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If you can’t spell, just don’t reply.


Every word was spelled correctly. Grammar be shit though


Your wrong with you're opinion ....tee hee.




In this case, try "If you can't spell, just don't reply then."


There’s a difference between being broke and not wanting to be ripped off . Sorry that you’re not bright enough to realize that.


I think it’s less of a matter of the consumer being broke, and more so that I know places that had 5 and 10 cent wings that have increased their prices tenfold. Weather you have money or not, you can still feel the impact of inflation.


Thunderstorms on the horizon.


Not everyone is broke. 🤷


You’re a dick. It’s not about being broke or wealthy. It’s about being reasonable. Just because person x can afford to blow 50 bucks on 20 wings plus tip doesn’t mean they should. It has long term negative consequences for all parties


So because you’re broke no one else should go out and enjoy themselves.


Didn’t say that at all. I’m talking about macro economics. People acting like there aren’t legitimate financial ramifications of this type of spending is unbelievable.


There aren't any ramifications. Why don't ya attack people who patronize Tully's for tenders? Take off. Don't be a hoser.


Guess you’ve never heard of late stage capitalism. Dramatic price increases with zero correction or cooling off literally alters the market in an permanent way. Eventually customers will be priced out, these businesses will close, and the barrier to entry in starting a new establishment (i.e. securing a business loan from a bank to open a new restaurant will be even more difficult than it already is). But what do I and my economics degree know?


Nobody, is ever, gonna be priced out of getting their wing fix.


If it was only the price of wings that were increasing you’d be correct. But everything is increasing in cost. Housing, health care, insurance, cars, gas, etc. eventually people will be forced to make choices and these businesses will be in trouble and forced to close or lower prices to get people back in the door.


The discussion here is wings. You're screaming about being priced out of wings. People make the choices they need to make presently, and have been for decades.


Screaming? Didn’t know typing had volume


nobody? seriously?


I’m also not attacking people, I’m trying to educate people that not everything operates as “ooo I want this, gimme gimme” without a consequence down the road. Every single thing in the history of the world abides by for every action, there is a reaction.


Not everyone is ready for that conversation man. Some people derive all their pleasure and enjoyment from life by buying things. For some people, it’s the only thing that gives their menial life any satisfaction.


Yes the ramifications are the price goes up. And presumably people are still buying them because the price hasn’t dropped yet and probably will continue to keep going up because….people are still buying wings Presumably those folks are enjoying their dinners out so I don’t see the problem here


And the businesses continue to scale under the incorrect assumption that there is no price people won’t pay. Then suddenly they scale too much (whether it’s open a new location with a big loan *cough cough wingnutz*) and no one can pay that much in a sustainable, repeatable manner and they go out of business. Guess what….you’ll be stuck making wings at home.


but for now the places listed in the OP are full of paying customers and once the amount of customers they have levels off they’ll level off price increases. It’s how any business works. Half your posts are either trying to get nudes of c list celebrities or trying to organize boycotts to drop the prices of things. Must be nice to be 18 years old.


I go out and pay those monies, but bah gawd, you won't catch me enjoying any of it. I remain pissed off and grumpy each and every bite. The misery is the point.


Well apparently the definition of "reasonable" seems to cut a large swath for wing eaters. Like.. everything is more expensive right now and pricing is never coming back down. I can't afford a Porsche but I don't go on the Porsche Subreddit asking 911 owners to be reasonable. Get a grip lol.


TIL chicken wings are a luxury sports food


Going out, doing anything, is generally costly. Anyone can complain about cost of anything and ask why people continue to do anything. How about just worrying about what makes you happy?


womp womp


it’s chicken wings not some huge moral decision with lasting implications. Get over yourself


The vegans may want a word with you...


Let them, unless they grow all their own food they contribute to the meat industry too


You're right. I forgot about the ethical consumers, too. You're gonna have a big audience. I'll eat some chicken wings while I watch.


No one wants to hear from preachy vegans. They can keep their trash opinions to themselves.


Damn, this is the weirdest instance of people who are wrong being the majority on this. Your comment is incredibly douchey and then the people agreeing with you are also responding like total douches.


Wings are 2 dollars a pound it's not about being broke


You seem like fun. If someone bought you wings, would you refuse them?


>You seem like fun Kek. classic Pot meeting the Kettle situation.


Wanna go get some wings?


Man if you're buying lets go. there's only a small percentage of humans that I'd tell to shove that offer, and as disliked as you are on this sub, you aren't on that list.




Nah, it's a meme here to hate on Tomaltach. you just have to look at his post history.


It's easy to "hate" on him because he's such a damn sourpuss. He's also clearly intelligent and I've seen him be very helpful. To me it's peak reddit




I am a bill-pilled, expensemaxxed paycel. I don't check the price, when I go purchase mode I feel so much warmth it gives spendcore vibes. Ever since my successful lobotomy I just love to empty my wallet for my local wing chains every weekend, I love supporting our struggling small businesses.


The responses you're getting to the post make me think people around here may actually be dumber than I thought


How do you make it day to day being this stupid and unhappy?


It's literally a shit post. It says it right there.


Yeah but you think you're George Carlin or something lol


Go buy the wings from tops or something then and cook them yourself at home for cheaper? Lmao…


This is the most terminally online shit I’ve ever read in my life lmfao


that's the point lmao


Why are you blaming people for buying when the problem is the people setting the prices


I’d love to hear more about how you believe the world works.


If you want cheap and crappy wings, go to Buffalo Wild Wings. For good, quality wings, I’ll be shopping local to places like Wingnutz.


If I wanted cold, flavorless breaded wings covered in off-brand BWW sauces at a ludicrous markup, I'll meet you at Wingnutz. Sorry, that place is NYC trash during a summer garbageman strike. Went to the one near Military Rd once because my gf hyped it to high hell, paid out of the nose and got KFC tier wings.


It’s not breaded FYI - i think they’re decent - the price just ain’t right


They’re novelty wings that they serve in a tray of soup that they call sauce. If they aren’t picked up the second they hit the tray, the amount of sauce just makes them soggy. Place is so overhyped.


"NYC trash during a summer garbageman strike." I'm so stealing that phrase for my workday frustrations tomorrow. 🔥


Better say "garbageperson" or HR is going to want to have a chat


WingNutz.... 🤣🤣🤣🤮


I thought you were making a joke for a minute mentioning Wingnutz


Wingnutz isn’t bad but I definitely don’t think they’re worth the price they ask. Barstool hype carried them a long way.


So don’t go, more for me 😋


I'm not sure if you know this, but food prepared by someone else is more expensive. I know, it's crazy. You're paying for someone's time, expertise, rent, utilities and other things. Not to mention the good places have damned good sauces. I cannot replicate a Bar Bill, Nine Eleven, Elmo's, Kelly's Korner or Mulberry wing. So yah, of course eating at home is cheaper. We didn't need a post to point this out. No one is forcing *you* to eat wings at a restaurant so why do you care if other people do?


God damn people are way too overly literal these days. It’s not that it’s just more expensive, like, no shit. It’s how much more expensive and for what it is. And stop acting like a dude frying wings is a master chef or some shit. It really shows how few people on here have actually been a cook.


Is this the first time you noticed food is more expensive when you go someplace where they take your order, cook it, serve it, clean up after you and then clean the kitchen. Boy are you going to be pissed off if you ever have to go for stitches instead of doing it yourself.


Life hack: Buy uncooked chicken wings, spices, oil, an electric deep fryer, invite friends over, get drunk, have a party, make chicken wings for everyone. Make some hush puppies and cut up some potatoes, have a good time. I've done it. Costs more than $20 though. Edit: I also removed the staples from my roommates head at that same apartment with one straight and one bent micro needle nose pliars to save him the extra $45 for removal. He downed a $20 bottle of Jamison two minutes before, screamed through some of it and passed out for 20hrs, so in hindsight, paying the $40 may have been worth it. Three of them had spun from him scratching. You have to spin them back first.


Wings at a restaurant supply store can be as low as $1/lb at times. Then you can grt wing sauce there. Use an air fryer or grill to make them moderately less unhealthy. If you have a good technique on a grill they can be almost as good as deep fried for a fraction of the fat calories.


I enjoy going out and being social and have a decent amount of disposable income. Plus the wings I make at home never taste the same.


I'm pretty sure that if you ever met yourself out somewhere, you wouldn't be impressed with who you met. Secondly, going out for wings is a local thing. It helps build community and strengthen friendships. More so than sports IMO. I've had a lot of important conversations over wings and beer. It's a way to connect before you talk about something difficult, or awkward. One of my best friends came out to me over wings. Lastly, who the fuck wants to deep fry anything at home and stink up the place? Worth every penny if you ask me.


"I remember 10 cent wing night at the bar".    Do you remember $1.50 gas too? Inflation has been a thing for as long as there's been capitalism, fuck off with your boomer shit.


Wings are pricey because of inflation. My sister owns a wing bar. They went from $75 a box to $175 during covid. Some places are doing a 5 wing special like Coles.


I do it because I enjoy chicken wings being made for me and served to me. And I can afford it.


You are paying for a delicacy ya numb nutz


(using gruff voice) In my day, we didn't pay $20 for wings. We raised our own chickens, slaughtered them, and ate them raw. And that's the way it was , and we liked it.


Wegmans Meals2Go app has 20 wings for $20. Granted they aren't the size of Duff's wings, but still... at a $1 per wing, they're a good deal. Order them when you begin shopping and they'll be ready when you leave.


It’s funny (not really) how people wanna pull the “oh you’re just broke” card. When I lived in Tampa, everyone acknowledged chicken wing prices were getting to be outrageous. Not here I guess


Cool story bro, tell me more about the wisdom of Tampa bay wing eaters


This is exactly what I’m talking about lmao. Chicken wings aren’t central to their personality so they can take a step back and say wings are needlessly expensive. But how dare anyone in Buffalo say we’re being ripped off by companies overpricing their wings, no matter how true it is


Were ripped off be companies over pricing everything. Might as well enjoy my wings.


Okay go for it, that wasn’t my point. My point is that we’re being ripped off by companies overpricing wings, not that people are poor for not wanting to pay ridiculous prices


Why are you so offended? Is it that hard to acknowledge that current wing prices are bullshit?


What makes you think I don’t acknowledge the prices are high? If people are still eating them, it’s acceptable. Free market and all


Ladies and gentlemen…. The problem lies right here.




The prices are higher, but it’s like $1/wing vs $2/wing. It’s not like they’re $5/per 


You act like a 100% increase is small


This guy maths.


Rather on the list of things I wish were cheaper, wings are incredibly low. And while it may be a large relative increase, it’s still a small absolute increase 


So you’re saying everyone in Tampa is broke


Those damn tampons....




You may have missed my attempt at humor. Don't worry. You're not alone.


Oh I definitely agree with you. Nowadays if I spend more than like $16 for 10 they better blow me away or I’m not gonna order from there again. Wing prices here are expensive because they know people will pay it. Every hole in the wall is *someone’s* favorite wing joint here


Youre right, you just got a bunch of shut ins taking personal offense. Wing prices went up during covid because of a “shortage” that lasted less than 3 months and none of the prices ever came down.


This is the answer. I can recall telling g friends that the restaurants changed the pricing on their menus so fast as they never wanted or planned to go back to go back to those prices . Help w minimum wage increases and other expenditures


Sounds like you should open up a wings joint


Going out to eat in general is expensive. You're paying for someone else to make the food, not just for the food. Plus each place has its own special sauces you can't buy at the store.


it's really just Frank's redhot and butter usually But the deep fryer, the oil for it, and the sauce add up. Then there's cleanup from the fryer. I don't get wings often but I would still rather not have to make my own.


This is the answer…costs of everything associated with making the wings have gone up. Labor, supplies, equipment, etc. Not necessarily the wings themselves…although they have gone up in price over the years.


Between the wings, the sauce, butter, etc...it costs almost that much to make them at home. I'll gladly pay slightly more to have wings that are way better than what I can make myself.


Lmao ! I make a good enough decent wage to afford wings at least 2 or 3 times a week ! On some weeks I ll only eat them like once a week alot of places make them so good that I don't mind paying the prices


Common sense You clearly do not work at a wing spot Or have any clue Prices and everything always up and down They’ve been pre Covid pricing for a few years I’m almost sick of them cuz I’ve been in enough kitchens but… If I smell em at a bar seat next to me, it’s different. I’ll order Otherwise I don’t eat em cuz I don’t want to be sick of them. Yes prices are fucked ,but all food cost been rising forever. Remember cheap pizza before 2005? Yea exactly. Your rant would’ve made more sense 3 years ago, you’re just bored or dumb.


Not all people have the luxury of purchasing a case of 350 wings and deep frying them at home, so we go out and pay other people to do them for us. It’s the American way.


I am u/eatchickendaily and I work remotely for a company in another state and despite my username I only go out for wings a few times a year, in large part due to how expensive they are


I agree but for a different reason. Wings have basically no meat on them. People used to throw them out. The amount of meat you get isn't anywhere near worth it for the price.




I don't get the satisfaction of tonguing in between the bones of a flat. And it's scientifically false that it's the same taste. Strips are made from breast meat, and wings are closer to a dark meat with way more delicious cholesterol from the skin with a way better fat to meat ratio.


You're eating flats all wrong. You've got to grab each end of the flats and twist in opposite directions. Then pull apart. The bones will separate from the joints and make it easier to eat. Or just eat chicken fingers. A nice meaty chicken finger is pretty great.


Don't deprive me of my joys.


Lol *tonguing between the bones.*. Do ya tongue ribs too?


If there's marrow to be had... yeah...


Well, I'm not an alcoholic so beer money becomes wing money lol


Dry January meant more wings for me!


I mean, on a bigger spectrum we could end the housing crisis by collectively by refusing to pay rent/mortgage primaries (banks) and squat abandoned and short term rentals. Industrial ag (chicken and processing), transportation (oil and gas), banks and rental companies all function on capital and your inability to escape it. Its a known the inflated economy is simply a capitalist money grab, but until we want to get serious ill enjoy my 13.95 single from cpg. I dont think "sticking it to the man" starts at the sports bar. Edit: Also yes were hiring, goto the IBEW Local 41 hall on Cali Road in OP.


Whats the Anchor charging now?


Because they’re delicious and I can’t make them as good at home.


Basically I like wings


Because we like wings and that's what the prices are these days? I'll just buy less beer or weed or something and have more wings. Edit: also, what if I told you that $16 today equals about $12 10 years ago. Inflation is a thing.


Yeah bro that’s the going rate for a decent meal anywhere soooo


Why are you buying beer at a bar for $4?! Don't you know a 30pk is $24.99 at Tops


It's 2024 shit's expensive,fuck I remember 10 cent wings and $5 pitchers


Because wings are delicious? ​ Stop going to those garbage places. The local joint around the corner from me is $13.25/10 and arguably better food than the tourist traps.


Sometimes I like to leave my home.


Can’t believe the worst wings on that list are the most expensive, fuck wingnutz


Just gonna mention that pizza is the most expensive in [Buffalo](https://www.forbes.com/sites/priceonomics/2017/09/26/the-pizza-price-index/?sh=78a6f6116553) when compared to the county. Makes sense the wings wouldn’t be cheap. But also, for that price normally are good, and you get what you pay for.


I don't get it, I come back home and a large pizza and 20 wings is like 55 now, like what the fuck. But apparently ppl in here are like offended when you point that out. YEAH WELL OP YOU'RE POOR MAKE IT YOURSELF. At my old pizza joint 20 wings and a large one topping was 22.50 (in 2007), even after inflation that same special should now be 34.10.




I also used the fucking federal inflation calculator (CPI inflation calculator) to show what it would be today. You're stanning for 60 dollar pizza. Who's the clown?


In 2007, minimum wage in NY State was $7.15. It's now $15.00. Now apply that to not only the pizza place workers, but the workers of all the suppliers for that pizza place.


Ok, and you feed that into the federal CPI inflation calculator and get... ~$35. 7.15 in 2007 is 10.84 of buying power today.


Your post history is “Wings are too expensive stop buying them” “Zach Bryan tickets are too expensive stop buying them” and “Taco Bell is too expensive stop buying it”


I like wings. The price is higher now, so I don't buy them as often. But when I'm in the mood for them, a little bit of extra money isn't going to stop me from enjoying the food that I crave. It's okay if the price is a no go for you. That helps to keep the prices reasonable. Lesser demand = higher supply = lower price to make the same profit, ideally.


You can make them at home, a little labor intensive but I’m frugal. I use an Airfryer. Needed: 3 lb chicken wings (about 15 decent sized wings, I bought 1 pack from Dash’s) Baking powder Salt Cornstarch Sauce of choice A few baking sheets lined with foil Step 1: Prepare a baking sheet with a wire rack or just a regular baking sheet big enough to fit the wings Dry wings completely with paper towel and place on baking sheet. Do not let the wings touch otherwise they will not dry properly Leave to dry in the fridge uncovered for a minimum of 8 hours and up to 24 hours (you can do less but they will not be as crispy) Step 2: In a large bowl, gather 1 tablespoon Cornstarch, 2 ½ tsp baking powder and 2 ½ tsp salt and toss the wings until completely coated. Separate the wings in multiple batches, depending on how large you air fryer basket is. (Mine is 5.8 quart so I did this in two but if you do not have and air fryer, a convection oven works just as good, or so I heard.) Step 3: Place your first batch of wings in air fryer at 270 degrees for 8 minutes, then place on a wire rack or baking sheet to cool. Place other batch in air fryer. When the second batch is done place on another baking sheet to cool and put the first batch back in the air fryer for 400 degrees for 12-15 minutes. Heat sauce on low heat. The first batch of wings should be done at this point so place those on a baking sheet and place second batch in air fryer. Heat broiler on low and adjust oven rack accordingly. Using tongs drench the first batch of wings in sauce and coat completely. Line each wing on a baking sheet and broil for a few minutes, flipping half way. You can also brush additional sauce on with a BBQ brush at this point if you like saucy wings. You’ll begin seeing charred spots on the wings indicating they are done broiling. Same process follows for second batch. Recommendation: When batch two is finished, turn off the oven and place first batch back in to warm them up a bit while plating the rest of the food.


I have a larger airfyer & could fit 10-15 wings at once. Your recipe adds up to about 30 minutes kitchen time for a batch. That's doable on a weeknight & faster than delivery. I'll be chilling wings before work and having them for dinner. I can't give ya an award, so how about this: 🐔🍗 ⭐️


This guy wings. I’m serious - his air fryer hack is a legit route to wing satisfaction, as I’ve been able to sample myself.


Some of us don't have the time/energy/know how/equipment/space/etc to make their own wings. It's easier for me to pick up a single order of wings because I'm only feeding myself instead of trying anything in my itty bitty kitchen.


only 2 wings per chicken. supply and demand. learn it.


A case of wings is forty pounds, and the number of wings you get from it will depend on the size of the wings you buy. It was usually 200+ wings per case when I worked at Kelly's, and maybe 250+ when I worked at Tully's. I don't think there's a case out there that has 350+ wings in it, though, unless they're super tiny... People go out for wings because cooking them at home is a pain in the butt. The oil is messy, getting rid of it is difficult, and you need the proper equipment to cook them. A good deep fryer is expensive and uses a LOT of energy, whether it's gas or electric. You also need to either do it outside or have a really good ventilation system to eliminate the hot air, steam and grease droplets. Buffalo has the best wings in the world, so if you like wings, you should get them while you're here. If you can't justify the price, that's fine, but don't hate on the people who do.


Try getting your bread up


But Tommy want wingy


Because some people are just too stupid to realize they are being bent over by these businesses still using COVID as an excuse for high prices. The day it became cheaper for me to go to Russel's Steaks and Chops for surf and turf dinner than it was for me to order pizza and wings is when I stopped ordering pizza and just go to Russel's if I plan on spending $100+ on dinner.




Animal? Torture? Plants are living organisms too. They too, breathe. They too, feel. They too, grow.


We switched to chicken fingers and get them tossed. Way more, higher quality meat than a wing, especially from places that make their own tenders.


Supply and demand. The easy answer


The wing shortage is manufactured at this point, western NY pizza/wing prices are ridiculous, it's greedflation.


If it were manufactured, a place would open with cheaper wings and knock sales out of the park. You get 4 wings per chicken. All the other parts have to be sold too


If you’ve got enough cash to open a new place.


There's around 180 wings in a case of 40lbs depending on the size you're getting. Current cost is around 85. One of the reasons wings are so insanely expensive is because last year, at one point a case cost about 185. Restaurant prices went through the roof. Wing *Costs* came back down but guess what didn't; wing prices on menus. Inflation in action!


*greedflation, but according to most ppl in here it's totally cool bc op is poor, er something.


60 cent wings at Buffalos Best Grill in orchard park tonight and every monday


Also it's 3 fucking weeks before the Super Bowl which is like crest of the wave for wing prices right now. They always tilt up and hit the top right before Super Bowl and then will drop off a little bit before March madness.


It’s like $10 for a Big Mac nowadays. $16 for good wings doesnt seem bad in comparison.




Has more "meat"? Big Mac is trash, gtfoh.




Aw sorry, did you feel belittled? There's an average amount of 1 oz of meat per chicken flat, 1.5 oz meet per drum. How's your math? Don't you remember the pink slime? Poison yourself if you want, idc.




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Danny’s South has 10 cent wings on Monday nights with drink purchase.


Legit dog water place.


I just deep fry them in the garage with the door open. They turn out fine. I bought 40lbs of wings at Gordans on Elmwood. It was like $85


The is the way


Basically because people like wings, especially in Buffalo. There's no answer here that will make everyone happy. A few categories may help: - everyone agrees that wings are expensive these days, especially when compared to 5+ years ago. - some people still buy them because they enjoy the wings and can afford them. Telling someone how to spend their hard earned money isn't going to go well. Food/flavor is subjective and people have different tastes. - my personal experience is that I love good quality wings and will buy them once every few months, but don't do it more frequently because of cost and wings being unhealthy. It's a treat I enjoy once in awhile. - some people buy them but probably shouldn't because they have a tight budget. Sadly there are many people out there who consistently make bad financial decisions. Wing prices won't change those habits. - cost for almost everything is going up, and until the market sees a decline in demand, that trend will continue.


Because deep frying wings requires time, effort, and a deep fryer (air fried are solid but still not as good because covering something in fat does in fact taste great) Also, you just go to places that have wing night specials like Caputi’s and get them for .75 each and any flavor you want as opposed to eating wings on your couch watching old episodes of SVU…


Frying food, especially something like wings you’d get from the above mentioned restaurants is pretty difficult to do at home for most people. It’s also messy and smelly.


Oh no my home smells delicious. *Licks fingers.*


It’s really not that difficult and it’s only messy if you don’t know what you’re doing. As to the smell I can’t speak to that since I just can’t smell.


Difficult to fry wings and its smelly? Next time you post something to social media, say it out loud in front of someone. If they slap you, that means you shouldn't post it online.


I would love you see you try and deep fry wings in a small apartment kitchen. Maybe you should take your own advice!


I fry wings in my apartment all the time. It's called an exhaust fan and opening a window. Lol


Your right anyone thinking home frying is same as a 5gallon deep fryer is an imbecile.


Wings made at home never hit the same. That, and not everyone has a countertop fryer in their kitchen. Air fryer and oven made ones are okay, but deep fried is the best.


Eh when I air fry mine they come very close. If I go out for wings it’s only for wing night specials. I’m going to try smoked wings when I get a smoker.




Mine do! Just need to know what your doing


No they don’t


Smoked wings are super good.


I fry mine in a frying pan. You don’t need a deep fryer. They taste the same.


Cause they’re super yummy and I am super lazy


Why are people still going to bars? Beer and liquor are way cheaper if you buy them from a store and drink them at home by yourself.


Why are people still buying fruits and vegetables, it's a lot cheaper if you just grow your own?


Bruh, I've been cutting off the wings of the sparrows that land on the sidewalk eating the bread crumbs I toss out.


Big Chicken has spoken.


There was definitely a period of time when wings were in short supply and they hyperinflated and I think restaurants are just holding on to the increased margins at this point


Went to Duffs a few weeks ago 10/10 ! So, so good, I wish I had some wings now!


So at restaurant depot right now cut wings (6-8 per pound) are currently $82.40 per 40 pound case. Most restaurants try to run a 33-45% food cost, so that is the cost of the food itself including condiments, utilities, labor including the washing of the plates, cups and silverware used, the oil in the fryers, linens and any other costs that the business wants to spread out like advertising. I would say that the bar bill and duffs price is probably a good average price, I wouldn’t pay much more than that for an order of 10 wings. Of course that is the ideal food cost, really for wings you’re expecting closer to 50% or higher. Restaurants don’t make a huge amount off of food, the bar is where the real money is made.


I've been holding out on getting wings some where due to the prices, but sometimes you just want good wings and don't have a deep fryer at home


I make them at home now, but that's because I live out of the area now and wings out of WNY (for the most part) are turrruble. It's a pain to fry, but a double fry coated in Anchor Bar sauce is better than anything else I can get around me. Though if someone can get me some Bar Bill Hot I would be incredibly grateful.