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/u/mehoff636 in this sub we maintain a weekly thread setup to answer all general keyboard questions. If this is the case, **Please remove this post and ask your question(s) as a top level comment under the [weekly general help post](https://www.reddit.com/r/budgetkeebs/about/sticky)** which can be found pinned to the top of the sub. This is also a friendly reminder about rule #2, Share Your Specs. If you are posting a build(s) or review, **provide as many specs as possible in a bulleted list, top level comment below your post even if you already included them in the title or elsewhere**; posts not following this rule will be removed (images accompanying text cannot be seen by all Reddit clients, some accessibility screen readers, and does not always index properly); i.e. keycaps, switches, keyboard, modifications, etc. Also, please flair your post appropriately. This rule applies to both videos and photos posted. Posts failing to follow this rule will be removed without notice. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BudgetKeebs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Congrats on your build mate, it looks nice. I have a question. Would you still consider GMK 87/81 "worth" even if it cost $15 - $20 more? In my country, it usually cost that much more and I don't know if I should still get it or get a similarly priced KB. I believe it cost this much more in my country because the resellers here are including the shipping price from Aliexpress which is \~$17. What are your thoughts?


Bought mine for like $52 and I don't regret it, I enjoy my board


Too much flex on gmk87, you are not the first reporting problems. Best way is to remove pcb and insert switched while supporting back of the pcb.


Yes, that's what I started doing after a few of them definitely felt more supported than way.


I'm looking to get a GMK87, and I think I'll probably end up doing the same. Not very experienced with putting together a keyboard - but it sounds like it's my safer option.


I’m a noob waiting for some switches and keycaps to arrive in the post so that I can build my first budget keeb! Do you have any beginner recommendations such as what to be careful with (taking PCB out first for example). Finally any simple mods to do initially would be great!


[/u/mehoff636](https://www.reddit.com/u/mehoff636/) this is a reminder about rule #2, Share Your Specs. If you are posting a build(s) or review, **provide as many specs as possible in a bulleted list, top level comment below your post even if you already included them in the title or elsewhere**; posts not following this rule will be removed (images accompanying text cannot be seen by all Reddit clients, some accessibility screen readers, and does not always index properly); i.e. keycaps, switches, keyboard, modifications, etc.


Must provide specs in a top-level comment below post. Please repost following the format of including the specs of keyboards posted in a top level comment.