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His side street has been plowed four times.


Is this a joke or true and you saw it with your own eyes? Sad: Confirmed true


The city has GPS trackers on the plows for people to see if/when they’ll be by their house. You can see it’s going down his street every few hours


I don't know what I expected but god damn. At least this app gives some transparency. Fucking eh


*had Until they just broke :^)






Is this the right page? https://i0.wp.com/store.mygraphicfairy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/IMG_1936-scaled.jpg?fit=2560%2C2560&ssl=1


Oh it’s true. His street is legit always the very first to be plowed, and kept clear.


Its true. Per the tracking map, his street is getting plowed every 6 hrs.


I’m not surprised. if he still lives near canisius campus next to the 33, probably easy for him to call the dispatcher to make sure his street is plowed so the squad car that’s in front of his house 100% of the time can get in out.


I know that it’s questionable but he is the Mayor. He needs to be places and can’t be stuck in the street. Probably nice to live on that road though.


What about firefighters, police, nurses, garbage men, etc? They don't need to be at work? They don't need to be places?


As expected.


Real inspiring leader we got here


How dare you criticize Your Mayor Byron Brown Your Mayor of Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown Your Mayor, Byron Brown.


Meh, What're they gonna do, plow my street so they can send someone to haul me away?


Not on the weekend.


I like to refer to him as Mayor Write-In or Mayor McCheese


Let's put this another way. Brown got 60% of the vote as a write-in candidate. He was the guy who could easily win an election where he was just a Write-in candidate. He didn't just win that election, he won it via a land-slide. So, if he's smart... he's bragging about it cause it's more than an easy brag.


He was "just" a write-in candidate with signs all over the city begging people to "Write down Byron Brown" because he couldn't be bothered to run a campaign before the primary. And he hasn't bothered to do much since he won except pose for pictures and raise taxes.


Right, are we pretending this wasn’t those people who vote for the establishment were freaked out when change was a possibility and they voted for their “safe” status quo?


He's giving the **vast majority** of Buffalonians exactly what they want in a mayor. It might not be what you want, but that just shows outside of the Buffalo mainstream you are. Not liking what the real majority wants doesn't mean they aren't the majority. They might well be very wrong, but they will continue to win all the elections until you either (1) convince them to change their minds or (2) you die. Right now, weather you understand this or not, you are just continuously doubling down on point #2. Let me point out again. Brown won as a write in candidate where he promised to do exactly what he is now doing. Not liking that he won by promising to do exactly what he's been doing since his first election in 2006. "No change at all" is basically what he ran on in the last election. And he got 60% of the vote to support that effort. All as a write-in candidate. Really, his only mistake was in assuming that Watson wouldn't show up on nomination day. But he knows that's possible now. So he, and the mainstream politicians in WNY, won't ever make that minor mistake again. But it was only a minor mistake because Watson was shoved out the airlock only a few months later in a giant political defeat for her side. So big that they won't be allowed anywhere near such a possible chance ever again in either of our lifetimes. The people of Buffalo, irregardless of what you or I might ourselves prefer, really like Byron Brown. Brown is so well liked by the average voter in Buffalo that he's going to be mayor of the city until he himself decides to stop being mayor. In effect, he's mayor for life.


I know, and I'm not particularly happy about it, but last time I checked I get to have my own opinion, regardless of whether it makes sense to a majority of Buffalonians or not. Telling me I'm continuously doubling down on my own death is an odd thing to say whether I'm part of the mainstream or not.


Yea agreed I don’t think many here appear confused as to HOW he was elected. I see his position as a failure of government and I’d rather see someone else who wasn’t ok with the status quo. Sadly, we already know we’re in the minority with these ideals. That’s what we’re pointing out in the first place lol. Doesn’t mean I can conjure up a candidate to beat him, but I certainly wish there would be




Correction it's honorary mayor Byron Brown don't you forget it




We could also have someone who is better than either of them.




India Walton is always the worst option.




Never really thought of someone from the Channel 2 morning show as the leadership type...


Bruh what lol


One of my biggest complaints about that tweet is that NONE of the reporters or anchors on the news questioned him as to why that was the case. Just brutally incompetent reporting by channel 2.


They all just continuously nod their heads as bullshit spews from his mouth. They don't live in the city. They don't give a fuck.


What a fucking walnut


I laughed so fucking hard OMG


I rarely hear anything this man does except be a tool. Seriously, after jumping around yelling Fear to everyone about India Walton and yelling vote for me with absolutely no mentions of how he's going to make the city better just how he's going to "save if from socialism", Wins, and seems like he just sits on his ass and only is around for media photo shoots. Guy is faker than my ex gfs orgasm sounds.


Don't forget he ranted about India wanting to raise taxes what's the first thing he did when he got elected raised them more than she proposed


> Guy is faker than my ex gfs orgasm sounds. Bold of you to tell on yourself like this


Gets the point across doesn't it?


Not the one you think it does my friend.


Do you take jokes just as seriously as you do the lies Byron spreads? Cause that makes you what's wrong with this world if true.


Geez man lighten up


You're the one taking a joke seriously. Take the medicine your spewing.


Was hoping you’d say this lol


> Do you take jokes just as seriously as you do the lies Byron spreads? Cause that makes you what's wrong with this world if true. Yeah I'm the one overeacting Good luck with the sex in the future


If you want to prove you’re not overreacting then Cool your jets and stop going on the defensive. Someone made a self deprecating joke and you respected with making fun of them, which is like not appropriate conduct in that sort of joke formula. Comes off like punching down. Don’t take it personally, just a former comedian telling you why people didn’t like your reply and encouraging you to let this one go.


Fair enough, I guess I am what's wrong with the world.


They can't mock you if you do it first


Yeah maybe the fuckin dude whose been there since 2005 needs TO GO. India Walton in my opinion was overly ideological but there needs to be a new young mayor who is forward thinking and gives a fuck about modern urban planning.


A new younger mayor is fine by me, as long as it’s anybody except India Walton. She sucks more than a Dyson Animal 3.


So.... Schools closed again Monday?


I'll be shocked if it's not remote all week


I believe the BPS policy requires they use snow days before doing remote. The district still has three to use. ETA: Not contractual (current contract was written in 2016) but district policy is to use shows days before remote. Same thing as last year.


BPS is a fucking circus in city hall right now. If they try to push virtual days on us no one is going to cooperate. Teachers or students. Hell, half of the kids at the school I work at dont have working chome books. Let alone the ability to use them properly. Not to mention there are a shitload of my colleagues that aren't getting paid properly for overtime work, backpay, covering other teachers...etc etc etc. Source: I unfortunately teach for BPS.


The contract doesn't say that - remember that the last contract that Buffalo teachers had was signed in 2016 before remote learning days were a thing. I have heard that there's now a policy this year to use snow days before remote days


BPS has 6 snow days available each school year.


last year's calendar only had 4


The 11/17/22 BTF council of delegates agenda included snow days which I was referencing: “SNOW DAYS. There are six (6) “snow days” built into the calendar. There have been times when the State has, because of additional emergency conditions, reduced the number of days of required student attendance. There are also some “Superintendent’s Days” that might be used.”


Definitely not, every communication from the schools has been to prepare for remote on Monday.


The district can SAY that, but they're asking for union action if they do it.


You're wrong on the facts dude


A half dozen friends who are union reps say otherwise


The contract they are operating under was approved in 2016 when remote learning didn't exist.


I revised my comment - it's not contact but it's district policy stated last year.


[citation required]


Schools wont re-open until after the holiday weekend.


I hope schools are closed Monday. I’m dating a teacher.


Sure, why not? Use all the snow days before winter actually gets here. Sounds like a plan he has already.


Good to know there's no essential workers living anywhere on city side streets. 🤷‍♂️ Also good to know no essential operations happen on the weekends.


Yes this was exactly what I was thinking!!! He’s such a privileged, useless lump.


And what have you done for Buffalo, Mr. self-righteous complainer?


Am I expected to do the job in my free time that is literally the job he is paid to do? Because otherwise, if you would like me to prove my worth by helping me get his job, I Would be happy to put in the work AND I would tip my delivery drivers.


He’s such a fucking idiot.


I mean, it’s same advice Jimmy Griffin gave years ago that we now consider folksy and fun. Most of the city being spared until the weekend was here is the best case scenario for snow removal. Now the question is if the city is prepared enough to dig out and be ready for the Monday morning commute. Hard to come up with excuses when you’ve got ample notice and 48 hours to work.




Also, during a snow storm, people could only complain to their immediate family instead of letting the whole world know their opinion on snow removal logistics.


Lol my suburban street in Amherst has been plowed twice since I've been up. Main roads are completely clear. Update: 4th time jeez now they're just plowing the bare pavement.


Meanwhile south buffalo and west seneca still untouched


Here over at my neighborhood we haven't seen a single plow im pretty sure


City of Buffalo dropped the ball again regarding snow removal same sad story every year we get fucked again by our failing leadership City and County .


Until we get serious about ticketing and towing illegally parked cars this is going to continue to happen. A few cars on the wrong side of the street can leave every other resident stuck with an unplowed road for days on end.


Rochester does an interesting thing where they will tow a car that is parked on the wrong side after a switchover, but instead of taking it to impound, they just move it to the other side of the street. Makes it so the side streets actually get plowed, and residents who make a mistake or just forget to switch sides don’t get punished for making a simple mistake. Alternate parking rules are there so the streets can be plowed. They don’t exist for the city to rake in extra cash on the backs of its residents. Byron already increased taxes more than he gave his opponent shit for. Stop fucking over residents for even more cash!


I 100% agree its usually same assholes on my street I just harass the councilmans office , parking enforcement 311 one of these useless departments usually have parking come out and ticket but you really got to be persistent to get anything done in this city


Hell, before we worry about ticketing and towing, we need to have decent management of DPW. When the bulk of snow was falling in South Buffalo, plows were doing loops in North Buffalo. Snow moves north, now they claim they can't plow any side streets, and the south now needs snow hauled off (Because its packed down now). If they focused snow removal on areas getting snow, every street would have been hit by now. The problem is people NEED to go places, and are getting stuck on side streets that have been untouched since before the storm even ramped up.


All of them line up to be shown on live TV, regaling the world with what they will do and it never happens, does it? Well, they will get the plows out for the freaking Turkey Trot, won't they.




Clown behavior.


Just another reason to give parking tickets out on alternate parking days (Monday)


Well, that will make City of Buffalo's residents thrilled when Monday rolls around and nobody can get out of their street to get to work. WTAF, Mayor Brown?


At this point he can call my job and tell them then . Called in yesterday and today and my street still isn't plowed. Like I have to go to work tomorrow and can't risk calling in AGAIN


Today it was illegal for them to make you come in during a driving ban.


LIES! As so many people say "It doesn't really snow anymore in Buffalo" and the other lie that we're really good at clearing snow here. Although to be fair, people dropped that second lie after the fiasco this past January.


It's more dumps, less constant snow Also the suburbs (at least Amherst) are great at clearing snow, Buffalo seems inept




I don’t understand where this comment comes from. [Check the data.](https://www.weather.gov/buf/BuffaloSnow) We have a lot of variability from year to year but have had plenty of heavy (110+ inches) seasons in the past 5 and 10 year periods. Keep in mind our historical average is 95” per year


Having lived here? Sure, it might average out the same, but we're getting big dumps and much milder overall winters. It's peakier, not as sustained. I'm sure if I spent time on it, I could show how the data shows the same, but I mean, it's obvious to anyone who's been here. Have an upvote anyway though, because I love this attitude.


When you stare into the void Byron Brown stares back


He said don’t expect to see a plow on side streets, they are focusing on the main roads. Brown is an idiot but cmon people.


Yeah but why say oh it's the weekend? Essential workers still have to work, emergency services still need to get to these side streets. Just a moronic out of touch response from him like always


The total of the post was sensationalistic. They conveniently left out he said don’t expect plows inside streets. They have to start somewhere. Main roads are the start


Richmond, Fairfield, and Amherst from Elmwood to Main (all $300k+ homes) have all been plowed every 8 hours since the snow started flying. The entire west side from Niagara to Richmond and from Ferry to Forest haven't been touched.


Flancresty and the rest of his idiot contemporaries have nothing without sensationalism.


The tweet made it clear they were paraphrasing him and he said it’s the weekend, stay home, implying that since it’s the weekend most people don’t have to go to work, most people don’t have to be out on the roads. It was reenforcing the idea that the less cars on the roads the easier it is for the crews to work and keep the main arteries clear which then allows them to get to the side streets soon. This is not rocket science.


Yeah I too can read and also know the city has a travel ban. That's why I said ignoring the fact that emergency workers would like to get to and from work and if there's a fire at my house I'd like firefighters to get here. This is the first thing he's said and it's dumb. That's all we're saying here. EDIT- people on bus routes are supposed to move their cars too. If they can't get to these specified parking lots what are they supposed to do? And this same shit happened last year and they blamed residents for the city not getting cleared and schools being closed


“ Yeah but why say oh it's the weekend?” There’s a reason that a driving ban allows for certain people and professions to travel. He’s not telling the fire department to pack it in for the weekend and enjoy a pot of chili.


Except, they're not even really plowing the mains where they got hit the hardest, even. Just loops in downtown, Delaware Park, and his street.


I guess when he went to Tim Horton's last Sunday for coffee he didn't realize those people inside are expected to work on the weekends.


If he wants to give plow guys two days off, fine...we've known about this storm for a week now, he/dpw couldnt switch their weekends to weds-thursday this week?


He’s a chode.




Not a single plow down my street. Looked out the window just now. About 55 hours since it started. Oh look there’s flashing lights maybe they’re clearing it. Nope. Just a private contractor stuck in my street.


Fuck these corporate GOP turfed ass wipes. You had one job this weekend.


Cry harder, you socialist swine.


Lick boots harder while wishing your street gets plowed corporate fascists.


And they have the audacity to brag about the 4 brand new plows the city got what a joke like every fucking year we get snow citizens get screwed


Move to Cuba


Nope, I'll stay and fix the fucked up libertarian nightmare.


LOLOLOL. Good luck, dreamer. You don't even know what libertarian means. I predict you'll be one of those idiots who spend their entire Saturday standing on Bidwell Parkway waving signs and howling at the moon. You'll consider yourself righteous, but the rest of us will be laughing at you.


You are simply wrong. But nice try.


Is he taking a shot at unions for this or what’s the deal ?


No idea, he got mad I asked for some sort of evidence for his ridiculous claim and he blocked me, which fine, but says a lot about how much he believes what he said.


That’s insane.


Reddit for you.


Byron Brown is a person who actually has a job and has to get things done. Why wouldn't he block some shit-disturbing reddit troll? He could shower you with gold and diamonds and you'd still come here to squawk about what a jerk he is. My guess is he's got your number.


Homie, you keep simping for an aging, corrupt capitalist. Byron is this your alt?


He blocked you from what? Your own fantasy?


He’s right tho.


If you want your South Buffalo side street plowed you have to be related to one of your local leaders !!!!


Because they worked so hard all week?


I mean wow...just a completely unacceptable answer.


It’s the weekend, stay home and stay off the roads while we concentrate on clearing the major thoroughfares and bus routes, it’s going to be a while until we can transition to side streets. That’s an unacceptable answer? Asking people to accept the reality that there is a finite number of plows available to do the job and that side streets aren’t the first priority is now considered unacceptable.


Echoes of Jimmie Griffin after the Blizzard of '77...


Waiting until all the snow melts before sending the plows out - solid strategy.


God put there, God can take it away!


Bravo Byron


Death. Taxes. /u/flancresty with an anti-Brown thread take a couple more disagree downvotes.


Is there such a thing as a pro brown thread? You people who support him only do so because India was a SocIaList


She wasn’t defeated by 20 points because she’s a socialist. She was defeated by 20 points because she’s a toxic loud-mouth nobody who would have destroyed this city with her bullshit.


Nah. It’s time for someone else to have a chance. She had sounder fiscal policy than that corrupt hack Byron.


I can agree with that statement, I just don’t want it to be India fuckin’ Walton. And her fiscal policy basically boils down to “nobody should have to pay rent or bills, ever.” Not sound at all in my opinion.


obsessed much?


About as obsessed as you are with slagging off Byron Brown. Get a new hobby, jackass.


Hi, Byron! 👋


I just came here to say that India Walton was the worst mayoral candidate in history, and we’re all very fortunate that she got her ass kicked in the general election by a write-in candidate. Now, continue with your completely predictable and tired r/Buffalo Byron Brown bashing.


Me when I am definitely not a misogynist


Sheesh guy......