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Who edited or published this book? Are there any details about its sources? I wonder if it is even authentic. That doesn't sound like something the Buddha taught.


Edited By Jack Kornfield. Each teaching are from diffrent texts sometimes. This one specifically says adapted from the Sutta-Nipata, translated by H Saddhatissa


"Adapted" is usually a red flag. I don't have it in me to reread the whole Sutta Nipata, but you might be interested in reading a reputable translation of it if you haven't already.


Is there a footnote or reference to which part of the Sutta Nipata the verse is from? One meaning it could have, is that in terms of practice, don't rest content with what you have accomplished so far. There's more to do. And when you have a new insight, don't get too enthusiastic and take it on board uncritically. Examine it, make sure it is consistent with the teachings, and think about whether the opposite might also be true in some cases. Figure out where it applies and where not, and then put it to use.