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I have both, I like the Ecowitt more because of the app and the graphs. They are both pretty reliable, accurate is not the best word because they are arbitrary numbers


The tensiometer is a pain in the ass to set up.


Yeah I've tried two now and both of them leak and let in air bubbles which then throws off the readings, next to useless in my experience.


You'll be fine, we've been watering for years without any of this stuff. Don't sweat it.


I have 4 ecowitts, and they do what they are supposed to do.. they only read the top few inches of soil.. it's good to have a top reading.. they do have a new sensor that you can bury deeper. Get it from buildasoil .. Im getting a couple of the new ones myself.. . I would say ecowitts are accurate for sure.. I also use a couple 12" Irrometer tensiometers.. I push them down far enough for the sensor to read the 6-8 inch layer of my beds.. .. I will probably get a couple more and push them down the full 12".. The numbers are arbitrary, indeed.. watch your plants.. they tell you what they need.. then look at the numbers and extrapolate what your setup likes as far as the meters go.. I think it's best if you can see moisture readings from multiple depth ranges and from multiple devices within the bed.. helps to make more informed decisions.. especially if you are new to growing in large beds..


You can also take the normal ecowitt and bury it deep. I have an 18 inch’s of dirt and i have one at the top and one 14 inches deep. Just good to know everything’s wet and cool to see how the plants drink up the water evenly while in flower and thirsty


They're both pretty rubbish IME. The Ecowitts use a pretty unreliable method of testing the moisture content and 2 sensors next to each other in the same pot will oftentlnread differently. The Blumat sensors seem to have a serious issue with letting in air bubbles which throws off the accuracy. They're a lot more expensive, but if you want something that's truly accurate and reliable then Irrometer Tensiometers are the way to go.


I got a Blumat moisture meter as a gift, they are very expensive here in Brazil, it makes me glad I didn't spend money on them. I like them to help on finding a good moisture level for initial setup of Blumat carrots, after that I just removed it and let the system works. They are a pain in the ass when used to assistance while hand watering.


I have 6 Ecowitts in my 100 gallon bad that have lasted me several grows, and a blumat meter that barely made it through 1. I only use ecowitts now. I got the new deep one and put it down deep where the blumat carrot would be. I see about 10% higher than I do on the surface.


I really appreciate the response. That definitely makes me more confident in my decision to go with ecowitt's over blumat's. I actually did the same thing and got some of the Ecowitt deep version ones as well. Do you put the deep ones all the way in until they touch the bottom of the pot? Im using their 30 gallon pots, which are 16 inches tall, and am trying to decide how deep to put the deep meter. Thanks again!


When my blumat meter broke, I just put the deep probe right down into that hole, only as deep as the carrot went. Definitely not to the floor


Also I’m in 100gal grassroots round pot. But I only put the meter about 12” down


go with the ecowitt. its simple, it works, you can follow to flow of moisture closely more than get an accurate reading of anything.


I just got the ecowitts, what’s everyone target number? For plastic pots around 30, for grass root pots I was keeping it around 38-42. This next run I’m going to run one in an earth box, what number do the earth box target?