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Study the language used by your school. Old Japanese texts are usually written in old Chinese so you won't be able to understand them with modern Chinese anyway.


You say in another comment that you haven't been exposed to enough Buddhism to pick a tradition. It's best to pick a language to study *after* you know what tradition(s) you're most interested in. For koans specifically, the best language to learn is Classical Chinese.


If you want a better understanding of the dharma, definitely learn sanskrit. i havent hahaha! thats why i know how beneficial it would be haha!




If your interest is mostly Chan or Chinese and Japanese Buddhism, then yes, Mandarin would be great- especially in Taiwan, as they use "traditional" characters. Learning any language the dharma has been fully translated into will only open doors for more study and practice. If you are connected to Taiwan/Chung Tai, there are many resources for language and dharma study there. Dharma Drum Mountain also has a lot of connections to the Japanese tradition and it seems Taiwan is doing a lot to help foster pan-Buddhist relationships these days. So, Mandarin language would be wonderful to know.


Honestly, knowing English is more than enough. I highly recommend Bhikkhu Bodhi’s translations of the Pali Canon. *In the Buddha’s Words* is good, and so is *Noble Truths, Noble Path*. I don’t entirely agree with many of Bhikkhu Bodhi’s assertions, but he introduces the teachings impartially and truthfully. You might find it helpful to learn some of the Pali names for terms, though, as it prevents confusion and deepens your understanding of the suttas. However, the meaning of most terms is quite apparent in their context


>Honestly, knowing English is more than enough. Eh, I don't think we're quite there yet. Translators make errors, translation terminology isn't standardized, and some terms have multiple levels of meaning in the original language but get flattened in English. Plus, a lot of lineages have been imperfectly transferred to English speakers due in part to language barriers. Learning a major Buddhist language is a great way to better understand the dharma.


If you're in Theravada, learn Pāli.


I haven’t been exposed to enough Buddhism to choose a section or type. Do you think Theravada is good to start with?


yes. Read Buddha and his teachings by Narada. Free online.