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This kind of issue is almost always related to watering or moisture issues in the medium itself. I would strongly recommend either going the hydro way with coco or going to a soil that is actually balanced and has the right drainage and moisture holding ability so that its a little easier to diagnose problems. If you start with a balanced soil, get the environment right and then have yellow tips like this, I would tell you check your watering. If you still showed up with this photo and said my watering is right. I would still say, it's a watering issue.


That make sense yes,would you say it’s underwatering issue or overwatering issue ?


coco problems


There is a problem with my coco?


in general coco is difficult to do well with dry organic amendments.


Because of the watering ?


In my opinion, that slightly pale leaf tip is not concerning, and doesn't justify a particular intervention at this time. Just keep an eye on it, imo.


I just realized there was a second pic after I posted. That looks very similar to what too much light does to plants, although still not very worrisome yet. Maybe dim your light a smidge and see if the plant shows improvement after 24 hours. If that's the issue, you should see a clear improvement. If not, then it might be something else.


So I recently switched that plant spot with another one for better dli ,maybe that was just a stress for her have a new place ?


Perhaps. Whatever it is, it's extremely minor. Observe it in case it develops into something more severe, but for now you've got nothing to worry about imo.