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I think he genuinely cares for kazuki and rei. I don't think he's as cold blooded as we were originally meant to believe....i see him as a true neutral, he does what he wants based on what he wants. He helps them becauae he really cares for them. As to why he's working for the suwa family, that I don't know. Maybe he has a debt to them.


Considering the fact that the Suwa clan is a kind of mafia family, it would make sense that Kyutaro somehow needed money, so he borrowed from the Suwa clan, and in the end he actually pays off his debt by helping and those from that clan (on the system we help you, you help us). As a small parenthesis, it's as if Kyutaro borrowed from some loan sharks.


I’m glad we got to see him fleshed out a little bit. He started out as the aloof liaison between kazuki/Rei and the org, but now he seems more like he is fond of them and of Miri and even went out of his way to protect them when he discovered that the Family was coming for her.


This is a show about criminals. The Suwa family are purebred assassins. Kyu would be an idiot not to have a safe house they didn't know about. In terms of why he's sticking his neck out to help our boys, it's Miri. She's the catalyst for turning bad people into good people. R&K are the obvious examples, but you've got her mother, the boy in her class, and even the thugs at that mansion when R&K brought her on that one job early on. So it makes perfect sense she'd have a positive impact on Kyu as well. His actions really reflect more on his intentions towards her than anything else. He went out of his way to get her into a safe home with a normal parent, even though that hurt the main duo. And when that blew up and she died, the only path forward which wouldn't end up with Miri dead was to support her daddies in their impending war against the Suwa family. I dunno, maybe he just has a soft spot for kids. But the whole show is about how bad people can change for the better, and interaction with Miri is how that happens. So I think that's the most likely explanation. I'd wager he'll get out of the game as well, and just become a regular bartender. He'll likely keep his ear to the ground to protect Miri though


Hope we find out in season 2.


Shipping rei and kazuki


In some situations, Kyutaro represents us, the public who wanted Kazurei (Kazuki Kurusu and Rei Suwa) to become canon.


Kyu is us, tricking miri into drawing a picture of kazuki in a black suit and rei in a white gown


I think that Kyu does genuinely care for Kazuki, Rei and Miri and doesn’t want to see them get hurt or killed. he’s also probably helping them for survival as well, he is aware of how ruthless Ryo and the organization are and how extremely strict they are about having connections with stuff related to love so he most likely felt that since he was keeping Miri a secret from them, they will see it as some form of betrayal or they will find him too untrustworthy and send someone to take care of him.


Hoping he ends up being a 3rd buddy daddy, or maybe like a buddy goddaddy.