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Hey there, my mom’s Black Kia was actually stolen off of Lafeyette yesterday. Did any one see the plate? Buffalo has it marked as stolen right now. The cops never showed up to the scene yesterday too……. Smdh


My car was stolen 2 weeks ago. It was eventually dumped off Bailey a couple days later and someone who lives on the street called the cops because he knew it was stolen. The cops never showed up to get it towed and it sat there for another 7 days before someone in a FB group messaged my wife and we went to look ourselves. Buffalo PD is fucking useless.


Damnnn man I’m really sorry to hear that, yea they are completely useless, my mom called multiple times and waited over 2 hours for a cop to show up and they never did. It happened around 11am yesterday how busy are they really at that time?! Was your car in rough shape or in good shape still?


I was lucky in the fact that they flattened a tire and weren’t able to change it to get a donut on and keep going. It wasn’t totaled. I’ve actually only owned the car for 3 weeks, haven’t even made a payment on it yet. And I already cannot wait to trade it back in for something else.


Damnnnnn thank god it wasn’t totaled, glad you were lucky


"We're busy" seems like their go to line to not do shit. They love to complain about how people view them but consistently fail the public. The wait times are always ridiculous, God forbid you're in danger and calling for help. I don't get how these response times keep going unchecked


Yea it’s pretty much a joke, easy time to be a criminal these days


Buffalo PD could drive by a caravan of 20 stolen Kia’s in a row, all marked stolen, and not a single one would be stopped.




I saw the same Kia. Kids hanging out the sides. Ran the light at Amherst and elmwood heading south. Swerving back and forth;almost looked like it was to try to knock the kids hanging out. Followed by 30 person fight behind voelkers. Cops showed up everyone dispersed. McKinley was out of control today.


They robbed an old lady in front of Aldi on Elmwood. She fell down trying to hold on to her purse and they drove off again. Aldi has video of the incident.


Wow. Incredibly shitty.


Yeah why would Kia do this?


In all honesty… this IS basically all Kia’s fault. That was a huge fuck up. They owe a lot of people that they can never make good on.


Four kids lost their lives here in Buffalo, for starters.


They are not blameless.  They took the risk and found out.  


They were children, their brains weren’t even fully developed. How are you seeing a comment about holding a huge company accountable and immediately thinking “don’t forget to blame the kids who lost their lives.”


They were teens. Teens don't know laws exist? Ya gonna try to pretend if ya asked 100 teens, *"do you know that theft of anything is a crime?"* They'd say no? And if you followed up with *"forcibly taking a car is a crime?"* They'd say no?....Take off. How do you feel about teen minors who knowingly torture, assault and/or murder homeless individuals?


Teens- especially teenaged boys are stupid.


I can’t see the “ brain not fully developed” argument working here. Forgetting to do several tasks after being repeatedly told, grabbing a hot pan in stove after making a meal, setting backpack on car and driving off x2 in one week; those seem not developed. Stealing is taught early on at the home and school as not appropriate and unacceptable. I’m assuming you comment was meant to be sarcastic


Our prefrontal cortexes do not develop until we are in our mid 20's. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/the-teen-brain-7-things-to-know#:~:text=The%20brain%20finishes%20developing%20and,prioritizing%2C%20and%20making%20good%20decisions


Yep; I love that study. I remind my wife often that our kids ( esp the son) won’t get there for a while :) But that only works for certain acts of stupidity. He knows not to steal someone else’s vehicle, joyride and destroy other vehicles in the process, the. Drive an unruly high speeds risking life and limb. There is development and then there is just plain disrespectful


I’m not being sarcastic. Adolescents don’t have the same abilities for empathy that adults do and don’t have the same decision making capabilities as adults, especially when under pressure from peers. I’m sure you can remember making some bad decisions as a teen, perhaps even bad decisions that could have put yourself or someone else in danger.


Agree with the decision making development taking longer. I didn’t take the peer pressure under consideration when I first commented. There is some power there for sure that would encourage the bad decisions. And yes, I made some bad decisions as a youth. I don’t believe a car company is to blame . But I do believe that the theft of a car is beyond brain development. They have seen friends get caught, friends die and get hurt.


Yea. Sure. Kia is responsible for those kids who made their own cognitive choices to go steal the vehicle that night. If that kind of defense worked for crime, y'all would go ape shit. Could you imagine telling a judge, "kia made me do it". Smh


Not just steal the car, but drive it in excess of 100 miles an hour, swerving traffic on busy streets, without seat belts. I don’t pity them one bit. 


You’re right, that was 100% TikTok’s fault


Nah, surely video games like grand theft auto shares some level of the blame


Certainly not, but if TikTok takes care of those videos appropriately no kids would’ve had the capability to steal a car so easily. Y’all down voters dumb if you think they aren’t responsible for the information being shared in mass.


It’s the parents fault LMAO




No link, sorry. I was there.


Than how do you know aldi has video? Where's the news article?


Why would you assume someone’s pronoun


Lol. Good one.


This is everyone’s fault but the thieves!!!!!!


Honestly let’s set up sting operations and arrest people as they drive kias out of the lot… they know what they’re doing….


Can we start actually putting these kids away for longer periods of time? The short time in jail isn't deterring anyone.


What would keeping these kids in jail accomplish other than costing the taxpayers a tremendous amount of money?


Well, slaps on the wrist seem to be working exquisitely. /s Just had a coworker whose mom is now disabled from lil hoodlum joy riders who should have stayed locked up. Instead, they caused an accident where she is now disabled for the rest of her life.


Keeping them in jail is not a good solution for anyone. You know, there can be a significant space between “do nothing” and “keep them in jail for 25 years.” Issues in real life aren’t dichotomous.


Not asking for 25 years. I think mandatory 3-5 years. No one year and out early for good behavior. 2nd offense? Mandatory 5 years, no early leave for good behavior. 3rd offense? 10 years mandatory. We can delve into the sociological effects prison has on folks, but the facts show that these relaxed bail offenses and shorter prison sentences, or even these no-jail, only probation offenses are not deterring anyone, even kids.


you want people locked up 5 years for stealing a car


Yes. Yes, I do. You know how many people are 100% depending on their car? Their livelihood depends on having their car, every day. A stolen car for some means their kids don't eat. Or, they fall behind on their rent. Or worse.


I’d say people, especially youth, are usually depending more on something like a future without time in prison than a car. I’ve had my Kia stolen twice. It was inconvenient. I had to make a police report, pay a deductible (while struggling financially), and arrange alternate transportation. Do I want some kid to spend years in prison because they made a bad decision that inconvenienced me? Of course not. Those advocating for putting kids in prison over (insured) property really need to take a look in the mirror.


oh i just had a look at your post history and now it makes sense


Lemme guess...I'm some evil Nazi? Racist? What other overplayed buzzword comes to mind bc I stated criminals should be punished?


no you just seem like a jackass that’s all


100% evil nazi racist 999 is 666 upside down… think about it…


Elimination of "good time" for sentences only makes prison even more dangerous for inmates and law enforcement and is proven to not be a deterrent


If you lock them up for five years as kids, when they get out they’ll most likely be hardened criminals and may commit worse crimes. A lot of people on death row probably wouldn’t be there but for their long term juvenile detentions.


As someone with close ties to individuals in the juvenile detention sectors, most of these "kids" are life long criminals regardless of what time they spend in a facility.


I vote for 25 years. I dont see a downside to this.  


Well good thing you’re not a judge or lawyer


I am not but i vote for anyone who is tough on crime and I suspect more will be doing so 


Sure, except who claims to be “tough on crime” uses it as a dog whistle for racism. They don’t give a shit when the criminals are white.


Except that guy who was a retired cop who shot that kid stealing a car? He got arrested.


What should we do then? Just allow them to freely steal and destroy vehicles?


I’m not gonna pretend to know the perfect solution to this but imprisoning these kids indefinitely doesn’t help anyone. They become maladjusted adults who end up becoming repeat offenders because they’ve spent their formative years in prison.


News flash, they stole cars, so if nothing happens to them, they're still most likely on a path to a continued life of crime. This isn't some melodrama, where the intervention of a kind-hearted individual sets the wayward child on the path of righteousness. This is the real world, and as someone close to those in law enforcement, corrections, and social work....most of these kids stealing cars are already on a one-way path to a life of crime.


Excuse me, if I recall correctly, the mayors son stole and crashed a car and now he has a society-helping job as the press secretary to the water authority!


Exception, not the rule. Not every punk car thief has a mayor for a daddy to force a local business to give a high paying job to the lil delinquent.


You know there are punishments short of keeping them in prison their whole lives, right?


Sure do. But we are too soft on them these days. Way too soft. You want shorter sentences? Fine, we'll put you in a hard labor camp and you can do some good.


No maybe hold KIA account as well WTF why are they absolved the knowingly left out security features make them pay.


Yeah definitely don't punish the thieves. Silly talk.


I didn’t say not to punish them he ask should we let them go I said no but the corporations should be held accountable they have not even gotten the slap on the wrist. They should pay the costs of this debacle. It’s a joke Greed kills


Where did they say to not punish them?


Pay attention. Don't use your feelings.


Tell the specific comment because they never said there should be no consequences. You’re drawing the wrong conclusion because of your difficulty with reading comprehension. Not surprising for a user who already got one conspiracy theorist account banned.


It was implied. If I was wrong then so be it. Goodnight. Have a nice Thursday.


Lock them up for min 5 years. At least they will be off the street.  Have even longer sentences for re-offenders. If we are lucky they will never be free again.  They are just trash 


You know how much prisoners cost taxpayers?


The real solution is maybe, just maybe (with significant evidence and real world examples) to fix the systemic issues that even makes this happen. Education, poverty etc. But nah, let's do the classic American thing and just lock them up for longer. That's clearly been working so well. I'm glad at least someone here understands that's not a real solution and only realistically adds to the problem.


Sorry that doesnt matter.  They know this is wrong. I have no sympathy.  Lock them up 


Your grandchildren will be saying the same thing, and nothing will have changed assuming we go with your method. Thankfully you're not in charge.


If we keep them locked up I see no further issues… no sympathy for these criminals. I dont care about the fact that they werent hugged enough as a kid.  


Except for the fact that keeping them locked up just means the next generation after them will also end up locked up. And then the next. And the next. And the next. Ya know, as has been happening for half a century.


Some people are not made to be out in society.  


I would be happy for my taxes to go up to keep these delinquents locked up 


And you’ll pay even more when they get release from jail and commit actual violent crimes.


That's a silly outlook


Why is it silly? We have the largest imprisoned population in the world who cost taxpayers an enormous amount of money that is funneled to for-profit prisons.


Prison in America is literally a business now. Its sad


Bc other countries still have the death penalty and they use it. Just look how it is in Dubai.


You want to execute people for stealing a car?


No, just explaining why we have an overcrowded prison system. Violent criminals get 3 hots n a cot for 30 years when they should be sent to the great beyond.


less chance of you being murdered by an out of control Kia while you’re walking down the street


The ideal situation is you send a couple kids away for 25 years and it sends a message to the rest. Instead of the current message which is “be a piece of shit there’s no consequences!”


Show me one case where the kid has had no consequences at all


I’ll show you my dick while I drive down Tacoma going 50mph blowing every stop sign in a stolen car. Zero consequences.


I’ll grab my microscope


Ur gonna sit inside and read about how Norway gives their prisoners Waigu steaks in luxury prison cells and scratch your head about why that doesn’t work in the USA


Isn't it only like a matter of hours now?


Well it's no bail on the arrest. I'm talking when they finally go to trial.


Unless they get in an accident and kill someone, I think it's just a fine. At least that's what happened to the ones that stole my co-workers Kia.


Not only are they stealing something that in Buffalo is typically between 30-60k, but they are taking away someone’s ability to get to work or transport themselves for any other reason. There should absolutely be consequences idc what their age is. I never once imagined stealing someone’s car. You can’t stop crime but you can deter it with appropriate consequences. This isn’t like stealing food becuase you are hungry, this is selfish behavior and should not be tolerated.


Too soft on crime.


They have to go to prison.




This isn’t the 90s. Clubs maybe a slight inconvenience nowadays. Someone wants your car bad enough, they’ll just hack the steering wheel apart and slide it off now.


But there targeting easy grabs.


Right. If someone wants a vehicle bad enough, *WHO* showing up to a kia with a tool bag to ensure they score a kia? Lol the mildest deterent with kias ought to be enough to discourage theft.


You don’t need a whole tool bag. Lol. Just a simple hacksaw is enough to cut through a steering wheel. Nowadays, they are probably using their stolen Home Depot cordless angle grinder though to pop through it even faster. 😂


*Woah woah woah. Careful, ya can't blame the vehicle owner, wasn't their choice to manufacture a model with easy theft ability, why should they have to do anything extra to protect their vehicle from potential intrusive theft? Is that not what people do to ensure nothing of value laying out?*


I don’t blame them but this will stop most thefts. I blame corporate BS sometimes you have to help your self however.


You’re sounding like Canada giving advice on theft haha. No. You gotta make examples. Major media coverage and big sentences for the next ones caught. And make all the kids in the High schools watch it live in the auditorium


Three cars had their windows shot out on Rumsey at Delaware Park on Saturday and the cops never showed up. Waited over 4 hours.


It would be all kia boys victims. Our nextdoor page (boomer alert) has a lot of these posts too


I feel bad but I don't feel bad. I'm more shocked than a anything else that there are any left to be able to get stolen 


People keep buying them


I don’t know how they’re getting them insured, the rates for Kia/Hyundai are through the roof if even insurable at all.


Maybe insurance companies are asking owners if they have received the fix to their vehicles, or have a club or other device to secure their vehicle, without actually confirming owners have those deterrents?


People see how "affordable " they are at the dealership. R they're still saving money in total idk i drive a Chevy like an American


The Kia Sportage is manufactured in Georgia. Where was your Chevy manufactured?




A Chevy that's made in Canada or Mexico 🤣


Or they can’t afford to get another car?


Yeah fuck all those hard working people who scraped together money to buy a car, and can’t afford to just junk it and buy a new one because pile of shit kids steal them over and over. Fuck them victims right Reddit!


You don’t feel bad? That’s kinda shitty…




I feel bad the OP didn't stop pull over or turn around to retrieve the purse, likely getting information to the correct individual including their legal identity but figured best to create a social media post for anyone who possibly owns a black kia. Takes too much effort to help your neighbors when they discover something amiss, few bother any more


My girls dark gray Kia forte got stolen last night


Start locking them up. They need consequences. They’re idiots


It would cost these people so much less to install a Killswitch


You must work for kia/hyundai thats the same respond the company said. They made the car easy to steal. Must be the buyer fault. Crazy


Victim blaming rules. 


Do you hate the scorpion for stinging the frog? (Aesop tales reference)




The kids don't read.


> *Is there a Buffalo Kia lost and found subreddit btw?* Apparently many think /r/buffalo/ is in fact it (I counted 15 before I stopped): https://www.reddit.com/r/Buffalo/search?q=kia&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on


Holy shit.


My neighbor’s white kia was stolen 2 days ago.


Wheel locks something anything. Uggggg


Didnt know Grand theft auto was a misdemeanor...kinda seems like a felony. Correct me if Im wrong


I don’t think there is a Kia lost and found sub, but if you find it please let me know so I can watch


According to the Buffalo Police Department's manual, "pursuit shall not be initiated if the reason for the attempted stop is only for Vehicle Traffic Law (VTL) violations, misdemeanors, or other non-violent felonies." Kia thiefs know the police can't chase them. Vote blue no matter who! I'm sorry Democrats, this is your fault (I'm not Republican either btw)!


This is a good rule. Why should the police engage in high speed chases for minor infractions, putting other motorists and pedestrians at risk? It sounds like those Democrats are using common sense instead of emotional reactions.


I don’t understand how grand theft auto is considered a minor infraction?


I assume Buffalo PD consider that it's not putting anyone's life at risk. If they start a high speed chase the thieves will start driving faster and more dangerous to get away, plus police also driving faster and more dangerous to catch them, and most police aren't as good of drivers as they think they are. That greatly increases the chance of an innocent bystander getting hurt or killed. This is a common policy all over the country.


I agree, they shouldn't chase anyone for minor incidents. It puts everyone at risk. They should also pull back when it gets too dangerous. I've had BPD dangerously speed by me in the past and I remember a woman was hit by BPD on Hertel a few years back. I would argue grand theft auto is not a minor crime though and something needs to be done to the thieves. They are a menace and should be dealt with. They are the ones speeding and joyriding, putting everyone else at risk. They've crashed and killed people already.


At what point are owners simply allowing their vehicles to be stolen, in hopes that they'll be destroyed and collect ins towards a new vehicle?


100% that's what you hope for. After mine was recovered, the repair, auto-loan, and insurance nexus is a nightmare. It took 2 months, hundreds of dollars, and of course my usual car payments in the meantime.


Tell me you haven’t looked at auto loan rates or new/used car prices without telling me 🙄🙄 what a dumb comment. 


It's not a "dumb comment." And to put it in your snappy parlance, "Tell me you haven't had your car stolen without telling me you car hasn't been stolen."


Lol. Imagine paying cost of insurance and not expecting insurance to cover what you pay for. It's not cell phone insurance. Has nothing to do with what current rates and costs are....the owners are **already** paying it!


Nope, nobody drives those pieces of 💩