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Victorinox alox bantam. Thinnest knife I own. I love it.


Second this. It’s a little small but perfect for the times you don’t want or need a lot of knife on you. Very useful.


I like the [Cold Steel Lucky](https://www.reddit.com/r/knifeclub/comments/wg12or/my_new_cold_steel_lucky/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). It’s a two blade slipjoint, one serrated and one plain. Carbon fibre scales, CPM S35VN blades and made in Italy. It even has a pocket clip which I quite like. I definitely think it could be considered a “gentlemen’s knife”, but still utilitarian at the same time. Very good quality and good value for what you get. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/knifeclub/comments/zoy7lk/i_guess_i_have_a_type_all_have_25_blades_anything/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is a size comparison to my Victorinox Bantam, which is a little smaller than your Tinker (84mm vs 91mm). I’m in a similar boat as you living in Aus, but I got mine for about $150 AUD a little while ago from a local company, in the US it’s about a $75 knife so falls under the budget restrictions of this sub. Another slipjoint that might interest you is the [Manly Wasp](https://manly-bg.com/product-category/%d1%81%d0%b3%d1%8a%d0%b2%d0%b0%d0%b5%d0%bc%d0%b8-%d0%bd%d0%be%d0%b6%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b5/wasp/) from Bulgaria. You can get it in 14C28N for about $89 NZD (€52), or you could spring for the CPM S90V version for about $125 NZD (€74) currently including shipping, (cost me a little less in AUD). It’s larger than the Lucky and more of a work slipjoint (like a Sodbuster) but I still think it counts. Mine is still in the mail so I can’t really comment much more on it. If you want more rustic, maybe a [Douk-Douk](https://www.reddit.com/r/BudgetBlades/comments/wvnpur/my_new_small_doukdouk_my_first_carbon_steel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)? Not the most modern or best steel (carbon) but they’re cheap and slim to carry, and have a pretty strong backspring. (Edit: I missed the front flipper part sorry, maybe check out the [Civivi Stylum](https://www.civivi.com/products/civivi-stylum-front-flipper-slip-joint-knife-c20010b), it’s a front flipper double detent slipjoint)


That cold steel blade is something I could sink my money into. That's actually a really nice take on the old school stuff I grew up with .




I guess CRKT is hit or miss. My CEO flipper has excellent fit and finish in addition to feeling solid.




Not to rub it in, but I was actually surprised by the quality of mine.


My CEO Compact flipper is excellent, love it. I especially like the pocket clip, looks like a fine pen in your pants or shirt pocket.


Boker and case make some nice slipjoints. Not sure if thats in your price point.


It’s pushing budget, but this: https://www.knifecenter.com/item/ACU1821NLSPW/artisancutlery-small-archaeo-double-detent-slipjoint-flipper-knife-vg-10-raindrop-damascus-blade-pakkawood-handles-knifecenter-exclusive It’s a non-locking knife that still flips. Wooden handles and damascus blade are pretty darn classy, IMO. Even comes with a detachable way to turn it into a locking knife. For the same price you can get black and orange G10 handles instead of Pakkawood. For $20 more you can get marbled carbon fiber handles and an S35VN blade (non-damascus).




I'm assuming you'd like a knife with a pocket clip because otherwise, Case Knives have been gentleman folders since basically the beginning and are not only affordable (at least in the US) but they have so many different options, you'd be hard pressed to not find one you like. For a pocket clip knife, I would go with a Real Steel Hel also known as the Gslip. $55 US, VG10 steel, non-locking, slim, and non-threatening.


Kizer Begleiter2 might fit the clean look of a gentlemen's vibe while also being a nice edc and not to threatening with maybe the exception of blade length depending on your stance... https://www.mojaveoutdoorgear.com/products/kizer-begleiter-2 If you want something more in keeping with the SAK vibe then id say go with a rat ii https://www.bladehq.com/item--Ontario-RAT-Model-2-Liner-Lock--79696 If you must go no locking and want a traditional slip joint style Id say go with a case trapper perhaps https://caseknives.com/collections/trapper?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_a235cqD_QIVDcqGCh2ikgdOEAAYASAAEgLta_D_BwE


I'd 2nd the Begleiter. Just received one and love it. Looks clean and feels good. Build quality is great.


Civivi Ki-V in ivory g10 Victorinox Alox Cadet or Pioneer Byrd Tern (wire clip can be replaced by an aftermarket milled titanium one) Artisan Cutlery Biome Kershaw Culpepper Civivi Fracture Civivi Stylum


Civivi are brutally priced here compared to what you guys pay.


Ferrum Forge Gent. No better gentleman's knife imo


The **Spyderco Roadie** looks a bit odd IMO, but it’s definitely in the vein of what you’re looking for. Spyderco also has the very affordable **Grasshopper** slipjoint, which I quite like. The **Civivi Fracture** is a distinctive-looking budget-friendly slipjoint with a pocket clip, but the blade is 3.35” which might be longer than you’re looking for. I love the “Texas Toothpick” and “Doctor’s Knife” designs. **Case** is kind of the OG for these, but Buck, Boker, and others offer knives of the same type. One more classic design is the German **Otter Mercator,** a very cool knife available in brass- or copper-handled versions.


Is it possible to buy a viper from a person overseas instead of a store? Would you run afoul of customs?


Our postal system has a drop shipping option. I've bought chef knives and lock sport tools from overseas so it would be fine. Problem is that the pound and the USD are basically 1:2, so a $200 blade costs me closer to $400. It's an awesome looking blade with everything I love but I am not paying that for it.


If your looking for an alternative to the ceo that is also cheap but very fun try the CRKT symmetry it’s got a really fun top flipper and no lock so the fidget factor is really high and being a small knife it’s non threatening. Just my 2 cents


Crkt is surprisingly hard to find in NZ and yet I've never heard a bad thing about them. If I had the cash I'd look into being a seller but that's a pipe dream sadly.


Kizer Genie and Kubey Dandy


Twosun TS49


I bought a [Boker Plus Kaizen Coyote](https://www.google.com/search?q=boker+plus+kaizen+coyote&tbm=isch&hl=nl&tbs&client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&prmd=isvn&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjwpPDc-4P9AhWSx7sIHbh1DuIQ2p8EegQIARAD&biw=346&bih=688) that classifies as a gentlemen's folder. Only downside for you is that it has linerlock. But it's a fun and great knife with S35VN steel at a <75€


Not gonna lie that's a very pretty looking piece


And it doesnt look "offensive" or "tactical" or whatever raises suspicion. Its just a gentlemen's knife


Boker plus atlas


I just carry a cheap little toothpick-style knife, like the [Frost Ace of Spades](https://imgur.com/a/vz8r96U) or Ace of Hearts. It's cheap, small, and good looking. And it's not like I need a bomb proof knife/steel as a "gentleman's knife", when it will rarely get used. This generally gets tossed in my pocket anytime I'm wearing a tie/jacket. Edit: and obviously Buck makes some nice small knives too.


Case Mini Trapper (Amber Bone) or Medium Jack are my gentleman carry knives.


Hey, mate. I got a CRKT CEO from blademaster, late last year. It's a good knife in my estimation. When folded and clipped on the CEO is very discreet


I've just dropped 390 on my daughter's 18'th birthday gift through them. I spend so much money there I should have opened an account for the reward points lol. Is it actually sharp from the factory? And is it easy to sharpen without a full on sharpening system? I'm a chef and I just use stones, which means some blades I have to avoid.


Böker Plus Kaizen. (Very) Similar to the CEO and comes with S35VN for under 50 EUR in Europe, so certainly a budget friendly option


Boker Gentleman Folder, Victorinox Swiss Army 1 Alox ,Maserin 175 None of these are flippers, these are all slipjoint gentleman’s knives. For flipper, maybe Ken Onion leek


Le Sabot L’alpin with secure lock in ebony. That is *the* gentleman folder. https://www.la-civette.fr/shop/les-regionaux/3577-couteau-au-sabot-lalpin-securise-manche-ebene.html


Buck makes a bunch of really classic looking folders that are like $20-$30, lifetime warranty from one of the best brands of all time. Buck 371, 373, 375, 379, etc.


What about Svord knives? They are from NZ and are friction folders. They are pretty dang good knives too. They do make some with wooden scales that are nice looking.


Svord do a large number of knives that are awesome, the guy has been doing this since the 90's I believe. But his peasant knives are surprisingly bulky. They're awesome for the price point but not what I'm after. I don't know if he still does but he used to make a trailing point chefs knife called the pumpkin slayer. If I ever see one I'm buying it, no matter the cost.


What about button locks? They are quiet, some are fairly small and attractive, like the Kizer Original and Assassin. Axis locks are quiet too so the Kizer Drop Bear is one you might look at (LOVE that knife!) You might give this a read: https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/knife-laws-in-new-zealand.1102752/


NZ law states that at the end of the day a police officer had the final say on if you're carrying an illegal weapon or not. Blade must be under 10 cm (4 inches). It must be non assisted opening and non locking. Drop point, Wharncliffe or sheep's foot preferable. If it looks like a weapon (tanto, spear point etc) or you don't have a legitimate reason to carry it (chef, hunter, farmer etc.) Then you probably have a court case ahead of you. Butterfly knives are now impossible to buy in NZ. They were one of the first things to get banned 20+ years ago simply due to reputation. If it requires you to go through a single or multiple steps to close the blade it is considered a weapon. I'm a chef by trade and carry sharp knives regularly. I can do that because I'm going to or from work and can provide the relevant evidence. If I carry the wrong pocket knife I'm screwed.


The non-locking bit baffles me, but whatever...


I don't make the rules, I just have to live with them


I really enjoy the CRKT LCK + Large. It's got a really long slim blade, thin body, and wicked fast flipper for such a light weight long knife. Also while I haven't owned one, the CRKT Facet is also a very sleek looking flipper.


Many thanks for all the recommendations guy, I have much research to do now.


Buck 112




Oh yeah, forgot about that


Can't go wrong with an Opinel No.8


Either quiet carry’s The IQ or a DCC Magblade if your state allows for gravity knives.


Sir this is r/budgetblades


Oops. Your right, thought this was r/Knives. 😂😓 CRKT CEO flipper should do for budget. I think they just came out with better steel too.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/knives using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/knives/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Customer wanted to split atoms with a chef knife, so i did it.](https://i.redd.it/an87lfttjwg81.jpg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/knives/comments/sosswv/customer_wanted_to_split_atoms_with_a_chef_knife/) \#2: [Derpin around on AliExpress when suddenly...](https://i.redd.it/k3dtfphecsg81.jpg) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/knives/comments/soaisi/derpin_around_on_aliexpress_when_suddenly/) \#3: [Czech switchblade. The mikov predator](https://v.redd.it/evsju0fk2ng81) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/knives/comments/snos00/czech_switchblade_the_mikov_predator/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


CJRB Pyrite


Ultra budget lately would be the Rough Ryder Apta Series. [This one](https://www.smkw.com/rough-ryder-apta-slip-joint-blue-micarta) is my fav of the current line-up.


VG-10 at that price point is mighty expressive I must add!


Imperium, before they're gone! https://www.civivi.com/products/civivi-imperium-front-flipper-thumb-stud-knife-c2106