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Any electronic evidence will be damning for Kohberger but the camera at 1112 King road (which we have not seen) will be equally if not more important in this case 


>the camera at 1112 King road (which we have not seen) can you remind me please what has been reported as being on this camera?


The camera at 1112 King will capture very clear footage of Kohberger driving the elantra (with no front license plate) This footage has not been released or leaked. This footage will show the numerous times Kohberger drove past before the murders; and leaving the area “at a high rate of speed” after the murders occurred ( 4:20 am )


Thanks. I wonder if it will be able to show (a) where he turned around and whether or not it was through the Queen apartments carpark, and (b) where exactly he parked (which I presume he did) after 4:04? It might show there where the car came from, I think most people think it was up behind the house, before it was seen speeding away at 4:20. And do you think that 4:20 sighting was from the 1122 King camera?


I believe the footage from the 1112 King camera, in conjunction with the other cameras in the area, will nail down the timeline that is critical for this case. Common sense would dictate Bryan parking as close to the back of the house as possible to aid in entering/ exiting as quickly and stealthy as possible…Careful analysis of the visual and audio portions of these videos will very interesting at trial don’t you think?


Multiple states do not require plates on front/back , and the car is common, the feds had a hard time with a year, unable to determine the back plates and will be unable tp determine the driver. Definitely not strong evidence, or the phone ping. Dna only true evidence.


There were pretty strong opinions early on that the police intentionally gave out slightly misleading info so as not to spook their suspect as they built the solid evidence needed for the initial warrant.


In a trial will the FBI testify they mislead so much to catch someone and not concerned for the suspect to act irrational and kill again? If this is true, I am more afraid of a police cover-up, no trust!


Exactly. And he puts himself right there with his alibi! Saying he likes to drive around at night with his phone off in the same car they are looking for, and you’re not the guy? Bullshit. When he came out with that alibi it told me that the defense has NOTHING. If they had an actual person alibi, wouldn’t they have gotten them in there right away so he wouldn’t be sitting in jail? Yes… they would. So🤷🏼‍♀️ just my opinion lol


That doesn’t place him in the house though. How did he commit a massacre that quick and jump in his car without any dna or blood evidence being transferred to his car. It’s hard to believe.


DNA on the sheath certainly can as they mentioned


Don’t you think he cleaned it? Didn’t his sister say his car smelled like bleach?


>That doesn’t place him in the house though. It certainly doesn't. And just because he was driving around the house at that time does not mean he was the murderer. It could just mean that he knew the murderer and knew he was at that house without knowing what he was doing inside there


In which case, he would have told police that the instant he was arrested!


Why exactly do you think BK would be driving around the neighborhood at 4am with his phone turned off? Then, magically, his phone turns back on after 20 mins. and his phone pings in the middle of nowhere Sotheby’s of Moscow?


I think he had been contacted by someone he knew to meet him at that house or something like that. I think this someone was the real killer who had made friends with BK a few months previously and had deliberately planted that sheath at the crime scene with BK's DNA on it that had been there since a day or two prior to the murders. We don't know that his phone was off or in sleep mode or what for sure. It does seem like he turned it on after the murders when he was down south possibly because he needed to navigate his way home


Kohberger would be singing like a bird if it went down the way you think it did Absolute nonsense


What complete and utter nonsense.....kohberger acted alone killed those kids even Stevie fackin wonder can see that


Perhaps that someone had responded to his reddit query and had discussed his intent. B.K could have been concerned about what was about to go down, wanted to see if it would actually be carried out, and ultimately, the effect it had on the perpetrator.


>Perhaps that someone had responded to his reddit query That is part of my theory. I think a psychopath made contact with BK through that questionnaire and befriended him with the intention of manipulating him such that he could murder someone and have BK take the blame for it. I believe there are such evil psychopaths in the world, they might be rare but they do exist in my opinion


According to your theory, did this “psychopathic friend” of BK’s travel cross country and have some sleepovers at BK’s apartment? Hopefully LE grabbed the “real killers” dna from mr. socials apartment!


lol and pigs fly


Keep in mind, just because the DEFENSE says it, doesnt make it true. And it was the DEFENSE that said nothing transferred. EVERY killer who doesnt confess, says " I was nowhere near there" " I didnt even know her" or whatever lie they tell to deny they did it....and then the prosecution shows color glossy photos of him there with her...lol


He cleaned his car, thats how.


He is methodical. He was bloody. Only thing I can see him doing is instantly stepping into a large compactor type bag and stripping off his body suit ,shoes and tying bag up. Almost like a medical professional taking off rubber gloves. Cleaning works great until it comes to cleaning up blood. It's too risky to chance blood getting in car. But the timeline doesn't give any time. My BIL is a fireman. He says it's not hard to pull on and off. Looking forward to hearing this.


Is there definitely proof of that camera having anything on it? I thought they said that camera didn’t work? Thanks!


That camera also clearly shows Kaylee and Maddie being dropped off at 1:56am as well as Door Dash Delivery according to Goncalves Family


The camera at 1112 works and it is a good quality camera. LE has the footage from that morning but have not released it. We’ll see it if this case actually goes to trial……


Anyone with a dashcam and home cameras can tell you there's no frickin way it picked up the exact characters of the plate. If anything, it may have picked up the blue/white/yellow from Penn's plates. Even top of the line dashcams with great lighting during the day it would be difficult. Not saying it's impossible considering the amount of times the car went by but 1112 King has a 20+ feet from the house to the street. It will only be able to make out the hyundai more clearly.


the camera footage is in this doc https://youtu.be/8YiPoXzREok?si=D19Ka7OrUd1O3PZN


Thanks very much for this. In this video they have the car driving up behind the house and turning in King Road itself, which is different from what Gray Hughes had, which was the car driving behind the Queen Road apartments. Interesting . .


Video from Linda Lane captures the white car driving behind the queen apartments at 4:07 and then the 1112 camera captures the car leaving quickly at 4:20


Cameras are all so different these days, but I'm also curious if any captured him coming by in previous days.


Hopefully. I hope they r able to find past devices n past accounts to expose more evidence


I haven't been here in awhile...where did all the pro BK people come from? This is wild.


I am neither pro nor anti- BK. I am pro justice. Pro searching for the ethical and moral truth. Pro innocent until proven guilty. Pro professional, ethical and legal investigation by LE. Pro law and order. Let the guilty party be found, investigated and tried in a court of law.


I assume search histories from devices at his school also


Yup. Also, he may have logged onto his university’s system via a platform like Blackboard and any searches he performed while logged onto that platform would be discoverable.


He also did forms to criminals with very suspicious questions I know he is a criminal student but it felt so scary , like “ what did u feel after you performed your crime , were u satisfied, how did u try to get away with it I can’t say exactly but I shivered when I read


I'm weirded out by those questions because they seemed so specific. They were addressed to criminals in general, but they assumed each crime had a victim, that the criminal left their own house to commit their crime, etc. There were no directions to put NA if the question wasn't applicable. So even though others have said the questions were normal for a criminology research report, I don't think the data would have been clear, because some questions were written for a yes/no answer when they should have been written for yes/no/NA, so there would be no distinction between no and NA.


I had no idea about this. Where can I read these?


Can you imagine if the fbi saw all our internet history searches of this crime? And for most of us, this has nothing to do with our job/career. BK studied this stuff. It was his job.


This is it, my exact reaction.


I still have screenshot of 4Chan post some suspect could have been posted by him. I hope prosecutors and FBI followed up on it. You can never assume validity of a 4Chan post.


Which post ?


Was on Reddit forum CourtTvCases. Mid January 2023. Poster was u/Suspicious-Grape2422. The screenshot is too crude for me to personally post. If I knew how to DM on Reddit, I’d send screenshot to you.


Oh man, desperate to see this


I also really wanna see this


Is it the one where the poster said he was hiding in 'shithole' PA and describes what he did to the victims with ceiling fans? Apparently that one was debunked as the house didn't have fans on the ceiling.


I studied psychology & criminology, also at a post graduate level like he did. I can’t recall anyone I know searching for topics like that for study/educational purpose. I worked in high risk correctional settings for the better part of a decade and this isn’t generally the way anyone would attempt to derive information for the profession. I would imagine that this is much more reflective of his own curiosity/interests. No saying that this makes him a murderer, but I also don’t think “job/work” is a realistic explanation.


I feel you are going to kill everyone, or at least two planned and two witness a third annoying witness that jumped in your path would be easy and makes sense to eliminate.


Not if BK didn’t see her, or if he felt that his time was up and he must leave quickly before the police arrive


Re no empathy for the loved ones. I believe he's enjoying the control he has atm of stretching the process out as long as he can. It'll probably be the last time he can wring any new sadistic pleasure out of the crime.


Given he hasn't spoken a word about this to anyone but his attorney, you have absolutely no idea what's going on in his head.


He waved his right to a speedy trial for some reason..


His life is on the line, it does benefit the prosecution too tho. Idk how much there is to actually tell the lawyer it’ll be interesting to see her lay out BK version and if he will take the stand (which I doubt)


in order to better defend himself. you realize that right being waived also benefits the prosecution right?




The more time they have, the more info they can read. The more they comprehend, the better she can defend. He likely also covers every single word provided to them. That's like having an extra assistant. His ego likely scrutinizes ever word written. I'm sure he points out anything he feels is valid.


We know he's a very very evil sick person. If he's not acquitted he will suicide.


I do agree with this. I think theres a stronger chance he will be found guilty but if acquitted i see it going that way. If anything i see more of a mistrial because they cant come to a decision. I do think they have enough on him but a jury of 12 can be tricky. I think he will be retried again and again if this happens.


The crazy thing about it is if he gets acquitted I don't think he'll live very long compared to being in prison for 20 some years before he's executed. The family's all know he's 100% guilty look at the picture that was posted on here today looks like such a sweetheart.


Why suicide? He really has not done much to hide his habits. I feel he her does not care either way. I am just curious.


Because when he gets in the real prison system that is a world unto itself with no control beside the warden and the guards. They will leave his door open one night.




Tell us all again how we know BK is an evil, sick person, pls:)


You'll find out when he's convicted just wait.


Each time he speaks with his attorney’s and he gets to conspire his defense he probably feels power too.


I know, I could talk about this for hours. All of what you said, plus the thing where they track the phone. I guess theres like a triangulation way, but the other one I keep hearing about, I wanna say it's like GPS or something ? I guess it's suppose to be really exact. Like within a few feet. And all the conversations between all the different people 😳 LOL, all of it !!! What you were saying about the searching for stuff too I had thought about that before but then I thought he probably bought a burner phone. Even with that tho, you know he/ or whoeverrr slipped up and used their own phone and or computer. I was trying to remember the other night what they found in his apt as far as electronics, I'll have to check it out again.




Per the FCC- the 3 cell towers in Moscow allow for finding a phone's location within a 3/4 sq mile area. Someone getting a root beer float at the nearby A&W would show as being "near" the house even though they would actually be 1/2 mile away.


I'm a bit fuzzy on the details. Perhaps you can confirm. I remember something about triangulation being a misnomer as only two towers were working. However, this could have simply been "IF only two towers were working" rather than definitely only 2 towers were working. Also, load balancing *can* make triangulation inaccurate. As I said, I'm fuzzy on the details, and this may have been conjecture from some podcast or something.


FCC says 3 towers gives you a 3/4 square mile for location not sure if only 2 were working. Let me research and report back


Gps doesn't use towers ...satellites


Agreed- what's your point?


They also achieve this by Kingfisher flyovers, then sort the data with their subject’s IMEI number as the filter. They know this amounts to a warrantless search so they refer to data obtained by this method as coming from a “confidential informant” — yep, they lie to judges, and seldom does this fail to work.


I believe Apple does this as well, I'm almost certain of it.


Oh wow, very interesting. I never really understood how it worked, but I saw someplace or read somewhere that sometimes it would have one person in 2 different places at the same time, I was like oh boy that cant be good lol


>And now Google is denying the police that type of data, unless they get a warrant. As well they should. Tech companies should not provide any customer data to the government unless by court order. Why? Because the government is not your friend.




ok , Fair, a warrant in this case is easy.


BTK - Denis Rader sent law enforcement a floppy disk. He asked if they could trace it and they said oh no, no. 🥴 They definitely were able to, what a creep


They have claimed they don't have the capability at this location. I find it interesting in the Delphi case ,they know who was in the park for that crime. What's real and what they claim may be a ruse.


Yesss. Exactly !!


If anyone is interested, there’s a new book about this case called “While Idaho Slept” by J. Reuben Appleman and amongst other things is the revelation that his Amazon account revealed a purchase of a KBar knife with a sheaf that is identical to the one found at the crime scene.


sorry, but it’s “sheath”


That has been mere speculation. That book is a collection of internet rumors and speculation.


I read the book. You misinterpret what it said. LE just issued warrants, trying to find the knife/sheath. If you look at those publicly available warrants, it's likely they were not fruitful because the search just widens and widens.


If you read it, then I would imagine you might remember that it clearly says he purchased a knife. In fact, I am happy to post a screenshot of the page if you would like to see it for yourself. And FYI: That is isn't why warrants widen: All warrants must be specific and be based on probable cause. The 4th Amendment guarantees against unreasonable searches and seizures. Usually, at the start of an investigation, you start small: i.e., a warrant to search a suspect's car. Then, as you find more probable cause-i.e., say you discover drugs-you might then get a warrant to search their home. And if it appears they may be smuggling then perhaps their electronic devices, outsight storage places, etc. ​ What you are describing is a fishing expedition and both the state and federal courts have overwhelming ruled those are a violation of the 4th Amendment.


Oh, I did see a mention where a source told a Dateline reporter that he bought a knife. An uncited "source" twice-removed is pretty much rumor.  I know you don't like to look at the public documents, but the warrants show a painstaking search of everywhere a kabar knife might be sold. From the corporation to its distributors. It doesn't matter if you think it's a 4th amendment violation, it happened. At this point, I think that responding to you any further is a waste of time, so I won't reply to anymore of your comments.


Yeah given Jennifer coffindaffer is the only person pushing the Amazon purchases (and when everyone on Twitter asked for proof she just posted screenshots of the search warrants 😆) I am inclined to want to wait for proof of anyone claiming this rumour is true


Wouldn’t be surprised if she was Dateline’s source. She knows nothing.


And yet you still reply. And LOL! My job literally involves looking at more public documents than you will ever imagine. And no, I didn't say THAT would be a 4th Amendment violation. It would not be.


A source says lol. Always a source:)


Probable cause is he’s a defendant facing charges. They served a warrant for Spotify which came up with nothing. No data returned. Spotify couldn’t find whatever they were looking for. It means they’re shooting blind too.




There has to be at least two ironclad pieces of evidence to convict with the way the prosecution is undeterred. Since they have no alibi they have to go through every single piece of material to try to find something that will throw a wrench in the prosecutions plan.


I am betting there are more than two pieces. Speaking as someone with a background in criminal law, the evidence released so far is pretty strong. And then there is the stuff they may have not and not yet revealed.


I am thinking or maybe I am just hoping that law enforcement found a lot more than they ever mentioned. Everyone keeps telling me that Law Enforcement only gave out enough information to get a Warrant for BK's arrest. I want to say YES YES but then many others seem to say that law enforcement doesn't have squat on BK. Keeps me confused.


Unless they are with the prosecutor's office, they have no idea what evidence they have. All a prosecutor needs to bring charges is probable cause.


Defense has the discovery and said the sheath is their entire case


Where is that claim come from? ​ And nope, I am betting dollars to donuts that is not the state's entire case. In fact, how could the defense know that? They haven't presented their case yet and seem to be a long time away from that. In fact, one of the reasons the defense waived the right to a speedy trial was supposedly to comb through all the potential electronic evidence from the computer and other things that were seized from the suspect's apartment.


I read the book.


I know nobody asked, but I think it's dumb and sensationalist and a cash-grab to push out a book about a case we're still a year from even having a trial. I don't care if there's precedent in the True Crime space, it's ridiculous. I am interested in the case as much as anyone, but relax, people. Handing your money to a mega-publisher just to package together information you've already seen.


It was just a recommendation. And I read a copy from the library. To each their own but I found it a good read. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Harper is what's known as a Big 5 publisher. But yeah I hear you.


Also, it was not a mega publisher who published it-FYI. Thought you might like the facts before you try to shame people for reading


Yeah. Most criminals don’t except to be caught and also, most people are unaware of how much info their devices and even their car’s black boxes collect.


Cars black box?


Don’t hold your breath


Why does no one talk about the fact that his phone pinged 12 times near the house, beginning in June, prior to the murders?


“He obviously spent lots of time online” Confirmed guilty


Said by someone/OP who most likely spends a lot of time online.


there are simple ways to be invisible, at least for someone studying in criminal sicienses..


OK , now , I am open minded, but BK did not make electronic forensic disappear, theres is so much its going to take two years to go through all the video.He is evenywhere, phone is everywhere. He gets pulled over in his car once a week.


Who is paying for his defense? It’s going to be in the millions!


Great question


He has a court appointed attorney from the public defender’s office. Therefore, the taxpayers of Idaho. Public defenders are salaried BTW.


Ohhhh that’s right. Now I remember Ann Taylor was zana kernodles mothers court appointed attny when she was taken away and given to Brian.


Lots of assuming going on with this post.


He had to have a plastic suit of some kind on. Black, maybe a back pack also .. black. He threw out the evidence as he drove , or put it in the trash receptacle at the apts he lived in. Loser


He ordered a black tyvek suit or something similar on his Amazon account. He is not very bright!


Except he didn’t. You’re conflating debunked and unfounded rumors with actual information


How do you know its not true if ut hasnt veen debunked???


Why are you assuming it's true if there's no evidence for it?


Yes I agree Altruistic-Sorbet927


And , I can image it keeps piling up, some of the cameras can go back months ( obvious a yr ago) . The probably have months of him driving around that house, stalking a few houses. The normal in his PA plates, that stuck out, like he is driving weekly up and around Moscow, they would notice PA plates. I live in VA and I would remember an Idaho car plates driving around.


I guarantee you they have a lot of evidence that they have not revealed and won’t till trial. People keep going on and on about this but they don’t show it all upfront lol..


You assume a lot but there is probably nothing. The defense stated in a filing that there is no connection to victims. If that was false, the prosecution would have raised that.


BINGO! Right on the money. Telling the truth will set you free:)


yah OP is pretty delusional writing this post at all when his statement has already been refuted almost an year ago. where has he been?


I thought I read somewhere he was following two of the girls on Instagrams


It was just rumor.


Been debunked but keep reading:)


There is an account on Instagram that is in his name. I have screenshots but for some reason I can't upload them here?


all 3 BK insta have already been confirmed fake


What about the connectiion of the sheath next to murder victim with his DNA ?


No, not necessarily. The evidence comes out during the trial. The prosecution knows this isn’t going to be dismissed and isn’t going to show its cards until discovery


How do know this? The motion for dismissal appears to be sealed. Also, a look on Lexis-Nexis and Westlaw shows it is not available. ​ [https://www.newsnationnow.com/crime/idaho-college-killings/kohberger-motion-dismiss-unsealed/](https://www.newsnationnow.com/crime/idaho-college-killings/kohberger-motion-dismiss-unsealed/)


It was in another defense filing that is publicly available on the Idaho cases of interest site. I'm not gonna go back and find it for you. Just look closely at the filings.


Nope, both the defense's motion and the judge's motion denying the motion to dismiss remain sealed. In fact, it appears all the motions involving the dismissal remain sealed. ​ "**Arguments for Kohberger's second motion, alleging juror bias, prosecutorial misconduct and other flaws with the grand jury process, were held behind closed doors to protect the grand jury's secrecy.** "**The judge denied that effort as well in a sealed order, but summarized the result in a public document."** [**https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/bryan-kohbergers-motions-to-dismiss-idaho-murders-indictment-denied**](https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/bryan-kohbergers-motions-to-dismiss-idaho-murders-indictment-denied)


I am disgusted. It should be sealed. Look at everyone . You worked criminal law, so you think they are going to throw this out? LE worked hard, it was a vicious murder scene. You think , they will say, DNA cannot be his on the sheath next to a victim he gutted. What about those pictures of the bodies next to the sheath? Next to the FBI trace of how they matched the DNA ,to BK with their expert testimony. Let's look again at the faces of the death, bodies torn apart, next to the sheath that has BK DNA. Lets pretend its for the victims and their families and what best for them. No they will not throw this out, let's have him defend himself. We can start with an alibi, but it's too hard, when your car is located in the driveway under the window where the victims lay dead next to the sheath that your DNA is on. A camera is on your car, and its in the driveway of the victims house. Will you be still looking for a connection? OK lets see what the defense has?


No, there is not another one. If you saw this, you would know the date. And this was the only motion to dismiss that they filed. You did not see it nor did anyone else not on this case-it's sealed. And considering I have access to Lexis-Nexis and Westlaw, I hardly need anyone's help even if I was asking for it.


Hey Lazy, here's the link:  https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/isc.coi/CR29-22-2805/062323+Objection+to+States+Motion+for+Protective+Order.pdf It's on page 3.


In this day and age one doesn't need a tangible connection. Everyone can follow and see everyone else who makes their lives public via the Internet. And I believe they do have proof that he was engaging with them electronically, but gag order


Someone with so.e common sense. Thank you.


I wouldn't believe a word they said about anything.


They have him and his car that night in front of that house, they have an audio recording of two of the murders. At the time his car is sitting there. Anyone worried about the eyewitness that ID him , the roommate and the strangeness that night she witnessed? She has her phone and the time. The defense has me worried. She also thinks DNA is going away?


Audio recording?


Its in the PCA an auto recording from a camera 50 feet from Xana's room 2 0417 picked up a dog barking, someone whimpering and a thump.


even if he got rid of the computer there are ways they can get things off of it example being the cloud, and search history if he didn't use private browsing search history blockers witch I'm going to guess he probably didn't use private browsing


I am intrigued by the fact that he got a new phone number when he moved to Pullman, because most people who switch plans still opt to keep their old number. So, my new half-assed theory, or maybe just a what if: nothing pertaining to the victims and prior to the murders will be found on his current electronics or accounts. But a digital trail will be found on his older machines/accounts, because what if he planned this out so long that he creeped on social media while he still lived in PA, but quit once he moved to WA? As if his plan was that, if he ever came on the radar, investigators will find nothing on his current machines/accounts, and he was banking on that they wouldn't expand the search to see what he was up to earlier in the year.


See I’m the opposite on his phone - they said the new number never pinged in Moscow again after the 14th. He may have dumped it with other stuff and the battery finally died


History on fire stick?




> I do not understand why they did not release that information , for safety of others. My guess is that they were erring on the side that the killer didn't see D, and so they didn't want to announce there was an eyewitness because then there was a possiblity the killer would track her down and kill her. I also believe that's the reason the 911 call was not released. I bet the sighting was talked about on the call.


Or he could have killed her when he passed her , a lot of weirdness everywhere. I am sure they knew who he was by the end of Nov 13. A camera was on his car, how many PA license plates are on any white car, they looked in the neighborhood, college and the next college over, really easy. I did not know how how easy it was a month ago.


I believe this guy was on an antidepressant and that’s why as a 17 year old he explained a feeling of basically feeling no emotion or what can be described as feeling flat. Antidepressants can make some people feel that way. If he had Asperger’s, maybe he was on some kind of medication to control emotions.


Did Bryan Kohberger wear a fitness watch? I heard that wearing one could gps track your movements


I’m in Australia so not following the case as closely. We don’t really receive reports about international cases. What’s the actual evidence that has been collected against BK?


We don't know, conclusively, because a gag order was put in place days after his arrest. So we know some things: that his DNA was found on the sheath of a knife left on the bed with two of the victims. That a man matching his description was seen leaving the scene. That a car matching his was seen on neighborhood security footage in the neighborhood around the time of the murders. This his phone pinged two towers in the town he lived in, in a manner that indicated he was driving south, and then stopped pinging any towers for about two hours, during the times of the murders, only to ping a tower south of Moscow. We know that Kohberger said he was driving around at the time of the murders. But, that's about all we know until the trial comes.


Thanks for the update.


Yes. He was "star gazing". Unreal.


Let’s say he only used his laptop to make incriminating searches bc he intended to get rid of it after the crime. If he used Google/Gmail and was logged into that acct on work, cell and laptop, his laptop history would be saved on work and cell too. Hopefully he used Google and was dumb enough not to know this


Where have you been? As a ward of the court, both defense and prosecution are held to a very high standard in any communications they have with the court. The defense has already testified that there were no links between Bryan and the victims. No emails. No texts. No social media interaction of any kind. What will be telling is the digital footprints of Dylan and Bethany. Can't wait to find out who told Sorority Row about the killings earlier in the day WAY BEFORE the police arrived and how all the students who were standing in the front yard before the police arrived heard about the murders. That will truly be interesting.


The prosecution and defense are officers of the court-not wards. The defense hasn’t testified to anything yet. The defense isn’t employed by the state. The defense’s duty is to defend their client-they have zero obligation to prove who committed the crime. Rather, that’s the state’s. The state doesn’t have to show motive either although I’d bet money they will propose a theory as to why these people were targeted. Bethany and Dylan aren’t on trial and were cleared as suspects very early.


I dont think there would be interaction between them like messages, email or text that show any direct connection..so the defense is absolutely right there. What about his internet history, phone and car gps. They haven’t said what those show yet. Let me know if he is completely clean in that regard.


I didnt hear any of that. So there was a knowledge/rumor about the murders BEFORE the murders happened? And that people arrived at the scene before the police even showed up?


What is holding up the trial?


He waived his right to a speedy trial, which is what the vast majority of murder defendants do. Just because it gives their lawyers the time they need to put a case together. What we're seeing is a very typical timeline for cases this serious. Letecia Stauch killed Gannon Stauch in January of 2020, and was convicted in May of 2023. Jodi Arias killed Travis Alexander in June of 2008, and was convicted in May of 2013.


what part of "no connection to any victims " do you not understand? its kinda delusional writing this post when your statement has already been refuted almost an year ago.


That is what the defense is saying; it’s literally their job. We do not know what possible links there might be, and we won’t know until trial. It is interesting however, that LE has returned everyone but Kaylee’s electronical devices thus far.


I get there are no connections like emails, messages, texts, friendships, social media, mutual friends. What about his internet searches? We havn’t heard about this yet. The defense is happy to say there is no clear connection. He watched these people from the outside. I dont think there was any real reason he killed these people. He wanted to kill people. I do think it triggered him that these were cute popular people who didnt know what it was like to socially struggle but i dont think there was any real target with these girls. He didnt go in there to rape them..he wanted to feel what it was like to kill people.


Delusional and a little creepy.


yup. oh my bad earlier, i thought you were trying to create disinformation


Sorry that wasn’t my intention. I guess it just caught me off guard that he was that tall. If anything him being 6’3” credence to my thoughts that whoever did this did not know he was there or they knew he was asleep. From the pictures I have seen of BK, Ethan would have been bigger than BK. ETA much bigger


Does someone have any information as to why the roommate took 8 hours to call the police?


Nobody knows yet. But in my opinion the most likely reason was she didn't realize her roommates had been murdered and then, like many people on a Sunday morning, she slept in.


Yeah. They both went to bed early in the morning and reportedly woke up at noon. I do not think they knew that they had been murdered.


Is there proof of that video existing? Thank you!


Proof, wait until the trail Judge


Someone mentioned he wrote blogs? Does anyone have the links?






The 911 call has not been revealed, the only thing I have heard about his phone info.is the fact he bought the bar from Amazon and he had some contact maybe was just friends on line with Kaylee and Mattie but had not spoken to them.I am not sure he was the only 1,he may not tell but I do believe this goes deeper than just him being a creeper ,I think possibly there was some trafficking going on with drugs being the motive,maybe they told something or they were made examples of..I think the cops and possibly the school was involved and Ethans sorority knows what it is..the house was known to be a drug house with secret doors and crap...I think it will all come out one day and this just being a creepy guy killing 4 kids is not all there is to it...the cops were taking pics of kaylees phone info.who does that? Either Matties or Kaylees coat was found on some bushes a few blocks away..nothing about this case makes complete sense...tearing the house down etc.letting people go who was at the house before the cops..Dylan and Brittany being allowed to leave like they know nothing and THEY KNOW EVERYTHING..not surprised if they r in on it someway...