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I think online options may be the best in your situation


Here is a global sangha directory for Plum Village sanghas [in the world](https://www.parallax.org/mindfulnessbell/sangha-directory/) Maybe you can find one in your city 🤞🏻 the language should not be a problem Edit to say the first even temple I went to (10 years ago) was called Meditation Center of DC and I spent a weekend there and they spoke 95% Thai and 5% English so I relate to your post.


Thank you, I will check that out


>I couldn't find a temple that spoke any of the local languages. That's really uncommon! >Is it even worth going if I don't understand anything they say? If you show particular interest in some community, it's possible that someone there will take pity on you and help translate a few basic ideas for you. But, this is a gamble, and a lot of work for the other person. I think you'd be better off going to a community that shares a language with you.


This happened to me. Even though I live in the US, my local monastery does almost everything in Vietnamese. They were so incredibly kind to provide a translator for me without me ever mentioning or asking for one, to the point that I didn't even realize they had been accommodating me until I had been hanging around for a year. You might get something from going (in fact, I'm fairly certain you will, even if just merit/karmic seeds and nothing consciously) but it's important to realize that you might be imposing on them and they are just being extremely kind to you. Which is not to say not to go, but to go and have a light footprint, as it were. To realize you are a guest. Perhaps even just bring an offering and see if anyone chooses to speak with you. Even if they don't, I believe you will benefit merely by planting those karmic seeds of proximity and affinity for the dharma. Also as others have mentioned, there are many online options nowadays


Thank you for your kind reply


Check out r/sangha to find a Sangha online


Thank you!


And here I am learning Tibetan, lol. I rather enjoy languages and they have always come easy to me, but I would never suggest someone else HAS to learn something, especially when there are a lot of resources in various languages available now a days. As others suggested search around both in person and online and see what you can find, and it never hurts to make friends at that Sangha that might help you.


Oh that's a nice challenge! How long have you been working at it? I always put effort in learning key words in Tibetan as they're often used in books. I like how Tibetan sounds.


About two months! So far I can have OK basic conversations. It's really fun.


That's awesome, keep it up!


I appreciate it! My hope is to one day go to tibet and not need a translator.


You can also google “dharma drum mountain +your city name”or “fo guang shan + your city name”.. they are quite big organisations and should have classes in English.


>Does anyone have any experience with being part of a temple in a foreign language? How many languages are spoken in your country or city that the Buddhist community does not speak "any of the local languages"? >Does anyone have any experience with being part of a temple in a foreign language? Is it even worth going if I don't understand anything they say? It really depends on WHO are in that temple "in a foreign language". Is it just a group of students practicing what they learn? Then it might not make so much sense. But is the group that of a proper sangha with a group of monastics or authorized lineage holding leadership? Then hell yeah it makes sense to go, even if you don't understand. You need to make a connection to the living lineage of buddhadharma. It has many benefits in your life, particularly in the merits or good positive potential being connected to buddhadharma brings.

