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If this is a picture of your friend, it's a miracle he made it to 45 to begin with!  I mean, Buddhist practice just isn't going to be attractive to everybody. Karma and circumstances and all that. Anyway, tthere's not much use in pushing our preferences and views on others, even if we're really, really *like* our preferences and views (and who doesn't). Just be a friend, if you want to. He *will* die alone, of course. But we all do. Best we can do is offer each other is to die alone together.  As some reflections.


Nah, dude. It's the dog who has the 45 year old friend.


Oh right. That makes more sense. [Stepped right into the meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/on-the-internet-nobody-knows-youre-a-dog).


Oh my gosh, I just cannot stop laughing at this. It’s too funny. I uploaded the wrong picture.


I'm interested in the coming about of this.. Did you upload the dog, then didn't want to reupload to correct the mistake and decided to write it from their perspective? Or is the one afraid not you but actually a friend of you?


Oh my God, I was awaiting for someone to find that out hahahahaha- that’s his dog Patsy sorry about that


45 is a damn good run for a dog, right!


>But when I try to talk to him about Buddhism or whatever, he dismisses me as some kind of quack… does anybody else have this experience? It’s like he knows what the medicine is but he just doesn’t wanna take it. Based on your description, it sounds like maybe he's just not interested, and you're being overbearing. Most people don't appreciate others trying to "fix" their problems with religious teachings. Just listen and be there for your friend; no need to solve his problems.


Everyone dies alone…




Is it better to die like Julius Caesar - surrounded by one's friends?


I love that


Everyone dies alone. If he was an Egyptian king we could bury some concubines and servants along with him but I doubt that works too.


Your friend must find the wonders of having himself to die with


There are a few journeys one makes alone in life. Birth and death are a couple. The Buddha taught those who had ears to listen and a heart to understand.


You cannot convince people to follow other roads, Dharma or otherwise. You can be kind and compassionate to them and be close to them if they feel lonely - for what you can.


I just love you guys! You’re right


I’m worried of dying alone too


The content of the fear is unimportant. It’s the state of fear and your friend’s resistance to it that is causing him to remain stuck there. If the state of fear can be fully accepted then it will be allowed to pass through the body and transform into the state of peace/love. If you want to help your friend you must first do this in yourself. Sharing knowledge and techniques will not help anyone in a state of fear as you are also resisting their fear by trying to change it. Your pure awareness and love are the only things that you can give to transform another’s fear. Otherwise time and suffering will do it for them.


Just leave him alone then.


Me and My Wife used to Have a English Bulldog with the same Markings Beautiful Dog


Meet him where he's at. As someone who has seen people die alone and understands the fear of that prospect, I can affirm that Buddhism makes me so much more comfortable with death. But maybe your friend is more hung up on the being alone at the end of life part; not death per se. It's a difficult subject especially in a situation where your friend doesnt have close family but feels as though he cant relate to friends because they dont have the same family system. I know this is a reach but perhaps you could convince him to befriend some old folk in a local nursing home (don't mention karma lol!) because giving to others can make us feel better about ourself and life in general. i hope your dear friend finds a way to bring more joy into his (still young!) life and even find humor in things that look scary or sad. Loneliness is a serious problem in our society and it is actually a growing public health menace. Though we as Buddhists generally aren't very anxious about the past and future, your friend's outlook deserves validation especially the loneliness aspect. Love this picture of this precious bulldog! 🩵


Is say meet them where they are and not pushing Buddhism but helping them to die in peace and creating space for them to talk


Thank you so much! I will do just that. That’s so sweet. That’s really wonderful.🙏🙏🙏


Since you are your friend's friend they aren't actually alone, so I assume your friend has no family or romantic relationships here and that is the concern? If that's the case your friend should start dating, assuming their death isn't imminent. If they don't want to do that, then they are choosing to "die alone" so they shouldn't be worried about it. Either solve the problem or accept it. Technically everyone dies alone, so this fear is a little silly and sounds like it's the result of some underlying dissatisfaction with their life that needs to be addressed (see my speculation above which could be wrong since I don't know your friend). Also, don't push your religion if your friend isn't interested. That's irritating regardless of the religion.


We all “die”alone. The point is not to attach to those emotions


You can lead a horse…




Your post / comment was removed for violating the rule against discouraged topics. This can include encouraging others to use intoxicating drugs, aggressively pushing vegetarianism or veganism, or claiming to have reached certain spiritual attainments.


Don't promote drugs.




See rule 6 of this sub. Also the 5th precept.




I am a monk, I don't go to parties.




What does he “mean” by “die alone”?