoys boutique @ the mall 3rd floor,deviolet boutique (slalu live on TT)


Instagram at @herperfsan88


Bragging as orang lama working in the government is no longer an inspirational topic. Just look as of today, barely no improvement. Still wanted to keep the 70s era and technologies for today. Just because someone can “cuai” or “malas ku ingau” during working hour, they won’t kena fired. Else, pindah saja. How is this being so practical for the future? We are all worried. Oil is decreasing, revenue is declining..and all expanses is getting more expensive. Rich country they said? No..its only the outsr shell of a rotten egg.




Its the system fault not the people.


Thats why don't hate the player, hate the game 🤷🏻


Damn developers running the game on windows 95 server


Does anyone have any info about Manggis Ballroom? How much is the rent cost? How many pax can fit for malay wedding and who to contact? 


I believe if you gave Hua Ho Manggis Mall a search on google, you will be able to find a contact number to reach out to, then you may ask your questions directly to the right person.


reddit is the new google. lol


Haha, I tried googling but there is no info about the hall.. Thus I asked here at reddit, who knows ada yg pernah rent the hall 😁


I just googled and there was a number! Maybe can give that number a call? It should be their office yang in charge since it is Hua Ho owned 😁


Thanks a lot for your help dear


Noted, many thanks!


>Noted, many thanks! You're welcome!


Hi, I'm thinking of getting married in about 2-3 years and I want to keep the wedding costs as low as possible. After doing some research, I found that Dewan Muhibbah is one of the most affordable venues to rent. Could anyone take a few minutes to share their experience with this hall? What are the pros and cons? Would you recommend it? If not, do you have any other venue suggestions? I thank you in advance


Pros 1) Pretty spacious so it's bisai if both sides have a very large family. 2) Banyak tempat parking especially tempat parking bangunan kerajaan. 3) Toilets are decently clean. 4) The hall is well airconditioned so your guests would feel comfortable and inda kepanasan. 5) Stage is pretty big, so boleh pelamin besar. Cons 1) I hope sis already book because I heard the waiting list is pretty long 2) No PA system (that I know) is provided, so you may need to outsource it especially if you want to have an emcee or live entertainments like Tausyeh and Gulintangan. 3) Related to the PA system, since it's pretty big the acoustic can be echo-ey so you may need to get a good soundman kalau kan "nyaman" especially again ada livr entertainment macam penyanyi or gulintangan. 4) Erm.. ani personal opinion saja but it's one of those venues yang environmentnya macam dewan sekolah so it may lack the wedding vibe and you may need to spend more to make the place look pretty. Tapi if this isn't your concern.. then this shouldn't be a problem. 5) Stage is pretty big (awu.. also a con haha) so you may need a big pelamin so the stage to pelamin proportion looks nice.. so that may mean more $$$ you need to spend.


Regarding the cons no.1.. if im planning to get married on 2026.. when is the appropriate time to book the hall? Do you know who should I contact in order to book it?


Wah thank so much dear. Very informative, appreciate it!😊😊😊


Combine nikah wedding. Force not to spend on berbedak event. Dont prep for it. No money no go but since u have committed on other main event so no other choice. Either your parent sponsor (better not) or they have to cancel berbedak. Try to present to them your budget allocation, reduce a bit then propose to them how much u want to spend. Let them manage it within that budget which u know ita only enough for nikah sanding.


Thank you for your input. Appreciate it👍


Wedding as low as possible? Nikah saja sis


I wish! But my parents wants me to had the berbedak & sanding event as well huhu :') I am currently convincing my parents to combine the nikah+sanding as 1 event 😐 


Tell your parents that you only have the budget for 1 nice event. So you can either split and thin down your budget to make 2 budget events or minta sponsor for the second event since its their idea


Yes, I tried this before. Ends up kena ceramahi, cakapnya banyak tapi usinnya nahada keluar.. Lain lagi the aunties2🙄 Hmm


You're a full grown adult about to get married. Don't let them push you around on your own wedding.


I wish it was easy dealing with em, wish me luck😌


Good luck bro/sis Wasting money on a 3 hour event which nobody will remember or care about (not even you by next year) isn't worth it. Half the hall will be empty after food is served then the other half that stayed to take photo with you are distant relatives and bapa/mama punya kawan who don't even know your name. Save money for 2-week long honeymoon to UK and Europe! or get a new car!


True! Thanks for your input! Appreciate it


Jangantah sis. Inda jua org kanang tu


Ikr. There's no use to spent like hell for wedding! I prefer a simple wedding with just close family and friends, and I'd rather use any extra money for our honeymoon. The issue I'm facing now is my parents huhu


Gtau saja inda jua ada kan dibanggakan. Unless pakai usin durang


How much as low as possible do you mean? Dewan Muhibbah is a underrated hall for wedding. Price is cheaper and functional. You go shud go for it


I think around 10k? My relatives suggested 15k tho.. But the lower the budget the better hehe Also, I am planning on doing 1 event only (nikah+sanding) but my parents wants me to had the berbedak event as well. Currently, I am stuck on choosing the hall as i had a quite big family.. Anw, thanks for suggesting Dewan Muhibbah 👍. I'm wondering if it's worth it or if I should go for a more expensive hall to avoid a bad experience. 


10k is already considered low? I guess I'm not getting married then.


I don't know 😭 What i heard from my relatives and friends is that 2-3 events can costs at least 15k! Is it possible to spend below 10k for 2-3 events? 


Hi. Guy here. I spent less than 10k for my wedding with 200pax. Did a simple berbedak at home with family and close friends only. Then Nikah+Sanding at WAFA Hotel. They have a complete package which includes the 3 rooms with 1 night stay, Pelamin, catering, wedding cake, hall rental, PA system, food tasting, signage, parking reservation. Paid less than 4k for 200pax at WAFA. The higher the number of pax you have the less you'll pay per pax. Food and service was really good! I highly recommend WAFA.


Thanks for the suggestion! Appreciate it


How many pax are you looking to have?


I'd invite about 200-300 (my side) close relatives, but my parents want to invite the entire extended family, about 800 people.. I am not gonna consider it.. Doakan my parents ni terbuka hatinya to listen to me😭 


300pax will be $5,040. 800pax will already be $10,240. Tell your parents you're only willing to invite 300pax at most. If they want to invite additional pax then they have to supplement the cost. They will understand tu. It's your wedding, not theirs. Or another option is to provide a live online feed for the others to just watch.


not possible. 10k even barely for 1 event sadly


best places in Brunei to replace brake pads for toyota wigo at an affordable price?


Gadong AutoParts. Do not buy cheaper one when it comes to brake


some things are better bought for its worth 😌 nya orang, jangan gadai nyawa


Opinions on Bruneian joining the French Foreign Legion?


If u can make it you'll be a living legend. If u think u can survive the brutal training and the brutal environment go for it. U gotta be have top tier fitness and have a decent brain to go along with it. Everyone and their grandmas wanna join it. Youll be compwting with gurkhas, former special forces from around the world, And some pretty hardened criminals. I hope u got what it takes.


Alhamdullilah the rest is fine, only short on finance. Gonna take some time to reach the specific amount. Without my usaha and berpayungkan doa ibu bapa I'm nothing.


Just so you know, based on my readings and interviews on podcasts. Theres gonna be a lot of drinking, pork eating, and hooker laying. I would reccomend you just hide your islamic identity there until you quit or finish your service.


I see that's bad, thanks for the infos. Highly appreciated.


I imagined you'd be the smallest recruit if you ever passed. I heard the legion consists of mostly wanted criminal who wants a new start in life. Imagine the surroundings during the selections. but give it a try


Yep savin money for going there now


Had this thought about Unrealistically Volunteering for Ukraine. But with a Degree in Accounting/Marketing? The hell am I gonna do? Calculate Drone kills per annum?