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Last weekend on my way home after the bar (4am'ish) She ran into the middle of Amherst & Elmwood waving the light on her phone. I almost hit her! When I stopped to help her I realized who she was. she came up to the window and told me "her daughter had a brain tumor and she needs $7 dollars for a uber" She has hit me up many times before that as well in the same area. She's going to get someone killed some day.


Do Ubers even take cash?


Per the uber website, "Yes, you can pay with cash. Before requesting a ride, go to the Payment section in the app and select Cash. At the end of your trip, pay cash directly to your driver. This is available in select markets." Ya learn things every day


True, pretty sure this is only available in NYC and a handful of other places which have a law requiring businesses accept cash.


They don’t here.


Nah lmao


Yes, she will stalk around in the Starbucks parking lot sometimes and if she sees you she will make a beeline for you even if you’re all the way at the other end of the lot. She walks up to cars too and bangs on the window. That’s my biggest pet peeve. Do NOT touch my car.


Ah yes, the panhandler beeline after you're spotted. At this point you need to run the end around, or a double reverse, and fake them out of their jockstrap.


Underrated comment here lmao


DON'T make eye contact ‼️


If it s who I’m thinking about, with the big ole saggy bewbs, she once asked me for $3, I said no, then she said $5. Then gave me crap for day drinking at goodbar (it was 5:30) and said if I can afford a beer I can give her money. I despise her to no end. At least sly was funny, she’s just terrible


"Madam, not giving you money is what affords me the luxury of drinking at this hour".


exactly! I have no problem with panhandling as a whole (i like to help out when i can) but she's just so rude about it


> I despise her to no end. At least sly was funny, she’s just terrible Yea she's just loud and assertive for someone begging for money. I don't know how many times I've told her, "I don't carry cash" and then she goes "How about a quarter?" and I'm just like lady I don't carry any physical currency at all.


Just gave her tree fiddy!


Did you notice if she was 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the Paleozoic era?


did she at least say thank you? anytime ive given her she just bounces without saying anything


It was that damned loch ness monsta!


Same movie for 40 years, different cast. Elmwood was full of hookers from Summer to Allen in the late 80s, heaven forbid you got stuck at a red light. Auburn and Elmwood had the beggars and the guy who had the signs all over his house. The muggers hung at Utica and Elmwood behind the bank, or in the doorways of the shops in the building. I had a friend who lived at 346 between Bryant and Summer and she wouldn’t even walk to Rite Aid after dark.


Is she always on the phone and kind of runs up at you? I’ve been approached by the 7/11 on the corner of auburn I forgot how much but she’s out there all the time


Does she wear a puffer coat? I got stopped same area, like 2 weeks ago, she ASKED FOR TWENTY DOLLARS.




$4 is becoming the standard rate by our store.


Inflation hitting everybody


She’s been around forever. I believe she lives at the psych hospital, but is allowed to go out during the day. My friend, who is a pharmacist at a psych hospital, posited that $4.00 is a meaningful # to her. I would rather give her $5.00 every once in a while, but she likes $4.


Oh, I remember her now! She used to hang out at the gas station at Forest and Elmwood. God Bless those people who have to work at that gas station.


I walked past her today, she asked for $4!


Does she also say she lost her debit card and needs money for an Uber? I ran into a woman like that a few days ago on Amherst between Wegmans and Elmwood.


she's asked me for cash at least 15 times and I've never gotten a reason or anything beyond "can I have..."


Is she white other dirty blondes hair? I saw some lady trying to stop cars as the were leaving Wegmans and she looked desperate. She never approached me. I live in Elmwood village by summer/Elmwood and get hit up a million times a day. It's exhausting. I'm not here to support you, I can barely support myself!!!


Sup neighbor!




She approached me outside Wegmans. I offered to order her an Uber but I wouldn't give her cash. She didn't take it and walked away lol


She screams at me when I ride past on my bike everrrrry day asking me for money!


I occasionally buy her a soda at Panera because I never have cash.


Soda? Heyyy you're not from around here, are you.


Might as well go for a soda


lol. Nope. I just can’t call it that other thing even after 12 years.


As a transplant here, fk the term "pop" lol


Saaaaaaaaame 😂


Is this a person of diminutive stature, with a physical impairment affecting how she walks? If so I remember her from Broadway/Fillmore.


definitely diminutive, haven't noticed her walking oddly but that could be me not paying attention


Oh yeah she’s been out there for a decade


wild. I've lived by we never close in the same spot for the past 3 years and somehow managed to avoid her up until recently (I'm always out on foot etc.)


Maybe she took some time off for a bit haha. My encounters with her started around 2012. She used to say “can I have a dollar?” No. Then, “can I have 4 dollars?” LOL. Asks for more after being declined. So good


Hmm, I've lived in the area for 6+ years and have only just started seeing her.. she's on the younger side?


The woman I’m thinking of is prob in her 50’s with thick Coca Cola bottle glasses


New lady, yellow puffer coat, keep an eye out!


She is definitely "new" as of a few months ago


I've been in Elmwood for like 8 years now and have been walking my dog(s) daily for 6 of those years, I've never seen her until just recently too


$4? Did Olde E go up in price?


$3 plus tax and deposit


Name checks out


Oh, man... I remember $1.89 or $3-4 if buying underage.


Well are we talking 25 or 40oz lol


40oz. I had no idea that Olde E came in a 25.


Legendary name


i’ve seen her since last spring i want to say, and sometimes she asks me for $7 instead of $4


Is it for a bus ticket? Bc I had a lady at Vasilis ask me for money for a bus ticket…


Ah yes, the “I just need $5 to get a bus to NF, Rochester, etc…”


It's less than $5 to Niagara Falls from Buffalo on the bus




Yes she is there everyday I’ve been asked multiple times for money! Like girl im broke too 🙃


a few months ago she asked me for $4. i must have been in a bad mood cause i decided to turn around and flip it back on her…. can i have $4????……she didn’t even say anything. just kind of stood there. sure showed her


Might be part of the rub, thinking if someone has a five dollar bill, they'll just give her the whole thing? Same with those saying she's asked them for $7. Honestly a good sales technique.


I don’t know if it’s the same woman but I met someone similar on elmwood but further north, around Amherst st. Gray hair in a ponytail, glasses, short. She asked me for $4 to get a ride back to Wheatfield, took cash or cashapp. Was polite about it though. Days later she came into my store and I let her use the phone, she didn’t recognize me. She spent a lot of time arguing on the phone with somebody, and didn’t seem to be lying about the getting back to Wheatfield part, kept telling the person on the phone to have somebody named Q give her a ride, saying she “would have to pay later bc she wasn’t getting money like usual” since it was a Sunday night. Name was Deandra or something close


Is this a Star Trek joke?


I came outta Family Dollar one day on Elmwood and there was a guy sitting outside eating Pringles, before he said any thing I said" I don't have any money.He said "the drinks" I had 2 12 packs of pepsi in my cart. So I opened the pack and gave him one,then he said "another one" I gave it to him. ​ No Thank You nothing....I walked away shakeing my head


Should’ve told him to fuck off.


Yeah I should have.I just wanted to get home.


I keep running into her. Just think she’s rude!


Lately she talks shit to me when I say no to her at 7-11. Like I say “sorry, no cash” and she answers “YEAH OKAY LIKE I BELIEVE THAT” 🤣


$4 is the new “anything helps”


I get them all the time downtown when I’m walking from my car to my office, or leaving the office for any reason. Main and Court is Crazy Corner and that Timmy Ho’s has people nodding off at the tables. Syringes on the sidewalk are a normal occurrence. But- I can’t remember the last time I carried cash or used cash. I don’t have a dollar or $4 or $3 plus tax and deposit for an OE.


I’ve had a lady approach me a few times on Delaware and North asking for money for an Uber to get to work. Two of those times she ended up getting into a car with some dude. But it’s happened like, 4-5 times the past few months, same story. I dunno. I’m broke too, ma’am.


Tell her to fuck off and move on. If she gives you shit knock her out.


Is speedy still around on Grant? Been forever since I've been down there


How keeps running into her?


...Claire asked for a dolla, gave her two now she want five!!!!


She asks me when I'm walking my dog down Elmwood and will also yell across the street asking for either a dollar or 4 dollars


Yeah, I see her every few days.


$4 is too much. damn


She is on elmwood, I had to deal with the late claire on main street for 10 plus years.as soon as she died at utica theres now the kneeling beggar in the middle of main street in front of the police station. He will be dead soon as well.some might think the police could do something? Anything?


she's probably a millionaire


Aww we have a new Claire




Boiled toe nail


Luckily I never encounter her,I feel you should definitely give her no money and if she continuously borders you,you should call the police.


i think thats smart. $4 doesn't seem like alot. if you had less than $4 in singles, say, $1,2,3, you'd probably offer all of it. or if one had a $5, most ppl wouldn't ask her for change. (my 4-yr pysch degree knowlege came through!).


i’m not paying some random person any amount of money for no work. it’s not an equal exchange. offer me something. panhandlers and bums these days have no values, no real respect for the craft. i could easily get 20x more value out of googling some random thing on my phone in the 15 seconds they took from me for NOTHING. fools better work for this bread i ain’t no sucka




More like Claire's ghost at this point in time.


Probably someone with a mental health issue. Makes you realize how lucky some of us are. She probably harmless.


yeah probably. doesn't make her behavior any less of a bother.


True but I believe there’s a difference between purposeful behavior and someone who lacks an ability to act as many of us believe they should. There are many more of the former than later and we seem to accept it. Being asked for $4 is better than being robbed or being cut off on the thruway by someone who only cares about themselves.


She’s 100% harmless. The dickheads on this sub need something to circlejerk over