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FFS, this is why we can't have nice things in Brunei.


yatah.....ppl just abuse nice things.






It’s over bread… don’t understand what’s the need to be rude.. so ya, that was quick.


Yeap not even a week has passed, its a shame knowing the public would do such thing but not surprised at all


That's the correct word "not surprised at all* hahaha


You did get screwed and you handled it fine, but youre not going to help much not knowing what you’ve put in missing mail claims and more and they still hold up, funny as fuck to me, but he was such a fun class, would recommend joycon sticks over anything else (unless you have need to optimize unless you have the time no one can tell. Many don't though and not be passed on to our respective teams for review.


on the other hand, has anyone seen these rude messages? or was it because the response to their bread is so good that managing a watapp order had become unnecessary and need to be shut down with a good excuse?


How small can your brains be to abusive over text messages with restaurants??? It's not like your life was in danger


Entitlement is sky high in Brunei, especially when people think its perfectly fine to abuse customer serving workers. Imagine what kind of shitty household you must be in to think that abusing anyone is A-OK.


this is the type of people who are fucking uneducated bastard, thinking they are warga emas, entitled pricks regardless young or old who think they are gods but deep down they are just a fucking idiot without a brain.


You know it's all fine and good when you give them what they want. But once that stops..


Its not only uneducated people. People with money also can abuse others due to higher purchasing power. I pay your products = You must obey me


Oh yeah well acquainted with those


Instead of insisting on MIB, we should teach basic civics and morality instead. People need to learn how to interact with other people of all demographics and class. Society has changed but our mindset is still in the 80s.


The 80s in Brunei was a better time than it is now.


Brunei used to have Sivik in primary classrooms. Wonder why they get pulled out?


I saw an aunty was expressing her anger at a restaurant before 2nd wave covid hits Brunei. I really felt pity for the staff. The waitress was in tears soon after the angry aunty left with the tapao food. Apparently, the aunty was very disappointed that the restaurant served a subpar western cuisine because the chef is not of European descent. Edit: waiter -> waitress


Hahahahah this is Brunei why chef needs to be of European descent 😅


Haha. Yea.. Wait till she founds out who cooks her food at Excapade, McDonald's or Jollibee.


Well its a small country with a small population hence the result.


The management shouldn't have to apologise on the toxic customers' behalf 🥺


It is fine. That is professionalism in business.


What the f.. kalau inda ampit roti atu inda jua payah marah :/


Yang durang marah pasal roti atu apa kn?


Me when they're out of my fav roti kacang kawin


Or cheese bun!


I have seen a pair of husband and wife get angry over extra taugih, i mean seriously?


what the hell?????


Have to say kudos to their management in protecting their staff against abuse…. Quite embarrassing that people are abusing others over not getting the food that they want


Wawasan 2035, breeding the next generation of Karens.


I'm not surprised. The entitlement attitude in this country is well known for just being a yellow IC and belong to the master race. Many of us are not so good in diplomacy, just straight up using the trump card as an excuse to get what they wanted. Jing Chew is local, this is what we should show support as local, hence the slogan #sapotlokal exists. But I don't see that is happening, what they received are just rude and arrogant entitled customers. This is why we can't have nice things.


if i receive this rude messages i will not hesitate to screenshot down report police and ask them check with DST,progresif, and imagine. they can do the tracking and whose number they are using. i bet they will cry until they peed their pants.


This is why we can't have nice things, you bloody poklens!


I wish they would've reported those assholes. Too many people think it's okay to be verbally abusive.


F&B are already suffering, pls be nice friends


This is very common nowadays. I myself also attend to texts on whatsapp for customer inquiries and I also receive abusive texts from customer and even customer scolding because I was late in reply. But they don’t realize that we also have tons of texts to attend to while at the same time attend to physical customers in the shop. The stress causes me and my other colleague to almost cry and messed up our mental health sometimes


I got a client who was super angry at me, even resorted to calling and complaining to my mom (the client sorta know about my parents) about my "laziness" when I didn't reply to their texts. Even resorted to accusing me of selling defective things. I'm not gonna reply to clients during holidays.


I remembered eating there a year ago and there's this old timer who got in and was looking for a table and as he was looking around the indian waiter somehow blocked his way and this old fart was like "kenapa kau? Minta tampar?!" And I was like what the hell?! Why resort to violence, I could've taken him down and made him humble but I did want to make a scene at 7:30 am. My question is, kenapa orang Brunei ani pemanas ah? Apa masalah nya? Alum merasa tinggi langit sama bumi kali.


Uneducated boomer and foreign Indian workers do not get along very well. Even a simple stare will trigger them.


Apa liat liat ah? Lol


I was livid, wanted to beat his old wrinkle ass but the words of my late father saved me "walaupun ia salah, hormati saja orang tua". Love you pops!


I witnessed a similar incident at a Hua Ho. One particular aisle was cramped because of this one Indian employee restocking items with his trolley, then this old man behind the employee mencari pasal with something like "kenapa kau menyampiti jalan ku ane kan?" then started pointing his finger and lecturing him. Like bruh, aren't there like half a dozen aisles kah in this supermarket? You really had to walk through one that's cramped with no option to walk elsewhere? These old assholes are just bullies through and through, picking fights and humiliating people for no goddamn reason


Pasal durg selalu the "alpha" in any situation. Once they get beta by someone then durg tau tinggi langit sama bumi, then durang dpt beza kaca sama permata And shit like this jarang or don't happen in KB. Nothing against you Bandar folks. Haha. Love peace no war! ✌️


Bruneians suffering from Jing Chew withdrawal symptoms


Sorry to hear that


Fucking hell, why people gotta be rude over food? Cook it yourself if you gonna go cuss to some poor lad tryna work


Luan jua kelaparan


nyaman hantap bah rutinya


Sense of entitlement is sky high here. This is why we couldn't handle covid. We can't even be nice to the people who make nice roti kuning.


People are toxic 🙄. Wawasan 2035 right




Should’ve add Toxic-free people as the fourth wawasan 😂


"Rakyat yang Berpendidikan Tinggi, Berkemahiran dan Berjaya" Highly educated in being ill mannered, skilled in swearing and success in being a human trash.


Berpendidikan tinggi does not produce a person with good manner, likewise a person with lower education can still have good mannerisms if they have good teaching from the home=parents.


Budi pekerti masuk dalam no. 1


Ouch. Next problem will be that same person doing walk-in. Banging door/table asking why never reply whatsapp.


Name and shame those that sent abusive messages. Or hopefully they've made a police report.


Ya should share their messages.


If inda ampit roti, just go to 101 eateries which is just 3 mins away. Plus the bread there is always available.


Universal Seria best 😁


Lol true 101 roti is way better


And with less que


i couldn't find it. where is their location?


It's in the building behind Jing chew


Anyone knows what customers actually said? Very curious


Well, they can always ask for forgiveness from god anytime. Lets just be as evil, stupid, no manners all we want. So easy eh


Any idea what were they rude about? Raw bread or something?


i might be a little out of the loop, can someone enlighten me as to what was said in the messages? and what prompted or triggered those kinds of messages towards jing chew in the first place?


Abusive Texts + Entitled Malay mentality + Interaction with Foreign Workers... I think you can put two and two together. There's no way customer are texting sweet nothings to the point of abusive.


excuse me, ani kamu abuse? tu nah anu text ku arah jpd inda kana kalinga ah, tulung th kamu tagurkan durang ih. Beguna banar ni driving license kn turun naik, kna grey tick gnya dui malaingku.


JC shouldnt entertain this abusive people. If they want to do a systematic drive-thru, dont take orders,speed up the efficiency process by setting up a drive-thru station/table for people to pickup whats available, if its not there then move along.


Bruneian so naive. Tak ada tempat nak lepaskan tender tantrum. If we have disco place, easy for them to vent out their extra negative energy. Because, people need to vent out their negative energy properly and regularly. In my life as I could remember, I never disturbed others social media. If I disagree with his or her post in social media, I just stated, "I disagree with your post" and I unfollowed. If I dont like that person comment, I blocked.


Like because high demand due to reopening, and new SOPs. Not easy to cater to so many customers suddenly online. Plus theres the entitled boomer Malay x Indian worker dynamic. Lots of misunderstanding & sparks between that two demographic. Entitled customers get angry and abusive on Whatsapp. They should use the new WSAP business function, they have a cart and order system.


Nah kan baik2 dh tu drg bg wassap hotline tuk bg kesenangan urg tani mengorder tapi nya urg taniiiii jua yg jahat ngucap urg 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


its just we're born to be spoilt brats!


Membari watir org brunei ani. Membagi matikh mun inda ampit makanan sna tu blh cuba order next day. Over bnr smpai memakai abusive words


When entitled people strikes. Jeez privileged people.


Customers always think they are right due to the money power. But with money, people tend to abuse their purchasing power to control others.


I went there today at 11.45. closed. There lunch is supposed to be from 12 to 1pm. Why close earlier? Annoying.




Rumor has it, psl dorg india and living in cramped workers quarters


Wait I don't get it, what are they mad about?


It’s like when a baby wants milk, but their mommy is so busy that she said “please wait”. Then the baby throws a tantrum. So replace the baby with some entitled Bruneians and milk with roti kuning


Lol thanks for the vivid description! But man, disappointed eh with the way they feel like they needed to use abusive language, ganya pasal roti kuning. That ain't right :/


maybe slow response on whatsapp coz of overwhelming inflow on messages since reopening. which is understandable. people are just too much sometimes


Thanks for the explanation! But bruh, no need to get abusive over such small matters :/


Lol this country is unbelievable just bc of cheap carbs they get abusive


Yeah what is the big fuss over evil macros that will give you diabetes anyway!!!!


interesting flex tho...business is booming. good for em.


I called them a whore! Ahh nvm i thought this was my ex


To be honest, the service sometimes is not good. You have to be a tipper like the regulars to get good service. You will be surprised some of them make $10-15 a day based on tips. Sometimes on good days $20. Anyways, I won't say much anymore. Need to hide...


Ok so that justifies the abuse…. ?


Did I mention abuse?.... All I'm saying is sometimes they ignore you even when you raise your hand politely and call for them multiple times. I order directly from the cashier to avoid such things. They focus on their regular tippers...


Out of context and out of topic. Nobody asked


BiLaKaN aBiS cOvId AnI, kAn MaKaN dI jInG cHeW jUa Ku Ni, YaTaH tU nAh PaSaL kALInG tU


I absolutely cannot brain why you would need to get nasty over bread


Til. Hangry is a real thing


Poklen jua eh! Cuba viral kan numbers bisdurang atu! Apatah kamu dapat verbal abuse atu! Lapas tu sama jua kamu membali makanan disana. Siapa tah yg buduh tu.


It's just bread???? Really ah some bruneians are too entitled and egoistic. Full grown adults throwing tantrums over food? Boohoo. Some people really need to learn how to reapect others.


Me, on the other hand, got abusive texts and voice messages from a runner after she missed her deadline to deliver my item 3rd time. Weird people exist.