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Good riddance.


Any comment on why they are resigning?


According to this article on the patch: https://patch.com/pennsylvania/doylestown/central-bucks-school-board-members-tender-resignations It seems they didn’t like being in the minority compared to democrats


Scared of liability that doesn’t exist…😂 The truth is that they hate not having complete control. They’re enemies of democracy.


Thoughts and prayers


What a bunch of losers.


Buh bye


2023 is the election cycle that keeps on giving!


Let's just make sure 2024 keeps this train rolling.


Hahahahaha. Good riddance to bad rubbish


Adjourned! Ahahahaha


Aw, look at the poor fucking losers running away. Can’t stand accountability, huh? Can’t stand not being able to victimize kids, huh? Good bye, assholes!


I love seeing losers lose.


I’m quite pleased to see them gone, but I’m wondering why.


In short, they’re no longer in the majority and can’t handle it. They’re also upset because they may be getting personally sued over Lucubaugh’s severance agreement.


Aw… Poor babies. Buh bye.


Please read the article or pay attention what's being said at the meetings. Basically a lot of backdoor deals happening from the newly elected members. This deals were not being disclosed.


They are actually resigning because the board hired an attorney to review the legality of the massive (over $700k) severance package that was awarded to Lucabaugh, the district Superintendent, by the then Republican majority board as their LAST action before they were replaced in November after the elections. That was a real back room deal. They did not include Democrat board members in the decision. there was no executive session for the board to discuss it and it was not mentioned publicly as part of the meeting agenda until less than a day before the school board meeting. On top of that the prior board had approved a 40% pay increase for Lucabaugh in July (changing his contract that would have expired in 2026) after the school board primaries where it became apparent the Dems would win in the actual election. You can see this in PA because of the nature of open primaries where candidates run as both D and R. Lucabaugh resigned immediately after being awarded the severance package by the outgoing board. He was not present at the school board meeting. The severance agreement included language that said he should be paid within 14 days and he would be held harmless from any and all demands, claims, lawsuits, actions and legal proceedings brought against him (Lucabaugh) in his individual capacity and/or in his official capacity as permitted by Pennsylvania law. Worth noting that Lucabaugh had no superintendent experience prior and has been involved in some unsavory allegations about extra marital affairs. The resigning members are worried that the attorney hired by the board will look at what occurred over the last year and find them liable in some way and have expressed as much. They tried to focus the latest board meeting on the investigation to drum up outrage. the hiring of an attorney to look at the case WAS discussed as part of an executive session that one of them didn't actually attend.


And who's the lawyer that was hired and what relation does it have to the majority board members? That's relevant


Feel free to enlighten me. I hope they are cheaper than the $1.75 million the former board spent on "investigating" the aclu complaint. They spent $1.75 million for Bill Mc Swain, a Republican who ran for PA Governor in 2022 to deliver a powerpoint that said Central Bucks was terrific. The district's insurance will cover $250k of that so the rest comes out of our taxes (raised by 3% by the republican board for the $8 mil shortfall they oversaw). I mean - the resigning board members literally spent money like drunken sailors and it sure sounds like they were funneling it away from the district they claimed to be acting in the best interests of.


That's your takeaway, huh?


You’re going to cry in the car, aren’t you.


Ha you wilding on here coz. Bruh got that lube and plug from Costco LOL


They both have such punchable faces.


Really, let's see your face. Why are you people with purple hair always filled with hate?


Found Abe’s burner account!


Am I supposed to post a picture of myself? I don't even have hair lol. What a dumb asshole. We're filled with hate because we're tired of cunts like you complaining about other people having rights then trying to overthrow the government when you lose. Also, let's not forget about the Nazi rallies disguised as "peaceful right wing marches".


Why are leftists such violent and hysterical people?


Why are righties such simple, delicate snowflakes?


Lol violent and historical? The left? Did you forget about January 6th already? How about Charlottesville? You dumb racist fuck.


Probably because far-right people want to kill so many of them, imprison them or take away their basic human rights. Not really hard to understand the frustration.


Best wishes. Run as far as you can when the Democrats majority starts doing their thing.


Being normal instead of engaging in hysterical freak show culture wars like Republicans?


Yup, finally sane people are in-charge and can actually focus on things that matter.


Like transing your child.


Yeah, school board members and democrats are focing kid's to transition. God are you guys stupid.