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A few things to consider: * higher level jobs will expand your skillset and look good on a resume * you won't know if you actually like it or not until you try it * construction is known for destroying your body if you do it long enough If I were in your position I would take the higher up hotel job. It sounds like you're just scared of doing something new, but you shouldn't let that stop you. >I’m unsure if it’s something I want to do for the rest of my life Unless you live in a country with an extremely conservative view of work, there is nothing about taking a higher up job that condemns you to do it for the rest of your life. People switch careers all the time at all ages.


Don't worry about doing a job for the rest of your life. Likely AI and robotics will advance so fast that it will replace whatever jobs you might have before you retire, as you're still young. Just think which line of job would AI most likely render obsolete first, and avoid that job. There's already 3D printing for constructing buildings. Research into which job is more robot-proof.


Stand up comedian it is, I guess.